Search results for ""author gabriele""
Oldenbourg Schulbuchverl. Perspektiven der Kunst Neubearbeitung Von der Karolingerzeit bis zur Gegenwart
Rowohlt Verlag GmbH Demokratie
C.H. Beck Strafvollzugsrecht
Gabriele Publishing House Words of Life for the Health of Soul and Body: This book is based on the Christ-revelation "Cause and Development of All Illness"
Jan Thorbecke Verlag Spruch Von Den Sibnen: Die Altesten Konstanzer Baugerichtsprotokolle (1452-1470)
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Was uns nicht umbringt: Wie es Menschen gelingt, aus Schicksalsschlägen und traumatischen Erfahrungen gestärkt hervorzugehen
Ein Buch, das Mut macht: Die neue Psychologie des posttraumatischen Wachstums Schicksalsschläge müssen uns nicht aus der Bahn werfen. Sie können vielmehr neue Stärken und Lebensperspektiven eröffnen und einen Reifungsprozess anstoßen. Dieses hoffnungsvolle Fazit zieht Stephen Joseph, einer der Wegbereiter der Psychotraumatologie, aus seiner jahrzehntelangen Arbeit mit traumatisierten Menschen. Sein Buch schlägt einen weiten Bogen: Es schildert Fallgeschichten, macht psychologische Studien nachvollziehbar, zeigt, welche Spuren erschütternde Erlebnisse im Gehirn hinterlassen, und beleuchtet, wie es Menschen gelingt – und wie man sie therapeutisch dabei unterstützen kann –, gestärkt aus emotionalen Katastrophen hervorzugehen. Tsunamis, Gewaltverbrechen, tragische Verkehrsunfälle – solche Erfahrungen, so heißt es, zeichnen die Betroffenen fürs Leben und bürden ihnen posttraumatische Belastungsstörungen auf. Doch der Psychologe Stephen Joseph kommt nach 20 Jahren Forschung zu einem anderen Schluss: Derartige Traumata können zu „Motoren der inneren Veränderung“ werden. Auf Fallstudien gestützt schildert er den emotionalen Tribut traumatischer Erlebnisse, die zugrunde liegende Biologie, die Erscheinungsformen der Resilienz und die große Bandbreite der verfügbaren Therapien … Dies ist ein weitgefasster und plausibler Blick auf die Psychologie des Überlebens. Nature _____Warum im Leid auch eine Chance liegen kann Was geschieht, wenn wir mit dem Schlimmsten konfrontiert sind? Gemeinhin herrscht die Vorstellung, ein Trauma zeichne uns für das restliche Leben – mit oft verheerenden Folgen für fast alle Aspekte unseres Alltags, von unserem Schlafzyklus über unsere sozialen Beziehungen bis hin zu unserem Lebenswillen. Doch wie der international renommierte Psychologe und Psychotherapeut Stephen Joseph in diesem Buch zeigt, setzen traumatische Erfahrungen oft auch positive Entwicklungen in Gang und liefern Anstöße zu einer Verbesserung des Lebens: Die Betroffenen erleben gefestigte persönliche Beziehungen, lernen das Leben stärker wertzuschätzen und gelangen zu neuer innerer Stärke. Sie machen eine Erfahrung, die die Psychologen als posttraumatisches Wachstum bezeichnen. Josephs breit angelegtes Buch führt die Weisheit antiker Philosophen, die Einsichten von Evolutionsbiologen, den Optimismus der positiven Psychologen und seine eigenen bahnbrechenden Studien zusammen, um Wege aufzuzeigen, wie Menschen angesichts dramatischer Veränderungen und Widrigkeiten neuen Lebenssinn und neue Lebensziele finden können. Durch das Buch ziehen sich bewegende Geschichten von Menschen, die trotz großen Leids und schmerzlicher Verluste nicht aufgaben … Joseph verleiht den Berühmten und den Unbekannten gleichermaßen eine Stimme, wenn er Geschichten vom Überleben und Aufblühen in persönlichen wie globalen Krisen erzählt. Dabei vermittelt das Buch tiefe Kenntnisse über die Dynamik des posttraumatischen Wachstums und verwandter Theorien. Es stellt eine seltene Meisterleistung dar, ein Buch zu schreiben, das sowohl für die allgemeine Leserschaft als auch für Fachleute und Praktiker reizvoll und nützlich ist. Joseph ist es gelungen. John Harvey, Professor emeritus für Psychologie, University of Iowa
