Search results for ""ISTE Ltd and John Wiley Sons Inc""
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fractional Calculus with Applications in Mechanics: Vibrations and Diffusion Processes
This book contains mathematical preliminaries in which basic definitions of fractional derivatives and spaces are presented. The central part of the book contains various applications in classical mechanics including fields such as: viscoelasticity, heat conduction, wave propagation and variational Hamilton–type principles. Mathematical rigor will be observed in the applications. The authors provide some problems formulated in the classical setting and some in the distributional setting. The solutions to these problems are presented in analytical form and these solutions are then analyzed numerically. Theorems on the existence of solutions will be presented for all examples discussed. In using various constitutive equations the restrictions following from the second law of thermodynamics will be implemented. Finally, the physical implications of obtained solutions will be discussed in detail.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Integrated Design by Optimization of Electrical Energy Systems
This book proposes systemic design methodologies applied to electrical energy systems, in particular integrated optimal design with modeling and optimization methods and tools. It is made up of six chapters dedicated to integrated optimal design. First, the signal processing of mission profiles and system environment variables are discussed. Then, optimization-oriented analytical models, methods and tools (design frameworks) are proposed. A “multi-level optimization” smartly coupling several optimization processes is the subject of one chapter. Finally, a technico-economic optimization especially dedicated to electrical grids completes the book. The aim of this book is to summarize design methodologies based in particular on a systemic viewpoint, by considering the system as a whole. These methods and tools are proposed by the most important French research laboratories, which have many scientific partnerships with other European and international research institutions. Scientists and engineers in the field of electrical engineering, especially teachers/researchers because of the focus on methodological issues, will find this book extremely useful, as will PhD and Masters students in this field.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Advanced Transport Protocols: Designing the Next Generation
The current diversity of transport services, as well as the complexity resulting from the deployment of specific transport protocols or mechanisms over the different services provided by heterogeneous networks, demand a novel design of the transport layer. Moreover, current and future applications will only be able to take advantage of the most adapted and available transport services if they are able to interact (i.e. discover, compose, deploy and adapt) efficiently with this advanced transport layer.The work presented in this book proposes a model-driven methodology and a service-oriented approach aimed at designing the mechanisms, functions, protocols and services of the next generation transport layer.The first part of this book presents the state of the art of transport protocols and introduces a model-driven methodology and an ontology semantic model implementation aimed at designing next generation transport protocols.The second part presents the UML-based design of a component-based transport protocol. An extension to this protocol based on service-component and service-oriented architectures is also presented.The third part presents various model-driven adaptive strategies aimed at managing the behavioral and structural adaptation of next generation autonomic transport protocols.The fourth and final part presents the design of a transport layer based on component-oriented and service-oriented approaches and integrating the autonomic computing paradigm guided by the semantic dimension provided by ontologies.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Wear of Advanced Materials
Recent advances into the wear of advanced materials In general, wear is currently defined as “the progressive loss of material from the operating surface of a body occurring as a result of relative motion at the surface”. It is related to surface interactions and more specifically to the form of contact due to relative motion. Wear is rarely catastrophic but does reduce the operating efficiency of machine components and structures. At this time of economic crisis, this is a very important field of study because of the huge impact the wear of materials has on the economy. The purpose of this book is to present a collection of examples illustrating the state of the art and research developments into the wear of advanced materials in several applications. It can be used as a research book for a final undergraduate engineering course (for example into materials, mechanics, etc.) or as the focus of the effect of wear on advanced materials at a postgraduate level. It can also serve as a useful reference for academics, biomaterials researchers, mechanical and materials engineers, and professionals in related spheres working with tribology and advanced materials.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Carbon Nanotubes and Nanosensors: Vibration, Buckling and Balistic Impact
The main properties that make carbon nanotubes (CNTs) a promising technology for many future applications are: extremely high strength, low mass density, linear elastic behavior, almost perfect geometrical structure, and nanometer scale structure. Also, CNTs can conduct electricity better than copper and transmit heat better than diamonds. Therefore, they are bound to find a wide, and possibly revolutionary use in all fields of engineering.The interest in CNTs and their potential use in a wide range of commercial applications; such as nanoelectronics, quantum wire interconnects, field emission devices, composites, chemical sensors, biosensors, detectors, etc.; have rapidly increased in the last two decades. However, the performance of any CNT-based nanostructure is dependent on the mechanical properties of constituent CNTs. Therefore, it is crucial to know the mechanical behavior of individual CNTs such as their vibration frequencies, buckling loads, and deformations under different loadings.This title is dedicated to the vibration, buckling and impact behavior of CNTs, along with theory for carbon nanosensors, like the Bubnov-Galerkin and the Petrov-Galerkin methods, the Bresse-Timoshenko and the Donnell shell theory.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc RFID and the Internet of Things
