Search results for ""author ink"
Jolly Learning Ltd Jolly Phonics Readers, Complete Set Level 4: In Precursive Letters (British English edition)
The fourth set of four levels of decodable books, providing the best start for children just starting to read. At every stage the words are within the reach of children as they use their letter sound knowledge and tricky words already taught. Tricky words are shown at the beginning of each book. Comprehension questions and discussion topics are provided at the end of each book. Also includes guidance for teachers and parents. Light type is used as a guide for those few letters that should not be sounded out, such as the /b/ in lamb. Level 4: The stories are much longer, and introduce more tricky words. Covers all the Jolly Phonics alternative vowel spellings that are used to make words like ‘day’, ‘seat’, ‘night’, ‘snow’, ‘few’, ‘girl’, ‘straw’, ‘boy’ and ‘scowl’. 3 series – Inky Mouse and Friends, General Fiction & Nonfiction 6 different books per series, all 18 titles in Complete Set 16 Pages per book 61 Tricky Words per book 4 Sentences per page (approx) 18 Alternative spellings per book Each series is also available separately: Level 4 Inky & Friends Level 4 General Fiction Level 4 Nonfiction
Birkhauser Claus Mayrhofer Barabbas: Gegenwelten eines Grenzgängers. The Transcultural Worlds of an Out-There Artist
Das künstlerische Schaffen während der 60er und 70er Jahre in Wien, Bali und Australien Beleuchtet die musikalischen Seite des Künstlers - Mitbegründer der Free-Jazz-Bewegung in Wien, inklusive einem entfaltbaren Leporello vom Monumentalgemälde "The Big Bang".
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Schillers Werke. Nationalausgabe: Band 9.1: Maria Stuart
Das Trauerspiel Maria Stuart in einer in Text und Anmerkungen vollständig neu erarbeiteten Ausgabe der 1948 erschienenen Edition. Die Neubearbeitung erschließt alle bekannten Handschriften und autorisierten Drucke des Dramas und bietet ausführliche philologisch-historische Erläuterungen. Inklusive Entstehungs- und Rezeptionsgeschichte bis 1805.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Schillers Werke. Nationalausgabe: Band 9.2: Die Jungfrau von Orleans
Die romantische Tragödie in einer in Text und Anmerkungen vollständig neu erarbeiteten Ausgabe der 1948 erschienenen Edition. Die Neubearbeitung erschließt alle bekannten Handschriften und autorisierten Drucke des Dramas und bietet ausführliche philologisch-historische Erläuterungen. Inklusive Entstehungs- und Rezeptionsgeschichte bis 1805.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Forschungen zur systematischen und ökumenischen Theologie: Die Eschatologien von Martin Luther und Leonardo Boff im kritischen Gespräch
Kann die evangelisch-lutherische Kirche die weitgehend römisch-katholisch geprägte lateinamerikanische Befreiungstheologie mittragen oder sogar mitgestalten? Vor dieser Herausforderung stehen die lateinamerikanischen lutherischen Diasporakirchen. Aber auch in Europa muss man darÃ"ber nachdenken, inwieweit die biblische Botschaft inkulturiert und kontextualisiert vermittelt werden muss. Am Beispiel der Eschatologie Martin Luthers und des brasilianischen Befreiungstheologen Leonardo Boff geht der Autor erstmals dieser Frage nach.
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Splatoon, Vol. 15
Team Blue engages in their most complicated Turf War yet as they combat the Shadows, whose personalities are exact mirror reflections of Team Blue’s own! The result of the challenge will determine the fate of Inkopolis Square!Four Inklings get caught up in the Splatoon Turf Wars!Team Blue engages in their most complicated Turf War yet as they combat the Shadows, whose personalities are exact mirror reflections of Team Blue’s own! The result of the challenge will determine the fate of Inkopolis Square!
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Sozialpsychologie für Bachelor
In dem Buch sind die prüfungsrelevanten Themen des Grundlagenfachs Sozialpsychologie, inklusive aktueller Trends wie positive Psychologie und soziale Neurowissenschaften, lerngerecht aufbereitet: mit Fallbeispielen, Definitionen, Studienboxen, Exkursen und Kontrollfragen. Auf der begleitenden Website stehen mp3-Hörbeiträge, Lerntools und Vorlesungsmaterialien für Dozenten zum Download bereit. Für Studierende im Bachelorstudium und alle, die einen leicht verständlichen Einstieg in die Sozialpsychologie suchen.
