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Peeters Publishers Qoumran Et Le Judaisme Du Tournant De Notre Ere: Actes De La Table Ronde, College De France, 16 Novembre 2004
Depuis 1947, la decouverte inesperee de plusieurs centaines de manuscrits hebreux, arameens et grecs dans des grottes pres de la mer Morte a profondement bouleverse notre connaissance du judaisme antique et de l'apparition du mouvement chretien. Aujourd'hui l'ensemble des manuscrits est publie et il est possible de mieux apprecier l'apport de ces textes a l'histoire juive et chretienne, tant du point de vue de la litterature que des idees et pratiques religieuses. La Table Ronde du College de France et de la Societe des Etudes Juives a rassemble quelques uns des meilleurs specialistes de ce domaine de recherche et montre comment les textes de Qoumran peuvent etre maintenant mieux compris dans le contexte des divers courants du judaisme du tournant de notre ere qu'ils eclairent d'une nouvelle lumiere.
Peeters Publishers Sprachbund in the West African Sahel
Most of the contributions published in this volume were prepared within the framework of the research project "Dynamics of Contacts between Populations and Languages - Lexical and Structural Diffusion and the Genealogies in the Sahel" co-ordinated at the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University in Prague, and in a workshop dedicated to the project at the occasion of the XVIIth International Congress of Linguists (Prague 2003).The purpose of the project was to examine the linguistic situation in the Sahel in view of the recent developments in the study of language contacts, assessing the reality of the Sahel "Sprachbund". The concept of "Sprachbund", or 'linguistic area' as a bundle of features common to languages over a geographical area has experienced considerable extention: from phonology and morphology, its domain has been extended to morphosyntax and lexicon. By doing so, the concepts of calquing, typological convergence, reflexification and metatypy are being used to characterize the process witnessed in the study of language contacts.
Peeters Publishers Die Adam- und Seth-Legenden im Syrischen "Buch der Schatzhohle". Eine Quellenkritische Untersuchung
Das syrische "Buch der Schatzhohle" stellt ein relativ spates Apokryphon dar, das lange Zeit nur marginale Aufmerksamkeit beanspruchen konnte. Thema dieser Untersuchung sind die in den ersten sieben Kapiteln der "Schatzhohle" aufbewahrten Adam- und Seth-Legenden. Diese werden quellenkritisch behandelt und auf ihre Ursprunge in der alteren judischen und christlichen Literatur zuruckgefuhrt. Dabei wird deutlich, das viele Motive zwar judische Wurzeln haben, dem Verfasser der "Schatzhohle" aber erst durch christliche Vermittlung zugekommen sind. Insbesondere ist es nicht moglich, innerhalb der mit Adam und Seth befasten Passagen eine zugrundeliegende Quellenschrift zu rekonstruieren. Die Adam- und Seth-Legenden im "Buch der Schatzhohle" mussen daher als eigenstandige Kompilation eines unter orthodox-christlichem Gesichtspunkt schreibenden Autors aufgefast werden.
Peeters Publishers Authority, Privacy and Public Order in Islam: Proceedings of the 22nd Congress of L'Union Europeenne Des Arabisants Et Islamisants, Cracow, Poland 2004
This book contains selected papers delivered during the 22nd Congress of L'Union Europeenne des Arabisants et Islamisants, held in Poland, from 29th September to 4th October 2004. The proceedings have been arranged into four thematic sections: (1) Theology and Philosophy, (2) Literature, (3) History of State and Society, and (4) Philology and Linguistics, though quite a number of the papers were of an interdisciplinary character. The authors of the 37 publications presented in this volume represent the international academic community and present in their articles the results of the latest research and studies into the areas touching on history, culture, literature, religion and art to mention a few. They constitute various attempts to answer the following questions: What is the meaning of Authority? and What is the place of the individual in Society? The book is essential source reading for specialists and students. This book is also recommended to all those who wish to become better acquainted with the problems and issues of the Arab-Muslim world.
Peeters Publishers East and West in the Medieval Eastern Mediterranean: v. 1: Antioch from the Byzantine Reconquest Until the End of the Crusader Principality
Claude Cahen's book on Crusader Antioch cast a long shadow. His thorough monograph seemingly leaves little more to be said. Decades may pass before scholars return to the topic. The long shadow fell even on the Wisconsin "History of the Crusades" which still seeks, essentially, to stich the written sources together into traditional narrative history, only to do it better. But topics such as architecture, or coins are optional extras and not much integrated into the whole picture.A thorough analysis of political and military developments is indeed the essential groundwork of most medieval history. But high politics was not the whole of life; and charters and texts are not the only witnesses to that life. Social and economic life has its own momentum and its own continuity. Its moral and spiritual aspects deserve historical study, and impose new historical disciplines. Crusades studies have become more interdisciplinary, and less monolithic. That new style of enquiry is fully reflected in the range and variety of the papers, tightly focussed on Antioch, printed in this volume.
Peeters Publishers Paul and God's Temple
Paul addresses his readers as God's Temple in his Letters to the Corinthians, which are among the earliest documents of Christianity. This volume provides a synthesis of the historical and exegetical dimensions to Paul's cultic imagery. Previous theories (spiritualisation, substitution, comparative religions approach) cannot stand in view of the analysis of the broader historical context as well as reconsideration of Paul's theological perspective. This historical interpretation integrates relevant Qumran texts published since the 1990's, insights about the early Jesus-movement's Jewish origins, and canonical as well as extra-canonical Gospels in the discussion about cultic imagery. "Paul and God's Temple" sheds new light on Paul's relation to contemporary Judaism and temple-theological traditions, while putting Paul's cultic imagery in a rhetorical-critical and reader-oriented perspective.
Peeters Publishers Un Continuum Predicatif: Le Cas Du Gbanzili (Republique Centrafricaine)
Continuum predicatif, car l'opposition entre verbe et nom, telle qu'elle a ete systematisee pour les langues indo-europeennes, est loin d'etre universelle. La perception d'une continuite peut etre beaucoup plus fructueuse dans l'analyse d'autres langues. L'ouvrage apportera aux linguistes le demonstration en trois temps d'un tel continuum (predication verbale reduite au minimum, predication para-verbale, predication non-verbale), precedee des considerations phonologiques, morphologiques et syntagmatiques necessaires. Les marqueurs de temps, mode et aspect sont independants des trois temps de la predication et sont donc traites separement. Il en va de meme de la negation et de l'interrogation. Le Gbanzili est une langue oubangienne parlee par des pecheurs riverains de l'Oubangui, en Republique Centrafricaine.