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology allows for automatic identification of information contained in a tag by scanning and interrogation using radio frequency (RF) waves. An RFID tag contains an antenna and a microchip that allows it to transmit and receive. This technology is a possible alternative to the use of barcodes, which are frequently inadequate in the face of rapid growth in the scale and complexity of just-in-time inventory requirements, regional and international trade, and emerging new methods of trade based on it. Use of RFID tags will likely eventually become as widespread as barcodes today. This book describes the technologies used for implementation of RFID: from hardware, communication protocols, cryptography, to applications (including electronic product codes, or EPC) and middleware. The five parts of this book will provide the reader with a detailed description of all the elements that make up a RFID system today, including hot topics such as the privacy concerns, and the Internet of Things.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fatigue of Materials and Structures: Application to Damage and Design
The design of mechanical structures with improved and predictable durability cannot be achieved without a thorough understanding of the mechanisms of fatigue damage and more specifically the relationships between the microstructure of materials and their fatigue properties. Written by leading experts in the field, this book (which is complementary to Fatigue of Materials and Structures: Application to Damage and Design, also edited by Claude Bathias and André Pineau), provides an authoritative, comprehensive and unified treatment of the mechanics and micromechanisms of fatigue in metals, polymers and composites. Each chapter is devoted to one of the major classes of materials or to different types of fatigue damage, thereby providing overall coverage of the field. The book deals with crack initiation, crack growth, low-cycle fatigue, gigacycle fatigue, shorts cracks, fatigue micromechanisms and the local approach to fatigue damage, corrosion fatigue, environmental effects and variable amplitude loadings, and will be an important and much used reference for students, practicing engineers and researchers studying fracture and fatigue in numerous areas of mechanical, structural, civil, design, nuclear, and aerospace engineering as well as materials science.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Distibuted Systems: Design and Algorithms
In today’s digital environment, distributed systems are increasingly present in a wide variety of environments, ranging from public software applications to critical systems. Distributed Systems introduces the underlying concepts, the associated design techniques and the related security issues. Distributed Systems: Design and Algorithms, is dedicated to engineers, students, and anyone familiar with algorithms and programming, who want to know more about distributed systems. These systems are characterized by: several components with one or more threads, possibly running on different processors; asynchronous communications with possible additional assumptions (reliability, order preserving, etc.); local views for every component and no shared data between components. This title presents distributed systems from a point of view dedicated to their design and their main principles: the main algorithms are described and placed in their application context, i.e. consistency management and the way they are used in distributed file-systems.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Electrical Distribution Networks
This book describes the fundamental aspects of the new generation of electrical distribution grids, taking as its starting point the opportunities that exist for restructuring existing infrastructure. It emphasizes the incorporation of renewable energy sources into the distribution grid and the need for a technological evolution towards the implementation of smartgrids. The book is organized into two parts: the first part analyzes the integration of distributed energy sources into the distribution grid and the impact of these sources on grid operation. After a general description of the general characteristics of distribution grids and renewable energy sources, it then analyzes the economics of electrical energy distribution networks and presents the impact of these sources on grid operation. The second part of the book then analyzes the various functions which allow for safe operation of the grid and realization of the path towards real world application of smartgrids.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Stochastic Modeling and Analysis of Telecom Networks
This book addresses the stochastic modeling of telecommunication networks, introducing the main mathematical tools for that purpose, such as Markov processes, real and spatial point processes and stochastic recursions, and presenting a wide list of results on stability, performances and comparison of systems. The authors propose a comprehensive mathematical construction of the foundations of stochastic network theory: Markov chains, continuous time Markov chains are extensively studied using an original martingale-based approach. A complete presentation of stochastic recursions from an ergodic theoretical perspective is also provided, as well as spatial point processes. Using these basic tools, stability criteria, performance measures and comparison principles are obtained for a wide class of models, from the canonical M/M/1 and G/G/1 queues to more sophisticated systems, including the current “hot topics” of spatial radio networking, OFDMA and real-time networks. Contents 1. Introduction. Part 1: Discrete-time Modeling 2. Stochastic Recursive Sequences. 3. Markov Chains. 4. Stationary Queues. 5. The M/GI/1 Queue. Part 2: Continuous-time Modeling 6. Poisson Process. 7. Markov Process. 8. Systems with Delay. 9. Loss Systems. Part 3: Spatial Modeling 10. Spatial Point Processes.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Multi-modality Cardiac Imaging: Processing and Analysis
The imaging of moving organs such as the heart, in particular, is a real challenge because of its movement. This book presents current and emerging methods developed for the acquisition of images of moving organs in the five main medical imaging modalities: conventional X-rays, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), nuclear imaging and ultrasound. The availability of dynamic image sequences allows for the qualitative and quantitative assessment of an organ’s dynamics, which is often linked to pathologies.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Progress in Combinatorial Optimization: Recent Progress
