Search results for ""Author George""
John Wiley & Sons Inc Corporate Finance Workbook: A Practical Approach
The workbook to accompany Corporate Finance: A Practical Approach, Second Edition
Random House USA Inc Logan's Run: Vintage Movie Classics
Dumbarton Oaks Research Library & Collection The Art of Urbanism: How Mesoamerican Kingdoms Represented Themselves in Architecture and Imagery
University of Nebraska Press Beckoning Frontiers: The Memoir of a Wyoming Entrepreneur
2021 Publication Award in Biography from the Wyoming State Historical Society Westerners International Co-Founders Book Award, second place George W. T. Beck, an influential rancher and entrepreneur in the American West, collaborated with William F. “Buffalo Bill” Cody to establish the town of Cody, Wyoming, in the 1890s. He advanced his financial investments in Wyoming through his numerous personal and professional contacts with various eastern investors and politicians in Washington DC. Beck’s family—his father a Kentucky senator and his mother a grandniece of George Washington—and his adventures in the American West resulted in personal associates who ranged from western legends Buffalo Bill, Jesse James, and Calamity Jane to wealthy American elites such as George and Phoebe Hearst and Theodore Roosevelt. This definitive edition of Beck’s memoir provides a glimpse of early life in Wyoming, offering readers a rare perspective on how community boosters cooperated with political leaders and wealthy financiers. Beck’s memoir, introduced and annotated by Lynn J. Houze and Jeremy M. Johnston, offers a unique and sometimes amusing view of financial dealings in eastern boardrooms, as well as stories of Beck’s adventures with Buffalo Bill in Wyoming. Beck’s memoir demonstrates not only his interest in developing the West but also his humor and his willingness to collaborate with a variety of people.
Cornell University Press Detachment and the Writing of History: Essays and Letters of Carl L. Becker
First published in 1958, Detachment and the Writing of History collects essays and letters by Carl L. Becker in which the noted historian outlines his views on the study of history, the craft of the historian, the art of teaching, and the historical evolution of the idea of democracy. Together, these invaluable writings demonstrate Becker's conviction of the moral seriousness of the historian's calling and of the importance of history as a factor, at once intellectual and artistically imaginative, in the life of society.
Penguin Young Readers Group La pequeña locomotora que sí pudo EnglishSpanish Edition
University of California Press Civilization
This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press’s mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1959.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Knowledge for Generations: Wiley and the Global Publishing Industry, 1807 - 2007
A lively history of one of America's oldest publishing houses, published in conjunction with Wiley's bicentennial Founded in New York City when Thomas Jefferson was president, Wiley has been a significant player in the publishing industry for two centuries. Now, on the occasion of Wiley's bicentennial, a distinguished team of authors brings Wiley's rich history to life, showing how the company has reacted to trends within the publishing industry as well as to larger economic, social, and cultural forces. Knowledge for Generations sheds light on the long-term strengths and weaknesses of Wiley's business, illuminates the continuities and changes over time, and shows how family ownership has influenced the company's strategies, values, and corporate culture. Drawing on unrestricted access to company archives and interviews with key executives, the authors capture a story of sustained business success, intriguing personalities, and dramatic changes in the industry. Illustrated throughout with illuminating photographs and graphics, Knowledge for Generations is a must-read for anyone interested in the history of publishing.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Soil Erosion: Processes, Prediction, Measurement, and Control
A thorough look at physical properties of soil erosion Soil erosion has been responsible for billions of dollars of damage during the past thirty years, in the United States alone. Soil Erosion provides complete coverage of the physical causes, processes, and effects of this environmental problem from its origins to planning for future conservation and remediation. This book focuses on the process of soil erosion and erosion-control principles independent of land use. Coverage includes the primary factors that influence soil erosion, various types of erosion, erosion-prediction technology, erosion measurements, erosion and sediment control, and conservation of the land. Practical material on erosion models is featured along with ways to use these models as erosion-control tools. Details of conservation planning and government policy are presented in a historical context, supported by examples of working public programs and technical tools for conservation planning. End-of-chapter summaries and comprehensive appendices on soils, hydrology, and soil-erosion Web sites make this a complete and easy-to-use introduction to soil-erosion processes, prediction, measurement, and control. Supplemented with more than 100 photographs, drawings, and tables, Soil Erosion: Processes, Prediction, Measurement, and Control is an essential book for students of soil management, erosion, conservation, earth science, civil engineering, and agriculture; employees of soil conservation districts; government employees in the Natural Resources Conservation Service, Forest Service, USDA, EPA, and Bureau of Land Management; and soil scientists.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Structural Geology of Rocks and Regions
