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Editorial el Pirata Vamos a dormir
SUMMARY IN SPANISH: Lala es una entrañ able bebé koala que tiene mucho sueñ o. ¡ Y es que ayer no querí a irse a dormir! Por suerte, con tu ayuda, descubrirá lo agradable que resulta acurrucarse y relajarse. Este fantá stico cuento interactivo en españ ol es perfecto para convertir la hora de irse a la cama en un momento má gico y relajante.En la colecció n en españ ol Pasito a Pasito me hago grandecito, con nueve cuentos, los má s pequeñ os aprenderá n algunas de las cosas má s importantes que deben conocer a su edad, como la importancia de lavarse los dientes, bañ arse o irse a dormir cuando toca. ¡ Y lo hará n acompañ ados de toda una pandilla de animalitos de lo má s simpá ticos!En cada uno de estos libros de cartoné conoceremos a un bebé de animal distinto, que nos mostrará uno de los primeros grandes retos de la vida de un niñ o. Un koala les explicará lo importante que es irse a la cama, un pingü ino les enseñ ará a vestirse, una elefantita les animará a empezar a comer por sí solos.Algunas caracterí sticas: • Todos los tí tulos han sido supervisados por educadoras infantiles.• Son interactivos y divertidos: los niñ os juegan y ayudan a los animalitos.• Son cuentos de cartó n con un asa para que los pequeñ os los puedan llevar de un lado a otro.• Con ilustraciones divertidas y muy llamativas, que destacan sobre el fondo para captar la atenció n de los bebé s.• Con una solapa en la ú ltima pá gina que se puede abrir para ver el antes y el despué s de aprender a superar el reto en cuestió n.• ¡ Es una colecció n ideal para animar a los pequeñ os a superar los primeros retos, igual que lo hacen los animalitos que los protagonizan!La colecció n está pensada para ser de referencia en niñ os de 0 a 3 añ os.Tí tulos de la colecció n: • Me quiero bañ ar• Vamos a dormir• Es hora de comer• Ya me lavo los dientes• Chupetes fuera• Sin pañ al• Me visto solito• Juego y recojo• Jugar sin pantallas LIBRO ESCRITO ORIGINALMENTE EN ESPAñ OL._________________________________________SUMMARY IN ENGLISH: Lala, an affectionate baby Koala, is very sleepy … Yesterday he didn’ t want to go to sleep! Luckily, with your help, he will discover how nice it is to snuggle and relax.This fantastic interactive story in Spanish is perfect for helping your little ones relax and helps them look forward to bedtime as a time to relax.In the collection in Spanish Pasito a pasito me hago grandecito, with 9 stories, the little ones will learn some of the most important things they should know at their age, such as the importance of washing teeth, bathe or go to sleep. And they will do it with a whole gang of cute little animals!In each of these cardboard books we meet a different animal baby, who shows us one of the first great challenges in a kid's life. A koala will explain to them how important it is to go to bed, a penguin will teach them to dress… Some features: • All titles have been supervised by early childhood educators.• They are interactive and fun: the children play and help the animals.• They are cardboard stories with a handle so the little ones can carry them from one place to another.• With fun and very striking illustrations, which stand out against the background to capture the attention of babies.• With a flap on the last page that can be opened to see the before and after learning to overcome the current challenge.• It's an ideal collection to encourage the little ones to overcome their first challenges, just like these animals do!The collection is designed to be a reference for children from 0 to 3 years old.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Cyber-Sicherheit: Das Lehrbuch für Konzepte, Prinzipien, Mechanismen, Architekturen und Eigenschaften von Cyber-Sicherheitssystemen in der Digitalisierung
Dieses Lehrbuch gibt Ihnen einen Überblick über die Themen der IT-Sicherheit Die digitale Transformation eröffnet viele neue Möglichkeiten, den dadurch lassen sich Geschäftsmodelle und Verwaltungsprozesse radikal verändern. Aber mit fortschreitender Digitalisierung nimmt jedoch die Komplexität der IT-Systeme- und Infrastrukturen zu. Zudem werden die Methoden der professionellen Angreifer ausgefeilter und die Angriffsziele kontinuierlich lukrativer, insgesamt führt dies bei Unternehmen und der Gesellschaft zu hohen Schäden. Für eine erfolgreiche Zukunft unserer Gesellschaft ist es daher entscheidend, diesen gestiegenen Risiken entgegenzuwirken und eine sichere sowie vertrauenswürdige IT zu gestalten. Von daher ist es notwendig, dass mit den wachsenden Herausforderungen auch neue Entwicklungen und Prozessen in der Cyber-Sicherheit einhergehen. Was sich hier getan hat können Sie in der 2. Auflage des Lehrbuchs ‚Cyber-Sicherheit‘, von Prof. Norbert Pohlmann, nachlesen. Denn in der Überarbeitung der sehr erfolgreichen Erst-Auflage wurden die bestehenden Kapitel ergänzt und aktualisiert sowie zusätzlich für neue Themen weitere Kapitel hinzugefügt. Aber auch Lehrmaterialien, wie 19 komplette Vorlesungen und Überbungen auf den Webseiten wurden angepasst und erweitert.Auf insgesamt 746 Seiten bietet Informatikprofessor Norbert Pohlmann grundlegendes Wissen über die Cyber-Sicherheit und geht bei innovativen Themen, wie Self Sovereign Identity oder dem Vertrauenswürdigkeits-Modell, detailliert in die Tiefe. Dabei ist dem Autor wichtig, nicht nur theoretisches Fachwissen zu vermitteln, sondern auch den Leser in die Lage zu versetzen, die Cyber-Sicherheit aus der anwendungsorientierten Perspektive zu betrachten.Lernen Sie mithilfe dieses Lehrbuchs mehr über Mechanismen, Prinzipien, Konzepte und Eigenschaften von Cyber-Sicherheitssystemen. So sind Sie in der Lage, die Sicherheit und Vertrauenswürdigkeit von IT-Lösungen zu beurteilen.Grundlegende Aspekte der Cyber-SicherheitIm einführenden Abschnitt werden den Lesenden die Grundlagen der IT-Sicherheit vermittelt:· Cyber-Sicherheitsstrategien· Motivationen von Angreifern· Sicherheitsbedürfnisse der Bürger und Mitarbeiter von Unternehmen· Aktuelle Cyber-Sicherheitsprobleme· Herausforderungen für eine sicher und vertrauenswürdige digitale Zukunft· Wirksamkeitskonzepte von Cyber-SicherheitsmechanismenDetaillierte Darstellung relevanter Systeme, Prozesse und Prinzipien In den weiteren Kapiteln wird auf besonders relevante Teilbereiche der Cyber-Sicherheit fokussiert:· Kryptographie· Hardware-Sicherheitsmodule zum Schutz von sicherheitsrelevanten Informationen· Digitale Signatur, elektronische Zertifikate sowie PKIs und PKAs· Identifikation und Authentifikation· Enterprise Identity und Access Management· Trusted Computing· Cyber-Sicherheit Frühwarn- und Lagebildsysteme· Firewall-Systeme· E-Mail-Sicherheit· Blockchain-Technologie· Künstliche Intelligenz und Cyber-Security· Social Web Cyber-Sicherheit· Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) - neu· Vertrauen und Vertrauenswürdigkeit - neu· Weitere Aspekte der Cyber-Sicherheit - neuZudem erfahren Sie mehr über neue Standards und Methoden bei IPSec-Verschlüsselung, Transport Layer Security (TLS) sowie Sicherheitsmaßnahmen gegen DDoS-Angriffe. Anschauliche Grafiken und Tabellen bilden Prozesse und Zusammenhänge verständlich ab. Didaktisch gut aufbereitet, können Sie die Inhalte mit zahlreichen neuen Übungsaufgaben vertiefen. Das Lehrbuch richtet sich insbesondere an Lesende, für die ein umfassendes Know-how zu Cyber-Security im Arbeits-, Lehr- oder Privatumfeld relevant und interessant ist:· Studierende der Informatik, IT- oder Cyber-Sicherheit, aber auch angrenzende Disziplinen· Auszubildende im Bereich Fachinformatik, digitale Medien· Mitarbeitende/Führungspersonen aller Branchen, die sich mit Digitalisierung beschäftigen Die zweite Auflage des Lehrbuchs Cyber-Sicherheit von Prof. Norbert Pohlmann wurde umfassend überarbeitet, aktualisiert und um drei neue Kapitel sowie ein Glossar erweitert.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Marketing Unwrapped
"Key skills for marketers in the 21st century, which we have now cautiously embarked upon, conjures up images of great technological advances, of a world utterly transformed, a world perhaps ultimately dominated by Artificial Intelligence. This book thankfully does not indulge in the whole "what might be" debate, but instead sensibly takes a long hard look at where marketing stands today, setting out the key skills marketers must master to succeed over the next decade or so. Written by CIM's Director of Marketing, Ray Perry, in a very accessible, sometimes amusing manner, the book outlines the evolution of marketing basics in the 20th century before swiftly moving on to the issues that face the 21st century marketer. These range from the proliferation of media and the choices this now presents the marketer, to consumers' concerns over privacy and data protection. These and other key themes are outlined, demonstrating how they will impact and shape the marketing function. What becomes clear is that in order to succeed in the future, "marketers will need to be flexible, adaptable and multi-skilled". Pan-marketing, measuring metrics, knowledge management, CRM and integrated supply chain management will all be important, and it is likely many of them will become specialist marketing roles in their own right. The case for each role is argued well and supported by a range of well-researched figures and examples, before giving sound advice on how to execute the role. The chapters on the media marketer and metrics marketer are particularly good. Key skills and competencies are laid out with a useful summary of things to remember.The book will help today's marketers face up to the challenges of the 21st century, and help them develop the marketing skills they need for the new connected economy." --John Ling, The Chartered Institute of Marketing "Ray Perry looks at the wider perspective of new marketing and identifies key success factors - a good read for all marketers" --Andy Jones, Marketing Operations Director, Vauxhall Motors "To business people this is a breath of fresh air, a disciplined and data driven approach to marketing" --Raoul Pinnell, VP Global Brands Communications, Shell International "Marketing Unwrapped captures the key issues and challenges facing marketers today and the wider skill set required as marketing increasingly becomes a boardroom issue." --Debbie Brown, Head of Marketing Communications BT plc The marketing function has long striven to be taken seriously at board level. Much work has been undertaken in recent years to measure the effectiveness of marketing and to make it accountable at 'the bottom line'. However, if marketing is really to find its place at the top of an organization, marketers themselves need to understand and develop some core skills to give credence to their positions. Marketing Unwrapped literally unwraps the role of today's marketer. Ray Perry creates a blueprint for each facet of the marketer's role in relationship to an organization and highlights the key skills, knowledge, disciplines and competencies necessary for marketers to succeed. Compiled in the form of a matrix, this book unwraps the role of a marketer and introduces the range of 'co-functions' from relationship marketer to metrics marketer that the marketer will need to master to succeed in business in the future. This step-by-step guide to developing your own portfolio of skills will give you the confidence to sit at board level with a holistic understanding of the workings of business in general, and a clear idea of the difference you in your marketing capacity can make.
