Search results for ""Author Ross"
University of Nebraska Press The Grass Shall Grow: Helen Post Photographs the Native American West
The Grass Shall Grow is a succinct introduction to the work and world of Helen M. Post (1907–79), who took thousands of photographs of Native Americans. Although Post has been largely forgotten and even in her heyday never achieved the fame of her sister, Farm Security Administration photographer Marion Post Wolcott, Helen Post was a talented photographer who worked on Indian reservations throughout the West and captured images that are both striking and informative. Post produced the pictures for the novelist Oliver La Farge’s nonfiction book As Long As the Grass Shall Grow (1940), among other publications, and her output constitutes a powerful representation of Native American life at that time. Mick Gidley recounts Post’s career, from her coming of age in the turbulent 1930s to her training in Vienna and her work for the U.S. Indian Service, tracking the arc of her professional reputation. He treats her interactions with public figures, including La Farge and editor Edwin Rosskam, and describes her relationships with Native Americans, whether noted craftspeople such as the Sioux quilter Nellie Star Boy Menard, tribal leaders such as Crow superintendent Robert Yellowtail, or ordinary individuals like the people she photographed at work in the fields or laboring for federal projects, at school or in the hospital, cooking or dancing. The images reproduced here are analyzed both for their own sake and in order to understand their connection to broader national concerns, including the 1934 Indian Reorganization Act. The thoroughly researched and accessibly written text represents a serious reappraisal of a neglected artist.
WW Norton & Co Pleasure Bound: Victorian Sex Rebels and the New Eroticism
At the height of the Victorian era, a daring group of artists and thinkers defied the reigning obsession with propriety, testing the boundaries of sexual decorum in their lives and in their work. Dante Gabriel Rossetti exhumed his dead wife to pry his only copy of a manuscript of his poems from her coffin. Legendary explorer Richard Burton wrote how-to manuals on sex positions and livened up the drawing room with stories of eroticism in the Middle East. Algernon Charles Swinburne visited flagellation brothels and wrote pornography amid his poetry. By embracing and exploring the taboo, these iconoclasts produced some of the most captivating art, literature, and ideas of their day. As thought-provoking as it is electric, Pleasure Bound unearths the desires of the men and women who challenged buttoned-up Victorian mores to promote erotic freedom. These bohemians formed two loosely overlapping societies—the Cannibal Club and the Aesthetes—to explore their fascinations with sexual taboo, from homosexuality to the eroticization of death. Known as much for their flamboyant personal lives as for their controversial masterpieces, they created a scandal-provoking counterculture that paved the way for such later figures as Gustav Klimt, Virginia Woolf, and Jean Genet. In this stunning exposé of the Victorian London we thought we knew, Deborah Lutz takes us beyond the eyebrow-raising practices of these sex rebels, revealing how they uncovered troubles that ran beneath the surface of the larger social fabric: the struggle for women’s emancipation, the dissolution of formal religions, and the pressing need for new forms of sexual expression.
Penguin Books Ltd Brideshead Revisited: The Sacred and Profane Memories of Captain Charles Ryder
Brideshead Revisited is Evelyn Waugh's stunning novel of duty and desire set amongst the decadent, faded glory of the English aristocracy in the run-up to the Second World War.The most nostalgic and reflective of Evelyn Waugh's novels, Brideshead Revisited looks back to the golden age before the Second World War. It tells the story of Charles Ryder's infatuation with the Marchmains and the rapidly disappearing world of privilege they inhabit. Enchanted first by Sebastian Flyte at Oxford, then by his doomed Catholic family, in particular his remote sister, Julia, Charles comes finally to recognise his spiritual and social distance from them.Evelyn Waugh (1903-66) was born in Hampstead, second son of Arthur Waugh, publisher and literary critic, and brother of Alec Waugh, the popular novelist. In 1928 he published his first work, a life of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, and his first novel, Decline and Fall, which was soon followed by Vile Bodies (1930), A Handful of Dust (1934) and Scoop (1938). In 1939 he was commissioned in the Royal Marines and later transferred to the Royal Horse Guards, serving in the Middle East and in Yugoslavia. In 1942 he published Put Out More Flags and then in 1945 Brideshead Revisited. Men at Arms (1952) was the first volume of 'The Sword of Honour' trilogy, and won the James Tait Black Memorial Prize; the other volumes, Officers and Gentlemen and Unconditional Surrender, followed in 1955 and 1961.If you enjoyed Brideshead Revisited, you might like Waugh's Vile Bodies, also available in Penguin Classics.'Lush and evocative ... Expresses at once the profundity of change and the indomitable endurance of the human spirit'The Times
Chicago Review Press A Futile and Stupid Gesture: How Doug Kenney and National Lampoon Changed Comedy Forever
Now a Netflix original film starring Will Forte, Domhnall Gleeson, and Emmy Rossum. Comic genius Doug Kenney cofounded National Lampoon, cowrote Animal House and Caddyshack, and changed the face of American comedy before mysteriously falling to his death at the age of 33. This is the first-ever biography of Kenney--the heart and soul of National Lampoon—reconstructing the history of that magazine as it redefined American humor, complete with all its brilliant and eccentric characters. Filled with vivid stories from New York, Harvard Yard, Hollywood, and Middle America, this chronicle shares how the magazine spawned a comedy revolution with the radio shows, stage productions, and film projects that launched the careers of John Belushi, Bill Murray, Chevy Chase, and Gilda Radner, while inspiring Saturday Night Live and everything else funny that’s happened since 1970. Based on more than 130 interviews conducted with key players including Chevy Chase, Harold Ramis, P. J. O’Rourke, John Landis, and others and boasting behind-the-scenes stories of how Animal House and Caddyshack were made, this book helps capture the nostalgia, humor, and enduring legacy that Doug Kenney instilled in National Lampoon--America’s greatest humor magazine.
Hodder & Stoughton Dandy Gilver and the Proper Treatment of Bloodstains
A cosy Dandy Gilver mystery set in 1920s Scotland. For fans of PG Wodehouse, Dorothy L Sayers and Agatha Christie.1st May 1926 - Dear Alec, Just when those who should be working are all downing tools for this wretched strike (and I still can't believe it - I mean to say: riots, Alec - in Edinburgh of all places) guess who is setting her virgin shoulder to its very first wheel? I am dressed in serge and sensible footwear, sleeping in an iron bed and dining off pickled tongue at six o'clock each day. I am, in short, that nice young Mrs Balfour's new maid. But don't worry, Alec dear: things haven't got as bad as all that. It's just that that nice young Mr Balfour is going to kill his wife. At least, she thinks so, and the more I hear about him from butler, cook and bootboy the more I'm inclined to agree. So I'm undercover, in disguise, bent upon foiling. And jolly hard work it is too - tomorrow is my half-day free if you'd care take me out for a restorative bun. (Every maid needs a beau to buy buns for her.) Yours, Dandy xx p.s. Ask for Miss Rossiter: below stairs I am she.Catriona McPherson's latest novel in the series, Dandy Gilver and a Spot of Toil and Trouble is now available for pre-order.
The University of Chicago Press Woven Histories: Textiles and Modern Abstraction
Richly illustrated volume exploring the inseparable histories of modernist abstraction and twentieth-century textiles. Published on the occasion of an exhibition curated by Lynne Cooke, Woven Histories offers a fresh and authoritative look at textiles—particularly weaving—as a major force in the evolution of abstraction. This richly illustrated volume features more than fifty creators whose work crosses divisions and hierarchies formerly segregating the fine arts from the applied arts and handicrafts. Woven Histories begins in the early twentieth century, rooting the abstract art of Sophie Taeuber-Arp in the applied arts and handicrafts, then features the interdisciplinary practices of Anni Albers, Sonia Delaunay, Liubov Popova, Varvara Stepanova, and others who sought to effect social change through fabrics for furnishings and apparel. Over the century, the intersection of textiles and abstraction engaged artists from Ed Rossbach, Kay Sekimachi, Ruth Asawa, Lenore Tawney, and Sheila Hicks to Rosemarie Trockel, Ellen Lesperance, Jeffrey Gibson, Igshaan Adams, and Liz Collins, whose textile-based works continue to shape this discourse. Including essays by distinguished art historians as well as reflections from contemporary artists, this ambitious project traces the intertwined histories of textiles and abstraction as vehicles through which artists probe urgent issues of our time.