Relates the physical and geometric elegance of geologic structures within the Earth's crust and the ways in which these structures reflect the nature and origin of crystal deformation through time. The main thrust is on applications in regional tectonics, exploration geology, active tectonics and geohydrology. Techniques, experiments, and calculations are described in detail, with the purpose of offering active participation and discovery through laboratory and field work.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Physical Chemistry
Ever since Physical Chemistry was first published in 1913, it has remained a highly effective and relevant learning tool thanks to the efforts of physical chemists from all over the world. Each new edition has benefited from their suggestions and expert advice. The result of this remarkable tradition is now in your hands.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Mechanical Design of Machine Elements and Machines: A Failure Prevention Perspective
Written primarily to support a Junior-Senior level sequence of courses in Mechanical Engineering Design, this text takes the viewpoint that failure prevention is the cornerstone concept underlying all mechanical design activity. The text is presented in two parts, Part I--Engineering Principles, containing 7 chapters, and Part II--Design Applications, containing 13 chapters. Due to its organization, the text can also be conveniently used as the basis for continuing education courses or short-courses directed toward graduate engineers, as well as a reference book for mechanical designers engaged in professional practice.
Yale University Press Building a New Europe: Portraits of Modern Architects, Essays by George Nelson, 1935-1936
Fascinating profiles of the leading architects of the 1930s during a crucial period in the evolution of modernism Architect, designer, and architectural critic, George Nelson (1908–1986) was a young and impressionable architect when he wrote a series of articles in 1935 and 1936 that eloquently introduced astonishing buildings and fascinating personalities from across the Atlantic to wider American audiences. Building a New Europe presents this important collection of writings together for the first time. The subjects of Nelson’s essays include figures both major (Mies van Der Rohe and Le Corbusier) and minor (Helweg-Moeller and Ivar Tengbom). All of these architects would soon be affected by World War II—they would be put out of work or seek new careers abroad. Nelson’s essays spark fascinating questions about the canon of modernism: how would circumstances in the pre-war years cause some architects to rise and others to fall? Accompanied by a comprehensive introduction and a wide selection of archival photographs, many never before published, this unique study is a significant contribution to the history of modern architecture.Published in association with the Yale University School of Architecture
University of Texas Press Visualizing the Sacred: Cosmic Visions, Regionalism, and the Art of the Mississippian World
The prehistoric native peoples of the Mississippi River Valley and other areas of the Eastern Woodlands of the United States shared a complex set of symbols and motifs that constituted one of the greatest artistic traditions of the pre-Columbian Americas. Traditionally known as the Southeastern Ceremonial Complex, these artifacts of copper, shell, stone, clay, and wood were the subject of the groundbreaking 2007 book Ancient Objects and Sacred Realms: Interpretations of Mississippian Iconography, which presented a major reconstruction of the rituals, cosmology, ideology, and political structures of the Mississippian peoples.Visualizing the Sacred advances the study of Mississippian iconography by delving into the regional variations within what is now known as the Mississippian Iconographic Interaction Sphere (MIIS). Bringing archaeological, ethnographic, ethnohistoric, and iconographic perspectives to the analysis of Mississippian art, contributors from several disciplines discuss variations in symbols and motifs among major sites and regions across a wide span of time and also consider what visual symbols reveal about elite status in diverse political environments. These findings represent the first formal identification of style regions within the Mississippian Iconographic Interaction Sphere and call for a new understanding of the MIIS as a network of localized, yet interrelated religious systems that experienced both continuity and change over time.