New India Publishing Agency A Handbook of Minerals, Crystals, Rocks and Ores
The book is divided into four sections, minerals, crystals, rocks and ores. Section A incorporates nine s, begins with presenting salient features of the earth--its structure and composition. The second Minerals and Mineralogy briefly tells about their diversity and their categorisation and introduces the interesting way they are named. Crystal chemistry the third is the heart and soul of mineralogy and deals in somewhat details about the building blocks of minerals -atoms and ions and the way they form diverse types of minerals are. It tries to tell why every combination of chemical compounds cannot result into a naturally occurring mineral. The fourth and fifth s deal with Properties of Minerals, physical and optical. The s describe various physical properties that are helpful in the identification both in hand specimens and as thin section under the microscope. These two s are adequately aided with a number of illustrations, photographs and photomicrographs to bring home the point. five deals with classification of minerals and their occurrence and forms a prelude to the next two s on descriptive mineralogy. Important silicate and non silicate minerals are described in s eight and nine. A brief description of mineral uses is dealt with in both descriptive mineralogy as well Section D on mineral deposits, however, the last , Mineral uses presents an overall picture and will be interesting as well as educating to students and even general readeSection B is devoted to crystals and crystallography. one introduces the subject while two presents basic crystallographic elements. three deals with the main six crystals systems while also giving a preliminary idea about stereographic projection and x-ray crystallography. Section C covers petrology, beginning with introduction to science of petrology, rock nomenclature. two is devoted to the study of igneous rocks, including their forms, composition, textures, structures, classification and description. Sedimentary rocks is the theme of three while different aspects of metamorphic rocks including kinds and agents of metamorphism and classification and description of metamorphism. The last portion of this also considers metamorphism in the background of global tectonics. five, the rock cycle presents a concise summary of geological events that have shaped the planet earth. The last section D is what geology is all about for a man on the street and its significance in nation building--the Ore minerals. It begins with what ore is and its place in human affairs as a well as presenting the important terminology in economic geology. two deals with ore genesis and presents various hypogene and supergene process that carves out ore deposits from non economic materials. three, mineral deposits and global tectonics is becoming a very popular theme among the earth scientists. A brief introduction of the same will be certainly appreciated by the student community and prompt them for further study in this direction. A general survey of India's mineral resources is the theme of four. It covers almost all of the commonly used ores, metallic, non metallic or fuels. The last of section D and the boom, 'Indian mineral industry: some facts and figures' will present where our country stands in the realm of mineral resources. Latest available data of resources, production, export, import, organisations that matter and other useful facts and figures are presented.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Say It With Charts: The Executive’s Guide to Visual Communication
This is today's most comprehensive, up-to-date business presentation guidebook. It provides easy-to-follow tools and strategies for creating powerful, interactive business presentations. As a professional, your career relies on reaching audiences, convincing them that your message is valuable, then making them remember that message. "Say It With Charts, 4th Edition", walks you through the entire visual presentation process and shows you - step-by-step - how to create compelling, memorable presentations. Business presentation tools have changed tremendously. A chart that once took ten hours - and ten co-workers - to prepare can now be produced by anyone with ten minutes and a computer keyboard. What hasn't changed, however, are the basics behind creating a powerful visual - what to say, why to say it, and how to say it for the most impact."Say It With Charts, 4th Edition", reveals time-tested tips for preparing effective presentations, then shows you how to combine those tips with today's technologies for sharper, stronger visuals. Look to this comprehensive presentation encyclopedia for information on: how to prepare different types of charts - pie, bar, column, line, or dot - and when to use each; hands-on recommendations on lettering size, color choice, appropriate chart types, and more; and, techniques for producing dramatic e-Visuals using animation, scanned images, sound, video, and links to pertinent websites. 'When well-conceived and designed, charts help us communicate more quickly and more clearly than we would if we left the data in tabular form' - From Chapter 1.Business is about communication. Every day, scores of questions must be answered, and each answer must be communicated quickly, completely, and with a minimum of confusion. Time has become our most valuable, irreplaceable commodity, and - in today's rapid fire, ultra-competitive business environment - delays or errors in communicating information are uncalled for, unaffordable...and unacceptable. "Say It With Charts, 4th Edition", shows you how to put your message in visual form and translate information and ideas into persuasive, powerful charts, visuals, and multimedia presentations - holding your audience's attention as you communicate exactly what you want, with no confusion.The newest edition of this bestselling classic covers every important point from previous editions and, in addition, shows you how to use today's digital technologies to create professional-quality, attention-grabbing visuals on your computer screen. Everything you need to know to make your charts and visuals eye-catching and memorable is in these pages, including: commandments for designing successful onscreen visuals; techniques for conveying your messages using visuals and visual metaphors; how to decide when to use a chart - and know when a chart could work against you; graphic representations of ineffective, counter-productive charts - with examples of how they could be improved; time- and money-saving methods to make one presentation template serve multiple audiences; and, hands-on practice projects and exercises to help you grasp each important concept.Over the years, "Say It With Charts" has become the standard guidebook for executives, sales managers, management consultants - all those who want to make their points clearly and concisely, whether speaking directly to a packed conference room or communicating on computer screens across the globe. Now updated for today's technological communications revolution, it will show you how to translate your most compelling data and messages into even more compelling visuals, and hammer home your message every time.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Mathematical Analysis: A Concise Introduction
A self-contained introduction to the fundamentals of mathematical analysis Mathematical Analysis: A Concise Introduction presents the foundations of analysis and illustrates its role in mathematics. By focusing on the essentials, reinforcing learning through exercises, and featuring a unique "learn by doing" approach, the book develops the reader's proof writing skills and establishes fundamental comprehension of analysis that is essential for further exploration of pure and applied mathematics. This book is directly applicable to areas such as differential equations, probability theory, numerical analysis, differential geometry, and functional analysis. Mathematical Analysis is composed of three parts: ?Part One presents the analysis of functions of one variable, including sequences, continuity, differentiation, Riemann integration, series, and the Lebesgue integral. A detailed explanation of proof writing is provided with specific attention devoted to standard proof techniques. To facilitate an efficient transition to more abstract settings, the results for single variable functions are proved using methods that translate to metric spaces. ?Part Two explores the more abstract counterparts of the concepts outlined earlier in the text. The reader is introduced to the fundamental spaces of analysis, including Lp spaces, and the book successfully details how appropriate definitions of integration, continuity, and differentiation lead to a powerful and widely applicable foundation for further study of applied mathematics. The interrelation between measure theory, topology, and differentiation is then examined in the proof of the Multidimensional Substitution Formula. Further areas of coverage in this section include manifolds, Stokes' Theorem, Hilbert spaces, the convergence of Fourier series, and Riesz' Representation Theorem. ?Part Three provides an overview of the motivations for analysis as well as its applications in various subjects. A special focus on ordinary and partial differential equations presents some theoretical and practical challenges that exist in these areas. Topical coverage includes Navier-Stokes equations and the finite element method. Mathematical Analysis: A Concise Introduction includes an extensive index and over 900 exercises ranging in level of difficulty, from conceptual questions and adaptations of proofs to proofs with and without hints. These opportunities for reinforcement, along with the overall concise and well-organized treatment of analysis, make this book essential for readers in upper-undergraduate or beginning graduate mathematics courses who would like to build a solid foundation in analysis for further work in all analysis-based branches of mathematics.
John Murray Press Finnish Tutor: Grammar and Vocabulary Workbook (Learn Finnish with Teach Yourself): Advanced beginner to upper intermediate course
Do you want to communicate easily and freely in Finnish?Master Finnish grammar and broaden your vocabulary with your very own Finnish Tutor. This contemporary interactive workbook features 200 activities across a range of grammar and vocabulary points with clear goals, concise explanations, and real-world tasks. By studying and practicing Finnish grammar you'll understand how the language really works and be able to speak Finnish with clarity and ease.What will I learn?The Finnish Tutor: Grammar and Vocabulary Workbook covers a comprehensive range of the most useful and frequent grammar and vocabulary in Finnish. You can follow along unit by unit, or dip in and dip out to address your weak areas. As you progress, you will be introduced to new vocabulary and combine it with the grammar to complete extensive exercises. You will then practice the language through authentic reading and writing practice. You will achieve a solid upper intermediate level* of Finnish grammar.Is this course for me?The Finnish Tutor: Grammar and Vocabulary Workbook can be used as a standalone course or as a complement to any other Finnish course. It offers extensive practice and review of essential grammar points and vocabulary and skills building. The personal tutor element points out exceptions and gives tips to really help you perfect your Finnish.What do I get?This Finnish workbook offers a range of clear and effective learning features:-200 activities across a range of grammar and vocabulary points-Unique visuals and infographics for extra context and practice-Personal tutor hints and tips to help you to understand language rules and culture points-Learn to learn section offers tips and advice on how to be a good language learner20 short learning units each contain:-communication goals to guide your studies-grammar explanations with extensive exercises-vocabulary presentations and activities-reading and writing sections to consolidate your learning*This workbook maps from Novice High to Advanced Mid level proficiency of ACTFL (American Council on Teaching Foreign Languages) and from A2 Beginner to B2 Upper Intermediate level of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) guidelines.What other courses are available?For further study and practice, see Complete Finnish: Teach Yourself (ISBN 9781444195224).Rely on Teach Yourself, trusted by language learners for over 75 years.
