Search results for ""author charles""
Broadview Press Ltd Great Expectations
Originally published in serial form from December 1860 to August 1861, Great Expectations is the ‘autobiography’ of Pip, as he transformed from apprentice village blacksmith to a London gentleman. Unlike many of Dickens’s earlier works, the novel is not so much a protest against social evils as a sustained meditation upon the process of social reform in Victorian England. It is this which gives such importance to the book’s handling of the theme of the gentleman, a theme central both to Dickens’s society and to his own life story.
Ad Ilissum Living with Architecture as Art: The Peter May Collection of Architectural Drawings, Models and Artefacts
This stunning two-volume publication introduces readers to one of the largest private collections of architectural drawings in the world. Showcasing drawings and related models and artefacts dating from 1691 to the mid 20th century, this lavish tome includes both a catalogue and new texts by leading authorities and provides a fascinating look at these often very beautiful by-products of architectural training and practice.One of the largest private collections of architectural drawings in the world has been assembled over 30 years by investor and philanthropist Peter May. Comprising more than 600 sheets that have all been carefully preserved and handsomely framed, the drawings and related models and artefacts date from 1691 to the mid 20th century. This handsome two-volume publication will introduce amateurs and specialists alike to the largely unknown collection. The book includes a catalogue and innovative texts by leading authorities that present the raison-d’être for the production and preservation of these sometimes neglected by-products of architectural training and practice that have been collected off-and-on through history by individuals and institutions.The architectural sheets acquired for the collection are principally 19th- or early 20th-century competition or certification drawings by design students. Others are presentation drawings for public commissions, reconstruction studies or interior designs. The catalogue is arranged by category, to demonstrate May’s inclination towards specific building types such as commercial or cultural institutions, train stations and spas, landmarks and monuments, private and royal residences, and cast-iron architecture. Also included is a category for landscape designs and garden architecture, reflecting May’s experience as a gentleman farmer with a predilection for building.Peter May informs the reader about his history as a collector and builder. Maureen Cassidy-Geiger discusses the formation of the collection and with Basile Baudez introduces the French system of architectural education, from which some of the finest drawings come.Charles Hind offers a history of design training in Britain and writes about patterns of collecting and the market for architectural drawings. Matthew Wells’s subject is the history of architectural models.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Law and Lawlessness in Early Judaism and Early Christianity
According to a persistent popular stereotype, early Judaism is seen as a "legalistic" religious tradition, in contrast to early Christianity, which seeks to obviate and so to supersede, annul, or abrogate Jewish law. Although scholars have known better since the surge of interest in the question of the law in post-Holocaust academic circles, the complex stances of both early Judaism and early Christianity toward questions of law observance have resisted easy resolution or sweeping generalizations. The essays in this volume aim to bring to the fore the legalistic and antinomian dimensions in both traditions, with a variety of contributions that examine the formative centuries of these two great religions and their legal traditions. They explore how law and lawlessness are in tension throughout this early, formative period, and not finally resolved in one direction or the other.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Ormond; or, the Secret Witness: With Related Texts
As it tells the story of Constantia Dudley, from her family's financial collapse to her encounters with a series of cosmopolitan revolutionaries and reactionaries, Charles Brockden Brown's Ormond; or The Secret Witness (1799) develops a sustained meditation on late-Enlightenment debates concerning political liberty, women's rights, conventions of sex-gender, and their relation to the reshaping of an Atlantic world in the throes of transformation. This edition of Ormond includes Brown's Alcuin (1798), an important dialogue on women's rights and marriage, as well as his key essays on history and literature, along with selections from contemporary writings on women's education and revolution debates that figure in the novel's background and in the charged atmosphere of the late 1790s.
Associated University Presses Scandalous Truths: Essays By and About Susan Howatch
Susan Howatch's global bestsellers have appeared regularly since the 1970s, but a radical shift in her subject matter in the 1980s and especially the 1990s made reviewers and then academics adjust their glasses and stare hard at her pages. Howatch began to take her loyal following of gothic and family-saga readers into unexpected psychological and theological depths, while taking to an extreme, with a serious-novel format, the experiments begun in her family sagas. She also introduced to her readers a character only half-alive in Trollope, the Anglican Church. The twentieth-century church born in Howatch's later fiction is a huge, sometimes monstrous, sometimes life-giving creature whose various dimensions make it entirely engaging and weirdly central to the center-less postmodern world. ""Scandalous Truths"" provides a way into Howatch's new world by presenting for the first time many of her own considerations of her work, and by allowing a group of scholars to engage in a wide-ranging discussion of Howatch's art. Bruce Johnson is Associate Professor of English at James Madison University. Charles Huttar is Professor of English, Emeritus, at Hope College.