Intellect Books Strategic Advertising Mechanisms: From Copy Strategy to Iconic Brands
It is the first time that the different strategic advertising mechanisms are explained in a single book. And this is also the first time that a book has brought together the most important and transcendent (for its applicability to the advertising market) strategic advertising mechanisms. The text explains from classic mechanisms such as Rosser Reeves's USP or Procter & Gamble's copy strategy to modern mechanisms such as Kevin Roberts's Lovemarks or Douglas Holt's iconic brands. It also considers European mechanisms such as Jacques Séguéla’s star strategy or Henri Joannis’s psychological axis. The book has the most complete academic review. Strategic Advertising Mechanisms: From Copy Strategy to Iconic Brands, integrates the most important strategic advertising mechanisms developed throughout the time: USP, brand image, positioning, Lovemarks... This is the first and only book to date that compiles the most consolidated methods by advertisers or advertising agencies (P&G, Bates, Ogilvy or Euro) in the history of modern advertising. Primary readership will be among practitioners, researchers, scholars and students in a range of disciplines, including communication, advertising, business and economic, information and communication, sociology, psychology and humanities. There may also be appeal to the more general reader with an interest in how advertising strategic planning works.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Storm Watchers: The Turbulent History of Weather Prediction from Franklin's Kite to El Niño
A lively, inspiring account of the pioneers who sought toaccurately predict the weather Benjamin Franklin . . . James P. Espy . . . Cleveland Abbe . . .Carl-Gustaf Rossby . . . Jule G. Charney . . . just a few of theremarkable individuals who struggled against formidable odds tounderstand the atmosphere and predict the weather. Where they sawpatterns and processes, others saw randomness and tumult-and yetthey strove to make their voices heard, often saving lives in theprocess. Storm Watchers takes you on a fascinating journey through time thatcaptures the evolution of weather forecasting. From the age whenmeteorology was considered one step removed from sorcery to themodern-day wizardry of supercomputers, John Cox introduces you tothe pioneering scientists whose work fulfilled an ancient dream andmade it possible to foretell the future. He tells the little-knownstories of these weathermen, such as Ptolemy's weather predictionsbased on astrology, John Finley's breakthrough research inidentifying tornadoes, and Tor Bergeron's new techniques of weatherforecasting, which contributed to its final worldwideacceptance. Filled with extraordinary tales of bravery and sacrifice, StormWatchers will make you think twice the next time you turn on thelocal news to catch the weather report.
Scala Arts & Heritage Publishers Ltd On the Grid: Ways of Seeing in Print
The grid often hides in plain sight, from notepads and spreadsheets to halftone photographic reproductions. It dominates the organisation, perception, and representation of the modern world, especially in print. Deeply embedded in a Western worldview, the grid visualises control, mastery, and order. As an invisible framing device, it has become so pervasive that we habitually ignore it. Yet when artists call our attention to the grid, its layered meanings come fully into view. On the Grid: Ways of Seeing in Print surveys photographs, prints, artist’s books, and printed sculptures from the dynamic permanent collection of the Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center at Vassar College. From 19th-century scientific and portrait photography to avant-garde and conceptual photography; from mid- 20th-century Minimalist, Pop Art, and Op Art printmaking to experimental bookmaking and photography in the 21st century, this richly illustrated volume explores how artists have embraced, rejected, and reclaimed the grid. By altering and challenging perception, they offer new ways of seeing the world. With contributions by Jared Bark, Jessica D. Brier, Lukas Felzmann, Stephen Frailey, John P. Murphy, Werner Pfeiffer, Alison Rossiter, Stephanie Syjuco, Rhiannon Skye Tafoya, Massimo Tarrida.
Orion Publishing Co The Romantic Revolution
A compelling and persuasive account of how the Romantic Movement permanently changed the way we see things and express ourselves.Three great revolutions rocked the world around 1800. The first two - the French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution - have inspired the greatest volume of literature. But the third - the romantic revolution - was perhaps the most fundamental and far-reaching. From Byron, Wordsworth, Coleridge and Burns, to Beethoven, Wagner, Berlioz, Rossini and Liszt, to Goya, Turner, Delacroix and Blake, the romantics brought about nothing less than a revolution when they tore up the artistic rule book of the old regime. This was the period in which art acquired its modern meaning; for the first time the creator, rather than the created, took centre-stage. Artists became the high priests of a new religion, and as the concert hall and gallery came to take the place of the church, the public found a new subject worthy of veneration in paintings, poetry and music. Tim Blanning's sparkling, wide-ranging survey traces the roots and evolution of a cultural revolution whose reverberations continue to be felt today.
Harvard University Press Forgotten Healers: Women and the Pursuit of Health in Late Renaissance Italy
Winner of the Margaret W. Rossiter History of Women in Science PrizeA new history uncovers the crucial role women played in the great transformations of medical science and health care that accompanied the Italian Renaissance.In Renaissance Italy women played a more central role in providing health care than historians have thus far acknowledged. Women from all walks of life—from household caregivers and nurses to nuns working as apothecaries—drove the Italian medical economy. In convent pharmacies, pox hospitals, girls’ shelters, and homes, women were practitioners and purveyors of knowledge about health and healing, making significant contributions to early modern medicine.Sharon Strocchia offers a wealth of new evidence about how illness was diagnosed and treated, whether by noblewomen living at court or poor nurses living in hospitals. She finds that women expanded on their roles as health care providers by participating in empirical work and the development of scientific knowledge. Nuns, in particular, were among the most prominent manufacturers and vendors of pharmaceutical products. Their experiments with materials and techniques added greatly to the era’s understanding of medical care. Thanks to their excellence in medicine urban Italian women had greater access to commerce than perhaps any other women in Europe.Forgotten Healers provides a more accurate picture of the pursuit of health in Renaissance Italy. More broadly, by emphasizing that the frontlines of medical care are often found in the household and other spaces thought of as female, Strocchia encourages us to rethink the history of medicine.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Economic Organization: Integrating Economic and Organization Theory
This comprehensive and groundbreaking Handbook integrates economic and organization theories to help elucidate the design and evolution of economic organization.Economic organization is regarded both as a subject of inquiry and as an emerging disciplinary field in its own right, integrating insights from economics, organization theory, strategy and management, economic sociology and cognitive psychology. The contributors, who share this integrated approach, are distinguished scholars at the productive peak in their fields. Each original, state-of-the art chapter not only addresses foundational issues, but also identifies key issues for future research.This original and wide-ranging Handbook will be a useful and thought-provoking read for academics, students and researchers in the fields of organization, management and economics.Contributors: N. Argyres, M.M. Blair, G. Bonifati, R.M. Burton, M.G. Colombo, L. Feng, N.J. Foss, B.S. Frey, V.P. Goldberg, A. Grandori, G. Hendrikse, J.-F. Hennart, G.M. Hodgson, A. Holl, B.E. Kaufman, P.G. Klein, P.H. Kriss, K.R. Lakhani, J.-E. Lane, R. Leoni, H. Lifshitz-Assaf, S. Lindenberg, J.T. Mahoney, S.E. Masten, B. Obel, M. Osterloh, U. Pagano, J. Pencavel, P. Puranam, R. Rama, M. Raveendran, C. Rossi-Lamastra, L. Sacconi, R. Sanchez, M.L. Tushman, M. Villani, M. Warglien, R. Weber, J. Windsperger, T.R. Zenger
Peeters Publishers Transforming Spirituality: Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of "Studies in Spirituality"
In the 25 years of its existence, Studies in Spirituality has been an attentive observer of the significant changes that have taken place in the field of spirituality. During this period, research in spirituality shifted not only towards the centre of theological reflection, it has also responded to a culture that sought to go beyond the boundaries of theology, on the one hand, and to the experience of globalisation on the other. In this volume, Rossano Zas Friz De Col S.l., Professor of Spirituality at the Institute of Spirituality of the Pontifical Gregorian University (Rome), presents a list of thirty-one articles previously published in Studies in Spirituality, which, from his perspective, merit reprinting. The reader will find a collection revolving around spiritual transformation as their center. The reprinted articles are preceded by a reflection on twenty-five years of Studies in Spirituality, in which professor Zas Friz decribes how Studies in Spirituality brings spiritual transformation into focus today, and how to understand that transformation in the present globalized world.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC 100 Bible Films
Choice Outstanding Academic Title 2023 From The Passion of the Christ to Life of Brian, and from The Ten Commandments to Last Temptation of Christ, filmmakers have been adapting the stories of the Bible for over 120 years, from the first time the Höritz Passion Play was filmed in the Czech Republic back in 1897. Ever since, these stories have inspired musicals, comedies, sci-fi, surrealist visions and the avant-garde not to mention spawning their own genre, the biblical epic. Filmmakers across six continents and from all kinds of religious perspectives (or none at all), have adapted the greatest stories ever told, delighting some and infuriating others. 100 Bible Films is the indispensable guide to this wide and varied output, providing an authoritative but accessible history of biblical adaptations through one hundred of the most interesting and significant biblical films. Richly illustrated with film stills, this book depicts how such films have undertaken a complex negotiation between art, commerce, entertainment and religion. Matthew Page traces the screen history of the biblical stories from the very earliest silent passion plays, via the golden ages of the biblical epic, through to more innovative and controversial later films as well as covering significant TV adaptations. He discusses films made not only by some of our greatest filmmakers, artists such as Martin Scorsese, Jean Luc Godard, Alice Guy, Roberto Rossellini, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Lotte Reiniger, Carl Dreyer and Luis Buñuel, but also those looking to explore their faith or share it with lovers of cinema the world over.
