Search results for ""Author George""
Random House USA Inc A Game of Thrones: The Graphic Novel: Volume Two
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH An Introduction to Redox Polymers for Energy-Storage Applications
An Introduction to Redox Polymers for Energy-Storage Applications Presents a well-founded introduction to the field or Redox Polymers, with didactical features like summary boxes and a Q&A sections An Introduction to Redox Polymers for Energy-Storage Applications discusses fundamental aspects related to polymer-based batteries, such as types of batteries, their historic development, design and synthesis criteria of the active material, and summarizes the various types of redox polymers and their applications. Each chapter contains learning objectives, summary boxes, and questions to allow for efficient exam preparation. In An Introduction to Redox Polymers for Energy-Storage Applications, readers will find detailed information on: Fundamental aspects of redox-active polymers, along with their historical classification, taking the key applications of the materials into account Energy-storage devices, containing polymers as the electrode active materials, and specific material requirements for the desired applications Classification of redox-active polymers, e.g., according to the nature of the actual redox-active moieties, their backbone structure, or topology Electrical conductivity of conjugated polymers, covering their most prominent representatives (polyaniline, polypyrrole, polythiophene, and polyacetylene) An Introduction to Redox Polymers for Energy-Storage Applications also covers the synthesis and applications of these materials, making it an excellent book for graduates, PhD students, and professionals who are starting in this field.
Lexington Books Understanding International Law through Moot Courts: Genocide, Torture, Habeas Corpus, Chemical Weapons, and the Responsibility to Protect
Understanding International Law through Moot Courts: Genocide, Torture, Habeas Corpus, Chemical Weapons, and the Responsibility to Protect consists of five sets of opposing legal briefs and judge’s decisions for five moot court cases held before the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court. Each moot court brief included in the book addresses contemporary controversies in international affairs; issues ranging from the application of the newly emerging Responsibility to Protect (R2P) doctrine, to the torture of detainees, to the derogation from international due process protections. These moot court briefs and case judgments help students formulate legal arguments that will be applicable to other similar cases. They also provide students with excellent sources of international and domestic law, as well as greater comprehension of topics ranging from jurisdictional disputes to matters of evidence. Chapter 1 of the book provides an overview of the book as well as instructions regarding the construction of a moot court. Chapter two, by George Andreopoulos discusses the interrelationship between human rights and international criminal law. Chapters 3 through 7 are the cases. The introduction to each chapter (and subsequently each case) lays out the facts of the case in question, discusses (where applicable) issues associated with the material and contextual elements of the crimes(s) in question, provides additional topics for classroom discussion, and also places the issues of contention between the parties within the broader context of foreign affairs and international relations. After each set of briefs and legal judgments is an appendix which includes an example moot court, as well as an appendix that includes a set of alterable facts that students and faculty could adopt to change the general legal argument of the particular case.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Hypertension: A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease
Part of the renowned Braunwald family of references, Hypertension: A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease provides today’s clinicians with clear, authoritative guidance on every aspect of managing and treating patients who suffer from hypertensive disorders. An invaluable resource for cardiologists, endocrinologists, and nephrologists, this one-stop reference covers all the latest developments from basic science to clinical trials and guidelines related to the treatment of common to complex hypertension. Now fully updated from cover to cover, the 4th Edition offers unparalleled coverage of hypertension in an accessible and user-friendly manner. Thoroughly covers new treatment guidelines related to recent research and the latest physiologic understanding for a wide range of patients with hypertension and related co-morbidities. Includes new chapters on Hypertension in Women, Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonists, Exercise and Hypertension, and Telemedicine/Digital Health. Contains new or expanded content on epidemiology, pathophysiology, immunology, clinical findings, laboratory testing, invasive and non-invasive testing, risk stratification, clinical decision-making, prognosis, and management. Provides new chapter summaries and a new focus on clinical and actionable content using a streamlined, narrative format. Covers behavior management and prevention as an integral part of hypertensive and pre-hypertensive treatment plans. Highlights combination drug therapies and management of chronic complications of hypertension. Offers expert guidance from worldwide experts in cardiology, endocrinology, and nephrology, and integrates the most recent guidelines from leading organizations around the world. An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. Additional digital ancillary content may publish up to 6 weeks following the publication date.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Algebras Lattices Varieties Volume III
