Search results for ""author lauren"
Ohio University Press Women and Slavery, Volume Two: The Modern Atlantic
The literature on women enslaved around the world has grown rapidly in the last ten years, evidencing strong interest in the subject across a range of academic disciplines. Until Women and Slavery, no single collection has focused on female slaves who—as these two volumes reveal—probably constituted the considerable majority of those enslaved in Africa, Asia, and Europe over several millennia and who accounted for a greater proportion of the enslaved in the Americas than is customarily acknowledged. Women enslaved in the Americas came to bear highly gendered reputations among whites—as “scheming Jezebels,” ample and devoted “mammies,” or suffering victims of white male brutality and sexual abuse—that revealed more about the psychology of enslaving than about the courage and creativity of the women enslaved. These strong images of modern New World slavery contrast with the equally expressive virtual invisibility of the women enslaved in the Old—concealed in harems, represented to meddling colonial rulers as “wives” and “nieces,” taken into African families and kin-groups in subtlely nuanced fashion. Volume 2 Contributors Henrice Altink Laurence Brown Myriam Cottias Laura F. Edwards Richard Follett Tara Inniss Barbara Krauthamer Joseph C. Miller Bernard Moitt Kenneth Morgan Claire Robertson Marsha Robinson Felipe Smith Mariza de Carvalho Soares
University of Utah Press,U.S. The Florentine Codex, Introductory Volume: A General History of the Things of New Spain
Two of the world’s leading scholars of the Aztec language and culture have translated Sahagún’s monumental and encyclopedic study of native life in Mexico at the time of the Spanish Conquest. This immense undertaking is the first complete translation into any language of Sahagún’s Nahuatl text, and represents one of the most distinguished contributions in the fields of anthropology, ethnography, and linguistics. Written between 1540 and 1585, the Florentine Codex (so named because the manuscript has been part of the Laurentian Library’s collections since at least 1791) is the most authoritative statement we have of the Aztecs’ lifeways and traditions—a rich and intimate yet panoramic view of a doomed people. The Florentine Codex is divided by subject area into twelve books and includes over 2,000 illustrations drawn by Nahua artists in the sixteenth century.
Bucknell University Press,U.S. The Unexpected Dante: Perspectives on the Divine Comedy
Dante Alighieri’s long poem The Divine Comedy has been one of the foundational texts of European literature for over 700 years. Yet many mysteries still remain about the symbolism of this richly layered literary work, which has been interpreted in many different ways over the centuries. The Unexpected Dante brings together five leading scholars who offer fresh perspectives on the meanings and reception of The Divine Comedy. Some investigate Dante’s intentions by exploring the poem’s esoteric allusions to topics ranging from musical instruments to Roman law. Others examine the poem’s long afterlife and reception in the United States, with chapters showcasing new discoveries about Nicolaus de Laurentii’s 1481 edition of Commedia and the creative contemporary adaptations that have relocated Dante’s visions of heaven and hell to urban American settings. This study also includes a guide that showcases selected treasures from the extensive Dante collections at the Library of Congress, illustrating the depth and variety of The Divine Comedy’s global influence. The Unexpected Dante is thus a boon to both Dante scholars and aficionados of this literary masterpiece. Published by Bucknell University Press in association with the Library of Congress. Distributed worldwide by Rutgers University Press.
Rizzoli International Publications Art X Fashion: Fashion Inspired by Art
Long before 'collabs' became a buzzword, artists influenced every aspect of the fashion world. This approachable collection compares fashion and art side-by-side to highlight a variety of relationships: inspiration, collaboration, and artists working to create their own fashion or fashion photography. Art X Fashion introduces readers to designers like Coco Chanel and Elsa Schiaparelli, who famously worked with artists like Picasso and Dali in the early twentieth century, as well as to iconic fashion moments like Yves Saint Laurent s 1965 homage to Piet Mondrian. Art and fashion pairings like John Galliano (inspired by Tutankhamun s death mask, Arcimboldo, Gustav Klimt, and Hokusai), Guo Pei (inspired by Velazquez), Margiela (inspired by Gaugin), and Iris Van Herpen (inspired by Paul Delvaux), reveal surprising connections. Projects by street artists like Keith Haring and Kaws introduce the era of collaborations, which saw artists such as Yayoi Kusama and Takashi Murakami work with Louis Vuitton. More recent collaborations include Raf Simons with Sterling Ruby and Kerby Jean-Raymond with Derrick Adams. Chapters on striking purses and other accessories designed by artists, and artists creating in fashion including Cindy Sherman, William Wegman, and John Baldessari round out this fresh and delightful take on fashion design.