Peeters Publishers Le Deuri: Langue Tibeto-birmane D'Assam
Les Deuri forment une petite ethnie qui habitait autrefois au fond du Nord-Est indien, la ou le Brahmapoutre enfin sorti de l'Himalaya entre dans la plaine: en Haut-Assam. Ils vivaient dans des villages de piemonts, et leurs pretres avaient la responsabilite de certains des temples ou ont eu lieu les derniers sacrifices humains de cette region du monde. C'est pourquoi leurs voisins d'Assam les appellent "Deuri" "les officiants". La langue des Deuri se rapproche en effet de plusieurs autres de la meme region: le boro, le dimasa, le kokborok, le garo; toutes forment le groupe dit "boro-garo" qui appartient a son tour a l'ensemble tibeto-birman.Voici deux cents ans environ, une migration a amene les Deuri un peu plus en aval, a l'abri des ethnies plus menacantes des montagnes. Ils vivent maintenant dans plusieurs villages disperses, dont le principal se nomme "Bordeurigaon" "le grand village deuri". C'est la que l'auteur est alle les voir, vivre avec eux et etudier leur langue.Ce livre, apres une introduction sur les Deuri, decrit la charpente sonore de la langue et sa grammaire, propose quelques textes, et contient plusieurs lexiques et index. Il constitue la seule presentation complete de cette langue rare qu'on ne connaissait que par une brochure de 1895 et quelques articles, et que les specialistes croyaient disparue.Outre la description de la grammaire et des vocabulaires deuri-anglais et anglais-deuri, ce livre etudie aussi l'histoire de la langue a la fois d'apres les quelques documents plus anciens, dont un lexique de 1850, et d'apres ce qu'enseigne la comparaison des langues proches que l'auteur a etudiees en detail.
Peeters Publishers Theological Women's Studies in Southern Europe: Theologische Frauenforschung in Sudeuropa - Recherche Theologique Des Femmes En Europe Meridionale
This volume with its emphasis on "Southern Europe" is devoted now for the second time to theological research by women in a particular region of Europe. Women doing research in France, Italy, Spain and Greece provide evidence of and reflection on the history of women's theological studies in their countries and present the results of their studies. These reveal an impressive spectrum of theological research which sometimes has been and must be conducted in difficult structural contexts and under very different economic conditions. This makes the vitality of the research presented all the more convincing; in the different contexts of the individual countries it demonstrates specific and very varied emphases in academic theory and method. Precisely because of their complex and diverse points of departure, the articles evidence a fundamental, interdisciplinary approach and a creative way of seeing things which is concerned to ensure a fundamental openness for debate and dialogue. This volume thus provides an insight into the fascinating diversity and complexity of theological research in Europe.
Peeters Publishers De Branche En Branche. Etudes Sur Les XVIIe Et XVIIIe Siecles Francais: Etudes Reunies Et Presentees Par Kris Peeters, Paul Pelckmans, Luc Rasson Et Bruno Tritsmans
Le 30 septembre 2004, Dirk Van der Cruysse a pris sa retraite comme professeur ordinaire de litterature francaise a l'Universite d'Anvers, ou il a assume pendant plus de trois decennies une charge de cours importante dans le domaine de l'histoire de la litterature et la culture francaises. Dirk Van der Cruysse est aussi l'auteur d'une oeuvre abondante et internationalement reconnue, dont deux monographies sur Saint-Simon (1971, 1981), les biographies tres remarquees de Madame Palatine (1988) et de Choisy (1995) et une serie d'etudes sur les contacts entre la France louis-quatorzienne et l'Asie, notamment "Louis XIV et le Siam" (1991), "Chardin le Persan" (1998) et "Le noble desir de courir le monde" (2002). L'auteur de ces nombreuses pages n'a jamais manque de completer utilement ces etudes par mainte edition de texte, notamment de la correspondance de Mme Palatine (1989) et de Sophie de Hanovre (1990) et des journaux de voyage de Choisy (1995), de Jean Guidon de Chambelle (2003) et de Barthelemy Carre (2005).A l'occasion de son emeritat, quelques-uns de ses collaborateurs ont rassemble un choix d'articles de l'auteur, que le present recueil regroupe pour la premiere fois, tout en les completant d'un portrait par Maurice Delcroix et d'une bibliographie de Dirk Van der Cruysse.
Peeters Publishers Philosophie Et Sciences a Byzance De 1204 a 1453: Les Textes, Les Doctrines Et Leur Transmission. Actes De La Table Ronde Organisee Au XXe Congres International D'Etudes Byzantines (Paris, 2001)
Ce volume comprend les "Actes" de la Table Ronde realisee au sein du XXe Congres International d'Etudes Byzantines (Paris, aout 2001), sur la philosophie et les sciences a Byzance durant l'empire de Nicee (1204-1261) et le regne des Paleologues (1261-1453). La periode envisagee (1204-1453) recouvre les deux dernieres etapes de la vie de Byzance, jalonnees par les deux prises de Constantinople : la premiere, en 1204, est effectuee lors de la quatrieme croisade, alors que la seconde, en 1453, est l'oeuvre des Turcs ottomans. Entre ces dates se situe l'occupation latine de l'empire byzantin, qui prendra fin pour Constantinople en 1261 et qui sera suivie par la restauration progressive, mais partielle, de l'empire, effectuee sous les Paleologues. En donnant un apercu sur la philosophie et les sciences pendant cette periode particulierement mouvementee, les editeurs du present volume ont adopte une conjonction thematique qui tient, avant tout, compte de la maniere dont l'enseignement etait assure a Byzance : au sein de celui-ci, l'apprentissage des disciplines "mathematiques" (le "Quadrivium" occidental) se voyait couronne par celui de la philosophie ; leur etude etait parfois completee avec celle de la medecine, humaine et veterinaire, et de la pharmaceutique. Ces differentes branches du savoir byzantin, qui vont de la philosophie a la pharmaceutique, sont representees dans ce volume grace au concours des specialistes reconnus pour les disciplines examinees. Quant a l'axe principal autour duquel s'organisent les contributions composant ce volume, il s'agit de celui de la transmission a Byzance, pendant la periode envisagee, des textes, et, aussi, des idees et des concepts, ces derniers circulant comme les textes et par les textes. Les sujets de transmission, textuelle ou doctrinale, passes en revue portent sur la production byzantine d'epoque paleologue, mais, egalement, sur des textes plus anciens, qui ont ete remis en circulation surtout a partir de 1261 ; certains aspects concernant les traductions de l'oeuvre aristotelicienne en latin, effectuees a partir de 1204, ont egalement ete passes en revue.