Emerald Publishing Limited UK Specification for Ground Investigation
The UK Specification for Ground Investigation provides best practice guidance for designing and executing good-quality ground investigations that will allow clients and land developers to manage the risks and help to reduce project time and costs. Ground investigations are an essential part of the design process for any structure and land condition assessment. They are used to validate the ground model, assess ground risk, obtain geotechnical data for design and geoenvironmental data for the assessment of the risk to human health. This book will help to protect construction professionals and clients, from unexpected ground conditions during construction. Updates in this edition take account of changes to health, safety and environmental legislation, numerous new British Standards and industry guidance. The UK Specification for Ground Investigation is essential for all ground practitioners involved in ground investigation, including geotechnical engineers, engineering geologists, environmental scientists, instrumentation and monitoring specialists, hydrogeologists and geophysicists, as well as specialists in other disciplines involved in specific investigations.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Professional Chef, Study Guide
"The bible for all chefs."—Paul Bocuse Named one of the five favorite culinary books of this decade by Food Arts magazine, The Professional Chef™ is the classic kitchen reference that many of America's top chefs have used to understand basic skills and standards for quality as well as develop a sense of how cooking works. Now, the ninth edition features an all-new, user-friendly design that guides readers through each cooking technique, starting with a basic formula, outlining the method at-a-glance, offering expert tips, covering each method with beautiful step-by-step photography, and finishing with recipes that use the basic techniques. The new edition also offers a global perspective and includes essential information on nutrition, food and kitchen safety, equipment, and product identification. Basic recipe formulas illustrate fundamental techniques and guide chefs clearly through every step, from mise en place to finished dishes. Includes an entirely new chapter on plated desserts and new coverage of topics that range from sous vide cooking to barbecuing to seasonality Highlights quick reference pages for each major cooking technique or preparation, guiding you with at-a-glance information answering basic questions and giving new insights with expert tips Features nearly 900 recipes and more than 800 gorgeous full-color photographs Covering the full range of modern techniques and classic and contemporary recipes, The Professional Chef, Ninth Edition is the essential reference for every serious cook.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc EVOS: EMS Vehicle Operator Safety
Ground ambulance crashes are the leading cause of work-related deaths for EMS professionals. In fact, NHTSA reported that from 2012 to 2018, nearly all ground ambulance crashes (92.6%) involved ambulance operator/driver error. Every year, thousands of emergency medical services (EMS) vehicle collisions cause significant property damage, injury, and death, underscoring the need for dedicated EMS vehicle operator training. To meet this need, the Jones & Bartlett Learning Public Safety Group partnered with the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) to develop a comprehensive course for EMS practitioners who operate ambulances and other emergency response vehicles. Now EMS Vehicle Operator Safety (EVOS), Second Edition, addresses the vehicle operations and transport safety knowledge gaps that lead to injury and death. Built on current research and featuring discussions of actual crashes and common driving scenarios—and the lessons that can be learned from them—it challenges emergency vehicle operators to learn how to arrive at a scene safely. The course manual profiles real-life incidents and provides practical safety strategies, emphasizing the critical safety principles that are needed to transform a culture of dangerous driving habits into a culture of safety. Incorporating the Latest Research The second edition incorporates valuable new research to make the text and NAEMT course the most current, comprehensive resource available to teach safe driving techniques for emergency vehicle operators today. Instructors will want to incorporate this new, evidence-based content into their training: - The lights and siren paradigm shift - How the increase in distracted drivers impacts emergency vehicle safety - Why Traffic Incident Management is essential now - Reconsidering the “golden hour” - How qualified field training officers make a difference in training effectiveness - The role of work-related fatigue in EMS and how to prevent it Promoting a Culture of Safety EMS Vehicle Operator Safety (EVOS), Second Edition, trains EMS providers to recognize the specific behaviors that must be changed to promote a culture of safe driving. Participants are taught to identify and remove hazards that lead to vehicle collisions, from sleep deprivation to technological distractions to alcohol and substance use. Participants learn practical strategies to reduce the risk of a collision, from defensive driving to vehicle positioning to use of lights and siren. The course also underscores the significance of local laws and regulations that govern EMS vehicle operation, and how standard operating procedures (SOPs) are central to shaping safe driver behavior. Additional course topics are also key: - Developing a safety-first attitude to ensure emergency vehicle operator safety, as well as partner, patient, and passenger safety - Distinguishing the types of laws that affect EMS vehicle operation, including considerations for responding to emergency and nonemergency calls - Taking appropriate precautions when performing specific vehicle maneuvers and when driving under various road and weather conditions - Performing daily vehicle inspections to manage mechanical issues - Practicing mental, emotional, and physical preparedness - Proactively avoiding vehicle crashes and how to respond if one occurs - Developing spatial awareness and practicing skill maneuvers in a driving skills course - Evaluating new and future developments in EMS technology - Utilizing simulation training to integrate knowledge learned during lectures with the technical abilities and judgment acquired through skills practice - Developing effective agency SOPs for key aspects of EMS vehicle operation Don’t miss your opportunity to dramatically increase emergency vehicle safety with evidence-based training from the leaders in trusted EMS instruction today. Dynamic Technology Solutions World-class content joins instructionally sound design in a user-friendly online interface to give instructors and participants a truly interactive and engaging learning experience with an eBook.
Oxford University Press Inc On Streisand: An Opinionated Guide
She said, "I became a singer because I couldn't get work as an actress," but Barbra Streisand not only became both but revolutionized the two professions. Her music transformed the smooth, uninflected style of the Frank Sinatras and Ella Fitzgeralds into an engine of dramatic vocalism in which each song is like a miniature three-act play. And Streisand's films changed forever the ideal of how a movie star chooses roles, going from musicals to dramas to comedies, from period fare to ultra-modern tales, from Funny Girl to The Way We Were to Yentl. mainstream show-business principal to deconstruct an artist On Streisand begins with a broad year-by-year outline of the landmark achievements and a few of her more whimsical escapades, as when Rex Reed apologizes for an oafish interview piece and she responds with "I had more respect for him when he hated me." This is followed by a long essay on how Streisand's idiosyncratic self-realization marks her as a unique national treasure, an artist without limits. Then comes the major part of the book, a work-by-work analysis. This section is broken down into separate chapters, each organized chronologically: the stage shows, then the television shows and concerts, then the movies, and last (because longest) the recordings. Throughout, Mordden follows Streisand's independence, which he sees as her central quality. Throughout all of the chapters on Streisand's shows, concerts, films, and recordings, Mordden illustrates how she was exercising individualistic control of her career from her very first audition, and how the rest of her professional life unfolded from that point. pioneered an intense and even passionate singing style at A book written by an opinionated expert whose prose is consistently full of flair and wit, On Streisand: An Opinionated Guide will appeal to general readers in all aspects of American life that Streisand has touched, from film to television to popular music to stardom. Ella Fitzgerald and Frank Sinatra. Further, like Dustin Hoffman and Jack Nicholson she was one of the new wave actors of the 1960s who broke away from the standard models for movie stars. But Streisand has much greater range than others of this kind, as comfortable in musical comedy as in serious drama. Thus, she has moved from the madcap roles of Hello, Dolly! and What's Up, Doc? to the tale of a young woman at war with patriarchal religious fundamentalism (in Yentl) and the insanity hearing of a prostitute who has killed (in self-defense) and whose parents want to put her away to keep her from revealing that her step-father has preyed on her sexually. Further, Streisand has directed three of her films, rare enough for an actor but perhaps especially for a woman. An American Original, Streisand is controversial as well, as all Originals are. Mediocrities may be dull, but they never get bad reviews; Streisand has irritated many a sensibility. As she herself has said, "I'm a liberal, opinionated Jewish feminist-I push a lot of buttons." There is as well the "I'm so wonderful" vanity that has haunted some of her later work, as when she records duets with the rich and famous but isolates herself from them, letting the editing of the tapes bring them together, as if she were an ice princess who might melt upon human contact. Streisand, as her own movie producer, has also been accused of recutting the director's final version to flatter her shots over those of her colleagues. And The Mirror Has Two Faces seems designed to let Streisand direct her own Cinderella tale, not unlike the old Hollywood romances in which the secretary takes off her glasses and the boss cries, "Miss Johnson!...Clarice... Why, you're... you're beautiful!" Nevertheless, Streisand has been, in all, an invigorating artist, not only unique but extraordinary. It would be impossible to imagine what American culture would have been like without her.
United Nations ADR applicable as from 1 January 2019: European agreement concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by road
The European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road is intended to increase the safety of international transport of dangerous goods by road. Regularly amended and updated since its entry into force, it contains the conditions under which dangerous goods may be carried internationally. This version has been prepared on the basis of amendments applicable as from 1 January 2019. It contains in particular new or revised provisions concerning transport of adsorbed gases; lithium batteries (including damaged or defective lithium batteries, lithium batteries for disposal or recycling); asymmetric capacitors; discarded packagings; ammonium nitrate and radioactive material; testing of gas cartridges and fuel cell cartridges; marking of bundles of cylinders; and the applicability of ISO standards to the manufacture of new pressure receptacles or service equipment
Simon & Schuster So Help Me God
The New York Times bestselling autobiography of former Vice President Mike Pence.Loyalty is a Vice President’s first duty; but there is a greater one—to God and the Constitution. Mike Pence spent more hours in the Oval Office than any of his predecessors. On the surface, the affable evangelical Christian from a gas-station-owning family in Indiana wouldn’t seem to have much in common with a brash real estate mogul from New York. But the unlikely duo formed a tight bond. Pence was at Donald Trump’s side when he enacted historic tax relief, when he decided to take more assertive stances toward China and North Korea, and when he appointed three Supreme Court justices. But the relationship broke down after the 2020 election. On January 6, 2021, as the president pressured him to overturn the election, a mob erected a gallows on Capitol Hill and its members chanted “Hang Mike Pence!” as they rampaged through the halls of Congress. The vice president refused to leave the Capitol, and once the riot was quelled, he reconvened Congress to complete the work of a peaceful transfer of power. So Help Me God is the chronicle of the events and people who forged Mike Pence’s character and led him to that historic moment. His father, a Korean War combat veteran, was a formidable influence, but so was the Indiana history professor who inspired his devotion to the Constitution. And it was in college and law school that he embraced his Christian faith and met the love of his life, Karen—the two pillars that support him every day. You will read how his early political career was full of missteps that humbled him and how, as a talk radio host, Pence found his voice and the path that led him to Congress, the governor’s office in Indiana, and back to Washington as vice president. This is the inside story of the Trump administration by its second highest official—what he said to the president and how he was tested. The relationship begins in Indiana, when Pence sees how Trump connects with working-class voters. After the election, the vice president comes to appreciate how Trump maintains that connection through unvarnished tweets and how his unorthodox style led to historic breakthroughs, from tax cuts to trade deals, from establishing the United States Space Force to the first new peace agreement in the Middle East in more than twenty-five years. This is the most robust defense of the Trump record of anyone who served in the administration. But it is also about the private moments when Pence pushed back forcefully, how he navigated through the Mueller investigation, his damage control after Charlottesville, and his work on healing racial rifts after the murder of George Floyd. Pence was at the forefront when “history showed up” in the form of a devastating pandemic, and he provides a detailed account of leading the task force that circumvented bureaucracies to slow the disease in its tracks. Yes, it sometimes involved brokering peace between a president with an itchy Twitter finger and an agitated New York governor, but above all, it meant giving states and America’s eager entrepreneurs the power to come up with the solutions we needed. The result was the fastest development of life-saving vaccines in history. In So Help Me God, Pence shows how the faith that he embraced as a young man guided his every decision. It is a faith that guided him on that historic day and that keeps him happily at peace, ready to accept the next challenge.