Jolly Learning Ltd Jolly Stories: In Print Letters (American English edition)
Join the fun adventures of Inky Mouse and her friends. Follow them through seven stories as they learn the 42 letter sounds in this beautifully illustrated board book. A large letter is embossed on each spread, so that formation can be felt by little fingers. Each spread has a number of words for reading and for spelling, along with the Jolly Phonics action.
Springer Vieweg Aerodynamik des Fliegens
I Grundlagen der Strömungsmechanik. Physikalische Eigenschaften von Fluiden.- Hydro- und Aerostatik.- Strömungsmechanische Erhaltungssätze.- Grundlagen inkompressibler Strömungen.- Potentialtheorie und die Entstehung von Auftrieb.- Grenzschicht und Strömungsablösung.- Aerodynamik der kompressiblen Strömung.- Aerodynamik der Übererschallströmung.- II Die Aerodynamik von Profilen. Grundlagen.- Profilaerodynamik bei inkompressibler Strömung.- Profilaerodynamik bei kompressibler Strömung.- Profilaerodynamik bei Überschallströmung. III Die Aerodynamik des Tragflügels. Grundlagen.- Tragflügelaerodynamik bei inkompressibler Strömung.- Tragflügelaerodynamik bei kompressibler Strömung.- Tragflügelaerodynamik bei Überschallströmung.- Nichtlineare Aerodynamik des Delta- und Strakeflügels.- IV Flugmechanik, Flugleistung und Einsatzgrenzen. Grundlagen der Flugmechanik.- Längs- und Seitenbewegung des Flugzeugs.- Flugleistungen.- Flugbereichs
Jolly Learning Ltd Jolly Stories: In Precursive Letters (British English edition)
Join the fun adventures of Inky Mouse and her friends. Follow them through seven stories as they learn the 42 letter sounds in this beautifully illustrated board book. A large letter is embossed on each spread, so that formation can be felt by little fingers. Each spread has a number of words for reading and for spelling, along with the Jolly Phonics action.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Halliday Physik für natur- und ingenieurwissenschaftliche Studiengänge: Übungsbuch
Das Übungsbuch zur dritten Auflage des Halliday-Lehrbuchs für natur- und ingenieurwissenschaftliche Studiengänge hilft bei der Durchdringung des Stoffs der einführenden Experimentalphysik-Vorlesungen für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler. Es enthält die Lösungen inklusive des ausführlichen Lösungswegs zu mehr als 750 Aufgaben unterschiedlichen Schwierigkeitsgrades aus allen Kapiteln des Lehrbuchs. Sowohl einzeln erhältlich als auch im Deluxe-Set mit dem Lehrbuch!
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Crossmedia Publishing: Single Source – XML – Web-to-Print
Zunächst gehen die Autoren dieses Crossmedia Publishing Buchs auf die zunehmende Bedeutung von Redaktionssystemen – speziell Content Management Systeme (kurz: CMS) – und deren Vorteile für den Publikationsprozess ein. Im weiteren Verlauf dieses Werks stehen folgende Aspekte im Fokus:XML: Grundlagen und DateibearbeitungWeb-to-Print-AnwendungenWichtige DruckdatenRich-Media-InhalteKonvertierung von PDF in HTML5So vermittelt Ihnen das Buch „Crossmedia Publishing“ nicht nur theoretische Grundlagen, sondern stellt gleichzeitig Praxisbezüge her. Verständliche Anleitungen inklusive Screenshots unterstützen Sie bei der Arbeit mit verschiedenen Tools.
