Search results for ""Taylor Francis Inc""
Taylor & Francis Inc Unrestrained: Judicial Excess and the Mind of the American Lawyer
Robert Nagel's innovative volume attempts to explain why, despite almost four decades of conservative and moderate appointments, the Supreme Court continues to intervene aggressively in a wide array of social and political issues. The explanation lies primarily in the psychological effects of the way that lawyers think about law and judging. The instincts ingrained by the experiences common to legal education and the successful practice of law also work to encourage the reckless use of power.Nagel argues that the problem with the modern judicial role is cultural and political. He demonstrates that judges, especially Supreme Court justices, have degraded our political discourse, intensified social conflict, and drained moral confidence.By examining modern Supreme Court confirmation hearings along with certain classic legal writings, Nagel shows how modern lawyers have a broad consensus on how to interpret the Constitution and, more generally, how to think about law. One major component of this mindset is to combine realism with legalism in ways that naturally tend to expand the judiciary's imperial role. Realism counsels that decisions are inevitably partly personal and therefore cannot be conclusively justified while legalism imparts the sense that the judge's interpretation is the best one possible. This combination of the personal and political, along with other aspects of modem legal thinking and training, means that judges are not only unconstrained by professional norms but actually are impelled by them to use power expansively.This issue is important to every person living in the U.S., as the Supreme Court's decisions concern everyone in the nation. It has the potential to be read by lawmakers, lawyers, students of law and political science, and anyone interested in Constitutional law. The thesis is unique and the execution is precise.
Taylor & Francis Inc Assigning Liability for Superfund Cleanups: An Analysis of Policy Options
While more than 2,700 emergency removals of hazardous materials have taken place under Superfund, implementing the long-term cleanup program has been the object of considerable controversy. One of the most contentious issues is whether the liability standards in the law should be revised. The authors analyze the pros and cons associated with the current liability approach, as well as with a variety of alternative strategies.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Necessity of Choice: Nineteenth Century Political Thought
Louis Hartz is best known for his classic study, The Liberal Tradition in America. At Harvard University, his lecture course on nineteenth-century politics and ideologies was memorable. Through the editorial hand of Paul Roazen, we can now share the experience of Hartz's considerable contributions to the theory of politics.At the root of Hartz's work is the belief that revolution is not produced by misery, but by pressure of a new system on an old one. This approach enables him to explain sharp differences in revolutionary traditions. Because America essentially was a liberal society from its beginning and had no need for revolutions, America also lacked reactionaries, and lacked a tradition of genuine conservatism characteristic of European thought.In lectures embracing Rousseau, Burke, Comte, Hegel, Mill, and Marx among others, Hartz develops a keen sense of the delicate balance between the role of the state in both enhancing and limiting personal freedom. Hartz notably insisted on the autonomy of intellectual life and the necessity of individual choice as an essential ingredient of liberty.
Taylor & Francis Inc To Play the Game: Analysis of Sports
In this fascinating analysis of the development, structure, and strategies of sports, Bell argues that games are an institution that not only reflect society but also mold society. He develops a typology of seven game levels from the primitive to the decadent and examines the history of game development in Western civilization, through the relation of the various game levels to national ambitions and strategies. To Play the Game is both enlightening and entertaining, an original contribution to the growing scholarship on sports.
Taylor & Francis Inc When Leadership Fails: Desegregation and Demoralization in the San Francisco Schools
The belief that desegregation in the public schools has been a failed and costly policy is widespread. Educational standards suffer and public support declines, it is said, when the schools are used as agencies of social reform. In this study of school desegregation in San Francisco, Doris Fine argues that although the schools' difficulties are real, they are due not to the policy of desegregation but to deficiencies of leadership and organization within the schools.Fine's central concern is institutional integrity and the demoralization that sets in when integrity is undermined. Some of the questions she considers are: How did San Francisco's public schools become a central arena for community conflict over issues of civil rights? What options did school leaders have? What happened when the political and educational controversy was brought to federal court? Did court orders help or hinder institutional reform? Most importantly, what adjustments in the leadership and internal dynamics of public schools were necessary for change to be effective?This study of social policy and institutional dynamics documents a painful episode in the history of public schools. It sheds light both on the nature of social change and on the critical role leadership plays in the reform of organizations.
Taylor & Francis Inc Fundamental Principles of Fiber Reinforced Composites, Second Edition
This is a leading basic text on advanced FR composite materials, including plastic, metal and ceramic matrix materials. An interdisciplinary approach is used with the emphasis on analytical methods for better understanding of key concepts. Many case histories, and fully worked examples illustrate concepts. Also included are current techniques for non-destructive testing, in-service monitoring, and failure analysis. More than 200 schematics, microphotographs and photographs illustrate concepts, materials and design.
Taylor & Francis Inc Biotechnology in Industrial Waste Treatment and Bioremediation
Biotechnology in Industrial Waste Treatment and Bioremediation addresses the increasingly important topic of waste treatment. Focusing on microbiological degradation of contaminants, it offers a representative picture of the current status of environmental biotechnology and lays a solid foundation of the methods and applications of bioremediation. The expert presentations of case studies in this new book demonstrate successful treatment schemes and technologies meeting regulatory standards. These case studies represent an international cross-section of strategies for developing and implementing the evolving technologies of bioremediation. Biotechnology in Industrial Waste Treatment and Bioremediation examines the primary waste streams, including air, water, soils, and sediments, and explores specific treatment methodologies for industrial and environmental contaminants. This broad and unique coverage allows treatment firms and regulatory authorities to determine and develop appropriate treatment strategies for site-specific problems of waste remediation. The observations and successful field applications compiled in Biotechnology in Industrial Waste Treatment and Bioremediation make it an excellent reference for understanding, evaluating, developing, and operating efficient and cost-effective full-scale treatment systems.