Human Kinetics Publishers History of Dance
History of Dance, Second Edition, offers readers a panoramic view of dance from prehistory to the present. The text covers the dance forms, designs, artists, costumes, performing spaces, and accompaniments throughout the centuries and around the globe. Its investigative approach engages students in assignments and web projects that reinforce the learning from the text, and its ancillaries for both teachers and students make it easy for students to perceive, create, and respond to the history of dance. New to This EditionHistory of Dance retains its strong foundations from the first edition while adding these new and improved features: • An instructor guide with media literacy assignments, teaching tips, strategies for finding historical videos, and more • A test bank with hundreds of questions for creating tests and quizzes • A presentation package with hundreds of slides that present key points and graphics • A web resource with activities, extensions of chapter content, annotated links to useful websites, and study aids • Developing a Deeper Perspective assignments that encourage students to use visual or aesthetic scanning, learn and perform period dances, observe and write performance reports, develop research projects and WebQuests (Internet-based research projects), and participate in other learning activities • Experiential learning activities that help students dig deeper into the history of dance, dancers, and significant dance works and literature • Eye-catching full-color interior that adds visual appeal and brings the content to life Also new to this edition is a chapter entitled “Global Interactions: 2000–2016,” which examines dance in the 21st century. Resources and Activities The web resources and experiential learning activities promote student-centered learning and help students develop critical thinking and investigative skills.Teachers can use the experiential learning activities as extended projects to help apply the information and to use technology to make the history of dance more meaningful. Three PartsHistory of Dance is presented in three parts. Part I covers early dance history, beginning with prehistoric times and moving through ancient civilizations in Greece, Crete, Egypt, and Rome and up to the Renaissance. Part II explores dance from the Renaissance to the 20th century, including a chapter on dance in the United States from the 17th through 19th centuries. Part III unfolds the evolution of American dance from the 20th century to the present, examining imported influences, emerging modern dance and ballet, and new directions for both American ballet and modern dance. Chapters Each chapter focuses on the dancers and choreographers, the dances, and significant dance works and literature from the time period. Students will learn how dance design has changed through the ages and how new dance genres, forms, and styles have emerged and continue to emerge. The chapters also include special features, such as History Highlight sidebars and Time Capsule charts, to help students placee dancers, events, and facts in their proper context and perspective. Vocabulary words appear at the end of each chapter, as do questions that prompt review of the chapter’s important information. The text is reader-friendly and current, and it is supported by the national standards in dance, arts education, social studies, and technology education. Through History of Dance, students will acquire a well-rounded view of dance from the dawn of time to the present day. This influential text offers students a foundation for understanding and a springboard for studying dance in the 21st century.
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc Quick and Easy Air Fryer Cookbook: 100 Keto Friendly Recipes to Cook in Your Air Fryer: Volume 8
Combining a favorite diet with a clean way to cook, the Quick & Easy Air Fryer Cookbook brings delicious keto recipes to an appliance that seems like it was made specifically for it. Organized by favorite types of dishes (Breakfast, Sides, and Desserts) and Star Ingredients (Chicken, Pork, Vegetables) in such a way that discovering your new favorite recipes are only a turn of the page away. Each recipe is complete with keto macros to assist the health-conscious easily find out their percentages of proteins, calories, net carbs, total fat, trans fats, and fiber they consume with each meal. While this book is an excellent addition to the culinary library of keto or air fryer aficionados, introductions to both the keto diet and the air fryer make this a great pick for beginners as well. If you haven’t already heard about what a keto diet is, it involves a diet made predominantly of proteins and excludes carbohydrates. It’s named keto after the raised ketone levels in the blood that curb appetite and increase fat burning. A keto diet comes with strict guidelines, and through air frying your food, you’ll be left with a delectable meal free of any complex carbohydrates and full of flavor. These easy, fast, step-by-step instructions accompanied with mouth-watering photography throughout, are an excellent source of inspiration and portal to delicious weekday dinners as well as quick recipes for easy entertaining. Air fried dinners are quick and tasty, making them a prime choice for families that are on the go and busy working singles as well. By catering to your keto lifestyle and your love for the air fryer, you no longer have to sacrifice health, time, or taste to get a delicious dinner. Along with delicious recipes that stand on their own, separate sections of key keto staples to build out your own recipes, are included in the back of the book. Crumb coating to add a crispy crunch to any recipe is ideal for air frying and can inspire new keto-friendly recipes. Recipes for sweet and savory keto doughs for when you want to treat yourself to a nostalgic pre-diet craving. Not to mention some of the delicious keto-friendly sauces that will please just about everyone, such as: Korean Gochujang Coconut Curry Peanut Sauce General Tso Sauce Tikki Marsala Sauce Tzatziki Sauce Teriyaki Marinade Additional delicious, crowd-pleasing recipes are bound to be instant favorites. Recipes such as: French Toast Egg Loaf Avocado Fries Flank Steak with Chimichurri Chicken Crust Pizza Cajun Shrimp Cheddar and Chive Cauli-tots Jalapeno Popper Zucchini Boat Cheesecake Hand Pie Treat yourself to these crispy, keto, air-fried delights in the Quick & Easy Air Fryer Cookbook. Discover today’s top trending health and wellness topics with the Everyday Wellbeing series from Chartwell Books. From smart eating habits to personal growth advice, these engaging lifestyle guides give you the expert tips and life hacks you need to help you make good choices while practicing mindfulness and self-love. Whether you want to explore cooking with new ingredients like adaptogens and CBD, or make it a priority to incorporate self-care into your daily routine, these brightly colored take-along handbooks have the tools you need to succeed. Other titles in the series include: The Celery Juice Cookbook, Adaptogens, The CBD Handbook, The Complete Guide to Self-Care, Air Fryer Instant Pot Cookbook, and The Plant-Based Cookbook.
Oxford University Press A Featural Typology of Bantu Agreement
This is an open access title available under the terms of a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence. It is free to read at Oxford Scholarship Online and offered as a free PDF download from OUP and selected open access locations. This book explores variation in Bantu subject and object marking on the basis of data from 75 Bantu languages. It specifically addresses the question of which features are involved in agreement and nominal licensing, and examines how parametric variation in those features accounts for the settings and patterns that are attested crosslinguistically. Jenneke van der Wal proposes a novel syntactic analysis that takes into account not only phi agreement, but also nominal licensing and information structure. A Person feature, associated with animacy, definiteness, or givenness, is shown to be responsible for differential object agreement, while at the same time accounting for doubling vs. non-doubling object marking - a hybrid solution to a long-standing debate. In addition, low functional heads are assumed to be able to Case-license flexibly downwards or upwards, depending on the relative topicality of the two arguments involved. This accounts for the properties of symmetric object marking in ditransitives and for subject inversion constructions. The correlations between the proposed featural parameters reveal new striking patterns that provide evidence in favour of an emergentist view of features and parameters and against both Strong Uniformity and Strong Modularity.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Applied Building Physics: Ambient Conditions, Functional Demands and Building Part Requirements (Package: Print + ebook)
While the first volume on building physics deals with the physical principles of heat, air and moisture behaviour of buildings, building structures and components, this second volume on applied building physics focuses on the question of what the desired performance of buildings consists of. To achieve this, knowledge of the external environmental effects and the internal live loads to which buildings are subjected is a necessary first step. Subsequently, the performance requirements and the physical correspondences are deepened with the determination of their physical parameters, at the levels of buildings, building structures and building components. Compared to the second edition, the discussion of criteria is not limited to thermal comfort, but also includes acoustic, visual and olfactory aspects. Likewise, the indoor air quality is considered in a broader way. Analyses and calculations result in sustainable buildings with a comfortable indoor climate from functional and durable building constructions. Compared to the second edition, the text for the third edition has been reorganised, corrected, revised and expanded where appropriate. A useful appendix for quick reference contains standard values of material properties for a wide range of building materials. The analyses and calculations described in this book result in sustainable buildings made of functional and durable building constructions, with comfortable and healthy indoor climate and air quality. Compared to the second edition the text in this third edition has been reshuffled, corrected, reworked and extended where appropriate.
New York University Press The Untold Story of Shields Green: The Life and Death of a Harper's Ferry Raider
Explores the life of Shields Green, one of the Black men who followed John Brown to Harper’s Ferry in 1859 When John Brown decided to raid the federal armory in Harper’s Ferry as the starting point of his intended liberation effort in the South, some closest to him thought it was unnecessary and dangerous. Frederick Douglass, a pioneering abolitionist, refused Brown’s invitation to join him in Virginia, believing that the raid on the armory was a suicide mission. Yet in front of Douglass, “Emperor” Shields Green, a fugitive from South Carolina, accepted John Brown’s invitation. When the raid failed, Emperor was captured with the rest of Brown’s surviving men and hanged on December 16, 1859. “Emperor” Shields Green was a critical member of John Brown’s Harper’s Ferry raiders but has long been overlooked. Louis DeCaro, Jr., a veteran scholar of John Brown, presents the first effort to tell Emperor’s story based upon extensive research, restoring him to his rightful place in this fateful raid at the origin of the American Civil War. Starting from his birth in Charleston, South Carolina, Green’s life as an abolitionist freedom-fighter, whose passion for the liberation of his people outweighed self-preservation, is extensively detailed in this compact history. In The Untold Story of Shields Green, Emperor pushes back against racism and injustice and stands in his rightful place as an antislavery figure alongside Frederick Douglass and John Brown.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Working With Influence: Nine principles of persuasion to accelerate your career
An engaging guide on how to develop and hone your professional communication and influencing skills in the digital age In a world where human interactions and behaviour are more pivotal than ever to business success, Working With Influence sets out nine easy-to-apply principles, based on robust behavioural science, for influencing people and outcomes in both physical and digital working scenarios. It provides ambitious professionals with a set of actionable principles which will help them kick-start, accelerate or transform their careers. Technology has redefined almost every job and is becoming the primary medium through which we interact with colleagues and clients – this book provides crucial insights into how you can influence others and stand out in this new digital landscape. With the hugely competitive and unpredictable nature of the job market and the unstable economy, it is more important than ever to improve your communication skills and broader qualitative skillset to ensure a prosperous career in the 21st century. This book’s insightful principles are drawn from first-hand research findings and behavioural science data. Each chapter includes a wide range of relevant, applied workplace examples, as well as tools to help readers build their own action plans. Packed with practical guidance and psychological research, Working With Influence is the modern guide for anyone looking to improve their communication, networking and drive in business.
