Search results for ""Author Kenneth"
Skyhorse Publishing Aging or Alzheimers
Is it normal aging, Alzheimer’s, or another dementia? Two of three Americans will experience cognitive impairment by the age of 70. But is it natural age-related forgetfulness, or the early indication of Alzheimer’s Disease or other types of dementia? How worried should older people—or their families and friends—be about their memory loss? And what happens next? Kenneth Frumkin, PhD, MD, recently retired from a 36-year medical career and facing his own age- and memory-related challenges, provides an empathetic and comprehensive guide to answering those questions. Aging or Alzheimer's? explains what is currently known about the challenges to memory and cognition that come with longevity. Dr. Frumkin describes the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementias; discusses when to see a doctor and what to expect from the visit; weighs the pros and cons of available tests, treatments, and research; shares personal and p
Fordham University Press Theory for Beginners: Children’s Literature as Critical Thought
Since its inception in the 1970s, the Philosophy for Children movement (P4C) has affirmed children’s literature as important philosophical work. Theory, meanwhile, has invested in children’s classics, especially Lewis Carroll’s Alice books, and has also developed a literature for beginners that resembles children’s literature in significant ways. Offering a novel take on this phenomenon, Theory for Beginners explores how philosophy and theory draw on children’s literature and have even come to resemble it in their strategies for cultivating the child and/or the beginner. Examining everything from the rise of French Theory in the United States to the crucial pedagogies offered in children’s picture books, from Alison Bechdel’s graphic memoir Are You My Mother? and Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events to studies of queer childhood, Kenneth B. Kidd deftly reveals the way in which children may learn from philosophy and vice versa.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Politics of Intellectual Property: Contestation Over the Ownership, Use, and Control of Knowledge and Information
This book offers empirical analyses of conflicts over the ownership, control, and use of knowledge and information in developed and developing countries.Sebastian Haunss and Kenneth C. Shadlen, along with a collection of eminent contributors, focus on how business organizations, farmers, social movements, legal communities, state officials, transnational enterprises, and international organizations shape IP policies in areas such as health, information-communication technologies, indigenous knowledge, genetic resources, and many others. The innovative and original chapters examine conflicts over the rules governing various dimensions of IP, including patents, copyrights, traditional knowledge, and biosafety regulations.Written from a political perspective, this book is a must-read for political scientists, sociologists and anthropologists who study IP and conflicts over property. It is also an essential read for stakeholders in institutions, NGOs and industry interested in knowledge governance and IP politics.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Engaging the Six Cultures of the Academy: Revised and Expanded Edition of The Four Cultures of the Academy
In The Four Cultures of the Academy, William H. Bergquist identified four different, yet interrelated, cultures found in North American higher education: collegial, managerial, developmental, and advocacy. In this new and expanded edition of that classic work, Bergquist and coauthor Kenneth Pawlak propose that there are additional external influences in our global culture that are pressing upon the academic institution, forcing it to alter the way it goes about its business. Two new cultures are now emerging in the academic institution as a result of these global, external forces: the virtual culture, prompted by the technological and social forces that have emerged over the past twenty years, and the tangible culture, which values its roots, community, and physical location and has only recently been evident as a separate culture partly in response to emergence of the virtual culture. These two cultures interact with the previous four, creating new dynamics.
Permuted Press The Inner Light: How India Influenced the Beatles
The hidden meanings of the Beatles’ most esoteric lyrics and sounds are revealed by a rare insider who spent two decades with the man who made “meditation,” “mantra,” and “yoga” household words: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. “I absolutely love this book. Between the stories and the pictures, many I’ve not seen before, this is truly a spiritual journey.” —Chris O’Dell, author of Miss O’Dell, My Hard Days and Long Nights with The Beatles, The Stones, Bob Dylan, and the Women They LovedThe spiritual journey of the Beatles is the story of an entire generation of visionaries in the sixties who transformed the world. The Beatles turned Western culture upside down and brought Indian philosophy to the West more effectively than any guru. The Inner Light illumines hidden meanings of the Beatles’ India-influenced lyrics and sounds, decoded by Susan Shumsky—a rare insider who spent two decades in the ashrams and six years on the personal staff of the Beatles’ mentor, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. “With clarity, depth, and impeccable research, an exceptionally comprehensive book filled with engaging tales and fresh insights that even diehard Beatles fans will find illuminating.” —Philip Goldberg, author of American Veda: From Emerson and The Beatles to Yoga and Meditation, How Indian Spirituality Changed the West This eye-opening book draws back the curtain on the Beatles’ experiments with psychedelics, meditation, chanting, and Indian music. Among many shocking revelations never before revealed, we discover who invented "raga rock" (not the Beatles), the real identity of rare Indian instruements and musicians on their tracks, which Beatle was the best meditator (not George), why the Beatles left India in a huff, John and George’s attempts to return, Maharishi’s accurate prediction, and who Sexy Sadie, Jojo, Bungalow Bill, Dear Prudence, Blackbird, My Sweet Lord, Hare Krishna, and the Fool on the Hill really were. “This book reminds us in illuminating fashion why Susan is the premier thinker about India’s key influence upon the direction of the Beatles’ art. In vivid and stirring detail, she traces the Fabs’ spiritual awakening from Bangor to Rishikesh and beyond.” —Kenneth Womack, author of John Lennon 1980: The Last Days in the Life Half a century later, the Beatles have sold more records than any other recording artist. A new generation wants to relive the magic of the flower-power era and is now discovering the message of this iconic band and its four superstars. For people of all nations and ages, the Beatles’ mystique lives on. The Inner Light is Susan Shumsky’s gift to their legacy.
New Directions Publishing Corporation Selected Poems
Culled from two dozen poetry books, and drawing from six decades of her writing life, The Selected Poems of Denise Levertov offers a chronological overview of her great body of work. It is splendid and impressive to have at last a clear, unobstructed view of her ground-breaking poetry—the work of a poet who, as Kenneth Rexroth put it, "more than anyone, led the redirection of American the mainstream of world literature." Described by Publishers Weekly as "at once as intimate as Creeley and as visionary as Duncan," Levertov was lauded as "one of the indispensable poets of our language, one of those few writers to whom it is necessary to pay attention" by The Malahat Review. No poet is more overdue for a single accessible volume; no career could be better to have within easy reach.
