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John Wiley & Sons Inc Integrative Play Therapy
An integrative approach to play therapy blending various therapeutic treatment models and techniques Reflecting the transition in the field of play therapy from a “one size fits all” approach to a more eclectic framework that integrates more than one perspective, Integrative Play Therapy explores methods for blending the best theories and treatment techniques to resolve the most common psychological disorders of childhood. Edited by internationally renowned leaders in the field, this book is the first of its kind to look at the use of a multi-theoretical framework as a foundation for practice. With discussion of integrative play treatment of children presenting a wide variety of problems and disorders—including aggression issues, the effects of trauma, ADHD, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorders, social skills deficits, medical issues such as HIV/AIDS, and more—the book provides guidance on: Play and group therapy approaches Child-directed play therapy with behavior management training for parents Therapist-led and child-led play therapies Cognitive-behavioral therapy with therapeutic storytelling and play therapy Family therapy and play therapy Bibliotherapy within play therapy An essential resource for all mental health professionals looking to incorporate play therapy into treatment, Integrative Play Therapy reveals unique flexibility in integrating theory and techniques, allowing practitioners to offer their clients the best treatment for specific presenting problems.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Working Toward Sustainability: Ethical Decision-Making in a Technological World
A comprehensive introduction to the ethics of sustainability for empowering professionals and practitioners in many different fields By building the framework for balancing technological developments with their social and environmental effects, sustainable practices have grounded the vision of the green movement for the past few decades. Now deeply rooted in the public conscience, sustainability has put its stamp on various institutions and sectors, from national to local governments, from agriculture to tourism, and from manufacturing to resource management. But until now, the technological sector has operated without a cohesive set of sustainability principles to guide its actions. Working Toward Sustainability fills this gap by empowering professionals in various fields with an understanding of the ethical foundations they need to promoting and achieving sustainable development. In addition, Working Toward Sustainability: Offers a comprehensive introduction to the ethics of sustainability for those in the technical fields whether construction, engineering, resource management, the sciences, architecture, or design Supports nine central principles using case studies, exercises, and instructor material Includes illustrations throughout to help bring the concepts to life By demonstrating that sustainable solutions tart with ethical choices, this groundbreaking book helps professionals in virtually every sector and field of endeavor work toward sustainability.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Overcoming Anxiety For Dummies, UK Edition
There are many forms of anxiety disorder, including General Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Panic Attacks, Phobias (including social anxiety), Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Acute Stress Disorder. Even in their most mild forms, these disorders can be troubling and exhausting – at worst they can severely disable a person’s ability to function in day-to-day life. Severe anxiety and phobic disorders affect 18% of the UK population. ( Symptoms of anxiety range from the mental and emotional – depression, having difficulty concentrating, losing patience easily – to the physical – excessive thirst, headaches, pins and needles, and more ( Often the problem is self-feeding – people try to keep things under control whilst simultaneously worrying about being anxious all the time, and the cycle goes on. Psychotherapy, medication and self help are the key treatments for anxiety – however, as many people either don’t have access to, or choose not to take, professional treatment, self help is the key for a majority of sufferers. A Dummies book on the subject will present the facts without the jargon, and help people find the trustworthy guidance they need.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Re-Envisioning Psychology: Moral Dimensions of Theory and Practice
In the twentieth century, the practice of psychology has usually been based on a scientific or objective theory of human behavior. Today, an influential countermovement, often called social constructionism, argues that there is no basis for our beliefs or values beyond the swirl of meanings and practices in a particular community or era. Re-envisioning Psychology examines the increasing dissatisfaction with both scientific and social constructionist viewpoints and presents a sweeping new vision of theory and practice in psychology. "Re-envisioning Psychology is a breath of fresh air, a clear and resounding voice that provides an intellectual and moral direction that, if heeded and built upon, could lead psychology out of the confusion and political collusion in which it is currently mired. Richardson, Fowers, and Guignon have imaginatively applied interpretive and dialogic concepts to the most troubling aspects of theory and practice. If psychology is going to be saved from its own worst tAndencies, this book will be an indispensable element in its turning."--Philip Cushman, associate professor, California School of Professional Psychology and author of Constructing the Self, Constructing America: A Cultural History of Psychotherapy
Georgetown University Press Sex Trafficking and Human Rights: The Status of Women and State Responses
Case studies explore how women’s rights shape state responses to sex trafficking and show how politically empowering women can help prevent and combat human trafficking Human trafficking for the sex trade is a form of modern-day slavery that ensnares thousands of victims each year, disproportionately affecting women and girls. While the international community has developed an impressive edifice of human rights law, these laws are not equally recognized or enforced by all countries. Sex Trafficking and Human Rights demonstrates that state responsiveness to human trafficking is shaped by the political, social, cultural, and economic rights afforded to women in that state. While combatting human trafficking is a multiscalar problem with a host of conflating variables, this book shows that a common theme in the effectiveness of state response is the degree to which women and girls are perceived as, and actually are, full citizens. By analyzing human trafficking cases in India, Thailand, Russia, Nigeria, and Brazil, they shed light on the factors that make some women and girls more susceptible to traffickers than others. This important book is both a call to understanding and a call to action: if the international community and state governments are to responsibly and effectively combat human trafficking, they must center the equality of women in national policy.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins A Pocketbook Manual of Hand and Upper Extremity Anatomy: Primus Manus