The third of a three-volume set of books on the theory of algebras, a study that provides a consistent framework for understanding algebraic systems, including groups, rings, modules, semigroups and lattices.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Particle and Continuum Aspects of Mesomechanics: Mesomechanics 2007
This title brings together a variety of papers presented at the 9th annual Meso meeting in 2007. The topics selected for Meso 2007 are designed to illustrate the relation of thresholds to multiscaling: Flow through capillary tubes in contrast to pipes Laminar and turbulent flow transition Heat convection of thin wires in contrast to cylinders Electrical conductance of macro- and nano-circuits Rubbery and glassy polymers Single- and poly-crystal behavior Strength of wires and round cylindrical bars Uni-axial and multi-axial material: linear and non-linear response Thin and thick plate behavior Brittle and ductile fracture Small and large crack growth behavior Low and high temperature effects Local and global material property characteristics Small and large bodies: size and time effects Specimen and structure
Hoover Institution Press,U.S. Reykjavik Revisited: Steps Toward a World Free of Nuclear Weapons: Complete Report of 2007 Hoover Institution Conference
Drawn from presentations made at the Hoover Institution's October 2007 conference, this collection of essays examines the practical steps necessary to address the current security challenges of nuclear weapons and to move toward the Reykjavik goal of eliminating all nuclear weapons. The distinguished group of contributors includes former officials of the past six administrations—Republican and Democratic—along with senior scholar and scientific experts on nuclear issues.
Random House USA Inc George R. R. Martin Presents Wild Cards: Sleeper Straddle: A Novel in Stories
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Chemistry: Structure and Dynamics
Chemistry: Structure and Dynamics, 5th Edition emphasises deep understanding rather than comprehensive coverage along with a focus on the development of inquiry and reasoning skills. While most mainstream General Chemistry texts offer a breadth of content coverage, the Spencer author team, in contrast, focuses on depth and student preparation for future studies. The fifth edition is revised in keeping with our commitment to the chemical education community and specifically the POGIL (Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning) Project. This text reflects two core principles, first that the concepts that are covered are fundamental building blocks for understanding chemistry and second, that the concepts should be perceived by the students as being directly applicable to their interests and careers. The authors further provide this "core" coverage using 1 of 3 models; data-driven, chemical theories and student understanding, which allows for a more concrete foundation on which students build conceptual understanding.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Statistics: From Data to Decision
This text is an unbound, binder-ready edition. This book teaches statistics with a modern, data-analytic approach that uses graphing calculators and statistical software. It allows more emphasis to be put on statistical concepts and data analysis than on following recipes for calculations. This gives readers a more realistic understanding of both the theoretical and practical applications of statistics, giving them the ability to master the subject.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Comprehensive Healthcare Simulation: Program & Center Development
Think - Plan - BuyThis is the first complete guide for creating a sustainable healthcare simulation program/center. It is created by experts in the field that are on the front lines of this emerging field. It is intended and written with all professions in mind, and should be a resource for all, be they healthcare educators, administrators, or executives. It covers specific elements of the entire process, from concept to execution, and identifies key decision points along the way. The book is organized around fundamental considerations in center and program development including governance, structural/facility and curricular design, business planning, to establishing policies and procedures. Chapters analyze the fundamental aspects of planning, such as budgeting, revenue streams, and philanthropy as well as the inclusion of educational resources within such programs.Comprehensive Healthcare Simulation: Program and Center Development is an invaluable addition to the Comprehensive Healthcare Simulation series, and features an authoritative authorship of experts in the field.
