Search results for ""Author John C."
Odd Dot Outdoor School: Tree, Wildflower, and Mushroom Spotting: The Definitive Interactive Nature Guide
With 448 full-color, highly illustrated pages, Outdoor School is your indispensable tool for the outdoors. This interactive field guide to plant and mushroom spotting includes: - Immersive activities to get you exploring - Write-in sections to journal about experiences - Next-level adventures to challenge even seasoned nature lovers. No experience is required-only curiosity and courage. Inside you'll find easy-to-follow instructions on how to: - Grow mushrooms with cardboard - Compare bark types - Count tree rings - Survey leaf patterns - Create fern spore prints - Press and preserve wildflowers And so much more!
Fordham University Press Under the Gaze of the Bible
Chretien’s essays on reading sacred scripture are enriched by his immersion in the classics of ancient philosophy and theology, as well as his poetic sensibility. He is as likely to quote Claudel as Aquinas or Origen. His intimate acquaintance with Patristic writings combines with a sympathetic understanding of such Protestant sources as Luther, Calvin, and Barth to yield an admirably ecumenical perspective. The book’s title refers to James 1:23–24, which portrays the Word of God as a mirror into which one gazes. The concomitant notion of not only examining the text but also being examined by the Word is a fruitful one for learning how to be more fully nourished by one’s study of the Bible.
Fordham University Press Modernity and its Discontents
The introduction by Merold Westphal sets the scene: "Two books, two visions of philosophy, two friends and sometimes colleagues...". Modernity and Its Discontents is a debate between Caputo and Marsh in which each upheld their opposing philosphical positions by critical modernism and post-modernism. The book opens with a critique of each debater of the other's previous work. With its passionate point-counterpoint form, the book recalls the philosphical dialogues of classical times, but the writing style remains lucid and uncluttered. Taking the failure of Englightenment ideals as their common ground, the debaters challenge each other's ideas on the nature of post-foundationalist critique. At the core of the argument lies the timely question of the role that each person can play in creating a truly humane society.
University of Oklahoma Press All for the King's Shilling: The British Soldier under Wellington, 1808–1814
The British troops who fought so successfully under the Duke of Wellington during his Peninsular Campaign against Napoleon have long been branded by the duke's own words - ""scum of the earth"" - and assumed to have been society's ne'er-do-wells or criminals who enlisted to escape justice. Now Edward J. Coss shows to the contrary that most of these redcoats were respectable laborers and tradesmen and that it was mainly their working-class status that prompted the duke's derision. Driven into the army by unemployment in the wake of Britain's industrial revolution, they confronted wartime hardship with ethical values and became formidable soldiers in the bargainThese men depended on the king's shilling for survival, yet pay was erratic and provisions were scant. Fed worse even than sixteenth-century Spanish galley slaves, they often marched for days without adequate food; and if during the campaign they did steal from Portuguese and Spanish civilians, the theft was attributable not to any criminal leanings but to hunger and the paltry rations provided by the army.Coss draws on a comprehensive database on British soldiers as well as first-person accounts of Peninsular War participants to offer a better understanding of their backgrounds and daily lives. He describes how these neglected and abused soldiers came to rely increasingly on the emotional and physical support of comrades and developed their own moral and behavioral code. Their cohesiveness, Coss argues, was a major factor in their legendary triumphs over Napoleon's battle-hardened troops.The first work to closely examine the social composition of Wellington's rank and file through the lens of military psychology, All for the King's Shilling transcends the Napoleonic battlefield to help explain the motivation and behavior of all soldiers under the stress of combat.
