Search results for ""Debate""
Capstone Press Building the Transcontinental Railroad A This or That Debate This or That History Edition
Plexi Productions The New York Subway Map Debate: At Cooper Union April 20, 7:30 pm
The New York Subway Map Debate documents a pivotal event in design history: the 1978 debate between designer Massimo Vignelli and cartographer John Tauranac over the future of the NYC Subway Map. The book features the full transcript and discussions that followed (made possible by the recent discovery of a lost audio tape of the event) along with never-before-seen photographs of the evening by Stan Ries. The New York Subway Map Debate opens a hyper-specific window into a moment in New York design history and the eternal battle between form and content.Edited by filmmaker and design historian Gary Hustwit, with a foreword by designer Paula Scher.
The Library of America The American Revolution: Writings from the Pamphlet Debate Vol. 1 1764-1772 (LOA #265)
Acclaimed historian Gordon S. Wood presents the first volume in a stunning collection of British and American pamphlets from the political debate that divided an empire—and created a nationIn 1764, in the wake of its triumph in the Seven Years War, Great Britain possessed the largest and most powerful empire the world had seen since the fall of Rome and its North American colonists were justly proud of their vital place within this global colossus. Just twelve short years later the empire was in tatters, and the thirteen colonies proclaimed themselves the free and independent United States of America. In between, there occurred an extraordinary contest of words between American and Britons, and among Americans themselves, which addressed all of the most fundamental issues of politics: the nature of power, liberty, representation, rights and constitutions, and sovereignty. This debate was carried on largely in pamphlets and from the more than a thousand published on both sides of the Atlantic during the period.Here, Gordon S. Wood has selected thirty-nine of the most interesting and important pamphlets to reveal as never before how this momentous revolution unfolded. This first of two volumes traces the debate from its first crisis—Parliament's passage of the Stamp Act, which in the summer of 1765 triggered riots in American ports from Charleston, South Carolina, to Portsmouth, New Hampshire—to its crucial turning point in 1772, when the Boston Town Meeting produces a pamphlet that announces their defiance to the world and changes everything. Here in its entirety is John Dickinson's justly famous Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, considered the most significant political tract in America prior to Thomas Paine's Common Sense. Here too is the dramatic transcript of Benjamin Franklin's testimony before Parliament as it debated repeal of the Stamp Act, among other fascinating works. The volume includes an introduction, headnotes, a chronology of events, biographical notes about the writers, and detailed explanatory notes, all prepared by our leading expert on the American Revolution. As a special feature, each pamphlet is preceded by a typographic reproduction of its original title page.LIBRARY OF AMERICA is an independent nonprofit cultural organization founded in 1979 to preserve our nation’s literary heritage by publishing, and keeping permanently in print, America’s best and most significant writing. The Library of America series includes more than 300 volumes to date, authoritative editions that average 1,000 pages in length, feature cloth covers, sewn bindings, and ribbon markers, and are printed on premium acid-free paper that will last for centuries.
El Movimiento Europeo Lugar de encuentro entre los espaoles Investigacin y Debate Spanish Edition
Este libro recorre la labor histórica del Consejo Federal Español del Movimiento Europeo para hacer del europeísmo un lugar de encuentro entre los demócratas españoles, primero en la lucha contra la dictadura franquista y después contribuyendo a la adhesión de España a la Comunidad Europea y situándose en la vanguardia del debate sobre la Unión Europea en nuestro país. Los autores abordan, partiendo de diferentes perspectivas que van desde la investigación histórica hasta la reflexión política, pasando por el relato personal de algunos protagonistas, los principales hitos en la historia del Movimiento Europeo en España: la participación española en el Congreso de La Haya, la creación del Consejo Federal Español en el exilio en París, la colaboración con otras organizaciones europeístas del exilio y del interior, el papel de los nacionalismos vasco y catalán, el Contubernio de Múnich de 1962, la transición democrática y el significado del Movimiento Europeo en la España de hoy.La ob
Arcadia Publishing The Boy Nevada Killed Floyd Loveless and the Juvenile Capital Punishment Debate True Crime
Bristol University Press The Health Debate Policy and Politics in the Twentyfirst Century Policy and Politics in the Twentyfirst Century Series
Free Press The Question of God CS Lewis and Sigmund Freud Debate God Love Sex and the Meaning of Life
Nova Science Publishers Inc Allegories of a Never-Ending War: A Sociological Debate Revolving Around the War on Terror and 9/11
The attacks to the World Trade Center and Pentagon on 11 September 2001 brought serious consequences for the daily lives of Americans even to date. Although the literature on 9/11 and the resulted War on Terror abounds, less attention was paid to the daily effects of 9/11 in Western culture. To fill this gap, the present book, which is formed by different authored chapters, not only focuses on deciphering the nature and historical evolution of terrorism but also its consequences on the capitalist system. Starting from the premise that 9/11 is destroying the Western democracies from the inside, authors who have contributed to this editorial project shed light on the inconsistencies and ideological limitations of terrorism-research today. In this respect, the book infers the thesis that terrorism has affected one of the cultural touchstones of Western civilization: the sacred law of hospitality. The Islamophobia, the recent white supremacist manifestations, and the adoption of high technology to surveillance (or spy) the private life of citizens, without mentioning the tightening of border checks are clear signs that terrorism is gradually and partly isolating the US from the rest of the world. This book intends to discuss to what extent terrorism is mining democracy internally. We have invited authors from different countries and cultures to participate, some of them even non-English native speakers. This would be very well a limitation since speaking in a foreign language is almost difficult, but to my end, this is the tug of war of the book. Still further, an edited book contains interesting debates, which need to be properly organized by the editor, given the discrepancies among the authors' ideologies. For that, we have disposed from an introductory and concluding chapter to review the common-thread argumentation -- chapter by chapter. Last but not least, each author not only gave a multicultural perspective on the problem but a particular diagnosis of how terrorism is discussed, imagined and internalised in different countries. These chapters interrogate further on the dominant discourse revolving around terrorism, Jihadism and 9/11. We hope this book helps to clearly expand the current understanding of terrorism and its effects in the Western culture.