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CABI Publishing Millets Value Chain for Nutritional Security: A Replicable Success Model from India
This book demonstrates a successful and sustainable model for value addition to millets from production to consumption. Within the work the authors outline practical interventions to revive the demand for millets as a convenient and nutritive option for consumers, whilst presenting a reliable model that can be adapted for the development of other commodities. Based on practical experience and the output of a National Agricultural Innovation Project, Millets Value Chain for Nutritional Security: A Replicable Success Model from India explores the development of an integrated approach to value addition to millets. All phases of the model are covered, including chapters on: · nutritional evaluation · on-farm cultivation · intervention in food processing · entrepreneurship development · commercialization · popularization and policy sensitization. The development of successful value chains to revive demand for traditional cereals such as millets plays an important role in ensuring health and nutrition security in India. As such, this book is an invaluable resource for researchers and advanced students in the fields of agriculture, food science and business management, in addition to policy makers, manufacturers and breeders.
Taylor & Francis Inc Contaminated Ground Water and Sediment: Modeling for Management and Remediation
This book is the documented result of a workshop, Modeling and Management of Emerging Environmental Issues, held at Penn State University. This event assembled modeling experts from the U.S. and Canada to discuss modeling technology development and application, in order to promote sound and cost-effective environmental decision-making. This thorough analysis provides environmental engineers, hydrologists, and others with an overview on the state of the art in current practice and identifies emerging research and development trends within modeling technology. Each of the discussions considers not only technical issues, but regulatory and cost factors as well.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Statistics for Experimenters: Design, Innovation, and Discovery
A Classic adapted to modern times Rewritten and updated, this new edition of Statistics for Experimenters adopts the same approaches as the landmark First Edition by teaching with examples, readily understood graphics, and the appropriate use of computers. Catalyzing innovation, problem solving, and discovery, the Second Edition provides experimenters with the scientific and statistical tools needed to maximize the knowledge gained from research data, illustrating how these tools may best be utilized during all stages of the investigative process. The authors’ practical approach starts with a problem that needs to be solved and then examines the appropriate statistical methods of design and analysis. Providing even greater accessibility for its users, the Second Edition is thoroughly revised and updated to reflect the changes in techniques and technologies since the publication of the classic First Edition. Among the new topics included are: Graphical Analysis of Variance Computer Analysis of Complex Designs Simplification by transformation Hands-on experimentation using Response Service Methods Further development of robust product and process design using split plot arrangements and minimization of error transmission Introduction to Process Control, Forecasting and Time Series Illustrations demonstrating how multi-response problems can be solved using the concepts of active and inert factor spaces and canonical spaces Bayesian approaches to model selection and sequential experimentation An appendix featuring Quaquaversal quotes from a variety of sources including noted statisticians and scientists to famous philosophers is provided to illustrate key concepts and enliven the learning process. All the computations in the Second Edition can be done utilizing the statistical language R. Functions for displaying ANOVA and lamba plots, Bayesian screening, and model building are all included and R packages are available online. All theses topics can also be applied utilizing easy-to-use commercial software packages. Complete with applications covering the physical, engineering, biological, and social sciences, Statistics for Experimenters is designed for individuals who must use statistical approaches to conduct an experiment, but do not necessarily have formal training in statistics. Experimenters need only a basic understanding of mathematics to master all the statistical methods presented. This text is an essential reference for all researchers and is a highly recommended course book for undergraduate and graduate students.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Hypercarbon Chemistry
The essential new edition of the book that put hypercarbon chemistry on the map A comprehensive and contemporary treatment of the chemistry of hydrocarbons (alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, and aromatics) towards electrophiles, Hypercarbon Chemistry, Second Edition deals with all major aspects of such chemistry involved in hydrocarbon transformations, and of the structural and reaction chemistry of carboranes, mixed hydrides in which both carbon and boron atoms participate in the polyhedral molecular frameworks. Despite the firmly established tetravalency, carbon can bond simultaneously to five or more other atoms. "Hypercarbon" bonding permeates much organic, inorganic and organometallic chemistry, and the book serves as the compendium for this phenomenon. Copious diagrams illustrate the rich variety of hypercarbon structures now known, and patterns therein. Individual chapters deal with specific categories of compound (e.g. organometallics, carboranes, carbocations) or transformations that proceed through transient hypercarbon species, detailing fundamental chemistry, including reactivity, selectivity, stereochemistry, mechanistic factors and more.
