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University Press of Mississippi Abraham Polonsky: Interviews
Abraham Polonsky (1910-1999), screenwriter and filmmaker of the mid-twentieth-century Left, recognized his writerly mission to reveal the aspirations of his characters in a material society structured to undermine their hopes. In the process, he ennobled their struggle. His auspicious beginning in Hollywood reached a zenith with his Oscar-nominated screenplay for Robert Rossen's boxing noir, Body and Soul (1947), and his inaugural film as writer and director, Force of Evil (1948), before he was blacklisted during the McCarthy witch hunt. Polonsky envisioned cinema as a modern artist. His aesthetic appreciation for each technical component of the screen aroused him to create voiceovers of urban cadences--poetic monologues spoken by the city's everyman, embodied by the actor who played his heroes best, John Garfield. His use of David Raksin's score in Force of Evil, against the backdrop of the grandeur of New York City's landscape and the conflict between the brothers Joe and Leo Morse, elevated film noir into classical family tragedy. Like Garfield, Polonsky faced persecution and an aborted career during the blacklist. But unlike Garfield, Polonsky survived to resume his career in Hollywood during the ferment of the late sixties. Then his vision of a changing society found allegorical expression in Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here, his impressive anti-Western showing the destruction of the Paiute rebel outsider, Willie Boy, and cementing Polonsky as a moral voice in cinema.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Liszt's Representation of Instrumental Sounds on the Piano: Colors in Black and White
Examines Liszt's piano arrangements of music originally created for other instruments, especially the symphony orchestra and the Hungarian Gypsy band. Liszt's adaptation of existing music is staggering in its quantity, scope, and variety of technique. He often viewed the model work as a source that he strove to improve, rival, and even surpass. Liszt's Representation of Instrumental Sounds on the Piano: Colors in Black and White provides a comprehensive survey of Liszt's reworking of instrumental music on the piano, particularly his emulation of tone colors and idiomatic gestures. The book relatesLiszt's sonic reproductions to the widespread nineteenth-century interest in visual-art reproduction. Hyun Joo Kim illustrates Liszt's diverse approaches to the integrity of the music in a detailed, vivid, and insightful manner through close study of his arrangements of Beethoven's symphonies and Rossini's Guillaume Tell Overture, his two-piano arrangements of his own symphonic poems such as Mazeppa and Hunnenschlacht, and his Hungarian Rhapsodies. By examining orchestral music and Hungarian Gypsy-style music as sources of Liszt's sound representations, this book reveals Liszt's musical discourse as straddling the musical, cultural, and aesthetic divides between mainstream and peripheral, art and folk, serious and popular. HYUN JOO KIM holds a PhD from Indiana University and is an independent scholar in Seoul, South Korea.
University of Texas Press Eleanor of Aquitaine: Patron and Politician
Eleanor of Aquitaine was the wife of two kings, Louis VII of France and Henry II Plantagenet of England, and the mother of two others, Richard the Lionhearted and John Lackland. In her eventful, often stormy life, she not only influenced the course of events in the twelfth century but also encouraged remarkable advances in the literary and fine arts. In this book, experts in five disciplines—history, art history, music, French and English literature—evaluate the influence of Eleanor and her court on history and the arts. Elizabeth A. R. Brown views Eleanor as having played a significant role as parent and politician, but not as patron. Rebecca A. Baltzer takes a new look at the music of the period that was written by and for Eleanor, her court, and her family. Moshé Lazar reexamines her relationship to the courtly-love literature of the period. Eleanor S. Greenhill and Larry M. Ayres reassess her influence in the realm of art history. Rossell Hope Robbins traces the lines extending from the French courtly literature of Eleanor's period down into fourteenth-century Chaucerian England. The essays reflect divergent but generally complementary assessments of this remarkable woman's influence on her own era and on future times as well. This volume is the result of a symposium held at the University of Texas in 1973.
Duke University Press Becoming: The Photographs of Clementina, Viscountess Hawarden
Clementina, Viscountess Hawarden (1822–1865) produced over eight hundred photographs during her all-too-brief life. Most of these were portraits of her adolescent daughters. By whisking away the furniture and bric-a-brac common in scenes of upper-class homes of the Victorian period, Lady Hawarden transformed the sitting room of her London residence into a photographic studio—a private space for taking surprising photos of her daughters in fancy dress. In Carol Mavor’s hands, these pictures become windows into Victorian culture, eroticism, mother-daughter relationships, and intimacy.With drama, wit, and verve, Lady Hawarden’s girls, becoming women, entwine each other, their mirrored reflections and select feminine objects (an Indian traveling cabinet, a Gothic-style desk, a shell-covered box) as homoerotic partners. The resulting mise-en-scène is secretive, private, delicious, and arguably queer—a girltopia ripe with maternality and adolescent flirtation, as touching as it is erotic. Luxuriating in the photographs’ interpretive possibilities, Mavor makes illuminating connections between Hawarden and other artists and writers, including Vermeer, Christina Rossetti, George Eliot, Lewis Carroll, and twentieth-century photographers Sally Mann and Francesca Woodman. Weaving psychoanalytic theory and other photographic analyses into her work, Mavor contemplates the experience of the photograph and considers the relationship of Hawarden’s works to the concept of the female fetish, to voyeurism, mirrors and lenses, and twins and doubling. Under the spell of Roland Barthes, Mavor’s voice unveils the peculiarities of the erotic in Lady Hawarden’s images through a writerly approach that remembers and rewrites adolescence as sustained desire. In turn autobiographical, theoretical, historical, and analytical, Mavor’s study caresses these mysteriously ripped and scissored images into fables of sapphic love and the real magic of photography.
Archaeopress Porti e approdi fluviali in Italia peninsulare: dall’età romana all’anno mille
In the Imperial Age, many ports in Italy had been built in opus coementicium. The most important ones were in Latium (eg. Portus Romae, Antium and Centumcellae), in the Phlegrean Fields (portus Iulius, Misenum, Puteoli and Baiae) and along the northern-Adriatic coast (Classis-Ravenna, Aquileia and Altino). The military fleets of Augustus, in particular, were quartered in the ports of Classis and Misenum. Most Roman ports were located at river mouths and/or in lagoon areas and were connected with inland areas by rivers or artificial canals. For this reason, port structures (piers and warehouses) were set at some distance from the sea, as in Rome (Emporium of Testaccio along the Tiber), in Pisa-San Rossore and in the Po valley. In Late Antiquity many of the Roman ports gradually fell into disuse while others continued until the 7th century. In Ravenna, however, a new port settlement, known as Civitas Classis, came into being in the 5th century, after the creation of the suburb of Portus Romae. In the Early Middle Ages, the northern-Adriatic coast became very important in connection with trade with Constantinople. New settlements equipped with timber port structures were created at Comacchio, Cittanova and in the Venetian lagoon. If maritime trade in the Tyrrhenian Sea decreased (although to a lesser extent in Byzantine towns like Naples), river-borne traade was still dynamic and often managed by abbeys and other ecclesiastical institutions. According to historical sources, many river wharves were located along the Po while San Vincenzo abbey managed the Volturno river. The Carolingian river wharves of San Vincenzo were composed of timber, stone and, according to the Roman tradition, concrete structures. A slow recovery of maritime trades is already evident in the Carolingian Age. This book analyses the Roman and early medieval ports of Italy and the building techniques used in their structures; it displays the elements of continuity and discontinuity revealed during these centuries.
Milkweed Editions Copper Nickel: Issue 24
Copper Nickel is a meeting place for multiple aesthetics, bringing work that engages with our social and historical context to the world with original pieces and dynamic translations. Since the journal’s relaunch in 2015, work published in Copper Nickel has been selected for inclusion in Best American Poetry, Best American Short Stories, and the Pushcart Prize Anthology, and has been listed as “notable” in the Best American Essays. Contributors to Copper Nickel have received numerous honors for their work, including the National Book Critics Circle Award; the Kingsley Tufts Poetry Award; the Kate Tufts Discovery Award; the Laughlin Award; the American, California, Colorado, Minnesota, and Washington State Book Awards; the Georg Büchner Prize; the Prix Max Jacob; the Lenore Marshall Prize; the T. S. Eliot and Forward Prizes; the Anisfield-Wolf Book Award; the Alice Fay Di Castagnola Award; the Lambda Literary Award; as well as fellowships from the NEA and the Guggenheim, Ingram Merrill, Witter Bynner, Soros, Rona Jaffee, Bush, and Jerome Foundations. Issue 24 features twenty-two “flash fictions” by established and emerging fiction writers, including Ed Falco, Robert Long Foreman, Stephanie Dickinson, Pedro Ponce, Matthew Salesses, Ruth Joffre, Danielle Lazarin, Joseph Aguilar, Thomas Legendre, Patricia Murphy, Wendy Oleson, Alicita Rodríguez, and Thaddeus Rutkowski. Also featured are translation folios by Italian experimental poet and computer scientist Lorenzo Carlucci, Brazilian poet and PEN Brazil National Prize Winner Denise Emmer, and internationally renowned Russian poet Tatiana Shcherbina. Other contributors include poets Kaveh Akbar, Adam Tavel, David Dodd Lee, Kerri French, Ashley Keyser, Ryan Sharp, Kevin Craft, J. Allyn Rosser, Zeina Hashem Beck, Ed Bok Lee, John A. Nieves, &c.; fiction writers Bradley Bazzle, Erin Kate Ryan, and T. D. Storm; and nonfiction writers Aimée Baker, Dan Beachy-Quick, and S. Farrell Smith.
Oxford University Press The Oxford Book of English Verse
Here is a treasure-house of over seven centuries of English poetry, chosen and introduced by Christopher Ricks, whom Auden described as 'exactly the kind of critic every poet dreams of finding'. The Oxford Book of English Verse, created in 1900 by Arthur Quiller-Couch and selected anew in 1972 by Helen Gardner, has established itself as the foremost anthology of English poetry: ample in span, liberal in the kinds of poetry presented. This completely fresh selection brings in new poems and poets from all ages, and extends the range by another half-century, to include many twentieth-century figures not featured before -- among them Philip Larkin and Samuel Beckett, Thom Gunn and Elaine Feinstein -- right up to Ted Hughes and Seamus Heaney. Here, as before, are lyric (beginning with medieval song), satire, hymn, ode, sonnet, elegy, ballad . . . but also kinds of poetry not previously admitted: the riches of dramatic verse by Marlowe, Shakespeare, Jonson, Webster; great works of translation that are themselves true English poetry, such as Chapman's Homer (bringing in its happy wake Keats's 'On First Looking into Chapman's Homer'), Dryden's Juvenal, and many others; well-loved nursery rhymes, limericks, even clerihews. English poetry from all parts of the British Isles is firmly represented -- Henryson and MacDiarmid, for example, now join Dunbar and Burns from Scotland; James Henry, Austin Clarke, and J. M. Synge now join Allingham and Yeats from Ireland; R. S. Thomas joins Dylan Thomas from Wales -- and Edward Taylor and Anne Bradstreet, writing in America before its independence in the 1770s, are given a rightful and rewarding place. Some of the greatest long poems are here in their entirety -- Wordsworth's 'Tintern Abbey', Coleridge's 'Rime of the Ancient Mariner', and Christina Rossetti's 'Goblin Market' -- alongside some of the shortest, haikus, squibs, and epigrams. Generous and wide-ranging, mixing familiar with fresh delights, this is an anthology to move and delight all who find themselves loving English verse.