Policy Press An introduction to genetic epidemiology
Genetic epidemiology is a very rapidly developing field that has acquired a central role in modern biomedical science. Until now there has been no comprehensive introductory text for students and academics who do not have specialised training in statistics or genetics. This book begins with a primer in human molecular genetics and then examines standard methods in population genetics and genetic epidemiology required for an adequate grounding in the field. Among much else, the book contains discussion of the public health aspects of the new genetics, and of epidemiological methods for studying genes and environmental factors in complex diseases. Written by leading international experts and supplemented by a glossary and in-chapter guides to further reading, this essential textbook will be widely welcomed by teachers and students on many courses internationally.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Agriculture, Trade and the Environment: The Impact of Liberalization on Sustainable Development
This timely book focuses on the liberalization of agricultural policy and questions whether it is compatible with the goal of achieving economic and environmental sustainability in the European Union. It presents an invaluable contribution to the growing literature on the sustainability and policy aspects of trade liberalization, focusing on European agriculture.Agriculture, Trade and the Environment discusses quantitative methods for the assessment of agriculture-environment trade-offs for policy analysis at the firm, regional or national levels. It also presents the experience of countries in Europe, with particular regard to the impact of the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy and the repercussions of the Uruguay Round. Using a wide range of analytical and quantitative tools, country case studies examine agricultural areas in Austria, Scotland, Italy, Spain, Greece and Estonia. The authors then go on to look at future developments in an enlarged EU context. They conclude that efficient policies for environmental management in the EU need to be tailored to fit local conditions. Any attempt to impose uniform policies across a region as environmentally and economically diverse as Europe will have widely divergent and unintended consequences.This book will prove invaluable to academics and students with an interest in agricultural economics, environmental and ecological economics and the European Union.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd How to Manage Student Consulting Projects: A Practical Guide for Project Advisors
How to Manage Student Consulting Projects describes the key principles and tools needed by project advisors to manage student consulting projects in an academic setting. The authors highlight different approaches for managing student consulting teams, including an innovative model in which graduate students manage undergraduates. This model of experiential learning suggests that project advisors should include reflection of learning as a key outcome for any student consulting project. The book also emphasizes the importance of evaluating both team and individual performance in a project's overall success, and data are shown on the positive impact that student teams have had on clients. In addition to offering strategies that project advisors can use to improve project performance, the book provides information for program administrators and deans, as well as project managers in non-academic settings, to help in the development and running of project-based learning.
University of Pennsylvania Press Linguistic Variability and Intellectual Development
Linguistic Variability and Intellectual Development, Wilhelm von Humbolt's most famous work, was published by his brother Alexander posthumously, in 1836. It promptly established itself as a classic in the philosophy of language and has held that position ever since. With many examples from a vast multitude of languages, from Sanskrit to Delaware Indian, the author shows how character and structure of a language expresses the inner life and knowledge of its speakers and how their intellectual development is in turn shaped by their language.
Stanford University Press History of the Donner Party: A Tragedy of the Sierra
Originally published in 1880, McGlashan's History of the Donner Party remains in steady demand as an authoritative account of the tragic episode. The editors have added newly discovered information and photographs to their foreword, which is based on material in family documents and on the authors own recollections. The name of the Donner Party has come to symbolize the struggle of all pioneers, for the Donner experiences were the acme of horror, despair, and suffering. This chronicle is a towering tribute to the band of pioneers who struggled over deserts and the High Sierra toward California during the rugged winter of 1846-47. The disasters they endured form a bold contrast to the comfort and safety of the present-day Donner Lake region. Mr. McGlashan was a contemporary of the Donner Party's children. From the many survivors of the expedition whom he knew and interviewed, from a personal knowledge of the route followed, from more than a thousand letters written to him by survivors, and from consultations with still-living authors of older works on the subject. McGlashan was able to verify the facts and write a book from the point of view of the survivors themselves.