Random House USA Inc George R. R. Martin Presents Wild Cards: Pairing Up: An Anthology
Yale University Press Kimbell Art Museum: Masterworks from the Collection
A handsome coffee table guide to the celebrated collection of the Kimbell Art Museum In celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth, Texas, this deluxe volume showcases its world-renowned collection. The book includes engaging texts by Kimbell curators accompanied by new, full-color photographs of more than 250 works from antiquity to the twentieth century. A jewel among American museums, the Kimbell possesses European masterpieces by artists such as Fra Angelico, Michelangelo, Caravaggio, Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Diego Velázquez, Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun, Claude Monet, Paul Cézanne, Pablo Picasso, and Henri Matisse; important collections of Egyptian and classical antiquities; and outstanding works from Asia, Africa, and the ancient Americas. This new guide also features previously unpublished images of the museum’s architecture by Louis I. Kahn and Renzo Piano.Distributed for the Kimbell Art Museum
CABI Publishing Climate Change and Non-infectious Fish Disorders
Freshwater, brackish and marine ecosystems are particularly impacted by the effects of climate change and global warming. A global rise in water temperature and acidification of the aquatic environment will continue even if we can significantly reduce the current output of greenhouse gasses. Increases in water temperature will affect the life cycle, physiology, behaviours, distribution and community structure of aquatic organisms, especially fish. This important new text on climate change, and its effects on selected non-infectious disorders of fish, contains contributions by internationally recognized experts who have contributed significantly to our knowledge in this area. Comprehensive and thought provoking, the text details abiotic and biotic environmental changes associated with climate change and their effects on fish in tropical, subtropical and temperate waters. It proceeds to cover in detail developmental, physiological and metabolic disorders of fish. Outlining both current and expected changes in aquaculture systems due to climate change, plus suggestions for further studies, this contemporary text is key reading for biologists, aquatic ecologists, fish health consultants, veterinarians, policy makers and all those involved in fish health and the environment.
Taylor & Francis Inc Cyanide in Water and Soil: Chemistry, Risk, and Management
The presence of cyanide is a significant issue in industrial and municipal wastewater treatment and management, in remediation of former manufactured gas plant sites and aluminum production waste disposal sites, in treatment and management of residuals from hydrometallurgical gold mining, and in other industrial operations in which cyanide-bearing wastes were produced. The complexity of the chemistry and toxicology of cyanide and the risk it poses in different environmental contexts make its management and remediation extremely challenging. Cyanide in Water and Soil is the first book to present the state-of-the-art in managing cyanide across a wide range of industrial and environmental contexts.The book brings together current knowledge and information about cyanide release to and behavior in the environment, and explores how to control or remediate these releases. No other broad-based examination of this topic exists. Exploring the anthropogenic and natural sources of cyanide in the environment, the authors address the full range of issues pertaining to cyanide fate, transport, treatment, and toxicity in water and soil as well as approaches currently used in risk assessment and management. They have developed a careful balance of depth and scope of coverage, providing current references that help readers learn more about topics of particular interest. An array of technologies is available for the treatment of cyanide in surface water and groundwater, wastewaters, and contaminated soils and sludges. These technologies span the gamut of biological, chemical, electrolytic, physical, and thermal treatment processing. Presenting examples of applications of the technologies employed most commonly in municipal and industrial settings, the book is a useful reference tool for engineers, scientists, practitioners, and researchers in academia, industrial organizations, government, and engineering and science consulting firms.