This book presents recent developments and new trends in Combinatorial Optimization. Combinatorial Optimization is an active research area that has applications in many domains such as communications, network design, VLSI, scheduling, production, computational biology. In the past years, new results and major advances have been seen in many areas including computational complexity, approximation algorithms, cutting-plane based methods and submodularity function minimization. More efficient and powerful methods have been developed for approaching real-worlds problems, and new concepts and theoritical results have been introduced.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Nanoscale CMOS: Innovative Materials, Modeling and Characterization
This book provides a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art in the development of new and innovative materials, and of advanced modeling and characterization methods for nanoscale CMOS devices. Leading global industry bodies including the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) have created a forecast of performance improvements that will be delivered in the foreseeable future – in the form of a roadmap that will lead to a substantial enlargement in the number of materials, technologies and device architectures used in CMOS devices. This book addresses the field of materials development, which has been the subject of a major research drive aimed at finding new ways to enhance the performance of semiconductor technologies. It covers three areas that will each have a dramatic impact on the development of future CMOS devices: global and local strained and alternative materials for high speed channels on bulk substrate and insulator; very low access resistance; and various high dielectric constant gate stacks for power scaling. The book also provides information on the most appropriate modeling and simulation methods for electrical properties of advanced MOSFETs, including ballistic transport, gate leakage, atomistic simulation, and compact models for single and multi-gate devices, nanowire and carbon-based FETs. Finally, the book presents an in-depth investigation of the main nanocharacterization techniques that can be used for an accurate determination of transport parameters, interface defects, channel strain as well as RF properties, including capacitance-conductance, improved split C-V, magnetoresistance, charge pumping, low frequency noise, and Raman spectroscopy.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Duplex Stainless Steels
Duplex Stainless Steels (DSSs) are chromium-nickel-molybdenum-iron alloys that are usually in proportions optimized for equalizing the volume fractions of austenite and ferrite. Due to their ferritic-austenitic microstructure, they possess a higher mechanical strength and a better corrosion resistance than standard austenitic steels. This type of steel is now increasing its application and market field due to its very good properties and relatively low cost. This book is a review of the most recent progress achieved in the last 10 years on microstructure, corrosion resistance and mechanical strength properties, as well as applications, due to the development of new grades. Special attention will be given to fatigue and fracture behavior and to proposed models to account for mechanical behavior. Each subject will be developed in chapters written by experts recognized around the international industrial and scientific communities. The use of duplex stainless steels has grown rapidly in the last 10 years, particularly in the oil and gas industry, chemical tankers, pulp and paper as well as the chemical industry. In all these examples, topics like welding, corrosion resistance and mechanical strength properties (mainly in the fatigue domain) are crucial. Therefore, the update of welding and corrosion properties and the introduction of topics like texture effects, fatigue and fracture strength properties, and mechanical behavior modeling give this book specific focus and character.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Power Systems and Restructuring
The development of electric power systems has been made up of incremental innovations from the end of the 19th century and throughout the 20th century. The creation of deregulated electricity markets has brought about an emerging paradigm in which the relationships between producers, power system operators and consumers have changed enormously compared to the monopolistic case. The scope of this book is to provide fundamental concepts of the physics and operation of transmission and distribution lines, which is the content of Part 1, followed by the models and tools for the description and simulation of large electrical grids for steady state and transient operation. These advanced tools allow the physics and technology of power systems to be described and the algorithms of Ybus and Zbus matrices to be built for various studies such as short-circuit studies and load flow or transient phenomena analysis. Part 3 deals with the new organization concepts in the frame of deregulated markets. In this part the restructuring of the power industry is presented where various actors interact together through market places or bilateral contracts. In addition, the operation of the power grids under this deregulated context is detailed and the relationships between power system operators and market actors (energy producers and providers, traders, etc.) is explained with several examples. The ancillary services, congestion management and grid access concepts are also described. A large number of exercises and problems disseminated throughout the book with solutions at the end enable the reader to check his understanding of the content at any time.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Electromagnetism and Interconnections: Advanced Mathematical Tools for Computer-aided Simulation
This book covers the theoretical problems of modeling electrical behavior of the interconnections encountered in everyday electronic products. The coverage shows the theoretical tools of waveform prediction at work in the design of a complex and high-speed digital electronic system. Scientists, research engineers, and postgraduate students interested in electromagnetism, microwave theory, electrical engineering, or the development of simulation tools software for high speed electronic system design automation will find this book an illuminating resource.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Graphs and Networks: Multilevel Modeling