Everyman The Language of Flowers: Selected by Jane Holloway
The language of flowers is as old as language itself. In the earliest poetry familiar plants were used to represent simple emotions, ideas, or states of mind: love, hope, despair, fidelity, solitude, beauty, mortality. Over time these associations entwined with myth and legend, with religious symbolism, folk and herbal lore. By the early 19th century the 'Language of Flora' had become increasingly refined, especially in England and America, where sentimental flower books listing flower meanings and illustrating them with verse were perennial bestsellers. The Everyman Language of Flowers without sacrificing the charm of its Victorian predecessors aims to provide extended, updated and rather more robust floral anthology for the 21st century, presenting poetry from ancient Greece to contemporary Britain and America, and spanning the world from Cuba to Korea, Russia to Zimbabwe. Here are Rumi and Rilke on the rose; Herrick and Louise Glück on the lily; Chaucer, Emily Dickinson and Jon Silkin on the daisy; Mary Robinson and Ted Hughes on the snowdrop; Lorenzo de Medici, John Clare and Alice Oswald on the violet; Hugo and Roethke on carnations; Ovid and Goethe on poppies; Blake and Eugenio Montale on the sunflower; Christina Rossetti on heartsease and forget-me-nots; Emily Brontë on harebells and heather, Seamus Heaney on lupins, Pasternak on night-scented stock... Eastern cultures, rich in flower associations, are well represented: there are Tang poems celebrating chrysanthemums and peonies, Zen poems about orchids and lotus flowers, poems about jasmine and marigolds from India, roses, tulips and narcissi from Persia, the Ottoman empire and the Arabic world. Flowers are arranged by season, with roses and lilies in a section of their own. In a final section poets comment directly or indirectly on the language of flowers itself. The book concludes with a selected glossary drawn from several celebrated Victorian collections.
Thames & Hudson Ltd Death: A Graveside Companion
Death is an inevitable fact of life. Throughout the centuries, humanity has sought to understand this sobering thought through art and ritual. The theme of memento mori informs medieval Danse Macabre, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, Renaissance paintings of dissected corpses and “anatomical Eves,” Gothic literature, funeral effigies, Halloween, and paintings of the Last Judgment. Deceased ancestors are celebrated in the Mexican Day of the Dead, while the ancient Egyptians mummified their dead to secure their afterlife. A volume of unprecedented breadth and sinister beauty, Death: A Graveside Companion examines a staggering range of cultural attitudes toward death. The book is organized into themed chapters: The Art of Dying, Examining the Dead, Memorializing the Dead, The Personification of Death, Symbolizing Death, Death as Amusement, and The Dead After Life. Each chapter begins with thought-provoking articles by curators, academics, and journalists followed by gallery spreads presenting a breathtaking variety of death-related imagery and artifacts. From skulls to the dance of death, statuettes to ex libris, memento mori to memorabilia, the majority of the images are of artifacts in the astonishing collection of Richard Harris and range from 2000 BCE to the present day, running the gamut of both high and popular culture. Essays: Death in Ancient and Present-Day Mexico, Eva Aridjis,The Power of Hair as Human Relic in Mourning Jewelry - Karen Bachmann, Medusa and the Power of the Severed Head, Laetitia Barbier, Anatomical Expressionism, Eleanor Crook, Poe and the Pathological Sublime, Mark Dery, Eros and Thanatos, Lisa Downing, Death-Themed Amusements, Joanna Ebenstein, The Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death, Bruce Goldfarb, Theatre, Death and the Grand Guignol, Mel Gordon, Holy Spiritualism, Elizabeth Harper, Playing dead – A Gruesome Form of Amusement, Mervyn Heard, The Anatomy of Holy Transformation, Liselotte Hermes da Fonseca, Collecting Death, Evan Michelson, Art and Afterlife: Ethel le Rossignol and Georgiana Houghton, Mark Pilkington, The Dance of Death, Kevin Pyle, Art, Science and the Changing Conventions of Anatomical Representation, Michael Sappol, Spiritualism and Photography, Shannon Taggart, Playing with Dead Faces, John Troyer, Anatomy Embellished in the Cabinet of Frederik Ruysch, Bert van de Roemer 900 illustrations in color and black and white
HarperCollins Publishers Big Has HOME: Recipes from north London to north Cyprus
"This book is just about food. Nothing flashy, no expensive equipment and gizmos. It’s entirely about flavours and understanding. Food in its entirety is more than about filling your stomach; it’s about stories, history, and those shared moments." – Hasan Semay Grounded and honest (and a little bit sweary), Hasan Semay (a.ka. Big Has) is a bright and talented North-London based chef and YouTube presenter. Having dropped out of school and tried his hand at odd jobs from plumbing to security, Has was accepted onto the prestigious Jamie Oliver "15" programme in 2011 which unearthed a true passion and flair for cooking. HOME is his debut cookbook and a celebration of the dishes, the places and the people that have made him who he is today. Fans of Hasan’s Instagram page and enormously popular YouTube series 'Sunday Sessions' will recognise his ability to make incredible restaurant-quality food available to the masses, teaching his viewers how to appreciate ingredients and understand cooking not through dull step-by-step methods but by connecting more intuitively with the process. In this debut cookbook, Has takes those principles to the next level talking you through the stages of lighting a BBQ and how to prepare a variety of dishes from small plates to Turkish Cypriot classics as well as meat and fish straight off the grill. His food is beautiful and robust with familiar Mediterranean influences from his Cypriot heritage as well as from his time working in professional kitchens across London – think grilled butter-milk chicken thighs with chermoula, flame-licked steak and salsa verde, marinated lamb chops with salsa rossa, all countered by neat folds of glistening home-made pasta and the occasional jaw-dropping dessert. Now don’t think this means flashy, fiddly food – this is real food, treated with respect and cooked right – no tablecloths or fancy china, just your friends, round the BBQ proper Sunday session style, because food is a celebration of coming together. Peppered with anecdotes about working in professional kitchens and the characters and inspiration behind his food, HOME is a refreshing and accessible cookbook from a uniquely bold chef.
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet Lisbon City Map
Lonely Planet: The world's number one travel guide publisher* Durable and waterproof, with a handy slipcase and easy-fold format, Lonely Planet's Lisbon City Map helps you get around with ease. Get more from your map and your trip with images and information about top city attractions, walking tour routes, transport maps, itinerary suggestions, extensive street and site index, and practical travel tips and directory. With this easy-to-use, full-color map in your back pocket, you can truly get to the heart of Lisbon. Durable and waterproof Easy-fold format and convenient size Handy slipcase Full colour and easy to use Extensive street and site index Images and information about top city attractions Handy transport maps Walking tour routes Practical travel tips and directory Itinerary suggestions Covers Alfama, Castelo, Graça, Baixa, Rossio, Bairro Alto, Chiado, Marquês de Pombal, Rato, Saldanha, Estrela, Lapa, Alcântara, Belém, Parques das Nações Looking for more extensive coverage? Check out Lonely Planet's Pocket Lisbon, our handy-sized guide featuring the best sights and experiences for a short visit or weekend away. About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet is a leading travel media company and the world's number one travel guidebook brand, providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973. Over the past four decades, we've printed over 145 million guidebooks and grown a dedicated, passionate global community of travellers. You'll also find our content online, and in mobile apps, video, 14 languages, nine international magazines, armchair and lifestyle books, ebooks, and more. TripAdvisor Travelers' Choice Awards 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 winner in Favourite Travel Guide category 'Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.' - New York Times 'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves, it's in every traveller's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' - Fairfax Media (Australia) *Source: Nielsen BookScan: Australia, UK, USA, 5/2016-4/2017
Association pour l'Avancement des Etudes Iraniennes Mythes, Croyances Populaires Et Symbolique Animale Dans La Litterature Persane
Ce volume reunit cinq communications presentees dans le cadre des "Conferences d'etudes iraniennes Ehsan et Latifeh Yarshater", organisees en 2010 par l'Unite Mixte de Recherche 7528 "Mondes iranien et indien" au College de France a Paris. Il presente de maniere diachronique de nombreuses donnees qui illustrent la confluence de themes mythiques et folkloriques de la culture iranienne, de l'epoque pre-islamique a nos jours. Cette transversalite de la litterature mythique et populaire, orale et ecrite, trop peu etudiee jusqu'ici, est examinee a travers cinq themes - Kakil, heros d'une fete hivernale; un charme contre les scorpions; le rossignol et la rose; le songe du roi-sage Xusro Anosirvan; et le saveur eschatologique et son cheval - en prenant en compte des epoques differentes, meme depuis l'Avesta, les sources parthes et sassanides, la poesie des auteurs du Xorasan, le Sahname, le Moyen Age classique jusqu'a l'aube de la revolution islamique. This volume contains the text of the five Ehsan and Latifeh Yarshater Distinguished Lectures on Iranian Studies, organized by the Unite Mixte de Recherche 7528 "Mondes iranien et indien", and delivered in 2010 at the College de France in Paris. The series of lectures brings together numerous data illustrating the confluence of mythological, folkloric and literary themes of Iranian culture, and their continuity from pre-Islamic till present times. This interaction between the classical and popular, oral and written traditions, still little investigated, is being examined on the examples of five motifs: Kakil, the hero of a winter festival; a spell against scorpions; the rose and the nightingale; a symbolical dream of the wise king Xusro Anosirvan; and the eschatological saviour and his horse. The study is conducted in a diachronic perspective, and its sources range from the Avesta and Pahlavi texts through the Sahname and classical Persian literature, up to modern Persian novel and research on popular customs and beliefs.
Bodleian Library Sarah Angelina Acland: First Lady of Colour Photography
Sarah Angelina Acland (1849-1930) is one of the most important photographers of the late Victorian and early Edwardian periods. Daughter of the Regius Professor of Medicine at Oxford, she was photographed by Lewis Carroll as a child, along with her close friend Ina Liddell, sister of Alice of Wonderland fame. The critic John Ruskin taught her art and she also knew many of the Pre-Raphaelites, holding Rossetti's palette for him as he painted the Oxford Union murals. At the age of nineteen she met the photographer Julia Margaret Cameron, whose influence is evident in her early work. Following in the footsteps of Cameron and Carroll Miss Acland first came to attention as a portraitist, photographing the illustrious visitors to her Oxford home. In 1899 she then turned to the challenge of colour photography, becoming, through work with the 'Sanger Shepherd process', the leading colour photographer of the day. Her colour photographs were regarded as the finest that had ever been seen by her contemporaries, several years before the release of the Lumière Autochrome system, which she also practised. This volume provides an introduction to Miss Acland's photography, illustrating more than 200 examples of her work, from portraits to picturesque views of the landscape and gardens of Madeira. Some fifty specimens of the photographic art and science of her peers from Bodleian collections are also reproduced for the first time, including four unrecorded child portraits by Carroll. Detailed descriptions accompany the images, explaining their interest and significance. The photographs not only shed important light on the history of photography in the period, but also offer a fascinating insight into the lives of a pre-eminent English family and their circle of friends.