Winged Hussar Publishing Armies of the American Revolution: Part I - George Washington's Armies 1775 - 1783
Vintage Publishing Hail, Claudio!: The Manager Behind the Miracle
Leicester City's Premier League victory was the 5,000-1 triumph that delighted the world. But how did Claudio Ranieri pull off one of the greatest achievements in sport? This is the inside story of the rise and rise of the butcher’s son from Rome, whose hard work, passion for the game and ability to learn from his mistakes have earned him the respect of players, fans and owners worldwide. Gabriele Marcotti and Alberto Polverosi have known Claudio Ranieri since his early days as a professional footballer. They have closely followed his successes and his failures as he navigated the often topsy-turvy world of football and developed as a player and manager. Hail, Claudio! takes an in-depth look into what sets Ranieri apart as a manager, into precisely how the Premier League was won, and what went wrong following that golden season.
Springer International Publishing AG Intelligent Hydrogels
This volume of Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science assembles original contributions and invited reviews from the priority research program "Intelligent Hydrogels", funded by the German Science Foundation DFG since 2006, with about 25 contributing research groups. In the center of interest of this program and the present book are responsive hydrogels, i.e. hydrophilic polymer or polyelectrolyte networks that are able to respond to environmental stimuli such as changes in temperature, pH, additive concentration or electrical field. The activities focus on different aspects: on hydrogel synthesis, on the modeling and simulation of thermophysical hydrogel properties, as well as on innovative new hydrogel applications as smart materials. The present book summarizes the highlights in the results of the priority program in original contributions and invited reviews.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Armies of the Italian-Turkish War: Conquest of Libya, 1911–1912
In the early 1900s, the decaying Ottoman Turkish Empire had lost some of its Balkan territories, but still nominally ruled all of North Africa between British Egypt in the east and French Algeria in the west. Libya had fertile coastal territory, and was the last North African (almost, the last African) region not yet conquered by a European colonialist power. Italy was a young country, ambitious for colonies, but had been defeated in Ethiopia in the 1890s. The Italian government of Giovanni Giolitti was keen to overwrite the memory of that failure, and to gain a strategic grip over the central Mediterranean by seizing Libya, just across the narrows from Sicily. The Italian expeditionary force that landed in October 1911 easily defeated the Ottoman division based in the coastal cities, incurring few losses. However, the Libyan inland tribes reacted furiously to the Italian conquest, and their insurgency cost the Italians thousands of casualties, locking them into the coastal enclaves during a winter stalemate which diminished Italian public enthusiasm for the war. To retrieve Italian prestige the government launched a naval campaign in the Dardanelles and the Dodecanese – the last Turkish held archipelago in the Aegean – in April–May 1912, and landed troops to capture Rhodes. The army finally pushed inland in Libya in July– October (using systematic air reconnaissance, for the first time), and after brutal fighting the war ended in a treaty that brought Italy all it wanted, although though the Libyan tribes would not finally be quelled until after World War I. Containing accurate full-colour artwork and unrivalled detail, Armies of the Italian-Turkish War offers a vivid insight into the troops involved in this pivotal campaign, including the tribal insurgents and the navies of both sides.