A transport network is typically a network of roads, streets, pipes, aqueducts, power lines, or nearly any structure that permits either vehicular movement or the flow of some commodity. Transport network analysis, a field of transport engineering that typically employs the use of graph theory, is used to determine the flow of vehicles, commodities, or people through these networks. It may combine different modes of transport - for example, walking and driving - to model multi-modal journeys. This edition is completely updated and contains two new chapters covering spatial analysis and urban management through graph theory simulation. Highly practical, the simulation approach allows readers to solve classic problems, such as placement of high-speed roads, the capacity of a network, pollution emission control, and more.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mechanical Characterization of Materials and Wave Dispersion
Over the last 50 years, the various available methods of investigating dynamic properties of materials have resulted in significant advances in this area of materials science. Dynamic tests have also recently proven to be as efficient as static tests, and have the advantage that they are often easier to use at lower frequency. This book explores dynamic testing, the methods used, and the experiments performed, placing a particular emphasis on the context of bounded medium elastodynamics. The book initially focuses on the complements of continuum mechanics before moving on to the various types of rod vibrations: extensional, bending and torsional. In addition, chapters contain practical examples alongside theoretical discussion to facilitate the reader's understanding. The results presented are the culmination of over 30 years of research by the authors and will be of great interest to anyone involved in this field.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Cognitive Technologies: Epistemology and Knowledge Society
Digital Cognitive Technologies is an interdisciplinary book which assesses the socio-technical foundations of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), which are at the core of the "Knowledge Society." This book addresses eight major issues, analyzed by authors writing from a Human and Social Science and a Science and Technology perspective. The contributions seek to explore whether and how ICTs are changing our perception of time, space, social structures and networks, document writing and dissemination, sense-making and interpretation, cooperation, politics, and the dynamics of collective activity (socio-informatics).
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Local Networks and the Internet: From Protocols to Interconnection
This title covers the most commonly used elements of Internet and Intranet technology and their development. It details the latest developments in research and covers new themes such as IP6, MPLS, and IS-IS routing, as well as explaining the function of standardization committees such as IETF, IEEE, and UIT. The book is illustrated with numerous examples and applications which will help the reader to place protocols in their proper context.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fatigue of Materials and Structures: Fundamentals
The design of mechanical structures with improved and predictable durability cannot be achieved without a thorough understanding of the mechanisms of fatigue damage and more specifically the relationships between the microstructure of materials and their fatigue properties. Written by leading experts in the field, this book (which is complementary to Fatigue of Materials and Structures: Application to Damage and Design, also edited by Claude Bathias and André Pineau), provides an authoritative, comprehensive and unified treatment of the mechanics and micromechanisms of fatigue in metals, polymers and composites. Each chapter is devoted to one of the major classes of materials or to different types of fatigue damage, thereby providing overall coverage of the field. The book deals with crack initiation, crack growth, low-cycle fatigue, gigacycle fatigue, shorts cracks, fatigue micromechanisms and the local approach to fatigue damage, corrosion fatigue, environmental effects and variable amplitude loadings, and will be an important and much used reference for students, practicing engineers and researchers studying fracture and fatigue in numerous areas of mechanical, structural, civil, design, nuclear, and aerospace engineering as well as materials science.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Libraries
The very recent emergence of the 'information society' has created new situations that political and economic disciplines have never previously considered. There is a new complexity and many open questions for both individuals and societal macro-structures, which have to maintain, despite this revolution, a satisfactory level of activity and at the same time have to build a new state of stability. With regard to problems identified by many researchers relating to the storage and processing of (semi-)structured digital data, accessibility and sharing, intellectual property, digital documents, information retrieval, information literacy, relevance of information, information profiles of users, etc., the policies envisaged by some for the 'information society' may cause concern and embarrassment from a scientific point of view. This book gathers together 13 contributions from leading information science researchers and presents some of the scientific challenges for these areas, which are also the greatest challenges facing us in the current digital age.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Modeling and Dimensioning of Structures: An Introduction
This book provides the main topics currently used for the calculus of structures. The reference establishes a link between the traditional approach on the strength of materials and the present finite element method, details the main aspects of practical modeling, and explores numerous case studies.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Combinatorial Optimization and Theoretical Computer Science: Interfaces and Perspectives
This volume is dedicated to the theme “Combinatorial Optimization – Theoretical Computer Science: Interfaces and Perspectives” and has two main objectives: the first is to show that bringing together operational research and theoretical computer science can yield useful results for a range of applications, while the second is to demonstrate the quality and range of research conducted by the LAMSADE in these areas.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Information Fusion in Signal and Image Processing: Major Probabilistic and Non-Probabilistic Numerical Approaches
The area of information fusion has grown considerably during the last few years, leading to a rapid and impressive evolution. In such fast-moving times, it is important to take stock of the changes that have occurred. As such, this books offers an overview of the general principles and specificities of information fusion in signal and image processing, as well as covering the main numerical methods (probabilistic approaches, fuzzy sets and possibility theory and belief functions).
