Search results for ""author jean"
Embassy Books Business in Blue Jeans
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd Life in Community: An illustrated and abridged edition of Jean Vanier’s classic Community and Growth
This little book, presenting a selection of extracts from Jean Vanier’s bestselling book Community and Growth alongside illustrations by artist Seán O'Brien, gives invaluable advice on the challenges of living in community.
Panini Publishing Ltd Guardians Of The Galaxy/all-new X-men: The Trial Of Jean Grey
Bod Third Party Titles Scheda libro Ifigenia di Jean Racine analisi letteraria di riferimento e riassunto completo
Edinburgh University Press Towards a Feminist Cinematic Ethics: Claire Denis, Emmanuel Levinas and Jean-Luc Nancy
Towards a Feminist Cinematic Ethics develops an account of non-normative ethics that can be used to think about filmmaking and viewing, using two philosopher - Emmanuel Levinas and Jean-Luc Nancy, and the work of filmmaker Claire Denis. In an accessible and engaging manner, it offers new readings of Denis' films, situating them within larger feminist, postcolonial and queer debates about identity and difference. Using a generative methodology, the book works towards a mutually challenging and productive relationship between cinematic ideas and philosophical concepts.
Kaminn Media Ltd Camino De Santiago Maps: St. Jean Pied De Port - Santiago De Compostela
A complete set of maps and town plans in English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch and Polish make up this indispensable guidebook for spiritual seekers and travellers wishing to walk the way of Saint James. Covering the sacred route from St. Jean Pied de Port to Santiago, this portable book of maps makes the perfect companion for adventurers attempting to heed the spiritual calling. Revised and updated to offer the most recent information, this exploration is light enough to carry while walking long distances each day. The maps show the location of all pilgrim hostels en route, the distances between villages, and points of interest, as well as counter guides, alternative routes, and accommodations.
The Library of America Jean Stafford: Complete Novels (loa #324): Boston Adventure / The Mountain Lion / The Catherine Wheel
Peeters Publishers L'ivresse des nations: Les figures du mal dans l'Apocalypse de Jean
Avant que n’intervienne le jugement divin, une atmosphère dramatique hante les visions de l’Apocalypse de Jean: des fléaux s’abattent sur le monde, un dragon pourchasse les témoins de Jésus, deux bêtes les persécutent, la Grande Babylone s’enivre de leur sang... Longtemps admise, l’idée que l’Apocalypse encouragerait des Eglises opprimées par le pouvoir romain ne résiste plus à la critique historique. Mais alors, pourquoi présenter un monde dominé par des puissances hostiles au Christ et aux siens? Depuis trente ans, bien des travaux cherchent à rendre compte de ce décalage entre la situation historique des chrétiens et la représentation littéraire qu’en livre l’Apocalypse. Fondée sur l’herméneutique de Paul Ric÷ur, L’Ivresse des nations pose autrement la question: comment, en racontant un conflit à l’échelle des Eglises et du cosmos, l’Apocalypse façonne la vision du monde de ses lecteurs et à quelles fins? Après avoir fait la part des conventions génériques et déterminé la situation sociale des Eglises auxquelles l’Apocalypse s’adresse, une analyse socio-narratologique des épisodes où interviennent des figures du mal montrera comment l’÷uvre persuade ses destinataires que plusieurs défis menacent leur foi. Il ressort de l’enquête une véritable radiographie du mal. Hier comme aujourd’hui, l’Apocalypse appelle à résister à l’ivresse à laquelle succombent les nations.