Taylor & Francis Inc Electrical Safety-Related Work Practices: OSHA Manual
Electrical Safety-Related Work Practices is a complete training package that describes 29 CFR 1910.331-.335, OSHA's Electrical Safety-Related Practices Standard, and outlines the requirements for training employees exposed to electrical hazards. The program presents a thorough overview of electrical safety as it applies to the standard. Topics covered include electrical accidents, qualified and unqualified persons, employee training, work practices covered by the standard, protective equipment, and protective shields and barriers. A complete implementation plan, standard checklists, a summary of the standard, and a copy of OSHA's "Illustrated Guide to Electrical Safety" are provided in addition to a sample employee training booklet. Electrical Safety-Related Work Practices is the perfect training tool for risk managers, safety managers, line production supervisors, engineers, and maintenance workers affected by this OSHA standard.This complete training package contains implementation/compliance manual, VHS tape, employee training booklet.
Taylor & Francis Inc Implementing a Stormwater Management Program
Implementing a Stormwater Management Program presents a four-step, common-sense approach that describes how to create and implement a successful stormwater management program. Guidelines, concepts, techniques, and thought-provoking questions are included for all phases of program development, including problem identification, program conception and creation, and final implementation. Discover the fundamental elements of policy creation, institutional planning, technical planning, financial planning, and public involvement and awareness. Find out how to implement the shell program and component parts such as operation and maintenance programs and capital improvement plans. Guidance in the legal aspects of stormwater programs and keys to success are also provided. The book will be an essential reference tool for environmental consultants, municipal engineers, regulatory officials, elected officials, and stormwater program managers.
Taylor & Francis Inc Hydrocarbon Contaminated Soils and Groundwater: Analysis, Fate, Environmental & Public Health Effects, & Remediation, Volume I
Taylor & Francis Inc Groundwater Pumping Tests
'Groundwater Pumping Tests is a practical book details concepts, techniques, field work, case studies, and microcomputer models-information designed to improve accuracy and reliability. Too frequently, groundwater pumping test design and analysis ignore well storage capacity, delayed gravity yield, well partial penetration, and aquitard storativity impacts without proving them negligible. As a result, erroneous conclusions are reached concerning aquifer system hydraulic characteristics, boundaries, and discontinuities. Pumping test data often is filtered arbitrarily without adequate justification in attempts to match inappropriate aquifer models and field conditions. Antecedent water level trends and water level adjustments for changes in barometric pressure and surface water stages frequently are ignored in calculating drawdown and recovery. Finally, manual graphic analysis supplemented with microcomputer programs is, to an excessive extent, being replaced by fully automatic microcomputer analysis without critical examination of interpretative methods in program algorithms and their limitations. This book will focus needed attention on the facets mentioned above.
Taylor & Francis Inc Military Retirees
This book provides history of U.S. military personnel in foreign areas, with emphasis on the relationship between their frequent relocation and their propensity to migrate after retirement, and describes the world distribution of the 1.2 million members that comprise the military retiree population.
Taylor & Francis Inc Aggression, Family Violence and Chemical Dependency
Here is an informational and practical book that systematically addresses the complex relationships between chemical abuse/dependency, aggression, and family violence. Directed toward professional chemical dependency and family violence counselors, it provides specific guidelines for the assessment of child abuse, incest, and marital rape, as they are likely to be encountered in a chemical dependency treatment setting. Experts outline treatment suggestions for chemically dependent and codependent individuals who are or have been the victims/perpetrators of family violence. Aggression, Family Violence and Chemical Dependency contains two unique and very detailed chapters on the relationship between aggression and the use of alcohol and other mood-altering substances as well as the connections between these two and other physiological and psychological correlates of violence.
Taylor & Francis Inc Chronic Disorders and the Family
Here are the most recent developments in clinical research and theory on the role of the family in understanding and treating chronic mental and physical illnesses. Internationally respected scholars and psychotherapists present comprehensive and authoritative information vital to professionals who work with families coping with severe disorders. Chronic Disorders and the Family explores how clinicians can become more aware of the common experiences of patients and their families struggling with chronic psychiatric and medical disorders, thus promoting a better understanding of the contribution of family dynamics. With its focus on the interactional nature of psychopathology, this important book encourages psychotherapists to compare and contrast the various treatment perspectives and approaches available. Specific disorders discussed include schizophrenia, clinical depression, borderline disorders, anxiety disorders (particularly agoraphobia), eating disorders, substance abuse, and chronic medical illnesses.