New York University Press Soft Soil, Black Grapes: The Birth of Italian Winemaking in California
Winner of the 2013 New York Book Show Award in Scholarly/Professional Book Design From Ernest and Julio Gallo to Francis Ford Coppola, Italians have shaped the history of California wine. More than any other group, Italian immigrants and their families have made California viticulture one of America’s most distinctive and vibrant achievements, from boutique vineyards in the Sonoma hills to the massive industrial wineries of the Central Valley. But how did a small group of nineteenth-century immigrants plant the roots that flourished into a world-class industry? Was there something particularly “Italian” in their success? In this fresh, fascinating account of the ethnic origins of California wine, Simone Cinotto rewrites a century-old triumphalist story. He demonstrates that these Italian visionaries were not skilled winemakers transplanting an immemorial agricultural tradition, even if California did resemble the rolling Italian countryside of their native Piedmont. Instead, Cinotto argues that it was the wine-makers’ access to “social capital,” or the ethnic and familial ties that bound them to their rich wine-growing heritage, and not financial leverage or direct enological experience, that enabled them to develop such a successful and influential wine business. Focusing on some of the most important names in wine history—particularly Pietro Carlo Rossi, Secondo Guasti, and the Gallos—he chronicles a story driven by ambition and creativity but realized in a complicated tangle of immigrant entrepreneurship, class struggle, racial inequality, and a new world of consumer culture. Skillfully blending regional, social, and immigration history, Soft Soil, Black Grapes takes us on an original journey into the cultural construction of ethnic economies and markets, the social dynamics of American race, and the fully transnational history of American wine.
Columbia University Press Critics, Coteries, and Pre-Raphaelite Celebrity
Founded by a band of young iconoclasts, the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood stunned Victorian England with its revaluation of culture and lifestyle. With Pre-Raphaelitism ascendant in the 1850s and canonical by the 1880s, the movement's refractory reception history is an object lesson in how avant-gardes burst upon the scene, dispense with their antagonistic posture, and become a mainstay of tradition. Wendy Graham traces the critical discourses that greeted the Pre-Raphaelites' debut, shaped their contemporary reception, and continued to inform responses to them well after their heyday. She explains the mechanics of fame and the politics of scandal contributing to the rise of aestheticism, providing a new interpretation of the place of aesthetic counterculture in Victorian England. Critics, Coteries, and Pre-Raphaelite Celebrity sheds new light on Victorian discourses on sexuality and masculinity through a thick description of literary bravado, the emotions of male bonding within cliques, and homoerotic frissons among the creators and reviewers of Pre-Raphaelitism. She threads together the qualities that made William Holman Hunt, John Everett Millais, and Gabriel Rossetti exemplary figures of aesthetic celebrity in the 1850s; Algernon Swinburne and Simeon Solomon in the 1860s; and Edward Burne-Jones and Walter Pater in the 1870s. The book documents the symbiotic relationship between periodical writers and the artists and poets they helped make famous, demonstrating that the origin myth of Bohemian artistic transcendence was connected with the rise of a professional class of journalists. Graham shows that the Pre-Raphaelites innovated many of the phenomena now associated with Oscar Wilde, arguing that they were foundational for him in forging an artistic and personal identity with a full-blown publicity apparatus. Wilde had models. This book is about them.
Johns Hopkins University Press Victorians Undone: Tales of the Flesh in the Age of Decorum
A fascinating account of what it was like to live in a Victorian body from best-selling historian and critic Kathryn Hughes.In Victorians Undone, renowned British historian Kathryn Hughes follows five iconic figures of the nineteenth century as they encounter the world not through their imaginations or intellects but through their bodies. Or rather, through their body parts. Using the vivid language of admiring glances, cruel sniggers, and implacably turned backs, Hughes crafts a narrative of cinematic quality by combining a series of truly eye-opening and deeply intelligent accounts of life in Victorian England.Lady Flora Hastings is an unmarried lady-in-waiting at young Queen Victoria's court whose swollen stomach ignites a scandal that almost brings the new reign crashing down. Darwin's iconic beard provides important new clues to the roles that men and women play in the great dance of natural selection. George Eliot brags that her right hand is larger than her left, but her descendants are strangely desperate to keep the information secret. The poet-painter Dante Gabriel Rossetti, meanwhile, takes his art and his personal life in a new direction thanks to the bee-stung lips of his secret mistress, Fanny Cornforth. Finally, we meet Fanny Adams, an eight-year-old working-class girl whose tragic evisceration tells us much about the currents of desire and violence at large in the mid-Victorian countryside. While 'bio-graphy' parses as 'the writing of a life,' the genre itself has often seemed willfully indifferent to the vital signs of that life—to breath, movement, touch, and taste. Nowhere is this truer than when writing about the Victorians, who often figure in their own life stories as curiously disembodied. In lively, accessible prose, Victorians Undone fills the space where the body ought to be, proposing new ways of thinking and writing about flesh in the nineteenth century.
Duke University Press Histories of Race and Racism: The Andes and Mesoamerica from Colonial Times to the Present
Ninety percent of the indigenous population in the Americas lives in the Andean and Mesoamerican nations of Bolivia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, and Guatemala. Recently indigenous social movements in these countries have intensified debate about racism and drawn attention to the connections between present-day discrimination and centuries of colonialism and violence. In Histories of Race and Racism, anthropologists, historians, and sociologists consider the experiences and representations of Andean and Mesoamerican indigenous peoples from the early colonial era to the present. Many of the essays focus on Bolivia, where the election of the country’s first indigenous president, Evo Morales, sparked fierce disputes over political power, ethnic rights, and visions of the nation. The contributors compare the interplay of race and racism with class, gender, nationality, and regionalism in Bolivia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, and Peru. In the process, they engage issues including labor, education, census taking, cultural appropriation and performance, mestizaje, social mobilization, and antiracist legislation. Their essays shed new light on the present by describing how race and racism have mattered in particular Andean and Mesoamerican societies at specific moments in time.ContributorsRossana Barragán Kathryn BurnsAndrés CallaPamela CallaRudi Colloredo-MansfeldMaría Elena GarcíaLaura GotkowitzCharles R. HaleBrooke LarsonClaudio LomnitzJosé Antonio LuceroFlorencia E. MallonKhantuta MuruchiDeborah PooleSeemin QayumArturo Taracena ArriolaSinclair ThomsonEsteban Ticona Alejo
Fordham University Press The Techne of Giving: Cinema and the Generous Form of Life
Over the last five years, corporations and individuals have given more money, more often, to charitable organizations than ever before. What could possibly be the downside to inhabiting a golden age of gift-giving? That question lies at the heart of Timothy Campbell’s account of contemporary giving and its social forms. In a milieu where gift-giving dominates, nearly everything given and received becomes the subject of a calculus—gifts from God, from benefactors, from those who have. Is there another way to conceive of generosity? What would giving and receiving without gifts look like? A lucid and imaginative intervention in both European philosophy and film theory, The Techne of Giving investigates how we hold the objects of daily life—indeed, how we hold ourselves—in relation to neoliberal forms of gift-giving. Even as instrumentalism permeates giving, Campbell articulates a resistant techne locatable in forms of generosity that fail to coincide with biopower’s assertion that the only gifts that count are those given and received. Moving between visual studies, Winnicottian psychoanalysis, Foucauldian biopower, and apparatus theory, Campbell makes a case for how to give and receive without giving gifts. In the conversation between political philosophy and classic Italian films by Visconti, Rossellini, and Antonioni, the potential emerges of a generous form of life that can cross between the visible and invisible, the fated and the free.