Edinburgh University Press The Transformation of Scotland: The Economy Since 1700
This is the first comprehensive history of the Scottish economy over the last three centuries to appear in a generation. Written by leading scholars in the field, it presents 'state of the art' research in an accessible style to all those interested in understanding the historical context of modern Scotland. Fresh interpretations are revealed on such key and controversial issues as the impact of the Union of 1707, the Clearances, the rise and fall of Scottish heavy industry and the recent transformation of the modern economy. The distinctive features of the Scottish economic system are stressed but these are also analysed within a British and international context. The focus of the volume is both broad and detailed with full treatment of agriculture, finance, industry and the service sector as well as the impact of momentous economic changes on the lives of the people and the massive new role in the twentieth century of the state in economic affairs. At a time of intense debate on the present and future condition of Scotland under a devolved parliament and executive, this book provides the essential background and the long-run perspectives on the challenges and opportunities facing the nation.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Student Solutions Manual to accompany Statistics: From Data to Decision, 2e
This book teaches statistics with a modern, data-analytic approach that uses graphing calculators and statistical software. It allows more emphasis to be put on statistical concepts and data analysis than on following recipes for calculations. This gives readers a more realistic understanding of both the theoretical and practical applications of statistics, giving them the ability to master the subject.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The New Leader's 100-Day Action Plan: Take Charge, Build Your Team, and Deliver Better Results Faster
Maximize your remote and in-person leadership impact in your first 100 days The New Leader’s 100-Day Action Plan has sold over 100,000 copies because it's so practical. The author team of accomplished private equity/M&A transition leaders explains in great detail, how to succeed in new leadership roles, build high-performance teams, execute winning strategies, and achieve organizational goals. The heavily revised 5th edition explains how to your due diligence before accepting a new role, and how to lead in remote or hybrid environments and how to leverage diversity, equity, and inclusion to meet team goals, drive growth and enhance any organization. Readers will also find: Roadmaps, tools and tips to understanding, improving, and leading organizational change, including digital initiatives New chapters focused on crisis situations, post-M&A integrations, turnarounds, and transformations Practical counsel on managing your Board A critical resource for leaders in any industry, The New Leader’s 100-Day Action Plan walks you through your first days, weeks, and months in any new leadership role, when stakes are high and time is of the essence.
SciTech Publishing Inc Stimson's Introduction to Airborne Radar
Completely modernized, greatly expanded, but retaining all the magic of the 2nd edition, Introduction to Airborne Radar has been brought into the 21st century without losing the hallmarks that made George Stimson's previous editions unique. Every chapter has been updated to reflect the constant transformations in radar technology and end-of-chapter exercises have also been added, improving its employment as a textbook. Over 100 radar and EW experts from around the world were involved in reviewing, writing, and editing this book, each one a longtime user of the previous editions. Each one of them was tasked with making sure this third edition lives up to its legacy of 'Introduction.' Stimson's is written specifically as an overview without going overboard on the math. Virtually anyone with a knowledge of high school algebra, trigonometry, and physics will be able to read and absorb the vast majority of the material. The first 17 chapters provide fundamentals that can be used by air, ground, and sea-based personnel. Every chapter provides extensive fundamental materials and practical applications, using visual system exemplars to aid explanations. The unique full color layout is enhanced with an immense number of illustrations, figures, tables, and color photographs. Key features: Modernized to reflect changes in the past 20 years including electronic scanning antennas and high resolution imaging. Completely covers the wide range of techniques employed in modern airborne and space borne radars. Fundamentals are applicable to ground and sea-based radar. Clear, understandable writing supplemented by extensive graphic illustration of concepts and offset boxes taking those concepts to the next level. Community reviewed by over 100 radar experts from organizations worldwide.