Pocketbook of Hand and Upper Extremity Anatomy: Primus Manus features exquisitely detailed full-color photographs of dissections and line drawings of all major anatomic entities. The written descriptions of anatomy are in bulleted format to allow quick access to the material. The book also describes clinical correlations for major diseases and includes various mnemonic devices.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook of Play Therapy
A complete, comprehensive play therapy resource for mental health professionals Handbook of Play Therapy is the one-stop resource for play therapists with coverage of all major aspects written by experts in the field. This edition consolidates the coverage of both previous volumes into one book, updated to reflect the newest findings and practices of the field. Useful for new and experienced practitioners alike, this guide provides a comprehensive introduction and overview of play therapy including, theory and technique, special populations, nontraditional settings, professional and contemporary issues. Edited by the founders of the field, each chapter is written by well-known and respected academics and practitioners in each topic area and includes research, assessment, strategies, and clinical application. This guide covers all areas required for credentialing from the Association for Play Therapy, making it uniquely qualified as the one resource for certification preparation. Learn the core theories and techniques of play therapy Apply play therapy to special populations and in nontraditional settings Understand the history and emerging issues in the field Explore the research and evidence base, clinical applications, and more Psychologists, counselors, marriage and family therapists, social workers, and psychiatric nurses regularly utilize play therapy techniques to facilitate more productive sessions and promote better outcomes for patients. Handbook of Play Therapy provides the deep, practical understanding needed to incorporate these techniques into practice.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG MEMS Product Development: From Concept to Commercialization
Drawing on their experiences in successfully executing hundreds of MEMS development projects, the authors present the first practical guide to navigating the technical and business challenges of MEMS product development, from the initial concept stage all the way to commercialization. The strategies and tactics presented, when practiced diligently, can shorten development timelines, help avoid common pitfalls, and improve the odds of success, especially when resources are limited. MEMS Product Development illuminates what it really takes to develop a novel MEMS product so that innovators, designers, entrepreneurs, product managers, investors, and executives may properly prepare their companies to succeed.
SAGE Publications Inc Foundations of Mixed Methods Research: Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches in the Social and Behavioral Sciences
The highly-anticipated second edition of the Foundations of Mixed Methods Research:Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches in the Social and Behavioral Sciences gives students a comprehensive overview of mixed methods from philosophical roots and traditions through designing, conducting, and disseminating a study. Authors Abbas Tashakkori, R. Burke Johnson, and Charles Teddlie have thoroughly updated the text to reflect the many advances over the last decade in mixed methods. New example studies throughout and a new appendix highlight the latest research on mixed methods and current best practices. New sections on evaluating quality in mixed methods studies and writing up research results round out the process of mixed methods research. The authors have added features like content summaries and objectives at the beginning of each chapter and chapter summaries and previews at the end of each chapter to aid readers in their mixed methods journey. Students across social science, behavioral science, and health and nursing fields are now expected to be proficient in mixed methods research. This text begins with an introduction to and overview of the development of mixed methodology, and then takes students through all aspects of working with mixed methods, from research design and data collection through to analysis and conclusions. This new edition includes additional information on writing, publishing, and disseminating results, as well as information on policy impact and annotated examplars of mixed methods research studies. A new generation of mixed methods scholars can now engage with this vital text in mixed methods research.
Princeton University Press Gravitation
First published in 1973, Gravitation is a landmark graduate-level textbook that presents Einstein's general theory of relativity and offers a rigorous, full-year course on the physics of gravitation. Upon publication, Science called it "a pedagogic masterpiece," and it has since become a classic, considered essential reading for every serious student and researcher in the field of relativity. This authoritative text has shaped the research of generations of physicists and astronomers, and the book continues to influence the way experts think about the subject. With an emphasis on geometric interpretation, this masterful and comprehensive book introduces the theory of relativity; describes physical applications, from stars to black holes and gravitational waves; and portrays the field's frontiers. The book also offers a unique, alternating, two-track pathway through the subject. Material focusing on basic physical ideas is designated as Track 1 and formulates an appropriate one-semester graduate-level course. The remaining Track 2 material provides a wealth of advanced topics instructors can draw on for a two-semester course, with Track 1 sections serving as prerequisites. This must-have reference for students and scholars of relativity includes a new preface by David Kaiser, reflecting on the history of the book's publication and reception, and a new introduction by Charles Misner and Kip Thorne, discussing exciting developments in the field since the book's original publication. * The book teaches students to:* Grasp the laws of physics in flat and curved spacetime* Predict orders of magnitude* Calculate using the principal tools of modern geometry* Understand Einstein's geometric framework for physics* Explore applications, including neutron stars, Schwarzschild and Kerr black holes, gravitational collapse, gravitational waves, cosmology, and so much more
Wordsworth Editions Ltd David Copperfield
Introduction and Notes by Dr Adrienne Gavin, Canterbury Christ Church University College. Illustrations by Hablot K. Browne (Phiz). Dickens wrote of David Copperfield: 'Of all my books I like this the best'. Millions of readers in almost every language on earth have subsequently come to share the author's own enthusiasm for this greatly loved classic, possibly because of its autobiographical form. Following the life of David through many sufferings and great adversity, the reader will also find many light-hearted moments in the company of a host of English fiction's greatest stars including Mr Micawber, Traddles, Uriah Heep, Creakle, Betsy Trotwood, and the Peggoty family. Few readers, arriving at the end of David Copperfield, will not wish to echo Thackeray’s famous praise, having read the first monthly part – ‘Bravo Dickens’.