Taylor & Francis Inc Chemical Dependency and Intimacy Dysfunction
The failure to deal with social-sexual issues may impair the progress of recovery in a chemically dependent individual and his or her family. The failure to deal with sexual compulsivity in intravenous drug abusers may seriously impair our ability to deal with AIDS. The failure to deal with chemical dependence may render family therapy ineffective in the treatment of sex offenders.Despite the connection between chemical dependency and intimacy dysfunction, the intimacy concerns are rarely recognized in the diagnosis, treatment, and aftercare of the chemically dependent person and his or family. In this pioneering work, experts in the fields of chemical dependence and human sexuality provide professionals with information and skills to deal with intimacy dysfunction issues--offering hope for improving treatment and rehabilitation of chemically dependent individuals and their families. Typical intimacy dysfunctions are explored, as well as treatment methods and strategies that have proven to be effective. A valuable resource guide, this comprehensive volume addresses the key issues in the multidisciplinary approach to the study of chemical dependency and intimacy dysfunction.
Taylor & Francis Inc End User Searching in the Health Sciences
Valuable to both the health professional and information provider, this book provides a comprehensive and detailed look at online biomedical database searching by end users. Experts fully assess the numerous implications of end user searching and synthesize a wide variety of views and successful practices. By examining the types of users, institutional settings, products used, and applications, this important volume probes the specific variations among programs and provides a solid overview of end user searching in the health science field. The volume includes informative chapters on determining content and structure of online educational materials, training the end user, the issues in implementing end user search systems, and much more.
Taylor & Francis Inc Helping Delinquents Change: A Treatment Manual of Social Learning Approaches
Helping Delinquents Change sets before itself a formidable task--that of removing the mystery from the understanding of delinquent behavior. Jerome Stumphauzer offers direct, useful means to work toward altering delinquent behavior. Abandoning an orientation to delinquency that focuses on punishment or medical models, Stumphauzer presents a view of delinquency that emphasizes the learning of adaptive, prosocial behavior, and provides to the youths themselves an opportunity to become engaged in selecting their own goals and methods for changing their behavior. The nondelinquent is presented as an example from whom to learn. The text is nontechnical and useful for students and practitioners alike. The book in intended expressly for those who work directly with delinquents--counselors, teachers, therapists, probation officers, those working in junvenile corrections, and for students of delinquent behavior in psychology, sociology, criminology, and education. Tables, diagrams, references, and indices supplement the text. Helping Delinquents Change is available for classroom adoption. Undergraduate and graduate students in criminology, psychology, counseling, education, and sociology are the primary audience. The book is particularly well-suited as a training manual or supplementary text and an instructor’s manual is included.
Taylor & Francis Inc Short-Term Treatment in Occupational Therapy
This volume discusses prime topics relevant to the practice of short -term psychiatric occupational therapy.
Taylor & Francis Inc Environmental Engineers' Handbook
Protecting the global environment is a single-minded goal for all of us. Environmental engineers take this goal to task, meeting the needs of society with technical innovations. Revised, expanded, and fully updated to meet the needs of today's engineer working in industry or the public sector, the Environmental Engineers' Handbook, Second Edition is a single source of current information. It covers in depth the interrelated factors and principles that affect our environment and how we have dealt with them in the past, are dealing with them today, and how we will deal with them in the future. This stellar reference addresses the ongoing global transition in cleaning up the remains of abandoned technology, the prevention of pollution created by existing technology, and the design of future zero emission technology. Béla G. Lipták speaks on Post-Oil Energy Technology on the AT&T Tech Channel.
Taylor & Francis Inc Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterases in Health and Disease
Since the last major compendium dedicated to cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (PDEs) was published over 15 years ago, an enormous amount of progress has occurred in the field. There is great need for a centralized source for key information in this burgeoning and therapeutically important area of medical research.Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterases in Health and Disease provides an integrated volume covering PDE biology from genes to organisms. It examines phosphodiesterases as pharmacological targets as well as the development of specific PDE inhibitors as therapeutic agents. With contributions from pioneers in the field, individual chapters describe one of the 11 known mammalian PDE families including the molecular characteristics, structure, function, and traits unique to each. Characteristics of PDEs from lower organisms are also the subject of other chapters since they provide key insights into PDE functions and are also pharmacological targets for treatment of a variety of diseases in humans and domestic animals. Chapters on the current biomedical and therapeutic research on PDEs include studies on gene-targeted knockout strategies and compartmentation in cyclic nucleotide signaling. By unraveling the unique cellular roles for different PDEs, scientists are beginning to open the door to the therapeutic use of PDE inhibitors for the treatment of a number of pathological conditions including asthma and inflammation, pulmonary hypertension, erectile dysfunction, and stroke. By collating current information into a coherent and coordinated perspective, Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterases in Health and Disease provides an invaluable reference for industry and clinical scientists and points toward future directions of research and therapeutic advancements in developing selective inhibitors for these various enzymes.
Taylor & Francis Inc Mathematical Models for Structural Reliability Analysis
Mathematical Models for Structural Reliability Analysis offers mathematical models for describing load and material properties in solving structural engineering problems. Examples are provided, demonstrating how the models are implemented, and the limitations of the models are clearly stated. Analytical solutions are also discussed, and methods are clearly distinguished from models. The authors explain both theoretical models and practical applications in a clear, concise, and readable fashion.
Taylor & Francis Inc Phase-Locked Loops: Theory and Applications
Applications of phase-locked loops play an increasingly important role in modern electronic systems, and the last 25 years have seen new developments in the underlying theories as well.Phase-Locked Loops presents the latest information on the basic theory and applications of PLLs. Organized in a logical format, it first introduces the subject in a qualitative manner and discusses key applications. Next, it develops basic models for components of a PLL, and these are used to develop a basic PLL model. The text then discusses both linear and nonlinear methods that are used to analyze the basic PLL model.This book includes extensive coverage of the nonlinear behavior of phase-locked loops, an important area of this field and one where exciting new research is being performed. No other book available covers this critical area in such careful detail. Improvements brought about by the advent of the personal computer, especially in the use of numerical results, are integrated into the text. This book also focuses on PLL component technologies used in system implementation.
