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Peeters Publishers Studia Patristica. Vol. XLV - Ascetica, Liturgica, Orientalia, Critica Et Philologica, First Two Centuries
Papers presented at the Fifteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2007 (see also Studia Patristica 44, 46, 47, 48 and 49). The successive sets of Studia Patristica contain papers delivered at the International Conferences on Patristic Studies, which meet for a week once every four years in Oxford; they are held under the aegis of the Theology Faculty of the University. Members of these conferences come from all over the world and most offer papers. These range over the whole field, both East and West, from the second century to a section on the Nachleben of the Fathers. The majority are short papers dealing with some small and manageable point; they raise and sometimes resolve questions about the authenticity of documents, dates of events, and such like, and some unveil new texts. The smaller number of longer papers put such matters into context and indicate wider trends. The whole reflects the state of Patristic scholarship and demonstrates the vigour and popularity of the subject.
Peeters Publishers Grecisms in Ancient Armenian
This book is a systematic presentation of the linguistic features in all the published Ancient Armenian texts, mainly belonging to the so-called Hellenizing School of translations (late fifth - early eighth century), which are explained by Greek influence. These features include various types of lexical, morphological and syntactical Grecisms. Many of them are also characteristic of 'pre-Hellenizing' translations; a few examples of some of them are found in the early classical translations from Greek. In all cases the corresponding passages of the Greek originals (if extant) are cited. Most of the sections concluded with examples of the classical translation practice of the corresponding linguistic features without any Greek influence. In an appendix, various features of Latinizing Armenian (seventeenth century) are traced back to Hellenizing Armenian.
Peeters Publishers Figures de la Dialectique: Histoire et Perspectives Contemporaines
La dialectique est une des notions les plus recurrentes de la tradition philosophique, que les differents siecles invoquent, soit pour s'en reclamer, soit pour s'en distancier. Chez Platon, elle conquiert ses lettres de noblesse en etant promue au statut de science supreme, mais chez Aristote, elle redevient ce qu'elle etait avant la Republique, un art du dialogue, de la decouverte a tatons de la verite, une methode de raisonnement sur des premisses simplement probables, qui fraie la voie a la saisie de la verite, qui defend les principes du savoir contre les objections possibles mais qui ne peut pretendre au statut apodictique de la science. Ce differend originaire sur le statut et la portee va se diffracter au cours de l'histoire en une multiplicite impressionnante de figures qui sont autant de sources d'inspiration ou de repoussoirs pour les productions philosophiques ulterieures. Mais par dela les differences et les oppositions dans la conception de la dialectique, n'y a-t-il pas moyen de degager des lignes de convergence, des caracteristiques communes ? C'est le pari qu'ont tente les participants d'un colloque tenu a Louvain-la-Neuve en 2007, consacre a la dialectique. Le present volume reprend une serie de contributions qui y ont ete presentees et discutees. Il couvre les differentes periodes de l'histoire de la philosophie, depuis Platon jusqu'au XXe siecle, et aborde la question dans des aires philosophiques variees. A l'heure oA' notre monde prend toujours davantage conscience de la necessite de changer le paradigme en vigueur au sujet de la rationalite, la dialectique, avec son approche necessairement modeste de la totalite, avec sa dimension pratique, bien mise en evidence dans les diverses contributions, et avec son ouverture constitutive a l'alterite, se revele comme une voie feconde pour frayer la route de l'avenir.
Peeters Publishers La Personnalite au Centre de la Pensee Bergsonienne
Henri Bergson commencait en 1914 ses conferences d'Edimbourg en precisant que le probleme de la personnalite pouvait etre considere comme le probleme central de la philosophie. Tel est le point de depart d'un ouvrage qui prend au mot cette reflexion de celui que l'on considere habituellement comme le philosophe de la duree a un moment assez avance de sa carriere intellectuelle. L'auteur interroge la maniere dont le concept de personnalite est apparu dans l"uvre, mais aussi les progres, les problemes qu'il pose, et finalement son role et sa place dans la genese et le developpement de la pensee de Bergson. D'une simple hypothese de lecture, l'auteur s'achemine vers une these nouvelle. La personnalite apparait comme un point de convergence de la pensee bergsonienne, un point focal a partir duquel on percoit une demarche a l"uvre dans l"uvre. La personnalite, continuite creatrice de tension et de changement, se manifeste comme une perspective qui permet de relire de maniere nouvelle l"uvre de Bergson. A la fois a l'amont, au centre et a l'aval d'une pensee qui se distingue d'une tradition philosophique fondee sur letre, la personnalite, au sens bergsonienne du terme, devient meme l'etalon d'un spectre de durees constitutif de la realite et donne la clef d'une revolution bergsonienne de la pensee, ainsi que d'une pensee de l'ouvert. Loin d'une instance psychologique entendue dans un sens traditionnel, la personnalite apparait comme un concept operatoire et engage un depassement des champs traditionnels, gnoseologique, metaphysique, moral, biologique...
Peeters Publishers Anthropology in the New Testament and Its Ancient Context: Papers from the EABS-meeting in Piliscsaba / Budapest
Most of the articles were presented and discussed at the seminar Early Christianity between Judaism and Hellenism at the Annual Meeting of the European Association of Biblical Studies in Piliscsaba and Budapest, Hungary, in August 2006. The anthropological quest is still one of the classical approaches in historical-critical as well as in other methodological approaches to the New Testament. The complexity of anthropological ideas in the New Testament is seldom presented neither explicitly nor in clearly defined terms, but rather in stories about human beings or their (inter-)actions and/or parenetic teaching that is based on some, often unstated, presuppositions of what humans are like. The different essays in Anthropology in the New Testament and its Ancient Context are taking care of this complex situation and address a selection of important problems from the variety of ideas on anthropology in Early Christianity as well as in its Jewish and its Hellenistic context. The book does not aim to show a coherent New Testament anthropology as it is to write a coherent New Testament theology, but rather tries to present new insights into the complexity of ancient anthropological discourses. With that aim the collection includes presentations on the human body and its purity ' a key feature in many ancient cultures and their anthropological systems, questions of purity and impurity, on the key anthropological terms sarks and soma in Paul, how a Greco-Roman reader would understand Paul's anthropological reasoning. Paul's anthropology is also set in relation to Philo's view of humanity. Platonic, tripartite anthropology is also part of an article analyzing the common elements in the teaching concerning the human soul among Sethian, Valentinian and Platonic writers. Conversion, another kind of adaptation of a Hellenistic philosophical concept to early Christianity, different early Christian ideas of the resurrected body, and so-called 'sepulchral anthropology' are further subjects addressed in the book which finally deals with selected anthropological imagery in the Gospel of John and with anthropological perspectives in Hebrews. The book contains contributions by Ida Froehlich, Tom Holmen, Lorenzo Scornaienchi, Martin Meiser, George van Kooten, Paivi Vahakangas, Miguel Herrero de Jauregui, Outi Lehtipuu, Imre Peres, Margareta Gruber and Walter Ubelacker. The essays offer some new angles, new methodological approaches and important insights relevant to anthropological views in the New Testament.