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Currency Crises, Monetary Union and the Conduct of Monetary Policy: A Debate Among Leading Economists
Currency Crises, Monetary Union and the Conduct of Monetary Policy is a book of debate and analysis by some of the world's most eminent economists, on problems relating to the international monetary system, economic growth and monetary policy.This highly readable book features contributions from illustrious scholars including four Nobel laureates in economics - Milton Friedman, Franco Modigliani, Paul A. Samuelson and James Tobin. They hold a lively discussion on the impact of monetary policy on economic growth, unemployment and inflation, in both developing and developed countries. The authors also examine the effects of European Monetary Union on the international monetary system and whether this union will survive to include more than just a few founding countries. In addition, the assembled experts investigate the conditions that lead to currency crises in developing countries and propose policies that can be used to combat such crises. This impressive volume is a lightly-edited chronicle of a vigorous debate among leading economists, and contains an introduction that puts the discussions in context.This accessible and thought-provoking volume will be of interest to specialists in international monetary economics, and to undergraduate and graduate students, and members of the general public who seek a clearer understanding of current economic issues and solutions to economic problems.
Chelsea Green Publishing Co The ALL NEW Don't Think of an Elephant!: Know Your Values and Frame the Debate
Lakoff researches how framing influences reasoning, or how the way we say something often matters much more than what we say. the Guardian Over a quarter of a million copies sold worldwide! Ten years after writing the definitive, international bestselling book on political debate and messaging, George Lakoff returns with new strategies about how to frame today’s essential issues. Called the “father of framing” by The New York Times, Lakoff explains how framing is about ideas – ideas that come before policy, ideas that make sense of facts, ideas that are proactive not reactive, positive not negative, ideas that need to be communicated out loud every day in public. The revised edition picks up where the original book left off – delving deeper into how framing works, how framing has evolved in the past decade, how to speak to people who harbor elements of both progressive and conservative worldviews, how to counter propaganda and slogans, and more. The ALL NEW Don’t Think of an Elephant! will make you reconsider everything you think you know about framing: Do you think facts alone can win a debate? Do you know what makes a Tea Party follower tick? Do you understand how to communicate on key issues that can improve people's lives? Whether you answer yes or no, the insights in The ALL NEW Don’t Think of an Elephant! will not only surprise you, but also give you the tools you need to develop frames that work, and eradicate frames that backfire.
Los servicios urbanos del agua y su organización administrativa el debate sobre una autoridad reguladora
El debate sobre la gestión y organización de los servicios urbanos del agua ha crecido considerablemente en los últimos años. Especialmente tras el reconocimiento por parte de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas del derecho humano al agua en 2010 se discute cuál debe ser el nivel de la Administración Pública que regule y gestione la prestación de estos servicios tan esenciales para la vida de las personas. En nuestro ordenamiento, el agua está calificada como un bien demanial de titularidad pública y los servicios urbanos del agua se califican como servicios públicos, lo que comporta que su prestación recaiga bajo la responsabilidad de la Administración Pública. Este trabajo trata de ofrecer una radiografía actual de configuración de los servicios urbanos del agua en España, tanto en lo que respecta a su distribución competencial como en lo referente a los modos gestión y su régimen jurídico financiero. Expuesto este análisis, se destacan algunos de los retos y disfunciones del sist
University of Toronto Press Money in Their Own Name: The Feminist Voice in Poverty Debate in Canada, 1970-1995
In Money In Their Own Name, Wendy McKeen examines the relationship between gender and social policy in Canada from the 1970s to the 1990s. She provides a detailed historical account of the shaping of feminist politics within the field of federal child benefits programs in Canada, and explores the critical issue of why feminists' vision of the 'social individual' failed to flourish. Canadian social policy, as in most western welfare states, has established women's access to social benefits on the basis of their status as wives or mothers, not individuals in their own right. In her analysis, McKeen underscores this persistent familialism that has been written and rewritten into Canadian social policy thereby denying women's autonomy as independent claims-makers on the state. She further demonstrates the lack of contest by the women's movement toward this dependent status, and the consequent erasure of women from social policy. McKeen effectively weaves together sociological theory with substantive examples from political discourse. She uncovers overlooked aspects of Canadian social policy politics and subsequently extends our understanding of politics and political change. At the same time, by synthesizing the concepts of discourse, agency, and policy community, she offers a new analytical tool for approaching the shaping of political interests.
