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Contes de bona nit per a nenes rebels. 100 noies que estan canviant el món
Aquest nou volum de Contes de bona nit per a nenes rebels posa de manifest 100 joves extraordinàries que marquen la diferència en el món actual. Les lectores gaudiran de les històries de noies tan conegudes com Greta Thunberg, Bindi Irwin, Taylor Swift, i Zendaya, però també viatjaran a diferents indrets amb autèntiques joves promeses, com la navegant holandesa Laura Dekker, la cantant jamaicana de reggae Koffe i l?activista per a la conservació de l?Amazones Helena Gualinga.Editores, escriptores i artistes d?arreu del món han participat en aquest projecte per donar a conèixer joves rebels que, tot i que encara els queda un llarg recorregut per endavant, han aconseguit vèncer els obstacles i obrir-se camí. Aquesta edició anima les nostres nenes a seguir els seus somnis sense que l?edat els sigui un impediment.
CABI Publishing Amenity Migrants: Seeking and Sustaining Mountains and Their Cultures
Places with perceived high environmental quality and distinctive culture are globally attracting amenity migrants. Today this societal driving force is particularly manifest in mountain areas, and while beneficial for both the new comers and locals, is also threatening highland ecologies and their human communities. This book describes and analyses the challenges and opportunities of amenity migration and its management, and offers related recommendations.The book's chapters cover the subject through case studies at international, regional and local levels, along with overarching themes such as environmental sustainability and equity, mountain recreation users, housing, and spiritual motivation. A crucial issue addressed is the relationship of amenity migration to tourism, and migration motivated by economic gain. The introduction and concluding chapters bring all of the information and analyses together strategically, summarising in a manner of theoretical and practical value for both academics and practitioners.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Séance 101: Physical Links to the Other Side
Séance 101 explores the physical side of the spirit world and how contact with the other side affects you! Read this book to find out : How spirits communicate with us by tipping tables. Learn the basics from the New England School of Metaphysics. How spirits manifest on film and the methods for using Electronic Voice Phenomena to contact spirits. Where to locate and safely open your third eye, that natural intuition that can be developed into a psychic tool. Learn to meditate and set up a seance. The importance of psychic surgery, medical practices without tools, anesthesia or pain; trumpet mediumship, where spirits speak from megaphones; and precipitated painting, when spirits paint works of art , without the help of mortals. How magic and mediumship are tied together via the spirit of Harry Houdini!The spirit lives. Will you become a believer?
Collective Ink Crystal Prescriptions volume 8: Crystals for Prosperity - an A-Z guide
Prosperity is a hot topic during uncertain times, but it tends to focus attention on money, or the lack of it. The next in the increasingly popular Crystal Prescriptions series, this volume introduces the core processes of harnessing crystals to manifest an abundant life, and release blocks to prosperity. It examines karmic debts, ancestral and familial ingrained attitudes; and how to transmute them. Rather than saying ‘do it this way’, it helps you to sense the energy of crystals, choose the appropriate ones for you and work with them in an interactive process that generates inner security and a real sense of well-being. Crystals for Prosperity also examines what can enrich life in addition to money. An A-Z crystal directory which includes sections on crystal tools, using specific layouts, and a prosperity crystals compendium.
Shambhala Publications Inc Recovery with Yoga
Drawn from yoga philosophy and mindfulness, this collection of 30 potent, supportive tools will bolster, inspire, and assist those in addiction recovery. This collection of 30 yoga and mindfulness tools will help support those in recovery from addiction of all kinds. Thirty accessible, pointed teachings offer inspiration, comfort, and solidarity in the moment, helping us cultivate a powerful and purposeful life in recovery and to create a new design for living. Each chapter focuses on a quality—such as vigilance, acceptance, accountability, among others—and delves into how to manifest it in your recovery journey. Brian Hyman, a yoga teacher and recovery activist, understands deeply what people need to maintain sobriety and strengthen recovery—and knows that those who struggle with addiction also often need support with other mental health challenges, like obsession, anxiety, depression. The practices&
Encounter Books,USA Last Exit to Utopia: The Survival of Socialism in a Post-Soviet Era
Here is a tasty paradox: How did the Leftist legions regroup after history delivered its fatal blow to the Soviet system? Simple, argues Jean-Francois Revel: the Left retreated to the impregnable fortress of the Utopian ideal. After all, socialism incarnate was always vulnerable to criticism. Utopia, on the other hand, lies by definition beyond reproach. With the demise of the Soviet system, there is no longer a vast and flailing embodiment of their vision, and Utopia’s haughty champions can again rage boundlessly. In Last Exit to Utopia, the latest English language translation of one of Europe’s most controversial intellectuals, Jean-Francois Revel takes aim at socialist apologists who have attempted to erase or invert the manifest failures of socialist ideology. As the tide of Big Government rises in America, Revel’s forewarnings here are as prescient as they are frightening.