New York University Press Is There Life After Football?: Surviving the NFL
2016 Best Book Award, North American Society for the Sociology of Sport A human face on the realities of professional football, from the challenges players face after leaving the NFL to the factors that can enable them to continue to find success Is There Life After Football? draws upon the experiences of hundreds of former players as they describe their lives playing the sport and after their football days are over. The “bubble”-like conditions of privilege that NFL players experience while playing, often leave players unprepared for the real world once they retire and must manage their own lives. The book also reveals the difficulties affecting former NFL players in retirement: social isolation, financial concerns, inadequate career planning, psychological challenges, and physical injuries. From players who make reckless and unsustainable financial investments during their very few high-earning years, to players who struggle to form personal and professional relationships outside of football, the stories in the book put a very human face on the realities of professional football. George Koonce Jr., a former NFL player himself, weaves in his own story throughout, explaining the challenges he encountered and decisions that helped him succeed after leaving the sport. Ultimately, Is There Life After Football? concludes that, despite the challenges players face, it is possible for players to find success after leaving the NFL if they have the right support, education, and awareness of what might await them.
Hal Leonard Corporation Film Scripts Two: High Noon, Twelve Angry Men, The Defiant Ones
John Wiley & Sons Inc Advancing Campus Efficiencies: A Companion for Campus Leaders in the Digital Era
Technology is continually changing the world. In higher education in particular, new technologies can be applied to great advantage by campus communities seeking to offer better services for students in more efficient ways. Written for deans, vice presidents, and presidents of all higher education institutions, Advancing Campus Efficiencies provides straightforward advice that is intended to help colleges and universities respond to calls for greater accountability and their students' rising expectations for access to advanced technologies. The book envisions a dramatically different way of delivering courses; disaggregating and reassigning teaching functions; and increasing differentiation, collaboration, and innovation—all enabled by the appropriate use of information technologies. Drawing on the Western Cooperative for Educational Telecommunication's (WCET) more than 15 years of work on the effective use of technology to increase quality and efficiency in higher education, the book offers valuable insight on Whether for-profit institutions enjoy a competitive advantage over public and independent institutions The most critical issues facing higher education today, and possible solutions Strategies for managing the cost of integrating information technologies into teaching and Learning How to lead campus transformation using communication technologies Connecting students and faculty through distance learning and telecommunication systems The role of openness in the future of higher education Offering new ideas on how to deploy emerging information and communication technologies, Advancing Campus Efficiencies will be a companion—both comfort and guide—for educators undertaking the work of inspired leadership that will be required to achieve the new design of higher education.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Handbook of Milk of Non-Bovine Mammals
THE ONLY SINGLE-SOURCE GUIDE TO THE LATEST SCIENCE, NUTRITION, AND APPLICATIONS OF ALL THE NON-BOVINE MILKS CONSUMED AROUND THE WORLD Featuring contributions by an international team of dairy and nutrition experts, this second edition of the popular Handbook of Milk of Non-Bovine Mammals provides comprehensive coverage of milk and dairy products derived from all non-bovine dairy species. Milks derived from domesticated dairy species other than the cow are an essential dietary component for many countries around the world. Especially in developing and under-developed countries, milks from secondary dairy species are essential sources of nutrition for the humanity. Due to the unavailability of cow milk and the low consumption of meat, the milks of non-bovine species such as goat, buffalo, sheep, horse, camel, Zebu, Yak, mare and reindeer are critical daily food sources of protein, phosphate and calcium. Furthermore, because of hypoallergenic properties of certain species milk including goats, mare and camel are increasingly recommended as substitutes in diets for those who suffer from cow milk allergies. This book: Discusses key aspects of non-bovine milk production, including raw milk production in various regions worldwide Describes the compositional, nutritional, therapeutic, physio-chemical, and microbiological characteristics of all non-bovine milks Addresses processing technologies as well as various approaches to the distribution and consumption of manufactured milk products Expounds characteristics of non-bovine species milks relative to those of human milk, including nutritional, allergenic, immunological, health and cultural factors. Features six new chapters, including one focusing on the use of non-bovine species milk components in the manufacture of infant formula products Thoroughly updated and revised to reflect the many advances that have occurred in the dairy industry since the publication of the acclaimed first edition, Handbook of Milk of Non-Bovine Mammals, 2nd Edition is an essential reference for dairy scientists, nutritionists, food chemists, animal scientists, allergy specialists, health professionals, and allied professionals.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Seafood Industry: Species, Products, Processing, and Safety