MP-VIR Uni of Virginia The Papers of George Washington v.9 Colonial SeriesJanuary 1772March 1774
In the two-year span covered by this volume, Washington continues to be concerned with personal and local matters - the expansion of his Mount Vernon acreage, the development of the flour and fishing industries there, and his promotion of schemes for the navigation of the Potomac River.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die Griechischen Götter: Ein Überblick über Namen, Bilder und Deutungen
Lucius Annaeus Cornutus stammte aus Leptis Magna in Libyen und lebte zur Zeit Kaiser Neros als stoischer Philosoph in Rom. Von seinen Werken (Schriften zur Rhetorik und Philosophie; Kommentar zum Dichter Vergil) ist vollständig nur die hier erstmals in deutscher Übersetzung vorgelegte Epidromê tôn kata tên Hellênikên theologian paradedomenôn ('Überblick über das in der griechischen Götterlehre Überlieferte') erhalten. Dieses Werk stellt ein ebenso einzig- wie eigenartiges Handbuch der stoischen allegorischen Götterdeutung dar, das für jede griechische Gottheit, von Uranos bis Hades, eine etymologische und allegorische Deutung ihrer Namen, Epitheta und Attribute sowie einiger Aspekte der mit ihnen verbundenen Mythen, Riten und bildlichen Darstellungen liefert. Damit bildet es einen bemerkenswerten Versuch, den klassischen antiken Polytheismus mit Hilfe einer entwickelten Philosophie zu deuten. Unter Mitarbeit von: Fabio Berdozzo, George Boys-Stones, Hans-Josef Klauck, Ilaria Ramelli und Alexey Zadorojnjy
Archaeopress Art as Metaphor: The Prehistoric Rock-Art of Britain
Enigmatic, esoteric and fascinating, the rock-art of the British Isles has for a long time been a well-kept secret. However, over the last few decades hundreds of new rock art panels have been discovered and several regional surveys have been carried out. This volume brings together a carefully selected collection of papers that cover British prehistoric rock-art from over 10,000 years ago.
Simon & Schuster Audio Oath of Loyalty
Simon & Schuster Audio Total Power
Oni Press,US Short Order Crooks
Taylor Trade Publishing When the News Went Live: Dallas 1963
The minutes, hours, and days after President John F. Kennedy was shot on November 22, 1963, provided no ready answers about what was going on, what would happen next, or what any of it meant. For millions of Americans transfixed by the incomparable breaking news, television—for the first time—emerged as a way to keep informed. But the journalists who brought the story to the television airwaves could only rely on their skill, their experience, and their stamina to make sense of what was, at the time, the biggest story of their lives. President Kennedy’s assassination was the first time such big breaking news was covered spontaneously—this book tells the stories of four men who were at the epicenter of it all. Bob Huffaker, Bill Mercer, George Phenix, and Wes Wise were among those responsible for covering the assassination and its aftermath for Dallas’s KRLD. These reporters fed news and footage to Walter Cronkite and all of the other CBS affiliates around the country. From the presidential motorcade to Parkland Hospital, from Lee Harvey Oswald’s shooting to the trial and lonesome death of Jack Ruby, these men were there, on the inside. The view they were afforded of these events was unparalleled; the tales they have to tell, one-of-a-kind. This 50th anniversary edition includes new photos, insights, and reflections on the state of news (and faux news) today from the four men who were active participants in television news' pivotal moment.
Alfred Music Love Is Here to Stay: Conductor Score
Alfred Music Love Is Here to Stay: Conductor Score & Parts
Alfred Music I Got Rhythm: Conductor Score & Parts
Alfred Music I Got Rhythm: Conductor Score
Harvard Business Review Press The CIO Edge: Seven Leadership Skills You Need to Drive Results
Great CIOs consistently exceed key stakeholders' expectations and maximize the business value delivered through their company's technology. What's their secret? Sure, IT professionals need technological smarts, plus an understanding of their company's goals and the competitive landscape. But the best of them possess a far more potent ability: they forge good working relationships with everyone involved in an IT-enabled project, whether it's introducing new hardware or implementing a major business transformation. In The CIO Edge, the authors draw on Korn/Ferry International's extensive empirical data on leadership competencies as well as Gartner's research on IT trends and the CIO role. They prove that, for IT leaders, mastering seven essential skills yields big results. This new book lays out the people-to-people leadership competencies that the highest-performing CIOs have in common--including the ability to inspire others, connect with a diverse array of stakeholders, value others' ideas, and manifest caring in their relationships. The authors then explain how to cultivate each defining competency. Learn these skills, and you'll get more work done through others' enabling you to successfully execute more IT projects, generate better results for your company, and concentrate your efforts where they'll exert the most impact. The payoff? As the authors show, you'll work smarter, not harder--and get promoted far faster than your peers.