Taylor & Francis Inc Industrial Combustion Testing
Until now, anyone conducting industrial combustion tests had to either rely on old methods, go scurrying through the literature to find proven applicable methodologies, or hire top-shelf consultants such as those that work for cutting-edge companies like John Zink. Manufacturers can no longer take industrial combustion for granted. Air and noise pollution standards must be met, and today no one can afford the inefficient use of fuel. Drawing on three decades of experience, Charles Baukal Jr. is not only aware of the best methods but is responsible for designing and implementing a number of them, owning 11 patents of his own, as well as having hundreds of articles to his credit. Providing busy engineers with a convenient reference that gives them state-of-the-art techniques without having to cull through the literature, this practical compendium: Demonstrates how to conduct meaningful experiments with industrial scale combustion equipment Illustrates a number of methods through case studies Includes detailed pictures, figures, graphs, and tables, to explain processes and make sense of the data Presents valuable information on advanced diagnostics, burner and flare testing, and testing in combustors, including techniques for a variety of kilns, furnaces, and boilers Written to make better practioners out of academicians and better scholars out of hands-on engineers, this unique volume teaches academics how to work at the large scales associated with industrial combustion, while also teaching engineers the rigorous approach needed for successful modeling.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Sleep: A Comprehensive Handbook
A unique resource on sleep medicine Written by contemporary experts from around the world, Sleep: A Comprehensive Handbook covers the entire field of sleep medicine. Taking a novel approach, the text features both syndrome- and patient-oriented coverage, making it ideally suited for both clinical use and academic study. Sleep: A Comprehensive Handbook begins with a brief introduction to the basic science of sleep, from neurobiology to physiologic processes. This leads into sections offering comprehensive coverage of insomnia, sleep apnea, narcolepsy, parasomnias, movement disorders, and much more. Sleep and related disorders are also discussed, followed by chapters on considerations for special patient groups. Special materials for practitioners include a sample interview and questionnaire as well as a chapter on operating and managing a sleep center. The text concludes with discussions of sleep assessment methods such as polysomnography, actigraphy, and video EEG monitoring. With full coverage of over 100 key topics in sleep medicine, Sleep: A Comprehensive Handbook offers the most practical, thorough, yet handy resource available on adult and pediatric sleep medicine. Praise from the reviews: " other publication in the field can begin to compare with the breadth or depth of the 'Handbook'...I cannot imagine a functioning sleep disorders clinic without at least one copy on standby as a ready reference." PscyCRITIQUES "Sleep: A Comprehensive Handbook is a first-rate textbook with concise, up-to-date information covering a wide range of subjects pertinent to the practice of sleep medicine." DOODY'S HEALTH SERVICES
Pelagic Publishing Bat Roosts in Rock: A Guide to Identification and Assessment for Climbers, Cavers & Ecology Professionals
This guide provides descriptions of when the bat species resident in Britain and Ireland use natural and human-made rock habitats, how they use them, and the environments each species occupies therein. For the first time it brings together findings from historical scientific investigations, useful photographic accounts and open-access biological records, along with a rich seam of new data – all in a practical and user-friendly structure. The book encompasses: ~ Descriptions of the features that a climber, caver or professional ecologist might encounter on and in rock habitats where bats roost. ~ Recording criteria for both the physical and environmental attributes of different features and situations. ~ Identification of suitability thresholds against which the recorded information can be compared to assess the likelihood that a specific feature might be exploited by a particular bat species. ~ Suggestions for how to avoid mistakes and difficulties when performing a survey. The intention is that using this book will help generate standardised biological records which can feed into the fully accessible online database at These data will be analysed to search for patterns that can increase the confidence in the suitability thresholds and help build roost features that deliver the environment each species really needs. As well as offering many new insights, this book allows the reader to participate in cutting-edge research.
Zaffre Rites of Spring: Sunday Times Crime Book of the Month
The first thrilling standalone crime novel from the international number one bestseller and Sweden's answer to Val McDermid, Anders de la Motte.'Enthralling...De la Motte juxtaposes the horrors of war with age-old superstitions to superb effect' Joan Smith, Sunday TimesSouthern Sweden: Beautiful countryside, endless forests, coastal walks, dark days - and even darker nights. But beneath the beauty lies a dark heart . . .Skåne, 1986: On the night of Walpurgis, the eve of May Day, where bonfires are lit to ward off evil spirits and preparations are made to celebrate the renewal of spring, a sixteen-year-old girl is ritualistically murdered in the woods beside a castle. Her stepbrother is convicted of the terrible deed and shortly after, the entire family vanishes without a trace.Spring, 2019: Dr Thea Lind moves into the castle. After making a strange discovery in an ancient oak tree on the grounds, her fascination with the old tragedy deepens. As she uncovers more and more similarities between her own troubled past and the murdered girl, she begins to believe that the real truth of the killing was never uncovered.What if the spring of 1986 claimed more than one victim?'A mesmerising amalgam of creepy folklore, festering secrets, dark truths and a damp and mouldering Scandinavian landscape rendered so dark and brooding that is becomes a principal player in this slow-burn, addictive tale' Lancashire Evening Post
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Willensunfreiheit und Schuldvorwurf
Rolf Dietrich Herzberg begründet im ersten Teil seine deterministische Überzeugung. Wie alles in der Welt, was verursachen kann, ist auch der Mensch dem Kausalitätsgesetz unterworfen. Kein Mensch kann sich anders entscheiden und anders handeln, als er es tatsächlich tut. Für diese Erkenntnis sind neue Beobachtungen der Hirnforschung ohne Belang. Der Mensch hat die Freiheit, sich so zu entscheiden, wie er sich entscheidet, und so zu handeln, wie er handelt. Sein Charakter und die Motivationslage machen ihm das eine Wollen unmöglich und geben ihm in die andere Richtung freie Bahn, einen Willen zu bilden. Diese vom Autor sog. "kleine Willensfreiheit" ist es, was dem Menschen das vielberufene Gefühl der Freiheit verschafft. Der zweite Teil bestätigt die Überzeugung, dass das Fehlen von Wahlfreiheit die Verantwortlichkeit des Menschen nicht berührt. Soweit Entscheidungen, Handlungen und Versäumnisse auf den Charakter des Menschen zurückzuführen sind, verdienen sie Lob oder Tadel, unabhängig von der Frage, ob er auch anders gekonnt hätte. Der dritte Teil befasst sich mit dem strafrechtlichen Ausschluss der Verantwortung durch die einzelnen Schuldregeln, insbesondere § 20 StGB. Er wendet sich gegen die übliche Annahme, dass es für den strafrechtlichen Schuldvorwurf auf die Entscheidungsfreiheit ankomme und dass das Gesetz sie dem Täter im Sinne einer "normativen Setzung" grundsätzlich zuschreibe. Der Autor bestätigt vielmehr den wahren Standpunkt des Gesetzes, dass das Schuldstrafrecht auch mit einem deterministischen Menschenbild vereinbar sei. Die Schuld im Sinne des Strafrechts ist nicht schon dann zu verneinen, wenn die Deterministen recht haben, sondern sie ist es nur dann und immer dann, wenn die Voraussetzungen einer gesetzlichen Schuldverneinung erfüllt sind.
Archaeopress 3D Delineation: A modernisation of drawing methodology for field archaeology
A recent trend concerning archaeological research has focused on producing a real-time methodology for 3D digital models as archaeological documentation within the excavation setting. While such methodologies have now firmly been established, what remains is to examine how 3D models can be integrated more fully alongside other forms of archaeological documentation. This work explored one avenue by developing a method that combines the interpretative power of traditional archaeological drawings and the realistic visualisation capacity of 3D digital models. An experiment was initiated during archaeological excavations at Uppåkra, Sweden where photographic data was captured to produce 3D digital models through Photoscan. These models were geospatially located within ESRI’s 3D GIS ArcScene where shapefile editing tools were used to draw overtop of their surfaces in three-dimensions. All drawings closely followed the single context method of drawing, were allotted context numbers, and given descriptive geodatabase attributes. This methodology resulted in the further integration of 3D models alongside other forms of archaeological documentation. The drawings increased the communicative powers of archaeological interpretation by enabling the information to be disseminated in a 3D environment alongside other formats of data that would have otherwise been disconnected in 2D space. Finally, the database attributes permitted the drawings complete integration within the geodatabase, thereby making them available for query and other analytical procedures. Archaeological information is three-dimensional; therefore, archaeologists must begin to approach documentation bearing this in mind. This technique has demonstrated that 3D models are a fluidic form of documentation allowing for accurate preservation of archaeology while enabling new forms of data to be derived all within a limited amount of time. Archaeologists must begin to affect change towards embracing 3D models and their associated applications as a standard tool within the excavator’s toolbox.
Hal Leonard Corporation Video Games FAQ: All That's Left to Know About Games and Gaming Culture
As their prominence in the news cycle ä from Gamergate to the burgeoning smartphone market to the VR realm and beyond ä would indicate video games and gaming have rocketed from a fairly fringe existence to a central position in the everyday lives of millions. Whether you're a casual reader with an interest in the subject or an experienced gamer scrounging for obscure facts and stories Mark Wolf's Ê Video Games FAQ: All That's Left to Know About Games and Gaming CultureÊ is an indispensable resource touching on all aspects of this techno-cultural phenomenon. Wolf's info-dense account traces video games from their earliest renditions as blocky abstractions to the photorealistic worlds of the present day exploring the games systems technologies companies and inventors who transformed a novelty into a worldwide industry and major imaginative force along the way. In lively prose intended for a general audience the book examines the many ways video games have entered our lives impacted popular culture and evolved through innovations and technological advances. More than just a history this book which can be read from cover-to-cover or a stand-alone chapter at a time is also packed with fun thought-provoking video game trivia touching on the origins of handheld games the first first-person shooting games famous characters named after a landlord and an attorney the birth of third-party development and the best and worst selling systems of all time. Whether discussing the pedigrees of games and systems sequels franchises and series the console wars the home computer revolution or leading companies and their strategies ÊVideo Games FAQÊ serves as a fascinating concise and comprehensive window into the past present and future of video games and everything connected with them.