Wave Books Isn't It Romantic: 100 Love Poems by Younger American Poets
Written by 100 American poets, Isn't It Romantic offers an engaging look at how contemporary poets respond afresh to the well-trammeled territory of the love poem. Award-winning poets from across the country lend their voices to this important document of contemporary poetry. The book also features a bonus full-length audio CD of love songs by independent recording artists. Anthology Contributors include: Karen Volkman, Joe Wenderoth, Eleni Sikelianos, Juliana Spahr, Brenda Shaughnessy, Matthew Rohrer, Claudia Rankine, D.A. Powell, Hoa Nguyen, Noelle Kocot, Lisa Jarnot, Kevin Young, Brian Henry, Christine Hume, Matthea Harvey, Arielle Greenberg, Thalia Field, Thomas Sayers Ellis, Timothy Donnelly, Olena Kalytiak Davis, Stephen Burt, Joshua Beckman, and more. Contributors to the audio CD include: David Berman, Richard Buckner, Vic Chesnutt, Ida, Doug Martsch, Mark Mulcahy, Megan Reiley, Jenny Toomey and more. Editor Brett Fletcher Lauer is the poetry in motion director at the Poetry Society of America and poetry editor of CROWD Magazine. He is the co-editor of Poetry In Motion from Coast to Coast (W. W. Norton, 2002) and his poems have appeared in BOMB, Boston Review, and elsewhere. He lives in Brooklyn. Editor Aimee Kelley is the editor and publisher of CROWD Magazine. She received her BA in English from UC Berkeley and her MFA from the New School for Social Research. She has worked at non-profit organizations such as the Council of Literary Magazines & Presses and the Academy of American Poets. Her poems have appeared in Denver Quarterly, Spinning Jenny, 811 Books and elsewhere. Charles Simic (Introduction) is the author of many books of poems, including The World Doesn't End, winner of the 1990 Pulitzer Prize. He teaches writing at the University of New Hampshire.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Arthur Mervyn; or, Memoirs of the Year 1793: With Related Texts
Set during the epic Philadelphia yellow fever epidemic of 1793, Charles Brockden Brown's classic gothic novel Arthur Mervyn; or, Memoirs of the Year 1793 connects the outbreak with the upheavals of the revolutionary era and the murderous financial networks of Atlantic slavery.This edition of Arthur Mervyn offers selections from key contemporary texts as well as excerpts from Brown's own writings on slavery, race, and the uses of history in fiction.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd B.B. King: From Indianola to Icon: A Personal Odyssey with the “King of the Blues”
A comprehensive exploration of B.B. King's journey from sharecropper to musical icon! This book documents a great American story, that of B.B. King, the “King of the Blues,” and one of America’s most important popular musicians. With fascinating images and history—most published for the first time—it traces his migration from the Chitlin’ Circuit (the national network of Black theaters and roadhouses), to Club Ebony in his hometown of Indianola, Mississippi, and eventually to Carnegie Hall. What was it about Riley B. King that enabled him to become the “King of the Blues”? B.B. King brought the music of America—the blues—to the world. Never-before-seen images of King on stage, on the tour bus, with fans, and at home. King gave an estimated 18,000 concerts in 90 countries, including a legendary performance in Zaire in 1974, prior to the Muhammed Ali–George Foreman heavyweight title bout. The author tells the story of the once-impossible friendship between someone who grew up poor and Black in Mississippi and the white middle-class New Englander who fell in love with the blues and was determined to tell the story of his musical hero. This is the ultimate book for blues fans!
Simon Spotlight Hug a Tree, Snoopy!
Guilford Publications Handbook of Writing Research
The definitive reference in the field, this volume synthesizes current knowledge on writing development and instruction at all grade levels. Prominent scholars examine numerous facets of writing from sociocultural, cognitive, linguistic, neuroscience, and new literacy/technological perspectives. The volume reviews the evidence base for widely used instructional approaches, including those targeting particular components of writing. Issues in teaching specific populations--including students with disabilities and English learners--are addressed. Innovative research methods and analytic tools are clearly explained, and key directions for future investigation identified. New to This Edition *Chapters on genre instruction, evaluation and revision, argumentative writing, computer-based instruction, and professional development. *Chapters on new literacies, out-of-school writing, translation, and self-regulation. *Many new topics and authors, including more international perspectives. *Multiple chapters connect research findings to the Common Core writing standards. See also Best Practices in Writing Instruction, Third Edition, edited by Steve Graham, Charles A. MacArthur, and Michael Hebert, an accessible course text and practitioner's guide.
Prospect Books Medieval Arab Cookery
Triarchy Press Differences That Make a Difference: An Annotated Glossary of Distinctions Important in Management
Russell Ackoff's long and distinguished career as the doyen of Design and Systems Thinking was built around a collection of deceptively simple - but often overlooked - principles and observations. In "Differences That Make a Difference" - the last of his many books - Ackoff determined to distill the wisdom of a lifetime into a 'glossary' that would be easily accessible to managers, employees, students, and academics alike. His aim was to dissolve (not solve or resolve) some of the many disputes in professional and private life that revolve around meaning and (mis)understanding. For example, development and growth do not mean the same thing. A cemetery or rubbish heap can grow without developing, whereas a person continues to develop long after he or she has stopped growing. Ackoff understood that getting to the bottom of differences like this one could have far-reaching practical consequences for improving our organizational health. In "Differences That Make a Difference", he has succeeded magnificently in creating what Charles Handy in his Foreword calls 'a manual for clear thinking'. And if the world ever needed clear thinking...