Octopus Publishing Group Dress Like a Parisian
Bring a Parisian je ne sais quoi to your style, wherever you live. Dress Like a Parisian is a wise and witty guide to finding your personal style, taking inspiration from how real Parisian women dress. With personal stylist and fashion blogger Aloïs Guinut as your guide, you can explore which colours, shapes and styles work best for you, whatever the occasion. Aloïs reveals Parisian style secrets, rejects restrictive fashion rules and shares her favourite shops and brands, demonstrating how you can use fashion to enhance your personality rather than shaping your personality to fashion. In the words of the patron saint of Parisian women, Yves St. Laurent, 'fashions fade, style is eternal.'This book is illustrated with photography shot on the streets of Paris plus illustrations by acclaimed fashion illustrator, Judith van den Hoek, who has worked with Elle, Hermes, Vogue, Prada and Grazia.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on the Theory and Practice of International Lawmaking
'A fascinating collection of essays that reveal the multiple facets of lawmaking in an increasingly interconnected world. In addition to the role played by States, numerous institutional and judicial actors now contribute to lawmaking. In charting these developments, this book provides a rich analytical appraisal of the manifold normative processes in the contemporary international legal order.' - Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, University of Geneva, SwitzerlandThe global landscape has changed profoundly over the past decades. As a result, the making of international law and the way we think about it has become more and more diversified. This Research Handbook offers a comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of international lawmaking today. It takes stock at both the conceptual and the empirical levels of the instruments, processes, and actors involved in the making of international law. The Editors have taken an approach which carefully combines theory and practice in order to provide both an overview and a critical reflection of international lawmaking. Comprehensive and well-structured, the book contains essays by leading scholars on key aspects of international lawmaking and on lawmaking in the main issue areas. Attention is paid to classic processes as well as new developments and shades of normativity. This timely and authoritative handbook will be a valuable resource for academics, students, legal practitioners, diplomats, government and international organization officials as well as civil society representatives.Contributors: M.S. Barr, B.I. Bonafé, C. Brölmann, D. Costelloe, J. d'Aspremont, M. Fitzmaurice, M.E. Footer, G.I. Hernández, J. Kammerhofer, O. McIntyre, P. Palchetti, D. Patterson, Y. Radi, F. Romanin Jacur, K. Schmalenbach, O.M. Sender, M. Tignino, A. Tzanakopoulos, V.P. Tzevelekos, S. Vasiliev, I. Venzke, W.G. Werner, R.A. Wessel, M. Wood, B.K. Woodward
Princeton University Press The New Negro: Readings on Race, Representation, and African American Culture, 1892-1938
When African American intellectuals announced the birth of the "New Negro" around the turn of the twentieth century, they were attempting through a bold act of renaming to change the way blacks were depicted and perceived in America. By challenging stereotypes of the Old Negro, and declaring that the New Negro was capable of high achievement, black writers tried to revolutionize how whites viewed blacks--and how blacks viewed themselves. Nothing less than a strategy to re-create the public face of "the race," the New Negro became a dominant figure of racial uplift between Reconstruction and World War II, as well as a central idea of the Harlem, or New Negro, Renaissance. Edited by Henry Louis Gates, Jr., and Gene Andrew Jarrett, The New Negro collects more than one hundred canonical and lesser-known essays published between 1892 and 1938 that examine the issues of race and representation in African American culture. These readings--by writers including W.E.B. Du Bois, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Alain Locke, Carl Van Vechten, Zora Neale Hurston, and Richard Wright--discuss the trope of the New Negro, and the milieu in which this figure existed, from almost every conceivable angle. Political essays are joined by essays on African American fiction, poetry, drama, music, painting, and sculpture. More than fascinating historical documents, these essays remain essential to the way African American identity and history are still understood today.
De Gruyter Schloss Nordkirchen
1694 erwarb der Münsteraner Fürstbischof Friedrich Christian von Plettenberg für seine Familie Schloss Nordkirchen von der Familie Morrien. Das aus dem 16. Jahrhundert stammende Gebäude ließ er 1703 abreißen. Gottfried Laurenz Pictorius entwarf in seinem Auftrag das Wasserschloss mit dem umgebenden weitläufigen Landschaftspark. Nach dem Tod des Fürstbischofs 1706 erbte dessen Neffe Ferdinand von Plettenberg das Anwesen, der die Arbeiten unter Peter Pictorius dem Jüngeren und ab 1723 von Johann Conrad Schlaun fortsetzen ließ. Die Gebäude sind mit ihrer kostbaren Ausstattung erhalten, der Park ist teilweise rekonstruiert. Die UNESCO hat das Ensemble als „Gesamtkunstwerk von internationalem Rang“ für schutzwürdig erklärt. Drei Auflagen des Standardwerks von Karl Eugen Mummenhoff (1920-2005) über Schloss Nordkirchen waren in den 1970er Jahren rasch vergriffen. Die Neuausgabe hat Gerd Dethlefs um seitdem gewonnene Erkenntnisse ergänzt. Illustriert wird das Werk durch aktuelle Farbaufnahmen des Bildarchivs Foto Marburg (Andreas Lechtape).
Ediciones Cátedra Fotografía y arquitectura en el siglo XIX historia y representación monumental
Junto al análisis y la contextualización de la fotografía europea de arquitectura, se destaca, en este libro, el importante papel que tuvo, en este género fotográfico, la representación de la arquitectura española ya sea por medio de nuevos análisis de fotógrafos de referencia, como Charles Clifford o Jean Laurent, o a través del descubrimiento de otros completamente desconocidos hasta ahora, de los que se reconstruyen sus trayectorias y obras.El célebre historiador de la fotografía Helmut Gernsheim, a propósito de Charles Clifford, escribió en 1960 que España, a diferencia de Italia, no fue un país muy frecuentado por turistas en el siglo XIX y no formaba parte del usual itinerario del Gran Tour. Cincuenta años más tarde, este libro de Helena Pérez Gallardo modifica esa idea, confirmando y estudiando cómo nuestro país no solo formó parte del Grand Tour fotográfico, sino que, a través de la fotografía de sus principales monumentos, su arquitectura fue descubierta, elogiada y difund
Cornell University Press Rebuilding Public Institutions Together: Professionals and Citizens in a Participatory Democracy
The Laurence and Lynne Brown Democracy Medal is an initiative of the McCourtney Institute for Democracy at Pennsylvania State University. It annually recognizes outstanding individuals, groups, and organizations that produce exceptional innovations to further democracy in the United States or around the world. In this book, Albert W. Dzur argues that some of the most innovative and important work in democracy is taking place face-to-face and is being led by professionals who bring those involved into the decision making process. These "democratic professionals" create a culture that leads to better decisions and overcomes what he calls "civic lethargy." He focuses on how this democratic professionalism manifests itself in the operation of a wide range of public institutions, including schools and local government, as well as in the reform of our criminal justice system, from juries to prisons.