University of Notre Dame Press Adventures in Philosophy at Notre Dame
Adventures in Philosophy at Notre Dame recounts the fascinating history of the University of Notre Dame's Department of Philosophy, chronicling the challenges, difficulties, and tensions that accompanied its transition from an obscure outpost of scholasticism in the 1940s into one of the more distinguished philosophy departments in the world today. Its author, Kenneth Sayre, who has been a faculty member for over five decades, focuses on the people of the department, describing what they were like, how they got along with each other, and how their personal predilections and ambitions affected the affairs of the department overall. The book follows the department’s transition from its early Thomism to the philosophical pluralism of the 1970s, then traces its drift from pluralism to what Sayre terms "professionalism,” resulting in what some perceive as a severance from its Catholic roots by the turn of the century. Each chapter includes an extensive biography of an especially prominent department member, along with biographical sketches of other philosophers arriving during the period it covers. Central to the story overall are the charismatic Irishmen Ernan McMullin and Ralph McInerny, whose interaction dominated affairs in the department in the 1960s and 1970s, and who continued to play major roles in the following decades. Philosophers throughout the English-speaking world will find Adventures in Philosophy at Notre Dame essential reading. The book will also appeal to readers interested in the history of the University of Notre Dame and of American higher education generally.
University of Notre Dame Press Adventures in Philosophy at Notre Dame
Adventures in Philosophy at Notre Dame recounts the fascinating history of the University of Notre Dame's Department of Philosophy, chronicling the challenges, difficulties, and tensions that accompanied its transition from an obscure outpost of scholasticism in the 1940s into one of the more distinguished philosophy departments in the world today. Its author, Kenneth Sayre, who has been a faculty member for over five decades, focuses on the people of the department, describing what they were like, how they got along with each other, and how their personal predilections and ambitions affected the affairs of the department overall. The book follows the department’s transition from its early Thomism to the philosophical pluralism of the 1970s, then traces its drift from pluralism to what Sayre terms "professionalism,” resulting in what some perceive as a severance from its Catholic roots by the turn of the century. Each chapter includes an extensive biography of an especially prominent department member, along with biographical sketches of other philosophers arriving during the period it covers. Central to the story overall are the charismatic Irishmen Ernan McMullin and Ralph McInerny, whose interaction dominated affairs in the department in the 1960s and 1970s, and who continued to play major roles in the following decades. Philosophers throughout the English-speaking world will find Adventures in Philosophy at Notre Dame essential reading. The book will also appeal to readers interested in the history of the University of Notre Dame and of American higher education generally.
Columbia University Press The Forgotten Borough: Staten Island and the Subway
What sets Staten Island apart from the rest of New York City? The island’s identity has in part been defined in opposition to the city, its physical and cultural differences, and the perception of neglect by city government. It has long been whiter, wealthier, less populated, and more politically conservative. And despite many attempts over the years, Staten Island is not connected by the subway to any of the other four boroughs.Kenneth M. Gold argues that the lack of a subway connection has deeply shaped Staten Island’s history and identity. He chronicles decades of recurrent efforts to build a rail link, using this history to explore the borough’s fraught relationship with New York City as a whole. The Forgotten Borough ranges from when Staten Island first contemplated joining the city in the 1890s to the opening of the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge in 1964, highlighting pivotal moments when the construction of a subway appeared possible. The economics and engineering of tunnel construction, the difficulty of uniting Staten Islanders around a single solution, competition from the other boroughs, and resistance from powerful corporations and public authorities all undermined a rapid transit connection. Gold demonstrates that the failure to establish a rail link during this period caused Staten Island to diverge culturally, demographically, and politically from the other four boroughs. Drawing on extensive archival research, The Forgotten Borough shows how transportation infrastructure and politics shed new light on urban history.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Cinderella, or The Little Glass Slipper
From the acclaimed and popular illustrator of the New York Times bestseller Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Snow White, comes a unique and visually stunning spin on Cinderella-published to coincide with the release of the major-motion picture from Walt Disney directed by Kenneth Branagh and featuring an all-star cast. Charles Perrault's story of a sweet-tempered young girl, forced into servitude by her evil stepmother and stepsisters, who finds true love with a handsome prince (with the help of a fairy godmother), has enchanted readers for more than 300 years. In this lavishly illustrated retelling of the classic fairytale, Camille Rose Garcia reimagines Cinderella through her distinctive visual aesthetic. Hers is a Cinderella for the twenty-first century: dark, compelling, vibrant, and enthralling.
Columbia University Press Speculation, Trading, and Bubbles
As long as there have been financial markets, there have been bubbles-those moments in which asset prices inflate far beyond their intrinsic value, often with ruinous results. Yet economists are slow to agree on the underlying forces behind these events. In this book Jose A. Scheinkman offers new insight into the mystery of bubbles. Noting some general characteristics of bubbles-such as the rise in trading volume and the coincidence between increases in supply and bubble implosions-Scheinkman offers a model, based on differences in beliefs among investors, that explains these observations. Other top economists also offer their own thoughts on the issue: Sanford J. Grossman and Patrick Bolton expand on Scheinkman's discussion by looking at factors that contribute to bubbles-such as excessive leverage, overconfidence, mania, and panic in speculative markets-and Kenneth J. Arrow and Joseph E. Stiglitz contextualize Scheinkman's findings.
Scarecrow Press Touchstones: Reflections on the Best in Children's Literature
Critical essays on children's novels by Louisia May Alcott, Lloyd Alexander Frances Hodgson Burnett, Lewis Carroll, Carlo Collodi, Eleanor Estes, Louis Fitzhugh, Esther Forbes, Kenneth Grahame, Irene Hunt, Rudyard Kipling, Madeline L'Engle, C.S. Lewis, George MacDonald, A.A. Milne, L.M. Montgomery, E. Nesbit, Mary Norton, Robert C. O'Brien, Phillipa Pearce, Arthur Ransome, Johanna Spyri, Robert Louis Stevenson, J.R.R. Tolkien, Mark Twain, E.B. White, T.H. White, and Laura Ingalls Wilder.