University of Hertfordshire Press Communities in Contrast: Doncaster and its rural hinterland, c.1830-1870
This book investigates what a case study of a northern market town and its rural hinterland can tell us about village differentiation, exploring how and why rural communities developed in what was chiefly an industrial region and, notably, how the relationship between town and country influenced rural communities. It looks at six villages close to Doncaster - Sprotbrough, Warmsworth, Rossington, Fishlake, Stainforth and Braithwell - chosen to represent the diversity of landownership and land type of the Doncaster district. Rural communities, and more specifically the development of English villages, have proved fertile ground for historians. This book makes an original contribution to these debates. In particular, it engages with existing models of village typology, suggesting that not only are they too restrictive to account for nuanced differences, but also that they fail to acknowledge the importance of the relationships between rural communities and between town and country. Following Sarah Holland’s detailed research into different aspects of rural communities, the book offers new perspectives on how rural communities in close proximity developed, often differently, during the mid-nineteenth century. Themes looked at in detail include living and working conditions, agriculture and industry, religion and education, and through these Holland considers existing theories of village typology, before setting out her ideas regarding social hierarchies, spheres of influence and agency, which combine to create complex patterns of differentiation. Communities in Contrast will appeal to all those interested in rural life and economy in the nineteenth century, the relationship between town and country, as well as the history of Yorkshire.
Troubador Publishing You Can’t Die for The Life In You
Bob Dawson has had a vast of experience, spanning over 35 years, with both the Spirit World, and the Spiritualist Movement and its periphery. During this time he has developed as a Healer and a Spiritualist Medium, and he has taken Spiritualist Church Services, workshops, and demonstrated Mediumship throughout the North West of England. In the past he was a committee member and former President of Rawtenstall Spiritualist Church, and is the Founder and Trustee of Rossendale Spiritualist Centre, which was established in 2003. During his life Bob has witnessed an array of what people would describe as paranormal events. Many would consider these magical, or even impossible, but in fact they are a reality, and adhere precisely to the Laws of Creation. He describes these events as life changing, in particular the physical phenomena that he has witnessed, and these are documented and critically examined within his book. In recounting these experiences Bob adds his own thought-provoking insight into the workings of Creation, and the function of the Spirit World through the evidence they have provided. He also explains the manifestation of our Spirit incarnation and reason for our progressive experiences in this world. This book provides the reader with an insight to what the Spirit World can achieve and demonstrate at our physical level, and points the way towards the self-discovery of who you truly are, which is not who you think you are. You Can’t Die for The Life In You is a fascinating account which will continue to stimulate the readers’ curiosity about the evidence, their identity, and life itself.
Transworld Publishers Ltd Ring of Fire
MotoGP is enjoying a period of unprecedented popularity and Ring of Fire details the acclaim, the heroism and the pressures of riding motorbikes at speeds of more than 200mph. This is a world where manufacturers invest millions and the world champion celebrates by staging mock jail breaks and giving pillion rides to a blow-up doll. One rider warms up for major races by singing Hank Marvin songs on his karaoke machine and a rising Italian star sees the world in terms of black and white energy tubes. Another sees nothing strange in racing with two broken ankles.Ring of Fire covers the recent history of MotoGP, from American Nicky Hayden spectacularly overturning established champion Valentino Rossi in 2006, through the emergence of wild young Australian Casey Stoner as the new champion in 2007, to the fierce rivalry between them and Spaniards Dani Pedrosa and Jorge Lorenzo in what would prove to be one of the most closely-contested years of racing in 2008. It gives a behind the scenes look at World Superbike Champion James Toseland's attempts to break into this elite, and looks back at the tradition of reprobates, romance and debauchery in the paddock dating back to the 60s and stars like Mike Hailwood and Giacomo Agostino.Rick Broadbent introduces us not just to the stars and the multi-million pound contracts, but also to the officals, mechanics, doctors, team owners and fans who make up this white-knuckle ride of a sport. By turns funny, sad, shocking and uplifting, Ring of Fire brings us face to face with those who battle to emerge unscathed, or who just ignore the pain and ride to win against all odds.
Penguin Books Ltd Brideshead Revisited: The Sacred and Profane Memories of Captain Charles Ryder
Brideshead Revisited is Evelyn Waugh's stunning novel of duty and desire set amongst the decadent, faded glory of the English aristocracy in the run-up to the Second World War.The most nostalgic and reflective of Evelyn Waugh's novels, Brideshead Revisited looks back to the golden age before the Second World War. It tells the story of Charles Ryder's infatuation with the Marchmains and the rapidly disappearing world of privilege they inhabit. Enchanted first by Sebastian Flyte at Oxford, then by his doomed Catholic family, in particular his remote sister, Julia, Charles comes finally to recognise his spiritual and social distance from them.Evelyn Waugh (1903-66) was born in Hampstead, second son of Arthur Waugh, publisher and literary critic, and brother of Alec Waugh, the popular novelist. In 1928 he published his first work, a life of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, and his first novel, Decline and Fall, which was soon followed by Vile Bodies (1930), A Handful of Dust (1934) and Scoop (1938). In 1939 he was commissioned in the Royal Marines and later transferred to the Royal Horse Guards, serving in the Middle East and in Yugoslavia. In 1942 he published Put Out More Flags and then in 1945 Brideshead Revisited. Men at Arms (1952) was the first volume of 'The Sword of Honour' trilogy, and won the James Tait Black Memorial Prize; the other volumes, Officers and Gentlemen and Unconditional Surrender, followed in 1955 and 1961.If you enjoyed Brideshead Revisited, you might like Waugh's Vile Bodies, also available in Penguin Classics.'Lush and evocative ... Expresses at once the profundity of change and the indomitable endurance of the human spirit'The Times
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet Pocket Lisbon
Lonely Planet’s Pocket Lisbon is your guide to the city’s best experiences and local life - neighbourhood by neighbourhood. Ride the scenic Tram 28E, take in the beauty of the fairy-tale Mosteiro dos Jeronimos, and sample the famous pasteis de nata; all with your trusted travel companion. Uncover the best of Lisbon and make the most of your trip!Inside Lonely Planet’s Pocket Lisbon: Full-colour maps and travel photography throughoutHighlights and itineraries help you tailor a trip to your personal needs and interestsInsider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spotsEssential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, pricesHonest reviews for all budgets - eating, sightseeing, going out, shopping, hidden gems that most guidebooks missConvenient pull-out Lisbon map (included in print version), plus over 16 colour neighbourhood mapsUser-friendly layout with helpful icons, and organised by neighbourhood to help you pick the best spots to spend your timeCovers Bairro Alto & Chiado, Baixa & Rossio, Alfama, Castelo & Graça, Belém, Parque das Nações, Marquês de Pombal, Rato & Saldanha, Estrela, Lapa & Alcântara and moreThe Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet’s Pocket Lisbon, an easy-to-use guide filled with top experiences - neighbourhood by neighbourhood - that literally fits in your pocket. Make the most of a quick trip to Lisbon with trusted travel advice to get you straight to the heart of the city. Looking for more extensive coverage? Check out Lonely Planet’s Portugal guide or the Experience Portugal guide for a comprehensive look at all that the country has to offer.eBook Features: (Best viewed on tablet devices and smartphones)Downloadable PDF and offline maps prevent roaming and data chargesEffortlessly navigate and jump between maps and reviewsAdd notes to personalise your guidebook experienceSeamlessly flip between pagesBookmarks and speedy search capabilities get you to key pages in a flashEmbedded links to recommendations' websitesZoom-in maps and photos Inbuilt dictionary for quick referencingAbout Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet is a leading travel media company, providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973. Over the past four decades, we've printed over 145 million guidebooks and phrasebooks for 120 languages, and grown a dedicated, passionate global community of travellers. You'll also find our content online, and in mobile apps, videos, 14 languages, armchair and lifestyle books, ebooks, and more, enabling you to explore every day. 'Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.' – New York Times'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves; it's in every traveller's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' – Fairfax Media (Australia)
Duke University Press Becoming: The Photographs of Clementina, Viscountess Hawarden
Clementina, Viscountess Hawarden (1822–1865) produced over eight hundred photographs during her all-too-brief life. Most of these were portraits of her adolescent daughters. By whisking away the furniture and bric-a-brac common in scenes of upper-class homes of the Victorian period, Lady Hawarden transformed the sitting room of her London residence into a photographic studio—a private space for taking surprising photos of her daughters in fancy dress. In Carol Mavor’s hands, these pictures become windows into Victorian culture, eroticism, mother-daughter relationships, and intimacy.With drama, wit, and verve, Lady Hawarden’s girls, becoming women, entwine each other, their mirrored reflections and select feminine objects (an Indian traveling cabinet, a Gothic-style desk, a shell-covered box) as homoerotic partners. The resulting mise-en-scène is secretive, private, delicious, and arguably queer—a girltopia ripe with maternality and adolescent flirtation, as touching as it is erotic. Luxuriating in the photographs’ interpretive possibilities, Mavor makes illuminating connections between Hawarden and other artists and writers, including Vermeer, Christina Rossetti, George Eliot, Lewis Carroll, and twentieth-century photographers Sally Mann and Francesca Woodman. Weaving psychoanalytic theory and other photographic analyses into her work, Mavor contemplates the experience of the photograph and considers the relationship of Hawarden’s works to the concept of the female fetish, to voyeurism, mirrors and lenses, and twins and doubling. Under the spell of Roland Barthes, Mavor’s voice unveils the peculiarities of the erotic in Lady Hawarden’s images through a writerly approach that remembers and rewrites adolescence as sustained desire. In turn autobiographical, theoretical, historical, and analytical, Mavor’s study caresses these mysteriously ripped and scissored images into fables of sapphic love and the real magic of photography.