Peeters Publishers Jean Potocki - Oeuvres IV.1: Manuscrit Trouve a Saragosse (version De 1810)
Dans ce volume IV, 1 des Oeuvres de Jean Potocki (1761-1815) est publie le texte du "Manuscrit trouve a Saragosse" dans la version achevee telle qu'elle a ete reellement ecrite par son auteur, version dite "de 1810". Celle-ci differe sensiblement de celle - dite "de 1804" - qu'il avait elaboree precedemment, sans toutefois la conduire a son terme. La version de 1804 est editee dans le vol. IV, 2 de la presente serie. Ces deux etats du roman-culte de Potocki presentent deux conceptions esthetiques tres differentes appliquees a une meme matiere narrative. Bien que l'une d'elles soit demeuree inachevee, il sera desormais necessaire, pour se faire une idee pleine de ce chef-d'oeuvre, de prendre connaissance de ces deux versions. On dispose ainsi pour la premiere fois d'une edition integrale et fiable, etablie sur la base de toutes les sources disponibles, dont une partie etait restee inconnue a ce jour.
Peeters Publishers Analyse Narrative Et Bible: Deuxieme Colloque International Du RRENAB, Louvain-la-Neuve, Avril 2004
Cet ouvrage rassemble diverses etudes d'analyse narrative presentees lors du 2e colloque international du RRENAB a Louvain-la-Neuve (avril 2004). La critique narrative y est mise en oeuvre par de nombreux specialistes sur differents corpus des deux Testaments et sur quelques livres apocryphes, tandis que d'autres essais abbordent des questions methodologiques (lien a l'anthropologie et a l'ethique, focalisation, rapport a l'histoire). Plusieurs etudes autour de memes themes permettent une approche croisee des questions. On y parle ainsi de l'intrigue, des personnages et de leur caracterisation (Jacob, Jesus chez Marc, oeuvre de Luc), de textes parraleles dans l'A.T., de l'intertextualite particuliere entre les deux Testaments, des tensions presentes dans l'evangile de Matthieu, de la finale des quatre evangiles, de la fonction de passages poetiques ou de discours dans des sections narratives, de la possibilite de recourir a la narratologie pour etudier certains passages de lettres de Paul. Un beau tour d'horizon de la recherche actuelle en narratologie biblique dans le monde francophone.
Peeters Publishers History of Vatican II: v. 5: Council and the Transition - The Fourth Period and the End of the Council, September 1965-December 1965
In the 40th year after the close of the second Vatican Council, here is the final volume of its most definitive history. "History of Vatican II, Volume V" takes the reader through the approval of texts such as the "Constitution on Divine Revelation," the "Decree on Religious Liberty," the "Decree on the Church's Missionary Activity" and the "Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World."Reconstructing and commenting on the final session and the transition to a post-Conciliar world Volume V includes chapters on the critical period between the third and fourth sessions by Giovanni Turbanti and the beginning of the fourth session by Gilles Routhier. The third chapter by Mauro Velati deals with events that settled how the fourth session would approve key texts, and the fourth chapter by Christophe Theobald reveals how "the Church under the Word of God" came to be the central focus of Vatican II Theology. Chapters by Peter Hunermann, Lukas Vischer, and Giuseppe Alberigo tell the story of the final days, interpret the Council as an ecumenical event, and show how the reception of the Council's work by the Church at large foreshadows the struggles over the meaning of the Council that continue to this day.An unprecedented and unsurpassed effort of international scholars, "History of Vatican II", will remain a key resource for historians, theologians, and religious professionals for years to come.
Peeters Publishers Ancient Compositional Practices and the Synoptic Problem
This book investigates the ways in which an understanding of the literary culture(s) of the Greco-Roman world can inform Synoptic source critical discussion. From a survey of ancient book production, a study of the interplay between orality and textuality, the identification and analysis of written sources and how they were adapted by later authors, we are able to catalog a set of compositional methods of ancient writers. From this, we are able to test the extent to which three "solutions" to the Synoptic Problem (i.e., The Two-Gospel (Neo-Griesbach) Hypothesis, the Farrer-Goulder Hypothesis, and the Two-Document (Two-Source) Hypothesis) are consistent with the known practices of writers in antiquity. We conclude that while all three of the theories had certain problems in light of our catalogue of compositional practices, some had more problems than others. In the end, it appears that the Two-Document Hypothesis has the fewest problems in light of the compositional practices of antiquity.
Peeters Publishers Bibliographie De Jean Ladriere
La bibliographie est divisee en trois parties. La premiere (Oeuvres) regroupe les informations concernant les travaux lies a une initiative personnelle: Livres (les monographies et recueils d'articles relevant d'une meme visee), Traductions (personnelles ou en collaboration), Travaux originaux lies aux charges professorales (Notes de cours). La deuxieme partie (Articles) detaille l'ensemble des articles qui repondent a des demandes specifiques (congres et colloques, conferences, participation a des seminaires), et d'autre part, elle met en evidence la dimension chronologique de toute l'oeuvre. La troisieme partie (Personalia) se situe entierement dans la perspective des relations personnelles, individuelles et collectives, sous la forme de la reconnaissance (In memoriam), de mon role de promoteur (Prefaces, rapports et recensions) et des remerciements (Allocutions). A l'interieur de chacune des divisions l'ordre est chronologique, sauf en ce qui concerne les traductions et les reeditions qui sont rattachees a l'original.