Afterglow Books by Harlequin The Devil in Blue Jeans
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Jean-Jacques Rousseau Et La Pensee Du Malheur: I Le Traite Du Mal
Westbow Press Jesus in Jeans
Les Belles Lettres Jean Le Lydien, Des Magistratures de l'Etat Romain. Tome II: Livre II
Edinburgh University Press Cracking Gilles Deleuze's Crystal: Narrative Space-Time in the Films of Jean Renoir
Paideia Education Fiche de lecture Amphitryon 38 de Jean Giraudoux (Étude intégrale)
Peter Lang Group Ag, International Academic Publishers La Note Bleue: Mélanges Offerts Au Professeur Jean-Jacques Eigeldinger
£88.20 Pierre et Jean de Guy de Maupassant Fiche de lecture
Peeters Publishers La Priere Chretienne Dans Le Catechisme De Jean-Paul II
Comme le Catechisme tridentin de 1566, le Catechisme de 1992 comprend une premiere partie sur la foi et le Credo, une deuxieme sur la liturgie et les sacrements, une troisieme sur l'agir chretien et les commandements de Dieu, une quatrieme sur la priere et le "Notre Pere". Les trois premieres parties ont deja fait l'objet d'une etude approfondie (BETL 153, 196, 235); voici a present l'examen de la quatrieme. Au depart, en 1986, il est prevu que l'on parlera de la priere lorsque l'occasion s'en presentera et surtout lorsqu'on abordera les trois premiers commandements, de sorte que l'Avant-projet de 1987 ne comporte pas de quatrieme partie. Sur proposition d'un "college de consulteurs", il est decide de rediger un "epilogue" sur le "Notre Pere", de sorte que l'Episcopat recoit, en 1989, un Projet revise toujours en trois parties mais complete par le commentaire de l'oraison dominicale. Comme les eveques ont majoritairement souhaite que l'"epilogue" devienne une veritable quatrieme partie, le Catechisme de 1992 se termine par " La priere chretienne", dont la premiere section aborde l'enseignement de l'Ecriture et de la Tradition chretienne sur la priere et sur sa pratique dans le concret de la vie, et la deuxieme reprend le commentaire de "la priere du Seigneur". Apres un apercu sur la place donnee a la priere dans le Catechisme tridentin, dans le Directoire catechistique general de 1971, dans les principaux catechismes d'apres Vatican II et dans les trois premieres parties du Catechisme de l'Eglise catholique, chacun des paragraphes de la quatrieme partie est analyse, confronte a sa formulation dans l'"epilogue" de 1989 et aux corrections introduites dans l'edition typique de 1997, et resume dans l'Abrege de catechisme de 2005. Une conclusion rassemble ce que l'analyse entreprise permet de decouvrir comme caracteristiques particulieres de cette quatrieme partie. Une vue d'ensemble du Catechisme fait voir le chemin parcouru depuis son Avant-projet jusqu'a ses editions de 1992 et de 1997 et son Abrege de 2005. Une bibliographie reprend les ouvrages et articles parus depuis l'annonce de la parution d'un catechisme universel et signales dans l'Elenchus bibliographicus a partir de 1986.
P.I.E-Peter Lang S.A., Editions Scientifiques Internationales Jean-Guillaume Hyde de Neuville (1776-1857: Conspirateur Et Diplomate
University of Notre Dame Press Rise and Fall of Theological Enlightenment: Jean-Martin de Prades and Ideological Polarization in Eighteenth-Century France
In The Rise and Fall of Theological Enlightenment, Jeffrey D. Burson analyzes the history of the French Enlightenment and its relationship to the French Revolution by casting it as a diverse constellation of Theological Enlightenment discourses, compromised between about 1730 and 1762 by high-stakes cultural and political controversies involving the royal court, the government, and the Catholic Church. Burson places the Abbé Jean-Martin de Prades at the center of the storm. In 1749, Prades was working on his doctorate in theology at the University of Paris. An ambitious young theologian, Prades, like his teachers at the Sorbonne and like many lay and clerical apologists in mid-eighteenth-century France, had been deeply inspired by the spirit of the Enlightenment. Burson reinterprets the Jesuit Enlightenment and its influence on French society, arguing that Jesuits had pioneered ways of synthesizing Locke, Malebranche, and Newton in light of the expansion of the public sphere. Hoping to defend Catholic theology against the Radical Enlightenment by adapting these Jesuit Enlightenment discourses with natural history and Enlightenment theological debates, Prades inadvertently sparked a public scandal that galvanized members of the royal court and the Parlement of Paris, Jansenists, Jesuits, and philosophes, alike—all of whom refashioned the person and work of Prades to suit their own ends. Ultimately, the controversy polarized the cultural politics of pre-Revolutionary France into two camps, that of a self-consciously secular Enlightenment and that of a staunchly opposed Counter-Enlightenment. Prades's history provides Burson with a lens through which to reevaluate the intersections of theology and Enlightenment philosophy, of French politics and the French Catholic church, and of conservatives, moderates, and radicals on all sides in order to provide us with a newly-capacious Enlightenment historiography.