The Seafood Industry: Species, Products, Processing, and Safety, Second Edition is a completely updated and contemporary revision of Flick and Martin’s classic publication, The Seafood Industry. Covering all aspects of the commercial fish and shellfish industries – from harvest through consumption – the book thoroughly describes the commercial fishery of the western hemisphere. The international audience will also find the coverage accessible because, although species and regulations may differ, the techniques described are similar worldwide,. The second edition contains a significant expansion of the material included in the first edition. Examples include: high pressure processing; inclusion of additional major crustacean species of commerce; fishery centers and development programs; handling methods on fishing vessels; and new chapters on Toxins, Allergies, and Sensitivities; Composition and Quality; and Risk Management and HACCP; and Processing Fin Fish. The Seafood Industry: Species, Products, Processing, and Safety, comprehensive in scope and current with today’s issues, will prove to be a great asset to any industry professional or seafood technologist working in the field.
Cicerone Press The Cambrian Way: Classic Wales mountain trek - south to north from Cardiff to Conwy
Dubbed 'the mountain connoisseurs' walk', the Cambrian Way stretches 479km between the mighty castles of Cardiff in the south and Conwy on the north coast. Traversing the heartland of Wales, the challenging route crosses the Brecon Beacons, the Cambrian Mountains and Snowdonia, passing through two national parks and visiting many of the country's iconic summits, including Pen y Fan, Pumlumon, Cadair Idris and Snowdon itself. It can be walked in three weeks (or in shorter sections) and is suitable for experienced hillwalkers with sound navigational skills. The guide presents the route in 21 stages, offering comprehensive route description illustrated with OS 1:50,000 mapping and elevation profiles. Details of accommodation and facilities are provided, along with a helpful trek planner showing their distribution along the route: although the trail passes through remote areas, it is possible to stay under a roof every night - though camping is also a possibility, should you prefer. There are background notes on Wales's history and geology and local points of interest, and a glossary of Welsh place-names, useful contacts and accommodation listings can be found in the appendices. From the Black Mountains to the Rhinogau, Glyderau and Carneddau, the route takes in lofty ridges, striking peaks and picturesque lakes. There are also fascinating glimpses into the country's ancient and more recent past: Iron Age hillforts, Norman castles, a Cistercian abbey, the Chartist Cave and relics from the mining industry. Offering superlative scenery, the Cambrian Way is a celebration of some of the best mountain walking Wales has to offer and promises a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in these celebrated landscapes.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Instrumental Analytical Chemistry: An Introduction
Analytical chemistry today is almost entirely instrumental analytical chemistry and it is performed by many scientists and engineers who are not chemists. Analytical instrumentation is crucial to research in molecular biology, medicine, geology, food science, materials science, and many other fields. With the growing sophistication of laboratory equipment, there is a danger that analytical instruments can be regarded as "black boxes" by those using them. The well-known phrase "garbage in, garbage out" holds true for analytical instrumentation as well as computers. This book serves to provide users of analytical instrumentation with an understanding of their instruments.This book is written to teach undergraduate students and those working in chemical fields outside analytical chemistry how contemporary analytical instrumentation works, as well as its uses and limitations. Mathematics is kept to a minimum. No background in calculus, physics, or physical chemistry is required. The major fields of modern instrumentation are covered, including applications of each type of instrumental technique.Each chapter includes: A discussion of the fundamental principles underlying each technique Detailed descriptions of the instrumentation. An extensive and up to date bibliography End of chapter problems Suggested experiments appropriate to the technique where relevant This text uniquely combines instrumental analysis with organic spectral interpretation (IR, NMR, and MS). It provides detailed coverage of sampling, sample handling, sample storage, and sample preparation. In addition, the authors have included many instrument manufacturers’ websites, which contain extensive resources.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Controlled Branching Processes
The purpose of this book is to provide a comprehensive discussion of the available results for discrete time branching processes with random control functions. The independence of individuals’ reproduction is a fundamental assumption in the classical branching processes. Alternatively, the controlled branching processes (CBPs) allow the number of reproductive individuals in one generation to decrease or increase depending on the size of the previous generation. Generating a wide range of behaviors, the CBPs have been successfully used as modeling tools in diverse areas of applications.