University of Texas Press LBJ and Vietnam: A Different Kind of War
Decades later, the Vietnam War remains a divisive memory for American society. Partisans on all sides still debate why the war was fought, how it could have been better fought, and whether it could have been won at all.In this major study, a noted expert on the war brings a needed objectivity to these debates by examining dispassionately how and why President Lyndon Johnson and his administration conducted the war as they did. Drawing on a wealth of newly released documents from the LBJ Library, including the Tom Johnson notes from the influential Tuesday Lunch Group, George Herring discusses the concept of limited war and how it affected President Johnson's decision making, Johnson's relations with his military commanders, the administration's pacification program of 1965-1967, the management of public opinion, and the "fighting while negotiating" strategy pursued after the Tet Offensive in 1968.The author's in-depth analysis exposes numerous flaws in Johnson's management of the war. In Herring's view, the Johnson administration lacked any overall strategy for conducting the war. No change in approach was ever discussed, despite popular and even administration dissatisfaction with the progress of the war, and no oversight committee coordinated the activities of the military services and various governmental agencies, which were left to follow their own, often conflicting, agendas.
Indiana University Press Animal Tales from the Caribbean
These twenty-one animal tales from the Colombian Caribbean coast represent a sampling of the traditional stories that are told during all-night funerary wakes. The tales are told in the semi-sacred space of the patio (backyard) of homes as part of the funerary ritual that includes other aesthetic and expressive practices such as jokes, song games, board games, and prayer. In this volume these stories are situated within their performance contexts and represent a highly ritualized corpus of oral knowledge that for centuries has been preserved and cultivated by African-descendant populations in the Americas. Ethnomusicologist George List collected these tales throughout his decades-long fieldwork amongst the rural costeños, a chiefly African-descendent population, in the mid-20th century and, with the help of a research team, transcribed and translated them into English before his death in 2008. In this volume, John Holmes McDowell and Juan Sebastián Rojas E. have worked to bring this previously unpublished manuscript to light, providing commentary on the transcriptions and translations, additional cultural context through a new introduction, and further typological and cultural analysis by Hasan M. El-Shamy. Supplementing the transcribed and translated texts are links to the original Spanish recordings of the stories, allowing readers to follow along and experience the traditional telling of the tales for themselves.
University of Virginia Press The Papers of George Washington v.6; 13 August-20 October, 1776;13 August-20 October, 1776
Documents Washington's decisions and actions during the heart of the New York campaign, from late summer to early fall 1776, when his opponent, General William Howe, took the offensive and outmanoeuvred the American forces in and around New York City by amphibious landings.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Cross-border Banking: Regulatory Challenges
Cross-border banking, while having the potential for a more efficient financial sector, also creates potential challenges for bank supervisors and regulators. It requires cooperation by regulatory authorities across jurisdictions and a clear delineation of authority and responsibility. That delineation is typically not present and regulatory authorities often have significantly different incentives to respond when cross-border-active banks encounter difficulties. Most of these issues have only begun to be seriously evaluated.This volume, one of the first attempts to address these issues, brings together experts and regulators from different countries. The wide range of topics discussed include: the current landscape of cross-border bank activity, the resulting competitive implications, emerging challenges for prudential regulation, safety net concerns, failure resolution issues, and the potential future evolution of international banking.This book has been selected for coverage in:• Index to Social Sciences & Humanities Proceedings® (ISSHP® / ISI Proceedings)• Index to Social Sciences & Humanities Proceedings (ISSHP CDROM version/ISI Proceedings)
MP-AMM American Mathematical Algebras Lattices Varieties Volume II
The second of a three-volume set of books on the theory of algebras, a study that provides a consistent framework for understanding algebraic systems, including groups, rings, modules, semigroups and lattices.