Llewellyn Publications,U.S. The Answer Within: How to Access Your Spirit Guides for Alignment and Abundance
Attract abundance and align with your deeper purpose using insights from your spirit guides. With casual, conversational charm, Erin Newman teaches you how to safely work with your guides in a non-appropriative way, regardless of your background or belief system. Erin presents nearly thirty hands-on exercises that support all aspects of your life, such as journey work to connect to your higher self, a meditation for compassion, and a journal prompt to find your subconscious blocks. These practices give you the strength to overcome whatever is going on in your life right now. Your spirit guides will help you manifest money, ease physical pain, cultivate kindness, heal ancestral patterns, and more. The Answer Within encourages you to access your unique answers to life s important questions and bring the magical back into the practical.
Quercus Publishing Spells for Prosperity
Spells are a powerful way to take control of your destiny, heal and connect with your inner magic. In times of uncertainty or difficulty, spells can have a transformative impact and bring positive change into your life. In Spells for Prosperity, experienced witch and spellcaster Dee Johnson shows you how to prepare and cast spells to manifest wealth and success into your life - including how to attract money easily, strengthen your career or grow your business, and welcome luck into all areas of your life. There is a spell for every occasion, and this series of needs-based spell books includes: · Spells for Love: Enchantments for Relationships, Heartbreak and Romance · Spells for Prosperity: Enchantments for Wealth, Luck and Success · Spells for Self-care: Enchantments for Calm, Relaxation and Joy These beautiful spell books contain enchantments for mo
Oro Editions Fronts: Military Urbanisms and the Developing World
Fronts uncovers a growing geography of codependence between the global security complex and the urban morphologies of the developing world which it increasingly incriminates. Military training sites, and the real-world informal environments they replicate, provide a lens through which we can better understand the shape of the city to come. While the world continues to urbanise, military doctrine has recently and dramatically shifted to view the world's cities as suspect sites of potential aggression. As the majority of new urban life will manifest as informal development, the world is now more than ever explicitly divided in two camps: those who view the informal city as an opportunity, and those who view the informal city as a threat. This paradigmatic shift has set the stage for impending conflict between security and development interests, which take the informal city as their site.
WW Norton & Co The Body Never Lies: The Lingering Effects of Hurtful Parenting
Never before has world-renowned psychoanalyst Alice Miller examined so persuasively the long-range consequences of childhood abuse on the body. Using the experiences of her patients along with the biographical stories of literary giants such as Virginia Woolf, Franz Kafka, and Marcel Proust, Miller shows how a child's humiliation, impotence, and bottled rage will manifest itself as adult illness—be it cancer, stroke, or other debilitating diseases. Never one to shy away from controversy, Miller urges society as a whole to jettison its belief in the Fourth Commandment and not to extend forgiveness to parents whose tyrannical childrearing methods have resulted in unhappy, and often ruined, adult lives. In this empowering work, writes Rutgers professor Philip Greven, "readers will learn how to confront the overt and covert traumas of their own childhoods with the enlightened guidance of Alice Miller."
Verso Books Mongrel Firebugs and Men of Property: Capitalism and Class Conflict in American History
In popular retellings of American history, capitalism generally doesn't feature much as part of the founding or development of the nation. Instead, it is alluded to in figurative terms as opportunity, entrepreneurial vigor, material abundance, and the seven-league boots of manifest destiny. ?In this collection of essays, Steve Fraser, the preeminent historian of American capitalism, sets the record straight, rewriting the arc of the American saga with class conflict center stage and mounting a serious challenge to the consoling fantasy of American exceptionalism. From the colonial era to Trump, Fraser recovers the repressed history of debtors' prisons and disaster capitalism, of confidence men and the reserve armies of the unemployed. In language that is dynamic and compelling, he demonstrates that class is a fundamental feature of American political life and provides essential intellectual tools for a shrew reading of American history.
Cambridge University Press Diagnosing Social Pathology: Rousseau, Hegel, Marx, and Durkheim
Can a human society suffer from illness like a living thing? And if so, how does such a malaise manifest itself? In this thought-provoking book, Fred Neuhouser explains and defends the idea of social pathology, demonstrating what it means to describe societies as 'ill', or 'sick', and why we are so often drawn to conceiving of social problems as ailments or maladies. He shows how Rousseau, Hegel, Marx, and Durkheim – four key philosophers who are seldom taken to constitute a 'tradition' – deploy the idea of social pathology in comparable ways, and then explores the connections between societal illnesses and the phenomena those thinkers made famous: alienation, anomie, ideology, and social dysfunction. His book is a rich and compelling illumination of both the idea of social disease and the importance it has had, and continues to have, for philosophical views of society.