Jonglez Secret Lisbon - An Unusual Travel Guide
Let Secret Lisbon guide you around the unusual and unfamiliar. Step off the beaten track with this fascinating Lisbon guide book and let our local experts show you the well-hidden treasures of this amazing city. Ideal for local inhabitants, curious visitors and armchair travellers alike. The places included in our guides are unusual and unfamiliar, allowing one to step off the beaten track. Now in it's third edition, Secret Lisbon features 160 secret and unusual locations. Inside Secret Lisbon : The most beautiful hidden tiles of the city, the head of the serial killer Lisbon preserved in formalin, the Kabbalistic principles of the south portal of the Jeronimos Monastery or the theory of the fifth Portuguese empire of which we find so many traces in the geography of the city, charming forgotten dead ends, the outstanding panoptic architecture of a former hospital, the impressive wax masks from the Dermatology Museum, a secret passage at the hotel Avenida Palace, the mysterious abbey below Palacio Foz, the reason why the coat of arms of the Portugal is inclined at 17 Degrees on the facade of the Rossio station ... Don't miss - Each chapter of this Secret Lisbon travel guide book corresponds to a different neighbourhood of the city so that one can always find a hidden or secret place to discover. Perfectly planned walks - Make sure that you do not miss any Secret location, by discovering each one featured in this guide by planning a walking tour of each neighbourhood.
Columbia University Press 1960: When Art and Literature Confronted the Memory of World War II and Remade the Modern
In 1960, when World War II might seem to have been receding into history, a number of artists and writers instead turned back to it. They chose to confront the unprecedented horror and mass killing of the war, searching for new creative and political possibilities after the conservatism of the 1950s in the long shadow of genocide.Al Filreis recasts 1960 as a turning point to offer a groundbreaking account of postwar culture. He examines an eclectic group of artistic, literary, and intellectual figures who strove to create a new language to reckon with the trauma of World War II and to imagine a new world. Filreis reflects on the belatedness of this response to the war and the Holocaust and shows how key works linked the legacies of fascism and antisemitism with American racism. In grappling with the memory of the war, he demonstrates, artists reclaimed the radical elements of modernism and brought forth original ideas about testimony to traumatic history.1960 interweaves the lives and works of figures across high and popular culture—including Chinua Achebe, Hannah Arendt, James Baldwin, Amiri Baraka, Paul Celan, John Coltrane, Frantz Fanon, Roberto Rossellini, Muriel Rukeyser, Rod Serling, and Louis Zukofsky—and considers art forms spanning poetry, fiction, memoir, film, painting, sculpture, teleplays, musical theater, and jazz. A deeply interdisciplinary cultural, literary, and intellectual history, this book also offers fresh perspective on the beginning of the 1960s.
Plough Publishing House Poems to See By: A Comic Artist Interprets Great Poetry
A fresh twist on 24 classic poems, these visual interpretations by comic artist Julian Peters will change the way you see the world.This stunning anthology of favorite poems visually interpreted by comic artist Julian Peters breathes new life into some of the greatest English-language poets of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.These are poems that can change the way we see the world, and encountering them in graphic form promises to change the way we read the poems. In an age of increasingly visual communication, this format helps unlock the world of poetry and literature for a new generation of reluctant readers and visual learners.Grouping unexpected pairings of poems around themes such as family, identity, creativity, time, mortality, and nature, Poems to See By will also help young readers see themselves differently. A valuable teaching aid appropriate for middle school, high school, and college use, the collection includes favorites from the Western canon already taught in countless English classes.Includes poems by Emily Dickinson, Langston Hughes, Carl Sandburg, Maya Angelou, Seamus Heaney, e. e. cummings, Robert Frost, Dylan Thomas, Christina Rossetti, William Wordsworth, William Ernest Henley, Robert Hayden, Edgar Allan Poe, W. H. Auden, Thomas Hardy, Percy Bysshe Shelley, John Philip Johnson, W. B. Yeats, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Tess Gallagher, Ezra Pound, and Siegfried Sassoon.
Taschen GmbH Impressionism
Discover how scenes of daily life and delicate dabs of color shocked the art world establishment. In this TASCHEN Basic Art introduction to Impressionism, we explore the artists, subjects, and techniques that first brought the easel out of the studio and shifted artistic attention from history, religion, or portraiture to the evanescent ebb and flow of modern life. As we tour the theaters, bars, and parks of Paris and beyond, we take in the movement’s radical innovations in style and subject, from the principle of plein air painting to the rapid, broken brushwork that allowed the Impressionists to emphasize spontaneity, movement, and the changing qualities of light. We take a close look at their unusual new perspectives and their fresh palette of pure, unblended colors, including many vividly bright shades that brought a whole new level of chromatic intensity to the canvas. Along the way, we recognize Impressionism’s established greats, such as Edgar Degas, Claude Monet, Berthe Morisot, and Camille Pissarro, as well as many associated artists worthy of closer attention, including Marie Bracquemond, Medardo Rosso, and Fritz von Uhde.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Luchino Visconti: Filmmaker and Philosopher
Luchino Visconti (1906-1976) was one of Europe’s most prestigious filmmakers, who rose to prominence as part of the Italian neo-realist movement, alongside contemporaries Vittorio De Sica and Roberto Rossellini. Famous for his elegant lifestyle, as friend of Jean Renoir and Coco Chanel amongst others, his vibrant technicolour dramas are also known for their decadence and stunning display of aesthetic mastery and sensory pleasure. Looking beyond this colourful façade, however, Resina explores the philosophical implications of decadence with a particular focus on three films from the late phase in Visconti’s production, Damned (1969), Death in Venice (1971), and Ludwig (1972). From the incestuous relationship between decadence and power to decadence as an outcome of straining toward formal perfection, Resina uncovers the unity and philosophical cohesiveness of these films that deal with different subjects and historical periods. Reading these films and their decadence in light of the time of filming and Visconti’s own sense of cultural doom, Resina further demonstrates the relevance of Visconti’s philosophy today and how much they still have to say to our contemporary situation.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Rotating Thermal Flows in Natural and Industrial Processes
Rotating Thermal Flows in Natural and Industrial Processes provides the reader with a systematic description of the different types of thermal convection and flow instabilities in rotating systems, as present in materials, crystal growth, thermal engineering, meteorology, oceanography, geophysics and astrophysics. It expressly shows how the isomorphism between small and large scale phenomena becomes beneficial to the definition and ensuing development of an integrated comprehensive framework. This allows the reader to understand and assimilate the underlying, quintessential mechanisms without requiring familiarity with specific literature on the subject. Topics treated in the first part of the book include: Thermogravitational convection in rotating fluids (from laminar to turbulent states); Stably stratified and unstratified shear flows; Barotropic and baroclinic instabilities; Rossby waves and Centrifugally-driven convection; Potential Vorticity, Quasi-Geostrophic Theory and related theorems; The dynamics of interacting vortices, interacting waves and mixed (hybrid) vortex-wave states; Geostrophic Turbulence and planetary patterns. The second part is entirely devoted to phenomena of practical interest, i.e. subjects relevant to the realms of industry and technology, among them: Surface-tension-driven convection in rotating fluids; Differential-rotation-driven (forced) flows; Crystal Growth from the melt of oxide or semiconductor materials; Directional solidification; Rotating Machinery; Flow control by Rotating magnetic fields; Angular Vibrations and Rocking motions; Covering a truly prodigious range of scales, from atmospheric and oceanic processes and fluid motion in "other solar-system bodies", to convection in its myriad manifestations in a variety of applications of technological relevance, this unifying text is an ideal reference for physicists and engineers, as well as an important resource for advanced students taking courses on the physics of fluids, fluid mechanics, thermal, mechanical and materials engineering, environmental phenomena, meteorology and geophysics.