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers The Psychotherapist's Interventions: Integrating Psychodynamic Perspectives in Clinical Practice
This book, which focuses on the psychotherapist's interventions, presents the basic critical activity of the therapist. It applies two predominant paradigms–conflict and deficit–in the treatment of a wide range of patients. The therapist must address and deal with conflictual concomitants as well as developmental derailments because the patient is a product of both. Excerpts of verbatim dialogue are offered to articulate the course of psychotherapeutic interaction as a successive series of co-created communications. Explicit commentaries, interwoven throughout the text, inform the reader of the practitioner's rationale for the particular stand taken (for better or worse) at each moment of the therapeutic process. They provide an intimate vehicle through which to listen to, and understand, the clinician's inner voice during the real-life practice of psychotherapy. Pathology and practice reside on a continuum. Conflict theory does not apply solely to the neuroses, nor does object relations apply only to borderline disorders, and self theory need not be reserved for narcissistic disturbances. The hysterical patient can have ego deficits as well as sexual conflicts; similarly, the depressive patient can show self deficiencies as well as unresolved conflictual problems. Moreover, conflicts are not necessarily restricted to oedipal phases nor deficits to preoedipal ones. Dr. Karasu delineates a clinical approach by which psychotherapy can be geared toward remedying both the underlying psychological deficits (lacks) and the conflicts (wishes/fears) in the progressive maturation and adaptation of an individual. He effectively integrates the major psychodynamic models. No single school can meet the needs of the practitioner in interaction with all patients. Psychotherapy practice for the future will be based on the individual patient's developmental pathology and problems, deficits and conflicts, defenses and compromise formations, unfulfilled needs and unfinished tasks, as well as the level of adaptation and
Thomas Nelson Publishers El príncipe Caspian
Narnia... la tierra entre el farol y el castillo de Cair Paravel, donde los animales hablan, donde ocurren cosas mágicas...y donde comienza la aventura.Peter, Susan, Edmund y Lucy van de regreso al internado y se encuentran en una lúgubre estación de tren cuando reciben el llamado (del propio cuerno mágico de Susan) para regresar a Narnia, la tierra donde gobernaron como reyes y reinas y donde se necesita de su ayuda urgentemente.Por primera vez, el lenguaje de los siete libros clásicos ha sido adaptado para el lector latinoamericano y editado para garantizar la coherencia de los nombres, personajes, lugares y acontecimientos dentro del universo de Narnia. Además, presentan las cubiertas e ilustraciones originales de Pauline Barnes.Aunque forma parte de una saga, este es un libro independiente. Si quieres descubrir más sobre Narnia, puedes leer La travesía del Viajero del Alba, el quinto libro de Las crónicas de Narnia.Prince CaspianNarnia...the land between the bluff and the castle of Cair Paravel, where animals talk, where magical things happen...and where the adventure begins.Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy are on their way back to boarding school and find themselves in a dreary train station when they receive the call (from Susan's own magic horn) to return to Narnia, the land where they ruled as kings and queens and where their help is urgently needed.For the first time, the language of the seven classic books has been adapted for the Latin American reader and edited to ensure consistency of names, characters, places and events within the Narnia universe. In addition, they feature the original covers and illustrations by Pauline Barnes.Although it is part of a saga, this is a stand-alone book. If you want to discover more about Narnia, you can read The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, the fifth book of The Chronicles of Narnia.
Texas Christian University Press,U.S. Jim Courtright of Fort Worth: His Life and Legend
Timothy Isaiah ""Longhair Jim"" Courtright operated on both sides of the law and became a legend in his lifetime and after his death. One of the most colorful characters from the wild and woolly days of Fort Worth's Hell's Half Acre, Courtright was at various times city marshal, deputy sheriff, deputy U.S. marshal, private detective, hired killer, and racketeer. Today, he is almost forgotten, either as a gunfighter or a lawman, except in Fort Worth. Little is known about Courtright's early life, though he apparently served in the Union army during the Civil War, But when he arrived in the West, Courtright seemed to attract trouble. He was involved in a shootout during the 1886 railroad strikes and was accused of murder in New Mexico. Deputies were sent to Fort Worth to escort him to New Mexico to stand trial. His escape from them, complete with guns hidden under a restaurant table, is one of Fort Worth's most colorful stories. Finally, he was killed in a shootout that he apparently provoked with gambler and gunman Luke Short. To this day nobody is sure what provoked that feud, but Courtright was honored with the longest funeral procession Fort Worth had ever seen. The myth of Courtright as legendary gunfighter was built in two previous biographies - one by a novelist and the other by a Franciscan priest. After exhaustive research into contemporary newspapers and other accounts and close study of the previous two books, historian Robert K. DeArment deconstructs the myth of Longhair Jim and reconstructs the gunfighter as a real human being, complex, flawed, often courageous, usually both honorable and dishonorable. This book is a must for all those interested in the legends of the West, its lawmen, and its outlaws.
University of Virginia Press Lincoln's Dilemma: Blair, Sumner, and the Republican Struggle over Racism and Equality in the Civil War Era
The Civil War forced America finally to confront the contradiction between its founding values and human slavery. At the center of this historic confrontation was Abraham Lincoln. By the time this Illinois politician had risen to the office of president, the dilemma of slavery had expanded to the question of all African Americans’ future. In this fascinating new book Paul Escott considers the evolution of the president’s thoughts on race in relation to three other, powerful – and often conflicting – voices.Lincoln’s fellow Republicans Charles Sumner and Montgomery Blair played crucial roles in the shaping of their party. While both Sumner and Blair were opposed to slavery, their motivations reflected profoundly different approaches to the issue. Blair’s antislavery stance stemmed from a racist dedication to remove African Americans from the country altogether. Sumner, in contrast, opposed slavery as a crusader for racial equality and a passionate abolitionist. Lincoln maintained close personal relationships with both men as he wrestled with the slavery question. In addition to these antislavery voices, Escott also weaves into his narrative the other extreme, of which Lincoln was politically aware: the virulent racism and hierarchical values that motivated not only the Confederates but surprisingly many Northerners and which were embodied by the president’s eventual assassin, John Wilkes Booth.Sumner, Blair, and violent racists like Booth each represent forces with which Lincoln had to contend as he presided over a brutal civil war and faced the issues of slavery and equality lying at its root. Other books and films have provided glimpses of the atmosphere in which the president created his Emancipation Proclamation. Lincoln’s Dilemma evokes more fully and brings to life the men Lincoln worked with, and against, as he moved racial equality forward.
Simon & Schuster Self Matters: Creating Your Life from the Inside Out
In Self Matters, Dr. Phillip C. McGraw helps you to demystify your self-concept, and learn how to reclaim your authentic self.What if there is a You that has never seen the light of day, has never got to say, "Hey, what about me?" What if there is a You that you have never even met and certainly never permitted to just be, without fear of judgment or condemnation? What if you live your life on the sidelines in constant fear of failing to please those who forever seem to stand in judgment of you and your life? What if you discovered that you had settled for what life has served up instead of what you really wanted and needed? What if you really think and feel things you have never allowed to come out, and certainly never acted on? What if your marriage is not at all what you really emotionally want and need, but you silently stay the course anyway, selling out your hope to be happy? What if you are allowing days to turn into weeks and weeks to turn into months and months to turn into years, all adding up to a lifetime of being what some nameless, faceless world has assigned you to be? If any of these "What ifs" are true, then it's time to step back and reevaluate your life. There's some good news and bad news. The bad news is you are making the choices that have put you in this life circumstance; the good news is you are making the choices that have put you in this life circumstance. Now is the time to make the biggest choice of your life. Through Self Matters, Dr. Phil will help you do just that.
James Clarke & Co Ltd Doctor of Souls: Leslie D. Weatherhead 1893-1976
During the period after the Second World War, in which English Protestant non-conformity declined rapidly, a handful of exceptional names stand out, and one of the most remarkable was that of the Methodist minister Leslie Dixon Weatherhead. Both through his ministry at the City Temple, in the heart of London, and more generally through the massive sales of his books, Dr Weatherhead became a dominant figure, with an influence far beyond the British Isles. That the City Temple, a Congregationalist church, was widely seen at the time as the greatest English Free Church pulpit, ensured him a wide audience, while the quality of his preaching, combining emotional and intellectual power, wit and eloquence, won him admirers among all the churches, and led to offers from a number of American and Canadian universities and congregations, as well as numerous honorary degrees from British and American universities. Despite his Congregationalist call, he remained a Methodist minister, and indeed became President of the Methodist Conference. Perhaps even more important was that he was one of the earliest to recognise the value of the applications for the clergy of the insights of Freud and Jung. His seventy-odd publications, of which The Christian Agnostic and Psychology, Religion and Healing were the most influential, bring out not only the theological liberalism that made him suspect in some circles, but also his understanding of the value of healing and of psychological insights. The result was that his lay theology had a vast following. Although three other books have appeared about Weatherhead since his death, John Travell's explores all aspects of his life and portrays his historical, religious and theological context in greater depth.
Rocky Nook The Complete Guide to Food Photography: How to Light, Compose, Style, and Edit Mouth-Watering Food Photographs
The must-have guidebook for creating great food photographs! The Complete Guide to Food Photography is a visually stunning, eminently useful, and comprehensive resource for creating fantastic food photographs. In this book, professional food photographer Lauren Short teaches you her entire image-making process, as she covers lighting, composition, styling, storytelling, editing, and processing great food photographs. In the first part of the book, Lauren covers the core concepts, where you ll learn: How to work with both natural and artificial light (as well as modifiers) The tools, guides, and rules of composition for food photography Techniques, tips, and tricks for styling your food so it looks its best How to build a story with the use of backgrounds, props, and other supporting elements Processing, retouching, and compositing techniques to finish your image. Additionally, Lauren explains the why behind her creative decisions. By understanding her decision-making process and walking through her problem solving techniques, you ll become better equipped to make informed creative decisions so you can excel at food photography, no matter what scenarios you encounter. In the second part of the book, Lauren walks you through multiple case studies of complete, start-to-finish shoots so that you can see every aspect of her image making process and understand how it all comes together. Each case study also includes a link to a full video for each shoot so that you can easily follow along. Filled with beautiful imagery as well as behind-the-scenes photos and helpful diagrams, The Complete Guide to Food Photography is a must-have for any food photographer looking to create images that stand out from the crowd.