Quiller Publishing Ltd The Deer Stalker's Bedside Book
The Deer Stalker’s Bedside Book provides an entertaining read for every deer enthusiast, whether experienced stalker, novice who would like to learn more, or indeed anyone who has an interest in these enigmatic and graceful creatures. Packed with a wealth of information – factual, practical, historical and biological – as well as anecdotes, advice, stalking tales, trivia and quotations, all backed up with personal observations and experiences, this expertly researched and authoritative book offers something for everyone. This treasury of all things deer is presented in an articulate, accessible and often humorous style, enabling the author to share his knowledge, experience and enthusiasm for the subject in an effortless and absorbing way. Above all, this is a book to enjoy, to savour and to return to, again and again!
Cambridge University Press The EBCOG Postgraduate Textbook of Obstetrics & Gynaecology: Obstetrics & Maternal-Fetal Medicine
This authoritative textbook provides a much-needed guide for postgraduate trainees preparing for the European Board and College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (EBCOG) Fellowship examination. Published in association with EBCOG, it fully addresses the competencies defined by the EBCOG curriculum and builds the clinical practice related to these competencies upon the basic science foundations. Volume 1 covers the depth and breadth of obstetrics, and draws on the specialist knowledge of four highly experienced Editors and over 100 contributors from across Europe, reflecting the high-quality training needed to ensure the safety and quality of healthcare for women and their babies. It incorporates key international guidelines throughout, along with colour diagrams and photographs for easy understanding. This is an invaluable resource, not only for postgraduate trainees planning to sit the EFOG examination, but also for practising specialists looking to update their knowledge and skills to meet the ever-evolving complexity of clinical practice.
Harvard University Press The Shock of the Global: The 1970s in Perspective
From the vantage point of the United States or Western Europe, the 1970s was a time of troubles: economic “stagflation,” political scandal, and global turmoil. Yet from an international perspective it was a seminal decade, one that brought the reintegration of the world after the great divisions of the mid-twentieth century. It was the 1970s that introduced the world to the phenomenon of “globalization,” as networks of interdependence bound peoples and societies in new and original ways.The 1970s saw the breakdown of the postwar economic order and the advent of floating currencies and free capital movements. Non-state actors rose to prominence while the authority of the superpowers diminished. Transnational issues such as environmental protection, population control, and human rights attracted unprecedented attention. The decade transformed international politics, ending the era of bipolarity and launching two great revolutions that would have repercussions in the twenty-first century: the Iranian theocratic revolution and the Chinese market revolution.The Shock of the Global examines the large-scale structural upheaval of the 1970s by transcending the standard frameworks of national borders and superpower relations. It reveals for the first time an international system in the throes of enduring transformations.
Wordsworth Editions Ltd Les Misérables Volume Two
With an Introduction and Notes by Roger Clark, University of Kent at Canterbury. Translation by Charles E. Wilbour (1862). One of the great Classics of Western Literature, Les Misérables is a magisterial work which is rich in both character portrayal and meticulous historical description. Characters such as the absurdly criminalised Valjean, the street urchin Gavroche, the rascal Thenardier, the implacable detective Javert, and the pitiful figure of the prostitute Fantine and her daughter Cosette, have entered the pantheon of literary dramatis personae. Volume 2 of 2
MP-AMM American Mathematical Probability Tales
Princeton University Press Models in Ecosystem Science
Quantitative models are crucial to almost every area of ecosystem science. This book provides an overview of the status and role of modeling in ecosystem science, including perspectives on the debate over the appropriate level of complexity in models. It contains eight chapters that address the critical issue of evaluating ecosystem models.
American Bar Association Discovery Problems and Their Solutions, Fourth Edition
Today, lawyers and clients devote a great deal of time, effort, and expense to discovery. More often than not, discovery, and not trial, is the central battleground of a case. Most civil lawsuits in federal court end before trial, either by pretrial settlement or on dispositive motion. In either case, the fruits of discovery can be critical to the outcome. The need for analytical and strategic guidance on problems in discovery is heightened by the fact that much of it is handled by relatively inexperienced lawyers, and in the case of document production, legal assistants. Effective discovery is crucial. This book is written to address that need. It describes the problems that civil litigators encounter most frequently in pretrial discovery and presents suggestions and strategies for solving these problems. Following a background discussion on the scope and types of discovery, discovery problems are presented as hypotheticals (many of which the authors have encountered in their experience) followed by a discussion that includes the law and helpful practice tips. In this edition, particular emphasis has been placed on discussion and interpretation of the new rules, and evolving case law, concerning discovery of electronically stored information (ESI).