Johns Hopkins University Press Victorians Undone: Tales of the Flesh in the Age of Decorum
A fascinating account of what it was like to live in a Victorian body from best-selling historian and critic Kathryn Hughes.In Victorians Undone, renowned British historian Kathryn Hughes follows five iconic figures of the nineteenth century as they encounter the world not through their imaginations or intellects but through their bodies. Or rather, through their body parts. Using the vivid language of admiring glances, cruel sniggers, and implacably turned backs, Hughes crafts a narrative of cinematic quality by combining a series of truly eye-opening and deeply intelligent accounts of life in Victorian England.Lady Flora Hastings is an unmarried lady-in-waiting at young Queen Victoria's court whose swollen stomach ignites a scandal that almost brings the new reign crashing down. Darwin's iconic beard provides important new clues to the roles that men and women play in the great dance of natural selection. George Eliot brags that her right hand is larger than her left, but her descendants are strangely desperate to keep the information secret. The poet-painter Dante Gabriel Rossetti, meanwhile, takes his art and his personal life in a new direction thanks to the bee-stung lips of his secret mistress, Fanny Cornforth. Finally, we meet Fanny Adams, an eight-year-old working-class girl whose tragic evisceration tells us much about the currents of desire and violence at large in the mid-Victorian countryside. While 'bio-graphy' parses as 'the writing of a life,' the genre itself has often seemed willfully indifferent to the vital signs of that life—to breath, movement, touch, and taste. Nowhere is this truer than when writing about the Victorians, who often figure in their own life stories as curiously disembodied. In lively, accessible prose, Victorians Undone fills the space where the body ought to be, proposing new ways of thinking and writing about flesh in the nineteenth century.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Utopian Adventure: The Corviale Void
This book is about contemporary issues in architecture and urbanism, taking the form of a project for The Corviale Void, a one kilometre long strip of urban space, immured in the notorious Corviale housing development in the Southwestern sector of Rome. Corviale is a bizarre object, single-minded in its idea, the history of Corviale can be traced to debates in Italian architecture culture of the 1960’s, including Aldo Rossi’s objection to urbanisation, as articulated in his books and projects. On the one hand the project for the Corviale Void begins with one of the original theorists of modern urbanisation and architecture, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, looking into his fascination with the insides of walls. On the other hand the project begins with a new material form, The Air Grid. Like the forms appearing in Piranesi’s etchings, Air Grid is made from a kind of hatching, but Air Grid is hatched out of colour vectors, literally drawn into the air. The human eye is easily mesmerised by the Air Grid, scanning back and forth it reads the colour form as animated, in some sense alive. At the same time as the Italian architects were engaged in those activities that would eventually give birth to the Corviale Void, the painter Yves Klein, was creating The Architecture of the Air. Klein’s work is of special interest to the project of the Corviale Void because of the important role of colour in the development of his thinking about architecture. By attending to Klein’s parallel inquiry Air Grid is brought into dialogue with the philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer, who was one of the first thinkers to develop a physiological theory of colour. The important thing about Schopenhauer’s thinking is the careful way he looked at physiological phenomena, regarding them as directly informed by metaphysical powers; for Schopenhauer Architecture too is a physiological matter and hence metaphysical. The concluding proposal for the Corviale Void presents a metaphysical archite
Bloodaxe Books Ltd Do Not Go Gentle
This wide-ranging selection combines popular choices of traditional poems read at funerals with powerful poems by contemporary writers more tuned to our present age of doubt and disbelief. There are poems here for churchgoers and believers, including classic verses of grief and consolation by John Donne, Christina Rossetti, Emily Bronte and Emily Dickinson, the anonymous Do not stand at my grave and weep, and the poems read at Princess Diana's funeral. But there are also poems for people of all faiths and religions, for agnostics and atheists, and most importantly for those who aren’t sure what they believe, whose grief over loss is the more intense for not knowing what happens to the soul after death. Grief isn’t denied but experienced and made more bearable by being put into memorable words. Searing poems of lament are followed by moving elegies celebrating the lives of those we will always love. Whether and how the spirit survives is then explored in an extraordinary gathering of poems by writers as different and diverse as the Persian mystic Rumi, Zen Buddhist composers of Japanese haiku, and American poets Mary Oliver and Jane Kenyon. Buttressed against their assertions of faith in an afterlife are modern sceptics, from Auden and Larkin to William Carlos Williams and C.K. Williams, whose wrestling with the meaning of death helps us make sense of no sense, mirroring our own anxieties and difficulties. But however various and contradictory these poems, their message chimes with Larkin’s famous words, proving 'Our almost-instinct almost true:/ What will survive of us is love.' Unlike other poetry anthologies of loss, mourning and remembrance, Do Not Go Gentle offers a selection of poems specifically for reading at funerals and memorial services. It can also be used for reading aloud to friends and family, or for reading while numbed and bewildered – all times when the right poem can help us share and bear the burden of immediate grief.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Boyce Papers: The Letters and Diaries of Joanna Boyce, Henry Wells and George Price Boyce: 2-volume set
The first full edition of the correspondence, between three artists Joanna Boyce, her brother George P. Boyce and Henry Wells, who she eventually married. It dates from the period 1845 to 1861, and covers artistic life in both Paris and London, including the Pre-Raphaelites. This correspondence, between three artists Joanna Boyce, her brother George P. Boyce and Henry Wells, whom she eventually married, dates from the period 1845 to 1861. They were all friends of Rossetti and the Pre-Raphaelite circle, but in addition Henry and Joanna both studied in Paris, and Joanna wrote extensively about her time there, training with Thomas Couture. She wrote for The Saturday Review as well as painting a small number of very interesting and much admired pictures. Her brother George established himself as a successful watercolourist and member of the Old Watercolour Society, having been encouraged both by David Cox on his Welsh sketching expeditions,and by Ruskin, whose letters advising him what to paint in Venice are included here. Henry Wells was primarily a portrait painter. At first he specialised in miniatures, and was commissioned to paint Mary, princess of Cambridge byQueen Victoria. There are vivid accounts of visits to country houses to carry out commissions from their owners. The three wrote constantly about techniques of painting and about the new colours that became available at this period, and about their visits to exhibitions both in Paris and London. They all contributed to the Royal Academy and other exhibitions. In addition, there is the extraordinary story of Joanna's and Henry's courtship and marriage, at first encouraged and then viciously opposed by Joanna's recently widowed mother. The correspondence survives only in an unpublished transcript made in the 1940s, as the originals were all destroyed in a bombing raid on Bath during the second world war. Excerpts from George P. Boyce's diaries were published in the 1930s, but the present edition contains a considerable amount of new material.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Urban Design Ecologies: AD Reader
The discipline of urban design is undergoing a rapid expansion and realignment. It is experiencing a shift from a profession dominated by architects and planners, directed at urban development, to a more expansive set of practices engaging new forms of social and environmental ecologies, as cities worldwide adapt to economic restructuring, mass migrations and climate change. Bringing together classic and new texts from the last 40 years, this AD Reader focuses attention on the critical tools needed to understand how cities have been designed and constructed and then changed over time. This enables new ways of envisioning how cities must be conceived and adapted in the future to the dual conditions of rapid urbanisation and economic restructuring, coupled with unpredictable environmental conditions due to climate change. With its emphasis on both urban design and the ecological, this book brings together key articles that point the way forward for reconciling the often conflicting concerns of urbanism and environmentalism. Twenty-three texts are organised into four distinct sections, covering metropolitan architecture, the sprawling megalopolis, the megacity and the recently emerging metacity. These are broadly chronological and highlight the recent thinking behind some of the key urban developments, ranging from the art of traditional city-making covered by European architects and historians in the late 20th century to contemporary Tokyo described by Atelier Bow-Wow. Features original texts from: Reyner Banham, Rem Koolhaas, Aldo Rossi, Colin Rowe, David Grahame Shane, Bernard Tschumi, Oswald Mathias Ungers, and Robert Venturi, Denise Scott Brown and Steven Izenour. Contains newly commissioned texts from: Mary Cadenasso, Sharon Haar and Victoria Marshall, Carlos Leite, Steward TA Pickett and Albert Pope. Includes new translations of important essays by Vittorio Gregotti and Paola Viganò. Topics range from the European historic city to the Las Vegas Strip and the megacity of São Paulo, taking in the global sustainable city.
Columbia University Press The Shape of Sex: Nonbinary Gender from Genesis to the Renaissance
Winner, 2024 Haskins Medal, Medieval Academy of America Winner, 2023 Margaret W. Rossiter History of Women in Science Prize, History of Science SocietyWinner, 2022 Award for Excellence in the Study of Religion: Historical Studies, American Academy of Religion Honorable Mention, 2023 John Boswell Prize, The Committee on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender History (CLGBTH) Longlisted, 2022 Lambda Literary Award for LGBTQ Studies, Lambda Literary AwardsThe Shape of Sex is a pathbreaking history of nonbinary sex, focusing on ideas and individuals who allegedly combined or crossed sex or gender categories from 200–1400 C.E. Ranging widely across premodern European thought and culture, Leah DeVun reveals how and why efforts to define “the human” so often hinged on ideas about nonbinary sex.The Shape of Sex examines a host of thinkers—theologians, cartographers, natural philosophers, lawyers, poets, surgeons, and alchemists—who used ideas about nonbinary sex as conceptual tools to order their political, cultural, and natural worlds. DeVun reconstructs the cultural landscape navigated by individuals whose sex or gender did not fit the binary alongside debates about animality, sexuality, race, religion, and human nature. The Shape of Sex charts an embrace of nonbinary sex in early Christianity, its brutal erasure at the turn of the thirteenth century, and a new enthusiasm for nonbinary transformations at the dawn of the Renaissance. Along the way, DeVun explores beliefs that Adam and Jesus were nonbinary-sexed; images of “monstrous races” in encyclopedias, maps, and illuminated manuscripts; justifications for violence against purportedly nonbinary outsiders such as Jews and Muslims; and the surgical “correction” of bodies that seemed to flout binary divisions.In a moment when questions about sex, gender, and identity have become incredibly urgent, The Shape of Sex casts new light on a complex and often contradictory past. It shows how premodern thinkers created a system of sex and embodiment that both anticipates and challenges modern beliefs about what it means to be male, female—and human.
Columbia University Press The Shape of Sex: Nonbinary Gender from Genesis to the Renaissance
Winner, 2024 Haskins Medal, Medieval Academy of America Winner, 2023 Margaret W. Rossiter History of Women in Science Prize, History of Science SocietyWinner, 2022 Award for Excellence in the Study of Religion: Historical Studies, American Academy of Religion Honorable Mention, 2023 John Boswell Prize, The Committee on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender History (CLGBTH) Longlisted, 2022 Lambda Literary Award for LGBTQ Studies, Lambda Literary AwardsThe Shape of Sex is a pathbreaking history of nonbinary sex, focusing on ideas and individuals who allegedly combined or crossed sex or gender categories from 200–1400 C.E. Ranging widely across premodern European thought and culture, Leah DeVun reveals how and why efforts to define “the human” so often hinged on ideas about nonbinary sex.The Shape of Sex examines a host of thinkers—theologians, cartographers, natural philosophers, lawyers, poets, surgeons, and alchemists—who used ideas about nonbinary sex as conceptual tools to order their political, cultural, and natural worlds. DeVun reconstructs the cultural landscape navigated by individuals whose sex or gender did not fit the binary alongside debates about animality, sexuality, race, religion, and human nature. The Shape of Sex charts an embrace of nonbinary sex in early Christianity, its brutal erasure at the turn of the thirteenth century, and a new enthusiasm for nonbinary transformations at the dawn of the Renaissance. Along the way, DeVun explores beliefs that Adam and Jesus were nonbinary-sexed; images of “monstrous races” in encyclopedias, maps, and illuminated manuscripts; justifications for violence against purportedly nonbinary outsiders such as Jews and Muslims; and the surgical “correction” of bodies that seemed to flout binary divisions.In a moment when questions about sex, gender, and identity have become incredibly urgent, The Shape of Sex casts new light on a complex and often contradictory past. It shows how premodern thinkers created a system of sex and embodiment that both anticipates and challenges modern beliefs about what it means to be male, female—and human.
Penguin Books Ltd The Loved One
Subtitled An Anglo-American Tragedy, Evelyn Waugh's The Loved One is a witty satirical novel on artistic integrity and the British expat community in Hollywood, published in Penguin Modern Classics.The more startling for the economy of its prose and plot, this novel's story, set among the manicured lawns and euphemisms of Whispering Glades Memorial Park in Hollywood, satirizes the American way of death and offers Waugh's memento mori. Following the death of a friend, poet and pets' mortician Dennis Barlow finds himself entering into the artificial Hollywood paradise of the Whispering Glades Memorial Park. Within its golden gates, death, American-style, is wrapped up and sold like a package holiday. There, Dennis enters the fragile and bizarre world of Aimée, the naïve Californian corpse beautician, and Mr Joyboy, the master of the embalmer's art...A dark and savage satire on the Anglo-American cultural divide, The Loved One depicts a world where love, reputation and death cost a very great deal.Evelyn Waugh (1903-66) was born in Hampstead, second son of Arthur Waugh, publisher and literary critic, and brother of Alec Waugh, the popular novelist. In 1928 he published his first work, a life of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, and his first novel, Decline and Fall, which was soon followed by Vile Bodies (1930), A Handful of Dust (1934) and Scoop (1938). In 1942 he published Put Out More Flags and then in 1945 Brideshead Revisited. Men at Arms (1952) was the first volume of 'The Sword of Honour' trilogy, and won the James Tait Black Memorial Prize; the other volumes, Officers and Gentlemen and Unconditional Surrender, followed in 1955 and 1961.If you enjoyed The Loved One, you might like Waugh's Vile Bodies, also available in Penguin Modern Classics.'The master of black comedy'Sunday Times'One of the funniest and most significant books of the century'Alice Thomas Ellis, Daily Telegraph
Springer Verlag Il fuoco di Sant'Antonio: Dai Misteri Eleusini all'LSD
Il fuoco di Sant’Antonio è una malattia, certo! Ma quale? Per noi Italiani è sicuramente l’Herpes zoster; ma è sempre stato così? Ebbene, no! Sant’Antonio Abate aveva la fama di taumaturgo e guaritore già in vita, nonostante si fosse ritirato in un remoto deserto. Così, quando le sue spoglie arrivarono in Europa dopo l’anno Mille, tutti coloro che soffrivano di malattie dolorose e urenti, imploravano Sant’Antonio che li guarisse da quel "fuoco" che li tormentava. Ma quali erano queste malattie così dolorose? Le antiche cronache sono spesso troppo succinte o troppo romanzate per orientarci nella diagnosi ma erisipela, sifilide, ergotismo hanno fatto certamente buona compagnia allo zoster. L’ergotismo, soprattutto, era una malattia terrorizzante perché compariva ad ondate imprevedibili e, come la peste, colpiva i virtuosi come i viziosi, scardinando l’interpretazione allora dominante, del dolore come conseguenza del peccato. Come se non bastasse, l’ergotismo non solo provocava terribili sofferenze ma spesso anche stati di confusione mentale e di delirio che erano (questi sì!) sicuramente attribuiti al demonio. Bisogna aspettare il XVIII secolo e l’età dei Lumi per mandare in soffitta le superstizioni che infestavano la medicina ed allora l’ergotismo si rivela essere non più una maledizione ma una solo una malattia, un effetto del consumo di pane nero alloiato Lo studio degli allucinogeni e la scoperta dell’LSD nel XX secolo, mettono la parola fine all’interpretazione mistico-religiosa di alcune patologie e gettano inaspettatamente nuova luce su quello che fu il segreto meglio custodito dell’Antichità: il culto dei Misteri Eleusini. In questo libro, la storia del fuoco di Sant’Antonio di dipana dai racconti medioevali sino all’odierna virologia e suggerisce che la curiosità e la scienza sono l’unico antidoto contro la superstizione e il mistero. Un filo rosso unisce i Misteri Eleusini al Fuoco di Sant’Antonio: questo filo è l’LSD. La molecola è la stessa ma il contorno è molto diverso e, di sicuro, molto appassionante.