Peeters Publishers Hethitica XVI: Studia Anatolica in Memoriam Erich Neu Dicata
Le present volume se veut avant tout un hommage de la collection louvaniste A" Hethitica A" a la memoire du regrette Professeur Erich Neu, eminent hittitologue, lequel occupa une place importante au sein du Comite de Redaction. Le lecteur decouvrira au debut de l'ouvrage l'evocation de l"uvre scientifique considerable d'Erich Neu, ainsi que l'importance de celle-ci. Cette rubrique est suivie de la presentation de la bibliographie complete de l"uvre de ce grand savant. Pas moins de dix-sept de ses Collegues, specialistes de renommee internationale dans le domaine des etudes concernant l'Anatolie antique, ont tenu a rendre hommage au savant, a l'humaniste disparu trop tot, par une contribution scientifique de haut niveau. L'unite du volume est constituee par la philologie anatolienne antique comprise au sens le plus large. Ainsi, les domaines hittite (nesite), louvite, palaite et ourarteen sont concernes a travers des etudes soit purement linguistiques et lexicographiques, soit epigraphiques, ou encore par le biais d'une approche de problemes directement lies au fonctionnement de la societe A" hittite A" tant au plan politico-institutionnel qu'au niveau culturel et religieux. Les periodes concernees remontent non seulement a l'age du Bronze, mais egalement au debut du premier millenaire avant notre ere (monde neo-louvite et monde ourarteen).
Peeters Publishers A Palaeographic Study of Early Writing in Egypt
In trying to reconstruct the early phases of our culture we rely mostly on sources from the ancient Near East. This is perhaps more true of the history of writing than of any other great cultural accomplishment. It would be unthinkable even to try to sketch the history of writing without taking into consideration the written sources of ancient Egypt. The present study would like to contribute to the research of writing evolution in Egypt as an attempt to collect, describe, and evaluate the earliest attestations of writing from a palaeographic point of view. The book aims to present a thorough investigation of the development of sign forms, from its first appearance around 3250 BC until the reign of Djoser (ca. 2700 BC) at the beginning of Dynasty III. It features the first-ever palaeographic collection of all available signs and inscriptions. The survey permitted reconstruction of the complex process of codification and reform of the Egyptian script that finally resulted in the hieroglyphic writing of the Old Kingdom.
Peeters Publishers The Syriac "Vita" Tradition of Ephrem the Syrian: V.
English translation. This monograph is a synoptic presentation of the texts of all the recensions of the Syriac Life of Ephrem. Working from the manuscript sources, the author corrects previously published recensions of the Life and presents heretofore unpublished recensions. A critical introductory study traces the Life to its sources among Byzantine ecclesiastical writers who were promoters of the monastic ideal and who seized upon the reputation of Ephrem in native Syriac tradition to authorize a way of life he never practiced. By anachronistically associating Ephrem with leading figures in the movement, such as Pisoes and Basil the Great, these authors, aided by later generations of Syriac-speaking churchmen, sought to bring Ephrem's poetic expression of the truths of the faith within the canonical authority of the Byzantine imperial church.
Peeters Publishers Eusebe D'Emese. Commentaire De La Genese: Texte Armenien De L'edition De Venise (1980), Fragments Grecs Et Syriaques, Avec Traductions
Du Commentaire original d'Eusebe d'Emese sur la Genese, redige en grec vers le milieu du IVe siecle, seuls des fragments sont connus, incorpores dans la Chaine exegetique grecque et dans l'Epitome de Procope de Gaza. Il existe toutefois une ancienne traduction armenienne complete (ed. V. Hovhannessian, 1980). A cette documentation s'ajoutent des fragments syriaques conserves dans le Commentaire d'Iso'dad de Merv (IXe siecle). Le present volume regroupe les quatre rameaux de la tradition. Du Commentaire armenien, dont le texte est reproduit en entier, on trouve ici la premiere traduction dans une langue moderne. Les fragments grecs (dont ceux de Procope edites ici pour la premiere fois) et syriaques sont egalement accompagnes de traductions francaises annotees. Le volume permet, des lors, pour la premiere fois une vue d'ensemble de ce commentaire dont l'importance consiste en son originalite et en sa position intermediaire entre l'ancienne exegese syriaque et l'exegese grecque antiochienne de la fin du IVe et du Ve siecle. Eusebius of Emesa's Commentary on Genesis, which was written in Greek around the middle of the fourth century, is extant only in fragments preserved in the Greek exegetical Catena and in Procopius of Gaza's Epitome. An early translation of the entire Commentary, however, exists in Armenian (ed. V. Hovhannessian, 1980). In addition, Syriac fragments are preserved in the ninth-century Commentary by Iso'dad of Merv. The present volume brings together the four branches of the tradition. The Armenian Commentary is presented both in Armenian and in a French translation, the first translation in a modern language. The Greek fragments (those of Procopius edited here for the first time) as well as the Syriac fragments are also accompanied with annotated French translations. The present volume, therefore, enables for the first time a comprehensive view of this Commentary, the significance of which lies in the originality of its approach as well as in its intermediary position between ancient Syriac exegesis and Greek Antiochene exegesis of the late fourth and fifth centuries.
Peeters Publishers Imagination and Commitment: Representations of the Social Question
In this volume the social question is related to forms of visualisation and imagination and to the political action that arose from them. In the debate of the social question, individual distress (such as poverty, illness and unemployment) was reformulated into societal and political issues, bringing to the fore the question of inclusion: Who belongs to the nation? Who can become a citizen? In this process, the visual, statistical and textual representation of the social question enabled a determination of public opinion, political agenda setting and eventually the implementation of social politics. These representations provide us with new perspectives on the social question itself, help us to broaden the definition of politics, and shed light upon the social and political implications of art and literature. This volume is based on contributions to the international conference 'Imagination and Commitment. Representations of the Social Question', University of Groningen, the Netherlands, which took place on 10-11 May 2007, and was sponsored by the NWO programme 'Democracy, policy, knowledge' and the Groningen Research School for the Study of the Humanities.
Peeters Publishers Middel-Egyptische Grammatica. Een Praktische Inleiding in De Egyptische Taal En Het Hierogliefenschrift Gebaseerd Op Een Selectie Van Teksten: Deel I: Grammatica, Oefeningen En Selectie Van Teksten. Deel II: Hulpmiddelen (Selectieve Tekenli
Dit handboek is een inleiding in het hieroglyfische schriftsysteem en de grammatica van het Middel-Egyptisch. Het Middel-Egyptisch is de taalfase die door de latere Egyptenaren zelf als klassiek werd beschouwd en die nog lang na het Middenrijk, dat ongeveer van 2000 tot 1700 v. Chr. duurde, in gebruik is gebleven voor de monumentale inscripties. Het boek vormt een gesloten en zelfvoorzienend geheel dat het aanschaffen van een woordenboek niet nodig maakt. Het is bedoeld voor allen die geinteresseerd zijn in het verwerven van gedegen kennis van taal en schrift, zowel voor hen die Egyptologie willen gaan studeren als anderen die kennis willen opdoen zonder dat zij vertrouwd zijn met de studie van talen. Voor dit doel is in deze grammatica uitgegaan van een selectie van teksten waarvan de meeste sinds lang opgenomen zijn in tekstboeken die zich richten op de beginner en inmiddels hun nut voor dit doel ruim bewezen hebben. Deze hieroglyfische tekstselectie van 46 pagina's is in haar geheel aan het eind van deel I opgenomen. Dit deel bevat ook 38 oefeningen Egyptisch ' Nederlands en 26 Nederlands ' Egyptisch. Het hoofdbestanddeel van deel I is de uitgebreide introductie in het schrift en de grammatica. Na een inleiding in het schrift is de grammatica in negen hoofdstukken didactisch opgebouwd van simpel naar complex, van de meer eenvoudige woordsoorten en zinnen naar het werkwoord en de complexe zinnen. Een appendix besteedt aandacht aan de offerformule op steles. Deel II bevat de hulpmiddelen bij de grammatica: een uitgebreide tekenlijst; een index op de complete standaard-tekenlijst, met een overzicht van tekens geordend naar vorm. Tevens bevat dit deel een woordenlijst met de grammaticale woorden en de woorden in de tekstselectie en de oefeningen, en indexen van tekstplaatsen in de hoofdtekst en de oefeningen. De beginner wordt zelfhulp geboden in de vorm van de oplossingen van de oefeningen en een zeer letterlijke vertaling van de tekstselectie. Deel II eindigt met een index van grammaticale termen. Hoewel alles in deze grammatica zoveel mogelijk in dienst staat van een goed begrip door de beginner, heeft de auteur ervoor gekozen vast te houden aan de internationaal gebruikelijke grammaticale terminologie, waarvan de Nederlandse sterk afwijkt. De gebruikelijkste termen zijn ter directe consultatie opgenomen in een los bijgevoegde kaart.