Wordsworth Editions Ltd Dombey and Son
With an Introduction and Notes by Karl Ashley Smith, University of St Andrews. Illustrations by Hablot K. Browne (Phiz). Mr Dombey is a man obsessed with his firm. His son is groomed from birth to take his place within it, despite his visionary eccentricity and declining health. But Dombey also has a daughter, whose unfailing love for her father goes unreturned. 'Girls' said Mr Dombey, 'have nothing to do with Dombey and Son'. When Walter Gay, a young clerk in her father's office, rescues her from a bewildering experience in the streets of London, his unforgettable friends believe he is well on his way to receiving her hand in marriage and inheriting the company. It is to be a very different type of story. Dombey and Son moved grown men to tears (Thackeray despaired of ‘writing against such power as this’), but its rich, comic characters and their joyful explosions of language draw laughter with equally unerring magic.
World Wisdom Books Indian Boyhood: The True Story of a Sioux Upbringing
Indian Boyhood recalls Eastman's earliest childhood memories. He was born in a buffalo hide tipi in western Minnesota, and raised in the traditional Dakota Sioux manner until he was fifteen years old. He was then transplanted into the "white man's" world. Educated at Dartmouth College, he went on to become a medical doctor, renowned author, field secretary for the YMCA, and a spokesman for American Indians. Eastman was at Pine Ridge during the "Ghost Dance" rebellion of 1890-91, and he cared for the wounded Indians after the massacre at Wounded Knee. In 1910 he began his long association with the Boy Scouts of America, helping Ernest Thompson Seton establish the organization. A 2007 HBO film, entitled Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, features American Indian actor Adam Beach as Eastman.
Rowman & Littlefield With Us Always: A History of Private Charity and Public Welfare
Although welfare reform is currently the government's top priority, most discussions about the public's responsibility to the poor neglect an informed historical perspective. This important book provides a crucial examination of past attempts, both in this country and abroad, to balance the efforts of private charity and public welfare. The prominent historians in this collection demonstrate how solutions to poverty are functions of culture, religion, and politics, and how social provisions for the poor have evolved across the centuries.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Geriatric Hip Fractures: A Practical Approach
The global burden of geriatric hip fractures is enormous. From both the patient's and physician’s perspective, the injury is complex. A hip fracture often changes a patient’s life and/or the life of the patient’s family permanently. From the physician’s perspective, care of geriatric hip fracture patients requires a multidisciplinary team, which is led by the surgeon and which includes internists and other subspecialists within internal medicine, anesthesiologists, nurses, operating room technicians, social workers, physical therapists, and rehabilitation center coordinators and staff. Nowhere in the orthopedic literature is there a text that guides care for these complex patients from injury through recovery. This text is the first to do so by organizing and synthesizing a large body of literature. Its main themes include pre-operative, operative, and post-operative care of the patient who sustains a geriatric hip fracture. Its main objective is to organize the current body of literature into a cohesive whole so that the busy orthopedic surgeon does not have to undertake a literature search each time he or she wants an answer to the myriad questions that characterize a patient’s injury, treatment, and recovery course. With regard to pedagogy, because orthopedic surgeons in training will utilize this book, and because the case study is the central pedagogical tool in the field of orthopedic surgery, this book includes case studies within each chapter, with the author’s preferred treatment and decision-making rationale for each case. Selected video supplements reinforce real-world application of knowledge.Practicing orthopedic surgeons, as well as orthopedic residents and fellows in training, will find Geriatric Hip Fractures: A Practical Approach a highly useful and informative resource.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Medieval Iberia: Changing Societies and Cultures in Contact and Transition
An exploration of the cultural-political complexity of the medieval Peninsula. Medieval Iberia was rich in sociolinguistic and cultural diversity. This volume explores the culture, history, literature and language of the Peninsula in an attempt to understand its cultural-political complexity and its legacy.Principal themes include the representation of minority groups in the community; the challenge of social contact that could bring mutual absorption of influence or conflict; the effects of linguistic interaction and development; and the dissemination of cultural and scientific knowledge within and beyond the borders of the Peninsula. Modern interpretations of Medieval Iberia are neither static nor definitive in this kaleidoscopic field of investigation. EDITORS: Ivy A. Corfis and Ray Harris-Northall are Professors of Spanish at the University of Wisconsin-Madison OTHER CONTRIBUTORS: Pablo Ancos, William J. Courtney, Thomas D. Cravens, Frank Domínguez, Noel Fallows, Charles F. Fraker, E. Michael Gerli, Kristin Neumayer, Stanley G. Payne, Joel Rini, Joseph T. Snow, Michael Solomon
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The International Criminal Court in an Effective Global Justice System
This book analyzes the interactions of international criminal tribunals established since the 1990s with international, national and regional bodies, making recommendations for the International Criminal Court (ICC) as it goes forward. Placing the core issues within the statutory framework of the Rome Statute and major policy considerations, the authors examine ways in which the ICC can best coordinate with other accountability mechanisms on national and regional prosecutions, the UN Security Council, cooperation on the enforcement of arrest warrants, national non-judicial processes and amicus briefs from non-governmental organizations (NGOs).This timely evaluation of the experiences of the ad hoc international criminal tribunals spotlights the legal, political and coordination issues that will likely impact the ICC's current mandate to adjudicate core international crimes. It explores how governments, inter-governmental bodies and global civil society might best collaborate to strengthen national capacity to investigate and prosecute atrocity crimes in pursuit of global justice. The book also considers the challenge of state cooperation with international criminal tribunals, identifying lessons for the ICC, while emphasizing the need for positive complementarity between the emerging African Criminal Court and the ICC. Lawyers, judges, NGOs, government officials, academics, and policy makers at all levels will value this book as an important resource on transitional justice and the place of justice in the aftermath of conflict and mass atrocity.