Peeters Publishers 1 Chronicles
During the last few decades there has been a growing scholarly interest in the Book(s) of Chronicles, which resulted in a respectable number of commentaries in various languages. Yet, the book remains inviting for further study and research. The present commentary is a result of it. It attempts to understand the Book of Chronicles as an expression of the author's religious conviction and piety in the context of the late Persian period, which provided him with the reason and stimulans for writing this work as a religious appeal to his readers. His (assumed) intention is determinative of both the contents and the structure of the work, and in a number of cases contributes to a better understanding of smaller textual units. An extensive introduction deals among others with the writer's purpose and with some themes which occur throughout the book.
Peeters Publishers Diaspora Judaism in Turmoil 116/117 CE: Ancient Sources and Modern Insights
Between the two wars fought in Judaea against the Roman government - the 'Great War' and that of Bar Kochba - the uprisings of Diaspora Jews toward the end of Trajan's reign constitute a unique event in the history of the Second Jewish Commonwealth. It marks the first and only episode of Jewish violence on a grand scale to take place outside Judaea, and at the same time the only instance of simultaneous outbursts in different geographical places - Libya, Egypt, Cyprus and Mesopotamia, and apparently Judaea as well. What happened exactly? Where did the Jews get their arms from and for how long did they succeed in resisting the impact of the Roman legions? Generations of scholars accepted the statement of Eusebius that the uprisings started in 115 CE, but the possibility has been recently put forward that the revolt broke out, instead, only in 116. Moreover, what was the order in which the upheavals took place: the traditional one - Libya, Egypt, Cyprus and Mesopotamia - as most scholars believe following the testimony of Eusebius, or, rather, is the correct order the opposite? If, in fact, the Jews of Mesopotamia were the first to take up arms, the events that took place in the East would have been determinant in fomenting the uprisings in the western Mediterranean region. An assessment of the new theories is a must and involves a reconsideration both of the literary accounts and their own sources and of other kinds of information available, including the ostraca found in Egypt and a number of papyri either recently discovered or only now ascribed to the events of these upheavals. The first part of this work presents here, for the first time, a full collection of the epigraphical, papyrological, and historical sources of pagan, Christian and Jewish origin dealing with these events, in their original language and in English translation. In the second part, a fresh reading, both of the sources and of scholarly views, leads Miriam Pucci Ben Zeev to new interpretations of events in Egypt, Mesopotamia and Judaea and to a new chronology, which enables her to reach surprising conclusions concerning a possible interrelationship between the upheavals in the different countries.
Peeters Publishers A Berichtigungsliste of Demotic Documents
There seems to be no brief English equivalent for the concept of a Berichtigungsliste. This demotic Berichtigungsliste collects and critically presents corrections and supplements to editions of demotic documentary texts: papyri, ostraka, inscriptions, mummy labels, graffiti - everything demotic that was not clearly written as a secular or religious literary composition. The editors have added all the information they have found concerning inventory numbers and photographs as well as republications of the texts in question that the scholar working with the texts will find useful. Although the Berichtigungsliste chiefly concerns text editions, be they published in monographs or articles, texts that have been published only in photography or facsimile are also included. The period covered for the publications that have been ransacked for the purpose of the Berichtigungsliste is roughly the Twentieth Century: 1900-2000. In subsequent volumes, the editors intend to extend the time-range into the Nineteenth Century as well as into the future.
Peeters Publishers Animal Et Animalite Dans La Philosophie De La Renaissance Et De L'Age Classique
Nous voulons ici interroger en vis-a-vis deux mutations caracteristiques de la philosophie moderne dans sa periode d'elaboration - Renaissance et Age Classique:1 / Le foisonnement, au XVIe et XVIIe siecles, des discours polemiques sur les animaux, leur nature, leurs facultes, leur destinee, etc. Quoiqu'elle s'alimente d'un fonds antique (Pline, Plutarque, Sextus Empiricus, Porphyre, etc.), cette polemique n'en reste pas moins profondement originale de par son mode argumentatif, ses enjeux, et son opposition a un schema anthropologico-zoologique issu d'Aristote.2 / La promotion nouvelle des facultes "animales", ou plus generalement de la part irrationnelle, de l'homme - constante que l'on retrouve dans les grands champs problematiques de la philosophie, qu'il s'agisse de la connaissance (articulation de l'"aestimativa" et de la "ratio"), de la morale (desinhibition et reevaluation du role des passions), de la politique (heuristique de la "ferocitas"), de l'anthropologie (recomposition des rapports entre l'"animalitas" et la "ratio") et de la metaphysique (rupture avec l'ontologie hylemorphique aristotelicienne).Par dela ces mutations, une nouvelle pensee cynique se fait jour, dont les implications, metaphysiques, epistemologiques, ethiques et politiques peseront lourd dans l'evolution de la philosophie moderne, et pour notre comprehension actuelle de l'homme. Ont participe a ce volume Francesco Adorno, Pierre Caye, Luc Foisneau, Thierry Gontier, Jean-Luc Guichet, Jean-Paul Larthomas, Thierry Menissier, Enrico Nuzzo, Nicole Panichi, Francesco Piro, Carole Talon-Hugon et Arnaud Zucker.
Peeters Publishers Lulle Et La Condamnation De 1277: La Declaration De Raymond Ecrite Sous Forme De Dialogue
La "Declaratio Raimundi" (1298) dont nous offrons ici la premiere traduction en francais, est l'un des textes les plus anciens relatifs a la Condamnation parisienne de 1277 qui nous soient parvenus. Mais ce dialogue imaginaire entre Raymond et un improbable Socrate defenseur des theses condamnees, est surtout pour Lulle l'occasion d'aborder ses themes de predilection, en particulier la defense du savoir du croyant de toute dichotomie. Quelques dix annees avant son troisieme sejour parisien, et les ecrits anti-averroistes qu'il ecrira alors, Lulle discute ici les questions qui seront a leur coeur, notamment celles de l'eternite du monde et de l'unicite de l'intellect. L'introduction qui accompagne la traduction degage les questions et les arguments les plus saillants et clarifie la portee de ce texte, temoin aussi de la tentative peu fructueuse de Lulle d'etablir la validite de son Art aupres des Maitres de l'Universite de Paris.
