Search results for ""mp-amm american mathematical""
MP-AMM American Mathematical USA and International Mathematical Olympiads 2003
The Mathematical Olympiad examinations, covering the USA Mathematical Olympiad (USAMO) and the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), have been published annually since 1976. This is the fourth volume in that series. The IMO is a world mathematics competition for high school students that takes place each year in a different country.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Mathematical Circles Volume 2 Revisited Mathematical and Circles Squared
MP-AMM American Mathematical Linear Inverse Problems and Tikhonov Regularization
MP-AMM American Mathematical Student Research Projects in Calculus
Provides teachers with over 100 projects ready to assign to students in single and multivariable calculus. The authors have designed these projects with one goal in mind: to get students to think for themselves. Each project is a multistep, take-home problem, allowing students to work both individually and in groups.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Iterative Methods for the Solution of Equations
Presents a general theory of iteration algorithms for the numerical solution of equations and systems of equations. This book investigates the relationship between the quantity and the quality of information that is used by an algorithm.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Introduction to Analytic and Probabilistic Number Theory
MP-AMM American Mathematical Nonlinear Semigroups
MP-AMM American Mathematical Discontinuous Groups and Automorphic Functions
Much has been written on the theory of discontinuous groups and automorphic functions since 1880, when the subject received its first formulation. This book intends to bring together in one place both the classical and modern aspects of the theory, and to present them clearly and in a modern language and notation.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Lectures on Quasiconformal Mappings
Covers developments in the theory of Teichmuller spaces and offers references to the literature on Teichmuller spaces and quasiconformal mappings. This work describes how quasiconformal mappings have revitalized the subject of complex dynamics. It illustrates the role of these mappings in Thurston's theory of hyperbolic structures on 3-manifolds.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Thirtythree Miniatures
Contains a collection of mathematical applications of linear algebra, mainly in combinatorics, geometry, and algorithms. Each chapter covers a single main result with motivation and full proof, and assumes only a modest background in linear algebra. The topics include Hamming codes, the matrix-tree theorem, the Lovász bound on the Shannon capacity, and a counterexample to Borsuk's conjecture.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Lectures on Hilbert Schemes of Points on Surfaces
It has been realized that Hilbert schemes originally studied in algebraic geometry are closely related to several branches of mathematics, such as singularities, symplectic geometry, representation theory - even theoretical physics. This book reflects this feature of Hilbert schemes.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Lectures on Quantum Mechanics for Mathematics Students
Describes the relation between classical and quantum mechanics. This book contains a discussion of problems related to group representation theory and to scattering theory. It intends to give a mathematically oriented student the opportunity to grasp the main points of quantum theory in a mathematical framework.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Partially Ordered Abelian Groups with Interpolation
MP-AMM American Mathematical Differential Topology
MP-AMM American Mathematical Metrics Connections and Gluing Theorems
Intends to provide an introduction to some of the analytic underpinnings for the geometry of anti-self duality in 4-dimensions. The book reviews some basic geometry, but it is assumed that the reader has a general background in differential geometry. It also includes a chapter containing open problems and conjectures.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Computational Geometry of Positive Definite Quadratic Forms
Starting from classical arithmetical questions on quadratic forms, this book takes the reader step by step through the connections with lattice sphere packing and covering problems. As a model for polyhedral reduction theories of positive definite quadratic forms, it presents Minkowski's classical theory.
MP-AMM American Mathematical A Mathematicians Survival Guide Graduate School and Early Career Development
Addresses the major issues of graduate school, including choosing a program, passing the qualifying exams, finding an advisor, writing a thesis, and getting that first job. This book also contains a description of the basic elements of a mathematical education, as well as a glossary and appendices on the structure of a typical department.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Lebesgues Theory of Integration
Places Lebesgue's early work on integration theory within in proper historical context by relating it to the developments during the nineteenth century that motivated it and gave it significance and also to the contributions made in this field by Lebesgue's contemporaries.
MP-AMM American Mathematical SturmLiouville Theory
MP-AMM American Mathematical Noncommutative Cryptography and Complexity of Grouptheoretic Problems
MP-AMM American Mathematical Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations
The theory of hyperbolic equations is a large subject, and its applications are many: fluid dynamics and aerodynamics, the theory of elasticity, optics, electromagnetic waves, direct and inverse scattering, and the general theory of relativity. This book presents an introduction to various facets of the theory.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Homotopy Limit Functors on Model Categories and Homotopical Categories
Model categories have become a standard tool in algebraic topology and homological algebra and, increasingly, in other fields where homotopy theoretic ideas are becoming important, such as algebraic $K$-theory and algebraic geometry. Suitable for graduate level, this title intends to obtain a deeper understanding of Quillen's model categories.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Gradings on Simple Lie Algebras
MP-AMM American Mathematical Orthogonal Polynomials on the Unit Circle Part 2 Spectral Theory
MP-AMM American Mathematical Moscow Mathematical Olympiads 19931999
MP-AMM American Mathematical Curves and Surfaces
Offers a focused point of view on the differential geometry of curves and surfaces. This monograph treats the Gauss - Bonnet theorem and discusses the Euler characteristic. It also covers Alexandrov's theorem on embedded compact surfaces in R3 with constant mean curvature.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Topology Calgebras and String Duality
Based on CBMS lectures given at Texas Christian University, this book describes some of the interplay between string dualities and topology and operator algebras. It shows how several seemingly disparate subjects are closely linked with one another. It gives readers an overview of some areas of research.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Topics in Representation Theory
The papers in this volume were written by members of the seminar on representation theory at Moscow University, which has been running continuously since 1961. Among the topics included are representation theory of ""large"" groups and dual objects for certain real reductive Lie groups.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Recent Advances in Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations and Applications
Derives from lectures presented at the 2001 John H Barrett Memorial Lectures at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. This work is suitable for graduate students as well as the many groups of researchers working in advanced computations, including engineering and computer scientists.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Modern Aspects of Random Matrix Theory
MP-AMM American Mathematical padic Analysis Compared with Real
Introduces $p$-adic numbers from the point of view of number theory, topology, and analysis. Covering several topics from real analysis and elementary topology, this book includes totally disconnected spaces and Cantor sets, points of discontinuity of maps and the Baire Category Theorem, and surjectivity of isometries of compact metric spaces.