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Cooperating Embedded Systems and Wireless Sensor Networks
A number of different system concepts have become apparent in the broader context of embedded systems over the past few years. Whilst there are some differences between these, this book argues that in fact there is much they share in common, particularly the important notions of control, heterogenity, wireless communication, dynamics/ad hoc nature and cost. The first part of the book covers cooperating object applications and the currently available application scenarios, such as control and automation, healthcare, and security and surveillance. The second part discusses paradigms for algorithms and interactions. The third part covers various types of vertical system functions, including data aggregation, resource management and time synchronization. The fourth part outlines system architecture and programming models, outlining all currently available architectural models and middleware approaches that can be used to abstract the complexity of cooperating object technology. Finally, the book concludes with a discussion of the trends guiding current research and gives suggestions as to possible future developments and how various shortcomings in the technology can be overcome.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Synthesizers and Subtractive Synthesis 1
Subtractive sound synthesis has been one of the most widely used techniques in electronic music and for many analog synthesizers since the early 1960s. It is based on a simple principle, but its operation remains complex, involving many parameters. It can be enriched by a variety of effects that give the sound its authenticity. It does not just imitate musical instruments, but can also transcribe noises present in natural soundscapes, or generate entirely synthetic sounds. Synthesizers and Subtractive Synthesis 1 presents the theoretical basis of a sound phenomenon, the different types of synthesis, the components that are required and present in synthesizers, the working environment specific to the study of subtractive synthesis, and the hardware and software available. After reading the various chapters of this book, readers will have a clear vision of the tools and actions required to grasp the world of subtractive sound.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc A Textbook of Data Structures and Algorithms, Volume 2: Mastering Nonlinear Data Structures
Data structures and algorithms is a fundamental course in Computer Science, which enables learners across any discipline to develop the much-needed foundation of efficient programming, leading to better problem solving in their respective disciplines. A Textbook of Data Structures and Algorithms is a textbook that can be used as course material in classrooms, or as self-learning material. The book targets novice learners aspiring to acquire advanced knowledge of the topic. Therefore, the content of the book has been pragmatically structured across three volumes and kept comprehensive enough to help them in their progression from novice to expert. With this in mind, the book details concepts, techniques and applications pertaining to data structures and algorithms, independent of any programming language. It includes 181 illustrative problems and 276 review questions to reinforce a theoretical understanding and presents a suggestive list of 108 programming assignments to aid in the implementation of the methods covered.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Sustainable City in Africa Facing the Challenge of Liquid Sanitation
This book questions the role of liquid sanitation in the development of cities in Africa. The absence of sewerage networks and treatment plants in African cities already submerged by rapid and anarchic urbanization is a major problem. To meet this challenge, it is urgent to rethink urban water governance and impose and enforce sustainable urban planning standards. In other words, sanitation issues must now be placed at the heart of urban planning.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Electronic Communication Interception Technologies and Issues of Power
In cyberspace, data flows transit massively and freely on a planetary scale. The generalization of encryption, made necessary by the need to protect these exchanges, has resulted in states and their intelligence services forgoing listening and interception missions. The latter have had to find ways to break or circumvent this protection. This book analyzes the evolution of the means of communication and interception, as well as their implementation since the advent of the telegraph in the 19th century. It presents this sensitive subject from a technical, historical and political perspective, and answers several questions: who are the actors of interception? Who has produced the recent technologies? How are the markets for interception means organized? Are the means of protecting communications infallible? Or what forms of power do interceptions confer?