Thieme Medical Publishers Inc Handbook of Pediatric Orthopaedics
User-friendly pediatric orthopaedic surgery reference distills clinical practice into essential facts! This third edition of Handbook of Pediatric Orthopaedics by the renowned Paul Sponseller builds on prior editions with recent updates and treatment guidelines on pediatric bone and joint disorders. This compact handbook is a succinct, how-to manual covering a diverse spectrum of pediatric orthopaedic procedures. The book is organized by nine chapters, six of which are dedicated to specific disorder categories. An introductory chapter on anatomy and normal childhood development features norms for osseous and motor development, innervation, growth patterns, predictions, and new guidelines for assessing growth at the pelvis, foot, and hand. Expanded content on skeletal growth, development, and systemic disorders and skeletal syndromes reflects the latest knowledge, such as imaging parameters, clinical treatment standards, and an algorithm for DDH treatment. Cutting-edge advances in the treatment of cerebral palsy, myelodsplasia, and spinal muscular atrophy are detailed in the chapter dedicated to neuromuscular disorders. Pediatric trauma content includes important updates on forearm and femur fractures, an outlined approach to each fracture, and a diagram showing how to reduce each type of Monteggia fracture. Key Features A how-to bulleted guide that walks readers through common procedures including blocks, traction, special casts, aspiration, and arthrograms Height and weight multipliers, bone age diagrams, a Lenke classification chart, and the most common lab values are handy clinical references for day-to-day practice Clear, concise drawings, bulleted text, charts, graphs, and diagrams enhance clinical understanding This is a must-have orthopaedic surgery manual for orthopaedic residents, fellows, and practitioners who treat childhood musculoskeletal disorders. Its compact size also makes it an ideal lab coat companion for medical students during orthopaedic rotations.
University of Minnesota Press The Birth of Computer Vision
A revealing genealogy of image-recognition techniques and technologies Today’s most advanced neural networks and sophisticated image-analysis methods come from 1950s and ’60s Cold War culture—and many biases and ways of understanding the world from that era persist along with them. Aerial surveillance and reconnaissance shaped all of the technologies that we now refer to as computer vision, including facial recognition. The Birth of Computer Vision uncovers these histories and finds connections between the algorithms, people, and politics at the core of automating perception today.James E. Dobson reveals how new forms of computerized surveillance systems, high-tech policing, and automated decision-making systems have become entangled, functioning together as a new technological apparatus of social control. Tracing the development of a series of important computer-vision algorithms, he uncovers the ideas, worrisome military origins, and lingering goals reproduced within the code and the products based on it, examining how they became linked to one another and repurposed for domestic and commercial uses. Dobson includes analysis of the Shakey Project, which produced the first semi-autonomous robot, and the impact of student protest in the early 1970s at Stanford University, as well as recovering the computer vision–related aspects of Frank Rosenblatt’s Perceptron as the crucial link between machine learning and computer vision.Motivated by the ongoing use of these major algorithms and methods, The Birth of Computer Vision chronicles the foundations of computer vision and artificial intelligence, its major transformations, and the questionable legacy of its origins. Cover alt text: Two overlapping circles in cream and violet, with black background. Top is a printed circuit with camera eye; below a person at a 1977 computer.
Cornell University Press Our Unions, Our Selves: The Rise of Feminist Labor Unions in Japan
In Our Unions, Our Selves, Anne Zacharias-Walsh provides an in-depth look at the rise of women-only unions in Japan, an organizational analysis of the challenges these new unions face in practice, and a firsthand account of the ambitious, occasionally contentious, and ultimately successful international solidarity project that helped to spark a new feminist labor movement. In the early 1990s, as part of a larger wave of union reform efforts in Japan, women began creating their own women-only labor unions to confront long-standing gender inequality in the workplace and in traditional enterprise unions. These new unions soon discovered that the demand for individual assistance and help at the bargaining table dramatically exceeded the rate at which the unions could recruit and train members to meet that demand. Within just a few years, women-only unions were proving to be both the most effective option women had for addressing problems on the job and in serious danger of dying out because of their inability to grow their organizational capacity. Zacharias-Walsh met up with Japanese women’s unions at a critical moment in their struggle to survive. Recognizing the benefits of a cross-national dialogue, they teamed up to host a multiyear international exchange project that brought together U.S. and Japanese activists and scholars to investigate the links between organizational structure and the day-to-day problems nontraditional unions face, and to develop Japan-specific participatory labor education as a way to organize and empower new generations of members. They also gained valuable insights into the fine art of building and maintaining the kinds of collaborative, cross border relationships that are essential to today’s social justice movements, from global efforts to save the environment to the Fight for $15 and Black Lives Matter.
New York University Press Domestic Workers of the World Unite!: A Global Movement for Dignity and Human Rights
From grassroots to global activism, the untold story of the world's first domestic workers' movement. Domestic workers exist on the margins of the world labor market. Maids, nannies, housekeepers, au pairs, and other care workers are most often ‘off the books,’ working for long hours and low pay. They are not afforded legal protections or benefits such as union membership, health care, vacation days, and retirement plans. Many women who perform these jobs are migrants, and are oftentimes dependent upon their employers for room and board as well as their immigration status, creating an extremely vulnerable category of workers in the growing informal global economy. Drawing on over a decade’s worth of research, plus interviews with a number of key movement leaders and domestic workers, Jennifer N. Fish presents the compelling stories of the pioneering women who, while struggling to fight for rights in their own countries, mobilized transnationally to enact change. The book takes us to Geneva, where domestic workers organized, negotiated, and successfully received the first-ever granting of international standards for care work protections by the United Nations’ International Labour Organization. This landmark victory not only legitimizes the importance of these household laborers’ demands for respect and recognition, but also signals the need to consider human rights as a central component of workers’ rights. Domestic Workers of the World Unite! chronicles how a group with so few resources could organize and act within the world’s most powerful international structures and give voice to the wider global plight of migrants, women, and informal workers. For anyone with a stake in international human and workers’ rights, this is a critical and inspiring model of civil society organizing.
New York University Press The Coffin Ship: Life and Death at Sea during the Great Irish Famine
Choice Outstanding Academic Title 2022 Honorable Mention, Theodore Saloutos Book Award, given by the Immigration and Ethnic History Society A vivid, new portrait of Irish migration through the letters and diaries of those who fled their homeland during the Great Famine The standard story of the exodus during Ireland’s Great Famine is one of tired clichés, half-truths, and dry statistics. In The Coffin Ship, a groundbreaking work of transnational history, Cian T. McMahon offers a vibrant, fresh perspective on an oft-ignored but vital component of the migration experience: the journey itself. Between 1845 and 1855, over two million people fled Ireland to escape the Great Famine and begin new lives abroad. The so-called “coffin ships” they embarked on have since become infamous icons of nineteenth-century migration. The crews were brutal, the captains were heartless, and the weather was ferocious. Yet the personal experiences of the emigrants aboard these vessels offer us a much more complex understanding of this pivotal moment in modern history. Based on archival research on three continents and written in clear, crisp prose, The Coffin Ship analyzes the emigrants’ own letters and diaries to unpack the dynamic social networks that the Irish built while voyaging overseas. At every stage of the journey—including the treacherous weeks at sea—these migrants created new threads in the worldwide web of the Irish diaspora. Colored by the long-lost voices of the emigrants themselves, this is an original portrait of a process that left a lasting mark on Irish life at home and abroad. An indispensable read, The Coffin Ship makes an ambitious argument for placing the sailing ship alongside the tenement and the factory floor as a central, dynamic element of migration history.
New York University Press Beyond the Synagogue: Jewish Nostalgia as Religious Practice
Finalist for the 2021 National Jewish Book Award in American Jewish Studies Honorable Mention, 2021 Saul Viener Book Prize, given by the American Jewish Historical Society Reveals nostalgia as a new way of maintaining Jewish continuity In 2007, the Museum at Eldridge Street opened at the site of a restored nineteenth-century synagogue originally built by some of the first Eastern European Jewish immigrants in New York City. Visitors to the museum are invited to stand along indentations on the floor where footprints of congregants past have worn down the soft pinewood. Here, many feel a palpable connection to the history surrounding them. Beyond the Synagogue argues that nostalgic activities such as visiting the Museum at Eldridge Street or eating traditional Jewish foods should be understood as American Jewish religious practices. In making the case that these practices are not just cultural, but are actually religious, Rachel B. Gross asserts that many prominent sociologists and historians have mistakenly concluded that American Judaism is in decline, and she contends that they are looking in the wrong places for Jewish religious activity. If they looked outside of traditional institutions and practices, such as attendance at synagogue or membership in Jewish Community Centers, they would see that the embrace of nostalgia provides evidence of an alternative, under-appreciated way of being Jewish and of maintaining Jewish continuity. Tracing American Jews’ involvement in a broad array of ostensibly nonreligious activities, including conducting Jewish genealogical research, visiting Jewish historic sites, purchasing books and toys that teach Jewish nostalgia to children, and seeking out traditional Jewish foods, Gross argues that these practices illuminate how many American Jews are finding and making meaning within American Judaism today.
New York University Press The Coffin Ship: Life and Death at Sea during the Great Irish Famine
Choice Outstanding Academic Title 2022 Honorable Mention, Theodore Saloutos Book Award, given by the Immigration and Ethnic History Society A vivid, new portrait of Irish migration through the letters and diaries of those who fled their homeland during the Great Famine The standard story of the exodus during Ireland’s Great Famine is one of tired clichés, half-truths, and dry statistics. In The Coffin Ship, a groundbreaking work of transnational history, Cian T. McMahon offers a vibrant, fresh perspective on an oft-ignored but vital component of the migration experience: the journey itself. Between 1845 and 1855, over two million people fled Ireland to escape the Great Famine and begin new lives abroad. The so-called “coffin ships” they embarked on have since become infamous icons of nineteenth-century migration. The crews were brutal, the captains were heartless, and the weather was ferocious. Yet the personal experiences of the emigrants aboard these vessels offer us a much more complex understanding of this pivotal moment in modern history. Based on archival research on three continents and written in clear, crisp prose, The Coffin Ship analyzes the emigrants’ own letters and diaries to unpack the dynamic social networks that the Irish built while voyaging overseas. At every stage of the journey—including the treacherous weeks at sea—these migrants created new threads in the worldwide web of the Irish diaspora. Colored by the long-lost voices of the emigrants themselves, this is an original portrait of a process that left a lasting mark on Irish life at home and abroad. An indispensable read, The Coffin Ship makes an ambitious argument for placing the sailing ship alongside the tenement and the factory floor as a central, dynamic element of migration history.