Taylor & Francis Inc Organic Molecular Solids: Properties and Applications
Interest in organic molecular solids extends to a range of fields including chemistry, physics, electrical engineering, and materials science. In chemistry, it applies to such topics as solid state reactivity, crystal engineering, theoretical approaches to crystal structure determination, and morphology control. In physics, electrical engineering, and materials science, the possibility of producing organic-based materials (such as crystals, polymers, thin films, or liquid crystals) with potential electronic, opto-electronic, and magnetic uses is a major area of current research interest throughout the world.Organic Molecular Solids examines the uses of organic-based materials over a wide range of applications and interests. Each chapter surveys a relevant topic, providing appropriate introductory background information and modern developments.
Taylor & Francis Inc Computational Fluid Dynamics in Food Processing
The implementation of early-stage simulation tools, specifically computational fluid dynamics (CFD), is an international and interdisciplinary trend that allows engineers to computer-test concepts all the way through the development of a process or system. With the enhancement of computing power and efficiency, and the availability of affordable CFD packages, the applications of CFD have extended into the food industry for modeling industrial processes, performing comprehensive analyses, and optimizing the efficiency and cost effectiveness of the new processes and systems. Beginning a new series dedicated to contemporary, up-to-date food engineering practices, Computational Fluid Dynamics in Food Processing is the first book of its kind to illustrate the use of CFD for solving heat and mass transfer problems in the food industry. Using a computational grid, CFD solves governing equations that describe fluid flow across each grid cell by means of an iterative procedure in order to predict and visualize the profiles of velocity, temperature, pressure, and other parameters. Starting with an overview of CFD technology and applications, the book illustrates the use of CFD for gaining a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the performance of processes involving heat and mass transfer. Specific chapters cover airflow in refrigerated trucks, retail display cabinets, microwaves, and doorways; velocity in meat dryers and spray drying; thermal sterilization; plate heat exchangers; membrane separation systems; jet impingement ovens; food extrusion and high-pressure processing; prediction of hygiene; design of biosensors; and the fermentation of tea and ripening of cheese. Drawing from an esteemed panel of international professionals and academics, this groundbreaking bookprovides engineers and technologists in research, development, and operations with critical, comprehensive, and readily accessible information on the art and science of CFD technology.
Taylor & Francis Inc Integration Technologies for Industrial Automated Systems
If there exists a single term that summarizes the key to success in modern industrial automation, the obvious choice would be integration. Integration is critical to aligning all levels of an industrial enterprise and to optimizing each stratum in the hierarchy. While many books focus on the technological components of enterprise information systems, Integration Technologies for Industrial Automated Systems is the first book to present a comprehensive picture of the technologies, methodologies, and knowledge used to integrate seamlessly the various technologies underlying modern industrial automation and information systems.In chapters drawn from two of Zurawski's popular works, The Industrial Communication Technology Handbook and The Industrial Information Technology Handbook, this practical guide offers tutorials, surveys, and technology overviews contributed by experts from leading industrial and research institutions from around the world. The book is organized into sections for cohesive and comprehensive treatment. It examines e-technologies, software and IT technologies, communication network-based technologies, agent-based technologies, and security in detail as well as their role in the integration of industrial automated systems. For each of these areas, the contributors discuss emerging trends, novel solutions, and relevant standards.Charting the course toward more responsive and agile enterprise, Integration Technologies for Industrial Automated Systems gives you the tools to make better decisions and develop more integrated systems.
Taylor & Francis Inc Comparative Genomics: Basic and Applied Research
When genomic research first came on the scene, much of the biomedical research community viewed it as a limited venture with limited potential. We now know that such an assessment was both highly premature and wonderfully inaccurate. In the last ten years, we’ve witnessed such remarkable acceleration in the merger of basic and applied genomic research that, among other things, genomic research is now thought of as being intrinsic to current drug research. Through rigorous comparative analysis, the genomes of cold-blooded vertebrate, avian, and other mammalian species are providing a deeper understanding of the human genome. Moreover, genomic sequences, which are becoming available for several species have proven to be highly relevant to drug research with regard to a number of otherwise intractable conditions.Rather than offering a comprehensive volume covering every aspect of comparative genomics, Comparative Genomics: Basic and Applied Research embodies the diverse interests of prominent researchers in the field. Compiling first hand descriptions of their pioneering work, the text focuses on commonalities and synergies across the broad field of comparative genomics. Among its many topics it covers— · Revolutionary advances in DNA-sequencing technology · Bold new approaches to the organization and analysis of large phylogenetic data sets · The impact of comparative genomics on our understanding of evolution · Efforts toward developing novel antimicrobial drugs, through the use of bacterial pathogen genomes Ultimately, future breakthroughs in comparative genomics will depend upon the continued interaction and interdependency of applied and basic research. This seminal volume demonstrates both the means and the fruits of that cooperation, and in doing so defines and lays the groundwork for continued progress.