Human Kinetics Publishers Live Well Comprehensive High School Health
Live Well: Comprehensive High School Health helps students understand the importance of developing healthy habits, eating well, and being physically active. They’ll also learn how to maintain emotional, mental, and social health; how to avoid risky behaviors; and how to protect themselves and the environment.Through the text, students will develop skills like these: Identifying reliable sources of health information and becoming savvy consumers Strengthening decision making skills as they identify healthy solutions in challenging situations Sharpening communication skills as they share health knowledge, engage in advocacy, and manage interpersonal conflicts Analyzing the influences of family, peers, media, and technology on their health and wellness Students will also learn to set goals, establish healthy living plans, advocate for healthy living at home and in their communities, and discern how health and technology intersect.Aligned With StandardsLive Well: Comprehensive High School Health includes comprehensive health content that is aligned with the National Health Education Standards as well as many state standards.FeaturesThe text offers students a variety of features and tools: Skill-building activities to develop health literacy Case studies, healthy living tips, career connections, writing prompts, cross-curricular connections, and more tools to learn and apply health concepts and skills Vocabulary terms and definitions, available in both English and Spanish, with audio pronunciations Worksheets and quizzes; modified versions of the worksheets meet the needs of ELL and ESL students Print, Digital, and Teacher ResourcesLive Well: Comprehensive High School Health is available as a hardcover text, an ebook, and an interactive web text (IWT). Students can access the IWT from a computer, tablet, or mobile device. It contains the same content as the print book but uses interactive audio, video, worksheets, and other tools to help students engage with the material and to enhance learning. Live Well: Comprehensive High School Health is the only interactive ebook on the market in both English and Spanish. (The interactive web text is available separately to schools that adopt the student textbook. Please contact the Human Kinetics K-12 sales department for details.)The print book and ebook also come with a web resource that offers easy access to materials referenced in the text, including note-taking guides, vocabulary terms with English and Spanish definitions and audio pronunciations, Skill-Building Challenge worksheets, and chapter reviews. Schools that adopt the student text can also get a teacher’s guide in an online format or as a PDF.With its flexibility, its high-quality content, and its alignment with national and state standards, Live Well: Comprehensive High School Health is a great resource to help high school students learn and practice the skills that will lead to a life of health and wellness.Note: A code for accessing HKPropel is included with all new print books.
Guilford Publications Handbook of Social Work with Groups, Second Edition
This definitive text, now revised and expanded, has introduced thousands of students and practitioners to the theory and practice of social work with groups. Leading authorities outline major models of group work and address critical issues in planning, implementing, and evaluating interventions. The Handbook describes applications in all the major practice settings--mental health, prevention, child welfare, substance abuse, health care, aging, corrections, and more--as well as organizational and community settings. A strong focus on empowerment, social justice, and diversity is woven throughout. The empirical foundations of group work are reviewed, and innovative research methods discussed. New to This Edition: *Incorporates over a decade of advances in the field *Heightened focus on practitioner-researcher collaboration. *Two chapters on substance abuse prevention with youth. *Chapters on social justice work, evidence-based practice, offender reentry, intimate partner violence, intergroup dialogue, working with immigrants and refugees, qualitative methods, and intervention research. *Major updates on existing topics, such as cognitive-behavioral group work, psychoeducational groups, health care settings, and technology-mediated groups. *Integrative epilogue that synthesizes key themes.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Perspectives on Complex Global Challenges: Education, Energy, Healthcare, Security, and Resilience
Examines current and prospective challenges surrounding global challenges of education, energy, healthcare, security, and resilience This book discusses issues in large-scale systems in the United States and around the world. The authors examine the challenges of education, energy, healthcare, national security, and urban resilience. The book covers challenges in education including America's use of educational funds, standardized testing, and the use of classroom technology. On the topic of energy, this book examines debates on climate, the current and future developments of the nuclear power industry, the benefits and cost decline of natural gases, and the promise of renewable energy. The authors also discuss national security, focusing on the issues of nuclear weapons, terrorism and cyber security. Urban resilience is addressed in the context of natural threats such as hurricanes and floods. Studies the usage of a globalized benchmark for both student and pedagogical performance Covers topics such as surveillance, operational capabilities, movement of resources, and the pros and cons of globalization Examines big data, evolving medical methodologies and effects on the medical educational curriculum, and the positive effects of electronic records in healthcare data Perspectives on Complex Global Challenges: Education, Energy Healthcare, Security, and Resilience serves as a reference for government officials, personnel in security, business executives and system engineers.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Feline Clinical Parasitology
Although there are books available dealing with canine parasitology, there is at present no book detailing parasites that offers clinical information specific to felines. Cats differ significantly from dogs in their parasitic infections and infestations. Although dogs and cats do share a few parasites, the vast majority of the parasites of these pets are specific to either cats or dogs, not to both. This must-have reference offers an in-depth examination of feline parasites. Topics covered include parasite identification, history, geographic distribution, pathogeneisis, epidemiology, zoonosis, diagnosis, treatment, control, and prevention. Because of the immense worldwide popularity of cats and due to the amount of travel undertaken by cats and their owners, the authors have produced a book that is international in scope. Consequently, this exhaustive reference has strong appeal to practitioners and veterinary parasitologists in North America and around the world.
University of Pennsylvania Press A Nation Dedicated to Religious Liberty: The Constitutional Heritage of the Religion Clauses
Here is a concise overview of the historical development and judicial interpretation of the First Amendment religion clauses. It begins with a survey of the history of American religious liberty, goes on to present the views of the Founding Fathers, and then considers the core value of religious liberty and the constitutional purposes that implement that value. the book ends on a practical note by applying these principles to questions of equal access, religious symbolism in public life, and the task of defining religion for constitutional purposes. As the authors note in their introduction, "the historical principles that animate the religion clauses are more than an abstract intellectual exercise. . . . They provide an essential context for guiding the resolution of modern religious liberty issues."