DC Comics JSA Omnibus Vol. 3
Known for his groundbreaking work on Green Lantern over a decade ago, Geoff Johns brought the Justice Society of America characters once rooted in the Golden Age of comics back to the forefront of graphic storytelling. Mixing younger, edgier characters with the elder statesmen of superheroes, Johns brought the JSA back to the forefront of the comics in what became the industry's best-selling comic series. Collected here are JSA #76-87, Justice Society of America #1-28, Justice League of America #8-10, Justice Society of America Annual #1, JSA Kingdom Come Special: Superman #1, JSA Kingdom Come Special: Magog #1, and JSA Kingdom Come Special: The Kingdom #1.
MacMillan Audio The Last Hill: The Epic Story of a Ranger Battalion and the Battle That Defined WWII
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Strategic Management: An Analytical Introduction
Strategic Management is a new and up to the minute text and cases book for students of strategy based on combined new editions of the highly successful, Business Policy and Cases in Business Policy. Including six new chapters and an extensive selection of new cases, Stategic Managemnent retains the consise and accessible approach of the previous editors of the text and cases. The text is designed to give a clear and attractive introduction to the subject of strategy and business policy and all the material presented has been tried and tested on a variety of undergraduate, postgraduate and executive development courses. This new package has been carefully and intensively developed by the experienced author team, each of whom have over 20 years' experience in teaching, researching and consulting in the area of business strategy. Strategic Management is enhanced by a student workbook, and an instructor's manual.
Penguin USA ChupaCarter and the Haunted Piñata
Farrar, Straus and Giroux (Byr) The Cricket in Times Square: Revised and Updated Edition with Foreword by Stacey Lee
Cengage Learning, Inc Introduction to Marine Biology
INTRODUCTION TO MARINE BIOLOGY sparks curiosity about the marine world and provides an understanding of the process of science. Taking an ecological approach and intended for non-science majors, the text provides succinct coverage of the content while the photos and art clearly illustrate key concepts. Studying is made easy with phonetic pronunciations, a running glossary of key terms, end-of-chapter questions, and suggestions for further reading at the end of each chapter. The open look and feel of INTRODUCTION TO MARINE BIOLOGY and the enhanced art program convey the beauty and awe of life in the ocean. Twenty spectacular photos open the chapters, piquing the motivation and attention of students, and over 60 photos and pieces of art are new or redesigned.
Oxford University Press Blackstone's Guide to the UK Internal Market Act 2020
The Internal Market Act 2020 provides the foundation for freedom of trade within the UK following Brexit. The Act is a central element of the UK's constitutional infrastructure. By enabling goods and services that are lawfully made or sold in one of the UK's four constituent parts to be marketed and sold across the rest of the UK, the Act exerts a practical brake on regulatory divergence, because higher regulatory standards imposed by legislation in one part of the UK may have little practical effect unless these standards are also adopted in the UK's other three constituent parts. The Act will therefore be a strong force compelling cooperation between the four legislatures' regulatory standards and will be a powerful tool for lawyers challenging regulatory rules. As well as impacting almost every area of business and trade, the Act also touches the lives of individuals and provides the UK Government with powers to fund economic and cultural activities on a UK wide basis despite the devolution settlement. This Blackstone's Guide explores the Act's provisions in a succinct and practical manner, supported by worked examples and comparative insights from EU internal market and competition law.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination
Grounded firmly in real-world practice, Forensic Accounting provides the most comprehensive view of fraud investigation on the market. Where other books focus almost entirely on auditing and financial reporting, Hopwood, Young, and Leiner include a vast range of civil and criminal accounting fraud and related activities, from false business valuations and employer fraud to information security and counter-terrorism. The author team provide experience in fraud investigation that lends the book real-world perspective unmatched by any other.