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Distribution System Planning: Evolution of Methodologies and Digital Tools for Energy Transition
Distribution systems drive energy and societal transition. System planning enables investments to be made in the right place, at the right time and with the right technology. Distribution System Planning is centered on the evolution of planning methods that will best support this transition, and describes the historical context and concepts that enable planning, its challenges and key influencing factors to be grasped. It also analyzes the impact of the development of renewable and decentralized energy resources, government recommendations and distributor initiatives to promote their integration. Through the use of case studies, this book provides examples of how planning methodologies have evolved, as well as an overview of new and emerging solutions.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Devolution and Autonomy in Education
Allowing learners to take some responsibility may seem obvious yet what is actually afforded to them, and how this process works, remains difficult to grasp. It is therefore essential to study the real objects of devolution and the roles played by the subjects involved. Devolution and Autonomy in Education questions the concept of devolution, introduced into the field of education in the 1980s from disciplinary didactics, and described in Guy Brousseau’s Theory of Didactical Situations in Mathematics as: the act by which the teacher makes the student take responsibility for a learning situation (adidactic) or problem and accepts the consequences of this transfer.The book revisits this concept through a variety of subject areas (mathematics, French, physical education, life sciences, digital learning, play) and educational domains (teaching, training, facilitation). Using these intersecting perspectives, this book also examines the purpose and timeline of the core process for thinking about autonomy and empowerment in education.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Applied Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis 1: Computational Data Analysis Methods and Tools
BIG DATA, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND DATA ANALYSIS SET Coordinated by Jacques Janssen Data analysis is a scientific field that continues to grow enormously, most notably over the last few decades, following rapid growth within the tech industry, as well as the wide applicability of computational techniques alongside new advances in analytic tools. Modeling enables data analysts to identify relationships, make predictions, and to understand, interpret and visualize the extracted information more strategically. This book includes the most recent advances on this topic, meeting increasing demand from wide circles of the scientific community. Applied Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis 1 is a collective work by a number of leading scientists, analysts, engineers, mathematicians and statisticians, working on the front end of data analysis and modeling applications. The chapters cover a cross section of current concerns and research interests in the above scientific areas. The collected material is divided into appropriate sections to provide the reader with both theoretical and applied information on data analysis methods, models and techniques, along with appropriate applications.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Language and Neurology: Alzheimer's Disease
This book questions the relationship and compatibility between current beliefs in neurology and contemporary textual linguistic theories, interpretative semantics and discourse analysis. It begins with a critical examination of the screenings for Alzheimer�s type dementia through cognitive testing, particularly screenings where language is used. It then analyzes the various linguistic properties (morphological, syntactic and semantic) of the speech of Alzheimer�s patients, which can be troubling for both caregivers and their environment in general. More than a synthesis of critical linguistic reflections, Language and Neurology provokes a fruitful reflection through adjustments suggested by the acquired knowledge of textual semantics.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Thresholds in Architectural Education
The book explores, discusses, and considers new and innovative perspectives on the crossings, interactions, and transformations of non-formal, informal learning, and formal learning within or prior to FADS and Internship. The contributions provide a wider perspective on the alternating Final Architectural Design Studios and Internship programs as interfaces and interaction zones among different learning experiences that lead to professional and intellectual qualification.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Applications and Metrology at Nanometer Scale 1: Smart Materials, Electromagnetic Waves and Uncertainties
To develop innovations in quantum engineering and nanosystems, designers need to adopt the expertise that has been developed in research laboratories. This requires a thorough understanding of the experimental measurement techniques and theoretical models, based on the principles of quantum mechanics. This book presents experimental methods enabling the development and characterization of materials at the nanometer scale, based on practical engineering cases, such as 5G and the interference of polarized light when applied for electromagnetic waves. Using the example of electromechanical, multi-physical coupling in piezoelectric systems, smart materials technology is discussed, with an emphasis on scale reduction and mechanical engineering applications. Statistical analysis methods are presented in terms of their usefulness in systems engineering for experimentation, characterization or design, since safety factors and the most advanced reliability calculation techniques are included from the outset. This book provides valuable support for teachers and researchers but is also intended for engineering students, working engineers and Master�s students.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc TORUS 2 - Toward an Open Resource Using Services: Cloud Computing for Environmental Data