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig Precarious Solidarities: Artists for Democracy 1974-77: Exhibition Histories
Fulcrum Inc.,US Song for the Horse Nation: Horses in Native American Cultures
The tradition of horses in Native American culture, depicted through images, essays, and quotes. For many Native Americans, each animal and bird that surrounded them was part of a nation of its own, and none was more vital to both survival and culture than the horse.
Pocket Books The Dark Half
';A chiller' (The New York Times Book Review) and #1 New York Times bestseller about a writer's horrific and haunting pseudonym that destroys everyone on the path leading to the man who created him.After thirteen years of international bestseller stardom with his works of violent crime fiction, author George Stark is officially declared deadrevealed by a national magazine to have been killed at the hands of the man who created him: the once well-regarded but now obscure writer Thad Beaumont. Thad's even gone so far as to stage a mock burial of his wildly successful pseudonym, complete with tombstone and the epitaph ';Not a Very Nice Guy.' Although on the surface, it seems that Thad can finally concentrate on his own novels, there's a certain unease at the prospect of leaving George Stark behind. But that's nothing compared to the horror about to descend upon Thad's new life. There are the vicious, out-of-control nightmares, for starters. And how is h
Liverpool University Press George Moore: Spheres of Influence
This invigorating volume explores the literary worlds inhabited by the pioneering Irish author George Moore (1852–1933). With an eye to Moore’s innovative embrace of visual art, feminism and literary history, and in the spirit of his feisty resistance to ‘orthodoxy’, it investigates his influences and inventive strategies in novel, short story and memoir. Amongst the names emerging from the disparate spheres of impressionism, literary coteries, the paratextual and the music world are those of Manet, Mallarmé, Wilde, Héloïse, Elgar and Bourdieu, all with Moorian links. Contested depictions of religion and nationalism simmer; France and French influences encompass fin-de-siècle stories and medieval texts; epistolary details evidence vital parental support; contemporary authors write back to Moore. These voyages of discovery enter the fields of feminist scholarship and the New Woman, life writing and letters, fin-de-siècle aesthetics, intersections between art, music and literature, and literary transitions from Victorian to Modern. Valuably, the authors suggest numerous opportunities for additional research in these areas, as well as within Moore studies. This collection, with contributions from an international set of established and new scholars, delivers fresh and original findings as it builds on the substantial and ever-growing corpus of Moore studies.
Tom Doherty Associates Knaves Over Queens
Perfect for current fans and new readers alike, Knaves Over Queens is an all-new adventure set in London, featuring a fresh cast of characters from the Wild Cards universe.Developed by aliens and field-tested on Earth, the virus known as Xenovirus Takis-A was released in New York in 1946, changing the course of human history forever. Most of those infected die - and a tiny percentage become deformed beings known as jokers. A lucky few survivors become aces: superhumans gifted with amazing powers. Now the virus has reached Britain.There, Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill, gifted with extraordinary longevity, together with the Enigma ace Alan Turing, set up a special organization named the Order of the Silver Helix. They will need all of the wild cards they can find if they are to deal with the terrifying mutations spawned by the virus. Edited by #1 New York Times bestselling author George R. R. Martin and Melinda M. Snodgrass, Knaves
Little, Brown & Company Duet
Welcome to the world of Mirabelle, a young goldfinch who loves to sing and dreams of becoming a musical star. She lives with her family in the backyard of a piano teacher, and she is quickly intrigued by Mr. Starek's newest pupil. Michael Jin is an eleven-year-old keyboard sensation, but lesson after lesson, he refuses to play. With the prestigious Chopin Festival looming at summer's end, how will he be ready in time? Mirabelle is responsible for Michael's breakthrough-to her own astonishment, she sings the Chopin piece he is beginning to play at the piano. It is their first duet.Thus begins a secret adventure that will take Mirabelle and Michael further than they ever imagined-in music, in friendship, and in solving the mystery of a lost piano that could be worth millions. A house full of treasures holds the clues. There, Mirabelle, Michael, and their friend Emily will make an important discovery that links the great composer Frederic Chopin, the trailblazing author George Sand, and the French Romantic painter Eugene Delacroix.A fast-paced, history-rich mystery will have young readers hooked as they root for boy and bird in this beautifully told novel, full of emotion and suspense.