Princeton University Press Spectral Analysis of Economic Time Series. (PSME-1)
The important data of economics are in the form of time series; therefore, the statistical methods used will have to be those designed for time series data. New methods for analyzing series containing no trends have been developed by communication engineering, and much recent research has been devoted to adapting and extending these methods so that they will be suitable for use with economic series. This book presents the important results of this research and further advances the application of the recently developed Theory of Spectra to economics. In particular, Professor Hatanaka demonstrates the new technique in treating two problems-business cycle indicators, and the acceleration principle existing in department store data. Originally published in 1964. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Princeton University Press A History of Marxian Economics, Volume I: 1883-1929
The first volume of this critical history covers the social, political, and theoretical forces behind the development of Marxian economics from Marx's death in 1883 until 1929, the year marking the onset of Stalin's "revolution from above," which subsequently transformed the Soviet Union into a modern superpower. During these years, Marxists in both Russia and Germany found their economic ideas inextricably linked with practical political problems, and treated theory as a guide to action. This book systematically examines the important theoretical literature of the period, including insightful works by political functionaries outside academia--journalists, party organizers, underground activists, and teachers in the labor movement--presented here as the primary forgers of Marxian economic thought. Beginning with Engels's writings, this book analyzes the work of leading Marxist economists in the Second International, then concludes with a review of the intellectual movements within the Marxian political economy during the 1920s. A second volume treating the period from 1929 to the present will follow. Originally published in 1989. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Indiana University Press St. Paul among the Philosophers
In his epistles, St. Paul sounded a universalism that has recently been taken up by secular philosophers who do not share his belief in Christ, but who regard his project as centrally important for contemporary political life. The Pauline project—as they see it—is the universality of truth, the conviction that what is true is true for everyone, and that the truth should be known by everyone. In this volume, eminent New Testament scholars, historians, and philosophers debate whether Paul's promise can be fulfilled. Is the proper work of reading Paul to reconstruct what he said to his audiences? Is it crucial to retrieve the sense of history from the text? What are the philosophical undercurrents of Paul's message? This scholarly dialogue ushers in a new generation of Pauline studies.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Greatest Beer Run Ever: A Memoir of Friendship, Loyalty, and War
The University of Michigan Press Academic Writing for Graduate Students: Essential Tasks and Skills
Explains understanding the intended audience, the purpose of the paper, and academic genres; includes the use of task-based methodology, analytic group discussion, and genre consciousness-raising; shows how to write summaries and critiques; features "language focus" sections that address linguistic elements as they affect the wider rhetorical objectives; and helps students position themselves as junior scholars in their academic communities.Among the many changes in the third edition: newer, longer, and more authentic texts and examples greater discipline variety in texts (added texts from hard sciences and engineering) more in-depth treatment of research articles greater emphasis on vocabulary issues revised flow-of-ideas section additional tasks that require students to do their own research more corpus-informed content The Commentary has also been revised and expanded.This edition of Academic Writing for Graduate Students, like its predecessors, has many special features: It is based on the large body of research literature dealing with the features of academic (or research) English and extensive classroom experience. It is as much concerned with developing academic writers as it is improving academic texts. It provides assistance with writing part-genres (problem-solutions and Methods and Discussion sections) and genres (book reviews,research papers). Its approach is analytical and rhetorical-users apply analytical skills to the discourses of their chosen disciplines to explore how effective academic writing is achieved. It includes a rich variety of tasks and activities, ranging from small-scale language points to issues of how students can best position themselves as junior researchers.
Oxford University Press Negotiating a Settlement in Northern Ireland, 1969-2019
The Good Friday Agreement of 1998 ended a protracted violent conflict in Northern Ireland and became an international reference point for peace-building. Negotiating a Settlement in Northern Ireland, 1969–2019 traces the roots and out-workings of the Agreement, focussing on the British and Irish governments, their changing policy paradigms, and their extended negotiations, from the Sunningdale conference of 1973 to the St Andrews Agreement of 2006. It identifies three dimensions of change that paved the way for agreement: in the evolution of elite understanding of sovereignty, in the development of wide-ranging and complex modes of power-sharing, and in the interrelated emergence of substantial equality in the socio-economic, cultural, and political domains. The book combines wide-ranging analysis with unparalleled use of witness seminars and interviews where the most senior British and Irish politicians, civil servants, and advisors discuss the process of coming to agreement. In tracing the processes by which British and Irish perspectives converged to address the Northern Ireland conflict, the book provides a benchmark against which the ongoing impact of Brexit on the Good Friday Agreement can be assessed.