Arcadia Publishing Houston's River Oaks
University of Washington Press A Pilgrimage through Universities
President of the University of Washington from 1958 to 1973, a time of tremendous change, Charles Odegaard has written an absorbing memoir of his personal and institutional background and his development as a scholar and university administrator. President Richard L. McCormick and Professor of Biomedical Ethics Keith R. Benson further discuss Odegaard’s lasting contributions to the University of Washington. Beginning with his own undergraduate experience, Odegaard came to recognize the importance of the humanities as the vital center of the university tradition. Throughout his career he emphasized that education concerned with the quality of life should be foremost in the minds of university administrators and faculty. After retirement he continued this mission in his book Dear Doctor: A Personal Letter to a Physician, focusing on the need to train physicians in the humanities in order to strengthen the doctor-patient relationship. Growing up in Chicago, Odegaard attended Dartmouth College and then Harvard University, where he studied medieval history and received his doctorate in 1937. He then joined the history department faculty at the University of Illinois. A four-year tour of duty as an officer in the U.S. Navy during World War II deeply influenced his comprehension of how people are motivated to work toward a common goal under difficult conditions. In 1948 he was persuaded to move to Washington, D.C., to head the American Council of Learned Societies. In 1952 he accepted the position of Dean of Arts and Sciences at the University of Michigan, and he moved to the presidency of the University of Washington in the fall of 1958. Under Odegaard’s strong leadership the University of Washington grew into a major institution of higher learning and research. Among his primary concerns were finding superior academic administrators, accommodating rapid growth in enrollment, encouraging interdisciplinary cooperation, fostering greater communication between students and faculty, working to establish a realistic system linking state universities and colleges, and dealing with student discontent during the Vietnam War years and the periods of minority student protests. In A Pilgrimage through Universities, Charles Odegaard conveys his perspective on the role a major university should play in the modern world.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The International Criminal Court in an Effective Global Justice System
This book analyzes the interactions of international criminal tribunals established since the 1990s with international, national and regional bodies, making recommendations for the International Criminal Court (ICC) as it goes forward. Placing the core issues within the statutory framework of the Rome Statute and major policy considerations, the authors examine ways in which the ICC can best coordinate with other accountability mechanisms on national and regional prosecutions, the UN Security Council, cooperation on the enforcement of arrest warrants, national non-judicial processes and amicus briefs from non-governmental organizations (NGOs).This timely evaluation of the experiences of the ad hoc international criminal tribunals spotlights the legal, political and coordination issues that will likely impact the ICC's current mandate to adjudicate core international crimes. It explores how governments, inter-governmental bodies and global civil society might best collaborate to strengthen national capacity to investigate and prosecute atrocity crimes in pursuit of global justice. The book also considers the challenge of state cooperation with international criminal tribunals, identifying lessons for the ICC, while emphasizing the need for positive complementarity between the emerging African Criminal Court and the ICC. Lawyers, judges, NGOs, government officials, academics, and policy makers at all levels will value this book as an important resource on transitional justice and the place of justice in the aftermath of conflict and mass atrocity.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Borders and the Norman World: Frontiers and Boundaries in Medieval Europe
Study of the Norman World's borders, frontiers, and boundaries in Europe, shedding fresh light on their nature and extent. The Normans exerted great influence across Christendom and beyond in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. Figures like William the Conqueror and Robert Guiscard subdued vast territories, their feats recorded for posterity by chroniclers such as Orderic Vitalis and Geoffrey Malaterra. Through travel and conquest, the Normans encountered, created, and conceptualised many borders, with the areas of Europe that they ruled and most affected often being grouped together as the "Norman World". This volume examines the nature, forms, and function of borders in and around this "Norman World", looking at Normandy, the British-Irish Isles, and Southern Italy. Three sections frame the collection. The first concerns physical features, from broad frontier expanses, to rivers and walls that were both literally and metaphorically lines of division. The second shows how borders were established, contested, and negotiated between the papacy and lay rulers and senior churchmen. Finally, the third highlights the utility of conceptual frontiers for both medieval authors and modern historians. Among the subjects covered are Archbishop Anselm's travels across Christendom; the portrayal of borders in the writings of William of Jumièges, Orderic Vitalis, and Gerald of Wales; and the limits of Norman seigneurial and papal power at the edges of Europe. Overall, the essays demonstrate the role that the manipulation of borders played in the creation of the "Norman World", and address what these borders did and whom they benefited.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Anglo-Norman Studies XLII: Proceedings of the Battle Conference 2019
A series which is a model of its kind: Edmund King The wide-ranging articles collected here represent the cutting edge of recent Anglo-Norman scholarship. There is a particular focus on historical sources for the eleventh and twelfth centuries, and especially on the key texts which are used by historians in understanding the past. There are articles on Eadmer's Historia Novorum, Dudo of Saint-Quentin's Historia Normannorum, the historical profession at Durham, and the use of charters to understand the role of women in the Norman march of Wales. Other contributions examine canon law in late twelfth-century England, and Angevin rule in Normandy in the time of Henry fitz Empress. The Old English world is also represented in the volume: there is a fresh investigation into Harold Godwineson's posthumous reputation, and a new interpretation of the reign of Aethelred the Unready. S.D. CHURCH is Professor of Medieval History at the University of East Anglia. Contributors: Emma Cavell, Catherine Cubitt, John Gillingham, Mark Hagger, Fraser McNair, Charles C. Rozier, Nicholas Ruffini-Ronzani, Danica Summerlin, Ann Williams
Workman Publishing The Beginner's Guide to Edible Herbs: 26 Herbs Everyone Should Grow and Enjoy
Nothing tastes better than herbs fresh from the garden. Discover how easy and rewarding it is to grow your own! Simple instructions, tempting dishes, and beautiful full-color photographs will inspire you to grow, harvest, preserve, and cook with 26 of the most popular kitchen herbs, including basil, chives, cilantro, dill, fennel, garlic, lavender, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage, and tarragon. Your pantry will soon be filled with seasoned salts, Provençal vinegar, and caraway cookies.