Peeters Publishers Aesthetic Maintenance of Civic Space: The 'Classical' City from the 4th to the 7th C. AD
In the Roman period, construction and maintenance of civic monuments and infrastructure were regarded as the normal duty of well-off citizens. For the subsequent centuries, encompassing the 4th to the 7th century AD, changing social and political conditions within the Roman Empire assumingly resulted in a severe reduction of expenditure and concurrent loss of sentimental and aesthetic attitudes towards public space. This book challenges this assumption. It reconstructs how cities of the Eastern Mediterranean in late antique and Early Byzantine times represented themselves towards outsiders by assessing the care given to urban fortifications, streets and squares, decorative and religious monuments and, finally, statuary. Thereafter, the architectural changes that distinguished these centuries from previous times are discussed. The book then evaluates the identity and motives of the diverse initiators of interventions, as well as the skills and work organisation of the actual constructors. Finally, the priorities of the users of public space, as well as their responses to it, are explored.
Peeters Publishers Feminist Approaches to Interreligious Dialogue - Perspectivas Feministas Acerca Del Dialogo Interreligioso - Feministische Zugange Zum Interreligiosen Dialog
This anthology injects women's voices into interreligious dialogue, which is all-too-often dominated by religiously authorized spokesmen, and questions the theory and practice of interreligious dialogue from feminist perspectives. The contributors speak from Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, Christian and Muslim perspectives and reflect British, Dutch, German, Hungarian, Spanish, Slovene, Turkish and US American cultural contexts. While the European Society of Women in Theological Research (ESWTR) has for more than two decades negotiated its member's national, cultural and linguistic diversity quite successfully, the presence of diverse non-Christian religious communities in Europe has so far been marginalized. As the religious make-up of Europe is changing due to globalization, the discipline of theology must create ways to reflect, study and teach in a religiously pluralistic world. This book explores the possibilities of feminist solidarity in the midst of diversity and conflict by charting a pathway between acceptance of religious differences and rejection of patriarchal tenets within these religions.
Peeters Publishers Practice in Learning: The Transfer of Encyclopaedic Knowledge in the Early Middle Ages
Throughout the early Middle Ages, education and learning in Western Europe underwent a substantial development, from Italy across the Alps, from Latin to the vernacular and from secular to (although not exclusively) religious. With Latin as its prime medium, developments in education and learning were genuinely international and allowed for a steady exchange of teachers and texts across borders and institutions. Members of the fifth-century Gallo-Roman senatorial classes ' such as Eucherius of Lyons and Cassiodorus ' became bishops, abbots or founders of monasteries, and thereby catalysts in the transformation from secular to religious education. Then as now intellectuals travelled, taking both their learning and their books with them: Theodore of Tarsus travelled from the extreme end of the Mediterranean to Italy and across the Alps; John Scottus Eriugena migrated from Ireland to France; Boniface from England to Germany; while Abbo later made a journey from Fleury to Abingdon and back ' to name only a few examples. With the mobility of intellectuals comes the movement of texts and books: ranging from Pliny's Historia naturalis and Isidore's Etymologiae or the works of Bede to many of the smaller texts and fragments which have been the subject of study in the 'Storehouses' project. Although almost all of the precise details of classroom practice in the early Middle Ages remain hidden to the modern eye, and identifiable students' copy books or note-pads are rare, some of the texts and books that have survived still recall the monastic auditorium or schola because of their potential use in the classroom or in view of the texts found in these books. Often these texts and manuscripts testify to the international developments outlined above and to the international nature of the world of early medieval learning. The articles in this second volume of 'Storehouses of Wholesome Learning' emanate from the second workshop in the project, this time held at Leiden in June 2005. They focus on illuminating the multifaceted practice of learning by laying bare the exchanges of scholarship between the British Isles and the continent. From the Development of the Foetus, found in Bremmer's contribution, to the Fifteen Signs of Doomsday, the encyclopaedic knowledge that was disseminated all over Western Europe in written texts and, in all likelihood, through oral transmission, featured strongly in the practice of early medieval learning. The subject of that learning was nothing less than life itself, both in the physical and in the spiritual sense of the word.
Peeters Publishers Jerusalem Antique Et Medievale: Melanges En L'honneur D'Ernest-Marie Laperrousaz
Ce volume rassemble, en francais et anglais, plusieurs recherches sur l'archeologie et l'histoire de Jerusalem aux epoques antique et medievale, de la fondation de la ville du Bronze Moyen a la mise en valeur du Haram esh-Sherif au debut de l'epoque islamique. Elles etudient le systeme fortifie d'acces a l'eau au XVIIIe s. av. n. e., les textes akkadiens mentionnant Jerusalem au XIVe s., les temoignages epigraphiques sur le " Dieu de Jerusalem " (VIIIe s.), les noms donnes a Jerusalem par le prophete Ezechiel (VIe s.), les relations de Jerusalem avec les Judeens d'Elephantine (Ve s.), la signification de deux termes de la Jerusalem hellenistique et romaine (Akra, Baris), ainsi que les rapports entre Jerusalem et Petra a cette epoque. Deux essais concernent la Jerusalem de la grande revolte (l'expression 'Temple carre' et la fuite des chretiens d'origine juive de Jerusalem a Pella) et deux autres la Jerusalem romaine (dieux guerisseurs et mont du Temple) tandis que le dernier precise l'archeologie d'un monument situe au centre du Haram esh-Sherif. Ces diverses recherches sur Jerusalem se veulent un hommage a Ernest-Marie Laperrousaz dont le nom est lie a l'archeologie de Jerusalem.