Mondadori Electa Naty Abascal: The Eternal Muse Inspiring Fashion Designers
The publication presents a handpicked selection of designs by Cristobal Balenciaga, Oscar de la Renta, Eliee Saab, Yves Saint Laurent and Valentino, among others. Abascal has been part of the history of these haute couture masters, not only as a model, but also as a muse, inspiration, and companion of their most significant successes, in daily life and in the pages of fashion magazines. This book marks the occasion of the exhibition Naty Abascal and Fashion! organized by Museo Jumex, Mexico City, from November 7, 2019 to January 5, 2020. Like the exhibition, it aims to evoke the big ateliers or couture studios, whose mirrors have witnessed the evolution of fashion, along with designers and models. Their reflections highlight the unique details of the cut and the proportion of the outfits that contribute to the transformation of the female silhouette, which testifies to contemporary times like any other art form.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd DK Top 10 Montreal and Quebec City
Make the most of your trip to Montreal and Quebec City with DK Eyewitness Top 10. Planning is a breeze with our simple lists of ten, covering the best that Montreal and Quebec City offer and ensuring you don''t miss anything. The pocket-friendly format is light and easily portable, the perfect companion while out and about.Inside, you''ll find: Top 10 lists of Montreal and Quebec City''s must-sees, including the Basilique Notre-Dame, Parc du Mont-Royal, La Citadelle, Île d''Orléans and Les Laurentides Montreal and Quebec City''s most interesting areas, with the best places for sightseeing, food and drink, and shopping Themed lists, including the best outdoor activities, parks and waterways, historic sites, festivals and events and much more Easy-to-follow itineraries, perfect for a day trip, a weekend, or a week A laminated pull-out map of Montreal and Quebec City,
Goose Lane Editions Hiking Trails of Montréal and Beyond
Featuring 50 hiking routes within 150 km of Montréal, this handy guide explores trails within the city and in the adjacent Laurentides, Lanaudière, Montérégie, and Cantons-de-l'Est regions. Michael Haynes hiked and mapped each of the 50 trails, and in this handy guide, he provides detailed maps, trail descriptions, and GPS coordinates, as well as information on time, length, difficulty, and facilities available on each route. To round out the experience, he also includes photographs of interesting sites, charts, hiking tips, and sidebars on historical, cultural, and natural subjects as well as a glossary of common hiking terms for non-French speakers. From the Centre de la nature du Mont Saint-Hilaire to le sentier de l'Ours and from le circuit TransTerrebonne to les sentiers du Mont Rigaud, Hiking Trails of Montréal and Beyond is without question the best hiker's companion to the region, whether for quiet afternoon excursions or serious multiday expeditions.
Orion Publishing Co The World of Bridgerton
Lady Danbury is hosting a sparkling soirée to begin the year's social season, and you're invited to piece together all the splendour, suitors and scandal. All the ton's most notable names are in attendance: spot the Bridgerton family, the Duke and Duchess, the Sharmas, the Featheringtons and more as you complete this beautifully detailed jigsaw puzzle inspired by Shondaland's hit series Bridgerton on Netflix.1000-PIECE PUZZLE: Piece together the world of Bridgerton in this official jigsaw puzzle published in collaboration with Shondaland and Netflix. The perfect challenge for fans of the show - or anyone who loves a good jigsawCAST OF CHARACTERS from the first two series: relive the highlights of the show as you build the puzzleINCLUDES A PULL-OUT POSTER featuring a scandal sheet from Lady WhistledownBESTSELLING SERIES: The World of... jigsaw puzzles from Laurence King are a fun wa
Orion Publishing Co The World of the Brontes
A 1000-PIECE PUZZLE inspired by the life and works of the Brontë family. The perfect challenge for book lovers - or anyone who loves a good jigsaw.ALL YOUR FAVOURITE CHARACTERS can be found hidden in this detailed puzzle, as well as some real-life historical figures who played a part in their lives.INCLUDES A PULL-OUT POSTER identifying all the characters and telling their talesTHE WORLD OF... JIGSAWS are a fun way of celebrating the lives and works of creative greats. Also available in the series: The World of Frida Kahlo, The World of Shakespeare, The World of Jane AustenSCREEN-FREE FUN from one of the world''s leading publishers of books and gifts on the creative arts. Laurence King Publishing works with some of the world''s best illustrators, designers, artists, and photographers to create beautifully produced books and gifts which are acclaimed for their inventiveness, beautiful design and a
Zuleika A Fate Worse than Hollywood
David Ambrose’s fascination with the world of entertainment began aged five sitting under the stairs of an isolated rural cottage, listening to the radio. He realised there was a life out there beyond anything on offer in bleak post-war Lancashire. His enthusiasm for theatre and film failed to be derailed by a law degree from Oxford, where his first plays were performed while he was still an undergraduate. Three years later he was sitting with Orson Welles and Laurence Harvey shooting a major Roman epic for which he had written the screenplay. An international career followed, taking in theatre, films, and eventually a series of mind-bending novels which have been described as ‘Hitchcock meets Hawking’. Fifty years on Ambrose is still trying to work out how it all happened to that kid under the stairs with his radio. A Fate Worse than Hollywood is his attempt at an answer.
Goose Lane Editions Hiking Trails of Ottawa, the National Capital Region, and Beyond
Collected here, for the first time, are the best hiking routes in the National Capital Region, including Gatineau Park, Ottawa's Greenbelt, brand new trails at Manitou Mountain, and Eastern Ontario's most outstanding provincial parks (Frontenac, Charleston, and Murphy's Point), as well as gems hidden in the neighbouring Canadian Shield and Laurentian Highlands. All fifty routes are located within a roughly 100-km radius of Ottawa, all within easy reach. Michael Haynes provides GPS coordinates to the trailheads and cell phone coverage gaps on each trail, and his "Trails at a Glance" section highlights each route's length, suggested completion time, permitted uses, entry fee, and degree of difficulty (ranging from easy walks to demanding hikes), as well as information on the conditions under which pets may or may not be permitted.
Archaeopress Water in the Roman World: Engineering, Trade, Religion and Daily Life
Water in the Roman World: Engineering, Trade, Religion and Daily Life offers a wide and expansive new treatment of the role water played in the lives of people across the Roman world. Individual papers deal with ports and their lighthouses; with water engineering, whether for canals in the north-west provinces, or for the digging of wells for drinking water, and for multiple other purposes; with baths for swimming; and with spas. Further papers explore religion in water-sanctuaries and the deposition of objects in rivers as well as deities connected with water, including river gods and nymphs. A final chapter provides an overview of subjects not fully covered elsewhere, including warships and naval battles, trade and navigation, aqueducts, fishing and fish-farming, and literary response to watery landscapes, rivers and lakes. The latter include works by great landowners such as the younger Pliny with his Laurentine villa beside the sea west of Rome or by poets, among them Catullus enjoying Lake Garda and Ausonius with his loving description of the River Moselle. The contributors address the subject in a variety of different ways, as Classicists drawing largely on literature, archaeologists with experience of excavating the watery environment, and art-historians. The papers range from the theoretical, with particular interest in materiality, to more lyrical approaches which address the Romans with their problems as well as their pleasures.
