Search results for ""author jean"
Pegasus Elliot Mackenzie Publishers Elijah Blue Jeans
RM Verlag SL Dreams of the Spider Woman: Latin American Photography in the Collection of Jean-Louis Lariviere
Transworld Publishers Ltd The Harbour Girl: a gripping historical romance saga from the Sunday Times bestselling author
Scarborough, 1880Jeannie spends her days in the town's teeming fishing port, waiting for Ethan Wharton to return on his father's trawler. She had always expected to marry the loyal and dependable Ethan, but when she meets Harry, a handsome stranger from Hull, Jeannie can't help but fall for his charm. When Jeannie falls pregnant and Harry breaks his promise to come back for her, she is alone. Resolving to make a better life for her and her child, Jeannie moves to the city in a bid to keep them from poverty. Starting over brings heartache and tragedy, and Jeannie finds herself longing for her lost love. But will Ethan find the strength to forgive her?If you enjoy books by Katie Flynn and Dilly Court, you'll love Val's heartwarming stories of triumph over adversity.
Last Stitch Sewing Jeans: The complete step-by-step guide
This comprehensive sewing book will take you through the entire process from picking the right fabric and notions to completing a pair of jeans that will rival high-end denim brands. Learn garment industry insider techniques, explained in an easy to understand, visual format. All tutorials can be done using regular home sewing machines and tools that are easy to access. Sewing Jeans: The complete step-by-step guide also includes chapters on pattern alterations, a comprehensive guide to the best seams and stitches plus an extensive section on denim fabric and their care and uses. Making your own jeans doesn't have to be hard, with the techniques shown in this book you'll be able to sew a great looking pair of denim that are uniquely you.
Johns Hopkins University Press Aristocratic Life in Medieval France: The Romances of Jean Renart and Gerbert de Montreuil, 1190-1230
Modern historians have generally approached the study of medieval society through chronicles, charters, and other documents composed in Latin by members of the clergy. Although these records may be satisfactory for studying the affairs of ecclesiastics, kings, and high barons, they are inadequate for assessing the major preoccupations of the aristocracy-living extravagantly, fighting, making love, entertaining, eating and dressing ostentatiously, and, generally, earning the disapproval of the clergy. In Aristocratic Life in Medieval France, the respected medieval scholar John Baldwin undertakes a study of this segment of society using, for the first time in nearly a century, the vernacular romances written exclusively for the amusement of aristocratic audiences. Rather than attempting to encompass all of Middle Age Europe, this study selects two writers, Jean Renart and Gerbert de Montreuil, and their four romances. It focuses with depth and specificity on the discrete area of northern France during a precise period, 1190-1230. Since Jean and Gerbert framed their fictional stories with contemporary and realistic features that could be recognized by their audiences, their works provide a wealth of detail on aristocratic living. Employing such literary techniques as "reality effects" and "horizons of expectations," Baldwin successfully discerns the historical content in these romance narratives.
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Reform Oder Reformation?: Kirchen in Der Pflicht. Mit Einem Vorwort Von Erzbischof Jean-Claude Perisset
Classiques Garnier Oeuvres Completes: Tome XVIII - Rousseau Juge de Jean Jaques (Manuscrit Condillac ), Avec Les Variantes Ulterieures
Peeters Publishers Jean Pédiasimos, Essai sur des douze travaux d'Héraclès: Édition critique, traduction et introduction
Ce livre propose une nouvelle édition critique, accompagnée d'une introduction et d'une traduction, du Libellus de duodecim Herculis laboribus du savant byzantin Jean Pédiasimos (ca. 1250-1310/1314). Cet essai sur les douze travaux d'Héraclès est d'une grande valeur parce qu'il semble être un des seuls exemples byzantins de ce qu'on entend par mythographie. Cette nouvelle édition implique un progrès considérable vis-à-vis la dernière édition de la main de Richard Wagner (datant de 1894) vu qu'elle rend compte de pas moins de 37 témoins. En plus, elle est précédée d'une introduction traitant la biographie complexe de Pédiasimos, le genre du texte et son rapport avec d'autres textes mythographiques, et les manuscrits et leur relation. Le texte grec est accompagné d'une traduction en français afin de faciliter la lecture.