This book, presented in three volumes, examines �environmental� disciplines in relation to major players in contemporary science: Big Data, artificial intelligence and cloud computing. Today, there is a real sense of urgency regarding the evolution of computer technology, the ever-increasing volume of data, threats to our climate and the sustainable development of our planet. As such, we need to reduce technology just as much as we need to bridge the global socio-economic gap between the North and South; between universal free access to data (open data) and free software (open source). In this book, we pay particular attention to certain environmental subjects, in order to enrich our understanding of cloud computing. These subjects are: erosion; urban air pollution and atmospheric pollution in Southeast Asia; melting permafrost (causing the accelerated release of soil organic carbon in the atmosphere); alert systems of environmental hazards (such as forest fires, prospective modeling of socio-spatial practices and land use); and web fountains of geographical data. Finally, this book asks the question: in order to find a pattern in the data, how do we move from a traditional computing model-based world to pure mathematical research? After thorough examination of this topic, we conclude that this goal is both transdisciplinary and achievable.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc CAD of Circuits and Integrated Systems
This book addresses the difficulty of obtaining a quality solution, that is, pre optimal or even optimal, in a reasonable time from a central processing unit (CPU). As polynomial problems can be treated by exact methods, the problem posed concerns non-polynomial problems, for which it is necessary to develop efficient algorithms based on heuristics or meta-heuristics. Chapter 3 of this book demonstrates how to develop such algorithms, which are characterized by: an initialization of argued solutions (sometimes, the global optimum can be obtained from such an initialization); a non-random generation of solutions (to avoid generating the same solution several times, or even generating solutions that cannot be achieved); avoidance of being trapped by a local optimum; good use of CPU time by reducing the size of the space of solutions to be explored (which is often very large for such problems) without compromising the quality of the solution; plus a reasoned displacement from one solution to another, to improve the quality of the solution as the processing is carried out. These aspects are applied to concrete applications in the design of integrated circuits and systems at various levels. To do this and to help the reader better understand this problem, Chapters 1 and 2 present basic notions on computational complexity, and the design of integrated circuits and systems.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Process Engineering Renewal 1: Background and Training
Process engineering emerged at the beginning of the 20th Century and has become an essential scientific discipline for the matter and energy processing industries. Its success is incontrovertible, with the exponential increase in techniques and innovations. Rapid advances in new technologies such as artificial intelligence, as well as current societal needs sustainable development, climate change, renewable energy, the environment are developments that must be taken into account in industrial renewal. Process Engineering Renewal 1 the first volume of three focuses on training, demonstrating the need for innovation in order for the field to have a framework that is sustainable, in a highly changeable world.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Process Engineering Renewal 2: Research
Process engineering emerged at the beginning of the 20th Century and has become an essential scientific discipline for the matter and energy processing industries. Its success is incontrovertible, with the exponential increase in techniques and innovations. Rapid advances in new technologies such as artificial intelligence, as well as current societal needs sustainable development, climate change, renewable energy, the environment are developments that must be taken into account in industrial renewal. Process Engineering Renewal 2 focuses on research in process engineering, which is partly overshadowed by the sciences that contribute to its development. The external constraints of this interface science must be seen in relation to conservation, sustainable development, global warming, etc., which are linked to current success and the difficulty of taking risks in research.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Trajectories of Genetics
As genetics becomes increasingly important in our everyday environment, misinterpretation of its scientific foundation leads to mixed feelings of hope and fear about the potential of its applications. Trajectories of Genetics uncovers the many facets of genetics - from humans to animals, plants, and the microscopic world through more than a century of scientific progress. It summarizes the evolution of ideas as the organization and functioning of genetic material has become clearer. The book analyzes how genetic information transmitted from generation to generation in nucleic acids enables the fulfillment of biological functions and the evolution of the living world. It illustrates current developments in many areas: the improvement of species of agronomic interest, an increased understanding of microbial worlds, the management of genetic pathologies and the synthesis of new forms of life.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Biphasic Chemistry and The Solvent Case
Biphasic Chemistry and The Solvent Case examines recent improvements in reaction conditions, in order to affirm the role of chemistry in the sustainable field. This book shows that those who work within the chemistry industry support limits for the use of toxic or flammable solvents, since it reduces the purifications to simple filtrations. Thanks to commercial scavengers, solid phase syntheses are now available to all. Fluorine biphasic catalysis enables extremely efficient catalyst recycling and has a high applicability potential at the industrial level. This book also reviews the many studies that have shown that water is a solvent of choice for most synthetic reactions. Particular traits can be obtained and the effects on thermodynamics make it possible to operate at lower temperatures, thereby achieving energy savings. Finally the great diversity of application of the reactions without solvents is illustrated.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to Quantum Mechanics 2: Wave-Corpuscle, Quantization and Schrodinger's Equation