MP-VIR Uni of Virginia In Search of Justice in Thailands Deep South Malay Muslim and Thai Buddhist Womens Narratives
The narratives collected here, primarily from women, testify that although violence has been generated from both sides of the Buddhist/Muslim divide, the actions undertaken by armed forces of the Thai Buddhist state - including repressive violence and torture - have served as a catalyst for increased Muslim insurgency.
Pearson Education Mathematical Ideas
EOS - Editions Sankt Ottilien Mining Truths: Festschrift in Honour of Geraldine Smyth Op - Ecumenical Theologian and Peacebuilder
Thunder Bay Press Smithsonian America: The Atlas
PM Press Romantic Rationalist
University of Nebraska Press Ogallala: Water for a Dry Land
2019 Choice Outstanding Academic Title The Ogallala aquifer, a vast underground water reserve extending from South Dakota through Texas, is the product of eons of accumulated glacial melts, ancient Rocky Mountain snowmelts, and rainfall, all percolating slowly through gravel beds hundreds of feet thick.Ogallala: Water for a Dry Land is an environmental history and historical geography that tells the story of human defiance and human commitment within the Ogallala region. It describes the Great Plains’ natural resources, the history of settlement and dryland farming, and the remarkable irrigation technologies that have industrialized farming in the region. This newly updated third edition discusses three main issues: long-term drought and its implications, the efforts of several key groundwater management districts to regulate the aquifer, and T. Boone Pickens’s failed effort to capture water from the aquifer to supply major Texas urban areas. This edition also describes the fierce independence of Texas ranchers and farmers who reject any governmental or bureaucratic intervention in their use of water, and it updates information about the impact of climate change on the aquifer and agriculture. Read Char Miller's article on to learn more about the Ogallala Aquifer.
Emerald Publishing Limited ICE Manual of Geotechnical Engineering Volume II: Geotechnical Engineering Principles, Problematic Soils and Site Investigation
Written and edited by a wide selection of leading specialists, ICE Manual of Geotechnical Engineering is an authoritative and comprehensive reference resouce, providing the core geotechnical engineering principles, practical techniques, and the major questions engineers should keep in mind when dealing with real-world engineering challenges – all within a consistently coherent framework. Many civil engineers leave university with some knowledge of applied mechanics, geology and some soil and rock mechanics but often a limited grounding in geotechnical engineering. A good geotechnical engineer needs to appreciate the balance between theoretical principles, practical experience and the uncertainties present when dealing with the ground in its natural state. This volume looks at how to apply geotechnical knowledge in the construction process, tackling onsite and practical situations, including design.
University of Texas Press Otilia's Body: A Novel
From reviews of the Spanish edition:"...among the best works that Mexican fiction has produced."—Héctor Gally, Sábado"With homely features, but with a body so shapely and exciting that it sets men (priests included) aflame throughout the novel, with an incandescent voluptuousness and delightful amorality (surely explosive in the conservative Mexican society of her time and place) ...Otilia Rauda could be the protagonist of a Greek tragedy or of a soap opera made of improbable happenings and as many turns of fate as there are chapters used to tell the story of her life."—Jorge Ruffinelli, Punto y AparteWinner of Mexico's prestigious Xavier Villaurrutia prize in 1986, Otilia Rauda is here translated into English for the first time as Otilia's Body. Widely considered Sergio Galindo's best work, the novel dramatizes a sexually liberated woman's obsession with an outlaw lover, played against the backdrop of Mexican history from 1910 to 1940. A fine example of "intimist" fiction, Otilia's Body is noteworthy for its penetratingly described characters who transcend time and place to become universally recognizable.