Peeters Publishers Livre des Secrets de Jean. Recension Breve (NH III, 1 Et BG, 2)
Le Livre des secrets de Jean a recu, a juste titre, le nom de A" Bible gnostique A". C'est en effet dans ce traite que nous a ete conservee la version la plus complete du mythe auquel se referaient les gnostiques qui faisaient de Seth, troisieme fils d'Adam, leur ancetre. L'auteur y presente une synthese de l'histoire universelle. On assiste d'abord a la constitution d'un modele celeste concu a partir d'une Premiere Pensee du Grand Esprit invisible, Pensee qui se multiplie jusqu'a produire un modele parfait constitue de vingt-deux eons, dont le dernier est Sophia, la Sagesse. Mais celle-ci ne pourra resister au desir de construire ce modele au-dela du nombre parfait et donnera naissance a un 23e eon, celui de l'Archonte. Exclu du modele mais en gardant le souvenir, l'Archonte en construira une contrefacon, notre monde, dans lequel il manifestera cette part de connaissance dont il a depossede sa Mere. Toute l'histoire de l'humanite, de la creation d'Adam au retour annonce de Seth a la fin des temps, doit alors etre interpretee comme une guerre de liberation de cette connaissance prisonniere, une guerre dont les hommes, partages en deux camps, seraient a la fois les victimes et les acteurs. Au moment oA' l'auteur ecrit, rien n'est joue, la domination de l'Archonte est encore universelle, mais grace a la revelation du A" Livre des secrets A", l'humanite dispose enfin de cette connaissance qui permettra a ceux qui appartiennent a la semence de Seth de trouver le chemin du retour vers ce monde intelligible auquel ils appartiennent. Cette version du mythe sethien, composee au cours du second siecle de notre ere, nous est parvenue sous deux formes dont la plus longue a retenu l'attention des commentateurs du fait de ses affinites avec l'Evangile de Jean. Celle qui est publiee et commentee dans ce volume, la plus breve et la plus ancienne, n'a ete christianisee que superficiellement et conserve encore intacte une version du mythe sethien qui se presente, pour l'essentiel, comme une interpretation du modele biblique hebreu faite en fonction des regles de l'hermeneutique juive de la periode du Second Temple. Un document precieux pour notre connaissance des origines juives du mouvement gnostique.
Ooligan Press Sleeping in My Jeans
Peeters Publishers Jean Perrot, Notice Biographique Et Bibliographique Suivie De L'expose: "L'analyse Des Langues: Retour Sur Quelques Reperes"
La notice biographique fournit un apercu de la carriere de Jean Perrot et presente ses positions theoriques en matiere de linguistique generale. La notice bibliographique qui suit offre la liste complete, dans l'ordre chronologique, des publications de Jean Perrot, depuis 1950; un index thematique repartit les publications en quatre domaines: linguistique generale, linguistique contrastive (methodologie et applications), langues classiques et le francais, linguistique finno-ougrienne. La documentation biobibliographique est suivie par un expose de synthese dans lequel Jean Perrot presente, en detail, son modele d'analyse morphosyntaxique.
