Search results for ""Inter-Varsity Press""
Inter-Varsity Press The Message of Jeremiah: Grace In The End
The Prophet Jeremiah addressed the people of Judah and Jerusalem over a forty-year period leading up to the destruction of Jerusalem in 587 BC. The book of Jeremiah addressed the exiles, especially those in Babylon, in the years after the catastrophe. First of all then, says Chris Wright, we must encounter Jeremiah the prophet who, from his youth to old age, delivered the word of God to the people of Israel at the most terrifying time in all their troubled history. Understanding his times is essential to understanding his life and message. Next, we must strive to grasp how this enormous book (the second longest in the Bible, after Psalms) has been put together. And finally, if Jeremiah spoke in his day, and if the book still speaks today, in both cases it is because of the God who called the man to speak and commanded the book to be written. So we must encounter the God of Jeremiah, an encounter that should be both profoundly disturbing and ultimately reassuring, as it was for him. In the end, Jeremiah is a book of the victory of God's love and grace. His redemptive, reconstructive work fills the book's future horizon - a future that we see fulfilled in the New Testament through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, the Messiah; and ultimately in God's dwelling with his redeemed people forever in the new creation.
Inter-Varsity Press The Message of the Kingdom of God
Across 22 chapters, T. Desmond Alexander expounds the theme of the kingdom of God from selected Old and New Testament texts, showing its relevance for today. God made us to rule with him as his representatives, to establish his kingdom on earth. But Adam and Eve's rebellion alienated humanity from God's kingdom, instead making them slaves to the kingdom of darkness. As the promised ruler, Jesus Christ comes as the perfect king to redeem enslaved humanity. This servant king brings God's kingdom on earth through self-sacrificial love. In hope, we now await the return of the king and the coming of the eternal kingdom. The fully integrated study guide, suitable for both personal and group study, helps you to see how the Bible's unified teaching on this vital theme can impact your life today. The Bible Speaks Today series covers every book of the Old and New Testaments, as well as Bible themes that run through the whole of Scripture.
Inter-Varsity Press The Message of 1 & 2 Kings
At the beginning of 1 & 2 Kings, Solomon's reign brought peace, prosperity, dynamic international trade and a magnificent centre of worship. By contrast, at the end, the people faced complete reversal: they and their king were in exile; Jerusalem and the temple lay in ruins. How can this story of reversal, told by the very people who suffered that defeat, be of value today, and equip us for every good work? In this rich and insightful commentary, John W. Olley guides us through The Message of 1 & 2 Kings. With deft, accessible scholarship, he shows us how the writers of Kings retell the past as preached history, and how that helps us to understand the way they speak to us today. Within the account of paths leading to short-term success but ultimate failure, there are pointers of hope, of God's continuing purposes and promises, and of the peoples’ response in the present. In rich and often surprising ways, the story told in Kings is one that continues to shape the faith and life of Christian believers today. Unpacking its meaning careful precision, Olley helps us understand that everyday life, along with the turmoil of national and global events, is the arena in which God's people are called to worship, trust and obey him. Part of the million-selling Bible Speaks Today series of commentaries, The Message of 1 & 2 Kings offers a cogent, readable exposition of the Biblical text as well as thoughtfully discussion of how it is relevant for Christians today. Used by Bible students and teachers around the world, the Bible Speaks Today commentaries are ideal for students and preachers who are looking to improve their understanding of Scripture. This beautifully redesigned edition has also been sensitively updated to include modern references and use the NIV Bible text.
Inter-Varsity Press Faithful Study Guide: Because GOD is
God is utterly faithful. That's his nature. He cannot lie, always keeps his word, and is fully committed to his glory. So what does this mean for me today? * No sin is too awful for him to deal with * Because he's kept all his promises to me in the past, he will keep them in the future * My salvation is secure * He will come again and take me to be with him forever This brings comfort, joy and security. It also motivates me to repent of sin, avoid sin, continue in God's service, and extend grace to others. Because God is faithful, I should be faithful too. Faithfulness matters in the day-to-day things, but also for the long haul. I need to hold fast to God when life is uncertain and unfair, pressing on and becoming more Christlike every day. This study guide will give you a big and reassuring view of God, but will also enthuse you to grow daily in faithfulness and grace.
Inter-Varsity Press So Loved: 26 Words That Can Change Your Life
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life. Here's an astonishing claim. John 3:16 appears on everything from fridge magnets to sports stars' faces. But what does it actually mean? And how does it relate to you and me? With warmth, personal stories and humour, the author explains God's love, his Son, his sacrifice, and the all-important connection with us today. This is an invitation for anyone to dive straight in and take the first step in an exciting, life-transforming journey of faith.