University of Ottawa Press The Isabella Valancy Crawford Symposium
This work is the result of the fifth Symposium in the University of Ottawa Symposia series which focused on the life and work of Isabella Valancy Crawford (1850-1887). Acclaimed scholars of Canadian Literature joined to speak on Crawford's life, read and listen to her poetry, and critically examine some of her major works. Contributors include Dorothy Livesay, Penny Petrone, Margo Dunn, John Ower, Orest Rudzik, Elizabeth Waterston, Fred Cogswell, Kenneth Hughes, S. R. MacGillivray, Catherine Ross, Louis Dudek, Anne Paolucci, and Clara Thomas.
University of Toronto Press Five Groundbreaking Moments in Heidegger's Thinking
Five Groundbreaking Moments in Heidegger’s Thinking presents a fresh interpretation of some of Heidegger’s most difficult but important works, including his second major work, Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis) [Contributions to Philosophy (From Enowning)]. The careful approach shows how, for Heidegger, the acts of reading, thinking, and saying all move beyond the theoretical/conceptual and become an ongoing experience. In new translations of central texts, Kenneth Maly invites the reader to think along the way by reading, contemplating, and translating Heidegger’s ideas into this context. An introduction to the field of philosophy and more specifically to Heidegger’s thought, Five Groundbreaking Moments in Heidegger’s Thinking asks the reader, in some manner, to actively engage in thinking.
Cornell University Press The Social Biology of Wasps
In this edited collection, 17 internationally known authorities bring together the results of recent research on the natural history, ecology, behavior, morphology, and genetics of wasps as they pertain to the evolution of social behavior. The first part of the book opens with a review of the classification of the family Vespidae along with a revision of the subfamily Polistinae. Seven subsequent chapters deal with the natural history and social biology of each of the major taxa of social and presocial vespids. The second part of the book offers chapters on reproductive competition; worker polyethism; evolution of nest architecture, of queen number and queen control, and of exocrine glands; population genetics; the nutritional bsis of social evolution; and the nest as the locus of social life. The final chapter is a comparative discussion of social behavior in the Sphecidae, the only family of wasps besides the Vespidae in which well-developed social behavior is known. Providing a wealth of information about the biology of wasps, this comprehensive, up-to-date volume will be an essential reference for entomologists, evolutionary biologists, behavioral ecologists, ethologists, and zoologists. Contributors: James M. Carpenter. David P. Cowan. Holly A Downing. Raghavendra Gadagkar. Albert Greene. James H. Hunt. Robert L. Jeanne. Makoto Matsuura. Robert W. Matthews. Hudson K. Reeve. PeterFrank Roseler. Kenneth G. Ross. J. Philip Spradbery. Christopher K. Starr. Stefano Turillazzi. John W. Wenzel. Mary Jane West-Eberhard.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Blue Stain: A Novel of a Racial Outcast
A European novel of racial mixing and "passing" in early twentieth-century America that serves as a unique account of transnational and transcultural racial attitudes that continue to reverberate today. Hugo Bettauer's The Blue Stain, a novel of racial mixing and "passing," starts and ends in Georgia but also takes the reader to Vienna and New York. First published in 1922, the novel tells the story of Carletto, son of a white European academic and an African American daughter of former slaves, who, having passed as white in Europe and fled to America after losing his fortune, resists being seen as "black" before ultimately accepting that identityand joining the early movement for civil rights. Never before translated into English, this is the first novel in which a German-speaking European author addresses early twentieth-century racial politics in the United States - notonly in the South but also in the North. There is an irony, however: while Bettauer's narrative aims to sanction a white/European egalitarianism with respect to race, it nevertheless exhibits its own brand of racism by assertingthat African Americans need extensive enculturation before they are to be valued as human beings. The novel therefore serves as a unique historical account of transnational and transcultural racial attitudes of the period that continue to reverberate in our present globalized world. Hugo Bettauer (1872-1925) was a prolific Austrian writer and journalist, a very early victim of the Nazis. Peter Höyng is Associate Professor of German Studies at Emory University. Chauncey J. Mellor is Emeritus Professor of German at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Kenneth R. Janken is Professor of African American and Diaspora Studies at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Price Controls
Black markets, rationing, shortages - these and other issues are covered in this important collection which presents a selection of the best literature on the impact of price controls on wages, investment and real output in the short and long runs.The book covers a wide range of episodes ranging from the controls imposed by the Emperor Diocletian in the year 301 A.D. to recent experiments in Sweden. Several essays deal with controls during the two world wars, when some form of control was adopted by most of the industrialized countries. It includes articles by both critics of controls such as Milton Friedman to defenders such as John Kenneth Galbraith. Several are written by scholars who worked as high-level administrators of the programs they discuss.The book will be an essential reference source for both economists and economic historians with an interest in the price system and the functioning of a market economy.
New Directions Publishing Corporation Analyzing Freud: Letters of H.D., Bryher, and Their Circle
Freud was old and fragile. H.D. was forty-six and despairing of her writing life, which, for all her success, seemed to have reached a dead end. Her sessions with Freud proved to be the point of transition, the funnel into which she poured her memories of the past and associations in the present and from which she emerged reborn. Breezy, informal, irreverent, vibrant in detail, H.D.'s letters to her companion, the novelist Bryher, revolve around her hours with Freud. This volume includes H.D.'s and Bryher's letters, as well as letters by Freud to H.D. and Bryher, most of them published here for the first time. In addition, the book includes H.D.'s and Bryher's letters to and from Havelock Ellis, Kenneth MacPherson, Robert McAlmon, Ezra Pound, and Anna Freud, among others.