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc Spellcraft: A Guided Journal for Casting, Cleansing, and Blessing
A spell's power comes from writing about and truly understanding the intention behind it. By blending journal entries with spells that help you manifest the best version of yourself, Spellcraft is the perfect living grimoire for a new witch. Anyone can follow a recipe for a spell, but with Spellcraft, your practice becomes exclusively yours. Reflect on the purpose of your magic and then learn how to build spells from a host of composite parts on your witch's journey to self-discovery. Tuning in to past events, unconscious biases, and the connections that your own mind casts will help you lay down the groundwork for growth, give yourself hope in trying times, and manifest new opportunities. White magic spells for 28 cleansing rituals and enchantments are accompanied by 3–5 prompts to encourage personal development. A section on spell building to hone your craft outlines the important aspects (crystals, moon phases, incense, or other magnifying components) of making magic. Learn how to make wishes come true and complete rootwork that will help you grow taller and wiser. Maintain your practice with spells and journal prompts revolving around the Wheel of the Year, a cycle of pagan holidays (such as Yule and Ostara) that follow the seasons and revolve around equinoxes and solstices. Light up the magic that is already inside of you. Choose happiness and then bring it into the world. The Everyday Inspiration Journals series has a guided journal for every self-improvement journey. Whatever your personal goal, whether it is to incorporate more positivity into your life, or to slow down and find calm, or to hone your spell-building craft, or something else, you will find in this series an elegant journal in which you can record your thoughts, aspirations, and progress. With a simple, easy-to-follow structure, each journal is filled with powerful prompts and helpful trackers to illuminate your way. Other titles in this series include: Be Happy: A Journal, Beautifully Brave Journal, Everyday Calm: A Journal, Find Your Mantra, Finding Gratitude : A Journal, and Self Care.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Beyond the Flower of Life: Advanced MerKaBa Teachings, Sacred Geometry, and the Opening of the Heart
A workbook to elevate your activated MerKaBa field, open the heart, and access the Higher Self to manifest success, health, and happiness• 2022 Coalition of Visionary Resources Bronze Award • Includes tools and techniques to permanently elevate and program your MerKaBa field, including how to create surrogate MerKaBas for specific purposes • Explains how to accurately connect with your Higher Self to live fearlessly and confidently and shares toning, chanting, and heart-opening practices to acquire unconditional love energy and heal emotional wounds • Looks at paranormal experiences resulting from an activated MerKaBa, the power of Mother Earth ley lines, and the Christ Consciousness Grid Through teaching MerKaBa and Advanced Flower of Life workshops to thousands of students around the world since 1995, Maureen J. St. Germain has developed and channeled specific methods to enhance your meditation practice. In this step-by-step guide, she shares tools, techniques, and knowledge to strengthen your heart connection, develop a relationship with your Higher Self, and elevate and program your MerKaBa field to manifest success, health, happiness, and higher consciousness. She begins by explaining what the MerKaBa is: a fifth-dimensional Light Body activated from the geometric energy field that exists around the body. She shows how activating it daily produces its permanent existence. Sharing toning, chanting, and heart-opening practices, Maureen explains a precise protocol for fully and reliably connecting with your Higher Self, which will allow you to go through life fearlessly and confidently. She explores how to write programs for your MerKaBa and how to create surrogate MerKaBas for specific purposes. She also looks at paranormal experiences resulting from an activated MerKaBa, the power of Earth ley lines, the Christ Consciousness Grid, and how to marry the ego to the Higher Self to create Heaven on Earth. An updated resource for meditation practitioners and anyone who wishes to improve their connection with their divinity, this new edition of Beyond the Flower of Life provides a path to open your heart, fearlessly embrace unconditional love, access the Higher Self, and activate a multidimensional understanding of reality.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Involuntary Memory
Involuntary memory was identified by the pioneering memory researcher Hermann Ebbinghaus more than a century ago, but it was not until very recently that cognitive psychologists began to study this memory phenomenon. This book is the first to examine key topics and cutting-edge research in involuntary memory. Discusses topics such as involuntary memories in everyday life, across the life-span, and in the laboratory; the special ways in which involuntary memories sometimes manifest themselves and a number of theoretical treatments of the topic. Presents innovative research that not only represents the starting point of the study of involuntary memory, but also places it in such broader topics as autobiographical memory, consciousness and memory, aging and memory, implicit and explicit memory, depression, and psychosis.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Wie man mit Rassisten diskutiert
Dieses Buch ist ein wichtiges Manifest für das Verständnis der menschlichen Evolution und Variation im 21. Jahrhundert. Es leistet einen bedeutenden Beitrag zur aktuellen Diskussion über die Rasse. Klischees und Mythen über Rassen werden nicht nur von offenkundigen Rassisten zum Ausdruck gebracht. Auch gut meinende Menschen vertreten durch ihren kulturellen Erfahrungshorizont Ansichten, die nicht durch die moderne Humangenetik gestützt werden. Sogar der wissenschaftliche Rassismus greift zunehmend um sich und beeinflusst den öffentlichen Diskurs über Politik, Migration, Bildung, Sport und Intelligenz. Der Leser bekommt Argumente an die Hand, um dem entgegen zu treten. Adam Rutherford zeigt, dass die moderne Humangenetik ein mächtiger Verbündeter gegen Rassismus sein kann. Sie zeigt, wie Menschen tatsächlich sind, und nicht, wie sie von der Gesellschaft gesehen werden.