Jolly Learning Ltd Jolly Phonics Readers, Complete Set Level 1: in Print Letters (American English edition)
The first of four levels of decodable books for kids, providing the best start for children just starting to read. At every stage the words are within the reach of children as they use their letter sound knowledge and tricky words already taught. Tricky words are shown at the beginning of each book. Comprehension questions and discussion topics are provided at the end of each book. Also includes guidance for teachers and parents. Light type is used as a guide for those few letters that should not be sounded out, such as the /b/ in lamb. Level 1: Features words that are spelled regularly, and can be sounded out with the 42 letter sounds first taught in Jolly Phonics. 3 series – Inky Mouse and Friends, General Fiction & Nonfiction 6 different books per series, all 18 titles in Complete Set 8 Pages per book 11 Tricky Words per book 1 Sentence per page (approx) 0 Alternative spellings per book Each series is also available separately: Level 1 Inky & Friends Level 1 General Fiction Level 1 Nonfiction
Usborne Publishing Ltd Fingerprint Activities Bugs
This entertaining book is bursting with ideas for fingerprinting lots of creepy crawlies, from bees and ladybirds to spiders and ants. Create scenes with hungry snails, wiggly worms, fluttering butterflies and lots more. With an inkpad of seven bright colours and a spiral binding so that the book lies flat.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Berufsbildung, Beruf und Arbeit im gesellschaftlichen Wandel: Zukünfte beruflicher Bildung im 21. Jahrhundert
Berufliche Bildung ist wie kein anderer Bildungssektor an Arbeitsmarktentwicklungen gekoppelt. Die Gewährleistung der an sie gerichteten Ansprüche (Bildung, Fachkräftequalifikation, Sozialisation) sind aktueller denn je im berufs- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Fachdiskurs. Vor dem Hintergrund und mit Blick auf die pandemiebedingten arbeitsmarktlichen und sozialstrukturellen Verschiebungen liefert der Band mit theoretischen und empirischen Beiträgen eine Bestandsaufnahme der beruflichen Bildung in Deutschland zu den Schwerpunkten Übergänge und Inklusion junger Menschen, Europäisierung und Internationalisierung beruflicher Bildung, Berufs- und Arbeitsmarktpolitik.
Taylor & Francis Inc Color Desktop Printer Technology
Printing traces its roots back for centuries, and the invention of moveable type changed the world. However, until the advent of the computer, printing remained a costly and time-consuming operation. From the first humble dot matrix to modern inkjet, laser, and dye sublimation printers, desktop printing has brought low-cost, high quality printing out of the large presses and into the home and office. Color Desktop Printer Technology provides an overview of the current state of the technology, examining both current and emerging applications.With expert contributors from leading companies and universities in the US and Japan, this book examines the color desktop printer from every angle. It begins with an introduction to the basic principles of color printing and the concepts of document and image quality. An overview of the historical background, current trends, and future directions places the technology in its business and market context. The book then devotes four chapters to the major platform: inkjet, laser printer, thermal transfer, and film recording. The last two chapters focus on color management and the quickly developing spectral printing technology.Laying a foundation for continued development and innovation in this ubiquitous field, Color Desktop Printer Technology is fundamental enough to be enjoyed by interested laypersons, yet detailed enough to satisfy the practicing engineer.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Stadt. Raum. Institution
An der Strukturierung der Stadt nach neoliberalen und auf Standortvorteile abzielende Marktmechanismen sind viele verschiedene Akteur:innen, Behörden, Institutionen und „beschwerdemächtige“ Interessengruppen beteiligt. Auf der Grundlage von Theorien zu sozialen bzw. relationalen Räumen, die der bloßen Vorstellung von Raum als feste Größe, als Container, in dem sozialen Prozesse lediglich verortet werden, den Rücken kehren, soll in den Beiträgen des Bandes nach den räumlichen Praxen, den Wissensbeständen und Diskursen über Räume und damit nach den Konstitutionen von Raum gefragt werden, die in der Stadt wirksam werden und städtische Inklusions- sowie Exklusionsmechanismen produzieren.
Usborne Publishing Ltd Fingerprint Activities Animals
This book, with its own brightly coloured inkpad of seven colours, is bursting with ideas for fingerprinting animals from hedgehogs to crocodiles and koalas. Each page has step by step instructions, pictures to complete and lots of space for fingerprinting. With a spiral binding so the book lies flat to make it easy for children to create delightful pictures.
Usborne Publishing Ltd Fingerprint Activities
A colourful book full of pictures to fingerprint and with its own inkpad of seven bright colours to paint with. Bursting with fun fingerprinting ideas, from decorating turtles’ shells and filling a vase with flowers to printing mice, a scary t-rex or a colourful caterpillar. With fingerprinting tips and extra pages for children to fill with their own fingerprint creations.