Bitter Lemon Press Portrait of a Muse: Frances Graham, Edward Burne-Jones and the Pre-Raphaelite Dream
‘You haunt me everywhere.’ So wrote Edward Burne-Jones to Frances Graham, his muse for the last 25 triumphant years of his life: ‘I haven’t a corner of my life or my thoughts where you are not’. He drew her obsessively, included her in some of his most famous paintings, and showered her with gifts. Even when she betrayed him to marry, he would return to her. To him ’all the romance and beauty of my life means you.’ This is the first biography of his muse. In a discreet, subtle, human way, her life is a study in power – artistic, social, political, familial, local – and all the more fascinating for being played out from a perennial position of weakness. What makes a muse? The word conjures up for the artist a human cocoon of sexual allure and worship: part inspiration, part lover and protector. Yet however beguiling, demanding and volatile a muse could be, it remained a life surrendered to the art of another. In Victorian England, this was especially so with the hierarchies between the sexes so firmly entrenched. The life of a muse to a Pre-Raphaelite artist was no different: Ruskin and Effie Gray, Rossetti and Lizzie Siddal, both powerfully destructive relationships that ended respectively in divorce and death. The one who survived was Frances Graham. She had a restless, irrepressible intelligence, able to mix at her small dinners politicians and aristocrats with writers, artists and the up and coming, be they Oscar Wilde or Albert Einstein. In time, she became the confidante of three government ministers, including Asquith, the Liberal leader. 'The Portrait of a Muse' is the tale of a remarkable woman living in an age on the cusp of modernity.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Knowledge, Diversity and Performance in European Higher Education: A Changing Landscape
This highly original book analyses the results of a pioneering set of microdata on higher education institutions in 27 European countries in order to address key issues in higher education and research.For the first time, data on individual European higher education institutions (rather than data aggregated at the country level) is used in order to examine a wide range of issues that are both theoretically challenging and relevant from policy-making and societal perspectives. The contributors integrate statistics on universities and colleges with other sources of information such as patents, start-up firms and bibliometric data, and employ rigorous empirical methods to address a range of key questions, including: what is the role of non-university tertiary education such as vocational training? How important is the private sector? Are European universities internationalized? Are they efficient from the point of view of costs and educational output? Are there pure research universities in Europe? How do universities contribute to economic growth?By furthering the current debate on the future and competiveness of the European university model compared to that of the US and Asia, this book will prove an invaluable reference tool for academics and researchers in the fields of sociology of higher education and economics, particularly the economics of innovation, science and education. University decision-makers and administrators as well as policy-makers at local and European levels will also find this book to be a useful and enlightening read.Contributors: R. Biscaia, A. Bonaccorsi, T. Brandt, M.F. Cardoso, M. Colombo, Z. Daghbashyan, C. Daraio, D. De Filippo, E. Deiaco, M. Guerini, M. Horváth, B. Lepori, M. McKelvey, A. Niederl, V. Rocha, C. Rossi Lamastra, U. Schmoch, T. Schubert, M. Seeber, L. Simar, S. Slipersaeter, P. Teixeira, A. Varga
Ohio University Press The Swallow Anthology of New American Poets
Groundbreaking anthologies of this kind come along once in a generation and, in time, define that generation. The Swallow Anthology of New American Poets identifies a group of poets who have recently begun to make an important mark on contemporary poetry, and their accomplishment and influence will only grow with time. The poets gathered here do not constitute a school or movement; rather they are a group of unique artists working at the top of their craft. As editor David Yezzi writes in his introduction, “Here is a group of writers who have, perhaps for the first time since the modernist revolution of the early twentieth century, returned to a happy détente between warring camps. This, I think, is a new—at least in our age—kind of poet, who, dissatisfied with the climate of extremes, has found a balance between innovation and received form, perceiving the terror beneath the classical and the unities girding romanticism. This new unified sensibility is no watered-down admixture, no pragmatic compromise worked out in departments of creative writing, but, rather, the vital spirit behind some of the most accomplished poetry being written by America’s new poets.” Poets include: Craig Arnold, David Barber, Rick Barot, Priscilla Becker, Geoffrey Brock, Daniel Brown, Peter Campion, Bill Coyle, Morri Creech, Erica Dawson, Ben Downing, Andrew Feld, John Foy, Jason Gray, George Green, Joseph Harrison, Ernest Hilbert, Adam Kirsch, Joanie Mackowski, Eric McHenry, Molly McQuade, Joshua Mehigan, Wilmer Mills, Joe Osterhaus, J. Allyn Rosser, A. E. Stallings, Pimone Triplett, Catherine Tufariello, Deborah Warren, Rachel Wetzsteon, Greg Williamson, Christian Wiman, Mark Wunderlich, David Yezzi, and C. Dale Young.
University of Hertfordshire Press Communities in Contrast: Doncaster and its rural hinterland, c.1830-1870
This book investigates what a case study of a northern market town and its rural hinterland can tell us about village differentiation, exploring how and why rural communities developed in what was chiefly an industrial region and, notably, how the relationship between town and country influenced rural communities. It looks at six villages close to Doncaster - Sprotbrough, Warmsworth, Rossington, Fishlake, Stainforth and Braithwell - chosen to represent the diversity of landownership and land type of the Doncaster district. Rural communities, and more specifically the development of English villages, have proved fertile ground for historians. This book makes an original contribution to these debates. In particular, it engages with existing models of village typology, suggesting that not only are they too restrictive to account for nuanced differences, but also that they fail to acknowledge the importance of the relationships between rural communities and between town and country. Following Sarah Holland’s detailed research into different aspects of rural communities, the book offers new perspectives on how rural communities in close proximity developed, often differently, during the mid nineteenth century. Themes looked at in detail include living and working conditions, agriculture and industry, religion and education, and through these Holland considers existing theories of village typology, before setting out her ideas regarding social hierarchies, spheres of influence and agency, which combine to create complex patterns of differentiation. Communities in Contrast will appeal to all those interested in rural life and economy in the nineteenth century, the relationship between town and country, as well as the history of Yorkshire.
Rowman & Littlefield Alto: The Voice of Bel Canto
Everyone is familiar with the words diva or prima donna, which have come to mean a (usually) outrageous operatic soprano, but there was a time when the star of the show was more often a contralto, or a soprano singing in today's mezzo-soprano range. This performer was referred to as an alto. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the male and female leading roles were likely to be sung by emasculated males, the alto castrati, although there were many great female altos during this period as well. The music for these fantastic artists, written by such composers as Porpora, Vinci, Hasse, and even Handel, has been largely forgotten. At the beginning of the 19th century, as the castrati died out, their roles were often assumed by female altos referred to as musici. New repertoire continued to be written for them by Rossini and others, but gradually, this musical tradition and technique was lost. Now, however, because of the talent and industry of such gifted artists as Marilyn Horne, Cecilia Bartoli, and Joyce DiDonato, and the sudden ease with which the performance of these forgotten works can be obtained, there is a resurgence of interest in the performance and preservation of this lost art. Alto: The Voice of Bel Canto examines the careers of nearly 320 great alto singers, including the great castrati, from the dawn of opera in 1597 to the present. The music of the composers who wrote for the alto voice is discussed along with musical examples and suggestions for listening. The exploration of the greatest altos’ careers and techniques offers inspiration for aspiring young singers as well as absorbing reading for the music lover who wants to know more about the fascinating world of opera.
DOM Publishers Architecture in Archives: The Collection of the Akademie der Künste
The Akademie der Künste (Academy of Arts) in Berlin has carried out its task of promoting the arts in Germany since the year it was founded in 1696. From the outset, master builders have been eligible to become members. The architect Hans Scharoun laid the groundwork for establishing the architectural archive. As the first post-war president of the academy in West Berlin, he was eager to document twentieth-century architecture in the Archive. Besides the story lying behind the assembly of a collection, this publication presents all seventy-one archives and eighty collections, including short biographies of the originators and the nature and scope of inventories. The Preußische Akademie (Prussian Academy) is represented among other things by drawings by Friedrich Gilly from the end of the eighteenth century. Expressionist designs by Bruno Taut, Alfons Anker, Paul Goesch and Adolf Behne in particular are to be found in rich abundance. In common with the archives of Richard Ermisch, Paul Baumgarten and Thilo Schoder, these offer a chronicle of the 1920s. One focus of the collection is devoted to the archives of Second World War émigré architects, among them Adolf Rading, Gabriel Epstein, Julius Posenerand Konrad Wachsmann. The post-war period and the booming 1960s are represented by the archives of Hermann Henselmann, Walter Rossow, Bernhard Hermkes, Werner Hebebrand, Werner Düttmann and Heinz Graffunder. Archives and collections which can be traced back beyond the turn of the twenty-first century emerged from Jörg Schlaich, Kurt Ackermann, Szyszkowitz + Kowalski and Valentien + Valentien. On offer for the first time is an overview in print form of these archives acquired by the Academy up to the present day – archives of architects, engineers, landscape architects and architectural photographers and critics alike. This publication presents an excerpt from around half a million documents.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd François Villon in English Poetry: Translation and Influence
Responses from the nineteenth century onwards to the medieval French poet. Medieval Paris' paradigmatic poet, François Villon, has long captured the imaginations of creative writers. Attracted by his beguilingly pseudo-autobiographical literary persona and a body of work that moves seamlessly between bawdy humour, bitterness, devotion, and regret, Villon's heirs have been many and varied. A veritable "poet's poet", his oeuvre has appealed to fellow versifiers in particular, providing a rich source for translation and imitation. This book explores creative responses to Villon by British and North American poets, focusing on translations and imitations of his work by Algernon Swinburne, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Ezra Pound, Basil Bunting, and Robert Lowell. They are presented as exemplary of the greater trend of rendering Villon into English, transporting the reader from the first verse translations of his work in the nineteenth century, to post-modern adaptations and parodies ofVillon in the twentieth. By concentrating on the manner in which individual poets have reacted to Villon, and to one another, the study unravels multiple layers of poetic relations. It argues that the relationships that exist between the translated or imitated texts are collaborative as much as they are competitive, establishing a canon of Villon in English poetry whose allusions are not only to the French source, but to the parallel corpus of English translations and imitations. CLAIRE PASCOLINI-CAMPBELL holds degrees in medieval and comparative literatures from the University of St Andrews and University College London.