Inter-Varsity Press Calling Christian Leaders: Rediscovering radical servant ministry
Contemporary models of Christian leadership are often shaped more by culture than by Christ. Ineffective leadership, overbearing authority and burnout are endemic. In stark contrast, John Stott urges that our view of leadership must be determined by our view of the Church, and not the other way round. He demonstrates that the theme of 'power through weakness' is central. He expounds the role of the Holy Spirit in God's revelation, and he examines four of Paul's most striking models of ministry, each of which is an aspect of humility. In contrast to seductive styles of leadership being advocated by the wisdom of the world, John Stott urges Christian leaders to be characterised above all else by 'the meekness and the gentleness of Christ'.
Inter-Varsity Press The Message of 2 Peter and Jude: The Promise Of His Coming
The letters of 2 Peter and Jude form a robust pair, with their distinctive overlap in theme and wording. These letters are sometimes overlooked, yet their message for today's church is powerfully relevant. Both their writers aim to expose false guides who bewitch young believers. In response, they set before the churches bedrock conditions of survival, providing inspiring and always practical guidance on Christian growth. Without a maturing knowledge of God, churches (then as now) would be destabilised by destructive and heretical teaching.
Inter-Varsity Press The Story of the Church (Fourth edition)
The Story of the Church gives an accessible and concise survey of the history of the Christian church, from the first century to the twenty-first. Here is an epic tale of high hopes and great disappointments, of bitter persecution and heroic loyalty. The Story of the Church is an established classic, widely appreciated by several generations of readers. It addresses the central question of why Christianity has spread around the world so successfully, and offers a distinctly evangelical perspective. Its clear structure pinpoints significant people, places, movements and events. This new edition has been completely revised and updated by Allan Harman.
Inter-Varsity Press Changed Into His Likeness: A Biblical Theology Of Personal Transformation
When it comes to the Christian life, what exactly can we expect with regard to personal transformation? Gary Millar addresses this most basic question. He explores the nature of gospel-shaped change, exposing the dangers of both promising too much and expecting too little. The central part of his study focuses on ‘life in the middle’ - between the change that is brought about when we become Christians, and the ‘final’ change in which we will be raised with Christ. Millar reads the ‘character studies’ of major Old Testament figures as depicting a moral decline throughout their lives, and their innate sinfulness and lack of change. This problem is resolved by a new covenant that promises both individual and corporate transformation in the power of the Spirit. The New Testament presents this as a rich and complex process that cannot be contained or adequately described by a single set of images. Transformation is real, deep-rooted and far-reaching. In developing an integrated biblical theology of transformation, Millar draws on the contributions of some key theologians, including Augustine, Aquinas, Calvin, Edwards and Owen, and concludes with a careful synthesis.
Inter-Varsity Press The Message of 1 Corinthians: Life In The Local Church
In this fresh and gripping exposition, David Prior writes first of all as a pastor. His conviction is that 1 Corinthians is uniquely a tract for our times. His aim is that churches will recognise the problems and tensions inherent in being God's people in the increasingly urban world today, and not be ignorant of the true spirituality that is the work of the Holy Spirit. He wishes for each of them as a body to grow to express the total lordship of Christ. For Paul, he points out, Corinth as a strategic test case: if the gospel of Christ could change lives there, it could do so anywhere. He saw in the Corinthian believers the rich resources for Christian ministry and mission that are present in every local church.
Inter-Varsity Press Exodus: Freedom to Serve God
Exodus shows how God delivers his people and makes it possible for him to dwell among them, so they might make him known among the nations. What does it mean to be liberated from slavery to serve God in our everyday contexts today? Antony Billington’s six-session guide, with his astute mini-features, skillful questions, and timely notes, will help you explore how Exodus shapes our understanding of God, how he saves us, and the part we play in his purposes for the world. You’ll gain fresh insight into its inspiring implications for all of life, Monday through Sunday. Session 1: Exodus 3:1-17 – Hearing God’s Call Session 2: Exodus 12:1-13, 29-32 – Experiencing God’s Deliverance Session 3: Exodus 16:1-26 – Trusting God’s Provision Session 4: Exodus 19:1-6 and 20:1-17 – Becoming God’s People Session 5: Exodus 25:1-9 and 31:1-11 – Building God’s Dwelling-Place Session 6: Exodus 32:7-14 and 34:4-7 – Encountering God’s Presence Perfect for on-your-own study or small groups, this is a beautiful, keep-able book, so everyone in your small group can have their own copy to make notes in, reflect further, and go deeper in study. Why not use Exodus as your next small group study? The Gateway Seven series offers a fresh encounter with God through seven biblical books, each representing a distinctive genre. Together they will deepen your understanding of the whole Bible and open a gateway to insights and implications that will have an impact on you and your life – seven days a week.