Vajra Publications Nationalism and Ethnicity in Nepal
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology Prehistorians Round the Pond: Reflections on Aegean Prehistory as a Discipline
This volume represents a pioneering examination of the nature and identities of Aegean prehistory as a discipline. Emerging from a workshop that generated lively debate among a wide cross-section of scholars, it offers one of the first published attempts to situate Aegean prehistory within a modern self-critical and reflexive context. The chapters and commentaries together yield a multidisciplinary discourse, covering such topics as the current health and academic status of the field, the political and social parameters of the discipline, the relationship between Aegean prehistory and Hellenism, and the discovery of the "Aegean" by Greek modernists.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Transitions: Our Stories of Being Trans
World Book Night 2022A visionary, moving and one-of-a-kind anthology of writing on what it means to be trans today and every day.From the daily bite of anxiety as you go to leave the house, to the freedom found swimming in the wild, through to moments of queer rage and joy and the peculiar timeslip of reliving your adolescence, the stories in this collection reveal the untold lived realities of trans people to help inform, inspire and unite. Spanning a range of topics such as gender dysphoria, transphobia, chest binding, gender reassignment surgery, coming out in later life, migration and love and relationships, these unique first-person accounts celebrate the beauty and diversity of being trans and will empower others on their journey.Showcasing eight new exciting trans writers, this extraordinary collection is a powerful and heartfelt love-letter to the trans community.Jessica Kingsley Publishers will donate at least 5p per book sold to Gendered Intelligence (registered charity no. 1182558)
Dalkey Archive Press Psalm 44
"Psalm 44" is the last major work of fiction by Danilo Ki to be translated into English, and his only novel dealing explicitly with Auschwitz (where his own father died). Written when he was only twenty-five, before embarking on the masterpieces that would make him an integral figure in twentieth-century letters, Psalm 44 shows Ki at his most lyrical and unguarded, demonstrating that even in "the place of dragons... covered with the shadow of death," there can still be poetry. Featuring characters based on actual inmates and warders--including the abominable Dr. Mengele--"Psalm 44" is a baring of many of the themes, patterns, and preoccupations Ki would return to in future, albeit never with the same starkness or immediacy.
Macmillan Education The Business 2.0 Advanced Level Student's Book
Based on the success of the original edition, The Business 2.0 continues to offer Business English students the confidence, language and fundamentals skills they need to succeed in the competitive international business environment. Based on feedback from users, research into business English studies and the ever-evolving needs of employers The Business 2.0 has been improved in a number of ways. There is a strong focus on the 'intangible' business skills - emotional intelligence and interpersonal abilities. So not only is the student prepared with the business language and knowledge but also as a well-rounded and receptive approach to dealing professionally with others. The Business eWorkbook - an integral part of the course on a personal computer or laptop. This includes extra language practice, tests and word lists, and audio and video you can download to a tablet, phone or MP3 player for on-the-go learning. This replaces the DVD-ROM from the first edition and new videos for the Advanced and Upper Intermediate level offer good/bad models for the final speaking task, including commentaries by a communications expert. This content is also available for use on a Learner Management System such as Moodle or Blackboard. This is a compact course that makes the most of new media to ensure the package is relevant for both students and teachers. Key Features / What's New - Business fundamentals - an introduction to business with language and topics including: business organization, financial control, CVs and covering letters. - Transparent business links - each module is clearly linked to either: Personal development, Service, Supply chain, Management, Sales and marketing, Enterprise, Finance, International trade - Focus on interpersonal skills - the best professionals are those with great emotional intelligence. Special speaking tasks and the case studies focus on this delicate but vital '5th skill'. - Flexible approach - the modular structure allows you to dip in and out, covering the basics or focusing on speaking or writing. This is the course you can make your own. - The Business eWorkbook - a cutting-edge self-study program to support the course with videos, extra practice and downloadables. - Builds up strength in four key areas: Language Skills: New Technologies: Business Skills: People /interpersonal skills - More communicative grammar in context