Usborne Publishing Ltd Fingerprint Activities Under the Sea
Bursting with fun fingerprinting ideas, this colourful activity book comes with its own inkpad of seven bright colours. Decorate the underwater scenes with sharks, seahorses, narwhals, penguins and even a sunken ship. There are simple instructions showing how to fingerprint each creature and the book has a spiral binding so that it lies flat.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Arbeitsbuch Halliday Physik, Lösungen zu den Aufgaben der 3. Auflage
Das Arbeitsbuch zur dritten Auflage des "Halliday" hilft bei der Durchdringung des Stoffs der einführenden Experimentalphysik-Vorlesungen für Hauptfachstudierende. Es enthält die Lösungen inklusive des Lösungswegs zu mehr als 2500 Aufgaben unterschiedlichen Schwierigkeitsgrades aus allen Kapiteln des Lehrbuchs. Dabei stammen die Aufgaben aus allen Themenbereichen der Experimentalphysik und reichen von Standardaufgaben, die jeder können muss, bis hin zu weiterführenden Aufgaben für Fortgeschrittene. Sowohl einzeln erhältlich als auch im Deluxe-Set mit dem Lehrbuch!
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Ngiyakwazi lokho!
Hlangana noZikhala, inkonyane leNguni, esazisa ngomngane wakhe inyoni uMlindankomo wamagcino. Kwathi uma uZikhala emkhombisa ngobumnandi bokufunda nobezincwadi, uMlindankomo wathola ukuthi uzuza okuningi uma ufunda kunokuhlala umemeza: "Ngiyakwazi lokho!" Le ncwadi iphakamisa futhi ikhuthaza uthando lokufunda izincwadi.
Hardie Grant Children's Publishing Everyone Wants an Octopus Book
Inky the octopus wants to read a book with a character that looks like them. With Inky’s best friend, Quack the duck, they scour every shelf, but all they seem to find are more books about ducks! Why aren't there any stories with octopuses? They decide maybe it’s time for one.
Walker Books Ltd It's Time to Hush and Say Good Night
A dream-ride of a bedtime book, inspired by ancient Indian lullabies.Travel a lush dreamscape world as a father lulls his toddler towards sleep, weaving a quilt of dreams across the roaring seas and through the inky night - and dealing with some big toddler emotions en route. Sumptuously illustrated by Sandhya Prabhat, and infused with the spirit and flora and fauna of India.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Germanistik: Sprachwissenschaft – Literaturwissenschaft – Schlüsselkompetenzen
Germanistik auf einen Blick. Wer sich einen fundierten Überblick über die Inhalte des Germanistikstudiums verschaffen möchte, liegt mit diesem Werk genau richtig. Alle Teilbereiche der Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft inklusive der älteren Sprache und Literatur werden ausführlich vorgestellt. Zu den Themen gehören u. a.: Grammatik, Semantik, Sprachgeschichte und -erwerb, Gattungen, Literaturgeschichte und -theorie. Ein Praxisteil beschreibt das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten und geht auf zu erwerbende Kompetenzen ein. Optimal auf das BA-Studium zugeschnitten.
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Splatoon, Vol. 14
All-new adventures featuring the beloved characters from the hit Nintendo video games!Four Inklings get caught up in the Splatoon Turf Wars!It’s the Final Splatfest, with Team Blue vs. Team Hivemind! Then, during a new Turf War, Goggles and his friends take on a mysterious group of Inklings who look strangely familiar… Can Team Blue defeat the Shadows?
Usborne Publishing Ltd Fingerprint Activities Cats and Dogs
This fun activity book is bursting with ideas for printing cats and dogs (and kittens and puppies, too!). Print spots on Dalmatians, cats hiding in trees, fluffy fur on pink poodles and lot, lots more. With seven bright inkpads, there's plenty of colours to choose from. The spiral binding means that the book lies flat as you fill the pages with fingerprints.
Canongate Books The Truth Pixie Goes to School
New school. New friends. Same old pixie.'Don't try to be somethingYou really are not.Your one true selfIs the best thing you've got.'In this heartwarming adventure, the Truth Pixie and her human friend go to school, face a bully and learn the importance of friendship and being yourself. With words by the bestselling mastermind Matt Haig and pictures by the inky genius Chris Mould.