Peeters Publishers Esther: Juxtaposition of the Septuagint Translation with the Hebrew Text
This book is essentially a very exacting comparison between the Septuaginta translation of the Esther Scroll and its Hebrew text. Each and every verse in the Scroll is graphically presented in a four columned table in which we inserted the Hebrew text, broken up into syntactically coherent short phrases, its Greek counterpart and the English translations of the Hebrew and Greek phrases respectively. In the running commentary we discuss the additions and the omissions, examine how the Translator succeeded in rendering especially difficult and complicated Hebrew verses, and try to throw light on his language, his methods and his translational idiosyncrasies. We also quote the Vulgate, the Aramaic Targumim and the Greek A Text and, in most cases translate them too in English. The added value of this book is the synoptic graphic presentation of each verse which enables one to get an immediate impression of the two texts and their juxtaposition.
Peeters Publishers Holy Texts: Authority and Language - Heilige Texte: Autoritat und Sprache - Textes Sacres: Autorite et Langue
This yearbook is based on the papers presented at the 2003 International Conference of the European Society for Women in the Theological Research, held in the Netherlands. The theme of that conference was "Holy Texts: Authority and Language," a theme which addresses one of the key issues of feminist theology: how the holy texts of religious traditions, which are predominantly masculine in language and imagery, can have authority in the lives of contemporary women and men. The papers collected in the Yearbook document the many ways in which this problem has been addressed by feminist scholars in the last thirty years, and chart the new ways in which feminist theologians and theoreticians are now addressing these questions - in hermeneutics, but also in Systematic and Historical Theology, and in praxis: in liturgy and in teaching.
Peeters Publishers Theology and Christology in the Fourth Gospel: Essays by the Members of the SNTS Johannine Writings Seminar
This volume presents a collection of more than twenty articles prepared by members of the "SNTS Johannine Writings Seminar" between 1999 and 2004. The contributions deal with the ongoing methodological debates about the major Theological and Christological themes in the Gospel of John.
Peeters Publishers The Portrayal of Christ in the Syriac Commentary on the Diatessaron
For a long time the Diatessaron has drawn the interest of modern scholars. Some of the problems related to the Syriac Harmony of the Gospels have been solved. Others still remain in dispute. The Syriac Commentary on the Diatessaron, attributed to Ephraem (306-373), is one of the most important witnesses to the wording of the Harmony. Unfortunately, most of the surviving Syriac folios of the text have been discovered only recently. Consequently, no detailed study on the Commentary has been undertaken yet. It is the aim of this study to present this scholarly demand. This Oxford dissertation deals with the questions of the difficult process of the Commentary's transmission and analyses both the Trinitarian and Christological understanding of its author. By way of a comparison with the "genuine" Ephraem, this study argues that the Commentary in its present form is a compilation from the hand of one of his disciples. However, it serves as an important source on the theological discussions in the Edessa of the late fourth and early fifth centuries.
Peeters Publishers Dionysius Bar Salibi: A Response to the Arabs
Peeters Publishers L'eucharistie Au Coeur De L'Eglise Et Pour La Vie Du Monde
Realise sous l'egide des deux Commissions interdiocesaines de pastorale liturgique (CIPL et ICLZ) a l'initiative des eveques de Belgique, ce livre offre une approche biblique, liturgique et pastorale de l'eucharistie, dont les agents pastoraux et les communautes pourront tirer profit au cours de l'annee pastorale "Appeles a celebrer: la liturgie au coeur de la foi".La premiere partie est centree sur la comprehension de l'eucharistie: le Repas du Seigneur selon le Nouveau Testament (A. Houssiau); les sources juives de l'eucharistie (A. Goossens); la theologie symbolique de l'eucharistie (A. Haquin); la comprehension actuelle de la "presence reelle" (P. De Clerck); la richesse de la Priere eucharistique (Gh. Pinckers).La deuxieme partie aborde le vecu eucharistique des communautes: les pratiques liturgiques actuelles (P. d'Haese); les enjeux de la reforme liturgique (L. Lemmens); la redynamisation du rituel eucharistique (D. Dufrasne); la participation active a l'eucharistie et les ministeres (J. Lamberts); l'eucharistie et l'Eglise (M. T'Joen); l'eucharistie et l'engagement pour la justice (P. Pas).Une derniere partie a trait a la spiritualite eucharistique: Julienne de Cornillon et l'institution de la Fete-Dieu (J. -P. Delville); l'enjeu de l'adoration eucharistique aujourd'hui (J.-M. Hennaux).
Peeters Publishers Ein Held Des Glaubens?: Rezeptionsgeschichtliche Studien Zu Den Simson-Erzahlungen
Bibelauslegung - das wird von Theologen manchmal vergessen - ist nicht das Privileg von Gelehrten innerhalb der Mauern der Universitat oder von Predigern auf der Kanzel, sondern geschieht ebenso am Schreibtisch des Romanschreibers, des Poeten, des Librettisten und Komponisten, im Atelier des bildenden Kunstlers und in den Filmstudios von Hollywood. Die Bibelauslegung nahm einst ihren Anfang, aber ist keineswegs an ihr Ende gekommen. Schon bevor die Grenzen der Bibelbucher festgelegt waren, fand Auslegung statt. Sobald die Grenzen der Bucher fixiert waren, wurden sie die Quelle eines immer breiter anschwellenden Stroms der Auslegung in unterschiedlichen Formen, die zusammen eine faszinierende, sich noch immer weiter ausbreitende Welt bilden. Anhand der herausfordernden Erzahlungen uber den Helden Simson, wie er in den Kapiteln 13-16 im Bibelbuch Richter beschrieben wird, wird der Leser in diesen Studien in die Welt der Interpretation eingefuhrt und ihm ein Eindruck der vielgestaltigen und reich schattierten Formen der Auslegung vermittelt.