Taylor & Francis Ltd HR Futures 2030: A Design for Future-Ready Human Resources
This design for future-ready human resources is a futurist guide to the challenges and changes lying ahead in the world of work and offers a way forward. The world of work is evolving at an exponential rate, and significant shifts are expected. COVID-19 was a warm-up lap and an accelerator of changes, but many still lie ahead. Those changes are rarely addressed in current general HR thinking. At the same time, the growing complexity is making employees and employers alike anxious about the future of work.This is an academic-grade book backed up by evidence-based trends and signals and offers pragmatic upskilling pathways. It is priceless in such an environment for forward-looking scholars and present-oriented, pragmatic industry captains and HR leaders compelled to find answers for their inevitably obsolescing, inorganically morphing workforce. The book was written by the former Director of HEC Lausanne’s Executive MBA and founder of Executive Education of HEC Lausanne, with 12 years’ experience in leading and designing educational programs, together with a NATO- and U.S.-awarded futurist with experience in academic teaching and executives training. This volume offers metaphors to help convey the messages, a clear structure to plan for the decade to come, and several guidelines to follow.
Silvana Overtaking: When Italy Hit the Accelerator 1946-1961
A fine but resilient thread links in Italy the privation and hardship of the post-war period with the economic boom that would burst forth throughout the sixties. Overtaking is not only a reference to the 1962 film The Easy Life (originally released as Il sorpasso, literally "overtaking"), now firmly embedded in popular culture. It evokes the idea of a country that accelerates, vying for a position - not without some show of aggression, vulgarity, and swagger - one that somehow overtakes itself, managing to forge ahead despite the social problems it often leaves unsolved or are created by the rapid development itself. Text in English and Italian.
Marsilio Art, Faith and Medicine in Tintoretto's Venice
Bodies in ecstasy, bodies in tortuous pain, bodies devoid of life and bodies rising to the afterlife: the subject of the human is central to the work Tintoretto (1519–94) accomplished at the Scuola Grande di San Marco, home to the monumental library and medical museum of Venice's Ospedale Civile, and thus a fitting backdrop to Art, Faith and Medicine in Tintoretto's Venice, a volume that explores the representation of the human body in artistic and medical traditions in an effort to understand the role of idealized and nonidealized bodies in Renaissance culture. This book draws on archival documents, illuminated manuscripts, rare books, prints, medals, drawings and paintings to examine the interconnection between art and medicine, anatomical studies and devotional belief. Special topics such as medical care for the monks of the Scuola further enliven this central theme.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Chaos and Complexity in the Arts and Architecture: Research in Progress
The New York Review of Books, Inc Käsebier Takes Berlin
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Armies of the Medieval Italian Wars 1125–1325
The great powers of medieval Europe fought continuously in the Italian peninsula between the 12th and 14th centuries as they sought to expand their territory. Invading armies from Germany – the Holy Roman Empire – saw the creation of the defensive Lombard League of northern Italian city-states. These struggles resulted in conflicts between rival confederacies, which in turn proved to be the catalysts for developments in organisation and tactics. Italian urban militias became better organised and equipped, the Imperial armies went from being mostly German to multi-national forces, and both sides became reliant on mercenary forces to prosecute their wars. After the 1260s, France, relying mainly on armoured cavalry, and Spain, with their innovative light infantry, vied for control of southern Italy. On the seas, the great naval powers of Genoa, Pisa and Venice became fierce rivals, as they created great trading empires, bringing the treasures of the east into feudal Europe. Using detailed colour plates, this beautifully illustrated book describes the myriad of armies and navies that fought for control of Italy in the Middle Ages.
Studienverlag GesmbH Subnational Parliaments in the Eu Multi-Level Parliamentary System: Taking Stock of the Post-Lisbon Era
Curiosity Ink Media How the Gherkins Stole Christmas
Yale University Press The Horn
A rich and fascinating account of one of music history’s most ancient, varied, and distinctive instruments From its origins in animal horn instruments in classical antiquity to the emergence of the modern horn in the seventeenth century, the horn appears wherever and whenever humans have made music. Its haunting, timeless presence endures in jazz and film music, as well as orchestral settings, to this day. In this welcome addition to the Yale Musical Instrument Series, Renato Meucci and Gabriele Rocchetti trace the origins of the modern horn in all its variety. From its emergence in Turin and its development of political and diplomatic functions across European courts, to the revolutionary invention of valves, the horn has presented in innumerable guises and forms. Aided by musical examples and newly discovered sources, Meucci and Rocchetti’s book offers a comprehensive account of an instrument whose history is as complex and fascinating as its music.