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Undead Unluck Vol. 17
What happens when an unlucky girl meets an undead guy? Pure chaos!Tired of inadvertently killing people with her special ability Unluck, Fuuko Izumo sets out to end it all. But when she meets Andy, a man who longs for death but can''t die, she finds a reason to live—and he finds someone capable of giving him the death he''s been longing for. Fuuko and the others have set out to capture Unavoidable, leading Fuuko to challenge boxing champion Void Volks to a match before his negation abilities manifest. As soon as the bell rings, however, Fuuko finds herself on the receiving end of Void’s rushdown. Just as it seems her luck can’t get any worse, Unavoidable activates!
Guilford Publications What to Do When Children Clam Up in Psychotherapy: Interventions to Facilitate Communication
Therapists who work with children and adolescents are frequently faced with nonresponsive, reticent, or completely nonverbal clients. This volume brings together expert clinicians who explore why 4- to 16-year-olds may have difficulty talking and provide creative ways to facilitate communication. A variety of play, art, movement, and animal-assisted therapies, as well as trauma-focused therapy with adolescents, are illustrated with vivid clinical material. Contributors give particular attention to the neurobiological effects of trauma, how they manifest in the body when children "clam up," and how to help children self-regulate and feel safe. Most chapters conclude with succinct lists of recommended practices for engaging hard-to-reach children that therapists can immediately try out in their own work.
Stanford University Press The Business of Identity: Jews, Muslims, and Economic Life in Medieval Egypt
The Cairo Geniza is the largest and richest store of documentary evidence for the medieval Islamic world. This book seeks to revolutionize the way scholars use that treasure trove. Phillip I. Ackerman-Lieberman draws on legal documents from the Geniza to reconceive of life in the medieval Islamic marketplace. In place of the shared practices broadly understood by scholars to have transcended confessional boundaries, he reveals how Jewish merchants in Egypt employed distinctive trading practices. Highly influenced by Jewish law, these commercial practices served to manifest their Jewish identity in the medieval Islamic context. In light of this distinctiveness, Ackerman-Lieberman proposes an alternative model for using the Geniza documents as a tool for understanding daily life in the medieval Islamic world as a whole.
Arnoldsche Corina Staubli: Beneath the Skin
The publication Beneath the Skin provides an overview of the last ten years of work by the Swiss artist Corina Staubli (b. 1959). It shows the altercation in the tension between exterior and interior worlds and the ambivalence of beauty, the beguiling, the sinister and even the unfathomable. With diverse media - be it porcelain, latex, painting or digital collage - the artist directs a dialogue of opposing sides. The question she always poses is 'how does the clandestine and the unconscious reveal itself in something that is manifest' - and, vice versa, 'how does the external view reveal the internal view'? The book itself is sure to arouse intrigue, as it features a nylon sculpture on the cover! Text in English and German.
Little, Brown Book Group The Money is Coming: Your guide to manifesting more money
THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERWhat if you could attract more money just by changing how you think?In The Money Is Coming, Sarah Akwisombe, founder of No Bull Business School, gives you an easy-to-follow, ten step system to manifest more money into your life. By using a unique blend of Sarah's no bullsh*t style and an honest, inquisitive look at the universe and the law of attraction, you will learn to re-programme your brain to work for you, breaking down negative money blocks to replace them with new thought patterns for a positive money mindset. This book will have you seeing new money opportunities, feeling excited about your financial future and on the road to living your best life.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Unsere digitale Zukunft: In welcher Welt wollen wir leben?
Droht die ferngesteuerte Gesellschaft?Dieses Buch greift das weithin diskutierte, zum Jahreswechsel 2015/16 veröffentlichte „Digital-Manifest“ auf und führt die Debatte entlang vielfältiger Themenlinien weiter. Es geht hierbei um nicht weniger als unsere – digitale – Zukunft: Welche Chancen eröffnen künstliche Intelligenz und digitale Technologien, welche Risiken und ethische Herausforderungen bergen sie? Wie schützen wir unsere Daten und die Privatsphäre? Wie sichern wir individuelle Freiheit und Demokratie vor Gefahren der digitalen Verhaltenssteuerung? Wie sollen selbstfahrende Autos, Roboter und autonome Agenten unser Leben prägen? Als Gesellschaft und als Individuen müssen wir uns mit verschiedenen Projektionen in die Zukunft auseinandersetzen. Dabei sollten wir die Einschätzungen führender Experten in der Zusammenschau vernehmen und diskutieren. Den kritischen Dialog zu beflügeln, ist das Ziel dieses Sammelbands mit den wichtigsten Beiträgen namhafter Wissenschaftler aus Spektrum der Wissenschaft, Spektrum – Die Woche und
Rudolf Steiner Press The Work of the Angel in Our Astral Body
'A great deal is happening all the time in world evolution; and it falls to human beings, particularly those of our own time, to acquire real understanding of the world events in which they are involved.' In this popular lecture, Rudolf Steiner reveals that the angels - the spirits closest to human beings - are seeking to create images in human astral bodies. These images are given with the intention of bringing about 'definite conditions in the social life of the future' related to brotherhood, religious freedom, and conscious spirituality. Other spiritual beings, however, are working against the angels. If, as a consequence of their disruption, humanity sleeps though the angels' spiritual revelation, the consequences will be dire, and aberrations connected to sexuality, the misuse of medicine, and the misapplication of mechanical forces will begin to manifest.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Queens in Antiquity and the Present
This interdisciplinary edited volume explores the notion of queenship as it has manifest from antiquity to the present, in contexts ranging from political acts to art production. Featuring the work of scholars, educators, curators and artists, this book gathers temporally and geographically distinct ideas about queenship into a single discursive space. Invigorating the conversation around powerful historical women and their legacies, the contributors discuss queenship' as a concept with contemporary urgencyfrom North America to Africa, and Europe to Asiaforegrounding critical methodologies and creative interventions that address the gaps within archives and current cultural and socio-political representation. Although traditional narratives present queens of the ancient Mediterranean world primarily as the wives, daughters and mothers of kings, such as Semiramis and Cleopatra, the ways in which royal women wielded powerwhether directly or indirectlywere actuall