Editions Norma Rena Dumas: An Interior Architecture
Interior architect, designer, and founder of the agency RDAI, Rena Dumas (1937-2009) developed an architectural style that was subtle and meticulous, with which she marked her many creations for clients that included Hermès, Artémis, Christie's, John Lobb and Yves Saint Laurent. Her sensitive approach to space, along with her love for natural light, are evident in the Maison Hermès Ginza in Tokyo, designed in collaboration with the architect Renzo Piano, as well as in all Hermès's maisons and stores around the world since the 1980s. Her studies of materials and colours nourished her passion for design, from tableware to 'Pippa', her timeless collection of nomadic furniture. This detailed monograph, including over 400 documents, photographs, plans and drawings, traces her 55 years of creating, reflecting a talent that transcended fashion.
Quart Publishers Lin Robbe Seiler
Laurent Lin, Alain Robbe and Rolf Seiler are the protagonists of the Geneva office founded in 1999. Since then, a dozen competition successes have resulted in several residential developments, a school building, an old people's home, commercial and administrative buildings, and individual homes. The designs are always pointedly critical and creative engagements with the building programme, the location and building regulations. Text in English and German.
Taylor & Francis Inc Middle American Terranes, Potential Correlatives, and Orogenic Processes
Consisting of papers that have appeared recently in International Geology Review, Middle American Terranes, Potential Correlatives, and Orogenic Processes focuses on Middle American terranes in which tectonic processes, including flat-slab subduction, for orogenic development are examined at various times since the late Mesoproterozoic: at 1 Ga, through the Paleozoic, and into the Cenozoic. Many papers relate the evolution of the Middle American terranes over the past billion years to global scale events, and a second theme running through the book relates to the supercontinents, Rodinia and Pangea, the geometry of their amalgamation and breakup, and the processes responsible.Highlights include: · An update on the geographic record, tectonic setting, and provenance of these terranes · Documentation of allocthonous nature and position peripheral to Amazonia of the ~1 Ga basement of southern Mexico · Data demonstrating that the basement rocks were involved in several Phanerozoic tectonic events · An examination of new evidence of a Late Paleozoic event associated with the amalgamation of Pangea overprinting the ~1 Ga basement and the Paleozoic units lying chiefly to the west and south of it · An exploration of the following potential correlatives: (1) events in Europe on the northern margin of Gondwana; (2) the Late Silurian-Devonian Acadian orogeny in the Appalachian, which is inferred to have resulted from flat-slab subduction related to overriding a plume; and (3) Mesozoic-Cenozoic events along the western margin of Laurentia · A discussion of possible mechanisms for the initiation of orogeny, flat-slab subduction in the Laramide orogeny, and hypotheses relating to the amalgamation and breakup of supercontine
Publicacions Universitat Alacant Veraneo sentimental 19041905
Veraneo Sentimental (reminiscencia del Sentimental Journey de Laurence Sterne) es el título que dio a una serie de crónicas escritas para el diario España en 1904, continuadas en el verano siguiente para ABC. Con buena parte de ellas, José García Mercadal preparó un volumen que vio la luz en 1944. Es un libro que siempre ha sorprendido a los lectores por su peculiar encanto, al evocar los ambientes de balnearios y playas norteñas en los inicios del siglo XX, pero se trataba de una obra incompleta.Recogemos ahora, ordenadas cronológicamente, la totalidad de las crónicas que, de manera admirable, resucitan aquellos ambientes, dan vida a personajes, desconocidos o notables, y ponen de manifiesto las emociones de un escritor que en aquellos momentos se estaba convirtiendo en un periodista reconocido y famoso.Miguel Ángel Lozano Marco es catedrático de Literatura Española de la Universidad de Alicante.
Fonthill Media Ltd The Price of Fame: The Biography of Dennis Price
Charming, erudite, and the very personification of the English gentleman, Dennis Price was without doubt also one of the most promising and talented newcomers to the world of theatre and film in the late 1930s, and he arguably reached his screen best in the classic Ealing comedy 'Kind Hearts and Coronets'. Huge praise was lavished upon him and he was compared alongside theatrical contemporaries Laurence Olivier, John Gielgud and Ralph Richardson as being destined for great things. Scene-stealing performances followed over the next few decades in such differing films as 'The Dancing Years', 'The Intruder', 'Private's Progress', 'The Naked Truth', 'Tunes of Glory', 'Tamahine' and 'Theatre of Blood', to name but a few. Though whilst his career was blossoming his private life was going through turmoil when, after one of his several affairs was discovered by his wife, he faced the shame of divorce, separation from his two children and when coupled with significant tax bills, it all proved too much and the actor attempted suicide. Eventually bouncing back, he reinvented himself as a character actor and appeared in scores of notable films—and was often the best thing in them!
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Wasteland
Fans of the Divergent and Hunger Games series will love Wasteland, the first installment of the Wasteland trilogy, by five-time Emmy Award-nominated writer Susan Kim and Edgar Award-winning Laurence Klavan. With heart-pounding thrills, this harrowing survival story is alive with action and intrigue. Welcome to the Wasteland, a post-apocalyptic U.S. where no one lives past the age of 19. But an early death isn't the only doom waiting around the corner: Everyone is forced to live under the looming threat of rampant disease and brutal attacks by the variants-hermaphroditic outcasts that live on the outskirts of Prin. Esther doesn't care that her best friend, a variant, is considered "the enemy." She doesn't care that Levi, who controls the Source, is the real enemy and might send his Taser boys after her if she makes one wrong move. Then she meets Caleb, and just possibly, she might have a chance at salvation.