University of California Press Public Sociology: Fifteen Eminent Sociologists Debate Politics and the Profession in the Twenty-first Century
In 2004, Michael Burawoy, speaking as president of the American Sociological Association, generated far-reaching controversy when he issued an ambitious and impassioned call for a 'public sociology'. Burawoy argued that sociology should speak beyond the university, engaging with social movements and deepening an understanding of the historical and social context in which they exist. In this volume, renowned sociologists come together to debate the perils and the potentials of Burawoy's challenge. The contributors include Andrew Abbott, Michael Burawoy, Patricia Hill Collins, Barbara Ehrenreich, Evelyn Nakano Glenn, Sharon Hays, Douglas Massey, Joya Misra, Orlando Patterson, Frances Fox Piven, Lynn Smith-Lovin, Judith Stacey, Arthur Stinchcombe, Alain Touraine, Immanuel Wallerstein, William Julius Wilson, and Robert Zussman.
Plaza y Valdes, S.L. Cassirer y su neoilustración la conferencia sobre Weimar y el debate de Davos con Heidegger
En su conferencia pronunciada en 1928 para conmemorar la República de Weimar, Cassirer muestra que los valores defendidos por esa constitución republicana hunden sus raíces en la Ilustración europea. Los derechos del hombre y del ciudadano promulgados por la Revolución francesa gracias a Lafayette se habrían inspirado desde luego en las declaraciones de los nuevos Estados libres norteamericanos, pero deberían su gestación y consagración conceptual nada menos que a filósofos como Leibniz o Kant. Con todo ello se ilustra la fecunda interacción que se da entre teoría y praxis, entre la historia de las ideas y el cómo va configurándose merced a ellas nuestra realidad político-social.Poco después, en la primavera de 1929, los asistentes a un congreso filosófico celebrado en la localidad suiza de Davos presenciaron un debate que ha devenido legendario por confrontar dos cosmovisiones antagónicas. En torno a sus respectivas interpretaciones del pensamiento kantiano, Cassirer y Heidegger p
House of Anansi Press Ltd ,Canada Are Men Obsolete The Munk Debate on Gender Rosin and Dowd vs Moran and Paglia
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Printed and the Built: Architecture, Print Culture and Public Debate in the Nineteenth Century
The Printed and the Built explores the intricate relationship between architecture and printed media in the fast-changing nineteenth century. Publication history is a rapidly expanding scholarly field which has profoundly influenced architectural history in recent years. Yet, while groundbreaking work has been done on architecture and printing in the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, and the twentieth century, the nineteenth century has received little attention. This is the omission that The Printed and the Built seeks to address, thus filling a significant gap in the understanding of architecture’s cultural history. Lavishly illustrated with colourful and eclectic visual material, from panoramas to printed ephemera, adverts, penny magazines, early photography, and even crime reportage, The Printed and the Built consists of five in-depth thematic essays accompanied by 25 short pieces, each examining a particular printed form. Altogether, they illustrate how new genres communicated architecture to a mass audience, setting the stage for the modern architectural era.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Figurines in Achaemenid Period Yehud: Jerusalem's History of Religion and Coroplastics in the Monotheism Debate
Were there figurines in Yehud during the Achaemenid period, and in particular in Jerusalem? A positive answer to this question disproves the general consensus about the absence of figurines in Yehud, which is built on the assumption that the figurines excavated in Judah/Yehud are chronologically indicative for Iron Age II in this area (aside from a few typological exceptions). Ephraim Stern and others have taken this alleged absence of figurines as indicative of Jewish monotheism's rise. Izaak J. de Hulster refutes this 'no figurines → monotheism' paradigm by detailed study of the figurines from Yigal Shiloh's excavation in the 'City of David' (especially their contexts in Stratum 9), providing ample evidence for the presence of figurines in post-587/586 Jerusalem. The author further reflects on the paradigm's premises in archaeology, history, the history of religion, theology, and biblical studies, and particularly in coroplastics (figurine studies).
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Light on Creation: Ancient Commentators in Dialogue and Debate on the Origin of the World
The present volume contains the proceedings of an international colloquium held in February 2015 at the Arts Faculty of the KU Leuven that brought together specialists in (late) ancient philosophy and early Christian studies. Contributors were asked to reflect on the reception of two foundational texts dealing with the origin of the world - the third book of Plato's Timaeus and the Genesis account of the creation. The organizers had a double aim: They wished to offer a forum for furthering the dialogue between colleagues working in these respective fields and to do this by studying in a comparative perspective both a crucial topic shared by these traditions and the literary genres through which this topic was developed and transmitted. The two reference texts have been studied in antiquity in a selective way, through citations and essays dealing with specific issues, and in a more systematic way through commentaries.The book is divided into three parts. The first one deals with the so-called Middle- and Neoplatonic tradition. The second part is dedicated to the Christian tradition and contains papers on several of the more important Christian authors who dealt with the Hexaemeron. The third part is entitled "Some Other Voices" and deals with authors and movements that combine elements from various traditions. Special attention is given to the nature and dynamics of the often close relationship between the various traditions as envisaged by Jewish-Christian authors and to the remarkable lack of interest from the Neoplatonists for "the other side".