Hachette Books Roberto's New Vegan Cooking: 125 Easy, Delicious, Real Food Recipes
Do you suffer through the same old salads because you want to eat more veggies? Are you trying to use less processed junk when you cook but find yourself thinking, "I don't have time for that"? If you're hungry for good food and a good time in the kitchen, chef Roberto Martin has the answers,and he's here to demonstrate that cooking delicious meals with whole foods doesn't have to take a whole day.When he was personal chef to Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi, Roberto created basic meals that turned their favourite meaty dishes into tasty vegan feasts. Roberto's cooking continues to evolve, using fewer faux meats and more healthful, plant-based ingredients. Not only does he make seriously amazing food for others, he has a hungry family at home,so whether he's whipping up a Sunday brunch, after-school snacks, or a cozy dinner for two, the food's got to be easy, satisfying, and delicious.Based on both Roberto's Mexican-American family favourites (check out the recipes for albondigas soup and jackfruit tacos) and his classical French culinary training (cassoulet? Every day), these new recipes use simple basics (think beans, beets, and avocado) while also introducing less common but easy-to-use ingredients (celeriac? It has an amazing meaty texture). The result? Finger-licking dishes that'll please everyone from your fussy kid to your need-to-impress in-laws. With tips for outfitting your kitchen and techniques to save you time, as well as a chapter devoted to homemade staples that will truly make your cooking life easier and tastier, you'll be able to make fresh, healthy meals in a snap,big flavors, no fussin'.
Abrams The Tate Britian Companion to British Art
The Tate Britain Companion to British Art draws on Tate Britain's unrivalled collection to provide a lively, orginal and informative introduction to the story of art in Britain over the last five hundred years. Considering themes such as fashion, eating, childhood, occultism, science, empire, religion and Postmodernism, Richard Humphreys examines works by all the major artists, both in their own right and placed in broader contexts to convey their full richness and beauty. The cast of characters includes great historical figures such as Holbein, Van Dyck, Hogarth, Blake, Constable, Turner, Rossetti and Sargent; modern masters, and mistresses, such as Gwen John, Stanley Spencer, Henry Moore, Barbara Hepworth and Francis Bacon; and leading contemporary artists from David Hockney, Peter Blake and Lucian Freud to Gilbert and George, Damien Hirst and Rachel Whiteread. Beginning in Tate Britain's legendary restaurant and the strangely familiar land of Epicurania, the book offers a varied menu of treats, including Sir Thomas More and his monkey, Cromwellian art-smasher William Dowsing, gay connoisseur and spy Baron von Stosch, soft pornographer-vicar Matthew Peters, sheep farmer and pioneer photographer Samuel Butler, Simpkin the cat, a metaphysical garden or two, Robby the Robot, James Bond, and an exploding garden shed.
Johns Hopkins University Press A Cinema of Poetry: Aesthetics of the Italian Art Film
A Cinema of Poetry brings Italian film studies into dialogue with fields outside its usual purview by showing how films can contribute to our understanding of aesthetic questions that stretch back to Homer. Joseph Luzzi considers the relation between film and literature, especially the cinematic adaptation of literary sources and, more generally, the fields of rhetoric, media studies, and modern Italian culture. The book balances theoretical inquiry with close readings of films by the masters of Italian cinema: Roberto Rossellini, Vittorio De Sica, Luchino Visconti, Michelangelo Antonioni, Federico Fellini, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Bernardo Bertolucci, and others. Luzzi's study is the first to show how Italian filmmakers address such crucial aesthetic issues as the nature of the chorus, the relation between symbol and allegory, the literary prehistory of montage, and the place of poetry in cinematic expression-what Pasolini called the "cinema of poetry." While Luzzi establishes how certain qualities of film-its link with technological processes, capacity for mass distribution, synthetic virtues (and vices) as the so-called total art-have reshaped centuries-long debates, A Cinema of Poetry also explores what is specific to the Italian art film and, more broadly, Italian cinematic history. In other words, what makes this version of the art film recognizably "Italian"?
John Wiley & Sons Inc Learning from Our Lives: Using Educational Biographies with Adults
"This book is refreshingly personal and studded with insightful case study examples. It is a timely and major contribution to the literature of adult education." --Jack Mezirow, professor emeritus, Adult and Continuing Education, Teachers College, Columbia University "A brilliant tribute to the value of teachers intentionally guiding students to sharpen what I believe Howard Gardner has named intrapersonal intelligence." --Margaret Holt, assistant professor, University of Georgia, Athens "A valuable contribution to the growing dialogue centering around narrative approaches to education, autobiographical learning, and ways in which autobiographical activities stimulate personal growth and transformative learning." --Marsha Rossiter, associate director, Division of Continuing Education and Extension, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh This is the first professional guide to using educational biography with adult learners. It offers engaging anecdotes and narratives, insightful interpretations and analyses, and numerous examples of different biographical approaches. Written for practitioners who conduct adult educational programs in formal or informal settings, this book can help teachers, trainers, career counselors, and human resource professionals to empower learners in assuming greater responsibility for their education and development. Pierre Dominice draws valuable lessons from his work with educational biography to describe the multiple ways in which adults think and learn. His explorations help educators to stay focused on learning and not just teaching.
Silvana The Gianfranco Luzzetti Collection: At the Museo delle Clarisse
This book presents the Gianfranco Luzzetti collection housed in the historic complex of the former convent of the Clarisse in Grosseto, a new museum in the city. The collection is the result of the donation to the Municipality, in 2018, of over 60 works from the personal heritage of Luzzetti, an antiquarian from Grosseto, deeply linked to his land. The paintings, of great quality, trace Italian art from the 14th to the 19th century, with particular attention to Florentine art of the 17th century. The collection includes masterpieces by Antonio Rossellino, Giambologna, Rutilio Manetti, Passignano, Niccolò di Pietro Lamberti, Corrado Giaquinto, Camillo Rusconi, Pier Dandini and Giovanni di Tano Fei, as well as important works by Donatello and Beccafumi and works already donated to the Municipality of Grosseto in past years, of Santi di Tito and Cigoli. This volume, with introductory texts regarding the history of the site, the birth of the Museum and the Collection, is complemented by an anthology of writings by Luzzetti and bibliographic apparatuses. Research and texts: Sandro Bellesi, Marco Ciampolini, Roberto Contini, Elena Dubaldo, Lucia Ferri, Claudia Ganci, Cecilia Luzzetti, Gianfranco Luzzetti, Andrea Marchi, Mauro Papa, Marcella Parisi, Francesca Perillo, Gianluca Sposato, Angelo Tartuferi. Italian edition, with English translation in the appendix.
