Search results for ""Inter-Varsity Press""
Inter-Varsity Press The Message of Women: Creation, Grace And Gender
Women appear in key places and roles throughout the biblical story-line. In the Old Testament we find Eve in the garden of Eden; the matriarchs Sarah, Rebekah, Leah and Rachel; Deborah and Ruth in the time of the Judges; the prophetesses Huldah in King Josiah's time; the capable woman of Proverbs 31; the passionate woman in the Song of Songs. In the Gospels, various women are involved in the life of Jesus, not least his mother Mary and the first witnesses to his resurrection. The book of Acts includes Lydia the converted businesswoman and Priscilla the fearless teacher. Furthermore, both testaments also contain much teaching about women's life and ministry, for example in prayer, in worship, in marriage and in leadership. Derek and Dianne Tidball's wide-ranging exposition begins with some foundations about women in creation and in the new creation. Next, they survey women under the old covenant. Thirdly, they examine women in the kingdom of God, in the life and teaching of Jesus, and in the final section they deal with women in the new community of the early church, and grapple with some of the more controversial writings of the apostle Paul. Mindful of the complexities, challenges and debates, the authors seek to approach the Bible with humility and integrity, while addressing vitally relevant issues for Christians today with clarity and confidence.
Inter-Varsity Press From Fear to Faith: Rejoicing In The Lord In Turbulent Times
The country was on the brink of a devastating invasion. Famine threatened. Violence and social injustice filled the land. Habakkuk the Old Testament prophet had every reason to sink into despair. Where was God in these turbulent times? D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones was one of the twentieth century’s foremost preachers and Bible teachers. The parallels he draws between the message of Habakkuk and the crisis-ridden West are still powerfully relevant to our own times. Here is the secret of the problem of history. No event, however catastrophic, fails to find a place in God’s loving purpose for humanity. Habakkuk’s great assertion of faith, in the midst of enormous personal upheaval and emotional strain, can be ours: ‘Yet I rejoice in the LORD…The Sovereign LORD is my strength.’
Inter-Varsity Press The Message of Sonship: At Home In God's Household
'Sonship' is an important, yet often overlooked, theme throughout the Bible. Adam, the first human being, is identified as a 'son of God'; Israel is God's 'first-born son'; the covenant with king David is cast in father-son terms; Christians are children of God, 'adopted as sons'; and the same designation brings Scripture to a triumphant conclusion: 'He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son' (Revelation 21:7). The storyline of the Bible is clear, that God is making for himself a family of sons and daughters who will serve him and reign with him in his kingdom for ever - and this purpose is achieved through Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God. In his warm-hearted, edifying exposition of this theme, Trevor Burke shows how 'sonship' is the focus of creation, is a metaphor for salvation, carries moral obligation, and is the goal of restoration of broken, suffering humanity. For those whom God the Father adopts into his household as sons and daughters, the family bonds that begin in this life will last for all eternity.
Inter-Varsity Press Surprised by Grief: A Journey Into Hope
Losing a partner at a young age is a devastating experience. I know. I ve been there.' Janine shares the agonizing emotions, and the inner journey God took her on, after her biggest nightmare became reality literally overnight. She looks at the traps and pitfalls to which she was particularly prone, along with the overwhelming sense of loneliness she felt. And she shares the long and gruelling path towards recovering her sense of self and forging a new identity. 'God led me to set new priorities for myself,' she says, 'as I sought to move into the future with him, and enabled me to deal with the baggage of negative beliefs.' Finally, Janine places her grief in the context of a transition in order to understand her 'voyage of hope', ending with gratitude to God for all she has received from his hands.
Inter-Varsity Press Old Testament Ethics for the People of God
Some Christians distinguish the moral laws in the Old Testament (which must be obeyed) from the ceremonial and civil laws (which may be disregarded). Others prefer a strictly New Testament ethic. Neither option, argues Chris Wright, does justice to the Old Testament as an essential part of our Bible. In this lively and readable approach, he develops a comprehensive alternative. First, he proposes a theological, social and economic framework for Old Testament ethics. Then, in relation to contemporary issues, he explores a variety of themes: economics, the land and the poor; ecology and the earth; politics and the world of nations; law and justice; society, culture and the family; the way of the individual. Since its first appearance in 1983, Chris Wright's 'Living as the People of God' has been widely appreciated. Now fully revised, updated and restructured, it incorporates material from the author's 'Walking in the Ways of the Lord', together with new surveys of historical and contemporary scholarly approaches to Christian ethical use of the Old Testament. This fresh and accessible study will appeal to non-specialists, while the greatly expanded bibliographies will make it a useful resource for students.