Peeters Publishers Ugaritic Economic Tablets: Text, Translation and Notes
Ugaritic Economic Tablets: Text, Translation and Notes provides new translations of more than 800 Late Bronze Age economic texts written in the alphabetic script of the Syrian city of Ugarit. Each translation is accompanied by transliteration as well as commentary, textual notes and up-to-date bibliography. The texts are grouped according to findspot and indexed by both publication numbers and excavation numbers allowing for easy reference. An extended introduction discusses some of the grammatical and historical problems with interpreting these texts. Produced as a companion volume to McGeough's Exchange Relationships at Ugarit and edited by Mark S. Smith, this volume will be of use to Ugaritic specialists, Near Eastern studies and Biblical scholars, historians of ancient economics, and students new to Ugaritic studies or economic history/anthropology.
Peeters Publishers Reception of Paulinism in Acts - Reception Du Paulinisme Dans Les Actes Des Apotres
L'auteur des Actes est-il un heritier du paulinisme ou a-t-il trahi la theologie de Paul ? Ce livre, issu d'un colloque de recherche a l'Universite de Lausanne, presente une nouvelle approche de cette question classique. Il ne s'agit plus de reperer d'eventuelles citations des lettres pauliniennes, mais de considerer les Actes comme un phenomene de reception de la tradition paulinienne. Parler de reception implique un jeu de continuite et de deplacement face a la theologie de l'apotre; la reception n'est pas repetition, mais actualisation dans un context change. Voila le paradigme qu'appliquent les quinze auteurs de ce livre, en sondant les grands themes des Actes : la mort du Christ, la Loi, la resurrection, le destin d'Israel, le rapport au pouvoir politique, l'autorite de Paul, etc. Auteurs : Andreas Lindemann, Daniel Marguerat, Heike Omerzu, Richard I. Pervo, Stanley E. Porter, Yann Redalie, Jens Schroter, Benedict Viviano, Michael Wolter, Simon Butticaz, Claire Clivaz, Andreas Dettwiler, Jochen Flebbe, Odile Flichy, Jean-Francois Landolt.
Peeters Publishers Recherches Levinassiennes
Le receuil Recherches levinassiennes presente le dialogue attentif de 29 auteurs, surtout des philosophes mais aussi des theologiens, avec la pensee de Levinas, permettant a cette pensee de reveler des aspects jusque-la inconnus. Tant dans la premiere partie "Problematisations internes" que dans la deuxieme "Confrontations philosophiques", les differents contributeurs s'interessent au dialogue que Levinas lui-meme menait, sans cesse, avec d'autres philosophes comme Platon, Spinoza, Pascal, Hegel, Husserl, Heidegger, Bergson, Bloch, Sartre, Derrida. Cette inspiration multiple fait de Levinas un penseur d'appartenance plurielle.Dans le contexte de la recherche de cette multiplicite, les thematiques typiquement levinassiennes sont egalement mises en relief: l'ambivalence du moi en tant qu'interiorite; la dynamique triangulaire de "moi, vous, il(s)" et la relation entre la justice et la politique; le depassement de l'ontologie par l'ethique en tant que philosophie premiere; l'ambiguite de l'altruisme, interprete comme "instinct de bienveillance naturelle", oppose a l'heteronomie de la responsabilite par et pour autrui; l'alterite ethique du visage et le temps en tant que passe immemorial; la relation entre transcendance et immanence dans l'idee de l'infini. La troisieme partie intitulee "Tradition juive et lectures chretiennes" donne une attention particuliere a l'enracinement et la resonance juifs de la pensee levinassienne. Le lien entre la Bible et le Talmud donne a penser les modalites d'une lecture philosophique de la Bible. Un certain nombre d'idees emanant du judaisme, telle que le messianisme, le prophetisme, l'election, l'idolatrie, le monotheisme, l'infini..., amenent des theologiens chretiens a un veritable dialogue avec la pensee de Levinas, mettant en evidence a la fois la proximite et la difference irreductible entre judaisme et christianisme.
Peeters Publishers Tombeau des Aymores. Le Monde Souterrain des Indiens Pataxo (Bahia-Bresil)
L'idee qu'il existerait des peuples enclins a vivre en harmonie avec l'environnement, respectueux des etres qui l'habitent, oriente bien des politiques de protection des milieux naturels. Ce livre est le resultat de quatre ans d'enquete chez les Pataxo de l'extreme sud de l'Etat de Bahia, au Bresil. Il y est question des mutations du monde sauvage, element symbolique essentiel des cosmologies indigenes. Progressivement se declinent les multiples facettes du rapport a la foret et aux creatures qui l'habitent, depuis l'elaboration mythique des grands predecesseurs Aymores, a la fois repoussoir et modele, jusqu'aux activites dictees par l'evangelisation, qui valorisent le travail agricole et l'espace gagne sur la nature. La destruction actuelle du couvert vegetal de ce qui fut "reserve de biosphere" - le Parc National du Mont Pascal, reliquat de la Foret Atlantique - ne peut etre apprehendee par de simples considerations economiques. En repensant les representations du sauvage, en defaisant l'echeveau des constructions stereotypees, souvent paradoxales, parfois contradictoires, telles les figures mythiques du Jaguar Nu ou de l'Homme-Bete, on voit apparaitre une coherence qui permet de contourner les limites des analyses fondees sur les concepts d'ethnogenese et d'invention de la tradition.
Peeters Publishers Normativity of the Future: Reading Biblical and Other Authorative Texts in an Eschatological Perspective
One of the major issues of contemporary theology is the relationship between the past and the present. Many see the task of theology as the re-interpretation of past traditions for today. This focus pays scant attention to the future. In recent years theological inquiry into the future and eschatology is surfacing. In the past ten years we have developed an eschatological hermeneutics for the interpretation of biblical and other authoritative texts. This hermeneutical approach integrates the past, present and future dimensions of the interpretive process paying special attention to the future. The first part of this book consists of three foundational articles by Reimund Bieringer and Mary Elsbernd about the approach which we have come to call "normativity of the future". In this part we provide the theoretical foundations of this eschatological hermeneutics. The second part of this book contains contributions by Reimund Bieringer, Mary Elsbernd, Susan M. Garthwaite, Ma. Marilou Ibita, Didier Pollefeyt, Rolando Tuazon and Thomas A. Vollmer who practice this approach in the arenas of Biblical Exegesis, Ethics, and Religious Education.
Peeters Publishers L'exemple de Kant
L'exemple de Kant s'emploie a montrer que l'examen de la fonction de l'exemple permet de situer les enjeux essentiels de la philosophie critique de Kant, aussi bien dans le domaine theorique que dans le domaine pratique. Nous examinons les roles attribues par Kant aux exemples (Darstellung d'un objet, preuve de possibilite de la vertu, outil rhetorique ou encore 'uvre de jugement politique), pour ensuite analyser les difficultes qu'il y a a justifier la possibilite de ces roles dans les termes memes de sa pensee. Cette etude est aussi un plaidoyer pour l'importance de la troisieme Critique dans l'economie de l"uvre kantienne puisqu'il s'agit de montrer d'une part, que c'est la que la methode transcendantale fait l'epreuve de ses propres limites, et, d'autre part, que Kant y elabore une reponse originale au scepticisme - par le biais d'une theorie originale de l'exemple.