Myers Education Press We Be Lovin’ Black Children: Learning to Be Literate About the African Diaspora
Johns Hopkins University Press The Papers of George Catlett Marshall: "The Man of the Age," October 1, 1949–October 16, 1959
This seventh and final volume of The Papers of George Catlett Marshall covers the last ten years of Marshall's life, when he served as secretary of defense from September 1950 to September 1951 following a year as American Red Cross president. Dramatic swings in fortune for US and UN forces in Korea consumed him as defense secretary, yet Europe remained Marshall's strategic focus and with it the establishment of a NATO military command, efforts to convince the French to accept German rearmament, congressional approval for a major US military buildup, and a Mutual Security Program for America's allies. Marshall also participated in the decision to relieve General Douglas MacArthur, sparking public uproar and a Senate investigation. Marshall remained active and honored in retirement, particularly in 1953, when he led the US delegation to the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II and then became the first professional soldier to win the Nobel Peace Prize, a tribute to the Marshall Plan. Through it all, he maintained an extensive correspondence with national and international leaders. When he died on October 16, 1959, George Catlett Marshall was hailed by many as the nation's greatest soldier-statesman since George Washington.
McGraw-Hill Education Connect Access Card for Children Moving
Dover Publications Inc. The Burgess Seashore Book for Children
John Wiley & Sons Inc Chemistry: Structure and Dynamics, 5e Student Solutions Manual
Chemistry: Structure and Dynamics, 5th Edition emphasises deep understanding rather than comprehensive coverage along with a focus on the development of inquiry and reasoning skills. While most mainstream General Chemistry texts offer a breadth of content coverage, the Spencer author team, in contrast, focuses on depth and student preparation for future studies. The fifth edition is revised in keeping with our commitment to the chemical education community and specifically the POGIL (Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning) Project. This text reflects two core principles, first that the concepts that are covered are fundamental building blocks for understanding chemistry and second, that the concepts should be perceived by the students as being directly applicable to their interests and careers. The authors further provide this "core" coverage using 1 of 3 models; data-driven, chemical theories and student understanding, which allows for a more concrete foundation on which students build conceptual understanding.
Springer International Publishing AG Laboratory Hemostasis: A Practical Guide for Pathologists
Coagulation testing is the basis for the diagnosis of bleeding and thrombotic disorders, as well as the mainstay of anticoagulant monitoring and management. This handbook provides practical information and guidance on topics relevant to directing a coagulation laboratory, filling a void in the literature. Since the first edition, all chapters have been updated and an entirely new chapter is included on pharmacogenomics and pharmacogenetics. The book will aid pathologists, clinical laboratory scientists and other physicians serving as laboratory directors to understand and carry out their responsibilities. It will also assist residents and fellows in learning the basics of coagulation testing and serve as a useful day-to-day reference for coagulation laboratory supervisors, technologists, and technicians. Finally, clinicians may find aspects of the book helpful in understanding the role of the coagulation laboratory in patient evaluation and monitoring.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Involving Colleges: Successful Approaches to Fostering Student Learning and Development Outside the Classroom
Involving Colleges details the extracurricular environments of fourteen diverse involving colleges and universities and shows how and where successful conditions and characteristics can be adapted to institutions to complement the institution's unique educational purpose and mission.