GEDISA Caos y catstrofe Un debate sobre las teoras crticas entre amrica latina y europa Comunicacinserie comunicologa latina Spanish Edition
El objetivo de este ensayo es plantearse las tensiones que se presentan en las teorías críticas entre América Latina y Europa, de manera fundamental, en un inicio, las críticas alemanas y francesas, y en un paso posterior, anglosajonas e italianas del siglo XX e inicios del XXI. La noción de crítica de la comunicación se articula sobre lo político, lo visual y lo cultural. En este libro no se considera a la comunicación como transparencia, consenso, acuerdo y mediación universal, sino como acciones que desajustan los consensos tanto epistémicos, políticos como sociales, sobre los que se construyen los sistemas.Desde los estudios culturales, post y decoloniales, se critica a lo largo de sus páginas (no sin conflictos) a la cultura sustantiva, al sujeto como centro de la historia y la narración. Lo visual y lo cultural permiten deconstruir la mirada única y cuestionar la concepción de que la imagen es una construcción unidireccional (por ejemplo, la idea de que hay una imagen del mund
Shambhala Publications Inc The Course in Buddhist Reasoning and Debate: An Asian Approach to Analytical Thinking Drawn from Indian and Tibetan Sources
Verlag Barbara Budrich How to Be a Superpower: The Public Intellectual Debate on the Global Role of the United States after September 11
How to Be a Superpower focuses on the role and self-perception of public intellectuals in 21st-century America. Drawing on a series of interviews conducted with the most prominent ‘professional thinkers’ in the field of foreign policy since 9/11, from Noam Chomsky via Francis Fukuyama to Michael Walzer. With his fascinating interviews, Tobias Endler illustrates how intellectuals inspire, influence, and participate in the nation’s current public discourse and opinion-shaping process. This unique and insightful book explores the role and self-perception of 21st-century American intellectuals. Challenging the idea that intellectuals are becoming increasingly irrelevant, this book argues that they have managed to stake out a significant role in present society. Accelerated and intensified by the events of September 11, renowned experts in the field of foreign policy such as Zbigniew Brzezinski, Noam Chomsky, Francis Fukuyama, Anne-Marie Slaughter, and Michael Walzer have engaged in a vibrant public political debate on the global status of the United States – and very successfully so.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft The Transformation of Public Sphere: An Interdisciplinary Debate about the Recent Development of Publicity in Turkey
Equinox Publishing Ltd The Relational Dynamics of Disenchantment and Sacralization: Changing the Terms of the Religion versus Secularity Debate
This volume revisits the concepts of enchantment and sacralization in light of perspectives which challenge the modern notion that man (alone) is the measure of all things. As Bruno Latour has argued, the battle against superstition entailed shifting power away from God/the gods to humans, thereby disqualifying the agency of all the other objects in the world. Might enchantment and sacralization be understood in other ways than through this battle between almighty gods and almighty humans? Might enchantment be understood to involve processes where power and control are not distributed so clearly and definitely?Like social constructionists, Latour emphasizes that things are constructed; yet, like many other new materialists, such as Jane Bennett, Manuel De Landa and Karen Barad, he emphasizes that this construction is not the result of projecting meaning onto a passive and meaningless world, but a matter of compositional achievements, whereby assemblages of actants co-compose each other and frame, enable and delimit one another's agency.This move recognizes the active and entangled participation of players beyond the humans versus God(s) framework that informed the modernist project. Understanding enchantment and sacralisation as compositionally and relationally constructed does not mean the same as understanding them as constructed by humans alone. What it means is one of the main questions posed in this book. In other words, if enchantment and sacralization are not understood (solely) in terms of projecting anthropocentric meaning onto mute objects, what are some promising alternative approaches - old and new - and what are their implications for how we understand modernity and for method and theory in the study of religion?
Phoenix Press Arabs, Jews, and socialism: The socialist debate in the 1980s and 90s on Israel and Palestine
University of Pennsylvania Press Missionaries, Converts, and Rabbis: The Evangelical Alexander McCaul and Jewish-Christian Debate in the Nineteenth Century
An examination of the life and work of Alexander McCaul and his impact on Jewish-Christian relations In Missionaries, Converts, and Rabbis, David B. Ruderman considers the life and works of prominent evangelical missionary Alexander McCaul (1799-1863), who was sent to Warsaw by the London Society for the Promotion of Christianity Amongst the Jews. He and his family resided there for nearly a decade, which afforded him the opportunity to become a scholar of Hebrew and rabbinic texts. Returning to England, he quickly rose up through the ranks of missionaries to become a leading figure and educator in the organization and eventually a professor of post-biblical studies at Kings College, London. In 1837, McCaul published The Old Paths, a powerful critique of rabbinic Judaism that, once translated into Hebrew and other languages, provoked controversy among Jews and Christians alike. Ruderman first examines McCaul in his complexity as a Hebraist affectionately supportive of Jews while opposing the rabbis. He then focuses his attention on a larger network of his associates, both allies and foes, who interacted with him and his ideas: two converts who came under his influence but eventually broke from him; two evangelical colleagues who challenged his aggressive proselytizing among the Jews; and, lastly, three Jewish thinkers—two well-known scholars from Eastern Europe and a rabbi from Syria—who refuted his charges against the rabbis and constructed their own justifications for Judaism in the mid-nineteenth century. Missionaries, Converts, and Rabbis reconstructs a broad transnational conversation between Christians, Jews, and those in between, opening a new vista for understanding Jewish and Christian thought and the entanglements between the two faith communities that persist in the modern era. Extending the geographical and chronological reach of his previous books, Ruderman continues his exploration of the impact of Jewish-Christian relations on Jewish self-reflection and the phenomenon of mingled identities in early modern and modern Europe.