Peeters Publishers Imagination in the Later Middle Ages and Early Modern Times
Imagination has always been recognised as an important faculty of the human soul. As mediator between the senses and reason, it is rooted in philosophical and psychological-medical theories of human sensation and cognition. Linked to these theories was the use of the imagination in rhetoric and the arts: images had not only an epistemological role in transmitting information from the outside world to the mind's inner eye, but could also be used to manipulate the emotions of the audience. In this tradition, with Cicero and Quintilian as its A"auctoritatesA", images were used to arouse and manipulate the emotions. Both traditions had to be revalued in the seventeenth century with the advent of a mechanist, Cartesian picture of human cognition and the physical world. In spite of their usual suspicion of imagination, which was commonly associated with illusions, dreams and fiction, seventeenth-century philosophers realised that the imagination also had its place in mathematical, scientific and philosophical thinking. This volume, number XII in the series A"Groningen Studies in Cultural ChangeA", offers the papers presented at a workshop on imagination, organised by the editors in September 2002. It covers both the philosophical-psychological as well as the humanist-rhetorical traditions, discussing key figures such as Kilwardby, Lorenzo Valla, Leon Battista Alberti, Agricola, Gianfrancesco Pico, Erasmus, Paracelsus, Kepler, Bacon, Suarez, Descartes and Spinoza, but also treating hitherto neglected texts and writers such as Nicholas of Amsterdam and Jean Lemaire de Belges. By focusing on the ever-shifting ideas of the imagination as a philosophical and rhetorical tool, this volume not only deepens our understanding of its central theme but also sheds new light on the thought and writings of these and other authors.
Peeters Publishers Virtutis Imago: Studies on the Conceptualisation and Transformation of an Ancient Ideal
Manliness, prowess, deeds of valour, excellence: "virtus" is a term which has a broad semantic range, which differs significantly from the meanings attached to such modern notions as the English "virtue" or the French "vertu". Although deeply rooted in a system of practices and discourses aimed at continuing the "mos maiorum", the traditional concept of "virtus" underwent serious changes in the course of time: it was reconsidered, reassessed, and even replaced with new definitions of moral excellence. The editors of the present volume have sought to gather contributions which shed new light on the ancient representation of moral excellence or discuss relevant aspects of the rich but complex "Wirkungsgeschichte" of the Roman concept of "virtus". Thematically coherent, the book testifies to the rich variety of approaches currently adopted in classical philology, ancient history, Early Christian and Byzantine Studies, and the study of Latin texts from the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period.
Peeters Publishers Egypt and Syria in the Fatimid, Ayyubid and Mamluk Eras: Pt. 4
This volume contains 24 papers, presented at the ninth and tenth Colloquium on the History of Egypt and Syria in the Fatimid, Ayyubid and Mamluk Eras, organized at the University of Leuven in May 2000 and 2001. The main purpose of these annual colloquia is to bring together an international audience of scholars from different fields of research, around the central theme of Syro-Egypt's high and late medieval history. Resulting now in a fourth volume of this kind (volume I: OLA 73 - volume II: OLA 83 - volume III: OLA 102), these proceedings again cover areas of research in the fields of medieval sociology, economy, archaeology, codicology, theology and administrative and political history, ranging from the 10th to the late 15th centuries AD. The individual contributions deal with a great number of topics, including the evolution of Syro-Egyptian society, material culture, architecture and archaeological fieldwork, gender, the Crusades, military administration, pious endowments, form and function of Middle Eastern source material and Sufism.
Peeters Publishers Rituals in Abundance: Critical Reflections on the Place, Form and Identity of Christian Ritual in Our Culture
Rituals are closely linked with culture. This book is a consideration of Christian ritual in our culture. It was originally written particularly with an eye to the ritual developments in The Netherlands, which can be considered as representative for our Western European culture. It has been revised and expanded for the English edition. As in other European countries, in the 1960s Dutch society witnessed a serious crisis in ritual. The situation was paradoxical. While, under the influence of the Second Vatican Council and the Liturgical Movement, in the Catholic churches there was a great creativity with regard to ritual, ritual was gradually disappearing from the society at large, and participation in Christian ritual was rapidly draining away. A religious void arose. However, since then the situation has changed fundamentally. Rituals were rediscovered in the 1990s, indeed to such an extent that one can now speak of 'rituals in abundance'. In this book the author sketches out the directions and sets out signposts for where ritual is going in contemporary culture. He traces the peculiar characteristics of ritual, indicates what shifts have taken place, and tries to further define the identity of various rituals. In doing this, he concentrates on the question of the place of Christian ritual in our culture. How is Christian ritual connected with the many rites in our culture? What new shape is it taking on in our culture? In the midst of the other rites, what is the peculiar identity of Christian ritual? In this book the accent is on the anthropological approach to Christian ritual: it works from the bottom up. The book seeks answers to the questions being asked in the discipline of ritual studies, which particularly since the second half of the 1980s has arisen as an important realm or stage on which different disciplines studying ritual come together.
Peeters Publishers L'au-dela Et La Resurrection Dans La Litterature Rabbinique
L'objectif principal de notre travail a ete de determiner si l'eschatologie juive a connu des modifications majeures ou pour le moins des evolutions significatives pendant la periode "rabbinique classique" (Mishna, Talmud, Midrashim anciens). Nous avons insiste sur l'existence de deux mondes eschatologiques, celui de l'au-dela et celui de la resurrection. Il n'est pas toujours evident de savoir si un texte releve du premier ou du second de ces deux mondes. La determination de criteres de differenciation nous a permis (dans une certaine mesure) de repartir les textes entre les deux mondes et de mener deux etudes distinctes, la premiere consacree au monde de la resurrection et la deuxieme a celui de l'au-dela. L'etude detaillee de chacun des deux mondes a ensuite ete replacee dans les cadres theoriques plus vastes: celui de l'anthropologie (courants dualistes et monistes) et de la cosmologie (place de l'enfer et du paradis dans l'ordre cosmique).