Amsterdam University Press People under Power: Early Jewish and Christian Responses to the Roman Empire
This volume presents a batch of incisive new essays on the relationship between Roman imperial power and ideology and Christian and Jewish life and thought within the empire. Employing diverse methodologies that include historical criticism, rhetorical criticism, postcolonial criticism, and social historical studies, the contributors offer fresh perspectives on a question that is crucial for our understanding not only of the late Roman Empire, but also of the growth and change of Christianity and Judaism in the imperial period.
Verlag Herder Sehnsucht: Gott: Fur Walter Kardinal Kasper
Thurston Howl Publications Arcana: A Tarot Anthology
Rudolf Steiner Press Karmic Relationships: Esoteric Studies: 4
At the end of his life, Rudolf Steiner took up the task that was his special destiny: to bring to the West a knowledge of reincarnation and karma. To do this, he gave over eighty lectures in 1924 in which he explicitly and concretely revealed the destinies of various individuals from one life to the next in order to show how the general laws of karma operate in individual cases. He also revealed many details of the karmic streams of the members of the Anthroposophical Society. These volumes constitute an immeasurable contribution to the understanding of reincarnation and karma, and the tasks of the Anthroposophical Society in connection with the Archangel Michael. This new edition also includes Steiner's last address along with; the karmic groups of souls connected to Aristotelianism and Platonism, the karma of the anthroposophical movement, as well as the individual incarnations of Ernst Haeckel, Vladimir Solovioff and others.
Nick Hern Books Eastward Ho!
The Nick Hern Books RSC Classics - a series of rarely performed plays from the 16th and 17th centuries, published alongside their resurrection by the Royal Shakespeare Company in Stratford-upon-Avon and the West End. Eastward Ho! is a collaboratively written City Comedy by Ben Jonson, John Marston and George Chapman, which sees true love and virtue triumphing over social-climbing, deception and trickery. Teeming with energy and larger than life characters, Eastward Ho! sees Touchstone, a London goldsmith, preparing to marry off his two daughters. Touchstone's two apprentices lead the wooing until the rakish fop Sir Petronel Flash arrives on the scene. Eastward Ho! was first performed at the Blackfriars Theatre, London, in 1605. This edition of the play is edited with an introduction by Helen Ostovich and preface by Gregory Doran. The plays in the RSC Classics series reflect the diversity of styles, themes and subjects of the Elizabethan and Jacobean stage, and include a 'new' addition to the Shakespeare canon.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Case Studies in Spiritual Care: Healthcare Chaplaincy Assessments, Interventions and Outcomes
Through a rich variety of case studies, this book provides insight into the patient's needs and the chaplain's perspective, as well as discussions of spiritual assessments and spiritual care interventions. Case studies such as a request to baptise a child complicated due to his admission for 'psychiatric reasons', as well as work with military veterans, such as a female transgender veteran who has been alienated from her faith, show the breadth and complexity of work that chaplains undertake daily. Each section also includes critical responses to the case studies presented from a chaplain and related healthcare professional. This book will enable chaplains to critically reflect on the spiritual care they provide, and provide an informed perspective for healthcare professionals and others involved in chaplaincy services.
Titan Books Ltd Dark Souls Vol. 3: Legends of the Flame
In a realm where hollowed champions rise and fall with the ages, where brave knights quest for absolution and bonfires blaze against the everdark, myth and legend will forever prevail...From the desolate worlds of Namco-Bandai's critically-lauded videgame series comes this unsettling collection of all-new Dark Souls tales, written and drawn by some of the comic industry's finest. Building upon the extensive lore of the franchise, this action-packed anthology is essential for all fans of the game.