Inter-Varsity Press Images of the Spirit (Lifebuilder Study Guides)
How do you picture the Holy Spirit? A vague fuzzy cloud? An invisible, impersonal force? The Bible is clear that the Holy Spirit is a person. Scripture gives us strong word pictures of the Spirit as wind, fire, a counsellor, anointing oil and more - and these eight Bible studies will help us explore those. 8 sessions: Wind/Breath, Ezekiel 37:1-14 Water, John 4:1-14, 7:37-39 Fire, Acts 2:1-4 Pledge, Ephesians 1:11-14 Counsellor, John 14:15-27 Advocate, Romans 8:26-27 Anointing Oil, Luke 4:14-21 Giver of Gifts, I Corinthians 12:1-11
Inter-Varsity Press Following Jesus (Lifebuilder Study Guides)
The Christian life begins with a step of faith. But that first step of faith is just the beginning; it leads to a walk of obedience and trust and holiness. This study guide – through sessions in the Gospels and the Epistles – explores what it means to follow Jesus. It’s an exciting, challenging adventure! In this study Douglas Connelly looks at various metaphors for how we grow more spiritually mature in Christ, including running a race, carrying a cross, constructing a building, fighting a battle and more.
Inter-Varsity Press Galatians (Lifebuilder Study Guides): Why God accepts us
The human acceptance we long for often comes only if we are attractive, smart, wealthy or powerful. And God's standards seem even higher. We think we must work harder, live better, pray longer and witness to more people to get on God's good side. In Galatians, Paul shows us the true source of our acceptance - Jesus Christ. The top-selling Lifebuilder Bible Studies have helped millions of people dig deeper into the Bible, individually and in groups. This revised edition features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader's notes and an extra 'Now or Later' section in each of the eleven studies.
Inter-Varsity Press Listening to God (Lifebuilder Study Guides)
For some Christians, listening to God is a constant inner tuning to nudges from the Spirit as we go about our day. Others seem to hear God mostly through Scripture. How did the people of the Bible, like Hagar, Moses, Solomon and John, hear God? Ten studies from the Old and New Testaments encourage us to learn about the spiritual discipline of listening to God.
Inter-Varsity Press Proverbs
Chock-full of pithy sayings, the book of Proverbs presents ancient Israelite advice for leading a flourishing life. What is more, it apparently preserves four divisions of an ancient curriculum for cultivating youthful character, teaching reverence toward God and faithful love of our neighbours. In this comprehensive commentary, Paul Overland examines Proverbs not as a loose collection of isolated sayings, but as an organised whole that forms a series of cohesive poems. Along with a fresh, annotated translation of each saying, he offers detailed commentary on the form and structure of the text, showing the dynamic development of persuasive thinking marshalled by its author. Exploring the practical implications for living wisely today as well offering cogent analysis, this is a Bible commentary on Proverbs that will benefit all preachers and serious students of the Bible. Part of the Apollos Old Testament commentary series, Proverbs follows a clear, helpful structure that provides a thorough exploration of the text – beginning with translation and notes, examining form and structure, offering insightful commentary and ending with a full exposition of the theological message within the framework of biblical theology. It will leave you with a deeper knowledge of the divine and human aspects of Scripture, as well as a broader understanding of its meaning and continued relevance for modern Christians. The Apollos Old Testament Commentaries are ideal bible commentaries for those preaching from the Old Testament and looking to explore its riches in depth within their sermons, and will also help lay people and scholars studying the Bible at a higher level. Clear and discerning, Paul Overland’s commentary on Proverbs is a brilliant study that will give you a profound appreciation for both the poetry of these sayings and the lessons that they can still Christians today.
Inter-Varsity Press Seven Letters to Seven Churches (Lifebuilder Study Guides)
If Jesus wrote a letter to your church, what would he say about the challenges it faces or its relationship with the community? This study helps us to engage with Jesus’ words and to ask some hard questions of ourselves, our leaders and the Lord. Jesus is pointedly honest with us; whether we respond with a renewed focus on him and a fresh pursuit of obedience is up to us. With more than 130 titles, the LifeBuilder Bible Studies series delivers sound biblical content and raises thought-provoking questions. It provides a unique Bible study experience for individuals and groups.