Taylor & Francis Inc Handbook of Small Animal Imaging: Preclinical Imaging, Therapy, and Applications
The use of small animal models in basic and preclinical sciences constitutes an integral part of testing new pharmaceutical agents prior to their application in clinical practice. New imaging and therapeutic approaches need to be tested and validated first in animals before application to humans. Handbook of Small Animal Imaging: Preclinical Imaging, Therapy, and Applications collects the latest information about various imaging and therapeutic technologies used in preclinical research into a single source. Useful to established researchers as well as newcomers to the field, this handbook shows readers how to exploit and integrate these imaging and treatment modalities and techniques into their own research.The book first presents introductory material on small animal imaging, therapy, and research ethics. It next covers ionizing radiation and nonionizing radiation methods in small animal imaging, hybrid imaging, and imaging agents. The book then addresses therapeutic research platforms and image quantification, explaining how to ensure accurate measurements of high-quality data. It concludes with an overview of many small animal imaging and therapy applications that demonstrate the strength of the techniques in biomedical fields.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Systematic Reviews in Health Research: Meta-Analysis in Context
Systematic Reviews in Health Research Explore the cutting-edge of systematic reviews in healthcare In this Third Edition of the classic Systematic Reviews textbook, now titled Systematic Reviews in Health Research, a team of distinguished researchers deliver a comprehensive and authoritative guide to the rapidly evolving area of systematic reviews and meta-analysis. The book demonstrates why systematic reviews—when conducted properly—provide the highest quality evidence on clinical and public health interventions and shows how they contribute to inference in many other contexts. The new edition reflects the broad role of systematic reviews, including: Twelve new chapters, covering additional study designs, methods and software, for example, on genetic association studies, prediction models, prevalence studies, network and dose-response meta-analysis Thorough update of 15 chapters focusing on systematic reviews of interventions Access to a companion website offering supplementary materials and practical exercises ( A key text for health researchers, Systematic Reviews in Health Research is also an indispensable resource for practitioners, students, and instructors in the health sciences needing to understand research synthesis.
CABI Publishing Science Under Scarcity: Principles and Practice for Agricultural Research and Priority Setting
Resources for agricultural science are scarce across the world. Yet even as resources are shrinking, agricultural science has expanded its inquiry into many new areas - such as environmental preservation, food quality, and rural development - without forsaking its more traditional concerns. In a time of tight government budgets, research administrators are faced with the need to provide strong evidence that costs are justified by benefits. Science under Scarcity is an invaluable guide to the theory and methods necessary for evaluating research in agriculture and for setting priorities for resource allocation. Although economists have made significant progress in developing more sophisticated methods for research evaluation and priority setting, many research analysts and administrators do not have a working knowledge of those practices. Without the assistance of formal economic analysis it is particularly difficult to assess the social value of new technologies or to make informed judgements about the trade-offs that are involved in allocation decisions. Addressing that knowledge gap, this book reviews, synthesizes, and extends such methods as economic surplus analysis, econometric techniques, mathematical programming procedures, and scoring models. It discusses these practices in the context of scientific policy, describes their conceptual foundations, and explains how to do them. Originally published in 1995 in hardcover by Cornell University Press, it is now reissued in paperback by CAB INTERNATIONAL.
Taylor & Francis Inc Obesity and Mental Disorders
Currently, there are a limited amount of guidelines to help clinicians manage patients with obesity and comorbid mental disorders. This expertly written source fills the gap in the literature by providing a clear overview of obesity and its relationship to mental illness while reviewing the most recent methods to manage and control the condition with diet, exercise, psychological treatments, pharmacotherapy, and surgery.
Thames & Hudson Ltd The Complete World of the Dead Sea Scrolls
New in paperback, this is a fully illustrated volume on the discovery, meaning and significance of all the Dead Sea Scrolls by acknowledged experts in the field. Offering intriguing historical and religious insights into the period of authorship, from Babylon to Bar Kokhba, and expert interpretation of the manuscripts using palaeography, Carbon-14 dating and computer reconstructions, the book also Includes factfiles, tables, reconstructions, scroll photographs and a guide to where to see the scrolls today.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Learning and Practicing Econometrics
Designed to promote students' understanding of econometrics and to build a more operational knowledge of economics through a meaningful combination of words, symbols and ideas. Each chapter commences in the way economists begin new empirical projects--with a question and an economic model--then proceeds to develop a statistical model, select an estimator and outline inference procedures. Contains a copious amount of problems, experimental exercises and case studies.