Europe Books LA HOMEOPATIA A LA PALESTRA Centremos el debate: Vision de una cientifica/investigadora y medica de la medicina oficial: 2021
A partir del bagaje y conocimientos de la medicina oficial y su pasion por la investigacion, tras 41 anos trabajando como anatomopatologa, la doctora Segura Ayestaran nos da a conocer el metodo homeopatico, sirviendose, como autentica cientifica, de su experiencia. ?Por que una mujer de laboratorio decide convertirse en homeopata? Al realizar indagaciones desde un punto de vista teorico y practico, ella acepto lo que resultaba evidente: la homeopatia cura. La homeopatia a la palestra. Centremos el debate. Vision de una cientifica/investigadora y medica de la medicina oficial no es, ni pretende ser un tratado para llegar a conocer todo lo referente a la medicina homeopatica, pero si una via de acceso para profundizar en este nuevo metodo terapeutico. La autora propone un debate sin prejuicios, serio e inteligente. Por eso, acude a estudios, estadisticas, ensayos realizados por representantes de la ciencia oficial, despliega datos y analiza criticas desde una logica contundente apoyada por una amplia bibliografia. Una lectura recomendable para quien quiera acercarse a la homeopatia, una rama de la ciencia medica que aun hoy combate su batalla mas importante entre desconfianza y objecion.
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Glaube Und Theologie / Faith and Theology: Reformatorische Grundeinsichten in Der Okumenischen Diskussion / Basic Insights of the Reformation in Ecumenical Debate
Random House USA Inc End of Discussion: How the Left's Outrage Industry Shuts Down Debate, Manipulates Voters, and Makes America Less Free (and Fun)
Yale University Press The Secret Gospel of Mark: A Controversial Scholar, a Scandalous Gospel of Jesus, and the Fierce Debate over Its Authenticity
A groundbreaking account of the Secret Gospel of Mark, one of the most hotly debated documents in Christian history In 1958, at the ancient Christian monastery of Mar Saba just outside Jerusalem, Columbia University scholar Morton Smith claimed to have unearthed a letter written by the Christian philosopher Clement of Alexandria and containing an excerpt from a previously unknown version of the canonical Gospel of Mark. This excerpt recounts a story of Jesus’s apparent sexual encounter with a young, resurrected disciple. In recent years, an influential group of researchers has alleged that no Secret Gospel or letter of Clement existed in antiquity, and that the manuscript that Morton Smith “found” was a modern forgery—created by none other than Smith himself. In this book, Geoffrey S. Smith and Brent C. Landau enter into the controversy surrounding this document and argue that the Secret Gospel of Mark is neither a first-century alternative gospel nor a twentieth-century forgery by the scholar who announced its discovery. Instead, this account is intimately bound up with the history of Mar Saba, one of the oldest monasteries in the Christian world. In this fascinating work, Smith and Landau present the realities and misconceptions surrounding not only the now-lost manuscript but also its brilliant, enigmatic, and acerbic discoverer, Morton Smith.
Archaeopress LRFW 1. Late Roman Fine Wares. Solving problems of typology and chronology.: A review of the evidence, debate and new contexts
"ROMAN AND LATE ANTIQUE MEDITERRANEAN POTTERY". In November 2008, an ICREA/ESF Exploratory Workshop on the subject of late Roman fine wares was held in Barcelona, the main aim being the clarification of problems regarding the typology and chronology of the three principal table wares found in Mediterranean contexts (African Red Slip Ware, Late Roman C and Late Roman D). The discussion highlighted the need to undertake a similar approach for other ceramic classes across the Mediterranean provinces. In addition, it was perceived that ceramic studies are often dispersed and in such a variety of publications that it is difficult to follow progress in this vast field. Therefore, a series devoted to Roman and late Antique pottery in the Mediterranean was proposed to serve as a reference point for all potential authors devoted to pottery studies on a pan-Mediterranean basis. The creation of such a series would not only serve as a means of publishing the results of the ICREA/ESF workshop but also as a network for publication of in-depth monographs devoted to archaeological ceramics of the Mediterranean in the Roman and late Antique periods. With this first volume on ceramic assemblages and the dating of late Roman fine wares, Archaeopress launch this new series devoted to the publication of ceramics in the Roman Mediterranean and outlying territories from the late Republic to late Antiquity.
Institute of Economic Affairs Redefining the Poverty Debate: Why a War on Markets is No Substitute for a War on Poverty
The political debate about poverty is entirely dominated by groups calling for more income transfers to the poor. However, now that the scope of our welfare state has reached - or even surpassed - Scandinavian levels, surely this approach has run its course. Award-winning author Kristian Niemietz lays out another approach to dealing with the problem of poverty - one that focuses on addressing the problems caused by government interventions that raise the cost of living. These interventions are enormous in their effect on the poor. As the author points out, the poverty lobbies are more or less silent on these crucial matters. This has not always been the case. In the past, free-trade movements, for example, had been seen as pro-poor movements. Alongside radical market reforms, the author proposes wide-ranging welfare reform to encourage work and remove the penalties on family formation. This would include a form of negative income tax system and the localisation of welfare decisions.