The History Press Ltd Deep Are the Roots: Trailblazers Who Changed Black British Theatre
Deep Are the Roots celebrates the pioneers of Black British theatre, beginning in 1825, when Ira Aldridge made history as the first Black actor to play Shakespeare’s Othello in the United Kingdom, and ending in 1975 with the success of Britain’s first Black-led theatre company. In addition to providing a long-overdue critique of Laurence Olivier’s Othello, Bourne has unearthed the forgotten story of Paul Molyneaux, a Shakespearean actor of the Victorian era. The twentieth-century trailblazers include Paul Robeson, Florence Mills, Elisabeth Welch, Edric Connor and Pearl Connor-Mogotsi. There are chapters about the groundbreaking work of playwrights at the Royal Court, the first Black drama school students, pioneering theatre companies and three influential dramatists of the 1970s: Mustapha Matura, Michael Abbensetts and Alfred Fagon. Drawing on interviews with leading lights, here is everything you need to know about the trailblazers of Black theatre in Britain and their profound influence on the culture of today.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The New French Couture Icons of Paris Fashion
With more than 175 color high-fashion photographs, this stunning, comprehensive, and authoritative handbook on modern French couture, covering the finest Parisian houses of couture—including Chanel, Dior, Balenciaga, Yves Saint Laurent, Lanvin, and more—and the creative directors who are redefining their legacies for the twenty-first century.While trends emerge from New York, London, and Tokyo, the fashion capital of the world remains the City of Light. From Coco Chanel to Karl Lagerfeld, Christian Dior to Raf Simons, Hubert de Givenchy to Riccardo Tisci, the evolutionary arc of French fashion and its most revered houses grows richer with each season and with a continuous infusion of imaginative new talent.The New French Couture identifies the fashion leaders whose longstanding ateliers have endured, and the creative pioneers who continue to reinvent and reinterpret their signature iconography, including Karl Lagerfeld at Chanel, Raf Simons at Chri
ACC Art Books The London Youth Portraits
Between 1978 and 1987, renowned British photographer Derek Ridgers captured London youth culture in all its glory. With skinheads, punks and new romantics, in clubs and on the street, his images have come to define a seminal decade of British subculture.Broadly based on the now out of print book 78/87 London Youth, this showcases a completely fresh selection of images from the depths of Ridgers' exceptional archive including many previously unseen beautifully printed and bound in an oversized volume.Each picture is a tribute to the trials and triumphs of youth, and a precious document of style and culture in 1980s England, from the height of punk to the birth of acid house. Several have been exhibited internationally in cities as far-ranging as Moscow, Adelaide and Beverly Hills, in the National Portrait Gallery, Tate Britain and Somerset House. Ridgers has also collaborated with a number of major fashion houses, including Saint Laurent and Gucci, and his im
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Famoux
Fame can be deadly.Out of the wreckage of environmental collapse, the country of Delicatum emerged. Its most popular celebrities are the Famoux, uniquely beautiful stars of a reality TV show called the Fishbowl. In a world still recovering from catastrophe, they provide a 24/7 distraction.Sixteen-year-old Emilee Laurence is obsessed with the Famoux - they provide a refuge from her troubled home life and the bullies at school. When she receives an unimaginable offer to become a member herself, she takes it. Leaving behind everything she's ever known, Emilee enters a world of high glamour and even higher stakes.Because behind their perfect image lies an ugly truth - an anonymous stalker has been dictating the Famoux's every move, and being popular really is a matter of life or death.If the item details above aren't accurate or complete, we want to know about it. Report incorrect product info.A thrilling dystopian take on fame and celebrity culture, perfect for fans of Suzanne Collins' A Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes.
University of New Mexico Press A Carol Dickens Christmas: A Novel
It’s Christmas, and Carol Dickens’s life is in major transition. Her son Finn, a talented trumpet player, is about to leave for college. Her ex-husband, a real-estate wheeler-dealer, wants to sell their properties in Kansas and move to Arizona. Her wheelchair-bound friend, Laurence, has fallen in love with her. To top it all off, Scraps, the family dog, is dying. As her world spins out of control, Carol seeks refuge in her research on the use of the semicolon - and in her ritual of cooking the perfect series of Victorian holiday meals inspired by A Christmas Carol.
Trope Publishing Co. Fashion Icons: A Celebration of Fashion's Legendary Designers
Fashion Icons celebrates the origins and contributions of some of the world’s most remarkable and gifted fashion designers throughout history Bold, whimsical illustrations by David Lee Csicsko along with concise, engaging bios written by Gillion Carrara celebrate a diverse group of designers. From Paul Poiret, the visionary who shunned the corset, to Elsa Schiaparelli, who shocked the world with her “shoe hat”, to Comme des Garcon’s Rei Kawakubo, Fashion Icons celebrates 50 fashion designers who have influenced historical trends, how we dress today, and what the future of fashion will look like.Featured designers include: Jeanne-Marie Lanvin, Madeleine Vionnet, Paul Poiret, Coco Chanel, Elsa Schiaparelli, Cristobal Balenciaga, Ann Lowe, Christian Dior, Pierre Cardin, Hubert de Givenchy, Sonia Rykiel, Halston, Valentino Garavani, Karl Lagerfeld, Giorgio Armani, Azzedine Alaia, Yves Saint-Laurent, Issey Miyake, Vivienne Westwood, Rei Kawakubo, Stephen Burrows, Yohji Yamamoto, Gianni Versace, Miuccia Prada, Franco Moschino, Jean Paul Gaultier, Martin Margiela, Dries Van Noten, Domenico Dolce & Stefano Gabbana, Ann Demeulemeester, Isabel & Ruben Toledo, John Galliano, Junya Watanabe, Alber Elbaz, Tom Ford, Rick Owens, Marc Jacobs, Thom Browne, Duro Olowu, Hedi Slimane, Alexander McQueen, Viktor Horsting & Rolf Snoeren, Nicolas Ghesquiere, Stella McCartney, Rabih Kayrouz, Phoebe Philo, Kate & Laura Mulleavy, Virgil Abloh, Simone Rocha, and Kerby Jean-Raymond
Faber & Faber Black Watch
Viewed through the eyes of those on the ground, Black Watch reveals what it means to be part of the legendary Scottish regiment, what it means to be part of the war on terror, and what it means to make the journey home.This book contains Gregory Burke's award-winning script, with production notes by the director John Tiffany and colour photographs that capture the powerful and inventive use of movement in this urgent piece of theatre.The National Theatre of Scotland's production of Black Watch opened at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in 2006, where it won a Herald Angel, a Scotsman Fringe First, the Critics' Circle Award and the South Bank Show Award for Theatre. During a world tour it won the Laurence Olivier Award for Best New Play and the New York Drama Critics' Circle Award for Best Foreign Play.