Rebellion Publishing Ltd. Megatropolis: Book One
Step in the unknown… step into MegatropolisExperience the iconic city of Mega-City One as never before, in this visionary comic from Kenneth Niemand (Judge Dredd) and Dave Taylor (Judge Dredd, Batman). In this radical reimagining of the world of Judge Dredd, join disgraced Officer Amy Jarra and Detective Joe ‘choirboy’ Rico as they navigate the crime-ridden underbelly of the glamourous Metropolis, attempting to solve the murder of undercover Detective Fisher. Transforming Mega-City One into an art deco cityscape, Niemand and Taylor spin a tale of futuristic noir with luscious art and jaw-dropping set pieces. This over-sized hardcover collection includes a gallery of cover art and never seen before concept sketches.
Princeton University Press The Dictyostelids
Kenneth Raper tells how dictyostelids are isolated, cultivated, and conserved in the laboratory; how myxamoebae aggregate to form multicellular pseudoplasmodia; how fructifications arise by transformation of amoeboid cells into stalk cells and spores; and how similar cells can, under certain conditions, enter a sexual phase. For each known dictyostelid Professor Raper includes a complete description and photographic illustrations; one new species is described.Originally published in 1984.The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton U
HarperCollins Publishers Murder on the Orient Express: B1 (Collins Agatha Christie ELT Readers)
Collins brings the Queen of Crime, Agatha Christie, to English language learners. Agatha Christie is the most widely published author of all time and in any language. NowCollins has adapted her famous detective novels for English language learners. These readers have been carefully adapted using the Collins COBUILD grading scheme to ensure that the language is at the correct level for an intermediate learner. This book is Level 3 in the Collins ELT Readers series. Level 3 is equivalent to CEF level B1 with a word count of 11,000 – 20,000 words. Each book includes:• Full reading of the adapted version available for free online• Helpful notes on characters• Cultural and historical notes relevant to the plot• A glossary of the more difficult words• Free online resources for students and teachers The plot:Poirot is on his way home to London on the famous Simplon Orient Express when a murder is committed. It is clear that no one entered or left the train, which means one of Poirot’s fellow passengers must be guilty – but which one? And why would they have murdered a man they didn’t know?Soon to be released as a major motion picture with stars including Kenneth Branagh, Johnny Depp, Judi Dench, Penelope Cruz and more About Collins ELT Readers Collins ELT Readers are divided into 7 levels:Level 1 – elementary (A2)Level 2 – pre-intermediate (A2-B1)Level 3 – intermediate (B1)Level 4 – upper- intermediate (B2)Level 5 – upper-intermediate+(B2+)Level 6 – advanced (C1)Level 7 – advanced + (C2) Each level is carefully graded to ensure that the learner both enjoys and benefits from their reading experience.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Psychology of Money: An Investment Manager's Guide to Beating the Market
Discover the Ideal Investment Strategy for Yourself and YourClients "To enhance investment results and boost creativity, Jim Warereplaces the maxim know your investments with know yourself. And hegives us specific testing tools to do the job." --Dean LeBaron, Founder, Batterymarch FinancialManagement, Chairman,, and investment authorand commentator "Many investment firms fail, even though they are run byintelligent, qualified professionals, because they lack creativity.This book can rescue you. Jim Ware explains how to organize yourbusiness to encourage creative thinking. In five years, yourcustomers will be working with an advisor who read this book, somake sure you are the one who did." Ralph Wanger, President, Acorn Investment Trust, CFA andauthor of A Zebra in Lion Country: Ralph Wanger's Guide toInvestment Survival "Jim Ware has a great knack for understanding people andsuccessful investing. This unusual combination of skills creates arare find: useful insights to improve investment performancethrough helping people work together better. Jim's wit andhumor make this a fun read as well!" --Dee Even, Senior Investment Officer, AllstateInsurance Company, Property & Casualty "The Psychology of Money represents a major step towarddevelopment of a portfolio theory that recognizes human dynamicsand differences among people. Jim's content is solid, and hispresentation is engaging. This book ought to be on everypractitioner's bookshelf." --Kenneth O. Doyle, University of Minnesota, Author,The Social Meanings of Money and Property: In Search of aTalisman "Finally, an insightful look at the human side of investing. Astep-by-step guide to enhancing management performance to increasereturns." --Abbie Smith, PhD, Professor of Accounting.Universityof Chicago Business School
New York University Press Campus Wars: The Peace Movement At American State Universities in the Vietnam Era
"At the same time that the dangerous war was being fought in the jungles of Vietnam, Campus Wars were being fought in the United States by antiwar protesters. Kenneth J. Heineman found that the campus peace campaign was first spurred at state universities rather than at the big-name colleges. His useful book examines the outside forces, like military contracts and local communities, that led to antiwar protests on campus." Herbert Mitgang, The New York Times "Shedding light on the drastic change in the social and cultural roles of campus life, Campus Wars looks at the way in which the campus peace campaign took hold and became a national movement." History Today "Heineman's prodigious research in a variety of sources allows him to deal with matters of class, gender, and religion, as well as ideology. He convincingly demonstrates that, just as state universities represented the heartland of America, so their student protest movements illustrated the real depth of the anguish over US involvement in Vietnam. Highly recommended." Choice "Represents an enormous amount of labor and fills many gaps in our knowledge of the anti-war movement and the student left." Irwin Unger, author of These United States The 1960s left us with some striking images of American universities: Berkeley activists orating about free speech atop a surrounded police car; Harvard SDSers waylaying then-Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara; Columbia student radicals occupying campus buildings; and black militant Cornell students brandishing rifles, to name just a few. Tellingly, the most powerful and notorious image of campus protest is that of a teenage runaway, arms outstretched in anguish, kneeling beside the bloodied corpse of Jeff Miller at Kent State University. While much attention has been paid to the role of elite schools in fomenting student radicalism, it was actually at state institutions, such as Kent State, Michigan State, SUNY, and Penn State, where anti-Vietnam war protest blossomed. Kenneth Heineman has pored over dozens of student newspapers, government documents, and personal archives, interviewed scores of activists, and attended activist reunions in an effort to recreate the origins of this historic movement. In Campus Wars, he presents his findings, examining the involvement of state universities in military research and the attitudes of students, faculty, clergy, and administrators thereto and the manner in which the campus peace campaign took hold and spread to become a national movement. Recreating watershed moments in dramatic narrative fashion, this engaging book is both a revisionist history and an important addition to the chronicle of the Vietnam War era.