Guilford Publications Separation Anxiety in Children and Adolescents: An Individualized Approach to Assessment and Treatment
This unique book presents a research-based approach to understanding the challenges of separation anxiety and helping children, adolescents, and their parents build the skills they need to overcome it. The authors provide step-by-step guidelines for implementing the entire process of therapy--from intake and assessment through coping skills training, cognitive-behavioral interventions, and relapse prevention. Featuring in-depth case examples, the book is written for maximum accessibility for all clinicians, including those with limited cognitive-behavioral therapy experience, who treat separation anxiety and other childhood anxiety disorders. Useful reproducibles include the Separation Anxiety Assessment Scales, which facilitate individualized case formulation and treatment planning.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Surfaces, Interfaces and Science of Ceramic Joining: Proceedings of the 106th Annual Meeting of The American Ceramic Society, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA 2004
This proceedings offers information for those interested in the fundamental aspects of ceramic surface and interfacial phenomenon such as wetting, adhesion, chemical reactivity, and structure-property relationships, and the influence of these factors on the nature of bonding/joining of ceramic materials.
Human Kinetics Publishers Live Well Middle School Health
Through Live Well: Middle School Health, students will discover fundamentals of health and wellness and learn how to apply these throughout their life span. The text will help students understand how to do the following: Develop skills for healthy living Prioritize healthy nutrition, physical activity, and stress management Avoid destructive habits Build healthy relationships Contribute to community and environmental health Skills Developed The content in Live Well: Middle School Health is aligned with the National Health Education Standards (NHES), state standards, and the CDC's Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool. The text will help students build an array of skills: Analyze the effect that family, peers, media, and technology have on their health and wellness Identify reliable sources of health information and become savvy consumers Sharpen interpersonal communication skills as they share health knowledge, debate controversial topics, manage interpersonal conflicts, and more Strengthen decision-making skills as they identify healthy solutions to problems posed In addition, students will learn to create behavior change goals, establish healthy living plans, advocate for healthy living at home and in their communities, and discern how health and technology intersect on various topics.Features and BenefitsLive Well: Middle School Health offers students many features and benefits. The text provides skill-based learning applications to reinforce the health concepts and help students develop health literacy. Skill-building challenges, healthy living tips, career connections, and other recurring special elements supply opportunities to analyze, evaluate, and apply the health concepts and skills being taught. Case studies and other features allow students to engage with issues of diversity and inclusion across content areas. And vocabulary terms-available in English and Spanish to meet the needs of ELL and ESL students-help students test their understanding of the material. To assist students using the print book or ebook, the Live Well: Middle School Health Web Resource features easy access to material referenced in the text, including note-taking guides, vocabulary terms with English and Spanish definitions and audio pronunciations, Skill-Building Challenge worksheets, and chapter reviews.Live Well: Middle School Health is also available as an interactive web text, which students can access from a computer, tablet, or mobile device. The student interactive web textbook contains the same content as the print book but uses interactive audio, video, worksheets, and other great activities to help students engage with the material and enhance learning. The interactive web textbook offers audio vocabulary and definitions in English and Spanish. Introductory videos at the beginning of each lesson help students assess their knowledge going in, while videos at the end of each lesson help students put what they've learned into context. (The interactive web text is available separately to schools that adopt the student textbook. Please contact the Human Kinetics K-12 sales department for details.) Note: A code for accessing the web resource is included with all new print books.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Cybersecurity Essentials
An accessible introduction to cybersecurity concepts and practices Cybersecurity Essentials provides a comprehensive introduction to the field, with expert coverage of essential topics required for entry-level cybersecurity certifications. An effective defense consists of four distinct challenges: securing the infrastructure, securing devices, securing local networks, and securing the perimeter. Overcoming these challenges requires a detailed understanding of the concepts and practices within each realm. This book covers each challenge individually for greater depth of information, with real-world scenarios that show what vulnerabilities look like in everyday computing scenarios. Each part concludes with a summary of key concepts, review questions, and hands-on exercises, allowing you to test your understanding while exercising your new critical skills. Cybersecurity jobs range from basic configuration to advanced systems analysis and defense assessment. This book provides the foundational information you need to understand the basics of the field, identify your place within it, and start down the security certification path. Learn security and surveillance fundamentals Secure and protect remote access and devices Understand network topologies, protocols, and strategies Identify threats and mount an effective defense Cybersecurity Essentials gives you the building blocks for an entry level security certification and provides a foundation of cybersecurity knowledge