Peeters Publishers Science, dialectique et éthique chez Aristote: Essais d'épistémologie aristotélicienne
Les quatorze articles traduits dans ce volume constituent la première présentation d'ensemble d'une ¿uvre importante dans le domaine de l'histoire de la philosophie ancienne. Ils s'étendent sur plus de vingt ans et portent tous sur ce que l'on pourrait appeler, au sens le plus large du terme, l' «épistémologie aristotélicienne», en prenant «épistémologie» en son sens français et non au sens que ce terme a dans le monde universitaire anglophone. Les textes ont été rangés dans un ordre à la fois systématique et pédagogique, et non dans un ordre chronologique, parce que, malgré d'inévitables changements de détails, les positions adoptées par Robert Bolton sont restées fondamentalement les mêmes. Il est remarquable que, alors que Bolton semblait isolé dans les années 1970-1980, ses thèses soient aujourd'hui au moins mieux comprises et même, sans doute, plus largement partagées. Le mérite le plus immédiat de l'approche boltonienne d'Aristote, c'est de définir exactement la place de l'épistémologie aristotélicienne. Ce qui fournit un élément important pour en cerner la nature. Ce faisant Bolton applique à l'Aristotélisme lui-même l'un des traits qu'il cru déceler dans la méthode d'Aristote: d'abord saisir un élément de l'essence de la chose que l'on veut connaître, comme premier pas vers la saisie de cette essence.
Peeters Publishers Lectures de "Cleveland"
Le Philosophe anglais, ou Histoire de Monsieur Cleveland, fils naturel de Cromwell est une ?uvre-monde : un roman d'amour, de pirates et de cannibales, et une epopee spirituelle. Le recit s'empare des cliches romanesques pour les revisiter ou les mettre a distance, il explore de nouvelles possibilites narratives et installe une relation originale avec le lecteur, tout en constituant une agora ou sont exposees les grandes questions politiques, philosophiques, historiques et religieuses du temps.Le texte de Prevost semble porter a son comble la " mauvaise foi " du roman a la premiere personne, qui fait de son protagoniste, a la fois et indissociablement, un malheureux passionne, un prodige d'inadaptation sociale et peut-etre, comme certains le suggerent, un monstre d'insensibilite. Cette diversite des interpretations est encore accentuee par l'histoire editoriale d'une ?uvre dont le dessin evolue sous l'effet des evenements, le poids de la censure et celui des ans.En proposant de nouvelles lectures de Cleveland, les etudes reunies dans ce volume contribuent a rendre a cette ?uvre exceptionnelle la place qui lui revient dans la litterature du XVIIIe siecle.
Peeters Publishers Studies in the Syntax of Targum Jonathan to Samuel
The origin and early history of Targum Onqelos to the Pentateuch and Targum Jonathan to the Prophets have long been the object of lively scholarly discussions. Linguistic arguments have played an important role in the debate, but the grammatical treatment of the Aramaic of these texts has focussed on phonological, orthographical, morphological and lexical matters, leaving syntactic aspects mostly unconsidered. Using the corpus of 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel as a basis, this book investigates five key topics in the syntax of the Aramaic of Targum Jonathan: the use of the states of the noun (determination), the morphosyntax of the numerals, the distribution of the genitive constructions, the verbal system, and word order. It includes a detailed comparative discussion of these syntactic features with reference to other types of Aramaic and attempts to show how the syntax of Targum Jonathan can shed light on the classification of its language within Aramaic as a whole and therefore contribute to our knowledge of its origin and early history.
Peeters Publishers 'the Little Commonwealth of Man': the Trinitarian Origins of the Ethical and Political Philosophy of Ralph Cudworth
This book presents a contextual study of the life and work of the Cambridge Platonist Ralph Cudworth (1617-1688). Focusing on the theological basis of Cudworth's ethical philosophy, this book unlocks the hitherto ignored political aspect to Cudworth's ethical philosophy. Through a detailed examination of Cudworth's published works - particularly his voluminous True Intellectual System of the Universe -, his posthumously published writings, and his 'freewill' manuscripts Benjamin Carter argues that the ethical and political arguments in Cudworth's philosophy develop out of Cudworth's Trinitarian theology. Carter traces the link between Cudworth's Trinitarianism and his ethical and political ideas by placing Cudworth's work in the turbulent religious and intellectual context of seventeenth-century England, and the University of Cambridge in particular. He links Cudworth's theology and philosophy to developments in English Puritan theology, to contemporary philosophical figures such as Thomas Hobbes, and draws out Cudworth's often overlooked influence on the developping patterns of liberal and latitudinarian theology of late seventeenth-century England.
Peeters Publishers Dansmelodieen uit de Vlaamse Volksmuziektraditie
Hubert Boone ontsluit met zijn nieuw publicatie Dansmelodieen uit de Vlaamse volksmuziektraditie een belangrijk - en grotendeels onbekend - repertoire uit ons muzikaal erfgoed. Achtereenvolgens worden de Mazurka, de Redowa, de Varsovienne, de Polka-mazurka, de Polka, de Wals en de Schottisch behandeld. Een apart hoofdstuk wijdt hij aan kleine dansen, verenigingsdansen, speldansen, rituele nummers en figuurrijke kadrils. Het grootste aantal bladzijden gaat echter naar de muzieknotatie van de verschillende melodieen.
Peeters Publishers Seminaire De Tournai: Histoire, Batiments, Collections
Le livre s'articule autour de trois axes : une breve histoire du Seminaire, une presentation du complexe des batiments et du jardin, une description des collections sous la forme d'un catalogue raisonne. La premiere partie fait la part belle au seminaire d'Ancien Regime. Le lecteur y decouvrira la maniere dont un simple college, etabli dans le sillage d'une universite, est devenu au fil du temps un veritable seminaire destine a assurer la formation des futurs pretres diocesains, repondant ainsi a l'ideal de la reforme tridentine.
Peeters Publishers Law and Religion: New Horizons
Over the last few years, debates concerning the wearing of Islamic dress, the relationship between religious liberty and free speech and the enforcement of religious law have barely been far from the headlines. In the United Kingdom, a number of legal changes have altered the interaction between law and religion. The piecemeal and passive accommodation provided by the common law has been replaced by the active protection of religious liberty as a positive right. Looking at the Human Rights Act 1998, the new laws on religious discrimination and religious hatred, the Civil Partnership Act 2004 and developments at EU and devolved levels, this collection examines the legal changes that have occurred and how this affects law and religion as an academic discipline. Law and Religion: New Horizons includes thirteen previously unpublished essays by experts in the field and a detailed conclusion by the two editors, examining the changing interaction between law and religion and the new horizons.