Taylor & Francis Inc Meso- to Micro- Actuators: A Theoretical and Practical Approach
Exploring the design and use of micro- and meso-actuators, this book begins with theory and a general synopsis of the state-of-the-art in theoretical research. It discusses how to employ modern approaches in research and design activity, then presents a systematic list of already available products and details their potential for use. Design possibilities based on new technologies are clearly separated from those due to scale reduction, aiding in the selection of proper technology. The author takes a multi-physic approach to guarantee a comprehensive modeling technique, while the many references to experimental data and to existing microacutators assure an effective applicability of proposed theories.
Taylor & Francis Inc New Techniques in Cardiothoracic Imaging
New Techniques in Cardiothoracic Imaging emphasizes emerging methods in computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, positron-emission tomography, and similar technology. Effective use of these tools can facilitate the identification, analysis, and treatment of diseases and disorders commonly encountered in daily clinical practice. The contributors to this volume discuss: PET-CT Cardiac CT Multidetector-row helical CT High-resolution CT of the lungs Cardiac MR Functional MR Digital chest radiography Bringing readers to the forefront of the field with expert assessments of new and emerging technologies that are impacting cardiothoracic imaging, the book presents the work of seasoned experts who have developed a thorough clinical and basic knowledge in this evolving discipline and provide practical guidance on incorporating new techniques from the laboratory to the clinical practice. More than 250 highly-detailed scientific images enhance the text.
Taylor & Francis Inc Ecosystem Responses to Mercury Contamination: Indicators of Change
As rising levels of mercury in the environment pose an increasing threat of toxicity to humans and wildlife, several laws already call for industries to reduce mercury emissions at the source. Ecosystem Responses to Mercury Contamination: Indicators of Change outlines the infrastructure and methods needed to measure, monitor, and regulate the concentration of mercury present in the environment. This book draws on the knowledge of forty international experts in the fields of atmospheric transport and deposition, mercury cycling in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and mercury bioaccumulation in aquatic foodwebs and wildlife. The authors propose a set of indicators to use as a measure of changing mercury concentrations in the environment. Next, they recommend a monitoring strategy and offer guidance for determining systematic changes in concentration. Then the authors examine additional monitoring strategies to relate observed changes in concentration to regulatory controls on mercury emissions. The final chapter provides an integrated framework for establishing a national-scale program to monitor mercury concentrations in the environment. Ecosystem Responses to Mercury Contamination: Indicators of Change contains the information needed to design a large-scale monitoring program for mercury and to use the concentration data to create, enforce, and evaluate the progress of initiatives aimed at reducing mercury emissions.
Taylor & Francis Inc CRC Handbook of Percentiles of Non-Central t-Distributions
CRC Handbook of Percentiles of Non-Central t-Distributions is the first book to provide critical values of non-central t-distributions in an easy-to-use format. The book presents a brief introductory section that outlines properties and applications of non-central t-distributions and then explains the tables. The rest of the book consists of tables. The values listed were produced using cumulative probabilities. CRC Handbook of Percentiles of Non-Central t-Distributions is an essential reference of numerical tables of statistical functions for researchers, practitioners, scientists, and students involved with statistics in the areas of tolerance limits, variable sampling plans, confidence limits on quantiles, confidence limits on proportions, sample coefficient of variation and in computing the power of t-test.
Taylor & Francis Inc Advanced Human Nutrition
This text begins with an in-depth overview into the human organism at the molecular, cellular, tissue and organ levels, and develops into a discussion of the objectives and features of organ systems of the evolved human. The book also covers the relationship between the human body and the environment in which it exists including other organisms that co-habitate the environment. Discussions of the nature of other organisms such as various animals, plants, and micro-organisms makes later information about food science, nutrient density in various food sources, and nutraceuticals easier to comprehend. Advanced Human Nutrition examines human nutrient requirements, the basis for RDA and other recommendations; human nutrition, digestion, and absorption with relation to organs, exocrine and endocrine functions, histology, and absorptive activities; macronutrients and micronutrients; eicosanoid chemistry and function, and more. The present and future of nutrition research is examined, including everything from the HANES studies to electron microscopy and molecular biology. Features·
Taylor & Francis Inc Ergonomics for Rehabilitation Professionals
Despite the apparently distinct differences between the disciplines of ergonomics and rehabilitation, they deal with the same issues, although at different ends of the spectrum. Keeping this in mind, Ergonomics for Rehabilitation Professionals explores their philosophies and goals, their parallel, divergent, and complementary aspects. It traces the origin of each field and examines the role of ergonomics in rehabilitation. The book begins with a theoretical and conceptual review of ergonomics and its role in rehabilitation. It covers anthropometry and its impact on human biomechanics, allowing readers to grasp complex concepts, visualize what forces are acting where, and understand the consequence of this force. A chapter on tissue mechanics provides an understanding of the effect of the overall load on the tissues and a rationale for possible mechanisms of injury that can be used to design prevention and treatment methods. The book explores the relevant physiological issues, looking at the energy cost of activities and the data on strength and endurance. It discusses whole body biomechanics using an approach that supplies intuitive understanding of the effects of force, gravity, and physiological variables in an integrated manner. Addressing theoretical underpinnings with scientific rigor, the book covers a broad range of topics, always emphasizing design in rehabilitation. The editor’s organization of the material develops concepts in concentric circles with increasing radii, sequencing ideas and exploring them from simple to complex. This selection of topics from two vast and seemingly diverse disciplines provides the tools for setting realistic goals and developing the strategies to achieve them.