Beta-Plus The International Interior Design Exhibition: IIDE
"I was part of Fleur's British Interior Design Exhibition in London in the 1980s. The strength of Fleur's vision defined the event and made participation a real pleasure for me." - John Pawson, Renowned International Minimalist Architect, London The International Interior Design Exhibition (IIDE) came to Brussels in 2019 with heritage. First launched in London by Fleur Rossdale as The British Interior Design Exhibition (BIDE) during the 1980s and '90s, the event was highly acclaimed as a ground-breaking showcase for the design industry. With 30,000 international visitors to each, the exhibition helped propel interior design into the limelight, receiving worldwide press coverage and an insatiable demographic of private clients, hoteliers, designers and developers. Organiser Fleur commented, "Good design has a vital role to play in our everyday lives. It can improve how we live and function, be it at home, in the workplace, in education or on holiday. Interiors set a mood, portraying an identity that should feel enhancing and harmonious". Fleur, an active interior designer herself, chose Brussels for the re-launch due to the cultural heritage, not least as founders of the Art Nouveau movement. Fleur continues, "Decoration is all about bringing together skilled workmanship, colour, texture and fine art to create a melodious interior to enhance our everyday lives". The IIDE followed the ethos of past experience and showcased ten international designers, presenting their interior design vision to inspire private and trade visitors. This luxury coffee table book is a tribute to these new exhibitions, which is complemented by a short history of all previous exhibitions in London.
Ohio University Press Words on Music: From Addison to Barzun
For centuries, distinguished writers have taken on the challenge of describing great music and its significance in their lives. From Joseph Addison to Virgil Thomson, writers in and out of the music field have used their most vivid language to conjure the sounds and emotions of the music that mattered most to them. Yet until this book, no single volume has ever collected the best of this writing in one place. Scattered in magazines, essay collections, and program notes, this literature is largely unknown to the general reader—who often thinks that music essays are for musicians only—and even to the musician—who often reads only narrow specialty publications. Words on Music is thus the first book of its kind. Covering instrumental and vocal music from the eighteenth through the twentieth centuries, it features essays distinguished by their literary quality, their readability, and their appeal to a wide audience. Included is writing by novelists, essayists, composers, performers, cultural historians, and others who have written about music with precision and passion. Here is George Bernard Shaw on Handel, Albert Schweitzer on Bach, Glenn Gould on Scarlatti, E. T. A. Hoffman on Beethoven, Heinrich Heine on Rossini, Aaron Copland on Mozart, George Eliot on Wagner, G. K. Chesterton on Gilbert and Sullivan, Leonard Bernstein on Mahler, Guy Davenport on Ives, Pierre Boulez on Stravinsky, Ned Rorem on Ravel, and more than fifty others. Here also are essays on broader topics—Joseph Addison on opera, Anthony Burgess on music and literature, Jacques Barzun on music criticism, H. L. Mencken on “Music an Sin”—as well as musical memoirs by such masters of the genre as Hector Berlioz, Leigh Hunt, and Ethel Smyth. Words on Music is a uniquely literary and readable book on music. With its wide range of tones and voices, it is ideal for the general reader, the humanities educator, and the musical specialist. Each article is introduced by an informative headnote on the writer and subject. In addition, the volume offers a bibliography with valuable clues for further reading and a substantial essay introducing the elusive art of writing about music.
APA Publications Pocket Rough Guide British Breaks Edinburgh (Travel Guide with Free eBook)
Pocket Rough Guide British Breaks EdinburghMake the most of your time on Earth with the ultimate travel guides.Entertaining, informative and stylish pocket guide to the best British break destinations, with free eBook.Discover the best of Edinburgh with this compact and entertaining pocket travel guide. This slim, trim treasure trove of trustworthy travel information is ideal for short-trip travellers and covers all the key sights (including Edinburgh Castle, the Palace of Holyroodhouse and the Royal Botanic Garden), restaurants, shops, cafés and bars, plus inspired ideas for day-trips, with honest and independent recommendations from our experts.Features of this travel guide to Edinburgh:- Compact format: packed with practical information, this is the perfect travel companion when you're out and about exploring Edinburgh- Honest and independent reviews: written with Rough Guides' trademark blend of humour, honesty and expertise, our writers will help you make the most of your trip- Incisive area-by-area overviews: covering everywhere from the historic Royal Mile to trendy Leith and more, the practical 'Places' section provides all you need to know about must-see sights and the best places to eat, drink and shop- Time-saving itineraries: carefully planned routes will help inspire and inform your on-the-road experiences- Day-trips: venture further afield to Hopetoun House, Jupiter Artland or Rosslyn Chapel. This tells you why to go, how to get there, and what to see when you arrive- Travel tips and info: packed with essential pre-departure information including getting around, health, tourist information, festivals and events, plus an A-Z directory- Attractive user-friendly design: features fresh magazine-style layout, inspirational colour photography and colour-coded maps throughout- The ultimate travel tool: download the free eBook to access all this from your phone or tabletLooking for a comprehensive travel guide to Scotland? Try The Rough Guide to Scotland for an informative and entertaining look at all the country has to offer.About Rough Guides: Rough Guides have been inspiring travellers for over 35 years, with over 30 million copies sold. Synonymous with practical travel tips, quality writing and a trustworthy 'tell it like it is' ethos, the Rough Guides list includes more than 260 travel guides to 120+ destinations, gift-books and phrasebooks.
New York University Press Soft Soil, Black Grapes: The Birth of Italian Winemaking in California
Winner of the 2013 New York Book Show Award in Scholarly/Professional Book Design From Ernest and Julio Gallo to Francis Ford Coppola, Italians have shaped the history of California wine. More than any other group, Italian immigrants and their families have made California viticulture one of America’s most distinctive and vibrant achievements, from boutique vineyards in the Sonoma hills to the massive industrial wineries of the Central Valley. But how did a small group of nineteenth-century immigrants plant the roots that flourished into a world-class industry? Was there something particularly “Italian” in their success? In this fresh, fascinating account of the ethnic origins of California wine, Simone Cinotto rewrites a century-old triumphalist story. He demonstrates that these Italian visionaries were not skilled winemakers transplanting an immemorial agricultural tradition, even if California did resemble the rolling Italian countryside of their native Piedmont. Instead, Cinotto argues that it was the wine-makers’ access to “social capital,” or the ethnic and familial ties that bound them to their rich wine-growing heritage, and not financial leverage or direct enological experience, that enabled them to develop such a successful and influential wine business. Focusing on some of the most important names in wine history—particularly Pietro Carlo Rossi, Secondo Guasti, and the Gallos—he chronicles a story driven by ambition and creativity but realized in a complicated tangle of immigrant entrepreneurship, class struggle, racial inequality, and a new world of consumer culture. Skillfully blending regional, social, and immigration history, Soft Soil, Black Grapes takes us on an original journey into the cultural construction of ethnic economies and markets, the social dynamics of American race, and the fully transnational history of American wine.