Inter-Varsity Press Follow Me: Becoming A Liberated Disciple
Do you desire a closer walk with Jesus that impacts your life 24/7 rather than just on a Sunday Morning? Follow Me will help you find that authentic walk with Christ that impacts everything you do every day. Cooking breakfast, driving to work, sorting out the laundry, answering e-mails ... All of these activities are as much part of our daily discipleship as praying, singing in church or teaching Sunday school. For the spiritual life is first of all a life as discussed in 'Follow Me' by John Valentine. 'Follow Me' is about becoming a new and different person through the cross of Jesus, and then finding that in Jesus we have found our truest and most authentic selves
Inter-Varsity Press Matters of Life and Death: Human Dilemmas in the Light of the Christian Faith (2nd Edition)
Conjoined twins dilemma... Suicide of terminally ill patient... Designer baby transplant success... Woman gives birth at sixty-six... Rarely are human dilemmas out of the news. And what medical science can do and ought to do - or ought not to do - impinges on our personal lives, families and societies. John Wyatt examines the issues surrounding the beginning and end of life against the background of current medical-ethical thought. Writing out of a deep conviction that the Bible's view of our humanness points a way forward, he suggests how Christian healthcare professionals, churches and individuals can respond to today's challenges and opportunities
Inter-Varsity Press Paul the Missionary: Realities, Strategies And Methods
Eckhard Schnabel's two-volume Early Christian Mission is widely recognized as the most complete and authoritative contemporary study of the first-century Christian missionary movement. Now in Paul the Missionary Schnabel draws on his research and provides a manageable study for students of Paul as well as students and practitioners of Christian mission today. Schnabel first focuses the spotlight on Paul's missionary work - the realities he faced, and the strategies and methods he employed. Applying his grasp of the wide range of ancient sources and of contemporary scholarship, he clarifies our understanding, expands our knowledge and corrects our misconceptions of Paul the missionary. In a final chapter Schnabel shines the recovered light of Paul's missionary methods and practices on Christian mission today. Much like Roland Allen's classic Missionary Methods: St. Paul's or Ours? of nearly a century ago, Schnabel offers both praise and criticism. For those who take the time to immerse themselves in the world of Paul's missionary endeavour, this final chapter will be both rewarding and searching.
Inter-Varsity Press 2 Chronicles: Tyndale Old Testament Commentary
The Chronicler addressed an Israel separated from its former days of blessing by a season of judgment. The books of 1 and 2 Chronicles bring a divine word of healing and reaffirm the hope of restoration. The Chronicler's theme is straightforward - the promises of God revealed in the Davidic covenant are as trustworthy and as effective as the God who first uttered them.
Inter-Varsity Press A Thorn in the Flesh: Finding Strength And Hope Amid Suffering
What is a 'thorn'? Pablo Martinez knows all too well first-hand. For more than twenty-five years he has suffered with a rare eye disease. Others have experienced traumatic loss, too terrible for words. Pablo meets these people all the time through his work. Pablo identifies five traits of a thorn. It is; painful; limiting; humiliating; prolonged; something to fight against. In the New Testament, Paul shared his experience of a thorn (2 Corinthians 12:7 - 10). God chose not to remove it in spite of his pleading. In the context of our salvation, Jesus suffered more than any person has ever suffered. God's identification with human tragedy is perfectly expressed in the name Emmanuel: God with us. Humbly and wisely, Pablo guides us beyond the 'why' of suffering to a place of hope.
Inter-Varsity Press Pierced for our transgressions: Rediscovering The Glory Of Penal Substitution
An increasing number of theologians and church leaders are questioning the doctrine of penal substitution. The authors offer a fresh re-articulation of the doctrine and its central role, and engage with over twenty specific objections that have been brought against it.
Inter-Varsity Press Black voices: The Shaping Of Our Christian Experience
Through the lips of Black British Christians, we hear the stories and experiences first hand. Hostility, prejudice and cruelty were not uncommon, but there are also many glimpses of welcome and acceptance as they arrived in a foreign land. Black people of African origin and descent have lived in Britain for man centuries. By the late eighteenth century an increasing number were active Christians. Long before Empire Windrush arrived in Tilbury in mid-1948, black Britons worked as doctors, ministers and political activities, as well as in non-professional roles. They are little known and largely forgotten. Here they touchingly describe their lives, faith, work, families, hopes and ambitions, part of a rich and fascinating seam of British history that has been generally ignored. This intimate portrait will inform black Christians of their heritage, while helping white Christians to understand more about the diversity of Britain's cultural background.