Taylor & Francis Inc Lipid-Mediated Signaling
As the highly anticipated update to Lipid Second Messengers (CRC Press, 1999), Lipid-Mediating Signaling is a current and comprehensive overview of research methods used in lipid-mediated signal transduction. Pioneering experts provide a much-needed distillation of a decade’s worth of advances in research techniques that are pertinent in understanding how lipid-mediated signal transduction ties to pathologic disorders. Part I describes methods used to identify activities of and assay the expression of different enzymes involved in lipid-mediated signaling. Part II highlights the use of mass spectrometry to ascertain the lipid content in various systems. Part III contains two chapters devoted to techniques used to determine the role of lipids in the activation of gene transcription. Part IV rounds out the book’s solid coverage by focusing on methods used to assess fatty acid uptake and metabolism. Lipid-Mediating Signaling is an unrivaled reference for this rapidly expanding, yet resource-limited field, and it is a valuable resource for for cell biologists, biochemists, and pharmacologists, as well as for researchers studying signaling transduction.
Taylor & Francis Inc Ecology of Estuaries: Anthropogenic Effects
Ecology of Estuaries represents the most definitive and comprehensive source of reference information available on the human impact on estuarine ecosystems. The volume discusses both acute and insidious pollution problems plaguing these coastal ecotones. It also provides a detailed examination of the deleterious and pervasive effects of human activities on biotic communities and sensitive habitat areas in estuaries. Specific areas covered include organic loading, oil pollution, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, chlorinated hydrocarbons, heavy metals, dredging and dredged-spoil disposal, radionuclides, as well as other contaminants and processes. The diverse components of these anthropogenic influences are assembled in an organized framework and presented in a clear and concise style that facilitates their understanding.
Taylor & Francis Inc Illustrated Dictionary of Immunology
From the beginning, immunologists have maintained a unique nomenclature that has often mystified and even baffled their colleagues in other fields, causing them to liken immunology to a black box. With more than 1200 illustrations, the Illustrated Dictionary of Immunology, Third Edition provides immunologists and nonimmunologists a single-volume resource for the many terms encountered in contemporary immunological literature.Encyclopedic in scope and including more than 1200 illustrations, the content ranges from photographs of historical figures to molecular structures of recently characterized cytokines, the major histocompatibility complex molecules, immunoglobulins, and molecules of related interest to immunologists. These descriptive illustrations provide a concise and thorough understanding of the subject. To reflect modern advances, the third edition includes entries on immunopharmacology, newly described interleukins, comparative immunology, immunity to infectious diseases, and expanded definitions in all of the immunological subspecialities. Providing unprecedented breadth and detail, this readily accessible book is not only a pictorial reference but also a primary resource.
Taylor & Francis Inc Radiation Risks in Perspective
Public misperception of radiological risk consistently directs limited resources toward managing minimal or even phantom risks at great cost to government and industry with no measurable benefit to overall public health. The public’s inability to comprehend small theoretical risks arrived at through inherently uncertain formulae, coupled with an irrational push to eliminate all risk with no contextual understanding of overall benefit, results in a forfeiture of valuable advances in technology in favor of an illusion of safety.Radiation Risks in Perspective uses general concepts underlying radiological risk as a model to illuminate the fundamental problems in public perception, reaction, and policy when faced with possible health risks. Presenting three distinct themes, the author summarizes the causes for the failure of the current system and proposes methods for correction. Beginning with a discussion of the methods used to measure threat, the author weighs the nebulous assessment of risk with the use of a quantifiable assessment of hazardous dose, which uses actual numbers that the public can readily understand and that decision makers can confidently use to enact policy and measure success. Secondly, the author addresses the contextual balancing of cost versus benefit when prioritizing expenditure, specifically emphasizing that it is inappropriate to analyze and discuss individual risks without regard to the presence of other risks. Finally, the author analyzes the public’s tendency to push toward zero risk tolerance, an extremist approach that leads to unreasonable restrictions on technologies, excessive regulatory compliance costs, and the ultimate loss of goods and services. With detailed explanations and illustrative case studies, Radiation Risks in Perspective offers scientists, lawyers, engineers, policy makers, and public health professionals, the skills they need for a rational evaluation of risk.
Taylor & Francis Inc Proton & Carbon NMR Spectra of Polymers
Proton and Carbon NMR Spectra of Polymers is an updated, consolidated volume featuring the spectra published in three previous volumes, plus 150 newly derived spectra. It contains 458 NMR spectra with associated analytical notes covering acrylics, amides, dienes, ethers, olefins, siloxins, styrenes and derivatives, urethanes, vinyls, vinylidenes, and others. The spectra obtained are either 1H or 13C; extended bibliographic references are attached. Each entry provides details of the chemical structure of the analyzed sample, in addition to analytical conditions including nucleus, frequency, spectrometer, detection technique, solvent, temperature, reference, lock and, where appropriate, flip angle. The wealth of information contained in this single volume make Proton and Carbon NMR Spectra of Polymers an essential acquisition for all academic, industrial research, and analytical laboratories and libraries involved with polymer chemistry.
Taylor & Francis Inc Anatomy of the Temporal Bone with Surgical Implications
Detailed knowledge of the complex microanatomy of the temporal bone is essential for surgeons executing invasive therapeutic procedures. Based on the human temporal bone collection at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, this lavishly illustrated Third Edition includes a DVD offering 159 full-color photomicrographs and side-by-side 3-D stereo images for split-screen viewing of normal and abnormal presentations of the human temporal bone.