University Press of Mississippi Orson Welles: Interviews
This book brings together an exceptional array of interviews, profiles, and press conferences tracing the half century that Orson Welles (1915- 1985) was in the public eye. Originally published or broadcast between 1938 and 1989 in worldwide locations, these pieces confirm that Welles's career was multidimensional and thoroughly inter-woven with Welles's persona.Several of them offer vivid testimony to his grasp on the public imagination in Welles's heyday, including accounts of his War of the Worlds broadcast. Some interviews appear in English for the first time. Two transcriptions of British television interviews have never before appeared in print. Interviewers include Kenneth Tynan, French critic André Bazin, and Gore Vidal.The subjects center on the performing arts but also embrace philosophy, religion, history, and, especially, American society and politics. Welles confronts painful topics: the attempts to suppress Citizen Kane, RKO's mutilation of The Magnificent Ambersons, his loss of directorial authority, his regret at never having run for political office, and his financial struggles. ""I would have sold my soul"" to play Marlon Brando's role as Don Corleone in The Godfather, he tells a BBC interviewer.Welles deflates the notion of the film director's omnipotence, insisting that it is only in the editing studio that he possesses ""absolute control."" With scholarly erudition, Welles revels in the plays of Shakespeare and discusses their adaptation to stage and screen. He assesses rival directors and eminent actors, offers penetrating analyses of Citizen Kane, Touch of Evil, Chimes at Midnight, and The Third Man, and declares that he never made a film that lacked an ethical point-of-view. These conversations reveal the majestic mind and talent of Welles from a fresh perspective.
University of Washington Press Sketchbook: A Memoir of the 1930s and the Northwest School
William Cumming began as a self-taught artist who grew up in Tukwila, a small town outside Seattle. In 1937, at the age of twenty, he met Morris Graves, who was at that time working in Seattle for the Federal Art project of the Works Progress Administration. Through Graves he soon became part of the circle of friends who came to be known as the Northwest School of artists: Mark Tobey, then nearing fifty, the patriarchal leader of the group; Kenneth Callahan and his wife Margaret, a writer and critic who became Cumming's particular mentor; Guy Anderson, Lubin Petric, and others. He has taught for many years at the Art Institute of Seattle and Cornish College of the Arts.
Faber & Faber Dunkirk
Christopher Nolan's previous films have reflected the uncertainties of the twentieth-first century. With Dunkirk, Nolan has gone back into the past and brought to life one of the momentous events of the twentieth-century - the evacuation of British troops from Dunkirk, telling the tale by land, sea, and sky.Dunkirk opens as hundreds of thousands of British and Allied troops are surrounded by enemy forces. Trapped on the beach with their backs to the sea, they face an impossible situation as the enemy closes in.The film features a prestigious cast, including Kenneth Branagh, Cillian Murphy, and newcomer Fionn Whitehead, with Mark Rylance and Tom Hardy.The screenplay is accompanied by a conversation about the film between Christopher Nolan and Jonathan Nolan,as well as selected storyboards.
Abrams Wall: At Storm King
British artist Andy Goldsworthy, known for creating art outdoors and from natural materials, has now built a 2,278-foot stone wall at Storm King Art Center, a sculpture park on the Hudson River in Mountainville, New York. This sensitive and detailed response to the land—former farmland in an area once rich in stone walls—is one of his most impressive and important permanent artworks. The book’s stunning color photographs show the wall from every vantage point and in all four seasons, and document ephemeral work made around it. Kenneth Baker’s essay considers the Storm King wall in the context of Goldsworthy’s other work.
Indiana University Press Companion to Heidegger's Contributions to Philosophy
Companion to Heidegger's Contributions to PhilosophyEdited by Charles E. Scott, Susan Schoenbohm, Daniela Vallega-Neu, and Alejandro VallegaA key to unlocking one of Heidegger's most difficult and important works.The publication of the first English translation of Martin Heidegger's Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis) marked a significant event for Heidegger studies. Considered by scholars to be his most important work after Being and Time, Contributions to Philosophy (From Enowning) elaborates what Heidegger calls "being-historical-thinking," a project in which he undertakes to reshape what it means both to think and to be. Contributions is an indispensable book for scholars and students of Heidegger, but it is also one of his most difficult because of its aphoristic style and unusual language. In this Companion 14 eminent Heidegger scholars share strategies for reading and understanding this challenging work. Overall approaches for becoming familiar with Heidegger's unique language and thinking are included, along with detailed readings of key sections of the work. Experienced readers and those coming to the text for the first time will find the Companion an invaluable guide to this pivotal text in Heidegger's philosophical corpus.Contributors include Walter A. Brogan, David Crownfield, Parvis Emad, Günter Figal, Kenneth Maly, William McNeill, Richard Polt, John Sallis, Susan Schoenbohm, Charles E. Scott, Dennis J. Schmidt, Alejandro Vallega, Daniela Vallega-Neu, and Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann.Charles E. Scott is Professor of Philosophy at Pennsylvania State University. He is author of The Question of Ethics, On the Advantages and Disadvantages of Ethics and Politics (both Indiana University Press), and The Time of Memory.Susan Schoenbohm has taught philosophy at Vanderbilt University, The University of the South, and Pennsylvania State University. She has published several articles on Heidegger, contemporary Continental thought, ancient Greek thought, and ancient Asian thought.Daniela Vallega-Neu teaches philosophy at California State University, Stanislaus. She is author of Die Notwendigkeit der Grundung in Zeitalter der Deconstruction.Alejandro Vallega teaches philosophy at California State University, Stanislaus.Studies in Continental Thought—John Sallis, general editor July 2001288 pages, 6 1/8 x 9 1/4cloth 0-253-33946-4 $44.95 L / £34.00paper 0-253-21465-3 $22.95 s / £17.50
John Wiley & Sons Inc Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk
A Business Week, New York Times Business, and USA Today Bestseller"Ambitious and readable . . . an engaging introduction to the oddsmakers, whom Bernstein regards as true humanists helping to release mankind from the choke holds of superstition and fatalism."—The New York Times"An extraordinarily entertaining and informative book."—The Wall Street Journal"A lively panoramic book . . . Against the Gods sets up an ambitious premise and then delivers on it."—Business Week"Deserves to be, and surely will be, widely read."—The Economist"[A] challenging book, one that may change forever the way people think about the world."—Worth"No one else could have written a book of such central importance with so much charm and excitement."—Robert Heilbroner author, The Worldly Philosophers"With his wonderful knowledge of the history and current manifestations of risk, Peter Bernstein brings us Against the Gods. Nothing like it will come out of the financial world this year or ever. I speak carefully: no one should miss it."—John Kenneth Galbraith Professor of Economics Emeritus, Harvard UniversityIn this unique exploration of the role of risk in our society, Peter Bernstein argues that the notion of bringing risk under control is one of the central ideas that distinguishes modern times from the distant past. Against the Gods chronicles the remarkable intellectual adventure that liberated humanity from oracles and soothsayers by means of the powerful tools of risk management that are available to us today."An extremely readable history of risk."—Barron's"Fascinating . . . this challenging volume will help you understand the uncertainties that every investor must face."—Money"A singular achievement."—Times Literary Supplement"There's a growing market for savants who can render the recondite intelligibly-witness Stephen Jay Gould (natural history), Oliver Sacks (disease), Richard Dawkins (heredity), James Gleick (physics), Paul Krugman (economics)-and Bernstein would mingle well in their company."—The Australian
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Craft Reader
From the canonical texts of the Arts and Crafts Movement to the radical thinking of today's "DIY" movement, from theoretical writings on the position of craft in distinction to Art and Design to how-to texts from renowned practitioners, from feminist histories of textiles to descriptions of the innovation born of necessity in Soviet factories and African auto-repair shops...The Craft Reader presents the first comprehensive anthology of writings on modern craft. Covering the period from the Industrial Revolution to today, the Reader draws on craft practice and theory from America, Europe, Asia and Africa. The world of craft is considered in its full breadth -- from pottery and weaving, to couture and chocolate-making, to contemporary art, architecture and curation. The writings are themed into sections and all extracts are individually introduced, placing each in its historical, cultural and artistic context. Bringing together an astonishing range of both classic and contemporary texts, The Craft Reader will be invaluable to any student or practitioner of Craft and also to readers in Art and Design. AUTHORS INCLUDE: Theodor Adorno, Anni Albers, Amadou Hâmpaté Bâ, Charles Babbage, Roland Barthes, Andrea Branzi, Alison Britton, Rafael Cardoso, Johanna Drucker, Charles Eames, Salvatore Ferragamo, Kenneth Frampton, Alfred Gell, Walter Gropius, Tanya Harrod, Martin Heidegger, Patrick Heron, Bernard Leach, Esther Leslie, W. R. Lethaby, Lucy Lippard, Adolf Loos, Karl Marx, William Morris, Robert Morris, László Moholy-Nagy, Stefan Muthesius, George Nakashima, Octavio Paz, Grayson Perry, M. C. Richards, John Ruskin, Raphael Samuel, Ellen Gates Starr, Debbie Stoller, Alexis de Tocqueville, Lee Ufan, Frank Lloyd Wright
Batsford Ltd Nature Writing for Every Day of the Year
Enjoy a whole year of the very finest nature writing, with one carefully selected piece to savour every day. This beautifully illustrated daily anthology brings you the very best of nature writing from around the world and through the centuries, from Pliny the Elder’s Natural History to modern authors such as Helen Macdonald and Robert Macfarlane. Encompassing fact and fiction, essays and field guides, letters and diaries, it’s a rich banquet of prose, the perfect companion to help your mind escape into the world of nature every day. It contains descriptions of nature in all its guises: Virginia Woolf on snails, Kenneth Grahame on the charms of a riverbank, Willa Cather on the rolling American prairies, and, via L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables on Octobers. David Attenborough pops up to talk about our responsibility to the natural environment, Edith Holden provides evocative descriptions from The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady, and Henry David Thoreau, of course, sends dispatches from Walden Pond. We meet Rudyard Kipling’s jungle animals and Jack London’s wild dogs, and Mark Twain explains why a camel is not jumpable. Keep this wonderful celebration of nature by your bedside and it will become the perfect start or close to each day of the year.
Sweet Cherry Publishing Rilla of Ingleside
Anne’s daughter Rilla is just fifteen when her childhood ends. With the outbreak of WWI, there’s no time for mooning over handsome Kenneth Ford. Instead, Rilla’s days are spent caring for a war-baby and knitting socks for soldiers in Europe. Among them is her brother Jem, while sensitive Walter struggles with his choice to stay home as the war most believed would be over by Christmas drags on for years. And all the while Jem’s Little Dog Monday awaits his master’s return. Book 8 of the Anne of Green Gables series by L. M. Montgomery. A tale of literature’s most famous redhead and her colourful imagination. An excellent introduction to classic literature and perfect for readers aged 9+.
HarperCollins Publishers Living the Beatles Legend: On the Road with the Fab Four – The Mal Evans Story
The first full-length biography of Mal Evans, the Beatles’ beloved roadie, assistant, confidant and friend A towering figure in horn-rimmed glasses, Malcolm ‘Mal’ Evans was an invaluable member of the Beatles’ inner circle. Serving as their long-time roadie, personal assistant and protector, he was a sometime lyricist, occasional performer and regular fixer at the height of the group’s fame and beyond. But Mal’s dedication to his beloved ‘boys’ and his own desire for stardom took its toll, leading to the dissolution of his marriage and his untimely death in January 1976. Until now, Mal’s extraordinary life has remained shrouded in mystery. Drawing on hundreds of exclusive interviews and with full access to Mal’s unpublished archives – including his personal diaries, manuscripts and memorabilia – renowned Beatles scholar Kenneth Womack paints the first complete portrait of this complicated figure at the heart of the Beatles’ story. Living the Beatles Legend is a fascinating but ultimately tragic tale about life at the edges of superstardom.