Random House USA Inc A Feast of Ice and Fire: The Official Game of Thrones Companion Cookbook
Indiana University Press Animal Tales from the Caribbean
These twenty-one animal tales from the Colombian Caribbean coast represent a sampling of the traditional stories that are told during all-night funerary wakes. The tales are told in the semi-sacred space of the patio (backyard) of homes as part of the funerary ritual that includes other aesthetic and expressive practices such as jokes, song games, board games, and prayer. In this volume these stories are situated within their performance contexts and represent a highly ritualized corpus of oral knowledge that for centuries has been preserved and cultivated by African-descendant populations in the Americas. Ethnomusicologist George List collected these tales throughout his decades-long fieldwork amongst the rural costeños, a chiefly African-descendent population, in the mid-20th century and, with the help of a research team, transcribed and translated them into English before his death in 2008. In this volume, John Holmes McDowell and Juan Sebastián Rojas E. have worked to bring this previously unpublished manuscript to light, providing commentary on the transcriptions and translations, additional cultural context through a new introduction, and further typological and cultural analysis by Hasan M. El-Shamy. Supplementing the transcribed and translated texts are links to the original Spanish recordings of the stories, allowing readers to follow along and experience the traditional telling of the tales for themselves.
University of Illinois Press The University of Illinois: Engine of Innovation
The founding of the university in 1867 created a unique community in what had been a prairie. Within a few years, this creative mix of teachers and scholars produced innovations in agriculture, engineering and the arts that challenged old ideas and stimulated dynamic new industries. Projects ranging from the Mosaic web browser to the discovery of Archaea and pioneering triumphs in women's education and wheelchair accessibility have helped shape the university's mission into a double helix of innovation and real-world change. These essays explore the university's celebrated accomplishments and historic legacy, candidly assessing both its successes and its setbacks. Experts and students tell the eye-opening stories of campus legends and overlooked game-changers, of astonishing technical and social invention, of incubators of progress as diverse as the Beckman Institute and Ebertfest. Contributors: James R. Barrett, George O. Batzli, Claire Benjamin, Jeffrey D. Brawn, Jimena Canales, Stephanie A. Dick, Poshek Fu, Marcelo H. Garcia, Lillian Hoddeson, Harry Liebersohn, Claudia Lutz, Kathleen Mapes, Vicki McKinney, Elisa Miller, Robert Michael Morrissey, Bryan E. Norwood, Elizabeth H. Pleck, Leslie J. Reagan, Susan M. Rigdon, David Rosenboom, Katherine Skwarczek, Winton U. Solberg, Carol Spindel, William F. Tracy, and Joy Ann Williamson-Lott.
Elsevier Science Publishing Co Inc Mathematical Methods for Physicists: A Comprehensive Guide
Now in its 7th edition, Mathematical Methods for Physicists continues to provide all the mathematical methods that aspiring scientists and engineers are likely to encounter as students and beginning researchers. This bestselling text provides mathematical relations and their proofs essential to the study of physics and related fields. While retaining the key features of the 6th edition, the new edition provides a more careful balance of explanation, theory, and examples. Taking a problem-solving-skills approach to incorporating theorems with applications, the book's improved focus will help students succeed throughout their academic careers and well into their professions. Some notable enhancements include more refined and focused content in important topics, improved organization, updated notations, extensive explanations and intuitive exercise sets, a wider range of problem solutions, improvement in the placement, and a wider range of difficulty of exercises.
University of Virginia Press The Papers of George Washington v.10; Revolutionary War Series;June -August 1777
The tenth volume of the revolutionary war papers of George Washington. It opens with Washington headquartered at the Continental army's encampment at Middlebrook, New Jersey. From this vantage point Washington could survey the country between Perth Amboy and New Brunswick.
Historic New Orleans Collection,U.S. Complementary Visions of Louisiana Art: The Laura Simon Nelson Collection at The Historic New Orleans Collection
Potter/Ten Speed/Harmony/Rodale The Rise of the Dragon: An Illustrated History of the Targaryen Dynasty, Volume One
Macmillan Learning Introduction to the Practice of Statistics
Random House USA Inc The World of Ice & Fire: The Untold History of Westeros and the Game of Thrones
John Wiley & Sons Inc Engineering Statistics, SI Version
Montgomery, Runger, and Hubele provide modern coverage of engineering statistics, focusing on how statistical tools are integrated into the engineering problem-solving process. All major aspects of engineering statistics are covered, including descriptive statistics, probability and probability distributions, statistical test and confidence intervals for one and two samples, building regression models, designing and analyzing engineering experiments, and statistical process control. Developed with sponsorship from the National Science Foundation, this revision incorporates many insights from the authors' teaching experience along with feedback from numerous adopters of previous editions.