Usborne Publishing Ltd Fingerprint Activities Dinosaurs
This entertaining book is bursting with ideas for fingerprinting dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures. Create scenes with Velociraptors scurrying around a forest, a sky filled with swooping Pteranodons, add plates to Stegosaurs’ backs and much more. With an inkpad of seven bright colours and a spiral binding so that the book lies flat.
Usborne Publishing Ltd Poppy and Sam's Fingerprint Activities
Join Poppy and Sam for lots of fingerprinting fun in this entertaining activity book, with its own brightly coloured inkpad of seven colours. Decorate the scenes with flowers, chicks, piglets, rabbits and much more. There are simple instructions showing how to fingerprint each scene and the book has a spiral binding so that it lies flat.
Usborne Publishing Ltd Fingerprint Activities Garden
Bursting with fun fingerprinting ideas, this colourful activity book comes with its own inkpad of seven bright colours. Decorate the garden scenes with dragonflies, squirrels, birds drinking from a fountain and much more. There are simple instructions showing how to fingerprint each animal and the book has a spiral binding so that it lies flat.
Jolly Learning Ltd Jolly Dictionary: In Precursive Letters (British English edition)
The award-winning Jolly Dictionary complements the Jolly Grammar books and is designed to teach children how to look up and understand words they don’t know. Teaching children how to use a dictionary will improve reading and writing, and help them become independent learners. The dictionary has been colour coded into four sections, (matching the Jolly Phonics Alphabet poster) so that children are able to quickly find the words they are looking for. A unique Pronunciation Guide is given for each of the 6,000+ age-appropriate words. The definitions have been carefully written so that children find them easy to read and understand. The Jolly Dictionary is also beautifully illustrated throughout and features Inky, Bee and Snake.
Spinifex Press Limen
When two women and a dog set off on a holiday they have no inkling of what’s to come. They wake to find the river has crept up silently during the night. Trapped by floodwater, they devise escape routes only to be faced with more obstacles at every turn. Only the dog remains calm. This novella grips you with its language, its pace, its anxieties.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Technische Chemie
Das grundlegende Lehrbuch der Technischen Chemie mit hohem Praxisbezug in der dritten Auflage: * beschreibt didaktisch äußerst gelungen die Bereiche - chemische Reaktionstechnik, Grundoperationen, Verfahrensentwicklung sowie chemische Prozesse * alle Kapitel wurden komplett überarbeitet und aktualisiert * zahlreiche Fragen als Zusatzmaterial für Studenten online auf Wiley-VCH erhältlich * unterstützt das Lernen durch zahlreiche im Text eingestreute Rechenbeispiele, inklusive Lösung * setzt neben einem grundlegenden chemischen Verständnis und Grundkenntnissen der Physikalischen Chemie und Mathematik kein Spezialwissen voraus *NEU: Neue Technologien und Rohstoffe relevant für moderne industrielle Prozesse Ideal für Studierende der Chemie, des Chemieingenieurwesens und der Verfahrenstechnik in Bachelor- und Masterstudiengängen.