Taylor & Francis Inc Probability and Statistics Applications for Environmental Science
Simple, clear, and to the point, Probability and Statistics Applications for Environmental Science delineates the fundamentals of statistics, imparting a basic understanding of the theory and mechanics of the calculations. User-friendliness, uncomplicated explanations, and coverage of example applications in the environmental field set this book apart from other textbooks on the same subject.Striking a balance between theory and applied mathematics, the material is divided into three parts. Part I sets the stage with coverage of principles and fundamentals, such as set notation, probability distributions, and the estimation of the mean and variance. Part II discusses traditional statistics applications, centering around the uses of probability distributions, including how they relate to reliability and failure theory. The authors elucidate many of the important distributions, Monte Carlo methods, and fault and event trees. Part III delves into what some have come to define as contemporary statistics. It covers hypothesis testing, Student's t and chi-square tests, regression analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and nonparametric tests. The book's coverage is thorough, its presentation logical and geared to student's needs. It includes problems and solutions within the text and tables, a glossary of terms, and an introduction to design of experiments in the appendices. The authors, known for their meticulously accurate, articulate, and practical writing style, master the difficult task of explaining very complicated subject matter in a way that is easily understood. The book features a clear, concise presentation that makes both teaching and learning easier.
Taylor & Francis Inc Ageing Well: Nutrition, Health, and Social Interventions
Many current public health actions and policies aimed at older people revolve around the often prevailing view that failing health is a consequence of ageing. It is now clear that it is possible to postpone or even prevent much of the age-related decline in health that was once thought inevitable. Future policies must recognise this changing paradigm, and, using a multi-disciplinary approach, integrate fully the changing needs of older people into all areas of public policy including health, nutrition, social support, housing, and economic security.Derived from the 47th Annual Symposium of the Society for the Study of Human Biology in November 2005, Ageing Well: Nutrition, Health, and Social Interventions highlights important health and social factors affecting quality of life in older age, and reviews possible interventions aimed at the prevention or amelioration of problems that reduce the potential for ageing well. Covering a wide range of topics, contributors address the nutritional vulnerability and specific nutritional needs of older adults and confirm the necessity of appropriate diet and exercise in order to maintain both physical and cognitive health. Reminiscence, social interaction and support are highlighted as crucial for the preservation of identity, health and emotional well-being. Other chapters are concerned with socio-economic differences in the extent of age-related changes in health, resulting particularly from poor quality housing and lack of family support networks. The book includes an examination of the economic consequences for health care systems and pension schemes of ageing populations, provides insight into the methodology of evaluating the cost-effectiveness of interventions, and outlines how the minimum cost of healthy living for the 65+ population can be estimated. Bringing together the very latest information on successful ageing, Ageing Well: Nutrition, Health, and Social Interventions presents an up-to-date synthesis of the current evidence of nutrition, public health and social interventions aiming to ensure health and good quality of life in older age.
Taylor & Francis Inc Particulate Systems in Nano- and Biotechnologies
Despite the widespread growth and acceptance of particulate technology, challenges in the design, operation, and manufacturing of these systems still exists. These critical issues must be resolved so that particle technology may continue to serve as a foundation for new nano and biotechnologies. Particulate Systems in Nano- and Biotechnologies presents a summary of the revolutionizing developments that have occurred during the last decade and proposes solutions for overcoming present and future challenges. The world’s foremost scientific experts from European, Australian, Asian, and North American research centers give their critical view of particulate systems and adsorbed films and review the current status of state-of-the-art technologies, such as FloDots, functionalized magnetite nanoparticles, and zero-valent iron nanoparticles for abatement of environmental pollutants. A survey of the cutting-edge technologies, this book offers critical perspectives on the synthesis, processing, and characterization of particulate systems for nano- and biotechnology.
Taylor & Francis Inc Molecular Imaging in Oncology
With molecular imaging becoming one the fastest growing topics in medical schools, Informa Healthcare presents Molecular Imaging in Oncology, the first comprehensive reference on molecular imaging in oncology.Giving clinicians and researchers a greater understanding of the current field, this text covers: instrumentation and techniques cancer imaging probe design molecular genetic imaging cellular processes clinical translation Filled with over 500 images, of which more than 50 are in color, illustrating diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities of molecular imaging in cancer, this text outlines all procedures for radiologists, radiology physicists, and radiation oncologists in a concise, single-source guide.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Environment: Science, Issues, and Solutions
Strongly grounded in the scientific method and evidence, The Environment: Science, Issues, and Solutions presents an organized, accessible, building block approach that introduces the principles of ecology. This book examines the effects of technology use and the unprecedented economic growth and development that has tipped the natural balance of the environment, resulting in serious local, regional, and global environmental problems. This comprehensive text explores the need for interrelated long-term solutions for the prevention and mitigation of environmental problems.