Cornell University Press The Letters of Charles and Mary Anne Lamb: 1801–1809
All of the available letters of Charles Lamb, a master of the English essay, and his sister Mary Anne published in this definitive, scrupulously edited work. The letters, many of them written to illustrious figures of the Romantic period, are generally agreed to rank among the finest in the English language. Transcribing where possible from the originals or facsimiles, Professor Marrs corrects textual errors found in previous editions, and he pays particular attention to establishing precise dates for the correspondence. He includes letters that were omitted from the last collection (published in 1935 and long out of print), and he has uncovered more than eighty letters never published before. The Letters of Charles and Mary Anne Lamb totals five or six volumes, and presents nearly 1200 letters written by Charles and Mary, singly or together. The correspondence is fully annotated, the volumes are illustrated, and the holographic idiosyncrasies of the originals are rendered typographically wherever possible. Rich in revelations about the extraordinary lives of the Lambs, these beautifully written letters are an inexhaustible store of information about the Romantic era and its major figures-Wordsworth, Keats, and Coleridge. The publication of unexpurgated and authoritative texts is an important literary event.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Taking Charge of Quality: How Teachers and Unions Can Revitalize Schools
An introduction and companion to United Mind Workers, one of the most provocative educational reform books of the 90s. This booklet is the ultimate study-group discussion starter on teacher's union reform. Taking Charge of Quality outlines proposals for improving the quality of teaching, touching on issues such as standards, peer review, career ladders, hiring halls, school-based compacts, and teacher accountability. Includes a resource section.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Scholarship Assessed: Evaluation of the Professoriate
Scholarship Assessed continues the exploration begun by Scholarship Reconsidered. It examines the changing nature of scholarship in today's colleges and universities and proposes new standards with a special emphasis on methods for assessment and documentation. Begun under the oversight of Ernest L. Boyer, and based on the findings of the Carnegie Foundation's National Survey on the Reexamination of Faculty Roles and Rewards, Scholarship Assessed provides a base of information for and gives focus to the debate of institutional standards of rigor and quality.
John Wiley & Sons Inc United Mind Workers: Unions and Teaching in the Knowledge Society
This new model of teacher unions is organized around issues of quality teaching and professional development, as well as economic fairness. The authors propose strategies for expanding the influence of unions by involving them in the setting of educational standards, evaluating teacher performance, and promoting career security. The authors have established United Mind Workers web pages that contain portions of the book, research reports, and work in progress as well as links to other labor and teacher reform web pages and links to the authors' electronic mail boxes. For the web pages, go to: Click on FACULTY, then Kerchner.
Princeton University Press Quantal Response Equilibrium: A Stochastic Theory of Games
Quantal Response Equilibrium presents a stochastic theory of games that unites probabilistic choice models developed in psychology and statistics with the Nash equilibrium approach of classical game theory. Nash equilibrium assumes precise and perfect decision making in games, but human behavior is inherently stochastic and people realize that the behavior of others is not perfectly predictable. In contrast, QRE models choice behavior as probabilistic and extends classical game theory into a more realistic and useful framework with broad applications for economics, political science, management, and other social sciences. Quantal Response Equilibrium spans the range from basic theoretical foundations to examples of how the principles yield useful predictions and insights in strategic settings, including voting, bargaining, auctions, public goods provision, and more. The approach provides a natural framework for estimating the effects of behavioral factors like altruism, reciprocity, risk aversion, judgment fallacies, and impatience. New theoretical results push the frontiers of models that include heterogeneity, learning, and well-specified behavioral modifications of rational choice and rational expectations. The empirical relevance of the theory is enhanced by discussion of data from controlled laboratory experiments, along with a detailed users' guide for estimation techniques. Quantal Response Equilibrium makes pioneering game-theoretic methods and interdisciplinary applications available to a wide audience.