Skyhorse Publishing Game of the Guardians: An Unofficial Graphic Novel for Minecrafters
Age range 7 to 12Torn from their lives as regular kids of overworld miners, Max, Inky, and Luke must now live in a hidden library outpost underwater! While their parents scramble to safeguard books from the wrath of the evil pillagers, the trio form an adventurous S.Q.U.I.D. Squad for investigating the deep mysteries of the ocean.Just when they are getting comfortable in their new home, seven librarians are captured and held for ransom by ancient sea-monsters called guardians. Are Inky, Luke, and Max prepared to battle for their family and friends freedom? Everything they care about is on the line when the kids are forced to face their fiercest enemies in the dizzying maze of an ocean monument. If they can survive the guardians piercing lasers, outsmart them at every turn, and find their way out of the maze, they might just be able to rescue their people and live to tell about it.What Max, Inky, and Luke don t realise is that there's another unexpected obstacle to overcome: an ancient, deadly game with high stakes. In this third book in the S.Q.U.I.D. series, these young heroes must join together and use their combined skills and brainpower to survive their most perilous ocean quest yet.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Elektrische Energieversorgung 2: Energiewirtschaft und Klimaschutz, Elektrizitätswirtschaft und Liberalisierung, Kraftwerktechnik und alternative Stromversorgung, chemische Energiespeicherung
Der hier vorliegende zweite Band des dreiteiligen Werkes „Elektrische Energieversorgung“ widmet sich den Aufgaben der Energiewirtschaft inklusive der Aspekte zum Klimaschutz sowie der Beschaffenheit des Energiemarktes. Kraftwerktechnik sowie Anlagen zur Stromerzeugung aus regenerativen Energiequellen und Energiespeicherung runden diesen Band im Bereich Elektrizitätswirtschaft ab.Alle drei Bände Elektrische Energieversorgung zeichnen sich durch die Synthese von theoretischer Fundierung und unmittelbarem Praxisbezug aus. Sie unterstützen das Verständnis und den Lernerfolg mit Übungsaufgaben, Modellbeispielen bzw. Simulationen.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Makroökonomik und neue Makroökonomik
Das Buch kann als Standardwerk bezeichnet werden. Die hervorragende Aufnahme, die es seit fast 25 Jahren bei den Studenten erfahren hat, zeigt, dass es den Autoren gelungen ist, den Leser umfassend in den derzeitigen Stand der makroökonomischen Theorie einzuführen. Auch in der 9. Auflage wird das bewährte Konzept beibehalten und ein Großteil der makroökonomischen Methodik inklusive Modelle offener Volkswirtschaften abgehandelt.
Usborne Publishing Ltd Killer Vending Machines Wrecked My Lunch
Drishya Samode has always loved building robots. So when Dreary Inkling Primary School gets some brand-new hi-tech vending machines that can walk, talk and have eyes, Drishya is VERY excited. But after a freak electrical surge hits the school, something strange seems to happen to the machines... Can whizz-kid Drishya step in to save the day, the school, and lunch?
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Clark the Shark
Clark is a shark with zing, bang, and Boom. Clark zooms into school, crashes through the classroom, and is rowdy at recess. Clark loves life-but when his enthusiasm is too much for his friends, Clark's teacher, Mrs. Inkydink, helps him figure out a way to tone it down. Clark the Shark celebrates boisterous enthusiasm-and knowing when it's time for indoor voices!
Jolly Learning Ltd Jolly Dictionary: In Precursive Letters (British English edition)
The award-winning Jolly Dictionary complements the Jolly Grammar books and is designed to teach children how to look up and understand words they don’t know. Teaching children how to use a dictionary will improve reading and writing, and help them become independent learners. The dictionary has been colour coded into four sections, (matching the Jolly Phonics Alphabet poster) so that children are able to find the words they are looking quickly. A unique Pronunciation Guide is given for each of the 6,000+ age-appropriate words. The definitions have been carefully written so that children find them easy to read and understand. The Jolly Dictionary is also beautifully illustrated throughout and features Inky, Bee and Snake.
Brewin Books Haunted!: Ghost Stories from Worcestershire & Warwickshire
A mischievous ghost lurks in the Palace Theatre, Redditch; the Technical Manager has seen it three times. The Bull's Head at Inkberrow is haunted by a young seamstress. A female spirit has been seen four times in room 307 at the Falcon Hotel, Stratford. A courting couple went to Henley for the day and were advised by the ghost of an elderly lady to finish their relationship. These and over a hundred ghost stories, both ancient and modern, are packed into this book including many eye-witness accounts and spinechilling anecdotes.
Manchester University Press The Matter of Art: Materials, Practices, Cultural Logics, C.1250–1750
Materials carried the meaning of early modern art. Transformed and crafted from the matter of nature, art objects were the physical embodiment of both the inherent qualities of materials and the forces of culture that used, refined and produced them. The study of materials offers a new approach to this important period in the history of art, science and culture, linking the close study of painting, sculpture and architecture to much wider categories of the everyday and the exotic. Drawing on new research and models from anthropology, material culture and the history of art, scholars in The matter of art explore topics as diverse as Inka stonework, gold in panel painting, cork platforms for shoes, and the Christian Eucharist.