Manchester University Press Shakespeare by Mcbean
Shakespeare by McBean collects 300 images, many never before published, taken by the renowned photographer Angus McBean. Incorporating images from every one of Shakespeare’s plays performed at the RSC, with some from the Old Vic, between the years 1945–62, it is a veritable who’s who of the British stage. Richard Burton, Vivien Leigh, Robert Donat, Alec Guiness, Michael Redgrave, Peggy Ashcroft, Laurence Olivier, Edith Evans, Paul Scofield, Diana Rigg, Anthony Quayle, Charles Laughton, John Gielgud, Peter O’Toole and Dorothy Tutin are just some of the names that appear.Angus McBean was an exceptional talent, whether he was transforming the photography of rehearsals, inspiring the Beatles, or entertaining his admireres with his light-hearted espousal of surrealism in portraiture. In a career lasting half a century his influence can be seen in everything from advertising to pop culture.
Thames & Hudson Ltd 20th-Century Fashion in Detail (Victoria and Albert Museum)
Revealing the elaborate embroidery, intricate pleats and daring cuts that make up some of the 20th century’s most beautiful garments, this book explores the specific techniques used by couturiers as tastes and textile technologies evolved. Work by designers such as Mariano Fortuny, Madeleine Vionnet, Paul Poiret, Hubert de Givenchy, Mary Quant, Yves Saint Laurent and Vivienne Westwood is rediscovered, and exquisite haute-couture pieces, from sequinned Chanel trouser suits and richly embroidered Schiaparelli jackets to striking Balenciaga creations and Dior evening gowns, are examined. Part of the ‘Fashion in Detail’ series, this updated edition features a revised introduction and list of designers followed by chapters dedicated to a particular technique. Each garment is illustrated through detailed photography and line drawings and is accompanied by a commentary by leading experts in textiles and fashion. An extraordinary exploration of the techniques used by couturiers in the construction of these exceptional garments, 20th-Century Fashion in Detail will delight all followers of fashion.
Walker Books Ltd The Secret Time Machine and the Gherkin Switcheroo
A brand-new buddy comedy from the internationally renowned comic artist Simone Lia.Marcus is in trouble. He didn’t think his friend Laurence would actually believe him when he said his super brainy aunt built the very first time machine. After all, he only invented the story in a spur of the moment bid to win a silly argument! Now how on earth will he make it come true? In this hilarious and quirky new adventure starring the most unlikely of friends – a worm and a bird – Simone Lia pulls out all the theatrical stops to create a perfectly brilliant and laugh-out-loud companion to They Didn’t Teach THIS in Worm School!
Johns Hopkins University Press Exporting Democracy: The United States and Latin America
The idea that the United States can and should help Latin America achieve democracy has been a recurrent theme in U.S. foreign policy throughout the twentieth century. By the 1990s, it had become virtually unchallenged doctrine, broadly supported on a bipartisan basis. Yet no systematic and comparative study of U.S. attempts to promote Latin American democracy has ever been published - and the policy community often seems unaware of this history. In Exporting Democracy, Abraham F. Lowenthal and fourteen other noted scholars from the United States, Latin America, and Europe explore the motives, methods, and results of U.S. efforts to nurture Latin American democracy. Contributors focus on four periods when such efforts were most intense: the years from World War I to the Great Depression, the period immediately following World War II, the 1960s, and the Reagan years. The book tells a cautionary tale - revealing that U.S. efforts to export democracy in the Americas have met with little enduring success and often have had counterproductive effects. Exporting Democracy is available in two paperback volumes, each introduced by Abraham Lowenthal and organized for convenient course use. In the first paperback volume, Themes and Issues, contributors and their topics are Paul W. Drake, From Good Men to Good Neighbors: 1912-1932; Leslie Bethell, From the Second World War to the Cold War: 1944-1954; Tony Smith, the Alliance for Progress: The 1960s; Thomas Carothers:,The Reagan Years: The 1980s; Elizabeth A. Cobbs, U.S. Business: Self-Interest and Neutrality; Paul G. Buchanan, The Impact of U.S. Labor; John Sheahan, Economic Forces and U.S. Policies; Laurence Whitehead, The Imposition of Democracy; Abraham F. Lowenthal, The United States and Latin American Democracy: Learning from History. In the second paperback volume, Case Studies, the contributors and their topics are: Carlos Escude, Argentina: The Costs of Contradiction; Heraldo Munoz, Chile: The Limits of "Success"; Jonathan Hartlyn, The Dominican Republic: The Legacy of Intermittent Engagement; Lorenzo Meyer, Mexico: The Exception and the Rule; Joseph Tulchin and Knut Walter, Nicaragua: The Limits of Intervention; Elizabeth A. Cobbs, U.S. Business: Self-Interest and Neutrality; Paul G. Buchanan, The Impact of U.S. Labor; John Sheahan, Economic Forces and U.S. Policies; Laurence Whitehead, The Imposition of Democracy; Abraham F. Lowenthal, The United States and Latin American Democracy: Learning from History.