HarperCollins Publishers The Making of HBO’s House of the Dragon
Discover the filmmaking secrets behind HBO and Sky’s HOUSE OF THE DRAGON! Witness the genesis of a Targaryen dynasty with this deluxe book that explores the creation of HBO’s hit series House of the Dragon. Based on visionary author George R. R. Martin’s book Fire & Blood, House of the Dragon charts the earth-shattering events that led to the fall of Westeros’s most powerful family, House Targaryen. Brought to the screen by showrunners Ryan Condal and Miguel Sapochnik, the ambitious prequel series required a striking new vision that would transport viewers back in time, two centuries before the events of Game of Thrones. With unparalleled access to the show’s cast and crew, including Condal, Sapochnik, and Martin, this book tells the incredible story of their creative journey, from the initial scriptwriting process to the epic international shoot. Illustrated with a remarkable wealth of concept art, on-set photography, and other key visuals, this is the ultimate companion to House of the Dragon and a must-have for fans. EXCLUSIVE ACCESS: Go behind the scenes of House of the Dragon and discover exclusive insights and secrets from the show’s ambitious shoot. REVEALING INTERVIEWS: Go behind the scenes of House of the Dragon through in-depth interviews with showrunners Ryan Condal and Miguel Sapochnik, creator George R. R. Martin, and the incredible cast including Matt Smith, Paddy Considine, Emma D’Arcy, Olivia Cooke, Milly Alcock, and Emily Carey. STUNNING IMAGERY: Explore a treasure trove of never-before-seen images, including concept designs for the show’s dragons, locations, and costumes, plus candid on-set photos. OFFICIALLY LICENSED: The only officially licensed making-of book for HBO‘s House of the Dragon. COMPLETE YOUR COLLECTION:The perfect companion to The Art of Game of Thrones and Game of Thrones: The Costumes.
Amber Books Ltd The Wars of the Roses: The conflict that inspired Game of Thrones
“Westeros is probably closer to medieval Britain than anything else.” George R.R. Martin, creator of Game of Thrones Kings who were insane, infant or imprisoned; feuding families, disputed successions and monarchs executing their brothers; exiled nobles, war with France and enemies forced to unite against a common foe – the history of the Wars of the Roses is so filled with drama that it feels like fiction. In fact, it has inspired fiction. As Game of Thrones author George R.R. Martin said: “I’ve drawn on many parts of history, but the Wars of the Roses is probably the one A Song Of Ice and Fire is closest to.” Telling the story of the fifteenth century wars between Lancastrians and Yorkists, The Wars of the Roses follows the course of the conflict from the succession of infant King Henry VI right through to the defeat of rebellions under Henry VII. Its protagonists were twisted by their conflicting loyalties of blood, marriage and, above all, ambition. From mad Henry VI captured in battle to the mystery of the ‘Princes in the Tower’ and the truth behind Richard III’s deformity, the book is a lively account of more than 30 tumultuous years. Illustrated with more than 200 colour and black-and-white photographs, artworks and maps, The Wars of the Roses reveals the scheming and betrayal, the skullduggery and murder behind the struggle to gain power – and then hold on to it.