Inter-Varsity Press When Darkness Seems My Closest Friend: Reflections On Life And Ministry With Depression
'I'm looking for the words and writing for those who can't imagine the words.' Mark Meynell articulates a heart pain that most of us simply couldn't express. He connects strongly and immediately with fellow cave-dwellers. If you're after neat conclusions and a fair-weather faith, this is not for you. This book serves up gritty reality and raw honesty, but also the heartfelt hope that the author's brokenness 'can somehow contribute to another person's integration' and 'inspire their clinging while beset by darkness or fog or blizzards'. 'All who read this will feel deeply indebted to Mark, and to God.' Roger Carswell 'Mark invites fellow cave-dwellers and those who love us to walk (or collapse) with him on the road... For the first time in a long while, we rest.' Zack Eswine 'Moving and fascinating.' Sean Fletcher 'Fine writing, personal honesty, intellectual analysis, theological incisiveness and simple open-endedness... A must-buy and a must-read.' Julian Hardyman 'Written straight from the heart of pain - yet brimful of hope and courage.' Rachel Kelly 'We are pointed to a Saviour who brings us purpose, grace and hope.' Emma Scrivener 'Practical wisdom and hope... without being trite.' Derek Tidball 'Profound, unusual and very personal... demonstrates the extraordinary relevance and power of the Bible in helping us to connect our often mysterious and confusing experiences to God's bigger story. Mark's creative appendix of music, books, poetry, websites and blogs, which have helped him survive his "cave", is invaluable.' Richard Winter
Inter-Varsity Press In Search of Ancient Roots: The Christian Past And The Evangelical Identity Crisis
Some evangelical churches appear to be uninterested in their historical roots, and so can be liturgically and doctrinally unstable. Perceiving this disconnection between their Protestant faith and ancient Christianity, a number of evangelicals have abandoned Protestantism for traditions that seem to be clearly rooted in the early church. Ken Stewart argues that the evangelical tradition’s track record of interaction with Christian antiquity is far healthier than is often assumed. He surveys five centuries of Protestant engagement with the ancient church, showing that Christians belonging to the evangelical churches of the Reformation consistently see their faith as connected to early Christianity. Stewart explores areas of positive engagement, including the Lord’s Supper and biblical interpretation, as well as areas that raise concerns, such as monasticism. In Search of Ancient Roots shows that Christian antiquity is the heritage of all orthodox Christians, and that evangelicals have the resources in their history to claim their place at the ecumenical table. ‘A must-read for every person struggling with the question, "What does evangelicalism have to do with history?"’ Leonardo De Chirico, Director of Reformanda Initiative
Inter-Varsity Press Lead Like Joshua: Lessons For Today
What makes a wise, effective leader? For the answer, Derek Tidball turns to Moses’ successor, Joshua. While leading God’s people at a key time in their history, Joshua needed every ounce of wisdom for the challenges he faced. Through exploring the great man’s story in the book of Joshua, Dr Tidball uncovers 24 leadership lessons that are still highly relevant today. ‘Will prove hugely beneficial to those just starting out as well as those with lots of experience.’ Gavin Calver ‘Cultures and situations change: the principles that underpin godly leadership do not . . . Provides a rich resource for those intent on pursuing twenty-first century leadership with integrity.’ Jill Garrett ‘Chock-full of practical wisdom and powerful application.’ Marcus Honeysett ‘Offers insights that will help in the wonderful privilege and complex demands of leadership.’ James Lawrence ‘In this fast-changing world, the church needs leaders with their heads screwed on and hearts on fire, who draw inspiration from deep wells of prayer and from reflecting on Scripture. In this brilliant book, Derek Tidball has given us a feast . . . I commend this fantastic book to you with enthusiasm.’ Mark Russell
Inter-Varsity Press Songs for a Saviour's Birth: Journey Through Advent With Elizabeth, Mary, Zechariah, The Angels, Simeon And Anna
Most of us are on the lookout for something fresh and different as we approach Advent and Christmas. How can we fully appreciate the familiar truths, treasuring yet again the good news and joy of the season? What will really make our hearts sing? Look no further. In this sure-footed, yet conversational and down-to-earth, little volume, William Philip looks at the 'songs' of key characters in the Christmas story: * Elizabeth (joy for the hearers) * Mary (joy for the humble) * Zechariah (joy for the helpless) * The Shepherds (joy for the heavens) * Simeon and Anna (joy for the hopeful) This is a book to engage heart and head, as it moves between key passages from Luke’s Gospel, from the song of the heavily pregnant to the song of a humble peasant, from the song of the helpless priest to the song of the heavenly proclaimers, and finally to the song of the hopeful 'pensioners'. The author concludes, 'Countless people throughout the centuries have… joined the chorus of praise and proclamation, singing the song of the Saviour with Simeon and Anna, Zechariah and Elizabeth, Mary and all the host of heaven. My hope is that your voice is already part of that wonderful refrain. But if not, then my prayer is that this Christmas is the time to do what these others have done and embrace the Saviour for yourself.' 'Takes the reader, with accuracy and deep devotion, from these wonderful songs of Scripture, to know, with new adoration, the Christ who was born' - Peter Dickson 'Inspiring and informative... Written not just for those who have found their Christian faith, but also for those who are still seeking and exploring. A great read for Advent.' - Clare Hendry 'A wonderful exploration of the Bible's own "Christmas carols". Saints, sceptics, seekers and Scrooges will find fuel here to warm the heart.' - Jonty Rhodes 'The cardiologist (or physician) who became a pastor has written a book to make our hearts sing... It has something striking in it for preachers, congregations and visitors alike.' - Rico Tice