Pan Macmillan She is Fierce: Brave, Bold and Beautiful Poems by Women
A stunning gift book containing 150 bold, brave and beautiful poems by women – from classic, well loved poets to innovative and bold modern voices. From suffragettes to school girls, from spoken word superstars to civil rights activists, from aristocratic ladies to kitchen maids, these are voices that deserve to be heard. Collected by anthologist Ana Sampson She is Fierce: Brave, Bold and Beautiful Poems by Women contains an inclusive array of voices, from modern and contemporary poets. Immerse yourself in poems from Maya Angelou, Nikita Gill, Wendy Cope, Ysra Daley-Ward, Emily Bronte, Carol Ann Duffy, Fleur Adcock, Liz Berry, Jackie Kay, Hollie McNish, Imtiaz Dharker, Helen Dunmore, Emily Dickinson, Mary Oliver, Christina Rossetti, Margaret Atwood and Dorothy Parker, to name but a few!Featuring short biographies of each poet, She is Fierce is a stunning collection and an essential addition to any bookshelf.The anthology is divided into the following sections:Roots and Growing UpFriendshipLoveNatureFreedom, Mindfulness and JoyFashion, society and body imageProtest, courage and resistanceEndings'Covering everything from love and freedom to protest and body images, dip in and embrace words of beauty on a daily basis.' – Stylist'Women sometimes get overlooked in poetry anthologies, but She is Fierce more than makes up for it.' – Independent
John Murray Press Desperate Romantics
Their Bohemian lifestyle and intertwined love affairs shockingly broke 19th Century class barriers and bent the rules that governed the roles of the sexes. They became defined by love triangles, played out against the austere moral climate of Victorian England; they outraged their contemporaries with their loves, jealousies and betrayals, and they stunned society when their complex moral choices led to madness and suicide, or when their permissive experiments ended in addiction and death. The characters are huge and vivid and remain as compelling today as they were in their own time. The influential critic, writer and artist John Ruskin was their father figure and his apostles included the painter Dante Gabriel Rossetti and the designer William Morris. They drew extraordinary women into their circle. In a move intended to raise eyebrows for its social audacity, they recruited the most ravishing models they could find from the gutters of Victorian slums. The saga is brought to life through the vivid letters and diaries kept by the group and the accounts written by their contemporaries. These real-lie stories shed new light on the greatest nineteenth-century British art.
SPCK Publishing Love Set You Going: Poems of the Heart
‘Love set you going’. The opening words of Sylvia Plath’s poem for her newborn daughter are true of each one of us. Love is fundamental to our being, our growth, our development and our happiness. Love enables us to make meaning of our lives in the world, and it gives us hope for what lies beyond. It is completely humdrum and ordinary – yet mysterious beyond words. Beginning in the body, it points us to eternity. Life offers, and asks of us, many different kinds of love, and poets have reflected on this truth with insight and acute observation. As Janet Morley explores love ‘up and down the generations’, ‘grown up love’ and love between ‘God and the human heart’, she reveals what our hearts eventually discern – love has its seasons and ambiguities, its certainties and passions. Love is never simple at all. W. H. Auden * Rupert Brooke * Charles Causley * John Clare * Gillian Clarke * Samuel Taylor Coleridge * Christine De Luca * Imtiaz Dharker * Emily Dickinson * John Donne * Carol Ann Duffy * Ruth Fainlight * U. A. Fanthorpe * Seamus Heaney * George Herbert * Gerard Manley Hopkins * Ted Hughes * John of the Cross * Jane Kenyon * D. H. Lawrence * Edwin Morgan * Sinéad Morrissey * Sylvia Plath * Christina Rossetti * Siegfried Sassoon * E. J. Scovell * William Shakespeare * R. S. Thomas * Rosemary Tonks * Andrew Waterhouse * Charles Wesley * Rowan Williams * Thomas Wyatt
Johns Hopkins University Press Victorians Undone: Tales of the Flesh in the Age of Decorum
A fascinating account of what it was like to live in a Victorian body from best-selling historian and critic Kathryn Hughes.In Victorians Undone, renowned British historian Kathryn Hughes follows five iconic figures of the nineteenth century as they encounter the world not through their imaginations or intellects but through their bodies. Or rather, through their body parts. Using the vivid language of admiring glances, cruel sniggers, and implacably turned backs, Hughes crafts a narrative of cinematic quality by combining a series of truly eye-opening and deeply intelligent accounts of life in Victorian England.Lady Flora Hastings is an unmarried lady-in-waiting at young Queen Victoria's court whose swollen stomach ignites a scandal that almost brings the new reign crashing down. Darwin's iconic beard provides important new clues to the roles that men and women play in the great dance of natural selection. George Eliot brags that her right hand is larger than her left, but her descendants are strangely desperate to keep the information secret. The poet-painter Dante Gabriel Rossetti, meanwhile, takes his art and his personal life in a new direction thanks to the bee-stung lips of his secret mistress, Fanny Cornforth. Finally, we meet Fanny Adams, an eight-year-old working-class girl whose tragic evisceration tells us much about the currents of desire and violence at large in the mid-Victorian countryside. While 'bio-graphy' parses as 'the writing of a life,' the genre itself has often seemed willfully indifferent to the vital signs of that life—to breath, movement, touch, and taste. Nowhere is this truer than when writing about the Victorians, who often figure in their own life stories as curiously disembodied. In lively, accessible prose, Victorians Undone fills the space where the body ought to be, proposing new ways of thinking and writing about flesh in the nineteenth century.
Evro Publishing Stirling Moss: My Racing Life
In this very personal book, Stirling Moss guides the reader through his motor racing life with a fascinating, insightful and often amusing commentary to an unrivalled collection of over 300 photographs, many of which will be unfamiliar to even his most ardent fans. He takes us from his childhood to the height of his fame as 'Mr Motor Racing' and then to the sudden end of his career with that crash at Goodwood in 1962. Along the way we dwell on his finest moments as well as the setbacks, and delight in the sheer variety of machinery - almost 100 different cars - in which he competed during his rollercoaster racing life. This is a book that all motor racing enthusiasts will treasure. Starting in 1948, he made his name in little 500cc Coopers, moving towards stardom in HWM, ERA and Cooper F2 cars, then his own F1 Maserati 250F. The 1955 Mercedes season and its twin highlights a winning the Mille Miglia and the British Grand Prix. His longing to win in British cars was rewarded with two fine F1 seasons at Vanwall (1957a 58), with whom he came very close to winning the F1 World Championship, and sports car successes with Aston Martin.- Rear-engined Cooper and Lotus F1 cars with Rob Walker (1958a 62), including two celebrated Monaco GP wins.- Two-seater variety: the amazing range of sports cars he drove included Jaguars (XK120, C-type and D-type), Maseratis (150S to 450S), Ferraris (250 GT SWB and Testa Rossa) and Porsches (550 Spyder to RS61), plus Frazer Nash Le Mans Replica, Osca, Healey 100S, Cooper 'Bobtail' and more. Ever busy and versatile: rallying with Sunbeams, trialling a Harford special, Bonneville record-breaking with MG EX181, saloon car racing in a humble Standard Ten a and even a kart race. Published to mark the 60th anniversary of Moss' famous win in the 1955 Mille Miglia road race in a Mercedes 300SLR.Foreword by 2014 Formula One World Champion Lewis Hamilton."
Lake View Press The Cineaste Interviews: On the Art and Politics of the Cinema
Roger Ebert wrote the foreword to this collection of 35 in-depth interviews with the world's leading filmmakers and critics, from Fonda to Fassbinder, from Canby to Costa-Gavras, from Sarris to Sayles. Cineaste, America's leading magazine on the art and politics of the cinema, has become known for its in-depth interviews with filmmakers and film critics of international stature. The best of these interviews are now collected in this volume. The interviews: Constantin Costa-Gavras, Glauber Rocha, Miguel Littin, Bernardo Bertolucci, Ousmane Sembene, Elio Petri, Dusan Makavejev; Gillo Pontecorvo; Alain Tanner, Jane Fonda, Francesco Rosi, Lina Wertmuller, Roberto Rossellini, Tomas Gutierrez Alea, Gordon Parks, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, John Howard Lawson, Paul Schrader, Agnes Varda, Bertrand Tavernier, Andrew Sarris, Bruce Gilbert, Jorge Semprun, Vincent Canby, John Berger, Andrzej Wajda, John Sayles, Krzysztof Zanussi, Molly Haskell, Budd Schulberg, Satyajit Ray. The unique value of these interviews will be the comments by the filmmakers on the crucial artistic and political decisions confronted in the making of their films, many of which have become classics of their kind. The filmmakers and critics talk about their own development, films which influenced their work, and the continuing controversies and alternative approaches in filmmaking. They take on their critics and their own previous positions with a clarity and forcefulness to be expected from some of the leading practitioners of their art. The interviews are introduced with a foreword by Roger Ebert, television commentator and critic for the Chicago Sun-Times. Mr. Ebert discusses the relation of art and politics and some of the common perspectives which unite filmmakers of different cultures and of diverse artistic and political temperaments. Among the subjects of these wide-ranging talks are: the choice between popular and experimental forms of narrative; the filmmaker's responsibility to society; blacks and women in the movies; the rise of third world filmmaking; Hollywood's left and progressives; the conditions of filmmaking in different societies; the challenges of independent production; different forms of censorship, from the U.S. to Poland; trends in criticism and auteur theory to feminism; the power of the reviewer.