Inter-Varsity Press God is the Gospel: Meditations On God'S Love As The Gift Of Himself
Most people, when they ponder what it means to be loved by God, do not think God-centred thoughts. They think of the things that God does for us but which, in their minds, don't have God as the satisfying centre. But it wouldn't be loving of God to give us everything but himself - and so his love doesn't do that. It gives us himself for our enjoyment, and it gives us other things as means of knowing him better and loving him more. In John Piper's reflective, paradigm-challenging book, he drives home the point that what is most loving about God is not his making much of us, but his enabling us, at great cost to himself, to enjoy making much of him forever.
Inter-Varsity Press According to Plan: The Unfolding Revelation Of God In The Bible
Do you long to get an overall grasp of the Bible? Do you want to venture beyond your favourite passages and explore the Bible as a whole? Would you like to know how the Old Testament builds up to the coming of Jesus? Whether you're a church leader, theology student or simply eager to know your Bible better, here’s the book for you. In short, pithy chapters, assisted by easy–to–follow visual layouts, it shows how the Bible fits together as the unfolding story of God’s plan of salvation. Jesus Christ is the link between every part of the Bible and ourselves, says Graeme Goldsworthy. This book shows you how the Old Testament builds up to the coming of Jesus. Work through it and you’ll read the Bible with fresh insight.
Inter-Varsity Press Faithful feelings: Emotion In The New Testament
Everything we do, say and think is, in some sense, emotional. We describe ourselves and our experiences in terms of how we feel. In the New Testament, Jesus and Paul displayed a wide range of emotions in their lives and teaching. Thomas Aquinas, John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards and others have recognized the vital importance of emotion in Christian experience. However, in recent times, many preachers and theologians have pushed emotion to the sidelines. The relationship between reason and emotion can be confused or obscure in much of our thinking. We need to look afresh at the causes, nature and role of felt experience in Christian living. In this significant new study, Matthew Elliott asks 'What is an emotion?', and applies recent studies of emotion to the New Testament. While he discusses the vocabulary of emotion - love, joy, hope, jealousy, fear, sorrow, anger - his primary concern is with emotion itself, how it was perceived by the New Testament writers in their cultural context, and what role they thought it should play in the lives of Christian believers. He argues that our feelings play an essential role in Christian faith, theology and ethics.
Inter-Varsity Press A Mucky Business: Why Christians Should Get Involved In Politics
Many Christians are nervous about politics - isn't the political world murky and sleazy, a den of deceit and backstairs deals? At the same time, the image of Christians in politics isn’t great either – often seen as judgemental hypocrites, intolerant and hateful control freaks... shouldn't this mean that faith and politics should be kept firmly apart? In A Mucky Business, Tim Farron, former Leader of the Liberal Democrats Party and friends, explore and defend why Christianity and politics should and must work together. If Christians are to love their neighbours, they need to engage with the issues that affect everyone. Why should Christians leave their beliefs at the door when they enter public life? No one else does! Tim Farron shares his experience as the UK’s best known Christian MP and draws on case studies from across the political spectrum. Many of these case studies come from his successful A Mucky Business podcast. Demonstrating that it’s possible to be both a Christian and to step into the political world with confidence. A Mucky Business will both inspired and better equip christians to care about politics, pray knowledgeably, and engage with politics effectively.
Inter-Varsity Press The Message of Ecclesiastes: A Time To Mourn And A Time To Dance
'Vanity of vanities', says the Preacher, 'Vanity of vanities! All is vanity'. Is that what life is? A wisp of vapour, a puff of wind, a mere breath - nothing you can get your hands on - the nearest thing to zero? So says the Preacher in the book of Ecclesiastes. But is this the whole message of Ecclesiastes? With imagination and clarity Derek Kidner introduces this Old Testament book which speaks so powerfully to our generation. His love of Hebrew poetry and his understanding of the biblical mind shine through in his careful passage-by-passage exposition. The Bible Speaks Today series covers every book of the Old and New Testaments, as well as Bible themes that run through the whole of Scripture. These revised editions are updated with contemporary language and Bible translations to help you to follow and to teach the Bible in today's world.