Inter-Varsity Press The Amazing Cross 2016 Keswick Bible Study: Transforming Lives Today
6 Studies for individual and small groups from the 2016 Keswick Convention
Inter-Varsity Press The Voices of the New Testament: A Conversational Approach To The Message Of Good News
While it is all concerned with the story and significance of Jesus Christ, the New Testament is a collection of twenty-seven books, by at least nine different authors, and addressed to individuals or groups in several different locations over a number of years. The books adopt very different styles, and they often appear, at least on the surface, to be talking about different issues. They are written in the heat of the missionary activity of the early church, in its living, ever-changing context. This diversity adds richness to our understanding of the Christian faith and its fundamental beliefs – but how might we discover coherence in the teaching of the New Testament without imposing a false synthesis on it, or distorting the emphasis of any individual writer? In a novel approach, Derek Tidball presents a round-table conversation between the New Testament authors that both reveals how much they have in common and permits them to make their distinctive or even unique contributions. An imaginary ‘chair’ presides over the discussion, and an ‘observer’ enables further commentary on selected topics. Tidball’s chosen integrating theme is the ‘good news’, ‘the gospel about Jesus the Messiah’ (Mark 1:1). He explores why we need the gospel; the person and work of Christ, who is the gospel; the nature of salvation; how we respond to and live out the gospel; and the ultimate fulfilment of the gospel in terms of a new creation.
Inter-Varsity Press Historical Reliability of John's Gospel
Throughout much of the twentieth century the Fourth Gospel took a back seat to the Synoptics when it came to historical reliability. Consequently, the contemporary quest of the historical Jesus discounted or excluded evidence from the Fourth Gospel. The question of the historical reliability of John's Gospel is well overdue for a thorough reinvestigation and reassessment. In this foundational study, Craig L. Blomberg sheds new light on persistent questions. He presents his conclusions largely in commentary form, following the principal scenes of the Gospel. His introduction frames the pathway into the discussion, taking up critical issues such as authorship, date and provenance of the Fourth Gospel sources and omissions of the Fourth Gospel points where John's Gospel interlocks with the Synoptics general indications of historicity literary genre and unique audience of this Gospel burden of proof and criteria of authenticity In his commentary examining the text of the Fourth Gospel, Blomberg asks two essential questions. First, using the recently nuanced criteria of authenticity, "What positive evidence do we have that the actions or words of the characters in John's narratives are indeed historical?" Second, "Is there anything in the text . . . that is implausible within the historical context to which it is attributed, particularly if we assume the general historical trustworthiness of the Synoptics?" The result is a seminal work for the present day--one that affirms the historical reliability of John's Gospel with intelligence and sure-footed care.
Inter-Varsity Press Knowing God Better
It's a remarkable story. It spans 140 years and crosses cultures and continents. It has revolutionized hundreds of thousands of lives and it has had a radical impact on churches and communities. It has launched new mission movements and pushed forward the frontiers of the gospel. And it continues to grow, as Christians the world over see the urgent need for spiritual renewal. Why has this happened? What are the marks of this spiritual movement? In 'Knowing God Better', Jonathan Lamb introduces the big priorities that shape the Keswick movement, priorities that are essential for the well-being of Christians and local churches around the world today.
Inter-Varsity Press Beloved
I hope that reading this book will help you to wake up to God’s love in fresh, even unexpected, ways. This is your one, wild life. The only way to live it well is to live well in love. The only way to live well in love is to let God love you, and others through you. This will change everything. Don’t settle for being defined by glamour, social media status or anything else. You are worth so, so, so much more.
Inter-Varsity Press Johannine Theology: The Gospel, The Epistles And The Apocalypse
In this magisterial synthesis, Paul A. Rainbow presents the most complete account of the theology of the Johannine corpus available today. Both critical and comprehensive, this volume includes all the books of the New Testament ascribed to John: the Gospel, the three Epistles and the book of Revelation. While not proclaiming a definitive position on the question of authorship, this work seeks to shed light on the theology common to all the New Testament authors. John's root beliefs concerning God, humanity, sin, the world, and the significance of the Christ-event on eschatology unite the examined books with the rest of the New Testament canon. The Johannine corpus also highlights the important areas of Christology, soteriology and ecclesiology in a manner that is worth exploration. Organizing John's ideas by the main characters around whom they revolve, the Johannine universe consists of persons divine and human, and their relationships with each other. Father, Son, Holy Spirit, faithful believers and the rest of the world are the main cast of characters that make up the rich set of writings considered in this exhaustive analysis.