Harvard University Press Diary of Charles Francis Adams: Volume 4
In these volumes the second decade of the sixty-year diary of Charles Francis Adams, the third of the family’s statesmen, is begun. As was true of the two earlier volumes of the Diary, the section appearing here has not before reached print.Covering the period from Adams’s marriage in September 1829 to the end of 1832, these volumes record the early years of his maturity during which he was seeking to find his vocation. Engaged in the day-to-day management of John Adams’s business interests in Boston, he nevertheless had no inclination toward commerce or the active practice of law. Son and grandson of presidents, proud heir to a name already great and controversial in American politics, he also at this time considered himself “not fitted for the noise of public life.” Dependent for support on his father and father-in-law but determined to maintain his independence, he devoted his available time to a program of studies and writing that would prepare him for a career he hesitated to name but in which he wished distinction. His own public career still years away, he was drawn at this period to the study of American history and his famous grandparents’ papers, an effort that would continue and that would make him the family’s archivist and editor.These volumes offer manifold opportunities for an enlarged understanding of a complex and able man who was later to assume positions of high responsibility. In addition to furnishing innumerable personal and familial insights, this portion of the diary is of capital importance for the historian of society and culture. Probably no more detailed and faithful record exists of Boston life in the period.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Joe Wilson and the Creation of Xerox
"Charley Ellis has written a magnificent portrait, capturing the indomitable spirit of Joe Wilson and his instinctive understanding of the need for and commercial usefulness of a transforming imaging technology. Joe Wilson and his extraordinary team, which I had the good fortune to first meet in 1960, epitomized the wonderful observation of George Bernard Shaw who said, 'Some look at things that are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were and ask why not?' Xerox and xerography are not only a part of our vocabulary, but part of our everyday life. Charley Ellis gives the reader a poignant understanding of just how this happened through the life, adventures, critical business decisions, and dreams of Joseph Wilson and a cadre of remarkable individuals. This book will surely join the library of memorable biographies that capture the building of America into a risk-tolerant, technologically sophisticated, idea-oriented society that thrives by understanding what Charles Darwin really said: 'Survival will be neither to the strongest of the species, nor to the most intelligent, but to those most adaptable to change.'" —Frederick Frank, Vice Chairman, Lehman Brothers Inc.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Dynamics of Polymeric Liquids, Volume 2: Kinetic Theory
This two-volume work is detailed enough to serve as a text and comprehensive enough to stand as a reference. Volume 1, Fluid Mechanics, summarizes the key experiments that show how polymeric fluids differ from structurally simple fluids, then presents, in rough historical order, various methods for solving polymer fluid dynamics problems. Volume 2, Kinetic Theory, uses molecular models and the methods of statistical mechanics to obtain relations between bulk flow behavior and polymer structure. Includes end-of-chapter problems and extensive appendixes.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Molecular Theory of Gases and Liquids
An essential cross-disciplinary reference for molecular interactions Molecular Theory of Gases and Liquids offers a rigorous, comprehensive treatment of molecular characteristics and behaviors in the gaseous and fluid states. A unique cross-disciplinary approach provides useful insight for students of chemistry, chemical engineering, fluid dynamics, and a variety of related fields, with thorough derivations and in-depth explanations throughout. Appropriate for graduate students and working scientists alike, this book details advanced concepts without sacrificing depth of coverage or technical detail.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Assessment and Control of VOC Emissions from Waste Treatment and Disposal Facilities
Assessment and Control of VOC Emissions from Waste Treatment andDisposal Facilities Thomas T. Shen, Ph.D., Charles Schmidt, Ph.D.,and Thomas Card The complications surrounding Volatile OrganicCompound (VOC) emissions have emerged as a matter of increasingenvironmental attention and concern, due largely to the hugequantities involved, their known toxicity, and their suspectedcarcinogenicity. Assessment and Control of VOC Emissions from WasteTreatment and Disposal Facilities is the first book to boththoroughly explore the topic and present the entire range ofenvironmentally and economically viable solutions. The authorsaddress the most recent developments, the newest applications, andthe latest methodological advances in the field. The book includessections on: * waste characterizations, such as vapor pressure, solubility,molecular weights, and more * emission mechanisms including volatilization, hydrolysis,photodecomposition, biodegradation, and incineration * various types of VOC emission sources * the latest regulatory information on The Resource Conservationand Recovery Act (RCRA), The Comprehensive Environmental Response,Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), and the Clean Air Act(CAA) * the entire range of measuring and monitoring approaches forassessing VOC emission rates * VOC pathway analyses * toxicity, exposure, and basic information about conducting healthrisk assessments * all available control technologies and their costs * elaborate, mathematical models and real-life case studies Assessment and Control of VOC Emissions from Waste Treatment andDisposal Facilities is ideal as both a reference and a trainingtext for regulatory engineers, facility environmental managers, andanyone involved in atmospheric sciences. This field-guide andteaching text is invaluable to a wide cross-section ofprofessionals, educators, and students in the chemical, petroleum,and environmental regulatory communities.
WW Norton & Co The Conjure Stories: A Norton Critical Edition
This Norton Critical Edition of The Conjure Stories arranges the tales chronologically by composition date, allowing readers to discern how Chesnutt experimented with plots and characters and with the idea of the conjure story over time. With one exception, the text of each tale is that of the original publication. (The text of “The Dumb Witness” was established from two typescripts held at the archives of Fisk University.) The stories are accompanied by a thorough and thought-provoking introduction, detailed explanatory annotations, and illustrative materials. “Contexts” presents a wealth of materials chosen by the editors to enrich the reader’s understanding of these canonical stories, including a map of the landscape of the conjure tales, Chesnutt’s journal entry as he began writing fiction of the South, as well as writings by Chesnutt, William Wells Brown, and Paul Laurence Dunbar, among others, on the stories’ central motifs—folklore, superstition, voodoo, race, and social identity in the South following the Civil War. “Criticism” is divided into two parts. “Early Criticism” collects critical notices for The Conjure Woman that suggest the volume’s initial reception, assessments by William Dean Howells and Benjamin Brawley, and a biographical excerpt by the author’s daughter, Helen Chesnutt. “Modern Criticism” demonstrates rich and enduring interest in The Conjure Stories with ten important essays by Robert Hemenway, William L. Andrews, Robert B. Stepto, John Edgar Wideman, Werner Sollors, Houston A. Baker, Eric J. Sundquist, Richard H. Brodhead, Candace J. Waid, and Glenda Carpio. A Chronology of Chesnutt’s life and work and a Selected Bibliography are also included.
