Search results for ""mp-amm american mathematical""
MP-AMM American Mathematical Basic Geometry
A high-school text.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Solvable Models in Quantum Mechanics
Presents a detailed study of a class of solvable models in quantum mechanics that describe the motion of a particle in a potential having support at the positions of a discrete (finite or infinite) set of point sources. This title is suitable for graduate students and researchers interested in quantum mechanics and Schrodinger operators.
MP-AMM American Mathematical The Geometry of Algebraic Cycles
Examines algebraic cyclesand the impact they have had on a variety of fields of mathematics, including number theory, algebraic geometry, and mathematical physics. It contains a mixture of research papers and expository articles, and will be of interest to both experts and beginners in the field.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Spectral Theory of NonSelfAdjoint TwoPoint Differential Operators
A monograph that develops the spectral theory of an $n$th order non-self-adjoint two-point differential operator $L$ in the Hilbert space $L^2[0,1]$. It lays the mathematical foundation in the first part, where the spectral theory is developed for closed linear operators and Fredholm operators.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Basic Hypergeometric Series and Applications
The theory of partitions, founded by Euler, has led in a natural way to the idea of basic hypergeometric series, also known as Eulerian series. These series were first studied systematically by Heine, but many early results are attributed to Euler, Gauss, and Jacobi. This book provides a simple approach to basic hypergeometric series.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Algebra an Elementary TextBook for the Higher Classes of Secondary Schools and for Colleges Part 2
In addition to the standard topics, this volume includes topics not often found in an algebra book, such as inequalities, and the elements of substitution theory. Especially extensive is Chrystal's treatment of the infinite series, infinite products, and (finite and infinite) continued fractions.
MP-AMM American Mathematical The Algebraic and Geometric Theory of Quadratic Forms
Presents a comprehensive study of the algebraic theory of quadratic forms, from classical theory to the developments, including results and proofs. Written from the viewpoint of algebraic geometry, this book includes the theory of quadratic forms over fields of characteristic two, with proofs that are characteristic independent whenever possible.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Thermodynamic Formalism and Holomorphic Dynamical Systems
The laws of thermodynamics happen to be an extremely powerful tool for understanding the objects of holomorphic dynamical systems. This book develops a 'thermodynamic formalism', bringing together notions that are a priori unrelated. It describes this formalism both from the physical and mathematical point of view.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Theory of Groups Volume 2
A translation from the second Russian edition of ""Teoriya Grupp"". It covers the theory of abelian groups. It also covers the theory of free groups and free products; group extensions; and the deep changes in the theory of solvable and nilpotent groups.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Kvant Selecta
Contains articles published from 1970 to 1990 in the Russian journal, ""Kvant"". This collection represents the Russian tradition of expository mathematical writing. It is designed to be used by students and teachers who love mathematics and want to study its various aspects, thus deepening and expanding the school curriculum.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Embeddings in Manifolds
Analyzes how and when objects like polyhedra or manifolds embed in a given higher-dimensional manifold. This book offers description of the various classic examples of wild embeddings. It provides details of the codimension-three proofs, including the requisite piecewise linear tools.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Lectures on Generating Functions
Introduces readers to the language of generating functions, which is the main language of enumerative combinatorics. This book starts with definitions, simple properties, and many examples of generating functions. It discusses topics such as formal grammars, generating functions in several variables, and the exclusion-inclusion principle.
MP-AMM American Mathematical An Introduction to Infinite Ergodic Theory Mathematical Surveys and Monographs
Infinite ergodic theory is the study of measure preserving transformations of infinite measure spaces. This book focuses on properties specific to infinite measure preserving transformations. It begins with an introduction to basic nonsingular ergodic theory, including recurrence behavior, existence of invariant measures, and spectral theory.
MP-AMM American Mathematical HarishChandra Homomorphisms for Padic Groups
Introduces a systematic approach to the construction and analysis of semi simple $p$-adic groups. This book presents an overview of the representation theory of GL$_n$ over finite groups.
MP-AMM American Mathematical An Invitation to Operator Theory
Presents a comprehensive exposition of the theory of linear operators on Banach spaces and Banach lattices. This book offers a presentation that includes various developments in operator theory and draws together results that are spread over the vast literature. It contains over 600 exercises to help students master the material developed.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Optimal Control of Distributed Systems
Presents the analysis of optimal control problems for systems described by partial differential equations. This book covers cases where the controlled system corresponds to well-posed or ill-posed boundary value problems, which can be linear or nonlinear.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Automorphic Forms Representations and LFunctions
Contains sections on Reductive groups, representations, Automorphic forms and representations.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Best Approximation by Linear Superpositions Approximate Nomography
Deals with problems of approximation of continuous or bounded functions of several variables by linear superposition of functions that are from the same class and have fewer variables.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Special Functions and Linear Representations of Lie Groups
MP-AMM American Mathematical Lectures on Ergodic Theory
Based on lectures given by the author at the University of Chicago in 1956, this work covers such topics as recurrence, the ergodic theorems, and a general discussion of ergodicity and mixing properties. It is suitable for use for a one-semester course in ergodic theory or for self-study.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Noncommutative Noetherian Rings
Presents an account of noncommutative Noetherian rings. This book covers the major developments from the 1950s, stemming from Goldie's theorem and onward, including applications to group rings, enveloping algebras of Lie algebras, PI rings, differential operators, and localization theory.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Geometric Topology Part 2
Covers the proceedings of the 1993 Georgia International Topology Conference held at the University of Georgia during the month of August. This work includes Kirby's problem list, which contains a description of the progress made on each of the problems and includes a bibliography. It is suitable for those interested in the many areas of topology.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Quantum Fields and Strings
Ideas from quantum field theory and string theory have had considerable impact on mathematics. In 1996-97 the Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton, NJ) organized a special year-long program designed to teach mathematicians the basic physical ideas which underlie the mathematical applications. These volumes are a written record of the program.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Essentials of Brownian Motion and Diffusion
Presents some gratuitous generalities on scientific method as it relates to diffusion theory. This book defines Brownian motion by the characterization of P Levy, and then constructed in three basic ways and these are proved to be equivalent in the appropriate sense.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Basic Analysis
Includes a treatment of exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions, progressions, and induction method, as well as an extensive introduction to differential and integral calculus.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Elliptic Functions and Elliptic Integrals
Discusses the geometry and arithmetic of elliptic curves. This book includes modern interpretations of some famous classical algebraic theorems such as Abel's theorem on the lemniscate and Hermite's solution of the fifth degree equation by means of theta functions.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Large Deviations
Presents an introduction to the basic ideas of the theory of large deviations and makes a suitable package on which to base a semester-length course for advanced graduate students with a background in analysis and some probability theory. This book also covers various non-uniform results.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Introduction to the Theory of Algebraic Functions of One Variable
Presents an approach to algebraic geometry of curves that is treated as the theory of algebraic functions on the curve. This book discusses such topics as the theory of divisors on a curve, the Riemann-Roch theorem, $p$-adic completion, and extensions of the fields of functions (covering theory) and of the fields of constants.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Mathematical Developments Arising from Hilbert Problems
In May 1974, the American Mathematical Society sponsored a special symposium on the mathematical consequences of the Hilbert problems, held at Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois. This title contains the proceedings of that symposium and includes papers corresponding to the invited addresses with one exception.
MP-AMM American Mathematical The Gibbs Symposium
Contains the proceedings of a symposium honoring the memory of Josiah Willard Gibbs, one of the giants of theoretical physics. This book provides perspectives on Gibbs, the man, and on the place his work occupies in the history of science.