Inter-Varsity Press Ready Steady Grow: Equipping Today's Gospel Churches
Do you love your church and want to see it thrive? Are you keen to learn from someone whose own church has grown and started others too? Are you ready for the downsides as well as the inevitable joys? Ray Evans takes us on an interesting and exciting journey. He looks at the barriers to growth, as well as the hurdles of reorganization and structural changes that growing churches face. His findings are anchored in the Bible and the real world which we all inhabit. 'Many have learned how to lead what they have,' says Ray, 'but they don't know how to take it forward. You don't see the glass ceilings until you crash into them, and the splinters bring pain everywhere.' In Ray, you will find a humble, wise and warm-hearted guide. This book will not only equip your church to grow, but will help prevent unnecessary disasters.
Inter-Varsity Press Simply God: Recovering The Classical Trinity
Most contemporary presentations of the Christian God focus on either his 'oneness' or his 'relationality'. These are often assumed to contradict one another, and language about God's love and relationality often settles into a comforting but ultimately shallow and unreliable gesture towards bland niceness. Peter Sanlon offers a fresh, stimulating examination of the triune God who is love. He guides us through the classical theological tradition of Augustine, Anselm and Aquinas - aiming to help us think and speak more faithfully about God. In Part One, Sanlon introduces the vital concept of 'simplicity', without which it is impossible fully to affirm all the Bible teaches about God. Part Two examines the relationality of God's love in Scripture. The author considers the importance of God's simplicity for the atonement, and concludes with some reflections on how Christians will be better equipped to engage with contemporary culture if they remain sensitive to both God's simplicity and his relationality.
Inter-Varsity Press For Their Rock is not as Our Rock': An Evangelical Theology Of Religions
The reality of our post-Christendom, post-colonial, post-Holocaust, post-9/11, multi-ethnic and multicultural context has meant that, more than ever, Christians are acutely aware of the questions posed not simply by the existence of other religions, but also by their apparent flourishing. If secularization is still alive and well, then, seemingly, so too is society's sacralization. Hence, the theology of religions is arguably the issue for mission in the twenty-first century. However, there has been little evangelical theology that offers a detailed, comprehensive and biblically faithful analysis that deals with not only the question of salvation but also questions of truth, the nature and history of human religiosity, and a host of practical issues pertaining to apologetics and contextualization. In this ambitious interdisciplinary study, which synthesizes close exegesis, biblical theology, systematics and insights from the social sciences, Daniel Strange examines the origins, development and idolatry of the 'religious Other', and explores how the gospel of Jesus Christ is its 'subversive fulfilment'. He concludes with a missiological postscript and some pastoral perspectives on the purpose of other religions in God's providence.
Inter-Varsity Press You Can Pray
If you're easily distracted when praying, you're not alone. In fact, if you struggle to pray in the first place, that's not unusual either. Tim Chester tells us how we can be great pray-ers. And he admits that that's a really bold claim. 'The secret of great praying has nothing to do with human effort or skill,' he explains. 'Lots of people would like to think that it does because they want to make prayer an achievement.' But the secret of great praying is ... Knowing three things about God: * That God the Father loves to hear us pray * That God the Son makes every prayer pleasing to God * That God the Holy Spirit helps us as we pray Tim looks at: why prayer is easy (how we pray), why prayer is difficult (why we pray) and the arguments and priorities of prayer (what we pray). Prayer is a child asking her father for help. And that's not beyond any one of us.
Inter-Varsity Press John Stott: A Global Ministry
Timothy Dudley-Smith's authorised biography continues the story begun in 'John Stott: the making of a leader'. This second volume encompasses the last forty years of the twentieth century. It begins in 1960 when John Stott, the established Rector of All Souls Church, author of several books, and already something of a world traveller, had clearly emerged as a widely respected evangelical leader of energy and vision. 'John Stott: a global ministry' recounts the extraordinary growth of his worldwide ministry. In Britain he was the chief architect of NEAC, the National Evangelical Anglican Congress, in 1967 and 1977. In Montreux, Berlin and Amsterdam he worked with Billy Graham especially in shaping the momentous Lausanne vision for world evangelisation. Travelling from continent to continent, with a particular concern for Christian students and pastors in the developing world, he spoke, preached and lectured tirelessly on mission, evangelism and social concern. In growing demand as a biblical expositor, his experience of teaching in different cultures and countries, often by interpretation, was invaluable in guiding 'The Bible Speaks Today' series. His call for a contemporary biblical discipleship and the development of a Christian mind, not least through the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity, became a hallmark of his teaching through the decades of the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s, skilfully chronicled in this highly readable biography. Creative conflict and drama are ever present, as John Stott is found in dialogue, debate and dispute not only with unbelievers, but with outstanding liberals, charismatics, Anglo-Catholics, Roman Catholics, and fellow evangelicals; with Dr Martyn Lloyd Jones and with Bishop Jack Spong; responding to Honest to God, to Bishop David Jenkins, to ARCIC and its Agreed Statements, and to The Myth of God Incarnate.