University of Washington Press American Indian Business: Principles and Practices
American Indian business is booming. The number of American Indian– and Alaska Native–owned businesses increased by 15.3 percent from 2007 to 2012—a time when the total number of US businesses increased by just 2 percent—and receipts grew from $34.4 million in 2002 to $8.8 billion in 2012. Despite this impressive growth, there is an absence of small businesses on reservations, and Native Americans own private businesses at the lowest rate per capita for any ethnic or racial group in the United States. Many Indigenous entrepreneurs face unique cultural and practical challenges in starting, locating, and operating a business, from a perceived lack of a culture of entrepreneurship and a suspicion of capitalism to the difficulty of borrowing start-up funds when real estate is held in trust and cannot be used as collateral. This book provides an accessible introduction to American Indian businesses, business practices, and business education. Its chapters cover the history of American Indian business from early trading posts to today’s casino boom; economic sustainability, self-determination, and sovereignty; organization and management; marketing; leadership; human resource management; tribal finance; business strategy and positioning; American Indian business law; tribal gaming operations; the importance of economic development and the challenges of economic leakage; entrepreneurship; technology and data management; business ethics; service management; taxation; accounting; and health-care management. American Indian Business also furthers the inclusion of Indigenous perspectives in the study of American business practices in general and demonstrates the significant impact that American Indians have had on business, as well as their cultural contributions to management, leadership, marketing, economic development, and entrepreneurship.
University of Washington Press Imperial Bandits: Outlaws and Rebels in the China-Vietnam Borderlands
The Black Flags raided their way from southern China into northern Vietnam, competing during the second half of the nineteenth century against other armed migrants and uplands communities for the control of commerce, specifically opium, and natural resources, such as copper. At the edges of three empires (the Qing empire in China, the Vietnamese empire governed by the Nguyen dynasty, and, eventually, French Colonial Vietnam), the Black Flags and their rivals sustained networks of power and dominance through the framework of political regimes. This lively history demonstrates the plasticity of borderlines, the limits of imposed boundaries, and the flexible division between apolitical banditry and political rebellion in the borderlands of China and Vietnam. Imperial Bandits contributes to the ongoing reassessment of borderland areas as frontiers for state expansion, showing that, as a setting for many forms of human activity, borderlands continue to exist well after the establishment of formal boundaries.
The University of Chicago Press The Returns of Fetishism: Charles de Brosses and the Afterlives of an Idea
For more than 250 years, Charles de Brosses's term "fetishism" has exerted great influence over our most ambitious thinkers. Used as an alternative to "magic" but nonetheless expressing the material force of magical thought, de Brosses's term has proved indispensable to thinkers as diverse as Kant, Hegel, Marx, Freud, Lacan, Baudrillard, and Derrida. With this book, Daniel H. Leonard offers the first fully annotated English translation of the text that started it all: On the Worship of Fetish Gods, and Rosalind C. Morris offers incisive commentary that helps modern readers better understand it and its legacy. The product of de Brosses's autodidactic curiosity and idiosyncratic theories of language, On the Worship of Fetish Gods is an enigmatic text that is often difficult for contemporary audiences to assess. In a thorough introduction to the text, Leonard situates de Brosses's work within the cultural and intellectual milieu of his time. Then, Morris traces the concept of fetishism through its extraordinary permutations as it was picked up and transformed by the fields of philosophy, comparative religion, political economy, psychoanalysis, and anthropology. Ultimately, she breaks new ground, moving into and beyond recent studies by thinkers such as William Pietz, Hartmut Bohme, Alfonso Iacono through illuminating, new discussions on topics ranging from translation issues to Africanity to new materialism.
The University of Chicago Press Travels into Print: Exploration, Writing, and Publishing with John Murray, 1773-1859
In eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Britain, books of travel and exploration were much more than simply the printed experiences of intrepid authors. They were works of both artistry and industry - products of the complex, and often contested, relationships between authors and editors, publishers and printers. These books captivated the reading public and played a vital role in creating new geographical truths. In that age of global wonder and of expanding empires, there was no publisher more renowned for its travel books than the House of John Murray. Drawing on detailed examination of the John Murray Archive of manuscripts, images, and the firm's correspondence with its many authors - a list that included such illustrious explorers and scientists as Charles Darwin and Charles Lyell, and literary giants like Jane Austen, Byron, and Sir Walter Scott - Travels into Print considers how journeys of exploration became published accounts and how travelers sought to demonstrate the faithfulness of their written testimony and to secure their personal credibility. This fascinating study in historical geography and book history takes modern readers on a journey into the nature of exploration, the production of authority in published travel narratives, and the creation of geographical authorship - a journey bound together by the unifying force of a world-leading publisher.
Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures Seals on the Persepolis Fortification Tablets, Volume I: Images of Heroic Encounter
This is the first volume (text and plates) of the analytically legible seals (ca. 1,162) retrieved through many thousands of full or partial impressions preserved on the 2,087 Elamite administrative tablets recovered during the 1930s excavations at Persepolis, Iran, and published by Richard T Hallock (OIP 92) in 1969. The tablets are dated by date formulae in the texts to the years 509-494 BC in the reign of Darius the Great. Volume I introduces the archive and documents the 312 seals of heroic encounter (retrieved via 1,970 impressions) with high quality composite drawings and a separate volume of 291 halftone and line plate illustrations presented at a scale of 2:1. Entries provide commentary on administrative, social, stylistic, and iconographical features of the seals as well as systematic analysis of seal application patterns. The thirty-four seal inscriptions are presented by Charles E Jones. Twelve appendices synthesize formal and iconographical data and integrate the seals with their associated texts. Volume I is in two parts: Part 1: text 562pp; Part 2: plates 1-291 318pp
Nova Science Publishers Inc Cholangiocarcinoma: Diagnosis & Treatment
American Society of Overseas Research Cyprus and the Balance of Empires: Art and Archaeology from Justinian I to the Coeur de Lion
Between 491 and 1191 AD, Cyprus was influenced by various political and cultural centres that vied for dominance in the Eastern Mediterranean. This collection of essays primarily focuses on the island's archaeology when it was governed by the Byzantine capital of Constantinople. Greek and Orthodox Christian identity was cultivated during this period, which provided a sense of unity among the various provinces; and yet, the surviving historical and archaeological data concerning Cyprus is unique in that it expresses both local and regional characteristics. By investigating the various threads, whether textual, numismatic, architectural, or artistic, narrative has emerged that challenges our past assumptions. The themes covered in this volume developed from a conference held in Nicosia, organized by the Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute celebrating the 50th year anniversary of the Republic of Cyprus. An international group of experts explored several themes such as: the impact of recent archaeological discoveries; the shift from studying Late Antique urbanism to rural development; indicators of Cypriot identity; shifts in population settlement, production and trade; cultural interaction between Islam and Christianity; the significance of ceramic and numismatic evidence; monumental figural arts and their iconographical interpretation. The resulting chapters provide new and previously unpublished data, and should be considered a major contribution to Late Antique and Medieval studies. 151 colour and black & white illustrations included.