Hearst Home Books Road & Track Crew's Big & Fast Cars: 701 Totally Amazing Facts!
The fastest, funniest page-turner on the planet! This is the ultimate book for kids who love slick supercars, powerful monster trucks, and record-smashing speed machines.Buckle up — the only thing more exciting than reading this book about big and fast cars is sitting behind the wheel of one crossing the finish line at the Indy 500! Inside you’ll find amazing color photos, mind-blowing facts, and answers to some very urgent questions, like: Do you know why the van was embarrassed around its friends? Because it had a little gas! Since the invention of the wheel, people have been building machines that go faster and faster and look cooler and cooler. The first cars went about 10 mph, now they easily break 200 mph — and some even drive themselves! Speaking of which, ever wonder whose fault it is if two self-driving cars get in an accident? Pick up this book and find out! Under the hood you’ll discover: Incredible auto-related facts like record setting rides (check out the 763 mph ThrustSSC rocket car!) and answers to seriously silly questions (How do race car drivers pee during a race?)Many S.T.E.A.M. learning opportunities such as the science of how cars work and the history of cars from the Model T to electric cars to a Tesla in space!Behind-the-scenes stories of people with great car-related jobs such as a Hot Wheels designer, the guy who created the Batmobile, a scientist who controls rovers on Mars, and of course, record-setting drivers like Danica Patrick, Alexander Rossi, Dale Earnhardt, Jr. and teen sensation Chloe Chambers.Fun activities such as drawing lessons (create your own car cartoon character!) matching games, quizzes, plus tons of jokes.Sneak peeks inside the garages of your favorite famous car-collection celebs like The Rock, Lady Gaga, Guy Fieri and other car-obsessives!The only thing readers need to drive Road & Track Crew Big & Fast Cars is a license for fun. So turn the key, step on the gas and let’s go!
Little, Brown & Company The Joy of Pizza: Everything You Need to Know
Pizza is simple: dough, sauce, cheese, toppings. But inside these ordinary ingredients lies a world of extraordinary possibility. With The Joy of Pizza, you'll make the best pizza of your life. Dan Richer has devoted his career to discovering the secrets to a transcendent pie. The pizza at his restaurant, Razza, is among the best one can eat in the United States, if not the world. Now, Richer shares all he has learned about baking pizza with a crisp, caramelized rim; a delicate, floral-scented crumb; and a luscious combination of sauce, cheese, and toppings that gets as close to perfection as any mortal may dare.You'll learn how to make Razza specialties such as:*Jersey Margherita, a new classic improving on Neapolitan tradition with * Meatball Pizza, the first time Richer has shared the recipe for Razza's legendary meatballs* Project Hazelnut, pairing the rich flavor of the nuts with honey and mozzarella* Santo, topped with caramelized fennel sausage and drizzled with chile oil * Pumpkin Pie, a cold-weather pie with roasted pumpkin, ricotta salata, and caramelized onions* And many more inventive and seasonal pizzas, from Funghi (mushroom) and Montagna (arugula and speck) to Bianca (white pizza) and Rossa (vegan tomato pie)Suited to beginning home bakers and professionals alike, these crusts begin with store-bought yeast as well as sourdough starter. Richer shows how to achieve top results in ordinary home ovens as well as high-temperature ovens such as the Ooni and Roccbox, and even wood-fired outdoor pizza ovens. The Joy of Pizza is rich with step-by-step photography, links to instructional videos, and portraits of every pizza before and after it meets the heat of the oven-so you'll know exactly what to do to create superior results.The ingredients are simple. The methods are straightforward. And the results are deliriously delicious.
Giorgio Nada Editore Ferrari: All The Cars: New enlarged Edition
The first and only “virtual gallery” with all or almost all the models produced by the Maranello firm from 1947 to the present day, drawn by an artist of the calibre of Giorgio Alisi. Detailed technical files and texts by Leonardo Acerbi, an established historian of the marque, complete this unique overview of the Prancing Horse and its history. First published in the mid-2000s and reprinted on a number of occasions, Ferrari All the cars reviews, model by model, all the most significant cars produced by the Maranello firm from 1947 to the present day. From the Auto Avio Costruzioni of 1940, the Ferrari precursor, to the 125 S, the first car to carry the Prancing Horse badge and the Ferrari name, through to the latest Portofino, the reader explores unforgettable icons of automotive history. Among them, to mention but a few, are models such as the 250 GTs, the Testa Rossa, the 250 GTO, the 250 Le Mans and the 275 GTB , through to the latest creations, the FF, 488 GTB, California and GTC4 Lusso, by way of the 365 GTB/4 “Daytona”, 512 BB, 308 GTB and many others. Then, naturally, there are all the F1 single-seaters from 1950 to the present day, those that have permitted the Prancing Horse to win 15 World Driver’s Championships and 16 Constructors’ titles, and the unforgettable Sports cars and Prototypes, undisputed protagonists for years in the enthralling endurance classics such as the Le Mans 24 Hours and the Targa Florio. The files on each model are complemented by an accompanying image, brief but pertinent contextual texts and detailed technical specifications. Ferrari All the cars is a unique book allowing you to have a complete history of Ferrari and its unforgettable cars always to hand, an authentic vademecum of the Maranello firm.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Joanna, George and Henry: A Pre-Raphaelite Tale of Art, Love and Friendship
Biography of three artists closely associated with the Pre-Raphaelites whose letters give a vivid insight into the dramas of their personal life. Joanna, George and Henry tells the story of the intertwined lives of three young artists in the 1850s. When the transcript of the material on which this group portrait is based came to light ten years ago, no one could haveimagined the drama within. They were family letters: letters from a young woman to her brother and later to her suitor - of interest chiefly because all three were painters, and all were active participants in the youthful Pre-Raphaelite revolution that swept England in the 1850s. They turned out to be a revelation - giving not only a comprehensive picture of what it was like to be an artist in the mid-19th century, but containing within them a powerful family drama and a most unusual love story. It is a love story, moreover, told largely from a woman's point of view. Joanna Boyce's dedication to her art was absolute: she studied in Paris under Thomas Couture and had her first painting exhibited at the Academy when she was only 24. She was headstrong, self-critical, opinionated and teasing - "an artist with her pen as well as her brush". She died tragically young. Between them, Joanna, her brother George and suitor Henry Wells knew all the artistic luminaries of the day, among them Ruskin, Millais and Rossetti (with whom George shared a great deal, including mistresses). They wrote to each other not just about art, butabout their friends, their favourite books, their travels, their illnesses, their passions and their quarrels. In this book, they tell their story in their own vivid words - a story which portrays the age in which they lived andthe powerful drama of their emotional and professional lives.
Oxford University Press Dante's New Life of the Book: A Philology of World Literature
Dante's Vita nuova has taken on a wide variety of different forms since its first publication in 1294. How could one work have generated such different physical forms? Through examining the work's transformations in manuscripts, printed books, translations, and adaptations, Eisner reconceives of the relationship between the work and its reception. Dante's New Life of the Book investigates how these different material manifestations participate in the work, drawing attention to its distinctive elements. Dante framed his book as an attempt to understand his own experiences through the experimental form of the book, and later scribes, editors, and translators use different material forms to embody their interpretations of Dante's collection of thirty-one poems surrounded by prose narrative and commentary. Traveling from Boccaccio's Florence to contemporary Hollywood with stops in Emerson's Cambridge, Rossetti's London, Nerval's Paris, Mandelstam's Russia, De Campos's Brazil, and Pamuk's Istanbul, this study builds on extensive archival research to show how Dante's strange poetic forms, including incomplete canzoni and sonnets with two beginnings, continue to challenge readers. Each chapter focuses on how one of these distinctive features has been treated over time, offering new perspectives on topics such as Dante's love of Beatrice, his relationship with Guido Cavalcanti, and his attraction to another woman. Numerous illustrations show the entanglement of the work's poetic form and its material survival. Eisner provides a fresh reading of Dante's innovations, demonstrating the value of this philological analysis of the work's survival in the world.