Peeters Publishers Subordination, Dependance Et Parataxe Dans Les Langues Africaines
De nombreuses langues africaines ont la particularite d'avoir des subordonnees non marquees segmentalement. Le lien de dependance entre les propositions n'est pas marque par un morpheme specifique, pourtant, l'enchainement des propositions construit un lien de subordination qui presente des proprietes semantiques specifiques. Il s'agit de ce qu'on appelle generalement A" parataxe A" par opposition a A" hypotaxe A". Ces phenomenes de hierarchisation sans marque segmentale posent, entre autres, la question des limites de l'enonce et celle de la nature des mecanismes par lesquels se construisent hierarchisation et dependance. Le present volume rassemble dix contributions originales sur ce theme, fruit d'une Operation de Recherche menee dans le cadre du LLACAN (Langage, Langues et Cultures d'Afrique Noire, UMR 8135 CNRS-INALCO). Ce programme s'inscrit dans une perspective de typologie des langues africaines visant, a partir d'analyses comparatistes, a degager des regularites, des types structurels ainsi que d'eventuels invariants. G. DUMESTRE. Typologie des enonces complexes en bambara : traits generaux N. QUINT. Coordination et parataxe en capverdien moderne P. BOYELDIEU. Logophorique et imminence/immediatete en yakoma P. ROULON-DOKO. Les marqueurs de discours en gbaya M. VANHOVE. Enonces hierarchises, converbes et prosodie en bedja S. RUELLAND. Parataxe et dependance en tupuri D. MORIN. Connexite lineaire et connexite configuree : l'exemple du joncteur oo en somali B. CARON. La structure enonciative des subordonnees conditionnelles E. OREAL. Les formes de la dependance entre syntaxe et enonciation : la solution egyptienne S. OSU. La nature de la relation entre propositions dans une construction de type parataxe en ikwere
Peeters Publishers Sitting Beside Lepsius: Studies in Honour of Jaromir Malek at the Griffith Institute
This volume presents contributions from thirty colleagues in honour of Jaromir Malek, for his inspirational role, both in Egyptology more widely, and in the direction of the Topographical Bibliography section of the Griffith Institute, at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. The papers reflect the encyclopaedic variety of his interests and research. Several focus on the primary evidence for the past, from Old Kingdom to Late Period sculpture, and from the pyramids to the cat in ancient Egypt. Among the works preserved in museum collections or unearthed in recent excavation, some items are published for the first time, while other papers bring out the wider significance of specific monuments or monument-types. The remaining authors consider an international spectrum of written and pictorial archives, material which Jaromir Malek, more than any of us, has made accessible and taught us to value as primary evidence in a particular form.
Peeters Publishers Seeing the Seeker. Explorations in the Discipline of Spirituality: A Festschrift for Kees Waaijman on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday
From 1989 until 2007 Kees Waaijman (b. 1942) was 'Professor of the history and systematics of spirituality' at the Radboud University in Nijmegen (NL). During this quarter century his reputation among colleagues world-wide steadily increased. His many publications include the reference book Spirituality: Forms, Foundations, Methods (2000), which has become an international standard work, available in English, German, Italian and Dutch versions (Spanish and Russian versions are forthcoming). Appreciation for Kees Waaijman's contribution to the scientific study of spirituality is expressed in this collection by an international forum of fellow scholars and colleagues in more than forty new explorations of this field. These are arranged in seven sections, containing articles on respectively 'philosophical foundations of spirituality', 'biblical spirituality', 'the history of Christian spirituality', 'Modern Devotion', 'present-day forms of spirituality', 'the relation between spirituality and health care' and 'mysticism and mystagogics'. The authors and editors of this collection trust that these explorations will contribute to the further development of scholarly research into spirituality in years to come.
Peeters Publishers Theologie als geloofsvertolking
In 1948 promoveerde Piet Schoonenberg tot doctor in de theologie op het proefschrift Theologie als geloofsvertolking. In deze studie gaf hij een indringende analyse van de discussies over het statuut en de methode van de theologie in de toenmalige Franstalige katholieke theologie. Zij hadden rechtstreeks te maken met de vernieuwing in de katholieke theologie die met het Tweede Vaticaans concilie ingang zou vinden. In het midden van de eeuw wekte die vernieuwing nog argwaan en kritiek, ook vanwege de hoogste kerkelijke instanties. Deze omstandigheden verhinderden de publicatie van de dissertatie. Pas zestig jaar later, in 2008, werd Theologie als geloofsvertolking gepubliceerd. Deze bundel bevat zeven theologische en historische essays over het boek, geschreven door Nederlandse en Vlaamse theologen en kerkhistorici, die aanzetten geven tot interpretatie en voortgezette reflectie over de problematiek die Schoonenberg behandelde. De auteurs verhelderen niet alleen de theologiehistorische context van het werk, zij laten ook zien hoe de dissertatie de basis vormde voor de latere ontwikkeling van het werk van een van de belangrijkste Nederlandse theologen uit de twintigste eeuw.
Peeters Publishers Florilegium Lovaniense: Studies in Septuagint and Textual Criticism in Honour of Florentino Garcia Martinez
Florilegium Lovaniense. Studies in Septuagint and Textual Criticism in Honour of Florentino Garcia Martinez is intended for a special present initiated by his Leuven collegae proximi on the occasion of Professor Garcia Martinez' retirement as a research professor in the Biblical Studies Research Department of the Faculty of Theology at the University of Leuven (K.U.Leuven). Like the personality of the celebrated scholar himself, the composition of his Festschrift has become a most colourful undertaking. After the editor's presentation of the rich biography and the huge bibliography of Florentino Garcia Martinez, M. Vervenne aims at evoking Florentino's personality throughout his life and work. Following this introduction, some thirty contributions transform the Festschrift into a wide-ranging collection of high quality approaches to a number of diverse topics, thus mirroring the wide spectrum of both Florentino's and their own work. The following scholars have contributed to this collection: H. Ausloos & B. Lemmelijn, J.-M. Auwers, R. Bieringer, E. Bons, D. Buchner, R. Ceulemans, J. Cook, H. Debel, D. De Crom, C. Dogniez, G. Dorival, K. Hauspie, M.S. Ibita, J. Joosten, M. Karrer & U. Schmid & M. Sigismund, W. Kraus, M. Labahn, J. Lust, T. Muraoka, A. Pietersma, E. Puech, J.-S. Rey, A. Schenker, R. Sollamo, J. Trebolle-Barrera, A. van der Kooij, P. Van Hecke, H. van Rooy, E. Verbeke. Each contribution has somehow to do with Textual Criticism and/or Septuagint Studies. In addition, they echo the aspects and details of the interest and work of each individual scholar. The editors sincerely hope that all these particular shades of colours might form together a wonderful rainbow, reflecting the contributors' and editors' admiration, respect and friendship for Professor Florentino Garcia Martinez.
Peeters Publishers Identity Puzzles: Medieval Christian Art in Syria and Lebanon
Numerous churches decorated with medieval wall paintings can be found in Lebanon and Syria, especially in the former Crusader County of Tripoli and the Muslim-controlled Damascus area. In particular the first half of the thirteenth century turned out to be a period of intensive artistic activities. This book addresses the matter of identity formation in the decoration of Maronite, Melkite and Syrian Orthodox churches during this artistic 'Syrian Renaissance', and explores the differences and similarities between the arts of these communities. Attention is given to the interaction between Latins and local Christians, the attribution of works of art to local and Byzantine artists, and the relationship with Islamic art. Furthermore, recent discoveries have revealed that indigenous painters and workshops involved in the embellishment of churches also produced icons which were formerly attributed to Latin artists, thus adding a new dimension to the research on the production of Christian art in the Middle East during the Crusader era.
Peeters Publishers La Chronique D'Apollodore Et Le Pseudo-Skymnos: Erudition Antiquaire Et Litterature Geographique Dans La Seconde Moitie Du IIe Siecle Av. J.-C.