Guernica Editions,Canada The Heart Is Improvisational: An Anthology in Poetic Form
Poets attribute an array of roles and capacities to the involuntary muscle and catalyst of our storied lives. The heart becomes a repository of erotic and familial love and a sanctuary for memory. In this collection, poets explore the flux of the heart's responses and instigations: the heart's tender overtures, its joyous pulse, its mating call for the other, its changeable temperament, its final tick in freeze-frame. Among the poets featured: Kenneth Sherman, Lorna Crozier, Marilyn Bowering, Roo Borson, Patrick Lane, Charles Bukowski, Rita Dove, Eugénio de Andrade, John Barton, Robyn Sarah, and Mary di Michele.
Amberley Publishing Old Edinburgh Trams
Edinburgh did not adopt electric traction until the early 1920s when the Corporation took over from the Edinburgh & District Tramway Co., with the process of converting the city’s cable-operated routes to electric traction following soon after. The first electric trams started in Leith in 1905. At its height Edinburgh ran somewhere in the region of 360 trams throughout the city and possessed one of the most modern tramway systems in the UK. There were proposals to build extensions after the war and new trams were built as late as 1950. However, in 1952 Edinburgh Corporation announced the system would be converted to bus operation. Over the next four years the system was rapidly abandoned, with the last tram operating on 16 November 1956. In 2014 trams returned to the streets of Edinburgh and, although very different from the old trams, are proving to be very popular. With a range of rare and previously unpublished images, Kenneth G. Williamson looks at the history of the city’s system.
Carcanet Press Ltd Rondo
Shortlisted for the 2019 Kenneth Slessor Prize for Poetry in the NSW Premier's Literature Awards. Chris Wallace-Crabbe's Rondo harvests a decade's worth of new writing by one of Australia's foremost poets. It paints a vivid portrait of eucalypt Australia's current position in an rapidly changing world. The poet asks for fresh meanings from Gallipoli and Scotland, from physics and from `Art's porous auditorium', where poetry can still be heard. `The words are only the words,' he writes, `which is more or less everything.' Critic Eric Ormsby dubbed Wallace-Crabbe a `genial smuggler of surprises': `his uncommon affability, even when treating the gravest subjects, leaves the reader unprepared for his sudden luxuriance of phrase.' (TLS)
Thames & Hudson Ltd Modern Architecture: A Critical History
This highly acclaimed survey of modern architecture and its origins has become a classic since it first appeared in 1980, and has helped to shape architectural practice and discourse worldwide. For this extensively revised and updated fifth edition, Kenneth Frampton has added a new section that explores in detail the modernist tradition in architecture across the globe in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. He examines the varied ways in which architects are not only responding to the geographical, climatic, material and cultural contexts of their buildings, but also pursuing distinct lines of approach that emphasize topography, morphology, sustainability, materiality habitat and civic form. It remains an essential book for all students of architecture and architectural history.
Columbia University Press The Republican Evolution: From Governing Party to Antigovernment Party, 1860–2020
The Republican Party was founded in 1854 to oppose slavery and its spread to new territories and states. Today, under the sway of Donald Trump, it is hardly recognizable as the party of Lincoln or even the party of Eisenhower. How and why has the Republican Party changed so drastically?Kenneth Janda sheds new light on the Republican Party’s transformations, drawing on a wide range of quantitative and qualitative evidence. He examines nearly three thousand planks from every Republican platform since 1856 as well as candidate statements and historical sources, tracing the evolution of the party’s positions on topics such as states’ rights, trade, taxation, regulation, law and order, immigration, environmental protection, and voting rights. Janda argues that the GOP has gone through three main phases over the course of its history, transforming from a party committed to governance to one vehemently opposed to government. In its first several decades, the Republican Party emphasized national authority and economic development. By the late 1920s, Republicans had begun downplaying the role of government in favor of a new philosophy steeped in free markets. The nomination of Barry Goldwater in 1964 marked a key turning point. Since then, the party has endorsed states’ rights, opposed civil rights, and become increasingly ethnocentric. Richly documented with scores of figures and tables, The Republican Evolution offers new perspective on how the GOP became an antigovernment party—and whether it can step back from the brink of authoritarianism.
Nick Hern Books The Wind in the Willows
This delightful stage adaptation combines all the joy and mystery of Kenneth Grahame's much-loved classic with the lightness of touch and playful theatricality that award-winning playwright Mike Kenny is known for. Tired of spring-cleaning, Mole leaves Mole End and ventures out to the riverbank, where he befriends the resourceful Ratty, the gruff Badger and the infamous Toad of Toad Hall (Poop-poop!). Together they explore the Wide World, and the Wild Wood, and try to keep Toad out of trouble…! With ample opportunities for creativity on stage and wonderful character parts for actors, it is ideal for schools and youth theatres, or any drama groups looking for a fresh new version of an old favourite. This version of The Wind in the Willows was first staged at the Theatre Royal, York, in 2010.
St Augustine's Press Mass Misunderstandings – The Mixed Legacy of the Vatican II liturgical Reforms
The first document enacted by the Second Vatican Council was its Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, and the liturgical reform mandated by that document has probably had a greater impact on the average Catholic than any other action of the Council. That this liturgical reform has not in every respect been the unalloyed success hoped for by the Council Fathers, however, has only been grudgingly recognized. The liturgists and other Church officials responsible for implementing the reforms have had a vested interest in claiming success, even where there was evidence to the contrary. Nevertheless, the many and sometimes abrupt liturgical changes made were bound to affect long-established modes of worship and devotion – not to speak of the drastic move from Latin to the vernacular which came shortly after the Council, and which necessarily entailed radical change in the Church’s worship. In July 2007, Pope Benedict XVI signaled that the liturgical question needed to be revisited when he issued a motu proprio that allowed, some forty-plus years after the end of the Council, a wider celebration of the unreformed pre-Vatican-II Mass in Latin as an “extraordinary” form of the Roman rite. While the pope’s motu proprio was not a repudiation or cancellation of the Vatican II liturgical reforms — as some liturgists feared (and some traditionalists hoped) – it did indicate a sane and sensible papal recognition that liturgy must be developed organically, not “manufactured” by a “committee.” Above all, the pope recognized that the question of the liturgy must be approached realistically in the light of how the reforms have actually worked out, not of how some have imagined that they might or should have worked out. This book by Kenneth D. Whitehead, who has written extensively both on Vatican II and on the liturgy, explains Pope Benedict’s action in its proper context and describes the reactions to it, while making special reference to some of the pontiff’s own extensive previous writings on the liturgy. The author then doubles back to evaluate the Vatican II liturgical reforms generally – how and why they were enacted, what has actually come about as a result of them, and how and why a “reform of the reform” is now called for.