Atico de Los Libros Arte de Vivir Sin Miedo, El
VfmK Gabriele Engelhardt
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH Complicated Grief: Evaluating Individual Integrative Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Adults. a Randomized Controlled Trial
Springer VS Neue Plattformen neue Öffentlichkeiten
KI und ihre Rolle für den Journalismus.- Journalismus und künstliche Intelligenz aus kommunikationswissenschaftlicher Perspektive: Chancen und Herausforderungen.- Developing Responsible AI in Local Journalism with Design Thinking: An Organizational Learning Perspective.- Mastodon gegen Twitter, Fediverse gegen Facebook - Was kann das dezentrale Kommunikationsnetz besser.- Grenzüberschreitende Investigativ-Recherchen trainieren: Das pan-europäische Pilotprojekt "Crossborder Journalims Campus".- Kriegsberichterstattung über die Ukraine bei RTL und daraus abgeleitete Forderungen für die Journalismus-Ausbildung.
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH The Quest for Europeanization / Die Suche Nach Europaisierung: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on a Multiple Process / Ein Komplexer Prozess in Interdisziplinarer Perspektive
Insel Verlag GmbH Die Roseninsel Ein CornwallRoman
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Der Briefwechsel Zwischen Franz Marc Und Pfarrer Otto Schlier in Den Jahren 1894-1900: Eine Studie Zum Protestantischen Hintergrund Des Kunstlers
Winged Hussar Publishing The War of the Pacific
Verso Books In Broad Daylight: Movies and Spectators After the Cinema
From plasma screens to smartphones, today moving images are everywhere. How have films adapted to this new environment? And how has the experience of the spectator changed because of this proliferation? In Broad Daylight investigates one of the decisive shifts in the history of Western aesthetics, exploring the metamorphosis of films in the age of individual media, when the public is increasingly free but also increasingly resistant to the emotive force of the pictures flashing around us. Moving deftly from philosophy of mind to film theory, from architectural practice to ethics, from Leon Battista Alberti to Orson Welles, Gabriele Pedullà examines the revolution that is reshaping the entire system of the arts and creativity in all its manifestations.
Heritage Group Distribution Waltraut
Ignatius Press Padre Pio: Stories and Memories of My Mentor and Friend
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Armies of Ancient Greece Circa 500 to 338 BC: History, Organization & Equipment
Conflict was rife among the Greeks of the Classical period, including some of the most famous wars and battles of the whole ancient period, such as the defeat of the Persians at Marathon, the Spartans' heroic last stand at Thermopylae, the gruelling Pelopponesian War and the epic March of the Ten Thousand. The Greek heavy infantry spearmen, or hoplites, are one of the most recognizable types of ancient warrior and their tighly-packed phalanx formation dominated the battlefield. Covering the period from the Persian Wars to the Macedonian victory at the Battle of Chaeronea, Gabriele Esposito examines not only the hoplites but also the other troops that featured in Greek armies with growing importance as time went on, such as light infantry skirmishers and cavalry. He details their arms, armour and equipment, organization and tactics. His clear, informative text is beautifully illustrated with dozens of colour photographs showing how the equipment was worn and used.
La Coccinella Small Wonders Inside the Egg
Kohl Verlag Wir sind Kinder einer Welt
Kohl Verlag Formen nachvollziehen Grundschule
Kohl Verlag Fabeln rund um die Welt
Sankt Michaelsbund Das Herz am rechten Fleck
Mitteldeutscher Verlag Hermann Gruson
Engelsdorfer Verlag Das Siegerland Besondere Region Besondere Menschen
Theseus Verlag Resilienz Yoga Das bungsprogramm um stark im Leben zu stehen
Einhorn Verlag Das Weihnachtslicht
Kern GmbH Unter Uns
Edition Digital Walking Talking
MZ Buchverlag Die schönsten Wirtshäuser in Regensburg und Umgebung
Rb-Media E.U. The Little Raven Aaron Follows His Heart
Psychosozial-Verlag Der Holocaust im Leben von drei Generationen