MP-AMM American Mathematical The General Topology of Dynamical Systems
Recent work in dynamical systems theory has both highlighted certain topics in the pre-existing subject of topological dynamics (such as the construction of Lyapunov functions and various notions of stability) and also generated new concepts and results. This book collects these results, both old and new, and organises them into a natural foundation for all aspects of dynamical systems theory.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Plateaus Problem
There have been many wonderful developments in the theory of minimal surfaces and geometric measure theory. This book covers variational geometry. It focuses on Plateau's Problem, which is concerned with surfaces that model the behavior of soap films.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Foundations of Algebraic Geometry
A guide to the basics of modern algebraic geometry.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Introduction to Fourier Analysis and Wavelets
Presents an introduction to various topics in harmonic analysis. This book discusses Fourier series on the circle and their applications to approximation theory, probability, and plane geometry (the isoperimetric theorem).
MP-AMM American Mathematical Topology Ergodic Theory Real Algebraic Geometr Rokhlins Memorial
Dedicated to the memory of Russian mathematician, V A Rokhlin (1919-1984), this is a collection of research papers written by his former students and followers. It includes topics such as: topology, real algebraic geometry, dynamics, geometry of Riemannian manifolds, theory of Teichmuller spaces, and measure theory.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Elliptic Curves Modular Forms and Their Lfunctions
An introductory survey of elliptic curves, modular forms, and $L$-functions. The main goal is to provide the reader with the big picture of the surprising connections among these three families of mathematical objects and their meaning for number theory.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Modular Forms a Computational Approach
Covers classical modular forms. This book is suitable to those who wish to use modular forms in applications, such as in the explicit solution of Diophantine equations.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Conjugacy Classes in Semisimple Algebraic Groups
Provides a useful exposition of results on the structure of semisimple algebraic groups over an arbitrary algebraically closed field. After the fundamental work of Borel and Chevalley in the 1950s and 1960s, further results were obtained over the next thirty years on conjugacy classes and centralizers of elements of such groups.
MP-AMM American Mathematical The Ricci Flow Techniques and Applications Part III GeometricAnalytic Aspects
The Ricci flow uses methods from analysis to study the geometry and topology of manifolds. With the third part of their volume on techniques and applications of the theory, the authors give a presentation of Hamilton's Ricci flow for graduate students and mathematicians interested in working in the subject, with an emphasis on the geometric and analytic aspects.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Zeros of Gaussian Analytic Functions and Determinantal Point Processes
Examines in some depth two important classes of point processes, determinantal processes and 'Gaussian zeros', i.e., zeros of random analytic functions with Gaussian coefficients. This title presents a primer on modern techniques on the interface of probability and analysis.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Fundamentals of Mathematical Analysis
This is a textbook for a course in Honors Analysis (for freshman/sophomore undergraduates) or Real Analysis (for junior/senior undergraduates) or Analysis-I (beginning graduates). It is intended for students who completed a course in AP Calculus, possibly followed by a routine course in multivariable calculus and a computational course in linear algebra.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Functional Integration and Quantum Physics
Focuses on probabilistic foundations of the Feynman-Kac formula. Starting with main examples of Gaussian processes (the Brownian motion, the oscillatory process, and the Brownian bridge), this book presents four different proofs of the Feynman-Kac formula.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Classification of Subfactors and Their Endomorphisms
Based on lectures presented by Popa at the NSF-CBMS Regional Conference held in Eugene, Oregon, in August 1993, this title offers a unified and self-contained presentation of the results presented in Popa's earlier papers.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Kvant Selecta Volume 1
There is a tradition in Russia that holds that mathematics can be both challenging and fun. One fine outgrowth of that tradition is the magazine, ""Kvant"", which has been enjoyed by many of the best students since its founding in 1970. This book presents a collection of articles from ""Kvant"".
MP-AMM American Mathematical Algebra Ktheory Groups and Education
Includes expositions of key developments in commutative and non-commutative algebra, algebraic $K$-theory, infinite group theory, and applications of algebra to topology. This book contains articles that are based on lectures given at a conference at Columbia University honoring the 65th birthday of Hyman Bass.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Geometric Nonlinear Functional Analysis Volume 1
Presents a systematic and unified study of geometric nonlinear functional analysis. This book presents a study of uniformly continuous and Lipschitz functions between Banach spaces, which leads naturally also to the classification of Banach spaces and of their important subsets (mainly spheres) in the uniform and Lipschitz categories.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Whats Happening in the Mathematical Sciences Volume 6
Features the Poincare Conjecture, a hundred-year-old problem that has apparently been solved by Grigory Perelman of St Petersburg, Russia. This book also contains chapters on Venn diagrams and primality testing.