Classiques Garnier Poetique de la Nature: Romantisme Et Negativite, de Jean-Jacques Rousseau a Marcel Proust
Academie Des Inscriptions Et Belles Lettres Paul Pelliot: de l'histoire à la légende: Colloque international organisé par Jean-Pierre Drège, Georges-Jean Pinault, Cristina Scherrer-Schaub et Pierre-Étienne Will au Collège de France et à l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (
Comprendre La Litterature Iphigénie de Jean Racine (fiche de lecture et analyse complète de l'oeuvre)
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Tete-A-Tete: The Tumultuous Lives and Loves of Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre
V&R unipress GmbH Der Mensch - die Philosophie - die Geschichte: Jean-Paul Sartres Anthropologie als Metaphysik der Vernichtung
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Jean Gerson and de Consolatione Theologiae (1418): The Consolation of a Biblical and Reforming Theology for a Disordered Age
Brepols N.V. Saint-Jean-Des-Vignes in Soissons: Approaches to Its Architecture, Archaeology and History
Broadview Press Ltd Set in Authority
In 1906, two years after the appearance of her best-known novel, The Imperialist, Duncan published its darker twin, an Anglo-Indian novel which returns to political themes but with a deeper and more clinical irony than in her previous work. Set in Authority is about illusions: the imperial illusions of those who rule and are ruled; the illusions of families about their members; the illusions of men and women about each other. The setting moves between the political drawing rooms of London and the English station at Pilaghur in the province of Ghoom, where the murder of a native by an English soldier changes the lives of a cast of ruthlessly observed characters.Duncan, who grew up in Ontario, led a remarkably varied life, working as a political correspondent (writing for the Washington Post, the Toronto Globe and the Montreal Star) and living in India for over twenty years. She is increasingly being regarded as deserving of a place among the first rank of nineteenth- and early twentieth-century novelists; the re-publication of Set in Authority will do nothing to dispel that view.
Edinburgh University Press Cracking Gilles Deleuze's Crystal: Narrative Space-Time in the Films of Jean Renoir
Reassessing the unique qualities of Renoir's influential visual style by interpreting his films through Gilles Deleuze's film philosophy, and through previously unpublished production files, Barry Nevin provides a fresh and accessible interdisciplinary perspective that illuminates both the consistency and diversity of Renoir's oeuvre.
Kaminn Media Ltd A Pilgrim's Guide to the Camino De Santiago: Camino Frances St. Jean Pied De Port - Santiago
2024 edition Now updated to include newer maps and photos, this comprehensive guidebook to the Camino de Santiago and its offshoots contains all the information needed by modern-day pilgrims wishing to walk the sacred Way of St. James. Overview route planners plus daily stage maps and detailed town plans help sojourners with all the advance preparation they need. The maps feature contour guides to help distinguish the terrain that will be crossed each day, while full information on all pilgrim hostels, as well as details for alternative accommodation, allow travelers to plot adequate nightly stopping points. All reference information is accompanied by helpful spiritual guidelines to support the seeker's inner journey as well as the outer pilgrimage. Otherwise known as the Camino Francés, the main route covered in this volume is the most popular sacred route through Spain, from St. Jean Pied de Port to Santiago.
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin L'Ethique de la Personne: Liberte, Autonomie Et Conscience Dans La Pensee de Pierre de Jean Olivi
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Pierre de Jean Olivi (1248-1298): Pensee Scolastique, Dissidence Spirituelle Et Societe
V&R Unipress Irenik, Gelehrsamkeit Und Politik: Jean Hotman Und Der Europaische Religionskonflikt Um 1600
S. Hirzel Verlag Vom Leben Und Sterben Der Insekten: Die Welt Des Jean-Henri Fabre
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Ecrits Posthumes de Sartre II Avec Un Inedit de Jean-Paul Sartre
Les Belles Lettres Theologie, Science Et Censure Au Xiiie Siecle: Le Cas de Jean Peckham
Austin Macauley Publishers Green Beans in Blue Jeans
Peeters Publishers The Articulation between Natural Sciences and Systematic Theology: A Philosophical Mediation Based on the Contributions of Jean Ladrière and Xavier Zubiri
The object of this work is the interdisciplinary dialogue between natural sciences and Christian theology. It studies the theological, epistemological and semantic conditions that make possible an articulation between scientific worldviews and theological discourses. Based on some theological and epistemological conditions, this work proposes a theological method that articulates scientific worldviews into systematic theology through the mediation of philosophy. The method seeks two objectives: (a) that theology remains in its epistemological boundaries and (b) to respect the autonomy of natural sciences. Finally, the proposed theological method is applied to three examples in dialogue with natural sciences: (i) creation, (ii) human action and (iii) a spiritual contemplation of God’s presence in the world. This book follows the contributions of two major scholars of the Twentieth Century: Jean Ladrière and Xavier Zubiri. Our considerations are based on the scholars’ analyses of the plurality of epistemologies and their analyses of the intellectual act.