On sait que la Chronique d'Apollodore d'Athenes, dont il ne reste que des fragments, a joue un role fondamental dans la tradition chronographique concernant les philosophes, les poetes, les prosateurs. A-t-elle ete importante egalement pour la transmission des dates de fondation des cites? Est-ce sur elle que s'est appuye l'auteur inconnu de l'ouvrage qu'on appelle la Periegese du Pseudo-Skymnos, lorsqu'il a voulu dater les ktiseis des cites du Pont-Euxin? Voila les questions qui ont ete a l'origine de cette recherche. Pour y repondre, il a fallu poser d'autres questions encore, et notamment: Quelle etait l'attitude du Ps.-Skymnos a l'egard de son contemporain Apollodore? Quelle etait sa maniere de travailler? Comment expliquer les ressemblances entre son expose et Ora maritima d'Avienus? Pourquoi, tout en pretendant decrire le monde du present, decrit-il en fait le monde de jadis? Quels etaient les aspects du passe envisages dans la Chronique d'Apollodore? Comment les informations y etaient-elles organisees? Quelle etait la place qu'y occupaient les fragments conserves par l'Academicorum philosophorum index Herculanensis? Cette recherche vise a eclairer le travail de deux intellectuels atheniens - d'un grand erudit et d'un litterateur mineur - du temps de l'effondrement politique du monde hellenistique. Elle entend aussi contribuer a l'etude de la chronographie grecque, a la geographie historique et a la critique du texte de plusieurs auteurs.
Peeters Publishers Luristani Pictorial Tombstones: Studies in Nomadic Cemeteries from Northern Luristan, Iran
From the late 18th to the early 20th century northern Luristan was dominated by feuding tribal leaders, more or less independent of the Qadjar State. The religious concepts of the illiterate Luristani nomads of this period are reflected in the iconography of the pictorial tombstones. Inge Demant Mortensen's book on the Luristani Pictorial Tombstones is primarily based on her studies of the nomadic cemeteries during her fieldwork in Luristan in the 1970s. Her focus is on the testimony of the pictorial tombstones and the religious messages and connotations they reveal. As a background for the interpretation of these messages she makes an attempt to establish the historical, social, and religious context of the cemeteries, and to identify the tribal identity of the nomads residing or moving from winter to summer pastures within the plains and valleys of northern Luristan, where the pictorial stelae and obelisks occur.
Peeters Publishers Un Livre De Feu Dans UN Siecle De Fer: Les Lectures De L'Apocalypse Dans La Litterature Francaise De La Renaissance
En un " siecle de fer ", de signes et de prodiges, qui interroge les cieux et scrute les Ecritures, quelles interpretations recoit l'Apocalypse, avec ses descriptions de fleaux et de cataclysmes, mais aussi ses recits de visions de signes grandioses et de noces eternelles ? A l'origine de l'enquete, cette interrogation en a constitue le fil conducteur, afin d'etablir une synthese envisageant l'ensemble de la reception de ce livre biblique dans la litterature francaise de la Renaissance. Pour rendre compte du contexte hermeneutique dans lequel s'inscrivent les lectures de l'Apocalypse, il a ete necessaire d'en etudier d'abord les commentaires exegetiques (I), puis d'analyser les differents modes d'emprunt au texte johannique dans la litterature de polemique religieuse (II). Il a fallu ensuite apprehender l'intertexte apocalyptique dans des ?uvres s'ouvrant sur l'horizon des derniers temps (III) pour considerer enfin la riche reception de cette source scripturaire dans la litterature spirituelle (IV).
Peeters Publishers "You are My Son": The Reception History of Psalm 2 in Early Judaism and the Early Church
This award-winning study characterizes Psalm 2 as a messianic-theocratic psalm. Early Jewish literature emphasises the eschatological and sapiential applications of the psalm more than the messianic interpretation. However, surprisingly, we come across the same text combinations that later emerge in New Testament literature: Christian scholarship obviously stood in a long tradition. It is shown how the relevant New Testament texts focus on the messianic interpretation of Psalm 2, especially of the words: "You are my Son". In the post-Easter confusion it functions as an argument to show that the crucified Jesus nevertheless was the Son of God. Luke apologetically explains how in this psalm the Messiah, identified earlier as the despised king, is also called "My Son" by God himself. Mark elaborates this idea for catechetical purposes: Jesus already was the Son of God at the time of his baptism and transfiguration. Finally, Hebrews uses Ps.2 to prove the pre-existence of Jesus. Thus, this volume forms a welcome addition to the existing literature on this topic.
Peeters Publishers Reconstructing the Epic: Cross-readings of the Trojan Myth in Hellenistic Poetry
The Trojan war inspired a multifaceted mythological tradition which evolved through a variety of artistic devices - oral and written poetry, prose, iconography. In the open system of Trojan war narratives, Homer represents the dominant line, while the cyclic, lyric and tragic poets offer a host of alternative versions. Reconstructing the Epic builds on the premise that the reception of the Trojan myth by the Hellenistic avant-garde reflects their aesthetic and ideological distancing from the elevated genres of the past, particularly the epic. The book monitors the various stages of this modernistic reaction to the literary tradition: the avoidance of the Trojan muthos as narrated in the Homeric epics; the rewriting of the Trojan stories which derive from the Epic Cycle, lyric and dramatic poetry; the incorporation of Trojan episodes into idylls, elegies and epyllia; and the working out of a new Trojan myth recounting, among other things, how the archetypal war hero, Achilles, is eventually transformed into an ardent lover.
Peeters Publishers Staging the Liturgy: The Medieval Altarpiece in the Iberian Peninsula
Spain and Portugal possess a wealth of medieval churches, including many with original furnishings. Most outstanding of all is the altarpiece or 'retablo', the epitome of Iberian ecclesiastical art. With its exceptional dimensions, architectural structure and extensive imagery, it became clearly distinct from altarpieces elsewhere in Europe. The retable cannot be understood simply as an artistic genre, but must be viewed in its spatial surroundings and against its religious and socio-cultural background. In the present study, the medieval altarpiece in the Iberian Peninsula is approached as a witness to liturgy, faith and devotion. Part I sketches its morphological development from its origins around 1100 to the end of the Gothic age in the first half of the sixteenth century. Part II analyses the retable in its spatial context, formed by the architecture of the church building and other elements of the interior such as the choir. In Part III the retable is discussed as a means of communication, conveying a message between the patron who commissioned it and the recipients. Both as an art object and as a bearer of imagery, the altar retable played an important part in the staging of liturgy in the medieval church of the Iberian Peninsula.
Peeters Publishers International Dictionary of Refrigeration - International Chinese Dictionary of Refrigeration - Dictionnaire International Du Froid: Chinese-English-French: Terms - Chinois-Anglais-Francais: Termes
Because of the array of languages offered, the International Dictionary of Refrigeration comprises a series of volumes composed of: - the basic English-French volume, comprising in a corpus of terms, along with their definitions, followed by an alphabetical index of terms in English and in French; - nine complementary volumes, one for each language, containing the terms only, with each term linked to the equivalent term in English or French - Arabic with a French and English index, - Chinese with an English index, this volume - Dutch with a Dutch index, - German with a German index, - Italian with an Italian index, - Japanese with an English index, - Norwegian with a Norwegian index, - Russian with a Russian index, - Spanish with a Spanish index, Once all these volumes have been published, an interactive CD-ROM, as well as a volume combining all the languages, are likely to be published. When ordered in combination with the English-French: Terms and Definitions volume, this book costs 25 EURO.