Taylor & Francis Inc Giant Micelles: Properties and Applications
The co-evolution of a strong theoretical framework alongside application of a range of sophisticated experimental tools engendered rapid advancement in the study of “giant micelles.” Beginning with Anacker and Debye’s 1951 experimental study of elongated micelles by light scattering and their subsequent theoretical inference that the thermodynamics of these structures would have to reflect an opposing force model, theory and experiment have progressed hand in hand. This progress, along with growing interest in the practical and industrial applications of these structures in cleansers, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and energy production, demands a comprehensive, single-source reference to the current state-of-the-science. Drawing on the expertise of internationally known scientists, Giant Micelles: Properties and Applications summarizes the range of behaviors encountered in solutions of micelles and their applications in industrial processes. The book introduces theoretical aspects of the rheological behavior and formation of giant micelles from different viewpoints including molecular-level thermodynamic theory and computer simulations. It continues by focusing on the results of a variety of experimental studies using methods such as cryo-transmission electron microscopy, scattering techniques, phase diagrams, linear and non-linear rheology, and chemical relaxation. Illustrating the properties of giant micelles on solid surfaces, the book also considers systems of smart micelles that respond to external stimuli by a change of shape. The authors describe giant micelles formed from amphiphilic block copolymers as well as non-covalent polymers that exhibit similar rheological behavior to giant micelles. Finally, the chapters address current and emerging applications of giant micelles in oil and gas production, drag reduction, drug-delivery formulations, and personal care products such as shampoo. By gathering a range of information into one volume,
Taylor & Francis Inc Medical Instrumentation: Accessibility and Usability Considerations
Two of the most important yet often overlooked aspects of a medical device are its usability and accessibility. This is important not only for health care providers, but also for older patients and users with disabilities or activity limitations. Medical Instrumentation: Accessibility and Usability Considerations focuses on how lack of usability and accessibility pose problems for designers and users of medical devices, and how to overcome these limitations.Divided into five broad sections, the book first addresses the nature and extent of the problem by identifying access barriers, human factors, and policy issues focused on the existing infrastructure. The subsequent sections examine responses to the problem, beginning with tools for usability and accessibility analysis and principles of design for medical instrumentation. Building on this foundation, the third section focuses on recommendations for design guidelines while the fourth section explores emerging trends and future technologies for improving medical device usability. The final section outlines key challenges, knowledge gaps, and recommendations from accomplished experts in the field presented at the recent Workshop on Accessible Interfaces for Medical Instrumentation. Integrating expert perspectives from a wide array of disciplines, Medical Instrumentation traces a clear roadmap for improving accessibility and usability for a variety of stakeholders and provides the tools necessary to follow it.
Taylor & Francis Inc Reliability and Warranties: Methods for Product Development and Quality Improvement
Our modern view of quality is a multifaceted conglomeration of probability, planning, and perception. Although warranties are important first as an estimate and then as a measurement of reliability, most books on reliability and quality relegate the topic of warranties to a single chapter. Today’s engineering student needs an integrated view that considers all aspects that contribute to overall quality along with methods to analyze, predict, measure, and improve each component.Reliability and Warranties: Methods for Product Development and Quality Improvement provides this unified treatment along with illustrative examples, end-of-chapter problems, and background material. Based on the author’s distinguished experience as a practicing engineer and educator, this text supplies students with a modern education in quality engineering and the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in the real world. It begins with preliminary results for dealing with failures followed by the modern definition and view of quality, various types and models for warranties, quality improvement, and perspective for achieving reliability and quality goals. It also includes a unique framework for measuring and tracking overall quality performance. Ideal for senior undergraduate and first-year graduate students taking courses on quality, reliability, or industrial engineering, Reliability and Warranties presents a practical, thoroughly integrated path to meeting both engineering and customer quality goals.
Taylor & Francis Inc Caffeine and Activation Theory: Effects on Health and Behavior
The virtually universal popularity of caffeine, together with concerns about its potential pathogenic effects, have made it one of the most extensively studied drugs in history. However, despite the massive scientific literature on this important substance, most reviews have either focused on limited areas of study or been produced in popular form by individuals with surprisingly little relevant scientific background. Caffeine and Activation Theory: Effects on Health and Behavior brings together the leading experts from seven different countries to provide researchers and clinicians with the most comprehensive and balanced review of the scientific literature on the effects of caffeine found anywhere. It devotes unprecedented coverage to the impact of caffeine on cardiovascular functioning and pathology, details the pharmacological properties and neurophysiological effects of the drug, and thoroughly reviews literature concerned with the role of this powerful stimulant in mood, task performance, and psychopathology. This important new book is also the first source to provide an integrative scientific treatment of the effects of caffeine consumption on menstrual endocrinology and pathology, as well as on reproduction. Rounding out the coverage is a thorough review of emerging research on the possible benefits of caffeine and catechins in green and black teas. The highly integrative final chapter provides a clear understanding of what is known about the effects of caffeine, identifies specific areas in which further research is needed, and provides important methodological guidelines that promise to optimize future research endeavors. Filling the need for a current comprehensive resource, this volume provides extensive reviews of the major bodies of literature on caffeine, stimulates and guides future research, and provides clinicians with the information they need to understand, diagnose, and treat the effects of caffeine consumption in their pati
Taylor & Francis Inc Geriatric Diabetes
The number of elderly patients with diabetes is increasing at a significant rate. Responding to this growth, this source serves as a solid arsenal of information on the varying presentations and challenges associated with diabetes in the geriatric patient, and supplies clearly written sections on the screening, diagnosis, and treatment of diabetes in elderly populations. With contributions from renowned authorities from the national and international institutions, this reference will depict the role of specific co-morbidities, socioeconomic aspects, and caregiver issues on the effective management of diabetes in the older adult.