Penguin Books Ltd The Little French Village of Book Lovers: From the million-copy bestselling author of The Little Paris Bookshop
The heartwarming new novel from the international million-copy bestselling author of THE LITTLE PARIS BOOKSHOP 'Everyone knows me, but none can see me. I'm that thing you call love' __________In a small town in balmy Provence, Marie-Jeanne has a gift.She can see the marks Love has left on the people around her. Glowing faces, hands that shimmer brighter when enclosed in another. Before long, Marie-Jeanne is playing matchmaker.When her foster father, Francis, sets up a mobile library travelling the many mountain towns of the Nyons region, Marie-Jeanne takes her quest further. Their library offers entertainment, guidance, reassurance and comfort - but for Marie-Jeanne, the books also allow her to bring soulmates together.The only person that Marie-Jeanne can't seem to find a partner for is herself. She has no glow of her own, though she waits and waits for it to appear.Everyone must have a soulmate, surely - but will Marie-Jeanne be able to recognise hers when Love finally comes her way?__________From the author of the million-copy bestseller The Little Paris Bookshop comes a tender story about how a love of books is a love of life itself.PRAISE FOR NINA GEORGE'A true gem for fiction lovers' GOOD HOUSEKEEPING'An enchanting, uplifting read. The sort of book that acts as a soothing tonic' INDEPENDENT'Glowing . . . Layered with wit, enchanting writing and a love of books' DAILY MAIL'A charming tale' RED
Maverick Arts Publishing Rooster Wore Skinny Jeans
Peeters Publishers L'éthique à Nicomaque II, 2: Introduction, traduction et commentaire par René Antoine Gauthier et Jean Yves Jolif
Peeters Publishers L'éthique à Nicomaque I, 1: Introduction, traduction et commentaire par René Antoine Gauthier et Jean Yves Jolif
Hansebooks Denkwürdigkeiten aus dem Leben von Jean Paul Friedrich Richter: Erster Band, zweite Abteilung
Sternberg Press Tell It to the Stones: Encounters with the Films of Danièle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub
Peeters Publishers L'éthique à Nicomaque I, 2: Introduction, traduction et commentaire par René Antoine Gauthier et Jean Yves Jolif
Peeters Publishers Scripta Varia. Rhetorique Antique Et Litterature Latine: Textes Reunis Par Genevieve Clerico Et Jean Soubiran
Francoise Desbordes laissait a sa mort prematuree une cinquantaine d'articles disperses dans une foule de publications d'acces souvent malaise. Quelques-uns de ses amis ont entrepris de les rassembler en deux volumes. A cote de celui qui publient les Presses de l'ENS de Lyon, consacre aux etudes de linguistique et de grammaire anciennes, celui-ci regroupe les articles relatifs a la rhetorique antique et a la litterature latine: etudes sur l'histoire de la rhetorique, ses principes et sa place dans la culture antique, sur l'argumentation, sur l'enonciation (figures de pensee), sur l'ideal oratoire romain, le rire, l'orateur et l'acteur, sur les controverses et les declamations a Rome, d'une part; d'autre part, etudes sur la poesie en saturniens, sur le "Miles Gloriosus" de Plaute, les "Sentences" de Publilius Syrus, la conclusion du "Catilina" de Salluste, deux aspects de la survie de Virgile, les "Odes" d'Horace, sur le conte de la Matrone d'Ephese dans le "Satiricon" de Petrone et sur les "Metamorphoses" d'Apulee. Le savoir quasi universel de Francoise Desbordes et son talent de plume, qui rend attrayant tout ce qu'elle touchait, recommandent ces articles aux etudiants et a leurs maitres, historiens de la rhetorique et des idees en general, de la litterature latine et de sa survie, voire, par certains aspects, aux logiciens et aux juristes.
Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH & Co. Mit Jeans in der Steinzeit
Penguin Putnam Inc Mom Jeans And Other Mistakes