Inter-Varsity Press Reality and Other Stories: Exploring the life we long for through the tales we tell
Stories shape us and give us meaning - but is it coincidence that the same seven basic plots repeat over time and across the world? What if stories not only reveal something about human psychology, but also give us clues to the meaning of the reality we live in? Discover how these archetypal stories - Overcoming the Monster, Rags to Riches, The Quest, Voyage and Return, Comedy, Tragedy and Rebirth - are not only universal, but also found in the story of Christ. What if Jesus' story is where myth becomes history and can give true meaning to all our lives? Explore for yourself the explosive claim that the life of Jesus isn't just another story, but the true story that satisfies our deepest longings.
Inter-Varsity Press There is Hope: Preaching at Funerals
250,000 people die in the UK each year, and almost half will have a Christian funeral service. Preaching at a funeral is a vital part of pastoral ministry, but too often funeral sermons consist of generalities and platitudes used for multiple services rather than illuminating the hope gifted to us by the resurrection. In There is Hope veteran pastor Paul Beasley-Murray offers practical advice to help Christian leaders craft meaningful, biblically driven sermons and preach with confidence and compassion at funeral services. Drawing on his years of experience, he offers a sensitive, pastorally rich exposition of twenty key Bible passages, exploring how preachers can draw on them to show the hope beyond death that the Gospel offers. Alongside are funeral sermon examples that he has preached himself, as well as ideas, outlines and guidance for writing your own. There is Hope is the perfect book for ordinands and preachers who are new to giving funeral sermons, as well as for experienced preachers and pastors wanting to improve and grow in their pastoral ministry and are looking for new ideas for funeral sermons. Full of biblical depth, this guide will equip priests and pastors with all the tools they need to deliver comforting funeral sermons that truly deliver the message that even in death, in the Gospel there is hope.
Inter-Varsity Press Now and Not Yet: Theology and Mission in Ezra-Nehemiah
The books of Ezra and Nehemiah have been neglected in Old Testament scholarship, but as Dean Ulrich demonstrates in this valuable study, new in the NSBT series, Ezra–Nehemiah as a literary unit is part of the Christian Bible that tells God’s grand story of saving activity. Now and Not Yet explores how the narrative theology of Ezra and Nehemiah shows us how to be a godly participant in God’s story, and how the moral imperatives of leadership are bound up in the larger context of God’s acts and promises: God’s redeemed community that is bigger than any individual person, and at the heart of this is mission – participation in God’s purpose for his world. Seeing these books as the record of the beginning of a new work of God among his people after the exile, Ulrich also illuminates how the theology of Ezra and Nehemiah connects to the larger biblical narrative and leads to the first coming of Jesus. Insightful and accessible, Now and Not Yet is a brilliant addition to the New Studies in Biblical Theology series. It is ideal for students, pastors and anyone looking for studies on Ezra and Nehemiah that dig deeply into their theology, particularly in relation to biblical mission. Now and Not Yet will leave you with a greater understanding of Ezra-Nehemiah as a literary unit, and how its theology is still relevant for Christians today – the new work it reveals enables God’s people to be restored in their relationship with God, through both hope in God’s promises and obedience to his instruction concerned with mission.
Inter-Varsity Press Faithful: Food for the Journey - Themes
God is totally faithful. That's right at the core of his character - unlike us, he cannot ever break his word. Knowing that we are firmly held in the grip of God's unending faithfulness is deeply reassuring. And it encourages us to be faithful too. Remembering his grace and goodness, we grow in holiness and Christlikeness. Our aim is to be faithful in the big things, but also in the nitty-gritty of life when nobody is watching. With these Bible teachers alongside us: * Alistair Begg (Psalm 119:97-104) * Michael Baughen (2 Timothy 4:1-22 & Hebrews 3:1 - 5:6) * Tim Chester (Genesis15:1-21 & Revelation 2:18-29) * Malcolm Duncan (1 Thessalonians 2:1-12) * Sinclair Ferguson (2 Timothy 4:9-10) * Jonathan Lamb (Acts 20:17-38) * Peter Maiden (1 Samuel 13:5-14) * Alec Motyer (1 Thessalonians 5:1-28) * Tom Putt (Hebrews 6:11-20) we explore God's faithfulness and our response. This undated 30-day devotional shows how God is faithful to cleanse us from sin, keep us until death and guarantee our eternal destiny. What greater reassurance can we ask for?
Inter-Varsity Press God's Treasured Possession: Walk in the footsteps of Moses
Do you know how God sees you? Moses is a key character in the unfolding narrative of God's Kingdom. A foundational leader of God's people in the Old Testament, he's held up throughout the New Testament as a man of God, in spite of his flaws. Yet Moses didn't always believe what God said about him. In this biblically balanced book, Terry Virgo invites us to walk in the footsteps of Moses so that, by faith, we can be ready for whatever life brings.