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Relation of Childhood Physical Activity to Brain Health, Cognition, and Scholastic Achievement
There is a growing public health burden of inactivity in industrialized nations. In recent years, children have become increasingly inactive, leading to concomitant increases in the prevalence of being overweight and unfit. Inactivity during childhood has implications for the prevalence of several chronic diseases (e.g., obesity, type 2 diabetes) observed in adulthood. These 'adult-onset' diseases have also become more prevalent during childhood and adolescence, exacerbating the need to develop novel treatments that provide enduring benefit by altering the chronic and oftentimes debilitating course of these lifestyle diseases. Of further interest is the absence of public health concern for the effect of inactivity on brain health and cognition. It is curious that this has not emerged as a larger societal issue, given its obvious relation to childhood obesity and other inactivity-related disorders that have captured the United States and other industrialized nations. Many schools have minimized physical activity opportunities despite a growing literature indicating their benefits to cognition and learning. Such educational practices are increasing in popularity due to budgetary constraints and an increased emphasis placed upon student performance on standardized tests. It is counterintuitive that spending less time in the classroom and more time engaged in physical activities might improve learning, yet research is consonant in suggesting that physical activity benefits brain health and cognition. Accordingly, this monograph describes a body of research, which examines the complex relationship of physical activity to cognitive and brain health from a translational perspective, with the goal of maximizing effective function across the lifespan.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The International Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Communication, 3 Volume Set
The International Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Communication presents a comprehensive overview of the theories, concepts and processes that interpersonal communication researchers use to explain a wide variety of social interaction phenomena. Over 270 entries explore: interpersonal conflict, negotiation, relationship development, interactional adaptation, social influence, and, communication in the workplace, at school and within family life Encompasses both theory and practice, bringing together the fascinating and groundbreaking research from the field, from the first generation of interpersonal communication scholars to the very latest developments Part of The Wiley Blackwell-ICA International Encyclopedias of Communication series, published in conjunction with the International Communication Association. Online version available
Duke University Press Herbal and Magical Medicine: Traditional Healing Today
Herbal and Magical Medicine draws on perspectives from folklore, anthropology, psychology, medicine, and botany to describe the traditional medical beliefs and practices among Native, Anglo- and African Americans in eastern North Carolina and Virginia. In documenting the vitality of such seemingly unusual healing traditions as talking the fire out of burns, wart-curing, blood-stopping, herbal healing, and rootwork, the contributors to this volume demonstrate how the region’s folk medical systems operate in tandem with scientific biomedicine.The authors provide illuminating commentary on the major forms of naturopathic and magico-religious medicine practiced in the United States. Other essays explain the persistence of these traditions in our modern technological society and address the bases of folk medical concepts of illness and treatment and the efficacy of particular pratices. The collection suggests a model for collaborative research on traditional medicine that can be replicated in other parts of the country. An extensive bibliography reveals the scope and variety of research in the field.Contributors. Karen Baldwin, Richard Blaustein, Linda Camino, Edward M. Croom Jr., David Hufford, James W. Kirland, Peter Lichstein, Holly F. Mathews, Robert Sammons, C. W. Sullivan III
Baker Publishing Group An Introduction to the Heidelberg Catechism – Sources, History, and Theology
This work examines key aspects of the development of the Heidelberg Catechism, including historical background, socio-political origins, purpose, authorship, sources, and theology. The book includes the first ever English translations of two major sources of the Heidelberg Catechism--Ursinus's Smaller and Larger Catechisms--and a bibliography of research on the document since 1900. Students of the Reformed tradition and the Protestant Reformation will value this resource.