The New Press Speaking Freely: My Life in Publishing and Human Rights
What do Dr. Seuss, William Faulkner, Toni Morrison, Andrei Sakharov, and James Michener have in common? They were all published by Bob Bernstein during his twenty-five-year run as president of Random House, before he brought the dissidents Liu Binyan, Jacobo Timerman, Natan Sharansky, and Václav Havel to worldwide attention in his role as the father of modern human rights. Starting as an office boy at Simon & Schuster in 1946, Bernstein moved to Random House in 1956 and succeeded Bennett Cerf as president ten years later. The rest is publishing and human rights history. In a charming and self-effacing work, Bernstein reflects for the first time on his fairy tale publishing career, hobnobbing with Truman Capote and E.L. Doctorow; conspiring with Kay Thompson on the Eloise series; attending a rally for Random House author George McGovern with film star Claudette Colbert; and working with publishing luminaries including Dick Simon, Alfred Knopf, Robert Gottlieb, André Schiffrin, Peter Osnos, Susan Peterson, and Jason Epstein as Bernstein grew Random House from a $40 million to an $800 millionplus money making juggernaut,” as Thomas Maier called it in his biography of Random House owner Si Newhouse. In a book sure to be savored by anyone who has worked in the publishing industry, fought for human rights, or wondered how Theodor Geisel became Dr. Seuss, Speaking Freely beautifully captures a bygone era in the book industry and the first crucial years of a worldwide movement to protect free speech and challenge tyranny around the globe.
Simon & Schuster Ltd Bruce Lee: A Life
A Sunday Times Book of the Year 'For anyone interested in Lee's legacy, this is a roundhouse kick of a biography' – Sunday Times'At last, Bruce Lee has the powerful biography he deserves... It will thrill Lee's fans and fascinate the unfamiliar' – Jonathan Eig, author of Ali: A Life and Luckiest Man: The Life and Death of Lou Gehrig'Meticulously researched' – Jimmy McDonough, author of Shakey: Neil Young’s Biography and Soul Survivor: A Biography of Al Green'You won't find a better match for a biographer with his subject than Matthew Polly and Bruce Lee... A definitive biography, told with passion and punch' – Brian Jay Jones, author George Lucas: A Life and Jim Henson: The Biography. More than forty years after Bruce Lee’s sudden death at age 32, journalist and author Matthew Polly has written the definitive account of Lee’s life. It’s also one of the only accounts; incredibly, there has never been an authoritative biography of Lee. Following a decade of research that included conducting more than one hundred interviews with Lee’s family, friends, business associates and even the mistress in whose bed Lee died, Polly has constructed a complex, humane portrait of the icon. There are his early years as a child star in Hong Kong cinema; his actor father’s struggles with opium addiction and how that turned Bruce into a troublemaking teenager who was kicked out of high school and eventually sent to America to shape up; his beginnings as a martial arts teacher, eventually becoming personal instructor to movie stars like Steve McQueen; his struggles as an Asian-American actor in Hollywood and frustration seeing role after role he auditioned for go to white actors in eye makeup; his eventual triumph as a leading man; his challenges juggling a sky-rocketing career with his duties as a father and husband; and his shocking end that to this day is still shrouded in mystery.Polly breaks down the myth of Bruce Lee and argues that, contrary to popular belief, he was an ambitious actor who was obsessed with martial arts—not a great kung-fu master who just so happened to make a couple of movies. The book offers an honest look at an impressive yet flawed man whose personal story was even more entertaining and inspiring than any fictional role he played on-screen.Praise for Matthew Polly'Hypnotic...Tapped Out manages to humanize a sport once demonized as "human cockfighting" by deconstructing the stereotype of the martial-arts tough guy.' – New York Times'Tapped Out is a knockout for MMA fans, who will laugh at the intimate portraits Polly sketches of some of the sport's most famous personalities. But it also works for those not familiar with the sport...You won't be disappointed.' – 'A delight to read.' – 'Polly's self-deprecation in the painful learning process stands out as much as the witty prose. His delivery is Plimpton-esque.' – 'Smoothly written . . . Polly has a good eye for characters.' – Publishers Weekly