Peeters Publishers La Vie Dans Le Christ Dans Le Catechisme De Jean-Paul II
Le Catechisme de l'Eglise catholique de 1992, son edition typique latine de 1997 et son Compendium ou Abrege de 2005 ont, apres une premiere partie (" La profession de la foi chretienne ") et une deuxieme (" La celebration du mystere chretien "), une troisieme consacree a la morale, a " la vie dans le Christ ".La presente etude, comme les deux precedentes (BETL 153 et 196), fait voir comment se sont constituees les deux sections de cette troisieme partie : la premiere est une sorte de theologie morale fondamentale intitulee " La vocation de l'homme : la vie dans l'Esprit " ; et la seconde est une theologie morale speciale portant sur les dix commandements du Decalogue dont le Christ a atteste la perennite. En vue de percevoir l'originalite de la morale catholique, des differents themes qu'elle aborde en ses 867 paragraphes, un regard est porte sur ce qu'ont enseigne en leur temps le Catechisme tridentin, le Concile Vatican II et le Directoire catechetique dont il a demande la publication, ainsi que les quelques catechismes nationaux parus avant 1992. En outre, l'examen du troisieme schema preparatoire de 1987 et du cinquieme de 1989 fait apparaitre l'evolution du plan, des formulations doctrinales et des exigences morales proposees a ceux qui veulent suivre la voie tracee par le Christ. Les changements intervenus, les suppressions et les ajouts constates permettent d'etablir quelles etaient les options morales que le magistere de l'Eglise privilegiait en cette fin du XXe siecle.
Karl-Alber-Verlag Der Primat Der Gegebenheit: Zur Transformation Der Phanomenologie Nach Jean-Luc Marion
Ecole francaise d'Athenes Études d'archéologie délienne: Recueil d'articles rassemblés et indexés par Jean-Charles Moretti
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Jean-Jacques Rousseau Et La Pensee Du Malheur: II l'Espoir Et l'Existence
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Jean-Jacques Rousseau Et La Pensee Du Malheur: III Apotheose Du Desespoir
Peeters Publishers Jean Maron. Expose De La Foi Et Autres Opuscules: T.
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin La Venue de la Verite: Phenomenologie de l'Esprit Selon Jean
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Erudition Et Commerce Epistolaire: Jean Mabillon Et La Tradition Monastique
Insel Verlag GmbH Pierre Et Jean Im DeutschIn German Die Geschichte zweier Brder
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Jeans of the Old West, 2nd Edition
The ever-popular blue jean originated in the Old West frontier of San Francisco in the late 1800s, and here is an extensive look at the entire era of Old West denim. Gathered from collections around the world, it presents never-before-seen pictures of antique “miner’s denim” worn in the frontier communities of Nevada and California, including Levi denim that is over 120 years old. More than a dozen other brands that helped make blue jeans what they are today include Greenebaum Brothers, Neustadter Brothers, S. R. Krouse, A. B. Elfelt & Co., Heynemann & Co., Harman Adams, W. & I. Steinhart & Co., Toklas, Brown, and others. Many of these innovative blue-jean designs have been lost in the dust of history and were inaccessible to the public until now. Over 300 color photos and illustrations chronicle examples, patent drawings, and the histories of the manufacturers. This is invaluable information for fashion historians and collectors alike.
The Catholic University of America Press The Rose and Geryon: The Poetics of Fraud and Violence in Jean de Meun and Dante
We live in a world in which we watch our words, spoken or written. We do not wish to offend anyone by what we say. But consideration of our speech is not something new. As Gabriella Baika stakes out in this thought-provoking manuscript, worries about transgressive speech began in the High Middle Ages. This broad-ranging book, which explores the notion of peccata linguae ""sins of the tongue,"" mobilized the work efforts of an impressive number of theologians. Moral errors committed with the aid of the tongue, the organ responsible for speech, came to be viewed as crimes comparable to theft, adultery, or murder.The Rose and Geryon examines patterns of verbal behavior in works by Jean de Meun and Dante (with a focus on the Romance of the Rose and the Divine Comedy) in relationship with the most influential systems of verbal sins in the Middle Ages, systems elaborated by William Peraldus, Thomas Aquinas, Domenico Cavalca, and Laurent of Orléans. The book begins with a presentation of these four systems, and from there proceeds to analyze Jean de Meun’s Testament as a possible source of influence for the Divine Comedy and take a closer look at Dante’s prose works in search for a comprehensive theory of sinful speech. Furthermore Baika discusses verbal transgressions such as flattery, evil counsel, double talk, sowing of discord, and falsifying of words, under the heading Lingua dolosa ""The Guileful Tongue,"" and the relationship between violence and the poetic discourse. The myriad ways in which the two iconic poets of medieval France and Italy absorb the tradition of peccata linguae in their works prove that abusive speech was not the exclusive sphere of interest of the ecclesiastical writers; secular poetry in the vernacular enriched in original ways the medieval debate on verbal vices. The Rose and Geryon addresses scholars and students of French and Italian literatures, as well as readers interested in ethics and women’s studies.