Giles de la Mare Publishers Nineteenth Century British Painting
Nineteenth Century British Painting provides a succinct and informative chronological survey of a century of British painting which produced a great variety of work. It progresses from the beginnings of Romanticism in the late eighteenth century to the British adoption of Impressionism in the late nineteenth, dividing this prolific period into nine parts. In each part the work of the major figures in particular movements or genres is discussed and analysed, and each painter is presented in a biographical context. The artists are set in the framework of their historical, social and economic background. The majority of the paintings and drawings that are examined in detail are reproduced in the 323 plates, 82 of them in colour. The book is intended to be used more as an introduction, and where appropriate as a textbook, than as a work of reference, although its arrangement will enable readers to obtain fuller information about individual artists, with longer sections devoted to such major figures as Lawrence, Turner, Constable, Rossetti, Leighton and Whistler. The last decade has seen a growing interest in nineteenth century British art in this country, and also in the United States and on the Continent. During this time much has been published in the field and there has been a succession of important exhibitions. Even so, there is no up-to-date and comprehensive survey of the whole century on the market. Nineteenth Century British Painting fills the gap, meeting the need for such a book among undergraduate and graduate students, and among connoisseurs and collectors. It will also have a strong appeal for people with a general interest in the period.
Giorgio Nada Editore Ferrari: The Golden Years: Enlarged edition
Ferrari's sporting history, from the origins to 1988, the year of Enzo Ferrari's death, narrated in 400 pages and more than 700 photos, most of which previously unpublished and drawn from the publisher's own archive. More than a book, this is a unique and prestigious document that reviews year by year, from 1947 to 1988, the true sporting epic of Ferrari's Ferrari. Page by page, we find champions of the calibre of Tazio Nuvolari, Alberto Ascari, John Surtees, Niki Lauda, Gilles Villeneuve and many others, who in Formula 1 and elsewhere won world titles at the wheel of unforgettable cars such as the 500 F2, the 158 F1, the Testa Rossa, the 250 GTO, the 330 P4 and the successful 312 T family, from the 1950s through to the late 1980s. This new enlarged edition includes not only champion drivers, but also the men and the mechanics who lived in close contact with the "Drake". They are described in specific text boxes: from Romolo Tavoni to Mauro Forghieri, from Franco Gozzi to Marco Piccinini, from Ermanno Cuoghi to Giulio Borsari. All accompanied by contextual texts by Leonardo Acerbi, a Ferrari historian of great experience. The book contains a unique collection of images, many in black and white but also a series of very rare colour shots, the majority by Franco Villani, a great reporter long associated with the Prancing Horse. An album allowing us to relive one of the greatest sporting stories of all time.
Harvard University Press From Pompeii: The Afterlife of a Roman Town
When Vesuvius erupted in 79 CE, the force of the explosion blew the top right off the mountain, burying nearby Pompeii in a shower of volcanic ash. Ironically, the calamity that proved so lethal for Pompeii's inhabitants preserved the city for centuries, leaving behind a snapshot of Roman daily life that has captured the imagination of generations.The experience of Pompeii always reflects a particular time and sensibility, says Ingrid Rowland. From Pompeii: The Afterlife of a Roman Town explores the fascinating variety of these different experiences, as described by the artists, writers, actors, and others who have toured the excavated site. The city's houses, temples, gardens--and traces of Vesuvius's human victims--have elicited responses ranging from awe to embarrassment, with shifting cultural tastes playing an important role. The erotic frescoes that appalled eighteenth-century viewers inspired Renoir to change the way he painted. For Freud, visiting Pompeii was as therapeutic as a session of psychoanalysis. Crown Prince Hirohito, arriving in the Bay of Naples by battleship, found Pompeii interesting, but Vesuvius, to his eyes, was just an ugly version of Mount Fuji. Rowland treats readers to the distinctive, often quirky responses of visitors ranging from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Charles Dickens, and Mark Twain to Roberto Rossellini and Ingrid Bergman.Interwoven throughout a narrative lush with detail and insight is the thread of Rowland's own impressions of Pompeii, where she has returned many times since first visiting in 1962.
University Press of Kansas The Miracle Case: Film Censorship and the Supreme Court
It was only a forty-minute foreign film, but it sparked a legal confrontation that has left its mark on America for more than half a century. Roberto Rossellini's ""Il Miracolo"" (""The Miracle"") is deceptively simple: a demented peasant woman is seduced by a stranger she believes to be Saint Joseph, is socially ostracized for becoming pregnant out of wedlock, but is finally redeemed through motherhood.Although initially approved by state censors for screening in New York, the film was attacked as sacrilegious by the Catholic establishment, which convinced state officials to revoke distributor Joseph Burstyn's license. In response, Burstyn fought back through the courts and won.Laura Wittern-Keller and Raymond Haberski show how the Supreme Court's unanimous 1952 ruling in Burstyn's favor sparked a chain of litigation that eventually brought filmmaking under the protective umbrella of the First Amendment, overturning its long-outdated decision in Mutual v. Ohio (1915). Their story features a more formidable cast than did the film itself, with the charismatic Francis Cardinal Spellman decrying the film as a Communist plot, while outspoken film critic Bosley Crowther vigorously advocated ""freedom of the screen."" Meanwhile, movie producers stood by silently for fear of alienating the Church and its large movie-going membership, leaving Burstyn to muster his own defense.More than the inside story of one case, this book explores the unique place that the movies occupy in American culture and the way that culture continues to be shaped by anxiety over the social power of movies. The Burstyn decision weakened the ability of state censorship boards and the Catholic Church to influence the types of films Americans were allowed to see. Consequently, the case signaled the rise of a new era in which films would be more mature and more controversial than ever before.Focusing on this single most important case in the jurisprudence surrounding motion picture expression, Wittern-Keller and Haberski add a significant new dimension to the story of cinema, censorship, and the history of First Amendment protections.
Bloodaxe Books Ltd Do Not Go Gentle
This wide-ranging selection combines popular choices of traditional poems read at funerals with powerful poems by contemporary writers more tuned to our present age of doubt and disbelief. There are poems here for churchgoers and believers, including classic verses of grief and consolation by John Donne, Christina Rossetti, Emily Bronte and Emily Dickinson, the anonymous Do not stand at my grave and weep, and the poems read at Princess Diana's funeral. But there are also poems for people of all faiths and religions, for agnostics and atheists, and most importantly for those who aren’t sure what they believe, whose grief over loss is the more intense for not knowing what happens to the soul after death. Grief isn’t denied but experienced and made more bearable by being put into memorable words. Searing poems of lament are followed by moving elegies celebrating the lives of those we will always love. Whether and how the spirit survives is then explored in an extraordinary gathering of poems by writers as different and diverse as the Persian mystic Rumi, Zen Buddhist composers of Japanese haiku, and American poets Mary Oliver and Jane Kenyon. Buttressed against their assertions of faith in an afterlife are modern sceptics, from Auden and Larkin to William Carlos Williams and C.K. Williams, whose wrestling with the meaning of death helps us make sense of no sense, mirroring our own anxieties and difficulties. But however various and contradictory these poems, their message chimes with Larkin’s famous words, proving 'Our almost-instinct almost true:/ What will survive of us is love.' Unlike other poetry anthologies of loss, mourning and remembrance, Do Not Go Gentle offers a selection of poems specifically for reading at funerals and memorial services. It can also be used for reading aloud to friends and family, or for reading while numbed and bewildered – all times when the right poem can help us share and bear the burden of immediate grief.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Boyce Papers: The Letters and Diaries of Joanna Boyce, Henry Wells and George Price Boyce: 2-volume set
The first full edition of the correspondence, between three artists Joanna Boyce, her brother George P. Boyce and Henry Wells, who she eventually married. It dates from the period 1845 to 1861, and covers artistic life in both Paris and London, including the Pre-Raphaelites. This correspondence, between three artists Joanna Boyce, her brother George P. Boyce and Henry Wells, whom she eventually married, dates from the period 1845 to 1861. They were all friends of Rossetti and the Pre-Raphaelite circle, but in addition Henry and Joanna both studied in Paris, and Joanna wrote extensively about her time there, training with Thomas Couture. She wrote for The Saturday Review as well as painting a small number of very interesting and much admired pictures. Her brother George established himself as a successful watercolourist and member of the Old Watercolour Society, having been encouraged both by David Cox on his Welsh sketching expeditions,and by Ruskin, whose letters advising him what to paint in Venice are included here. Henry Wells was primarily a portrait painter. At first he specialised in miniatures, and was commissioned to paint Mary, princess of Cambridge byQueen Victoria. There are vivid accounts of visits to country houses to carry out commissions from their owners. The three wrote constantly about techniques of painting and about the new colours that became available at this period, and about their visits to exhibitions both in Paris and London. They all contributed to the Royal Academy and other exhibitions. In addition, there is the extraordinary story of Joanna's and Henry's courtship and marriage, at first encouraged and then viciously opposed by Joanna's recently widowed mother. The correspondence survives only in an unpublished transcript made in the 1940s, as the originals were all destroyed in a bombing raid on Bath during the second world war. Excerpts from George P. Boyce's diaries were published in the 1930s, but the present edition contains a considerable amount of new material.