Quercus Publishing Come Back in September: A Literary Education on West Sixty-Seventh Street, Manhattan
WINNER OF THE JAMES TAIT BLACK PRIZE FOR BIOGRAPHY 2023A Times Best Literary Non-Fiction Book of the YearCritic and writer Darryl Pinckney recalls his friendship and apprenticeship with Elizabeth Hardwick and Barbara Epstein and the introduction they offered him to the New York literary world.At the start of the 1970s, Darryl Pinckney arrived in New York City and at Columbia University and enrolled in Elizabeth Hardwick's writing class at Barnard. After he graduated, he was welcomed into her home as a friend and mentee, and he became close with Hardwick and her best friend, neighbor, and fellow founder of The New York Review of Books, Barbara Epstein. Pinckney found himself at the heart of the New York literary world. He was surrounded by the great writers of the time, like Susan Sontag, Robert Lowell, and Mary McCarthy, as well as the overlapping cultural revolutions and communities that swept New York: the New Wave in film, rock, and writing; the art of Felice Rosser, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Lucy Sante, Howard Brookner, and Nan Goldin; the influence of feminism on American culture and literature; the black arts movement confronted by black feminism; and New Negro veterans experiencing the return of their youth as history. Pinckney filtered the avant-garde life he was exposed to downtown and the radical intellectual tradition of The Review through the moral values he inherited and adapted from abolitionist and Reconstruction black culture.In Come Back in September, Pinckney recalls his introduction to New York and the writing life. The critic and novelist intimately captures this revolutionary, brilliant, and troubled period in American letters. Elizabeth Hardwick was not only the link to the intellectual heart of New York, but also a source of continual support and inspiration-the way she worked, her artistry, and the beauty of her voice. Through his memories of the city and of Hardwick, we see the emergence and evolution of Pinckney himself: as a young man, as a New Yorker, and as one of the essential intellectuals of our time.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Elgar Companion to Post Keynesian Economics, Second Edition
This thoroughly revised and updated second edition provides a comprehensive guide to Post Keynesian methodology, theory and policy prescriptions. The Companion reflects the challenges posed by the global financial crisis that began in 2008 and by the consolidation of the New Neoclassical Synthesis in macroeconomic theory. There are 41 entirely new entries, marking the emergence of a new generation of Post Keynesian scholars. The central issues that were dealt with in the first edition remain at the core of the book, but much more attention is paid in this second edition to financial markets, to Post Keynesian economics outside its traditional Anglo-American heartland and to gender issues and environmental policy. Including major theoretical, methodological and policy issues in Post Keynesian economics, this enriching Companion will strongly appeal to postgraduate and advanced undergraduate students in economics as well as related social science disciplines including international political economy, international relations, politics, public policy and sociology.Contributors: A. Altuzarra, P. Arestis, T. Asada, A. Barba, T. Baskoy, J. Bibow, S. Blankenburg, R.A. Blecker, H. Bloch, A. Brown, D. Bunting, F.J. Cardim de Carvalho, V. Chick, J. Cornwall, W. Cornwall, J. Courvisanos, C. Danby, F. Dantas, P. Davidson, L.F. De Paula, D. Dequech, S.C. Dow, P. Downward, S. Dullien, S.P. Dunn, A.K. Dutt, S. Fazzari, F. Ferrari-Filho, B. Fine, G. Fontana, M. Forstater, G. Fujii, R. Garnett, B. Gerrard, M. Glickman, G.C. Gu, G.C. Harcourt, J.T. Harvey, M. Hayes, E. Hein, J.F. Henry, G. Hewitson, M.C. Howard, P. Howells, T. Jefferson, J. Jespersen, T.-H. Jo, D.W. Katzner, S. Keen, S. Kelton, J.E. King, P. Kriesler, M. Lavoie, J. Leclaire, F.S. Lee, J. Lodewijks, M.C. Marcuzzo, J.S.L. McCombie, E.J. McKenna, A. Mearman, J. Melmiès, W. Mitchell, G. Mongiovi, T. Mott, T. Mouakil, Y. Nersisyan, J.W. Nevile, T. Niechoj, R. O'Donnell, P.A. O'Hara, A. Pacella, T.I. Palley, G. Palma, C. Panico, S.D. Parsons, N. Perry, M. Pivetti, R. Pollin, S. Pressman, J. Priewe, A. Razmi, R. Realfonzo, C. Rider, L.-P. Rochon, C.J. Rodríguez-Fuentes, S. Rossi, C. Sardoni, M. Sawyer, R.H. Scott III, M. Setterfield, N. Shapiro, H.J. Sherman, P. Skott, J. Smithin, E. Stockhammer, R. Studart, P.R. Tcherneva, A.P. Thirlwall, Z. Todorova, J. Toporowski, G. Tortorella Esposito, A.B. Trigg, É. Tymoigne, L. Ussher, T. Van Treeck, A. Vercelli, M. Vernengo, M. Watts, E. Webster, A. Winnett, M.H. Wolfson, L.R. Wray, D.C. Zannoni
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Elgar Companion to Post Keynesian Economics, Second Edition
This thoroughly revised and updated second edition provides a comprehensive guide to Post Keynesian methodology, theory and policy prescriptions. The Companion reflects the challenges posed by the global financial crisis that began in 2008 and by the consolidation of the New Neoclassical Synthesis in macroeconomic theory. There are 41 entirely new entries, marking the emergence of a new generation of Post Keynesian scholars. The central issues that were dealt with in the first edition remain at the core of the book, but much more attention is paid in this second edition to financial markets, to Post Keynesian economics outside its traditional Anglo-American heartland and to gender issues and environmental policy. Including major theoretical, methodological and policy issues in Post Keynesian economics, this enriching Companion will strongly appeal to postgraduate and advanced undergraduate students in economics as well as related social science disciplines including international political economy, international relations, politics, public policy and sociology.Contributors: A. Altuzarra, P. Arestis, T. Asada, A. Barba, T. Baskoy, J. Bibow, S. Blankenburg, R.A. Blecker, H. Bloch, A. Brown, D. Bunting, F.J. Cardim de Carvalho, V. Chick, J. Cornwall, W. Cornwall, J. Courvisanos, C. Danby, F. Dantas, P. Davidson, L.F. De Paula, D. Dequech, S.C. Dow, P. Downward, S. Dullien, S.P. Dunn, A.K. Dutt, S. Fazzari, F. Ferrari-Filho, B. Fine, G. Fontana, M. Forstater, G. Fujii, R. Garnett, B. Gerrard, M. Glickman, G.C. Gu, G.C. Harcourt, J.T. Harvey, M. Hayes, E. Hein, J.F. Henry, G. Hewitson, M.C. Howard, P. Howells, T. Jefferson, J. Jespersen, T.-H. Jo, D.W. Katzner, S. Keen, S. Kelton, J.E. King, P. Kriesler, M. Lavoie, J. Leclaire, F.S. Lee, J. Lodewijks, M.C. Marcuzzo, J.S.L. McCombie, E.J. McKenna, A. Mearman, J. Melmiès, W. Mitchell, G. Mongiovi, T. Mott, T. Mouakil, Y. Nersisyan, J.W. Nevile, T. Niechoj, R. O'Donnell, P.A. O'Hara, A. Pacella, T.I. Palley, G. Palma, C. Panico, S.D. Parsons, N. Perry, M. Pivetti, R. Pollin, S. Pressman, J. Priewe, A. Razmi, R. Realfonzo, C. Rider, L.-P. Rochon, C.J. Rodríguez-Fuentes, S. Rossi, C. Sardoni, M. Sawyer, R.H. Scott III, M. Setterfield, N. Shapiro, H.J. Sherman, P. Skott, J. Smithin, E. Stockhammer, R. Studart, P.R. Tcherneva, A.P. Thirlwall, Z. Todorova, J. Toporowski, G. Tortorella Esposito, A.B. Trigg, É. Tymoigne, L. Ussher, T. Van Treeck, A. Vercelli, M. Vernengo, M. Watts, E. Webster, A. Winnett, M.H. Wolfson, L.R. Wray, D.C. Zannoni
BBC Audio, A Division Of Random House The Nation's Favourite Poems
Forty-five of Britain's best-loved poems, read by John Nettles, Siobhan Redmond, Greg Wise and Emma Fielding.In a national poll conducted to discover Britain's favourite poem, Rudyard Kipling's 'If -' was voted number one. This unique anthology brings together over forty poems from the poll, including the top ten.Here is poignant war poetry (Wilfred Owen's 'Dulce et Decorum Est' and 'Anthem for Doomed Youth', Rupert Brooke's 'The Soldier' and Siegfried Sassoon's 'Everyone Sang' ); romantic verse such as Shakespeare's 'Sonnet 18: Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day?' and W. B. Yeats' 'When You Are Old'; Lewis Carroll and Edward Lear's great nonsense poems 'Jabberwocky' and 'The Owl and the Pussy-Cat', and much more. Classics such as Wordsworth's 'The Daffodils' and Tennyson's 'The Lady of Shallot' sit alongside contemporary poetry like Allan Ahlberg's 'Please Mrs Butler' and Wendy Cope's 'Bloody Men'.Superbly read by John Nettles, Siobhan Redmond, Greg Wise and Emma Fielding, this popular collection includes many of the very best examples ofBritish verse, as chosen by poetry lovers nationwide.The poems included in this collection are:1 'If -' by Rudyard Kipling, read by John Nettles2 'The Lady of Shallot' by Alfred Lord Tennyson, read by Siobhan Redmond3 'The Listeners' by Walter de la Mare, read by Greg Wise4 'Not Waving but Drowning' by Stevie Smith, read by Siobhan Redmond5 'The Daffodils' by William Wordsworth, read by John Nettles6 'To Autumn' by John Keats, read by Siobhan Redmond7 'The Lake Isle of Innisfree' by William Butler Yeats, read by Emma Fielding8 'Dulce et Decorum Est' by Wilfred Owen, read by Greg Wise9 'Ode to a Nightingale' by John Keats, read by Siobhan Redmond10 'He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven' by William Butler Yeats, read by John Nettles11 'Remember' by Christina Rossetti, read by Siobhan Redmond12 'Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard' by Thomas Gray, read by John Nettles13 'Fern Hill' by Dylan Thomas, read by John Nettles14 'Leisure' by William Henry Davies, read by Emma Fielding15 'The Highwayman' by Alfred Noyes, read by Greg Wise16 'To His Coy Mistress' by Andrew Marvell, read by Greg Wise17 'Dover Beach' by Matthew Arnold, read by John Nettles18 'The Tyger' by William Blake, read by John Nettles19 'Adlestrop' by Edward Thomas, read by Siobhan Redmond20 'The Soldier' by Rupert Brooke ,read by Greg Wise21 'Sea-Fever' by John Masefield, read by John Nettles22 'Upon Westminster Bridge' by William Wordsworth, read by Greg Wise23 'How Do I Love Thee?' by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, read by Emma Fielding24 'Cargoes' by John Masefield, read by Greg Wise25 'Jabberwocky' by Lewis Carroll, read by Emma Fielding26 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner' by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, read by John Nettles27 'Ozymandias of Egypt' by Percy Bysshe Shelley, read by Greg Wise28 'Abou ben Adhem' by Leigh Hunt, read by John Nettles29 'Everyone Sang' by Siegfried Sassoon, read by Greg Wise30 'The Windhover' by Gerard Manley Hopkins, read by Siobhan Redmond31 'Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night' by Dylan Thomas, read by John Nettles32 'Sonnet 18: Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day?' by William Shakespeare, read by Siobhan Redmond33 'When You Are Old' by William Butler Yeats, read by Emma Fielding34 'Lessons of the War (To Alan Mitchell): Naming of Parts' by Henry Reed, read by John Nettles35 'The Darkling Thrush' by Thomas Hardy, read by Emma Fielding36 'Please Mrs Butler' by Allan Ahlberg, read by Emma Fielding37 'Kubla Khan' by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, read by John Nettles38 'Home-Thoughts, from Abroad' by Robert Browning, read by Greg Wise39 'High Flight (An Airman's Ecstasy)' by John Gillespie Magee, read by Greg Wise40 'The Owl and the Pussy-Cat' by Edward Lear ,read by Emma Fielding41 'The Glory of the Garden' by Rudyard Kipling, read by Greg Wise42 'The Road Not Taken' by Robert Frost, read by Siobhan Redmond43 'The Way through the Woods' by Rudyard Kipling, read by Emma Fielding44 'Anthem for Doomed Youth' by Wilfred Owen, read by Greg Wise45 'Bloody Men' by Wendy Cope, read by Siobhan Redmond
University of Pennsylvania Press Cultivating Victorians: Liberal Culture and the Aesthetic
In this provocative and historically detailed reading of the relations between Victorian liberalism and aestheticism, David Wayne Thomas challenges current critical assumptions concerning modern liberal agency and aesthetic experience more generally. Through meticulous examinations of literature, visual arts, popular culture, and politics, Cultivating Victorians shows how a mid-Victorian liberal discourse of individual "many-sidedness"—understood as a cultivated disposition toward self-criticism and open-mindedness—was taken up by artists and writers as they claimed for art a self-reflecting agency at the core of the liberal ideal. Thomas makes plain, as well, the ongoing but often repressed stake of latter-day critics in the aesthetics of many-sidedness. As Thomas shows, an increasingly dominant mid-Victorian liberal culture employed its rhetoric of cultivation in projects as varied as aesthetic appreciation, self-improvement, and social amelioration. By looking to topics across both elite and popular culture, Thomas demonstrates how this liberal culture had to take shape in competition with other dimensions of Victorian public life. Thus several uncommon but illuminating contexts come under inspection here: the bizarre sensation of the Tichborne Claimant, a low-born imposter claiming a noble inheritance; the reportage on life-scale historical city replicas fashioned for temporary public exhibitions in the 1880s; and Dante Gabriel Rossetti's practice of producing and reproducing his artwork for a newly constituted consumer market. Thomas also reads extensively in notable Victorian intellectuals such as George Eliot, John Stuart Mill, John Ruskin, Matthew Arnold, and Oscar Wilde. Theoretically inventive, engagingly written, and vividly illustrated, Cultivating Victorians is a timely invitation to rethink liberal values—like autonomy and reflective judgment—that have been routinely condemned as atomistic individualism and false universalism in recent decades.