Prestel Ed Watson: A Different Dance
Ed Watson, Principal Dancer with The Royal Ballet for over 20 years is a unique talent; a widely celebrated collaborator in dance, photography and fashion. Each illustrated essay of this gorgeous volume focuses on a distinct aspect of Watson’s career. Leading art critic Sarah Crompton discusses his trajectory from young student to principal dancer and coach with The Royal Ballet. Wayne McGregor reflects on their long and fruitful collaboration. Longtime friend Charlotte MacMillan engages in a lively conversation with the man himself, while Gareth Pugh muses on the concept of duende. Dozens of images by leading photographers—including Rick Guest, Nick Knight, Anthony Crickmay, Kosmas Pavlos, Nadav Kander, Paul Smith, Laurence Ellis, Teddy Iborra Wicksteed, Liz Seagrove, Paul Grover, and Johan Persson—depict Watson throughout his career, in rehearsal, on fashion shoots, in the dressing room, and in stills from his famed performances. Together these words and images tell the story of a performer of extraordinary versatility, exceptional physicality, and a profound artistic sensibility.
Hardie Grant Books (UK) Dior Style Icon
Christian Dior's era-defining designs and enduring legacy are captured here in more than 50 of the fashion house's most iconic pieces. Dior redefined what fashion looked like in the post-war age and demanded glamour, femininity and excess to be the order of the day. His vision for seriously structured corsets tapering to dramatically full skirts with pleats for days earned the title 'The New Look', and it really was. His garments spoke of hope and beauty and were crafted with the utmost attention to detail. This beautifully illustrated book charts not only the work of the great man himself, but also those who stood at the helm after him, including the inimitable Yves Saint Laurent and John Galliano. The House of Dior has dressed everyone from Old Hollywood icons like Grace Kelly and Marlene Dietrich through to fictional fashion icon Carrie Bradshaw and music royalty Rihanna. Style Icon: Dior is a wonderful tribute to the romanti
Goose Lane Editions Hour of the Crab
Co-Winner, Margaret Laurence Award for FictionPatricia Robertson’s new collection of short fiction, Hour of the Crab, is a work of insight and mastery, each story demonstrating an original vision, intriguing characters, and sophisticated skill. Readers will travel with Robertson’s vivid characters, sharing their journeys, their challenges, their complicated choices. They will also discover other worlds — from an eleventh-century monastery in France to a near-future British Columbia where apocalyptic wildfires seem to be never-ending. A young woman discovers the corpse of a Moroccan teenager washed up on the beach in southern Spain and sets out to find his family in a gesture that destabilizes her own. An international aid worker shares her house with the very real ghost of a gardener’s boy. The last speaker of a dying Norse-like language carves the words he remembers into the stones of his house. Urgent and evocative, immersed in issues of our time, the stories of Hour of the Crab reveal Robertson’s ability to draw in her readers with the heightened realism of her imagined worlds.
GMC Publications Dior: Great Lives in Graphic Form
The Biographic series presents an entirely new way of looking at the lives of the world's greatest thinkers and creatives. It takes the 50 defining facts, dates, thoughts, habits and achievements of each subject, and uses infographics to convey all of them in vivid snapshots. Many people know that Christian Dior (1905-1957) was a French fashion designer, the founder of the world famous fashion house that carries his name. What, perhaps, they don't know is that he once owned a small art gallery selling work by artists including Pablo Picasso; that he employed a young Yves Saint Laurent as his assistant; that he included a garment in each of his shows named after his home town of Granville; and that he had a superstitious belief in the number 8, with the house of Dior being housed over 8 workshops in an 8-storey building in the 8th district of Paris. Biographic: Dior presents a visual catwalk through his life and work, with an array of irresistible facts and figures converted into infographics to reveal the genius behind the garments.
University of Pennsylvania Press Lavoisier: Chemist, Biologist, Economist
On the day following the guillotining of Antoine Laurent Lavoisier, mathematician Joseph Louis Lagrange lamented the loss of the man commonly considered the father of modern chemistry. "It took them only an instant to cut off that head," he said, "but it is unlikely that a hundred years will suffice to reproduce a similar one." Although he lived only to the age of 51, Lavoisier revolutionized the field of chemistry. He created the first modern table of chemical elements, recognized the role oxygen plays in the rusting of metals, demonstrated that water—previously considered one of the four fundamental elements—is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen, and asserted that the total weights of the products of a chemical reaction must equal the total weights of the reactants. Yet despite his remarkable importance to modern chemistry, Lavoisier's scientific work was more a hobby than a profession. In fact, because he made his living as a tax collector, his scientific work was relegated to early morning and after-dinner hours. Appropriately, the picture Poirier paints of Lavoisier is that of the whole man—not only a scientist but a successful financier, respected economist, and influential administrator as well.
Oxford University Press The 3 Regional Human Rights Courts in Context
At specific moments in the history of Africa, Europe, and Latin America, each region decided to create supranational jurisdictions to protect human rights. These are, in chronological order, the European Court of Human Rights, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and the African Court on Human and Peoples'' Rights. While each has been the subject of important, dedicated monographs, no major study has analysed both the institutional and jurisprudential issues of all three regional systems.The 3 Regional Human Rights Courts in Context: Justice That Cannot Be Taken for Granted is the first book to offer a comprehensive comparison of the three systems. Rather than merely juxtaposing analogous features, the book considers how the three courts operate as parts of a greater, integrated whole. Similarities and differences between the courts are illuminated alongside historical, political, and sociological insights, in addition to the book''s primary legal focus.Close analysis of the proce
Orion Publishing Co A Book Lovers Christmas
This intricate jigsaw puzzle brings together iconic festive scenes from beloved books, poetry, short stories and fairy tales. Whether it's St. Nicholas clambering down a chimney, nutcrackers coming to life, or Sherlock Holmes's mystery of the missing Christmas geese, celebrate the season as you piece these classics together.1000-PIECE PUZZLE: this detailed illustration of Christmas scenes from literature is packed with real people and fictional characters to seek and find.CAST OF CHARACTERS from much-loved Christmas tales.INCLUDES A PULL-OUT POSTER featuring background information and quotes from all your favorite literary Christmases.LAURENCE KING has been capturing imaginations and inspiring creativity in new and unexpected ways for over 30 years, with playful and eye-catching games, gifts and books.