Fordham University Press Flashpoints for Asian American Studies
Emerging from mid-century social movements, Civil Rights Era formations, and anti-war protests, Asian American studies is now an established field of transnational inquiry, diasporic engagement, and rights activism. These histories and origin points analogously serve as initial moorings for Flashpoints for Asian American Studies, a collection that considers–almost fifty years after its student protest founding--the possibilities of and limitations inherent in Asian American studies as historically entrenched, politically embedded, and institutionally situated interdiscipline. Unequivocally, Flashpoints for Asian American Studies investigates the multivalent ways in which the field has at times and—more provocatively, has not—responded to various contemporary crises, particularly as they are manifest in prevailing racist, sexist, homophobic, and exclusionary politics at home, ever-expanding imperial and militarized practices abroad, and neoliberal practices in higher education.
Columbia University Press A Materialism for the Masses: Saint Paul and the Philosophy of Undying Life
Nietzsche and Freud saw Christianity as metaphysical escapism, with Nietzsche calling the religion a "Platonism for the masses" and faulting Paul the apostle for negating more immanent, material modes of thought and political solidarity. Integrating this debate with the philosophies of difference espoused by Gilles Deleuze, Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, Jacques Lacan, and Pier Paolo Pasolini, Ward Blanton argues that genealogical interventions into the political economies of Western cultural memory do not go far enough in relation to the imagined founder of Christianity. Blanton challenges the idea of Paulinism as a pop Platonic worldview or form of social control. He unearths in Pauline legacies otherwise repressed resources for new materialist spiritualities and new forms of radical political solidarity, liberating "religion" from inherited interpretive assumptions so philosophical thought can manifest in risky, radical freedom.
Hay House UK Ltd Spellcasting Oracle Cards: A 48-Card Deck and Guidebook
Wish you could cast a spell to change your life's path? This beautiful oracle invites you to connect with your inner witch and work with nature to magically manifest your desires.Spellcasting has been used by witches since the birth of magic and now that power lies in your hands. Each card of this deck connects you to the magical forces required for spellwork, to harness and manipulate the energies needed to bring about your desires. Discover how to work with moon phases, specific weekdays and candle magic, in conjunction with unwavering focus and intent, though invocation and incantations. Each spell offers empowerment and freedom, through the spellbinding act of transcendence, as you harness natural magic to positively enhance your life. Are you ready to work your magic?
Octopus Publishing Group Manifesting for Beginners: Nine Steps to Attracting a Life You Love
Turn your dreams into reality in just 9 simple stepsIt is one of the biggest wellness trends around, but do you know how to manifest?This beginner's guide includes all you need to get started, with key insights into the power of positive thought and practical steps for creating your reality.Each chapter is full of useful tips and easy exercises for you to try at home, from positive affirmations and actions to journaling prompts.Contents include:STEP 1: Visualize your future selfSTEP 2: Set your intentionsSTEP 3: Connect with the universeSTEP 4: Raise your vibrationsSTEP 5: Embrace the energy of gratitudeSTEP 6: BelieveSTEP 7: Take actionSTEP 8: Let go of the outcomeSTEP 9: Pay attention to synchronicities and signs
Hodder & Stoughton The Man of Her Dreams: the brilliant new rom-com from the author of London, With Love
'Romantic, funny, sweet and sexy' MARIAN KEYES'The funny, clever, deeply romantic, sinfully sexy, devastatingly heartbreaking, perfectly uplifting book of your dreams' CRESSIDA MCLAUGHLIN'A very swoony, sexy, warm read' CESCA MAJORIs he too good to be true?Meet Theo. Handsome, sexy, funny. kind. And he can cook.He's literally the man of Esme's dreams. But Esme's sensible enough to know that you can't just manifest your perfect boyfriend then have him turn up on your doorstep.Or can you?All your favourite authors love SARRA MANNING!'A VERY special book. GORGEOUS, real believable and BEAUTIFUL' - Marian Keyes'Wonderful - romantic, sexy, moving and impossible to put down' - Louise O'Neill'Sexy, heartfelt, funny and fresh' - Laura Jane Williams'Epically romantic yet utterly relatable' - Holly Miller'Beautiful' - Lindsey Kelk
Headline Publishing Group The Solution to Burnout: 7 steps from exhausted to extraordinary
Burnout can take a heavy toll on your health, job satisfaction, productivity, motivation and can even lead to debilitating self-doubt. But what if there was a better way to engage with your work? What if you could train your mind to cope with stressful events? What if your performance improved and you could be a more effective person all round?In this book you'll learn how to:* Develop a success mindset* Identify the root causes of burnout* Effectively cope with stress to avoid burnout* Feel empowered even in the face of challenges* Recover your energy when you're utterly exhausted* Address burnout both in the external environment and within* Familiarize yourself with the range of ways burnout can manifest* Attain optimal performance no matter how burned out you might be
Page Street Publishing Co. Refraction
After an attack on earth, all reflective surfaces become weapons to release monsters, causing a planet-wide ban on mirrors. Despite the danger, the demand rises, and 17-year-old Marty Callahan becomes a distributor in an illegal mirror trade - until he’s caught by the mayor's son, whose slate is far from clean. Both of them are exiled for their crimes to one of the many abandoned cities overrun by fog. But they soon realise their thoughts influence their surroundings and their deepest fears begin to manifest. Together, the two discover the horrifying truth behind what really happened when the spaceship was destroyed, and what they must do to save earth from the total destruction no one knows is coming. With fast pacing and riveting characters, this is a book that you’ll finish in one sitting.