Inter-Varsity Press The Gift: How your leadership can serve your church
Pastors face two temptations when they consider church leadership: one, common in more culturally conservative churches, is simply to preach faithfully and assume that that alone is adequate Christian leadership; the other, common in more culturally contemporary churches, is to apply secular business wisdom, but uncritically. The books published mirror the two camps. Both drive a wedge between the Bible and leadership. What if the gift of leadership was a clear outworking of biblical teaching? What if there is in the Bible a consistent pattern of human communities flourishing under the good rule of God’s Word. Drawing on years of teaching and ministry, Chris Green shows us how, as Mike Ovey put it, Christian leaders can be God's best possible gift to flourishing communities.
Inter-Varsity Press The Living Church: The Convictions Of A Lifelong Pastor
The church lies at the very centre of the eternal purposes of God. But what exactly does a living church look like? The Living Church brings together a number of characteristics of what the author calls 'authentic' or 'living' church. The marks, being clearly biblical, are timeless and need to be preserved. We are called to become learning churches, caring churches, worshipping churches and evangelising churches. John Stott unpacks the Bible's wisdom rigorously with a teacher's skill and applies it faithfully with a pastor's heart. We can all play a part in becoming a living church.
Inter-Varsity Press Systematic Theology Workbook
This workbook accompanies Wayne Grudem's highly regarded Systematic Theology. Following the textbook's structure, it features review material and exercises for every chapter, and all major areas of Christian doctrine are covered, including: The Word of God God Humanity Christ and the Holy Spirit The Application of Redemption The Church The Future The workbook further maintains the clear writing, friendly tone, and frequent applications to life found in the textbook. Students will benefit from this hands-on engagement with the important teachings in Systematic Theology.
Inter-Varsity Press The Message of 1 Timothy and Titus: The Life Of The Local Church
Truth matters. The apostle Paul’s passion for truth runs throughout his Pastoral Letters - that it may be faithfully guarded and handed on. John Stott is at pains to convey Paul's passionate concern for the future of the gospel, and for younger pastors charged with its care. Contemporary culture, John Stott points out, is being overtaken and submerged by relativism and pluralism - an attitude that all so-called 'truth' in fact can make no demand that others be converted to its particular view. The apostle's unambiguous commitment to the definite truth of the gospel is in stark contrast to the contemporary spirit, and his concern for its future needs to grip us today.
Inter-Varsity Press The Message of 2 Timothy: Guard The Gospel
John Stott writes, 'During the gestation of this book I seem to have lived inside the second letter of Paul to Timothy. In imagination I have sat down beside Timothy and have tried myself to hear and heed this final charge from the ageing apostle ... 'On each occasion I have been impressed afresh by the timeliness for today of what the apostle writes, especially for young Christian leaders. For our era is one of theological and moral confusion, even of apostasy. And the apostle summons us, as he summoned Timothy, to be strong, brave and steadfast.'
Inter-Varsity Press Love: Food for the Journey
Love has been described in so many ways, but do we really understand what it means? This 30-day devotional in the Food for the Journey series drills down to what love really is, and how it is ultimately defined in and by God – a God who loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son to rescue us from sin and reconcile us to himself. Covering passages from across the Old and New Testaments, in this devotional some of the Keswick Convention’s best preachers – including Vaughan Roberts, David Coffey and Rico Tice – mine the riches of the Bible’s wisdom on love. In self-contained daily devotions they show us how we rest assured that God’s love is everlasting, unconditional and breathtaking in its immensity. In a small, slim paperback format, Love: Food for the Journey is perfect for carrying around with you on the go. Like all the Food for the Journey books, its undated format means you can start and finish at any time of the year, and work through it at your own pace. Uplifting and encouraging, this short devotional invites us to bask in God's love, appreciate afresh its depth and richness, and warm our hearts, equipping and empowering us to love and serve him better.
Inter-Varsity Press Holiness: Food for the Journey
Who are we when nobody's looking? Do we practise what we preach, or do we take the easy way out and follow the crowd? This 30-day devotional, part of the Food for the Journey series, reminds us of what true biblical holiness looks like, and how glorious it can be when fully understood and lived out. Exploring passages from throughout the Bible, in this devotional some of the Keswick Convention’s most inspirational preachers – including Don Carson, Jonathan Lamb and John Stott – unpack the bible’s teaching on holiness. In self-contained devotions perfect for a daily quiet time they look at God's holiness and show us how we can reflect it in every part of our lives In a small, slim paperback format, Holiness: Food for the Journey is perfect for carrying around with you and reading while you’re on the go to carve out some quiet time with God. Whether on your commute, over coffee, or during a lunch break, these devotions will help you make Bible reading part of every day. Like all the Food for the Journey books, its undated format means you can start and finish at any time of the year, and work through it at your own pace. If you are looking to understand what holiness means for our lives, trying to find more quiet time with God or just want to dig more deeply into what the Bible teaches us about God’s holiness, this little devotional is packed full of wisdom that will help us in the pursuit of holy living and our divine calling.