Johns Hopkins University Press Collecting Shakespeare:
In Collecting Shakespeare, Stephen H. Grant recounts the American success story of Henry and Emily Folger of Brooklyn, a couple who were devoted to each other, in love with Shakespeare, and bitten by the collecting bug. Shortly after marrying in 1885, the Folgers started buying, cataloging, and storing all manner of items about Shakespeare and his era. Emily earned a master's degree in Shakespeare studies. The frugal couple worked passionately as a tight-knit team during the Gilded Age, financing their hobby with the fortune Henry earned as president of Standard Oil Company of New York, where he was a trusted associate of John D. Rockefeller Sr. While a number of American universities offered to house the collection, the Folgers wanted to give it to the American people. Afraid the price of antiquarian books would soar if their names were revealed, they secretly acquired prime real estate on Capitol Hill near the Library of Congress. They commissioned the design and construction of an elegant building with a reading room, public exhibition hall, and the Elizabethan Theatre. The Folger Shakespeare Library was dedicated on the Bard's birthday, April 23, 1932. The library houses 82 First Folios, 275,000 books, and 60,000 manuscripts. It welcomes more than 100,000 visitors a year and provides professors, scholars, graduate students, and researchers from around the world with access to the collections. It is also a vibrant center in Washington, D.C., for cultural programs, including theater, concerts, lectures, and poetry readings. The library provided Grant with unprecedented access to the primary sources within the Folger vault. He draws on interviews with surviving Folger relatives and visits to 35 related archives in the United States and in Britain to create a portrait of the remarkable couple who ensured that Shakespeare would have a beautiful home in America.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Elmina's Kitchen: 60 Years of Modern Plays
You can't just walk into dis bad man t'ing, you gotta learn the whole science of it. You step into that arena and you better be able to dance wid death til it mek you dizzy. Kwame Kwei-Armah’s ground-breaking play about British black male identity and gang culture premiered at the National Theatre in 2003 to unanimous critical praise. It later transferred to the West End, making Kwei-Armah only the second black British playwright to have a play staged there and the winner of the Evening Standard’s Most Promising Playwright Award. On Hackney’s Murder Mile, Deli is trying to make a living as an honest man and revive the fortunes of his mother's West Indian takeaway. His 19-year-old son Ashley has different plans and longs to follow in the footsteps of family friend and local gangster Digger. As Deli finds himself and his business pulled further into the world he so desperately wants to leave behind questions of family and gang loyalty rise to the surface, leading to a shocking and conflicted conclusion. Elmina's Kitchen is a thrilling, engaging portrait of a one-parent family struggling to stay within the law that takes readers behind the headlines and shows how easy it is to make the wrong choices when you’re struggling to survive. Elmina's Kitchen premiered at the National Theatre, London, in May 2003. Methuen Drama’s iconic Modern Plays series began in 1959 with the publication of Shelagh Delaney’s A Taste of Honey and has grown over six decades to now include more than 1000 plays by some of the best writers from around the world. This new special edition hardback of Elmina’s Kitchen was published to celebrate 60 years of Methuen Drama’s Modern Plays in 2019, chosen by a public vote and features a brand new foreword by Paterson Joseph.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Power of Choice: Embracing Efficacy to Drive Your Career
Straightforward advice for navigating the challenges facing professionals who are underrepresented in the leadership of today's organizations Michael Hyter is one of the nation's highest regarded executives of color, and a widely respected thought leader in the area of talent development and leadership succession. To get there, he worked hard and made his work count through Efficacy. In The Power of Choice he reveals the lessons he learned along the way—putting you on the fast track to career success. This book provides answers to the questions you might face as you immerse yourself in an often confusing and challenging workplace culture. It is about how to take informed personal responsibility for your career. Inside, you'll find an open and frank discussion of how you can—and must, if you want to succeed!—make deliberate choices about who you are and how to represent yourself in your career. You'll learn how to open doors for yourself (rather than waiting for others to open them for you), choose what’s important to you, and decide how you will achieve your goals. Learn how to choose greatness by embracing efficacy to make the most of your time and energy Take your career into your own hands with inspiration from others who have made it Discover how embracing personal responsibility can create the opportunities you've dreamed of Gain deep insights into your own mind and make the right decisions to get where you're going Yes, for those of us who are underrepresented talent, there are tradeoffs to finding success in today's workplace culture. If you rise to the challenge, you stand a good chance of reaching your full potential—both professionally and personally.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Overhead Distribution Lines: Design and Applications
A general overview of the use of utility distribution poles, including for electric supply and communications applications Overhead Distribution Lines: Design and Applications provides information on the design and use of power and communication distribution lines. An excellent resource for those in the power and communication utilities industry, this book presents information on the physical characteristics of utility poles, overhead supply and communication cables, installation practices, joint-usage issues, and safety rules, including the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC), California-specific rules, and others. It describes how to select the proper poles for specific applications. The especially valuable final chapter provides examples showing how it all works in practice, providing a background allowing more effective use of related industry software. Rather than delving into detailed design and installation techniques, this book serves as an overview for engineers and non-technical audiences alike. At the same time, it serves as a compendium of technical information not readily available elsewhere. This unique book: Offers an overview of pole structures, pole installation and maintenance, wires and cables, and cable installation and maintenance—with examples Provides information on national standards documents such as the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC), ANSI O5.1, California General Order 95, and more Explores the "sag–tension" relationship between wires and poles Includes appendices that cover properties of messenger strands, wireless attachments, solution of equations to determine sag, under uniform and point loads Overhead Distribution Lines: Design and Applications offers readers an understanding of the basic principles and various issues related to electric supply and communications distribution lines. It is a valuable resource for utility engineers, as well as those without a technical background.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Rapid Instructional Design: Learning ID Fast and Right
The classic guide to instructional design, fully updated for the new ways we learn Rapid Instructional Design is the industry standard guide to creating effective instructional materials, providing no-nonsense practicality rather than theory-driven text. Beginning with a look at what "instructional design" really means, readers are guided step-by-step through the ADDIE model to explore techniques for analysis, design, development, intervention, and evaluation. This new third edition has been updated to cover new applications, technologies, and concepts, and includes many new templates, real-life examples, and additional instructor materials. Instruction delivery has expanded rapidly in the nine years since the second edition's publication, and this update covers all the major advances in the field. The major instructional models are expanded to apply to e-learning, MOOCs, mobile learning, and social network-based learning. Informal learning and communities of practice are examined, as well. Instructional design is the systematic process by which instructional materials are designed, developed, and delivered. Designers must determine the learner's current state and needs, define the end goals of the instruction, and create an intervention to assist in the transition. This book is a complete guide to the process, helping readers design efficient, effective materials. Learn the ins and outs of the ADDIE model Discover shortcuts for rapid design Design for e-learning, Millennials, and MOOCs Investigate methods for emerging avenues of instruction This book does exactly what a well-designed course should do, providing relevant guidance for anyone who wants to know how to apply good instructional design. Eminently practical and fully up-to-date, Rapid Instructional Design is the one-stop guide to more effective instruction.
Cornell University Press Main Lines: Rebirth of the North American Railroads, 1970–2002
Rising from the corporate wreckage of the 1970s, when even the nation's largest railroad filed for bankruptcy, American railroads are once again a major part of the global economy. Richard Saunders brings to life this amazing story of revitalization, showing how a combination of creatively structured aid from the public sector and talented private management gave railroads new momentum. By 2002, American railroads carried five times the tonnage they hauled in their former heyday, and they did this with one-tenth of the employees. How did this revolution happen? Saunders shows how limited, disciplined, and politically risky government intervention stabilized a sinking industry. Whatever their results for other industries, President Carter's deregulation and President Reagan's tax revisions restored the railroads' financial health. Container cars and other new technologies also helped to transform inefficient railroads into vibrant enterprises. Corporate strategies varied on the road to success, and even skilled managers encountered pitfalls, but the railroads' resurgence and growth proved to be unstoppable. After the merger mania of the mid-twentieth century, the main U.S. railroad systems evolved into seven transregional corporate giants. Of the "Super Seven," only four survived past the 1990s—the Norfolk Southern, CSX, Union Pacific, and Burlington Northern–Santa Fe. These four set the standard at a time when no other major railroads could afford the new technologies needed to turn a profit. A sequel to Merging Lines, this engagingly written account brings the story of American railroads up to the twenty-first century. As American transport enters the twenty-first century, the iron horse that consolidated the Industrial Revolution once again flexes its muscle.
Ohio University Press Citizen-General: Jacob Dolson Cox and the Civil War Era
The wrenching events of the Civil War transformed not only the United States but also the men unexpectedly called on to lead their fellow citizens in this first modern example of total war. Jacob Dolson Cox, a former divinity student with no formal military training, was among those who rose to the challenge. In a conflict in which “political generals” often proved less than competent, Cox, the consummate citizen general, emerged as one of the best commanders in the Union army. During his school days at Oberlin College, no one could have predicted that the intellectual, reserved, and bookish Cox possessed what he called in his writings the “military aptitude” to lead men effectively in war. His military career included helping secure West Virginia for the Union; jointly commanding the left wing of the Union army at the critical Battle of Antietam; breaking the Confederate supply line and thereby helping to precipitate the fall of Atlanta; and holding the defensive line at the Battle of Franklin, a Union victory that effectively ended the Confederate threat in the West. At a time when there were few professional schools other than West Point, the self-made man was the standard for success; true to that mode, Cox fashioned himself into a Renaissance man. In each of his vocations and avocations—general, governor, cabinet secretary, university president, law school dean, railroad president, historian, and scientist—he was recognized as a leader. Cox’s greatest fame, however, came to him as the foremost participant historian of the Civil War. His accounts of the conflict are to this day cited by serious scholars and serve as a foundation for the interpretation of many aspects of the war.
New York University Press The People's News: Media, Politics, and the Demands of Capitalism
Uncovers the surprising cause behind the recent rise of fake news In an ideal world, journalists act selflessly and in the public interest regardless of the financial consequences. However, in reality, news outlets no longer provide the most important and consequential stories to audiences; instead, news producers adjust news content in response to ratings, audience demographics, and opinion polls. While such criticisms of the news media are widely shared, few can agree on the causes of poor news quality. The People’s News argues that the incentives in the American free market drive news outlets to report news that meets audience demands, rather than democratic ideals. In short, audiences’ opinions drive the content that so often passes off as “the news.” The People’s News looks at news not as a type of media but instead as a commodity bought and sold on the market, comparing unique measures of news content to survey data from a wide variety of sources. Joseph Uscinski’s rigorous analysis shows news firms report certain issues over others—not because audiences need to know them, but rather, because of market demands. Uscinski also demonstrates that the influence of market demands also affects the business of news, prohibiting journalists from exercising independent judgment and determining the structure of entire news markets as well as firm branding. Ultimately, the results of this book indicate profit-motives often trump journalistic and democratic values. The findings also suggest that the media actively responds to audiences, thus giving the public control over their own information environment. Uniting the study of media effects and media content, The People’s News presents a powerful challenge to our ideas of how free market media outlets meet our standards for impartiality and public service.