Amsterdam University Press Stigmatics and Visual Culture in Late Medieval and Early Modern Italy
This book places the discourse surrounding stigmata within the visual culture of the late medieval and early modern periods, with a particular focus on Italy and on female stigmatics. Echoing, and to a certain extent recreating, the wounds and pain inflicted on Christ during his passion, stigmata stimulated controversy. Related to this were issues that were deeply rooted in contemporary visual culture such as how stigmata were described and performed and whether, or how, it was legitimate to represent stigmata in visual art. Because of the contested nature of stigmata and because stigmata did not always manifest in the same form - sometimes invisible, sometimes visible only periodically, sometimes miraculous, and sometimes self-inflicted - they provoked complex questions and reflections relating to the nature and purpose of visual representation. Dr Cordelia Warr is Senior Lecturer in Art History, University of Manchester, UK.
Hay House Inc You Are the Medicine: 13 Moons of Indigenous Wisdom, Ancestral Connection, and Animal Spirit Guidance
Indigenous Medicine Woman Asha Frost invites readers to learn the healing medicine of the 13 Ojibway moons and the spirit animals that will guide their wisdom journey.The Medicine you have been searching for lives within you. Follow the path of the 13 Ojibwe Moons with Animal Spirits and Ancestors as your guides as you unlock your connection to your own unique, inherent healing power. Through storytelling, ceremonies, and Shamanic journeys, learn to apply ancient wisdom to your life in ways that are respectful and conscious of the stolen lands, lives, and traditions of Indigenous peoples. Discover how to:- Ground and root into your own lineage and meet your Ancestral guides.- Practice self-care and rest on your journey.- Return to Ancestral ways of cleansing and purifying.- Trust and surrender so you can manifest and thrive.- Release self-doubt, fear, disconnection, and insecurity.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Finite Element Analyses of Eddy Current Effects in Turbogenerators
Eddy currents, so‐called owing to their general shape like "eddies", manifest as induced currents in all metallic – magnetic or non‐magnetic – regions exposed to time varying or generally alternating magnetic fields whether of power or higher frequencies. It is imperative to apply appropriate analyses to assess the magnitude and consequences of induced eddy currents as required. Therefore, book aims at a comprehensive study of various aspects of eddy currents, from a detailed account of the basic phenomenon to their utilization in various applications, and their detrimental effects, esp. in large Turbogenerators. It gives detailed description of the finite‐element technique(s) developed by the author to analyse the steady‐state and transient heating of key regions of turbogenerators of ratings from 120 MW to 500 MW when exposed to "negative‐sequence" currents under unbalanced fault conditions.
Pennsylvania State University Press Art, Ritual, and Civic Identity in Medieval Southern Italy
In Art, Ritual, and Civic Identity in Medieval Southern Italy, Nino Zchomelidse examines the complex and dynamic roles played by the monumental ambo, the Easter candlestick, and the liturgical scroll in southern Italy and Sicily from the second half of the tenth century, when the first such liturgical scrolls emerged, until the first decades of the fourteenth century, when the last monumental Easter candlestick was made. Through the use of these objects, the interior of the church was transformed into the place of the story of salvation, making the events of the Bible manifest. By linking rites and setting, liturgical furnishings could be used to stage a variety of biblical events, in accordance with specific feast days. Examining the interaction of liturgical performance and the ecclesiastical stage, this book explores the creation, function, and evolution of church furnishings and manuscripts.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Multiple Reformations?: The Many Faces and Legacies of the Reformation
This volume explores the inherent pluralism of the Reformation and its manifold legacies from an ecumenical and interdisciplinary point of view. The essays shed new light on several key questions: How do we interpret and assess the Reformation as a historical and theological event, as a historiographic category, and as a cultural myth? What are the long-term global consequences of the Reformation period as manifest in the rise of competing confessional cultures and distinct Christian world religions, producing different types of modernities? How did these confessional cultures interact with the development of empires and nation-states, with the emergence of the sciences, as well as with divergent legal cultures and traditions in education and social welfare? What kind of modalities emerged in these confessional cultures for engaging with the humanistic study of the Bible and, later on, Higher Criticism?