Orion Publishing Co A Dream of Italy
Live your dream of Italy...Here is your chance to buy your own home in southern Italy for less than the price of a cup of coffee. The picturesque mountain town of Montenello is selling off some of its historic buildings for just ONE EURO each. The only conditions are that purchasers must renovate their new home within the next three years and that they plan to contribute in a meaningful way to this small community.To be considered as a future resident of Montenello contact the town's mayor, Augusto Rossi. Live your dream of Italy for just one euro.When the Mayor of a picturesque Italian town launches a new scheme to rejuvenate the community, his advertisement is read with interest and excitement by many. Zara is in her thirties and desperate to get on the property ladder. Tim and Lynda are retiring and need a project. Some are looking for a peaceful bolthole. Others hope to make a profit, start a business, escape a dull life or an unhappy relationship. And there is someone who just might be hiding their true motivation...Their lives are about to change forever - but can they make their dream of Italy into a reality? A deliciously escapist summer read.******Readers are loving Nicky Pellegrino!'I could smell the fresh pasta, feel the sunshine, smell the sea breeze and feel my worries wash away. It was lovely to stumble down the cobbled paths and stroll along the beautiful scenery''Through Italy, through food, through heartbreak, through love, through family. Add in a pinch of karmic justice and you have the perfect read with a joyful ending!''Once again Nicky Pellegrino had me captivated with this amazing story. It made me laugh, made me cry. I read it in one afternoon''I will say that if you are a woman on the cusp of discovering who you are and what your heart desires...then you will devour this book as I did''Such a great escapism read, full of emotions and family drama with love'
Princeton University Press Houses for a New World: Builders and Buyers in American Suburbs, 1945–1965
While the work of Frank Lloyd Wright, Richard Neutra, and their contemporaries frequently influences our ideas about house design at the midcentury, most Americans during this period lived in homes built by little-known builders who also served as developers of the communities. Often dismissed as "little boxes, made of ticky-tacky," the tract houses of America's postwar suburbs represent the twentieth century's most successful experiment in mass housing. Houses for a New World is the first comprehensive history of this uniquely American form of domestic architecture and urbanism. Between 1945 and 1965, more than thirteen million houses--most of them in new ranch and split-level styles--were constructed on large expanses of land outside city centers, providing homes for the country's rapidly expanding population. Focusing on twelve developments in the suburbs of Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, and Los Angeles, Barbara Miller Lane tells the story of the collaborations between builders and buyers, showing how both wanted houses and communities that espoused a modern way of life--informal, democratic, multiethnic, and devoted to improving the lives of their children. The resulting houses differed dramatically from both the European International Style and older forms of American domestic architecture. Based on a decade of original research, and accompanied by hundreds of historical images, plans, and maps, this book presents an entirely new interpretation of the American suburb. The result is a fascinating history of houses and developments that continue to shape how tens of millions of Americans live. Featured housing developments in Houses for a New World: Boston area: * Governor Francis Farms (Warwick, RI) * Wethersfield (Natick, MA) * Brookfield (Brockton, MA) Chicago area: * Greenview Estates (Arlington Heights, IL) * Elk Grove Village * Rolling Meadows * Weathersfield at Schaumburg Los Angeles and Orange County area: * Cinderella Homes (Anaheim, CA)* Panorama City (Los Angeles) * Rossmoor (Los Alamitos, CA) Philadelphia area: * Lawrence Park (Broomall, PA)* Rose Tree Woods (Broomall, PA)
Archaeopress SOMA 2013. Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology: Moscow, 25-27 April 2013
Papers from the 17th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, SOMA 2013 held in Moscow, 25-27 April 2013. Contents: A project proposal for the construction of underwater archaeological nature routes into the Protected Marine Area of Santa Maria di Castellabate (Salvatore Agizza); A Recently Discovered Thirteenth Century Church at Myra (T. Engin Akyurek); Archaeological Findings of Thracian / Phrygian Tribes' Crossing of Bosporus (ITA) Istanbul Prehistoric Research Project (Haldun Aydingun); Routes And Harbour Archaeology: An Attempt to Identify Some Ancient Toponyms on the Eastern Adriatic Coast (Mattia Vitelli Casella); The Bath Buildings throughout the Cilician shoreline. The cases of Akkale (Tirtar) and Mylai (Manastir) and the problems of their preservation and fruition. Can the archaeological relevance help in preserving the ancient remains? (Emanuele Casagrande Cicci); Byzantine Small Finds From 'Church B' at Andriake (Myra / Antalya): First Results on the Ceramics (Ozgu Comezoglu); Management of Cultural Heritage in the Coastal Zone 'An investigation on the conservation of wooden house in Istanbul through the eyes of the population' (Pierre Emanuel Decombe); XII Scripta And Two Excavated Game Boards From Kibyra (Unal Demirer); Dionysus and Ariadne in Antiocheia and Zeugma Mosaics: a Contrastive Evaluation (Sehnaz Erarslan); Studying aspects of Pre-Roman History, Religion, Political Organization andTrading Contacts of some Ionian Colonies of 'Thracia Pontica': the case of Dionysopolis & Odessos (Maria Girtzi); 'The Time-traveler meets Emperor Justinian in Byzantine Era': an innovative museological project (Maria Girtzi and Athanasia Bountidou); Hun Originated/Influenced Objects Found In China: Ordos Bronze (Feyza Gorez); Attic Imports to the Black Sea area: the Construction of the Reference Framework (Filippo Giudice with the contribution of Elvia & Giada Giudice, Paolo Madella, Francesco Muscolino, Giuseppe Sanfilippo Chiarello, Rossano Scicolone and Sebastiano Luca Tata); Stoa Philosophy and Its Development Stages in Ancient Era (Ilker Isik); 18th and 19th Century Wall Paintings Featuring Views of Istanbul (Bilge Karaoz); Stazione Neapolis: A journey into the history of Naples from the Neolithic to the Modern Age (Alessandro Luciano); Fish sauces trade and consumption in the ager Mutinensis (Manuela Mongardi); Reconstruction of the Settlement Layout at Salat Tepe: An Interpretation of the Archaeological Evidence (A. Tuba Okse and Ahmet Gormus); Denizli - The Ilbadi Cemetery Namazgah (Kadir Pektas); The Role of the Corinthian Relief Ware in Sardinia as a Socio-Economic and Cultural Indicator of a 'Commissioned' Trade (Paola Puppo and Fabio Mosca); Underwater Archaeological Project at the Ancient City of Akra (Eastern Crimea) 2011-2012 188 (Sergey Solovyev and Viktor Vakhoneev); Management of Underwater Archaeological Heritage: An Environmental Approach to the Protection and Preservation of the Harbour Complex of Aegina (Ioannis Triantafillidis and Vassilis Tselentis); The Byzantine Castle in Akbas on Thracian Chersonessos (Ayse C. Turker); Agoras, Theaters, Baths and Gymnasia: A Case Study on the Urban Redevelopment Choices of Carian Benefactors in the Roman Age (Guray Unver); A Byzantine Monastery South-East of Jerusalem (Yehiel Zelinger); Local and Imported Art in the Byzantine Monastery Newly Discovered Near Jerusalem, Israel (Lihi Habas)
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet Washington DC City Map
From Lonely Planet, the world's leading travel guide publisher Durable and waterproof, with a handy slipcase and an easy-fold format, Lonely Planet Washington DC City Map is your conveniently-sized passport to traveling with ease. Get more from your map and your trip with images and information about top city attractions,& transport maps, itinerary suggestions, extensive street and site index, and practical travel tips and directory. With this easy-to-use, full colour navigation tool in your back pocket, you can truly get to the heart of Washington DC, so begin your journey now! Durable and waterproof Easy-fold format and convenient size Handy slipcase Full colour and easy-to-use Extensive street and site index Images and information about top city attractions Handy transport maps Practical travel tips and directory Itinerary suggestions Covers Capitol Hill, Adams Morgan, Logan Circle, Columbia Heights, Kalorama, Woodley Park, Pleasant Plains, Meridian Hill, Le Droit Park, Georgetown, Upper Northeast DC, Dupont Circle, Bloomingdale, Foggy Bottom, Penn Quarter, National Mall, Rosslyn, Southwest DC, Arlington, Courthouse Check out Lonely Planet Washington DC, our most comprehensive guidebook to the city, covering the top sights and most authentic off-beat experiences. Or check out Lonely Planet Pocket Washington DC, a handy-sized guide focused on the can't-miss experiences for a quick trip. About Lonely Planet: Since 1973, Lonely Planet has become the world's leading travel media company with guidebooks to every destination, an award-winning website, mobile and digital travel products, and a dedicated traveller community. Lonely Planet covers must-see spots but also enables curious travellers to get off beaten paths to understand more of the culture of the places in which they find themselves. The world awaits! Lonely Planet guides have won the TripAdvisor Traveler's Choice Award in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016. 'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves, it's in every traveller's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' - Fairfax Media 'Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.' - New York Times
Quercus Publishing Come Back in September: A Literary Education on West Sixty-Seventh Street, Manhattan
WINNER OF THE JAMES TAIT BLACK PRIZE FOR BIOGRAPHY 2023A Times Best Literary Non-Fiction Book of the YearCritic and writer Darryl Pinckney recalls his friendship and apprenticeship with Elizabeth Hardwick and Barbara Epstein and the introduction they offered him to the New York literary world.At the start of the 1970s, Darryl Pinckney arrived in New York City and at Columbia University and enrolled in Elizabeth Hardwick's writing class at Barnard. After he graduated, he was welcomed into her home as a friend and mentee, and he became close with Hardwick and her best friend, neighbor, and fellow founder of The New York Review of Books, Barbara Epstein. Pinckney found himself at the heart of the New York literary world. He was surrounded by the great writers of the time, like Susan Sontag, Robert Lowell, and Mary McCarthy, as well as the overlapping cultural revolutions and communities that swept New York: the New Wave in film, rock, and writing; the art of Felice Rosser, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Lucy Sante, Howard Brookner, and Nan Goldin; the influence of feminism on American culture and literature; the black arts movement confronted by black feminism; and New Negro veterans experiencing the return of their youth as history. Pinckney filtered the avant-garde life he was exposed to downtown and the radical intellectual tradition of The Review through the moral values he inherited and adapted from abolitionist and Reconstruction black culture.In Come Back in September, Pinckney recalls his introduction to New York and the writing life. The critic and novelist intimately captures this revolutionary, brilliant, and troubled period in American letters. Elizabeth Hardwick was not only the link to the intellectual heart of New York, but also a source of continual support and inspiration-the way she worked, her artistry, and the beauty of her voice. Through his memories of the city and of Hardwick, we see the emergence and evolution of Pinckney himself: as a young man, as a New Yorker, and as one of the essential intellectuals of our time.