Inter-Varsity Press Scribbling in the sand: Christ And Creativity
What did Jesus write in the sand while the angry crowd dropped their stones and drifted away? Michael Card suggests scholars have debated the wrong question for years, and that we should ask not what Jesus wrote but why. He points us to a deeper understanding of the creative impulse, our hunger for beauty and its essential part of our lives in Christ.
Inter-Varsity Press Talking about Jesus without Sounding Religious
Are you afraid to share your faith? Do you think you'll say the wrong thing? Then this is the resource for you. Rebecca Manley Pippert has spent over 25 years introducing people to Jesus. In this guide she draws from her experience to show you how you can overcome your fears and speak confidently to others about the love of Christ. She'll help you find a witnessing style that is comfortable and effective.
Inter-Varsity Press Church Next: Quantum Changes In Christian Ministry
The church has always been potentially just one generation away from extinction. But now, with a generation of under-thirty-five-year-olds turning away from institutional expressions of Christianity, churches in the West recognize that they face a challenge that is more urgent and radical than it has been for many generations. In this acclaimed study, the authors identify some of the major storm centres through which churches must navigate, not in order to return to a previously more tranquil world, but to enter an entirely new one. They look at mission, church structures, developing new leaders and mentoring, worship, spirituality and evangelism, and ask how our ministry must change in order to serve a new generation of Christians.
Inter-Varsity Press The Message of the Cross
The magnificent theme of the cross of Christ is treated in a readable and practical manner. In a wide-ranging exploration, Derek Tidball brings out its implications for Christian living, community and spirituality. Opening up key passages throughout the Bible, Tidball considers the anticipation of the Cross in the Old Testament, the experience of it in the Gospel accounts, its explanation and application in the New Testament letters and the Book of Revelation. He writes: 'Before the cross of Christ countless men and women of every generation and culture have stood in adoring wonder and humble penitence. The cross stands at the very heart of the Christian faith, manifesting the love of God, effecting salvation from sin, conquering the hostile forces of evil and inviting reconciliation with God.'
Inter-Varsity Press Jesus and the Logic of History
Over the last century many sceptical 'lives of Jesus' have been written. Paul Barnett argues that their authors have used wrong historical methodology, ignoring some of the most important early evidence about Jesus Christ and failing to account for the first Christians' beliefs about him. A historian himself, Barnett shows that when the evidence is dealt with properly, a picture of Jesus emerges that fits well with orthodox belief in him. An addition to the New Studies in Biblical Theology - a series growing in size and scholarly reputation.
Inter-Varsity Press Christian Basics: Hope
Inter-Varsity Press From Every People and Nation: A Biblical Theology Of Race
After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no-one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language...' (Revelation 7:9) The visions in the book of revelation give a glimpse of the people of God at the consummation of history - a racially diverse congregation gathered together in worship around God's throne. The theme of race runs throughout Scripture, constantly pointing to the global and multi-ethnic dimensions inherent in the overarching plan of God. In response to the neglect of this theme in much evangelical scholarship, Dr Hays offers a thorough exegetical study. As well as focusing on texts which have a general bearing on race, Dr Hays also demonstrates that black Africans from Cush (Ethiopia) play an important role in both Old and New Testament history. This careful, nuanced analysis provides a clear theological foundation for life in contemporary multi-racial cultures, and challenges churches to pursue racial unity in Christ.
Inter-Varsity Press The Revelation of God: Contours Of Christian Theology
In modern times, the Christian faith's claim to possess a unique revelation of God has faced numerous challenges. A central issue has been the role of the Bible. While some have continued to defend the view that the Bible, inspired by God, is his self-revelation in a direct way, others have argued that God's revelation is to be found primarily in his actions, or in the person of Jesus Christ, rather than in the Scriptures as such. In a fresh approach, Peter Jensen argues that it is better to follow the biblical categories of the knowledge of God and the gospel, rather than to start from 'revelation' as an abstract concept. First Dr Jensen focuses on revelation, whether 'special' or 'general', from the viewpoint of the knowledge of God through the gospel. Next, he examines the nature and authority of Scriptures and our approach to reading it. Finally, he turns to the revelatory work of the Holy Spirit through illumination. The result is a creative and compelling exposition of the evangelical understanding of revelation for the contemporary scene.