Intellect Books The Idea of the Avant Garde: And What It Means Today, Volume 2
The concept of the avant garde is highly contested, whether one consigns it to history or claims it for present-day or future uses. The first volume of The Idea of the Avant Garde – And What It Means Today provided a lively forum on the kinds of radical art theory and partisan practices that are possible in today’s world of global art markets and creative industry entrepreneurialism. This second volume presents the work of another 50 artists and writers, exploring the diverse ways that avant-gardism develops reflexive and experimental combinations of aesthetic and political praxis. The manifest strategies, temporalities, and genealogies of avant-garde art and politics are expressed through an international, intergenerational, and interdisciplinary convocation of ideas that covers the fields of film, video, architecture, visual art, art activism, literature, poetry, theatre, performance, intermedia and music.
Hay House UK Ltd Moonology™ Calendar 2024
Unlock the magical powers of the Moon to manifest an incredible life, with daily affirmations and inspiring messages in this debut calendar from #1 bestselling Moonology™ author Yasmin Boland.Get in tune with the Moon in 2024 with this stunning daily calendar, designed to help you live a life full of positivity, power and joy.Each magical message has been lovingly written by Yasmin Boland to inspire and uplift you every day. You'll discover how to work with the lunar energies on each day, plus how to attune to each New and Full Moon to supercharge your manifesting powers.With guidance on setting intentions, making New Moon wishes and more, the Moonology™ 2024 Calendar will help you to tap into the highest possible energy, prepare to achieve your goals and make this a year full of positivity and success!
Hardie Grant Books (UK) Mama Moon's Book of Magic: A Life-Changing Guide to Spells, Crystals, Manifestations and Living a Magical Existence
The ultimate guide to modern magic and how to use it.Mama Moon, a.k.a. eclectic witch and bohemian entrepreneur Semra Haksever, is back with her third book of magic for the modern world. Inside her most comprehensive magical handbook yet, find spells to enhance every part of daily life – from work to health, friendship to romantic love – together with seasonal spells to help you navigate full moons, equinoxes and solstices. Plus all the info on how to troubleshoot spells, perform daily rituals, bless candles, and activate your crystals. Alongside spells, Mama Moon also includes information on how to manifest magical intentions, create vision boards, read tarot from a deck of playing cards, and learn the basics of palmistry. Also featured are recipes for lotions and body oils to revive an inner spiritual goddess or warrior, depending on what life demands on the day.
cat256per que la infancialancora
Tots els drets dels nens estan recollits en un tractat internacional que obliga els governs acomplir-los: la Convenció sobre els Drets del Nen (CDN).És el tractat més ratificat de la història, i els 195 Estats que l?han ratificat n?han de passarcomptes amb el Comitè dels Drets del Nen.El dubte, però, plana sobre les bones intencions polítiques: tots els països l?han ratificat isignat (menys els EUA). És raonable? És creïble?Ningú sap com es concreten les bones intencions en la vida real, i ningú fa res perquè se sàpiga.Aquest assaig vol analitzar el perquè la societat ha d?apostar de veritat per la infància, i posa demanifest les grans contradiccions que com a societat tenim pel que fa a l?educació dels nens.Un assaig necessari que ens confronta amb la necessitat d?apostar definitivament per lainfància.
Estripar la terra
Estripar la terra exposa les mentides del món rural i fa una reflexió de la percepció enganyosa que tenim del nostre entorn. A través de diversos capítols, i en un format inspirat en el manifest, Dunyó estimula el lector a repensar com ens relacionem amb el temps, la terra i el que hi produïm. L?autor analitza també les nostres formes de consum i el vincle amb el nostre estil de vida, mentre rebutja la sobreexplotació, la pressa i la violència contra la natura i contra nosaltres mateixos.Amb un llenguatge evocador i poètic, però alhora amb un estil provocador i sense complexos, ens fa replantejar les prioritats per combatre els discursos de la lògica del capitalisme.És una obra imprescindible per conèixer i entendre aspectes al voltant de la diversitat, l?equilibri i la sostenibilitat que ens farà qüestionar les nostres pròpies dinàmiques i passar a l?acció.