Mujer y violencia en el teatro antiguo arquetipos de Grecia y Roma Investigacin y Debate Band 308
Entre las violencias antiguas y actuales ejercidas contra las mujeres, es posible establecer sus sustratos, pervivencias y continuidades? Qué puede decirnos el pensamiento grecorromano acerca de la génesis del orden patriarcal, de la mirada androcéntrica y misógina, ampliamente descritas y reconocidas en las sociedades contemporáneas? Este libro indaga en estas cuestiones, pero lo hace desde enfoques poco habituales en estudios sobre el mundo antiguo, centrándose en un género escasamente explorado, la comedia griega y romana, y en la representación de la gente corriente en sus obras, y también a través del insulto verbal como forma de humor. Explora las formas de violencia de los varones, pero también las estrategias de supervivencia de las mujeres en un mundo jerarquizado, incluso se plantea la recurrencia hasta ahora de la violencia sexual en los conflictos armados, tan presentes en la tragedia. Por último, se detiene en la figura de Dido, reina de Cartago, y hace un análisis de géne
De Gruyter History, Politics and Theory in the Great Divergence Debate: A Comparative Analysis of the California School, World-Systems Analysis and Marxism
World history suffers from a paucity of clearly articulated, convincing explanations. While the rise of postmodernism and challenges to Eurocentrism did lead to some important correctives, the pendulum has swung too far the other direction, with a corresponding danger of ‘throwing the baby out with the bathwater’. We need careful, theoretically informed debates about ways of organizing world history. What constitutes a good historical explanation? What should guide historians to choose relevant facts? Which theoretical schools could be made useful, and to what ends? These questions are especially relevant to the main topic of this book: the ‘great divergence’ between the west and the rest of the world, and how this historical rupture is to be explained. The book provides extensive critical analyses of some of the key claims in world history, analyzing their strengths as well as their major weaknesses—too often rooted in insufficient familiarity of historians with theories they discard. It also historicizes the field and the debates to partly account for what caused some theories to become more influential and others to fall into oblivion—despite the fact that the more influential frameworks are seriously flawed and some of the more marginalized ideas are more coherent and plausible. The book offers insights regarding the theoretical and political relevance of older debates about the transition to capitalism and historical materialism. Three major schools of thought in world history are critically examined through an in-depth theoretical and comparative analysis that has not been undertaken elsewhere: the so-called ‘California School’, World Systems Analysis, and Marxist theories of history, capitalism, and the transition from feudalism to capitalism. Murphy argues that, despite some of the more recent criticisms of older approaches to world history, the older theories remain indispensable for the writing of world history and for coming to terms with issues of global poverty, inequality and eco-catastrophe.
University Press of Florida An Introduction to Literary Debate in Late Medieval France: From Le Roman de la Rose to La Belle Dame sans Mercy
This volume immerses readers in a debate tradition that flourished in France during the late Middle Ages, focusing on two works that were both popular and controversial in their time: Le Roman de la Rose by thirteenth-century poets Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meun and La Belle Dame sans Mercy by fifteenth-century royal secretary and poet Alain Chartier. This is the first comparative volume on these important works and the discussions they sparked.Engaging with questions of women’s agency, love, marriage, and honor, these two poems prompted responses that circulated via treatises, letters, and sermons among officials, clerics, and poets. Joan McRae provides commentary on the two texts, a timeline and summary of the resulting debates, and biographical sketches of the leading intellectuals who matched wits over different ways of reading the texts, including pioneering writer Christine de Pizan. McRae shows that these works and the debates, read together, consider a range of social issues that raise questions of gender, the place of power and hierarchy in societal relationships, and the responsibility of writers for the effect of their works on readers.An Introduction to Literary Debate in Late Medieval France is a helpful overview of these weighty arguments for both students and scholars. McRae provides a compact, comprehensive, and up-to-date study, spotlighting influential literary expressions that evolved into the “querelle des femmes,” the “woman question,” which in turn paved the way for modern feminism.
Princeton University Press The Zodiac of Paris: How an Improbable Controversy over an Ancient Egyptian Artifact Provoked a Modern Debate between Religion and Science
The Dendera zodiac--an ancient bas-relief temple ceiling adorned with mysterious symbols of the stars and planets--was first discovered by the French during Napoleon's campaign in Egypt, and quickly provoked a controversy between scientists and theologians. Brought to Paris in 1821 and ultimately installed in the Louvre, where it can still be seen today, the zodiac appeared to depict the nighttime sky from a time predating the Biblical creation, and therefore cast doubt on religious truth. The Zodiac of Paris tells the story of this incredible archeological find and its unlikely role in the fierce disputes over science and faith in Napoleonic and Restoration France. The book unfolds against the turbulence of the French Revolution, Napoleon's breathtaking rise and fall, and the restoration of the Bourbons to the throne. Drawing on newspapers, journals, diaries, pamphlets, and other documentary evidence, Jed Buchwald and Diane Greco Josefowicz show how scientists and intellectuals seized upon the zodiac to discredit Christianity, and how this drew furious responses from conservatives and sparked debates about the merits of scientific calculation as a source of knowledge about the past. The ideological battles would rage until the thoroughly antireligious Jean-Francois Champollion unlocked the secrets of Egyptian hieroglyphs--and of the zodiac itself. Champollion would prove the religious reactionaries right, but for all the wrong reasons. The Zodiac of Paris brings Napoleonic and Restoration France vividly to life, revealing the lengths to which scientists, intellectuals, theologians, and conservatives went to use the ancient past for modern purposes.