Inter-Varsity Press Plowshares and pruning hooks: Rethinking The Language Of Biblical Prophecy And Apocalyptic
In this engaging study, Brent Sandy explores the language and imagery of biblical prophecy and apocalyptic, and offers guidelines for understanding their function and fulfilment within Scripture, and how to read them against the horizon of the future.
Inter-Varsity Press New Dictionary of Christian ethics & pastoral theology
This dictionary breaks new ground by combining articles on Christian ethics and pastoral theology in one volume. It seeks to integrate moral, pastoral and practical theology in a way not attempted before in a single work of reference. Instead of the usual A-Z listing throughout, it is arranged in two parts. Part One consists of eighteen extended articles, arranged in theological order, introducing users to the main themes of Christian ethics and pastoral theology. Part Two contains articles, alphabetically arranged, which stem from the main themes. An easy-to-use reference system enables quick transition from the first to the second part and vice versa. Articles address a wide range of topics: reproductive technologies and transplant surgery, health and health care; issues of economic and social justice; prison and prison reform; psychotherapy and family therapy; business ethics and data protection; as well as such traditional subjects as atonement, the kingdom of God, suffering, death and dying, and heaven and hell. This dictionary will therefore appeal to many groups: pastors, counsellors, medical practitioners, people employed in the caring services, Christians in professional or commercial life, and indeed to all who want to live out their faith meaningfully and ethically in today's complex and challenging world. Its spacious layout, superb design and clear print make this volume a delight to use, and its carefully drawn-up bibliographies will help readers to deepen their knowledge of particular subject.
Inter-Varsity Press 1 Corinthians (Lifebuilder Study Guides): The Challenges of Life Together
Life among Christians can be great. But let's face it - it can also be exasperating! The joys of fellowship too often give way to division and debate - arguments over such things as the correct form of worship and the place of the charismatic gifts. In 1 Corinthians we see Christianity not as it was meant to be but as it often is. Yet we also find practical advice for overcoming the challenges of life together. This revised Lifebuilder Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader's notes and an extra "Now or Later" section in each study.
Inter-Varsity Press 1 Peter
Fully revised edition of Grudem's Tyndale New Testament Commentary on the letter of 1 Peter.
Inter-Varsity Press Mark (Lifebuilder Study Guides): Follow me
In the book of Mark we meet Jesus, the man who is king. He shatters our expectations. He comes to serve and not to be served. He eats with sinners rather than royalty. And his crown is made of thorns. This is the one who calls us to follow him. This revised Lifebuilder Bible Study has new questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection as well as expanded leader's notes and an extra 'Now or Later' section in each study.
Inter-Varsity Press Matthew
Matthew was the most popular Gospel in the early church, widely read for its clear emphasis on Jesus' teaching. Drawing on its use as a teaching or discipleship manual, Craig Keener expounds Matthew as a discipleship manual for believers today. In his skilled hands, this first-century text becomes as relevant and contemporary as information downloaded from the Internet, while it challenges us with its divine perspective on how life ought to be lived. In this clear, incisive commentary, readers will find an introduction with background material concerning authorship, date and purpose, as well as a summary of important theological themes. A passage-by-passage exposition follows that focuses on understanding what significance the Gospel of Matthew had for its original readers in order to see its relevance for the church today. Students, pastors, Bible teachers and everyone who wants to understand the message of Matthew for the church will benefit from this excellent resource.
Inter-Varsity Press Meeting the Spirit (Lifebuilder Study Guides)
Who is the Holy Spirit? How does he change our lives? How does he work in the world? These studies will help you examine these and other critical questions. The Spirit of God is eager to work in your life and draw you to God. Come and meet the Spirit. This revised Lifebuilder Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader's notes and an extra 'Now or Later' section in each study.
Inter-Varsity Press Sex and Money: Empty Pleasures, Satisfying Grace
Pleasure. We live in a world obsessed with finding it, passionate about enjoying it and desperate about maintaining it. Chief among such objects of affection are sex and money â€" two pleasures unequalled in their power to captivate our attention and demand our worship. Paul David Tripp pulls back the curtain on the lies of our flesh and the ways we distort God’s good gifts, examining the insanity of our culture and exposing our tendency to fall prey to the hollow promises of this world. In exploring how God’s grace frees us from futile pursuits, Tripp directs readers to the wisdom of God in Scripture and the liberating power of the gospel, offering practical guidance on finding true joy and lasting satisfaction. With his customary blend of honesty, humour, challenge and sound scriptural application, he offers wise and timely advice on how to break free. Don’t make the mistake of seeking horizontally what you can only find vertically.