Duke University Press Unfinished: The Anthropology of Becoming
This original, field-changing collection explores the plasticity and unfinishedness of human subjects and lifeworlds, advancing the conceptual terrain of an anthropology of becoming. People's becomings trouble and exceed ways of knowing and acting, producing new possibilities for research, methodology, and writing. The contributors creatively bridge ethnography and critical theory in a range of worlds on the edge, from war and its aftermath, economic transformation, racial inequality, and gun violence to religiosity, therapeutic markets, animal rights activism, and abrupt environmental change. Defying totalizing analytical schemes, these visionary essays articulate a human science of the uncertain and unknown and restore a sense of movement and possibility to ethics and political practice. Unfinished invites readers to consider the array of affects, ideas, forces, and objects that shape contemporary modes of existence and future horizons, opening new channels for critical thought and creative expression. Contributors. Lucas Bessire, João Biehl, Naisargi N. Dave, Elizabeth A. Davis, Michael M. J. Fischer, Angela Garcia, Peter Locke, Adriana Petryna, Bridget Purcell, Laurence Ralph, Lilia M. Schwarcz
Getty Trust Publications Chatting with Henri Matisse - The Lost 1941 Interview
In 1941 the Swiss art critic Pierre Courthion interviewed Henri Matisse while the artist was in bed recovering from a serious operation. It was an extensive interview, seen at the time as a vital assessment of Matisse's career and set to be published by Albert Skira's then newly established Swiss press. After months of complicated discussions between Courthion and Matisse, and just weeks before the book was to come out-the artist even had approved the cover design-Matisse suddenly refused its publication. A typescript of the interview now resides in Courthion's papers at the Getty Research Institute.; This rich conversation, conducted during the Nazi occupation of France, is published for the first time in this volume, where it appears both in English translation and in the original French version. Matisse unravels memories of his youth and his life as a bohemian student in Gustave Moreau's atelier. He recounts his experience with collectors, including Alfred Barnes. He discusses fame, writers, musicians, politicians, and, most fascinatingly, his travels. Chatting with Henri Matisse, introduced by Serge Guilbaut, contains a preface by Claude Duthuit, Matisse's grandson, and essays by Yve-Alain Bois and Laurence Bertrand Dorleac. The book includes unpublished correspondence and other original documents related to Courthion's interview and abounds with details about avant-garde life, tactics, and artistic creativity in the first half of the twentieth century.
Lund Humphries Publishers Ltd Architecture through Drawing
Architecture through Drawing examines how drawing – as both action and object – encapsulates complex ideas relating to culture, technology, space and the built environment. Bringing together an array of beautiful and rarely seen drawings dating from the sixteenth century to the present day, all representing different geographical locations, techniques, methodologies and purposes, the book defines a new field for the subject of the drawing in architecture. It reveals the motives for architectural drawing beyond the requirement to document the processes that underpin the realisation of the architectural object. This book asks, fundamentally, whether drawings can illuminate new interpretations of architectural experimentation. Examples range from initial sketches by architects to analytical and construction drawings, perspectives and schematics, collage and more complex presentations and paintings often carried out in association with others. Dialogues include Fabrizio Ballabio on Filippo Juvarra’s Ottoboni Theatre; Desley Luscombe on Ludwig Mies van der Rohe; Mark Dorrian on Michael Webb; Nicholas Olsberg on Victorian architects William Butterfield, Norman Shaw and GE Street; Charles Rice on James Gowan; Laurent Stalder on perspective in postwar housing; Helen Thomas on the covers of San Rocco; John Macarthur on clouds; Markus Lähteenmaäki on Superstudio; and Erik Wegerhoff on the Viennese Auto-Expander. The volume is rounded off with an epilogue, ‘The Limits of Drawing’, by Adrian Forty and Sophie Read.
Orion Publishing Co Did You Fart
Did you know that herrings use their farts to communicate with each other, that seals are notorious for having the smelliest farts in the animal kingdom, or that the Sonoran coral snake uses its farts as a defence mechanism when threatened by predators?In this simple to play, colourful and engaging matching memory game, match 25 animals to the pumps, toots and trumps they let off and turn over more pairs than your opponent to win the game! Learn all about why zebra farts are so incredibly loud and how manatees use flatulence to help them float in the accompanying booklet, packed full of animal facts.MATCH 26 ANIMALS to their toots, turn over more pairs than your opponent to win the gameSCREEN-FREE FUN for 2-4 players, fun for all the familyPLAY AND LEARN fascinating facts about your favourite animal and their farts in the bookletLAURENCE KING has been capturing imaginations and inspiring creativity in new and un
HarperCollins Publishers Rush
?? THIS IS NOT A ROMANCE: A twisted story of obsession and female desire, Rush explores the dark and toxic side of the world''s sexiest sport ??''Totally absorbed in the world of Lena and Nico' Reader Review ?????I devoured this book over the course of two days an absolute page-turner' Reader review ?????I love how this story celebrates relationships that buoy women emotionally without breaking their spirit' Reader review ?????* * * *His desire will consume her. And all she can do is surrender.Lena Aden came to Los Angeles to make it big as a writer. Five years later, she's still chasing the dream and wondering if it's time to start over.Nico Laurent is the Formula 1 World Champion and the most desirable bachelor in the world. He's used to getting any woman he wants, and he's decided he wants Lena.After their first night together, Lena can't get Nico out of her head. She engineers a second meeting and suddenly Lena is pulled into a heady world of fast cars, parties, and money. Lena h
Sourcebooks, Inc Honey Cut
The second in the Lyonesse trilogy, following Tristan, Isolde, and Mark further into the forbidden as they wrestle with their love for each other and the growing secrets that surround them.He thinks I''ll destroy him. It''s hard to love someone you know is actually a knife pressed against your throat.I should know.Isolde Laurence is an uncommon bride.She''s been raised to do as her father told her, put elegance and duty above all elsebut unbeknownst to him, her loyalty has shifted. Now she''s in service to the Church, one of the elite spies who work for her uncle, a cardinal. Her latest assignment from the Church? Marry Mark Trevena, the owner of a notorious club in DC where the rich and powerful come to play, and seduce him.But what was supposed to be a simple lie has become far more complicated: Isolde has fallen for Mark''s handsome and emotionally wounded bodyguard, Tristan. Even worseshe''s falling for her future husband hi