Orion Publishing Co Secret Garden: 20 Postcards
Following the success of the bestselling colouring book Secret Garden by Johanna Basford, this set of 20 detachable postcards contain stunningly intricate and inspirational drawings of flowers, plants, insects, birds and small animals for you to colour in and either keep for yourself or send to friends.The 20 postcards are presented in a beautifully decorative package and the intricately realised world of the secret garden will appeal to all ages.'Colouring in isn’t just for kids. These intricate, magical drawings from Secret Garden by Johanna Basford are just waiting to be brought to life.’ The Guardian'Joanna Basford's Secret Garden is an 'inky treasure hunt and colouring book' filled with intricate drawings waiting to be brought to life. It's the colouring-in book you wish you had the hand-eye coordination to do, aged two.' The Independent'Prepare yourself to get lost in a magical world with this interactive activity book that takes you through a secret garden of incredible drawings by Johanna Basford.' Buzzfeed'Coloring books for adults have been around for decades, but Basford's success…has helped to create a massive new industry category.' The New YorkerAlso available by Johanna Basford from Laurence King Publishing:Secret Garden: An Inky Treasure Hunt and Colouring Book (9781780671062)Enchanted Forest: An Inky Quest and Colouring Book (9781780674872)Secret Garden: Journal (9781856699853)Enchanted Forest: Artist's Edition (9781780677842)Enchanted Forest: Journal (9781780679181)Enchanted Forest: 12 Notecards (9781780677835)
Jolly Learning Ltd Jolly Dictionary: In Print Letters (American English edition)
The award-winning Jolly Dictionary complements the Jolly Grammar books and is designed to teach children how to look up and understand words they don’t know. Teaching children how to use a dictionary will improve reading and writing, and help them become independent learners. The dictionary has been colour coded into four sections, (matching the Jolly Phonics Alphabet poster) so that children are able to find the words they are looking quickly. A unique Pronunciation Guide is given for each of the 6,000+ age-appropriate words. The definitions have been carefully written so that children find them easy to read and understand. The Jolly Dictionary is also beautifully illustrated throughout and features Inky, Bee and Snake.
Capstone Global Library Ltd The Oldest Trick
A boy finds a strange book hidden away in an antique dresser. When he opens it, ancient symbols swirl off the pages. They form a floating, inky mass. The Oldest Trick has been freed from its book! Now the ancient evil has trapped the boy in a fake, nightmarish world. Can the powerful Librarian free the boy by helping him see through the Trick’s lies? Experience the Library of Doom like never before in this gripping, full-colour graphic novel!
Ebury Publishing Worlds of Wonder: A Colouring Book for the Curious
'Colour your way to inner peace.' Daily ExpressThis isn't just a book; rather, it is a magical portal to many wondrous worlds. Within these pages you'll find tree-top castles, floating islands and fairytale villages, all waiting to be brought to life in your colours. Go on an adventure and let your imagination roam from world to world, discovering enchanted sea turtles, curious cats and lost song birds along the way.In this new colouring book, Johanna Basford lends her signature style of inky illustration to a series of brand new inkscapes and themes, all with a sprinkling of her much-loved botanicals. Get ready to discover a whole new world of colours.
Usborne Publishing Ltd Fingerprint Activities Art
Bursting with easy fingerprinting ideas, this fun activity book comes with its own inkpad of seven bright colours. Inspired by famous paintings, you can decorate hats, fill vases with sunflowers, dot markings on tigers and dragons, and even create your own art show. Simple text introduces each activity, and you can see all the original paintings at the back of the book. A spiral binding means pages lie flat for easy printing.
Walker Books Ltd The Tudors: Kings, Queens, Scribes and Ferrets!
Hear all about the Tudors from the great scribe Arthur Inkbott – history like it's never been told before!Join Marcia Williams on a journey through Tudor times with Arthur Inkblott, Queen Elizbeth I’s favourite scribe and his pet ferret, Smudge. Meet Henry VIII and his six wives, fight the Spanish Armada, see Shakespeare’s plays performed for the very first time and sail around the world with Christopher Columbus!Packed with jokes, comic illustrations and fascinating facts, this hugely entertaining fictional biography will make you look at the Tudors in a whole new light!