Inter-Varsity Press Knowing Me, Knowing God: Six Theological Keys To Scripture
In the Bible, God gives us knowledge of himself and of ourselves, so that through these two intertwined strands we may receive what Calvin called 'true and sound wisdom'. In pursuit of this wisdom, many Christians have learned to interpret Scripture chrono-logically, following the Bible’s developing story from creation, through fall, to redemption, and ultimately to restoration. But what of a complementary theo-logical approach to Scripture, one which focuses on the Bible’s main 'characters' — God and human beings — and the nature of their relationship? Richard Brash presents such an approach, introducing six theological keys to Scripture which help us better to know God and ourselves in the three fundamental areas of being, knowing, and acting. At each stage, he develops the theme of the gracious condescension of the infinite, incomprehensible, and holy God in his relation to finite human beings: creating us as his image, establishing a proportion between his own knowledge and ours, and overcoming sin to take a people for himself through the love-gifts of his Son and his Spirit. If you are looking for an enlarged vision of God and a renewed understanding of your own vocation before the Lord, take up this book and be refreshed in your love for God in heart, soul, and mind.
Inter-Varsity Press Jesus, Lover of My Soul: Fresh Pathways to Spiritual Passion
Do you long for a closer, deeper walk with God? Would you like to know more about what the Bible says about spiritual intimacy? We say we know about God's love in our heads, but has it really percolated through to our hearts? The Bible employs the metaphor of Christ, the Lover, and believers, his beloved. Yet this rich relationship potential is relatively unexplored in modern popular books, and we are the poorer for it. Using Song of Songs and other Bible sources, the author explores the dynamics of our relationship. We come to understand more fully what it is for Christ to love us and for us to love him. Contents Desire - You're the one I want Show me your face Jesus is not my boyfriend, but... Is the Song of Songs really about me and Jesus? Insecurity Delight Springtime Belonging Distance Christ finds us beautiful Christ gets crazy for love Finally, consummation Distant again Spiritual intimacy betrayed and lost through porn Porn-spoiled lives restored Reconciled Still beautiful to him Spirals of longing and love Conclusion: the power of spiritual marriage in the storms This portrayal of the living dynamics of a believer's relationship with Christ cannot fail to transform our devotional life profoundly.
Inter-Varsity Press The History of Christianity in Britain and Ireland: From the First Century to the Twenty-First
The history of Britain and Ireland is incomprehensible without an understanding of the Christian faith that has shaped it. Introduced when the nations of these islands were still in their infancy, Christianity has provided the framework for their development from the beginning. Gerald Bray’s comprehensive overview demonstrates the remarkable creativity and resilience of Christianity in Britain and Ireland. Through the ages, it has adapted to the challenges of presenting the gospel of Christ to different generations in a variety of circumstances. As a result, it is at once a recognizable offshoot of the universal church and a world of its own. It has also profoundly affected the notable spread of Christianity worldwide in recent times. Although historians have done much to explain the details of how the church has evolved separately in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, a synthesis of the whole has rarely been attempted. Yet the story of one nation cannot be understood properly without involving the others; so, Gerald Bray sets individual narratives in an overarching framework. Accessible to a general readership, The History of Christianity in Britain and Ireland draws on current scholarship to serve as a reference work for students of both history and theology.
Inter-Varsity Press Veiled in Flesh: The Incarnation - What It Means And Why It Matters
‘Veiled in flesh the Godhead see, Hail the incarnate deity ... Jesus, our Emmanuel.’ Great words, from one of the most popular Christmas carols -- but what do they actually mean and do they really matter? Melvin Tinker introduces the doctrine of the incarnation of God the Son in Jesus Christ, in two parts. Part One approaches the incarnation by way of an exposition of chapter 1 of the New Testament letter to the Hebrews. This grounds the doctrine in Scripture, working through some of the theological and pastoral implications. Part Two goes deeper, drawing on systematic and historical theology (especially the creeds) to tease out what the doctrine means and why it is vital to the life and health of the church and Christian devotion. While the treatment is clearly theological (dealing with biblical truth), it is also doxological (leading to praise) and pastoral (practical in its outworking) The doctrine is set alongside and related to two other key Christian beliefs - the Trinity and the atonement.