The Library of America The Debate on the Constitution: Federalist and Antifederalist Speeches, Article s, and Letters During the Struggle over Ratification Vol. 2 (LOA #63)
Here, on a scale unmatched by any previous collection, is the extraordinary energy and eloquence of our first national political campaign: During the secret proceedings of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, the framers created a fundamentally new national plan to replace the Articles of Confederation and then submitted it to conventions in each state for ratification. Immediately, a fierce storm of argument broke. Federalist supporters, Antifederalist opponents, and seekers of a middle ground strove to balance public order and personal liberty as they praised, condemned, challenged, and analyzed the new Constitution Gathering hundreds of original texts by Franklin, Madison, Jefferson, Washington, and Patrick Henry—as well as many others less well known today—this unrivaled collection allows readers to experience firsthand the intense year-long struggle that created what remains the world’s oldest working national charter. Assembled here in chronological order are hundreds of newspaper articles, pamphlets, speeches, and private letters written or delivered in the aftermath of the Constitutional Convention. Along with familiar figures like Franklin, Madison, Patrick Henry, Jefferson, and Washington, scores of less famous citizens are represented, all speaking clearly and passionately about government. The most famous writings of the ratification struggle — the Federalist essays of Hamilton and Madison — are placed in their original context, alongside the arguments of able antagonists, such as "Brutus" and the "Federal Farmer." Part Two gathers collected press polemics and private commentaries from January to August 1788, including all the amendments proposed by state ratifying conventions as well as dozens of speeches from the South Carolina, Virginia, New York, and North Carolina conventions. Included are dramatic confrontations from Virginia, where Patrick Henry pitted his legendary oratorical skills against the persuasive logic of Madison, and from New York, where Alexander Hamilton faced the brilliant Antifederalist Melancton Smith. Informative notes, biographical profiles of all writers, speakers, and recipients, and a detailed chronology of relevant events from 1774 to 1804 provide fascinating background. A general index allows readers to follow specific topics, and an appendix includes the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution (with all amendments).LIBRARY OF AMERICA is an independent nonprofit cultural organization founded in 1979 to preserve our nation’s literary heritage by publishing, and keeping permanently in print, America’s best and most significant writing. The Library of America series includes more than 300 volumes to date, authoritative editions that average 1,000 pages in length, feature cloth covers, sewn bindings, and ribbon markers, and are printed on premium acid-free paper that will last for centuries.
Orion Publishing Co How Contagion Works: Science, Awareness and Community in Times of Global Crises - The short essay that helped change the Covid-19 debate
'Lucid, calm, informed, directly helpful in trying to think about where we are now... The literature of the time after begins here' Evening Standard'Taking a breather from bewildering statistics and terrible tales of contagion to read Giordano's book was a jolt of brevity and simplicity... It takes concepts that have been dancing away in our minds, just out of reach, and lines them up neatly' The Times'Potent and original' Sunday Times'In one short hour, in the midst of this difficult moment, Giordano reinforced my sense of hope in humanity, in the one and the many' Philippe Sands, author of East West Street and The Rat LineThe Covid-19 pandemic is the most significant health emergency of our time.Writing from Italy in lockdown, physicist and novelist Paolo Giordano explains how disease spreads in our interconnected world: why it mattershow it impacts ushow we must reactExpanding his focus to include other forms of contagion - from the environmental crisis to fake news and xenophobia - Giordano shows us not just how the coronavirus crisis got so bad so quickly, but also how we can work together to create change.Paolo Giordano is a physicist and the author of four bestselling novels. His article 'The Mathematics of Contagion' - published in Italy at the beginning of the coronavirus emergency - was shared more than 4 million times and helped shift public opinion in the early stages of the epidemic.
Princeton University Press The Fire Is upon Us: James Baldwin, William F. Buckley Jr., and the Debate over Race in America
"A great read."—Whoopi Goldberg, The ViewHow the clash between the civil rights firebrand and the father of modern conservatism continues to illuminate America's racial divideOn February 18, 1965, an overflowing crowd packed the Cambridge Union in Cambridge, England, to witness a historic televised debate between James Baldwin, the leading literary voice of the civil rights movement, and William F. Buckley Jr., a fierce critic of the movement and America's most influential conservative intellectual. The topic was "the American dream is at the expense of the American Negro," and no one who has seen the debate can soon forget it. Nicholas Buccola's The Fire Is upon Us is the first book to tell the full story of the event, the radically different paths that led Baldwin and Buckley to it, the controversies that followed, and how the debate and the decades-long clash between the men continues to illuminate America's racial divide today.Born in New York City only fifteen months apart, the Harlem-raised Baldwin and the privileged Buckley could not have been more different, but they both rose to the height of American intellectual life during the civil rights movement. By the time they met in Cambridge, Buckley was determined to sound the alarm about a man he considered an "eloquent menace." For his part, Baldwin viewed Buckley as a deluded reactionary whose popularity revealed the sickness of the American soul. The stage was set for an epic confrontation that pitted Baldwin's call for a moral revolution in race relations against Buckley's unabashed elitism and implicit commitment to white supremacy.A remarkable story of race and the American dream, The Fire Is upon Us reveals the deep roots and lasting legacy of a conflict that continues to haunt our politics.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Self or No-Self?: The Debate about Selflessness and the Sense of Self. Claremont Studies in the Philosophy of Religion, Conference 2015
Religious, philosophical, and theological views on the self vary widely. For some the self is seen as the center of human personhood, the ultimate bearer of personal identity and the core mystery of human existence. For others the self is a grammatical error and the sense of self an existential and epistemic delusion. Buddhists contrast the Western understanding of the self as a function of the mind that helps us to organize our experiences to their view of no-self by distinguishing between no-self and not-self or between a solid or 'metaphysical' self that is an illusion and an experiential or psychological self that is not. There may be processes of 'selfing', but there is no permanent self. In Western psychology, philosophy, and theology, on the other hand, the term 'self' is often used as a noun that refers not to the performance of an activity or to a material body per se but rather to a (gendered) organism that represents the presence of something distinct from its materiality. Is this a defensible insight or a misleading representation of human experience? We are aware of ourselves in the first-person manner of our ipse -identity that cannot fully be spelled out in objectifying terms, but we also know ourselves in the third-person manner of our idem -identity, the objectified self-reference to a publicly available entity. This volume documents a critical and constructive debate between critics and defenders of the self or of the no-self that explores the intercultural dimensions of this important topic.