Harvard University Press Diary of Charles Francis Adams: Volume 8
The period of June 1836 to February 1840, from Charles Francis Adams’s twenty-eighth to thirty-second year, was characterized by his turn from the political activities that had occupied him for the preceding several years. The course of the Van Buren administration he had helped to elect dissatisfied him, the Massachusetts Whig leadership had earned his distrust, positions on political issues that would either echo or oppose those being vigorously espoused by his father, John Quincy Adams, he felt inhibited from avowing publicly. So confronted, Charles found occupation in preparing and expressing himself on economic matters of moment—banking and currency—and moral questions generated by the slavery issue. With increasing effectiveness he employed the lecture platform and the press for the expression of views to which he felt free to attach his name. On all these matters he found his opinions at odds with the prevailing ones held among those prominent in the Boston scene, as John Adams and John Quincy Adams had found before him. Yet, despite a sense of loneliness, so induced, his participation in the varied social life of the city has its place in the Diary.However, activities in Boston and its environs that provided a focus for the record of the preceding years give way in these volumes to wider scenes made available by train and ship. An extensive journey with his wife by way of the Hudson River and the Erie Canal to Niagara and Canada, a visit of some length and interest in Washington, and stays of lesser length in New York City are recounted.Wide and persistent reading, the theater, numismatics, and the building of a summer home in Quincy also occupied him and are fully reflected in his journal. Family tragedies are not absent from its pages. As the period comes to its close his long and distinguished labors as editor of the family’s papers had begun. A new self-assurance has become evident.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Natural Attenuation of Fuels and Chlorinated Solvents in the Subsurface
The first comprehensive guide to one of today's most innovative approaches to environmental contamination Natural attenuation is gaining increasing attention as a nonintrusive, cost-effective alternative to standard remediation techniques for environmental contamination. This landmark work presents the first in-depth examination of the theory, mechanisms, and application of natural attenuation. Written by four internationally recognized leaders in this approach, the book describes both biotic and abiotic natural attenuation processes, focusing on two of the environmental contaminants most frequently encountered in groundwater--fuels and chlorinated solvents. The authors draw on a wealth of combined experience to detail successful techniques for simulating natural attenuation processes and predicting their effectiveness in the field. They also show how natural attenuation works in the real world, using numerous examples and case studies from a wide range of leading-edge projects nationwide involving fuel hydrocarbons and chlorinated solvents. Finally, they discuss the evaluation and assessment of natural attenuation and explore the design of long-term monitoring programs. An indispensable reference for anyone working in environmental remediation, Natural Attenuation of Fuels and Chlorinated Solvents in the Subsurface is essential reading for scientists and engineers in a range of industries, as well as state and federal environmental regulators, and professors and graduate students in environmental or chemical engineering.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to Humans in Engineered Systems
Fully up-to-date coverage of human factors engineeringplus online access to interactive demonstrations and exercises Engineering accomplishments can be as spectacular as a moon landing or as mundane as an uneventful drive to the local grocery store. Their failures can be as devastating as a plane crash or a massive oil spill. Over the past decade, psychologists and engineers have made great strides in understanding how humans interact with complex engineered systemshuman engineering. Introduction to Humans in Engineered Systems provides historical context for the discipline and an overview of some of the real-world settings in which human engineering has been successfully applied, including aviation, medicine, computer science, and ground transportation. It presents findings on the nature and variety of human-engineering environments, human capabilities and limitations, and how these factors influence system performance. Important features include: Contents organized around the interaction of the human operator with the larger environment to guide the analysis of real-world situations A web-based archive of interactive demonstrations, exercises, and links to additional readings and tools applicable to a range of application domains Web content customizable for focus on particular areas of study or research
University of Washington Press Mapping Chinese Rangoon: Place and Nation among the Sino-Burmese
Mapping Chinese Rangoon is both an intimate exploration of the Sino-Burmese, people of Chinese descent who identify with and choose to remain in Burma/Myanmar, and an illumination of twenty-first-century Burma during its emergence from decades of military-imposed isolation. This spatial ethnography examines how the Sino-Burmese have lived in between states, cognizant of the insecurity in their unclear political status but aware of the social and economic possibilities in this gray zone between two oppressive regimes. For the Sino-Burmese in Rangoon, the labels of Chinese and Tayout (the Burmese equivalent of Chinese) fail to recognize the linguistic and cultural differences between the separate groups that have settled in the city—Hokkien, Cantonese, and Hakka—and conflate this diverse population with the state actions of the People’s Republic of China and the supposed dominance of the overseas Chinese network. In this first English-language study of the Sino-Burmese, Mapping Chinese Rangoon examines the concepts of ethnicity, territory, and nation in an area where ethnicity is inextricably tied to state violence.
Little Toller Books Down the River
Rivers are great workings of nature, time and geology. They have long been at the very centre of human culture, sustaining us with water, food, power and stories. Our thoughts flow like a river. A river's journey, from source to sea, is a metaphor for life. H.E. Bates's own journey began on the banks and in the waters of two contrasting Midland rivers. The River Nene's jumbled course and character, with its towpaths and locks and bridges, speaks of human industry on its journey to The Wash. The River Ouse, in contrast, with its wide meanders brimmed with reeds and smoky willows, rich in wildlife and wild flowers, is an uplifting, ephemeral water, a river of summer memories and flag irises, the blue pulse of kingfishers and pike lurking in weed-shadows. Peopled by his relatives and neighbours, both the Nene and the Ouse, however different, filled H.E. Bates's imagination with the wonderful stories and characters that make his writing so enjoyable.