Inter-Varsity Press Unleashed: The Acts Church Today
The early church spread with remarkable speed, impelled by joy, urgency, profound compassion, and the day-to-day experience of working in the power of the Holy Spirit. Despite opposition at all levels, the first Christians expressed their love and wonder in acts of kindness, worship, and their eagerness to share the wholescale transformation that attends the profound experience of conversion. Gavin and Anne Calver explore what this extraordinary historical account means for believers today, considering themes including: The Holy Spirit in the life of the church; taking risks; living together in the power of the Spirit; works and wonders; hearing from God; responding to the call of God; miracles then and now.
Inter-Varsity Press Wrestling With My Thoughts: A Doctor With Severe Mental Illness Discovers Strength
She couldn't believe it. There she was with her medical qualifications sitting on the floor of a mental hospital. She'd offered her life to God, wanted to serve him anywhere, but no, surely not this... Sharon Hastings is absolutely passionate about helping anyone who suffers from 'severe and enduring mental illness' (SEMI): schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and schizoaffective disorder. She wants the church to know all about these illnesses: how they devastate ordinary people and how they need to be treated. By telling her story, warts and all, showing her own tortuous, painful journey, she equips us to come alongside loved ones, fellow church members, friends and neighbours, understanding the social and spiritual ramifications of their illnesses, including them in our activities (where appropriate) and encouraging their spiritual growth. A natural storyteller, the author draws us in. We journey with her. With wisdom, kindness and the heart of a bruised survivor, she interweaves her exceptional story with vital teaching which simply cannot be ignored by anyone within the church today.
Inter-Varsity Press 1 Peter: Confidence in a Complex World
A six-session Bible study guide with LICC’s signature blend of real-life practicality, biblical scholarship, and a whole-life discipleship focus. In his letter to scattered groups of Christians in what is modern-day Turkey, the apostle Peter ignites imagination and inspires hope for the possibilities of everyday life in a complex world. Joe Warton is a warm and gracious guide through this six-session study, helping you to discover Peter’s trove of wisdom for everyday living. This is a letter that is both exhilarating in its scope and intensely grounded in the grittiness of real life. Like those who first received Peter’s letter, you will be challenged to see your daily context afresh and deeply encouraged to live confidently – Monday to Sunday – wherever you are. Perfect for on-your-own study or small groups, this is a beautiful, keep-able book, so everyone in your small group can have their own copy to make notes in, reflect further, and go deeper in study. Why not use 1 Peter as your next small group study? The Gateway Seven series offers a fresh encounter with God through seven biblical books, each representing a distinctive genre. Together they will deepen your understanding of the whole Bible and open a gateway to insights and implications that will have an impact on you and your life – seven days a week.
Inter-Varsity Press Hebrews: An Introduction and Commentary
The letter to the Hebrews presents a combination of warnings and assurances to encourage Christians to persevere in faith, hope and love. The basis for this is a profound reflection on the person and work of Christ, viewed as the fulfilment of Old Testament Scripture. David Peterson shows how the author expounds the implications of the gospel with pastoral insight and sensitivity, producing a ‘word of exhortation’ that reaches across the centuries to speak to our lives today.
Inter-Varsity Press The Church: A Unique Gathering of People
The church lies at the centre of God's purpose. Christ gave himself 'to purify for himself a people that are his own'. But when we think about church, there's the tension between the ideal and the reality. The former is beautiful: God's special treasure, the covenant community, a haven of love and peace. The latter? A motley rabble needing constant rebuke and exhortation. Here we focus on the ideal, on what God intends his church to be, while all the time keeping in view the reality, so that we can grasp the changes that need to be made.
Inter-Varsity Press Longing - study guide
I'm longing for God... * to answer my prayers * to forgive me * when my heart has grown cold * to take me deeper * to display his glory * to take me home The latest in the popular Keswick study guide series matches the banner theme of Keswick Convention 2019: Longing for God. Seminars, Bible readings and evening celebrations will be tightly focussed around this topic. As in previous years, we want convention-goers and those who don't benefit from Keswick to explore the subject at home, on their own or in a group setting. For the latter, there are leaders' notes on the six standalone sessions. You can find out what the Bible says and what it means in your life, and be encouraged through praying the prayers and digging deeper. As you interact with this resource, you will find yourself equipped to face life's challenges though knowing the God of the Bible better. We pray that your longing will be satisfied.