Rowman & Littlefield Crime and Deviance: Essays and Innovations of Edwin M. Lemert
For the first time, Crime and Deviance brings together the important essays and previously unpublished writings of Edwin M. Lemert. More than any other author, Lemert first established the foundations of the modern sociology of crime and social deviance. Beginning with his first and now classic work, Social Pathology, in 1951 through his last work The Trouble With Evil published in 1997 the year of his death, Lemert wrote with keen empirical insight on crime and criminal personality, juvenile justice, alcoholism, check forgers, court and legal process, among many other topics. Lemert's famous societal reaction theory thus became a necessary ingredient of any realistic understanding of those who violate the perceived norms of social order. It is virtually impossible to discuss crime and lesser forms of social deviance without using language Lemert introduced into scientific and popular vocabularies. Crime and Deviance presents for the first time an important body of Professor Lemert's unpublished work. It thus allows rare insight into his constantly changing thought which is as fresh today as ever.
McGill-Queen's University Press My Life for the Book: The Memoirs of a Russian Publisher
Available at long last, this volume is the posthumous memoir of a peasant from the depths of old Russia who rose to great wealth and influence as his country's most successful publisher. Though never fully literate, Ivan Dmitrievich Sytin (1851-1934) was a shrewd businessman who made millions by publishing books for all manner of readers. My Life for the Book makes available the full text of Sytin's unpublished memoir, along with various writings by those who knew him. Through sharp and unremittingly ironic observations, Sytin describes with insight and amusement or dismay Tsarist Russia's bureaucracy, the Orthodox Church, the Imperial court, and a number of the country's most renowned writers, including Anton Chekhov, Leo Tolstoy, Maxim Gorky, and journalist Vlas Doroshevich. Sytin's memoir, a tale of Great Russian society voiced by a parvenu, depicts a pre-Revolutionary Russia of small shops, churches, convents, deep religious faith, and flawed rulers. While the Revolution eventually deprived Sytin of all means to continuing publishing, his resilience and enterprise remain a lasting legacy.
John Murray Press NLP: The New Technology of Achievement
Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a revolutionary approach to human communication and development based on the discovery that by changing how you think, you can transform what you think. It helps you to modify your thought and behavioural patterns to suit your projected goals. NLP literally "re-programs" your mind and your life - for faster learning, better relationships and greater success. NLP will change your life. It has already helped millions of people overcome fears, increase confidence, enrich relationships and achieve greater success. Now, the NLP Comprehensive Training Team, a team of counsellors, coaches and consultants, draw on years of personal and professional experience to create an effective guidebook to learning and applying this technology to achieve what you want. The reader can learn to: master powerful techniques of persuasion and negotiation; eliminate fears, phobias and low self-esteem in minutes; and learn the success secrets of top achievers. Every chapter in this step-by-step guide includes exercises to help you master specific NLP techniques, and a new 21-day programme, created especially for this book, provides the essential skills needed to achieve peak performance in business and in life. Charles Faulkner is the author of "NLP: The New Technology of Achievement" and "Success and Mastery with NLP".
University of Georgia Press And the Coastlands Wait: How the Grassroots Battle to Save Georgia's Marshlands Was Fought—and Won
A broad-based coalition of conservative southern politicians, countercultural activists, environmental scientists, sportsmen, devout Christians, garden clubs in Atlanta, and others came together to push the Coastal Marshlands Protection Act of 1970 through the Georgia state legislature. The law was a first-in-the-nation bill to save the marshes of a state from mining and aggressive development and was a political watershed that reflected the changing nature of the state. It set a foundation that would lead to the thoughtful use of the state’s coastal resources still relevant today.And the Coastlands Wait is the history of this legislative act, as told by St. Simons lawyer and leader of the coalition, Reid Harris. Harris served as head of the environmental section of Governor Jimmy Carter’s Goals for Georgia program and later as chairman of the governor’s State Environmental Council. The coastlands coalition he led backed a groundbreaking act that, when instated, set up a permitting process to control development and to protect five hundred thousand acres of precious Georgia marshland. That coalition did not survive for long and is now seen as an unusual moment in the history of conservation, when allies as deeply diverse as conservative governor Lester Maddox and Atlanta liberals stood together.
Crossway Books Psalms Volume 2
Spurgeon's timeless classic on Psalms in two easy-to-read volumes. A book on which readers will want to meditate and then share with others.
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Sacred Landscape of the Himalaya: Proceedings of an International Conference at Heidelberg 25-27 May 1998
Th3rd World Studios The Stuff of Legend, Book 1: The Dark