Search results for ""author ink"
Franckh-Kosmos EXIT Das Buch Das Geheimnis der Piraten
Westermann Berufl.Bildung Gut Güter Logistik Fachlageristen und Fachkräfte für Lagerlogistik. 1. bis 3. Ausbildungsjahr Schulbuch
Erfahrene Familienberaterin Die Unterschiede zwischen gewaltfreien und gewaltbereiten Demonstrationen
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd The Great Decoupling: China, America and the Struggle for Technological Supremacy
For much of recorded history, China was a leading science and technology power. But just as the West rose, China turned in on itself, and missed the Industrial Revolution. The result was the ‘Hundred Years of Humiliation’, and a long struggle for a modern, yet distinctly Chinese, civilisational identity. Today, technological innovation has returned to the core of national pride and ambition. Since the 1980s, reforms have transformed China into the world’s second largest economy and a major global power. Cyber space and other advanced technologies have become a battleground for international dominance; but today’s world relies on global supply chains and interstate collaboration—at least, for now. Growing tension between the USA and China could result in the two superpowers decoupling their technology—with significant consequences for humanity’s future. The Great Decoupling shows that this technology contest, and how it plays out, will shape the geopolitics of the twenty-first century.
Bristol University Press Time, Migration and Forced Immobility: Sub-Saharan African Migrants in Morocco
This book is concerned with the effects of migration policy making in Europe on migrants in the Global South and links insights on immobility to social theories of time to examine the human consequences of current migration dynamics from the perspectives of migrants themselves. Based on in-depth ethnographic research, this is an invaluable learning resource that aims to challenge current international migration politics and policy-making.
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften Vom Gartenlandt So Den Conventualinnen Gehoert: Die Gartenkultur Der Evangelischen Frauenkloester Und Damenstifte in Norddeutschland
Acantilado La luchadora de sombras
Skyhorse Publishing Foam Rolling 50 Exercises for Massage Injury Prevention and Core Strength
Idea Verlag GmbH Das ZwergenMitmachbuch
edition claus Der Mönkel und der Flüsterstein
Auerbach Verlag Singen hilft
Wagenbach Klaus GmbH Tutorials
Bod Third Party Titles Die Bedeutung traumapdagogischer Konzepte fr unbegleitete minderjhrige Flchtlinge in der vollstationren Kinder und Jugendhilfe
Georg Olms Verlag Die Vorstellungskraft Spazieren Fuhren: Zur Entstehungs- Und Fruhgeschichte Der Franzosischen Kantate Zwischen Kulturtransfer Und Neuerfindung
Ravensburger Verlag tiptoi Unsere Jahreszeiten
Franckh-Kosmos EXIT Das Buch Der Fall des Ryan Creed
Franckh-Kosmos EXIT Das Buch Der Keller der Geheimnisse
Westermann Berufl.Bildung Logistische Prozesse. Berufe der Lagerlogistik Schulbuch
Julius Beltz GmbH Wir erwachsenen Trennungskinder
John Wiley & Sons Cultural Change among the Algonquin in the Nineteenth Century
John Wiley & Sons Cultural Change among the Algonquin in the Nineteenth Century
Hachette Children's Group Wibbly Pig: Is It Bedtime Wibbly Pig?
Wibbly Pig isn't tired at all! He wants to splash in the bath, count the stairs to the bedroom and bounce around on his bed. But in the end, he snuggles down to sleep with his cuddly toys.Cuddle up and read this stunning new edition of a bedtime favourite. Children everywhere will identify with Wibbly as he puts off bedtime again and again!
Gmeiner Verlag Über jede Grenze hinweg
Klett Sprachen GmbH Pers juleeventyr
Hase und Igel Verlag GmbH Die Abenteuer des Odysseus Schulausgabe
Logos Verlag Berlin Massnahmen Zur Unterstutzung Kognitiver Und Metakognitiver Prozesse in Der Studieneingangsphase: Eine Design-Based-Research-Studie Zum Universitaren Lernzentrum Physiktreff
Franckh-Kosmos EXIT Das Buch Die Frau im Nebel
John Wiley & Sons Inc Artificial Intelligence in Digital Holographic Imaging: Technical Basis and Biomedical Applications
Artificial Intelligence in Digital Holographic Imaging Technical Basis and Biomedical Applications An eye-opening discussion of 3D optical sensing, imaging, analysis, and pattern recognition Artificial intelligence (AI) has made great progress in recent years. Digital holographic imaging has recently emerged as a powerful new technique well suited to explore cell structure and dynamics with a nanometric axial sensitivity and the ability to identify new cellular biomarkers. By combining digital holography with AI technology, including recent deep learning approaches, this system can achieve a record-high accuracy in non-invasive, label-free cellular phenotypic screening. It opens up a new path to data-driven diagnosis. Artificial Intelligence in Digital Holographic Imaging introduces key concepts and algorithms of AI to show how to build intelligent holographic imaging systems drawing on techniques from artificial neural networks, convolutional neural networks, and generative adversarial network. Readers will be able to gain an understanding of the basics for implementing AI in holographic imaging system designs and connecting practical biomedical questions that arise from the use of digital holography with various AI algorithms in intelligence models. What’s Inside Introductory background on digital holography Key concepts of digital holographic imaging Deep-learning techniques for holographic imaging AI techniques in holographic image analysis Holographic image-classification models Automated phenotypic analysis of live cells For readers with various backgrounds, this book provides a detailed discussion of the use of intelligent holographic imaging system in biomedical fields with great potential for biomedical application.
Kampenwand Verlag Rolling Kitchen
Tulipan Verlag Elfi das traurige Krokodil
Tulipan Verlag Joshua Der kleine Zugvogel
Humboldt Verlag Mein wunderbares wildes Kind
Humboldt Verlag Ups meine Eltern leben in Trennung
Humboldt Verlag Miteinander durch die Babyzeit
Humboldt Verlag Nicht zu streng nicht zu eng
Gmeiner Verlag Lieblingspltze Spreewald
Gmeiner Verlag Lieblingsplätze rund um Berlin
FISCHER Sauerländer Das ist doch unfair
FISCHER Sauerländer Mit dir falle ich
Ravensburger Verlag tiptoi Entdecke den Zoo
Franckh-Kosmos EXIT Das Buch Die Spur im Spiegel
Westermann Berufl.Bildung Logistische Prozesse. Berufe der Lagerlogistik Arbeitsheft
Knaur MensSana HC Qigong Praktische bungen fr die Gesundheit und zur Selbstheilung
C.H. Beck Handbuch des Fuhrparkrechts
Clarion Books Kipper's A to Z: An Alphabet Adventure
DruckVerlag Kettler Was ist Kunst IRWIN
This volume is published to mark the 40th anniversary of the artists' collective Rrose Irwin Sélavy and to accompany the exhibition at HMKV Dortmund. Since 1983, IRWIN has been investigating the art history of Eastern Europe, especially the ambivalent legacy of the historical avant-garde and its totalitarian successors, i.e. the dialectic of avant-garde and totalitarianism. Since the 1990s, the focus of the group has been on challenging the art history of Western Modernism in a critical and iconoclastic way. The artists playfully and darkly contrast it with the retro avant-garde and an Eastern Modernism.The book, which can be read from both sides, is made up of two parts: the first chapter explores the black humour that is a consistent element in IRWIN's work. The second chapter examines issues relating to the state and how IRWIN uses them to comment on current topics such as migration.Text in English and German.