Inter-Varsity Press Forgiveness (Lifebuilder Study Guides): Making peace with the past
The truth is we all need to be forgiven. The Bible makes it painfully clear that every one of us has built up an enormous debt of sin to God. Christians rejoice in the forgiveness we receive from God, but when we hurt the people we love, how do we go about restoring the relationship? This study guide follows two themes – God’s forgiveness of us and our forgiveness of others. As you understand more about God’s gracious forgiveness of you, your own capacity to forgive will be expanded and strengthened.
Inter-Varsity Press Praying the Psalms (Lifebuilder Study Guides)
This revised Lifebuilder Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader's notes and an extra "Now or Later" section in each study.
Inter-Varsity Press Peter (Lifebuilder Study Guides): Learning to be like Jesus
Simon Peter was a follower like us - he wanted to be like Jesus, but he struggled with doubts, and at times he failed. At other times he was used powerfully by God. These 12 studies on his life challenge and motivate us to continue to grow in Christlikeness. This Lifebuilder Bible Study in the new revised format features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, as well as a new "Now or Later" section in each study.
Inter-Varsity Press Revelation (Lifebuilder Study Guides): The Triumph of God
In every age people have felt sure that the book of Revelation described events in their time. As nations arm themselves for war, we think of Armageddon. As evil rulers grow in power, we look for the antichrist. As the powers of darkness threaten to overwhelm us, we cry, 'Come, Lord Jesus!' Amid the uncertainties of our age, Revelation assures us of the ultimate triumph of God. This revised Lifebuilder Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader's notes and an extra 'Now or Later' section in each study.
Inter-Varsity Press Hospitality (Lifebuilder Study Guides): GOD'S CALL TO COMPASSION
Does the word hospitality bring to mind tables filled with tea, coffee and cake? While offering food to others is a wonderful ministry, this study reveals that the hospitality of the Bible is a deeper, more significant concept. In the Old Testament, hospitality demonstrates the grace and provision of God. In the New Testament, Jesus uses the imagery of a host and his guests to teach about the Kingdom of God, provision and protection. With more than 130 titles, the LifeBuilder Bible Studies series delivers sound biblical content and raises thought-provoking questions. It provides a unique Bible study experience for individuals and groups.
Inter-Varsity Press Jesus the Reason (Lifebuilder Study Guides)
Why do you believe that Christianity is true?The best reason is Jesus himself. In these eight studies on passages from the Gospels of Mark and Luke, James W. Sire invites you to meet the unique Jesus by digging deep into the Bible. You’ll discover what Jesus said and did. You’ll also be encouraged to decide what place Jesus has in your life today. This revised LifeBuilder Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a ‘Now or Later’ section in each study.
Inter-Varsity Press 1 Corinthians: An Introduction And Commentary
The cosmopolitan city of Corinth was the site of one of the apostle Paul’s greatest evangelistic successes. However, the church he founded was full of contention, ranging from questions about leadership to incest. Some Christians were taking fellow believers to court. There were issues concerning marriage, celibacy, food offered to idols, public worship and spiritual gifts. In response, Paul offered some of his most profound thinking on the body of Christ, love, and Jesus' cross and resurrection. Thomas Schreiner explains the text of the letter, highlights its major theological themes and offers perspectives on its relevance for today.
Inter-Varsity Press Sin and Grace: Evangelical Soteriology In Historical Perspective
Tony Lane surveys a wide range of doctrines relating to our experience of God’s gracious salvation. He begins with our need as sinful and fallen people, moves on to consider what is involved in becoming a Christian – majoring on justification (being put right with God) – and concludes with sanctification (living the Christian life). As well as expounding various aspects of these doctrines, Lane introduces their historical roots in classical expositions. Lane warns that these doctrines are in danger of being lost by significant sectors of evangelicalism, and he explains them clearly. He encourages readers to hold firmly to an evangelical soteriology, having a greater understanding of it and a stronger conviction of its truth, with experience of its application to Christian discipleship.
Inter-Varsity Press Judges and Ruth: An Introduction and Commentary
The book of Judges presents Israel’s frailty, the nation’s need for deliverance, and God’s use of flawed leaders to guide his chosen people through a dark period of their history. The book of Ruth tells a smaller story within this narrative, showing God quietly at work in the lives of a few individuals. Mary Evans’s commentary places each book in its historical and canonical context, examines key theological themes and addresses issues facing twenty-first-century readers. Part of the Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries series designed to help the reader of the Bible understand what the text says and what it means.