Capstone Press Levi Strauss and Blue Jeans
GMC Publications Denim Upcycled: Breathe New Life Into Old Jeans
Denim Upcycled contains 25 creative projects using old pairs of jeans to create fabulous, customised clothes & homewares. Jeans are such a wardrobe staple that most people end up with at least one or two pairs of that don’t fit any more, have worn out in places or have gone out of style. But instead of consigning them to landfill, why not repurpose them? Denim is a durable and versatile fabric that’s perfect for upcycling into stylish, sustainable and useful items for you, your family and friends, and your home. With clear instructions and handy tips throughout, projects are suitable for all levels. Projects include: Flower Brooch, Decorative Cuff, Phone Case, Coin Pouch, Zippy Pouch, Water Bottle Carrier, Tote Bag, Messenger Bag, Storage Baskets, Drawstring Bag, Notebook Cover, Luggage Tags, Shorts, Skirt, Pendant Bottle, Gift Bag, Love Cushion, Home Cushion, Plant Pot, Hanging Hearts, Tooth Fairy Pillow, Pencil Case, Tablet Storage Pouch, Wall Hanging Organizer, Three-in-a-Row Game. 25 quick and easy projects for useful items from upcycled jeans Projects for bags, tags, covers, baskets, cuffs and clothes Suitable for those with little or no sewing experience as well as more experienced crafters Will appeal to those wanting to counteract throwaway culture, buy less and reuse more
Peeters Publishers Papyrus Bodmer, III. Evangile De Jean Et Genese I-IV, 2 En Bohairique: T.
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin La Trinite Redemptrice Dans Le Commentaire de l'Evangile de Saint Jean Par Thomas d'Aquin
Lepetitlittraire.Fr Regain de Jean Giono (Fiche de lecture): Analyse complète et résumé détaillé de l'oeuvre
Macmillan Learning Discourse on the Origin and Foundations of Inequality among Men: by Jean-Jacques Rousseau with Related Documents
Universitatsverlag Winter Wir Unglaubensgenossen: Die Genese Der Sakularen Option Von Jean Paul Bis Malwida Von Meysenbug
Capstone Press Levi Strauss and Blue Jeans
Peeters Publishers Patrons, Authors and Workshops: Books and Book Production in Paris Around 1400
"Patrons, Authors and Workshops" invokes a cross-disciplinary approach to the study of late medieval books and book production in Paris, from the troubled years of the early fifteenth century onwards. It shows the extent to which such activity was able to flourish even against the backdrop of the endemic struggle between Burgundians and Armagnacs, or the subsequent English invasion which led to Agincourt and the regency of Bedford.Extensive coverage is given to the key role played by the libraire, to the author as scribe or copyist (Christine de Pisan, Jean Lebegue), and also to the development of commercial production under figures such as Jean Trepperel. A section on bibliophiles and their various commissions leads into a group of essays that focus on particular texts and authors, whilst a further section concentrates on what we can discover about the role of the scribe. The volume concludes with four essays offering insights into the work of particular artists and illuminators.The authors include scholars from the UK, France, Greece, Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and the USA.Godfried Croenen is Lecturer in French at the University of Liverpool.Peter Ainsworth is Professor of French at the University of Sheffield.
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin La Liberte En Actes: Ethique Et Metaphysique d'Alexandre d'Aphrodise a Jean Duns Scot
Archaeopress de l'Objet a la Societe Romaine: Etudes Archeologiques Et Epigraphiques Offertes a Jean-Claude Beal