Peeters Publishers 'Meer Dan Een Mode-koorts': Guido Gezelle En Zijn Postume Uitgever Lambertus Jacobus Veen, 1901-1919
Guido Gezelle (1830-1899) is vandaag een van de bekendste schrijvers uit het Nederlandse taalgebied, maar dat was tijdens zijn leven helemaal niet het geval. Zijn literair werk werd toen uitsluitend regionaal verspreid. Pas in 1901 verschenen "Laatste verzen" en "Verzen" bij de Amsterdamse uitgever Lambertus Jacobus Veen (1863-1919). Die bundels waren meteen uitverkocht en leidden tot een snelle opeenvolging van herdrukken, bloemlezingen, geschenkboekjes en bibliofiele uitgaven van Gezelles werk. Jaarlijks kwamen vele duizenden exemplaren op de markt, voor het grootste deel in nederland en niet in Vlaanderen. Het publiek reageerde enthousiast, maar in de literaire kritiek gingen ook sceptische stemmen op: dit was slechts een modeverschijnsel!Een bibliografische beschrijving van de postume edities en onderzoek in het archief van de uitgever Lambertus Jacobus Veen werpen nieuw licht op deze merkwaardige episode uit de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse literatuur en uitgeverij.
Peeters Publishers Freedom in the Gospel: Paul's Exemplum in 1 Cor 9 in Conversation with the Discourses of Epictetus and Philo
Paul's question in 1 Cor 9:1, "Am I not free?" provides the initial focus of this study. Paul's discourse (1 Cor 9) creatively exhibits his own freedom as subsumed under the ultimate good, the gospel in which he shares. Paul's vocabulary (compulsion, willingly and unwillingly, rights and freedom), ideas, and "topoi" reflect the symbolic universe that he shares with the Cynic-Stoic philosophic tradition and the ongoing debates and conversations about freedom in the Corinthian community.This study demonstrates that such conversations highlighted issues of divine call, identity, assignments, obligations, and exhibition to the world, work, independence, hardship, toil and self-control, and one's attitude to money or wealth. Paul's "exemplum" directs attention to the gospel that transforms his "rights", entrusts him with a "stewardship," and extends to him participation in the gospel as a partner. With this self understanding, Paul appeals to his readers for adherence to the values that he is advocating.
Peeters Publishers De Zenon D'Elee a Poincare: Receuil D'etudes En Hommage a Roshdi Rashed
L'oeuvre de Roshdi Rashed se deploie selon deux directions principales: la naissance, dans les Temps Modernes, des mathematiques sociales et de la theorie des probabilites d'une part, et l'histoire des sciences exactes (mathematiques, optique...) a l'epoque de la Renaissance de l'Islam classique d'autre part. Cette oeuvre de longue haleine n'a cesse d'elargir la connaissance que nous avons de ces dernieres, par l'edition et la traduction de textes nouveaux, la reconstitution des traditions conceptuelles dans lesquelles ces textes s'inscrivent, ainsi que par la mise en resonance de ces traditions. Elle agit en meme temps comme une genealogie de certaines formes de la mathesis moderne. Sans manifeste ni discours sur la methode, les travaux de Roshdi Rashed proposent un approfondissement constant de la tradition de l'epistemologie historique illustree par Gaston Bachelard et Georges Canguilhem. C'est pourquoi ces travaux ne laissent indifferent ni l'helleniste, ni bien sur l'arabisant specialiste de champs connexes, ni le medieviste, ni les specialistes de l'histoire des sciences modernes. C'est ce dont temoigne ce recueil d'etudes, dues a d'eminents collegues de Roshdi Rashed et a ses eleves.
Peeters Publishers Semiotik Des Liturgischen Gesanges: Ein Beitrag Zur Entwicklung Einer Integralen Untersuchungsmethode Der Liturgiewissenschaft
Die Untersuchung bemuht sich um die Erweiterung und Erprobung des methodischen Instrumentariums der Liturgiewissenschaft in Bezug auf das zunehmend ausgeweitete Objekt der Liturgiewissenschaft, das nicht nur Text-Quellen, sondern auch Handlungsvollzuge umfasst. Abgesehen von sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschungsmethoden verfugt die Liturgiewissenschaft noch nicht uber geeignete Methoden fur eine integrale Erforschung dieses komplexen Objekts. Die Greimas-Semiotik, die ursprunglich im linguistischen Bereich beheimatet war, bietet ein homogenes Instrumentarium, womit auch nicht literarische Objekte adaquat untersucht werden konnen. Am Vollzug von liturgischen Gesangen wird das Instrumentarium dieser Semiotik exemplarisch erprobt und adaptiert. Daruber hinaus wird anhand dieser Untersuchungsergebnisse der Versuch unternommen, sehr behutsam Kriterien und Qualitaten fur gottesdientsliche Elemente am Beispiel des liturgischen Gesanges zu erschliessen.
Peeters Publishers Les Structures De L'espace Linguistique: Regards Croises Sur Quelques Constructions Spatiales Du Basque Et Du Francais
Ce livre, centre sur les donnees du basque et du francais, est une contribution aux recherches relatives a l'expression de l'espace dans la langue. Une approche formelle en trois niveaux du lexique spatial est tout d'abord proposee (geometrie, fonction, pragmatique), constituant l'arriere-plan des analyses descriptives ulterieures. La seconde partie introduit un cadre theorique pour l'etude des relations de partie a tout et illustre les potentialites de ce dispositif a travers l'examen de plusieurs marqueurs ("genitifs" du basque, verbes prefixes en "e" du francais, Noms de Localisation Interne...). Chemin faisant, diverses distinctions entre entites spatiales operees par la langue sont mises en evidence. Le troisieme volet de l'ouvrage examine la semantique de deux "relations spatiales" - cas inessif du basque et preposition "par" du francais - en montrant, ici encore, le role essentiel joue par les connaissances sur les entites. Apres quelques prolongement et echappees, la derniere partie aborde certaines questions theoriques importantes a la lumiere des resultats obtenus (rapports corpus/introspection, semantique referentielle, theories localistes, relativite linguistique).