Common Notions Towards the City of Thresholds
In recent years, urban uprisings, insurrections, riots, and occupations have been an expression of the rage and desperation of our time. So too have they expressed the joy of reclaiming collective life and a different way of composing a common world. At the root of these rebellious moments lies thresholds—the spaces to be crossed from cities of domination and exploitation to a common world of liberation.Towards the City of Thresholds is a pioneering and ingenious study of these new forms of socialization and uses of space—self-managed and communal—that passionately reveals cities as the sites of manifest social antagonism as well as spatialities of emancipation. Activist and architect Stavros Stavrides describes the powerful reinvention of politics and social relations stirring everywhere in our urban world and analyzes the theoretical underpinnings present in these metropolitan spaces and how they might be bridged to expand the commo
University Press of America The Soviet Man in an Open Society
This book offers a detailed examination of the absorption of Soviet emigrants in Israel during the years 1967 to 1985. Factors that account for these immigrants' successful economic absorption are included as well as a study of their social and cultural absorption. The book proposes that the value system to which the Soviet immigrants were exposed in the Soviet Union facilitated successful economic absorption in Israel but constitute a source of difficulty with regard to other aspects of absorption. A key concept in the examination of the values which Soviet Jews acquired through socialization of the Soviet Union is that of the Soviet Man. This book attempts to demonstrate how the characteristics of the Soviet Man manifest themselves in various aspects of immigrant's life in Israel. Contents: The Process of Emigration; Economic and Occupational Behavior (General); Economic and Occupational Behavior (Case Studies); Social and Political Integration; and ^IJews from Georg
Amsterdam University Press Feminist Futures of Work: Reimagining Labour in the Digital Economy
The future of work is at the centre of debates related to the emerging digital society. Concerns range from the inclusion, equity, and dignity of those at the far end of the value chain, who participate on and off platforms, often in the shadows, invisible to policymakers, designers, and consumers. Precarity and informality characterize this largely female workforce, across sectors ranging from artisanal work to salon services to ride hailing and construction. A feminist reimagining of the futures of work—what we term as “FemWork” —is the need of the day and should manifest in multiple and various forms, placing the worker at the core and drawing on her experiences, aspirations, and realities. This volume offers grounded insights from academic, activist, legal, development and design perspectives that can help us think through these inclusive futures and possibly create digital, social, and governance infrastructures of work that are fairer and more meaningful.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Cognitive Behavioural Therapy with Older People: Interventions for Those With and Without Dementia
The development of 'ageless' mental health services means that an increasing number of clinicians are now required to work with older people. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is recognised by all recent meta-analyses as the most effective therapy, yet few clinicians are trained specifically in its usage with the elderly. This book is a detailed guide to using CBT with older people both with and without cognitive difficulties. Reviewing its use in different settings, it covers both conceptual and practical perspectives, and details everything from causes and initial assessment to case formulation and change techniques. Case studies in both depression and dementia are used to illustrate how CBT should work and how positive effects can manifest themselves. Suitable both for trainees and experienced therapists, this book will be essential for anybody using cognitive behavioural therapy in their work with older people, regardless of their clients' levels of cognitive ability.
Skyhorse Publishing The Holistic Home
Rule the world and take control of your emotional and mental health from where you sit, stand, and sleep. Chapter by chapter, learn how to tackle it all—relationships, clutter, health, communities, inner balance, and more—by looking within your immediate environment to make direct connections in your life.The Holistic Home is based on an original lifestyle concept focused on creating a dynamic, healthy, and thoughtful space within yourself and your home by combining three planes of action—mind, body, and spirit—that result in profound change. The condition of the mind affects the psychology of how you dwell: subconscious influences, decorating with intention, and allowing your emotional issues and challenges to manifest in your space. The physical aspects of your design space, such as furniture positioning, design elements, sustainability, wellness, and organization, are representative of your relationship with your body. And final
Castle Point Books The Mindful Witch: A Daily Journal for Manifesting a Truly Magickal Life
Witches can’t control the world outside themselves without first mastering their own inner world. It takes steady devotion and courage to practice this ancient craft. The Mindful Witch is a meditative daily guide for witches of all levels to help them summon strength from within, focus their energy, and practice witchcraft in an empowering and effective way. Whether it’s a crystal bath to restore their energy, a handmade tea to revive their passion, or a burning candle whose glow offers protection, each page offers tips and inspiration for everyday magick. Reflective witches will enjoy plenty of space to write the day’s intentions and desires, craft spells, and track the phases of the moon so they can better harness its power and manifest their future. With The Mindful Witch to guide you, you can add a satisfying dose of self-nourishment and craft to your daily life and conjure your best self.
Image Comics The The Department of Truth Wild Fictions
Some fictions manifest in reality as dangerous, half-formed things. The Department of Truth relies on hunters to track down and contain these wild tulpas before they become too real. In these case files from the Department of Truth Field Office, discover the truths, hoaxes, and lore of some of the most dangerous cryptids the rangers have ever catalogued. Designed as in-world reports on beings like Mothman, Bigfoot, the Flatwoods Monster, and more, each entry features stunning art from some of the most renowned illustrators in comics, including James Stokoe, Bill Sienkiewicz, Yuko Shimuzu, Erica Henderson, DEPARTMENT OF TRUTH co-creator Martin Simmonds, and more. Collects THE DEPARTMENT OF TRUTH: WILD FICTIONS entries, as well as exclusive additional materials from the acclaimed series by multiple Eisner Award-winning writer James Tynion IV (W0RLDTR33, The Nice House on the Lake) and acclaimed artist Martin Simmonds.