Peeters Publishers Northern Voices: Essays on Old Germanic and Related Topics, Offered to Professor Tette Hofstra. Germania Latina vi
This book contains a wealth of new essays on many aspects of Germanic Philology, and the range reflects the scholarly activity of the dedicatee of this festschrift. Section I contains articles on historical philology as this relates to the Old Germanic languages and literatures; Section II contains essays on various aspects of Frisian and Frisian studies; Section III is devoted to the relationship between the Germanic and the Balto-Finnic languages; the articles in Section IV consist of applications of the methods and insights of modern linguistics to the study of the Germanic languages.
Peeters Publishers 1 Timothy Reconsidered
1 Timothy Reconsidered contains the presentations and deliberations of the nineteenth meeting of the Colloquium Oecumenicum Paulinum, a distinguished group of some thirty-five international and ecumenical Pauline scholars, held at the Abbey of Saint Paul in Rome during September, 2006. 1 Timothy served as the focal point for all eight papers, although the relationship of this text to that of 2 Timothy, Titus and to other Pauline writings was repeatedly considered. Extensive dialogue centered on the methodological issue of pseudonymity and its continued effectiveness as an exegetical tool. Some urged consideration of a broader view of Pauline letter writing, one that involved authorization to, or joint authorship with, co-workers situated in diverse Pauline missionary centers. The volume also contains a major reassessment of theological themes found in 1 Timothy including the relationship of grace to such heteronomous norms as asceticism, the so-called accomodationist character of the letter, especially the relationship of eusebeia to bourgeois Christianity, and whether the use of the category "household" is, in fact, a misrepresentation of Paul's understanding of the church. Under the presidency of Karl Donfried, presenters included David Horrell, Luke Timothy Johnson, Vasile Mihoc, Margaret Mitchell, Yann Redalie, Laszlo Simon and Thomas Soding.
Peeters Publishers Le Monachisme En Perse. La Reforme D'Abraham Le Grand, Pere Des Moines De L'Orient
Abraham le Grand, considere comme le Pere des moines de l'Orient, suscita par sa reforme, au sein de l'Eglise syro-orientale, un veritable renouveau du monachisme et de l'ascetisme; des le VIe siecle, le Grand monastere au mont Izla, en Mesopotamie septentrionale, devient un pole d'excellence au service de la theologie syro-orientale et de la diffusion de la culture monastique, analogue a ce qu'etait, pour la vie intellectuelle, l'ecole de Nisibe. Les fondations filles qui se reclameront de la paternite spirituelle d'Abraham de Kaskar, parfois structurees en reseaux d'alliance, contribueront au rayonnement exceptionnel de ce courant reformateur a travers la Babylonie, la Susiane et la Perse, et a la perennite des communautes chretiennes syro-orientales confrontees a d'autres courants christologiques et a l'arrivee de l'islam. La grande avancee missionnaire qui atteindra son apogee sous le patriarche Timothee Ier trouva dans le monachisme reforme son socle et son ferment.
Peeters Publishers Byzantine Holy Images - Transcendence and Immanence: The Theological Background of the Iconography and Aesthetics of the Chora Church
Patristic thinking is the bedrock of the uniformity of Byzantine culture, legitimization of image use in the Eastern Church, as well as Byzantine aesthetics, Karahan argues. The synergy in Late Byzantine holy images of "meta-images" for God's inexplicability, and elaborated dramatized narration for God's immanence epitomize orthodox tradition in general, and in particular fourth-century Cappadocian modes and models of thought on Christology, trinitarian theology and the Theotokos. The incomprehensible, uncircumscribed invisible Trinity, and the comprehensible God-man born of the Theotokos, circumscribed in flesh but not in divinity is a one-God reality of transcendent ontology and actions in the world of the two-natured image of God, Christ. Explanations in words or in images cannot ignore these orthodox axioms without turning into false images or heretic idols. This book explores why and how the idiosyncratic use of color, form, kinetics, light, and brilliance in Late Byzantine aesthetics concur with the tradition of the Fathers. How narration in image as well as literature is orthodoxos, 'of right belief, orthodox'.
Peeters Publishers Albert of Saxony, "Quaestiones Circa Logicam": (Twenty-Five Disputed Questions on Logic)
Albert of Saxony was one of the great logicians of the Middle Ages, on a par with William Ockham and John Buridan. The Twenty-Five Disputed Questions on Logic treat of central issues in logic, both then and now, such as the nature of meaning, of universals, of truth, and of tense and modality; and the quality and quantity of propositions, the role of negation, and the relations of contradiction and equivalence between them. Dr. Fitzgerald has studied Albert's work extensively, and previously edited the Twenty-Five Disputed Questions from the original manuscripts. This translation makes available for the first time in English this careful and exemplary examination of logical notions by an outstanding medieval thinker.
Peeters Publishers Les Querelles Dramatiques a L'Age Classique (XVIIe-XVIIIe Siecles)
A notre epoque, pourtant caracterisee par la liberte d'expression, personne n'oserait se lever au beau milieu d'une representation theatrale pour siffler un acteur, lui donner la replique ou chanter les paroles de son couplet. Sous l'Ancien Regime, de tels incidents sont monnaie courante, revelateurs d'un rapport vivant entre la scene et la salle. De Corneille a Voltaire, ce lien vivant fait la specificite des querelles dramatiques, qui sortent du cabinet des doctes pour rendre le public temoin et acteur des debats. Le decalage entre la critique savante et le jugement du parterre est au c'ur des querelles, et induit une reciprocite permanente entre succes immediat et posterite, anecdote et histoire litteraire, reception et creation. Loin d'etre sterile, la querelle guide le choix des dramaturges, enterine la naissance de genres nouveaux, et fait preuve d'une inventivite constante dans sa propre mise en scene : libelles, parodies et contre-pieces assurent une large publicite a la polemique, elle-meme theatralisee et livree au public. Debordant le cadre du theatre pour entrer en resonance croissante avec les evenements politiques, les querelles sont le premier lieu d'affirmation d'une opinion publique. Le politique s'avere indissociable de l'esthetique, car la reception particuliere du theatre pose une vraie question a l'Age classique : si le classicisme se definit comme la conformite d'une 'uvre a l'attente d'un public donne, comment admet-il que cette 'uvre ait la faculte de creer elle-meme son public, d'engendrer de nouveaux reperes esthetiques ? Comment le public est-il a la fois presuppose et suscite par chaque 'uvre ? L'etude des querelles permet de rendre compte de cet affrontement mi-factice mi-sincere entre la scene et la salle, et de relier la production theatrale a son contexte a la fois theorique et fantasmatique. Par essence circonstancielle, la querelle participe de maniere perenne a la fabrique du theatre.
Peeters Publishers Colloque International "L'Evangile Selon Thomas et les Textes de Nag Hammadi": (Quebec, 29-31 Mai 2003)
Les objectifs du colloque " L'Evangile selon Thomas et les textes de Nag Hammadi. Traditions et convergences " etaient de reunir des specialistes de la bibliotheque copte de Nag Hammadi et de corpus litteraires voisins afin de mettre en evidence les convergences que l'on peut observer entre ces differentes ensembles. Dans ce but, nous sollicitions des contributions consacrees a l'Evangile selon Thomas ou aux textes de Nag Hammadi en rapport avec la litterature neo-testamentaire, apocryphe, patristique, philosophique, monastique, hermetique et manicheenne.