HarperCollins Publishers The World of Ice and Fire: The Untold History of Westeros and the Game of Thrones
The never-before-seen history of Westeros and the lands beyond. With hundreds of pages of all-new material from George R.R. Martin. If the past is prologue, then George R.R. Martin’s masterwork—the most inventive and entertaining fantasy saga of our time—warrants one hell of an introduction. At long last, it has arrived with THE WORLD OF ICE AND FIRE. George R.R. Martin, in collaboration with Elio M. García, Jr. and Linda Antonsson, has written a comprehensive history of the Seven Kingdoms, featuring the epic battles, bitter rivalries, and daring rebellions that lead up to the events in the bestselling A Song of Ice and Fire series. Collected within this volume is the accumulated knowledge, scholarly speculation, and inherited folk tales of maesters and septons, maegi and singers, including over 170 full-colour illustrations and maps, family trees for the Houses Stark, Lannister and Targaryen, and in-depth explanations of the history and culture of Westeros. This is the definitive companion volume to George R.R. Martin’s dazzlingly conceived universe; THE WORLD OF ICE AND FIRE is indeed proof that the pen is mightier than a storm of swords.
IVP Academic The Meaning of the Millennium – Four Views
SAGE Publications Inc Becoming an Evocative Coach: A Practice Guide for the Study of Evocative Coaching and Evoking Greatness
Coaching Teachers and Leaders to Greatness Research shows that coaching is the best way to bring about robust change in both instructional and leadership practices. Coaching becomes evocative when it is a person-centered, strengths-based model grounded in adult learning theory, focused on growth. Designed as a companion to both Evocative Coaching: Transforming Schools One Conversation at a Time, 2nd Edition and Evoking Greatness: Coaching to Bring Out the Best in Educational Leaders, this guide will allow coaches to reflect on their learning and put evocative coaching strategies into practice. Readers will learn how to: • Follow the LEAD (listen, emphasize, appreciate, design) process to become a partner in professional learning • Engage in coaching conversations as they develop evocative coaching skills through various activities that invite reflection • Develop instructional coaching and leadership skills that foster innovation This interactive guide is meant to be used by participants of an evocative coaching workshop, members of a book study group or PLC, a self-study reader, or anyone who wants to coach teachers and leaders to greatness.
New Century Edition The Shorter Works of 1758: New Jerusalem Last Judgment White Horse Other Planets
HarperCollins Publishers The Rise of the Dragon: An Illustrated History of the Targaryen Dynasty
This lavish visual history—featuring over 150 new, full-colour illustrations—is a stunning introduction to House Targaryen, the iconic family at the heart of HBO’s Game of Thrones prequel series, House of the Dragon. For hundreds of years, the Targaryens sat the Iron Throne of Westeros while their dragons ruled the skies. The story of the only family of dragonlords to survive Valyria’s Doom is a tale of twisty politics, alliances and betrayals, and acts both noble and craven. The Rise of the Dragon chronicles the creation and rise of Targaryen power in Westeros, covering the history first told in George R. R. Martin’s epic Fire & Blood, from Aegon Targaryen’s conquest of Westeros through to the infamous Dance of the Dragons—the bloody civil war that nearly undid Targaryen rule for good. Packed with all-new artwork, the Targaryens—and their dragons—come vividly to life in this deluxe reference book. Perfect for fans steeped in the lore of Westeros, as well as those who first meet the Targaryens in the HBO series House of the Dragon, The Rise of the Dragon provides a must-have overview for anyone looking to learn more about the most powerful family in Westeros.