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Dictionary of Medical Terms
Classiques Garnier Theatre Francais. Tome I
Oxford University Press Inc African American Statewide Candidates in the New South
African American candidates for state and federal office in the United States face unique challenges, given the nation's complicated racial dynamics. To date, there have been only two elected African American governors in the country, the first elected in Virginia in 1989 and the second in Massachusetts in 2006. While Black candidates running statewide have been elected in increasing numbers in many areas of the country, there have been fewer successes in the US South. The relative lack of success in the South for Black candidates is puzzling given that, as a percentage of the population, the South has the highest concentration of African American citizens. This book examines the campaigns of Black statewide candidates in the South to untangle the factors that led to their electoral successes as well as the factors that continue to stymie positive electoral results. Looking at broader regional demographic and political trends, the authors project that the South is on the threshold of a major breakthrough for African American statewide candidates, who will have a substantial role in not only fundamentally changing the political dynamics of the region, but the nation as well. This change will be driven not only by Black candidates and voters, but a rising regional coalition of racial minority and white voters who are increasingly willing to vote for Black candidates.
CABI Publishing Fungal Plant Pathogens: Applied Techniques
Thieme Medical Publishers Inc AOSpine Masters Series Volume 1: Metastatic Spinal Tumors
A focused guide from the world's experts on metastatic spine tumors" This first volume in the AOSpine Masters Series integrates the expertise of oncologists and radiology interventionalists with that of master spine surgeons, all of whom are actively involved in the care of patients with metastatic spine tumors. The book provides expert guidance to help clinicians make the right treatment decisions and provide the best care for their patients. Chapter topics range from evaluation and decision-making principles to a spectrum of non-operative and operative treatment options that have been rapidly evolving over the past decade. Key Features: Editors are internationally-recognized authorities on metastatic spine tumors Includes contributions from key opinion leaders working in spine oncology Synthesizes the best available evidence and consensus expert advice on metastatic spine tumors, leading to optimal clinical recommendations Each chapter includes clinical pearls, tips on complication avoidance, and "top 5 must-read references" The AOSpine Masters Series, a co-publication of Thieme and the AOSpine Foundation, addresses current clinical issues whereby international masters of spine share their expertise and recommendations on a particular topic. The goal of the series is to contribute to an evolving, dynamic model of an evidence-based medicine approach to spine care. All neurosurgeons, orthopedic surgeons, neuro-oncologists, and orthopedic oncologists specializing in spine, along with residents and fellows in these areas, will find this book to be an excellent guide that they will consult often in their treatment of patients with metastatic spine tumors.
American Psychological Association Empirically Based Play Interventions for Children
Play is a universal form of communication for children that promotes healthy cognitive, language, physical, and social development. Incorporating play into child therapy can therefore help children who are having difficulties in one or more of these developmental areas. For over 70 years, play therapy has been recognized as an effective method for targeting specific behaviors and competencies to help children communicate their thoughts, feelings, and experiences, and to refine their current skills and learn new ones. This book is a comprehensive reference for clinicians and researchers that provides well-established, theoretically based, and flexible interventions—both directive and nondirective—to meet the growing and diverse needs of today’s children and families. This updated edition presents new research on play therapy treatment models and agents that have shown significant promise in treating a variety of child disorders—including autism. Authors also consider implementation issues arising from new mental health policies and initiatives, including integrated health care systems and the Affordable Care Act. Each chapter is carefully organized to include the theoretical basis and objectives of various innovative play interventions, key treatment ingredients and processes, and recommendations for replication and transportability to other settings. Detailed vignettes illustrate how these interventions can be used in clinical practice.
Baker Publishing Group Announcing the Kingdom – The Story of God`s Mission in the Bible
Announcing the Kingdom provides a comprehensive survey of the biblical foundation of mission. It investigates the development of the kingdom of God theme in the Old Testament, describing what the concept tells us about God's mission in creation, the flood, and the covenant with Abraham. It then describes God's mission through the nation of Israel during the exodus, at Mt. Sinai, and through the kings of Israel. The book then examines God's mission as Israel is sent into exile and the stage is set for the Messiah's coming. Finally, the book considers the fulfillment of the kingdom of God through Jesus Christ and the church. It examines Jesus' parables and ministry, his proclamation of God's kingdom among the nations, and the work of the Holy Spirit through the church. Announcing the Kingdom is the product of Arthur Glasser's more than thirty years of teaching and has been used by thousands of students at Fuller Theological Seminary. Now revised by Glasser's colleagues, this study provides mission workers and students with a new understanding of their calling and its biblical foundation.
Hachette Livre - BNF Contes Choisis de Perrault Et de Mme d'Aulnoy: La Bonne Petite Souris, Les Fées: , La Belle Aux Cheveux d'Or, Riquet À La Houpe, Fortunée, La Barbe Bleue, Le Petit Poucet, ...