Peeters Publishers Etre Heureux Au Moyen Age: D'apres Le Roman Arthurien En Prose Du XIIIe Siecle
L'homme a toujours ressenti le besoin de prendre la route. Parmi les buts qui definissaient le terme de son voyage, la quete de bonheur occupait une place de premiere importance.Le roman arthurien, plus que tout autre, pousse ses protagonistes a se mettre en route. Le bonheur qu'il leur propose a des noms multiples: le paradis, les merveilles du Saint Graal, l'amour, l'amitie, la liberte, l'hospitalite enfin qui veut dire la joie d'etre ensemble. Vecu dans un chronotope concret, ce bonheur est une categorie dynamique et pleine d'esperance. Ouvrant les heros a l'infini, il les ouvre en meme temps a l'autre. Associe a la notion d'epreuve, on le paie parfois de la vie. L'univers arthurien avec enthousiasme accepte ce defi.Le livre envisage la question de bonheur dans deux cycles, d'inspiration differente, qui ont marque la premiere moitie du XIIIe siecle: le "Lancelot-Graal" et le "Tristan en prose". L'etude, focalisee sur les sources et sur la structure spatio-temporelle du bonheur, est precedee d'un chapitre portant sur la theologie cistercienne de la beatitude et illustrant comment s'effectue le passage de la doctrine au romanesque.
Peeters Publishers Erotapokriseis: Early Christian Question-and-answer Literature in Context
"Erotapokriseis"-literature has thus far been neglected by most scholars. This book intends to explore this kind of literature and to introduce it to a wider audience. "Erotapokriseis" - or "quaestiones", as they were called in Latin - occur in various types of literature, but these all have in common that they use the form of questions and answers in one way or another.The French and English contributions in this volume are the result of an international symposium held in Utrecht, October 2003. A small number of specialists investigated the "erotapokriseis" in various fields of research, including Jewish, Greek, Latin and Syriac literature. Thus, they composed an elucidating image of these literary works. Although the last word has not been said about the "erotapokriseis", this volume certainly is a major step forward in our understanding of these writings.
Peeters Publishers Textual Criticism and the Synoptic Problem in Historical Jesus Research: The Search for Valid Criteria
The criteria for originality, priority, and authenticity, used in textual criticism, the study of the Synoptic Problem, and historical Jesus research, share one basic similarity: they were all designed to distinguish a prior tradition from its later developments. All these areas of research investigate the transmission process which involves both preservation and alteration. The sets of criteria used in one area are thus analogous to the sets of criteria used in the other two areas. This assumption can be confirmed by observing numerous instances of such similarity in these sets of criteria. On the basis of this assumption, many other instances of similarity may be newly attained by adapting the set of criteria used in one area for use in the other two areas. The sets of criteria for these three areas of research can be further generalized into a 'mother set' of criteria which will provide us with a degree of methodological unification in these disciplines.
Peeters Publishers Spatialisation En Art Et Sciences Humaines
L'espace est le fond de toute evenementialite. C'est par le moyen de rapports spatiaux que tout organisme - en tant qu'il est biologique, perceptif et actif - reagit a son environnement. Or, comment faire de la pensee de cet espace du vivant un outil de comprehension de nos attitudes expressives et emotives? D'Alberti a Wolfflin et plus recemment avec Panofsky ou Damisch, s'est confortee une tradition s'attachant a rapporter les objets de l'espace symbolique a une matrice conceptuelle dont nombre d'attributs spatiaux constituent la trame. Un des enjeux de cette reflexion a plusieurs voix, realisee dans le cadre des travaux de l'equipe de recherche sur les Mediations culturelles et les technologies de communication (MediaTeC, Universite de Nice-Sophia-Antipolis), est de s'interroger sur le statut et la realite de la "metaphore" spatiale a l'oeuvre dans les sciences humaines.
Peeters Publishers Canonical Testament: Monsignor W. Onclin Chair 2004
This volume contains the lectures of The Monsignor W. Onclin Chair 2004. The first lecture was given by R. Torfs and was titled "Ten Years Monsignor W. Onclin Chair. An Interim Report or a Testament?". B. De Gaay Fortman tiltled his lecture "Quod omnes tangit", while J. van der Vyver spoke about the "Contributions of the Holy See to the Refinement of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court".
Peeters Publishers La Langue Ouldeme (Nord-Cameroun). Grammaire, Texte, Dictionnaire
La langue ouldeme fait partie du groupe central des langues tchadiques, relativement peu connues, qui sont parlees dans le bassin du lac Tchad (Cameroun, Nigeria et Tchad). L'hypothese du rattachement de ce groupe tchadique a un ensemble chamito-semitique ou afro-asiatique fait l'objet de controverses passionnees, parce qu'elle met en jeu la relation de l'Afrique Noire a l'Afrique du Nord et a l'Asie, ainsi que le lien a des langues tels le copte, l'arameen et l'akkadien, sans oublier le berbere. Les etudes linguistiques menees dans cette region apportent quelques arguments pour cette hypothese, en raison des caracteristiques specifiques des phonemes vocaliques, des racines consonantiques, des pronoms, ou encore de certaines flexions et derivations se rapportant a la transitivite et a la pluralite verbale. Les etudes grammaticale et lexicale ici presentees permettent de saisir l'organisation subtile de cette langue et d'en apprecier la richesse et l'originalite. Elles viennent completer un ouvrage bilingue de contes ouldemes paru chez le meme editeur.
Peeters Publishers Joos Balbian En De Steen Der Wijzen: De Alchemistische Nalatenschap Van Een Zestiende-eeuwse Arts
Joos Balbian (Aalst, 1453 - Gouda, 1616), bankier en arts van beroep, hield zich uit liefhebberij intensief bezig met de alchemie. In de loop van de jaren bracht hij een grote en veeltalige verzameling prozateksten, gedichten, recepten en afbeeldingen op dit gebied bijeen, waaruit hij twee in 1599 gedrukte bundeltjes samenstelde. Dit boek bevat een inleiding over Balbians leven en de alchemie van zijn tijd, gevolgd door een bloemlezing uit zijn alchemistische collecties.
Peeters Publishers Green and Pleasant Land: English Culture and the Romantic Countryside
The present volume, number VIII in the series "Groningen Studies in Cultural Change", offers a selection of papers presented at a workshop organised by Amanda Gilroy and Wil Verhoeven entitled "Green and Pleasant Land: English Culture and the Romantic Countryside". The contributions in this volume illuminate the ideological investments of particular ways of experiencing the English countryside of the Romantic era. While their analyses of cultural change are historically specific, they explore, too, the conflicted present-day legacies of romantic landscapes.