Quantum mechanics is the foundation of modern technology, due to its innumerable applications in physics, chemistry and even biology. This second volume studies Schrödinger�s equation and its applications in the study of wells, steps and potential barriers. It examines the properties of orthonormal bases in the space of square-summable wave functions and Dirac notations in the space of states. This book has a special focus on the notions of the linear operators, the Hermitian operators, observables, Hermitian conjugation, commutators and the representation of kets, bras and operators in the space of states. The eigenvalue equation, the characteristic equation and the evolution equation of the mean value of an observable are introduced. The book goes on to investigate the study of conservative systems through the time evolution operator and Ehrenfest�s theorem. Finally, this second volume is completed by the introduction of the notions of quantum wire, quantum wells of semiconductor materials and quantum dots in the appendices.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Hospital Logistics and e-Management: Digital Transition and Revolution
As new information and communication technologies (NICTs) increasingly reorganize our practices and influence our daily lives, there is a pressing need to study their impact in the field of hospital logistics and to question their future use. Hospital Logistics and e-Management presents an inventory of the health information system, and deals with informational and logistical issues with regard to medical information. Through two case studies of hospital logistics systems which have drawn on academic research, this book examines how powerful decision support tools can improve the quality of patient service and logistics organization. The first case study deals with the influx of patients to emergency services and service organization, and the second with the optimization of product collection and distribution flows.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Innovation Trends in the Space Industry
Ever since their inception, space activities have been innovative, but not driven by commercial considerations that is, until the end of the Cold War, when the commercialization of space escalated. As a result, the direction of the innovation changed in order to leverage new business opportunities, which reached a turning point in the 2010s. This book discusses the developmental trends of the world space sector in detail, by analyzing their long-term evolution, and studying why this innovative industry sometimes experiences technological and organizational delays. Innovation Trends in the Space Industry also provides a framework to diagnose more accurately the potential technological threats that are currently faced by existing space tech manufacturers. Moreover, this book, with an economic perspective, provides a close examination of the space sector. It also contributes to enriching innovation management theory by leading us to better understand industry emergence shaped by customers, to reinterpret technological and organizational inertia in high technology activities, and to refine disruptive innovation trends.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Methods and Interdisciplinarity
Interdisciplinarity research results from a growing need for multi-perspective methods, and knowledge on complex and multifaceted objects of study. It is not simply scientific research that involves several disciplines, but ultimately, the aim is confronting this knowledge and if possible articulating it coherently. Using specific examples, Methods and Interdisciplinarity categorizes the different modes of interdisciplinarity and discusses the mechanisms of hybridization between them. On the one hand, the book shows how the same issue can be treated according to various points of view from several disciplines, which can give rise to complementary or even contradictory knowledge. On the other hand, it illustrates how methods from some disciplines make it possible to articulate the qualitative or quantitative approaches of others.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Politicization of Ecological Issues: From Environmental Forms to Environmental Motives
The legitimacy of environmental policies is an issue of increasing concern for analysts. Ecological stakes are deemed to be global, but global public decisions are rare and implemented with difficulty. Dissensus prevails on environmental ethics and there is little evidence of any greening of policy tools. The global framing of the environment fails to account for how people relate to the ecological realities which surround them. Rather than placing the environment at a distance, Politicization of Ecological Issues advocates for building legitimacy from people’s perceptions of singular forms and patterns in their environment. Based on scholarly literature in political ecology and empirical cases of water policy in Europe, the book shows how the qualification of environmental realities has been politicized and translated into motives for public action. Similarly, it argues that theoretical debates addressing the ecological crisis are not only dealing with ideas, but rather advocating for specific environmental forms that are deemed to be motives of hope or worry.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Health Communications
ECHNOLOGICAL PROSPECTS AND SOCIAL APPLICATIONS SET Coordinated by Bruno SalguesThere are many controversies with respect to health crisis management: the search for information on symptoms, misinformation on emerging treatments, massive use of collaborative tools by healthcare professionals, deployment of applications for tracking infected patients. The Covid-19 crisis is a relevant example about the need for research in digital communications in order to understand current health info communication.After an overview of the challenges of digital healthcare, this book offers a critical look at the organizational and professional limits of ICT uses for patients, their caregivers and healthcare professionals. It analyzes the links between ICT and ethics of care, where health communication is part of a global, humanistic and emancipating care for patients and caregivers. It presents new digitized means of communicating health knowledge that reveal, thanks to the Internet, a competition between biomedical expert knowledge and experiential secular knowledge.