Princeton University Press The Fire Is upon Us: James Baldwin, William F. Buckley Jr., and the Debate over Race in America
How the legendary debate between a civil rights firebrand and the father of modern conservatism illuminates America's racial divideOn February 18, 1965, an overflowing crowd packed the Cambridge Union in Cambridge, England, to witness a historic televised debate between James Baldwin, the leading literary voice of the civil rights movement, and William F. Buckley Jr., a fierce critic of the movement and America's most influential conservative intellectual. The topic was "the American dream is at the expense of the American Negro," and no one who has seen the debate can soon forget it. Nicholas Buccola's The Fire Is upon Us is the first book to tell the full story of the event, the radically different paths that led Baldwin and Buckley to it, and how the debate and the decades-long clash between the men illuminates the racial divide that continues to haunt America today.
El fsico y el filsofo Albert Einstein Henri Bergson y el debate que cambi nuestra comprensin del tiempo
Una mirada fascinante al debate que cambió nuestra percepción de una de las características más fundamentales del universo: el tiempo.El 6 de abril de 1922, en París, Albert Einstein y Henri Bergson debatieron públicamente sobre el concepto del tiempo. Einstein consideraba que la teoría del tiempo de Bergson era una noción psicológica y superficial, irreconciliable con las realidades cuantitativas de la física.Bergson, quien ganó fama como filósofo al argumentar que el tiempo no debe entenderse exclusivamente a través de la lente de la ciencia, criticó la teoría de Einstein por ser una metafísica injertada en la ciencia, una que ignoraba los aspectos intuitivos del tiempo. El físico y el filósofo cuenta la notable historia de cómo este debate explosivo transformó nuestra comprensión del tiempo e impulsó una brecha entre la ciencia y las humanidades que persiste en la actualidad.Jimena Canales presenta en esta obra las ideas revolucionarias de Einstein y Bergson, su posterio
Springer International Publishing AG Opening up the Debate on the Aging Society: Preliminary Hypotheses for a Possible Mutational and Post-mutationary Society
This book documents, verifies and brings to life the issues and debates that are created around the aging society. It carefully offers a series of opinions that attempt to illuminate the fact that the aging society goes beyond aging and includes a series of changes in terms of family, social ties, relationships, and the way human beings perceive society. The book contributes substantially to the discussion of this new type of aging, the new types of families, and the new types of relationships, as well as in the application of cutting-edge analytical strategies to understand the trends and patterns of these new modes of social structures. The book includes detailed perspectives on how decisions need to be made, mindsets need to be changed, and precautions need to be taken to positively deal with these new realities. The evidence presented in this book suggests that if this does not happen, the danger of thanato-politics appears, which, denying reality, will lead humanity into difficult labyrinths, perhaps without any "Ariadne's thread" that will allow a glimpse of the way out. The translation from Spanish to English was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content.
Peeters Publishers On the Meaning of 'Miracle' in Christianity: A Philosophical Evaluation of the Current Miracle Debate and a Proposal of a Balanced Hermeneutical Approach
Miracle narratives are an essential part of nearly all religious traditions. The importance of miracles also applies to Christianity. The Gospels record thirty-five miracles that Jesus is said to have performed, including twenty-three miraculous healings and nine nature miracles (for example, stilling a storm and turning water into wine). At the heart of Christian faith lies the story of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. However, the factuality of these events has been increasingly problematised, especially since the period of the Enlightenment. In this study, it is argued that the current debate between science-oriented critics of miracles and their religious opponents focuses predominantly on the question of factuality and evidence at the loss of the religious meaning of miracles. The suggestion that science and religion would be opposite approaches is denied in a proposal of a balanced hermeneutical approach of miracles that does justice to scientific findings, religious texts and experience.
Gregorian & Biblical Press Ecclesiological Reality of Reception Considered as a Solution to the Debate Over the Ontological Priority of the Universal Church 204 Tesi Gregoriana Teologia
Introduccin a la ciencia de la conciencia El estudio de la experiencia subjetiva en filosofa psicologa y neurociencias Investigacin y Debate Band 314
La conciencia sigue constituyendo un fascinante misterio para las ciencias y la filosofía del siglo XXI. De dónde sale? Es acaso una propiedad de alguna clase de entidad inmaterial? O uno de los constituyentes últimos de la realidad? Emerge directamente de las leyes fundamentales de la física o más bien de determinado tipo de actividad neurofisiológica? En uno u otro caso, cómo son conscientes las pulgas o las libélulas? Podría también serlo un robot?En los últimos treinta años cientos de especialistas en psicología, neurociencias y filosofía han tratado de responder a éstas y otras preguntas, realizando al efecto un impresionante esfuerzo teórico y experimental. Este libro recoge de forma sistemática ese trabajo e introduce al lector en cada uno de los rincones del apasionante campo interdisciplinario de la ciencia de la conciencia.
Mimesis International On the Edge of the Abyss: The Origins of the Shoah in the Debate between Intentionalist and Functionalist Historians