Baker Publishing Group - Baker Books The Biblical Hebrew Verb
World Wisdom Golden Age of Zen Zen Masters of the Tang Dynasty
Africa World Press Notes For An African World Revolution
MO - University of Illinois Press Indians Illustrated The Image of Native Americans in the Pictorial Press
Robert D. Reed Publishers Happily Un-Married: Living Together and Loving It
Living together is widely accepted and this is the first book to take a serious and non-judgmental look at helping these couples improve the fitness of their relationships. This first-ever Fitness Guide is a complete resource for anyone who answers yes to any of these questions:1.Are you living together now?2.Are you thinking about living together?3.Is your live-in relationship getting rocky?4.Do you know someone who needs help with their live-in relationship?5.Do you want to strengthen your live-in relationship?6.Do you want to know more about the reasons, risks and future of cohabitating?The strategies in this book can be successfully applied to a new romance where the couple is just thinking about cohabitating, a newly cohabitating couple who want to maintain the relationship, as a possible stepping-stone to marriage, or a long-term cohabitating couple who want to strengthen their relationship but never plan to marry. This book provides a clear, step-by-step method to use winning business strategies to create a winning live-in relationship.
Abrams Roman Life: 100b.C. to A.D.200
"Roman Life: 100 B.C. to A.D. 200" vividly re-creates the lives of people in ancient Rome, from 100 B.C. to A.D. 200. Lavishly illustrated, with many photos made especially for this book, it covers religion, work, public entertainment, tavern life, Roman baths, life in the military, banqueting, funerals and more. The lives of ordinary citizens, of slaves and freedmen and women are presented in individual vignettes usually featuring people who actually lived there. A special feature is the interactive CD-ROM, which is a virtual exploration of the House of the Vetii, Pompeii's most popular tourist attraction. No other book brings ancient Romans to life so well in terms that twenty-first century readers can understand.
Penguin Putnam Inc Silverview: A Novel
Harperchristian Resources Live No Lies Video Study
Penguin Putnam Inc A Murder of Quality: A George Smiley Novel
Ullstein Taschenbuchvlg. Der Schneider von Panama
Ullstein Taschenbuchvlg. Der Taubentunnel Geschichten aus meinem Leben
Ullstein Taschenbuchvlg. Der heimliche Gefhrte
Ullstein Taschenbuchvlg. Der Spion der aus der Klte kam
Ullstein Taschenbuchvlg. Eine Art Held Roman
Ullstein Taschenbuchvlg. Agent in eigener Sache
SCM Brockhaus, R. Ruhe. Arbeit. Ewigkeit.
hansebooks Popular Tales of the West Highlands Vol 2
fontis Live No Lies
Valley Press In Between
Dewi Lewis Publishing Fairground Attraction
Bodleian Library The Potato Book
A charming guide to the potato, first published in 1918, covering everything from practical advice on how to grow potatoes to their origins and history.
Gallaudet University Press,U.S. Reflections - My Life in the Deaf and Hearing Worlds
Hodder & Stoughton At the Ruin of the World
A.D. 448. The Roman Empire is crumbling.The Emperor is weak. Countless Romans live under the rule of barbarian kings. Politicians scheme and ambitious generals vie for power. Then from the depths of Germany arises an even darker threat: Attila, King of the Huns, gathering his hordes and determined to crush Rome once and for all.In a time of danger and deception, where every smile conceals betrayal and every sleeve a dagger, three young people hold onto the dream that Rome can be made great once more. But as their fates collide, they find themselves forced to survive in a world more deadly than any of them could ever have imagined. What can they possibly do to save the Empire, or themselves, from destruction?
University of Toronto Press Teachers of the Foothills Province: The Story of The Alberta Teachers' Association