New Directions Publishing Corporation Written on the Sky: Poems from the Japanese
I go out of the darkness Onto a road of darkness Lit only by the far off Moon on the edge of the mountains. —Izumi Shikobu Over the years, thousands of readers have discovered the beauty of classic Japanese poetry through the superb English versions by the great American poet Kenneth Rexroth. Mostly haiku, these poems range from the classical and medieval to modern poetry, with an emphasis on folk songs and love lyrics. Because women played such an outstanding role in Japanese literature, included here are selections from their work, including the contemporary, deeply sensuous Marichiko. This elegant, beautifully designed gift book of poems spanning many centuries presents the original texts in romanji, the transliteration into the Western alphabet.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Religious Politics in Post-Reformation England
New scrutinies of the most important political and religious debates of the post-Reformation period. The consequences of the Reformation and the church/state polity it created have always been an area of important scholarly debate. The essays in this volume, by many of the leading scholars of the period, revisit many of the important issues during the period from the Henrician Reformation to the Glorious Revolution: theology, political structures, the relationship of theology and secular ideologies, and the Civil War. Topics include Puritan networks and nomenclature in England and in the New World; examinations of the changing theology of the Church in the century after the Reformation; the evolving relationship of art and protestantism; the providentialist thinking of Charles I;the operation of the penal laws against Catholics; and protestantism in the localities of Yorkshire and Norwich. KENNETH FINCHAM is Reader in History at the University of Kent; Professor PETER LAKE teaches in the Department of History at Princeton University. Contributors: THOMAS COGSWELL, RICHARD CUST, PATRICK COLLINSON, THOMAS FREEMAN, PETER LAKE, SUSAN HARDMAN MOORE, DIARMAID MACCULLOCH, ANTHONY MILTON, PAUL SEAVER, WILLIAM SHEILS
Rizzoli International Publications Richard Meier, Architect Vol 7
This comprehensive volume documents Meier s work since 2011, featuring thirty residential, commercial, and civic projects in a variety of locales, including Manhattan, Beverly Hills, the Hamptons, Las Vegas, Hawaii, Mexico City, Tel Aviv, Rio de Janeiro, and Tokyo, among others. Extensively illustrated and was designed by the late renowned graphic designer Massimo Vignelli, it vividly conveys the purity and power of Meier s unique and celebrated vision. The development and significance of Meier s work is discussed in an authoritative introduction by the architectural historian Kenneth Frampton. The architect himself contributes a preface that offers firsthand insight into his thought processes and working methods. A biographical chronology and selected bibliography complete this exhaustive and lavish monograph on a modern American master.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Visitation Articles and Injunctions of the Early Stuart Church: I. 1603-25
`An invaluable source for ecclesiastical history... promises to be a highly important record series.' ENGLISH HISTORICAL REVIEW This is the first of two volumes which reproduce manuscript and printed documents for the years 1603-1642. The articles issued by archbishops, bishops, archdeacons and others exercising ecclesiastical jurisdiction have been frequently used by historians as evidence of the priorities and concerns of church government, but until now there has been no systematic examination of the structure and contents of articles, nor the relationship between sets issued bydifferent archbishops, bishops or archdeacons. These two volumes attempt to fill this gap. Volume 1, centring on the Church of James I, contains no less than sixty-six sets of articles, printed either in full or in collated form and includes injunctions or charges issued duringor after visitations. Volume 2 extends the same treatment to the Caroline Church up to the Civil War. KENNETH FINCHAM is lecturer in history at the University of Kent at Canterbury.
Saraband / Contraband Atoms of Delight
Poet and essayist Kenneth Steven takes us on a series of meditative quests in search of his atoms of delighttreasures, both natural and spiritualthrough some of Scotland's most beautiful landscapes.The short pieces in this captivating collection, whose title pays homage to Scottish Renaissance writer Neil Gunn, invite readers to accompany Steven as he seeks out crystal-clear waters, a glimpse of an elusive bird, delicate orchids, plump berries, or pebbles polished by time and tide. Appreciative of the grace of silence and the value of solitude and simplicity, he takes journeys that prompt introspection and provoke memories as we pause, breathe, and discover alongside him the transformative power of nature''s small gifts and wild places.This is an evocative book that will inspire you to pay close attention as you explore your environment and reflect on the fleeting moments of pure joy that nature has brought into your life. As you set out on your own pi
Boutique of Quality Books Shadows at War
Kenneth L. Capps has Turned the Reality of Corruption into a Page-Turning Thriller In the background of Operation Iraqi Freedom and the war in Iraq, with a dedicated soldier as their pawn, two powerful men play a high-stakes game. One works on the side of good, but is corrupted when he realizes what he could gain by utilizing his position to his own advantage. The other has been working for years, patiently waiting for his chance to possess his prize. But which of them is the lesser of two evils? The young soldier struggles to figure out who to trust when the line between right and wrong is blurred by a shadow that grows darker with each carefully crafted lie. Fans of Brad Thor, Brad Meltzer, Ted Bell and Karl Mailantes will love the twists and turns of this suspense-filled thriller written by a former Marine who served in Operation Desert Shield.
Princeton University Press Crosses on the Ballot: Patterns of British Voter Alignment since 1885
In an exploration of mass voter alignments in Great Britain, Kenneth D. Wald illuminates the electoral consequences of major social divisions and the relationship between social structure and partisanship. He establishes that the transition from religion to social class as the chief influence on British voting occurred after World War I, as most scholars have presumed, rather than before the War, as a number of recent revisionist discussions have claimed. Originally published in 1983. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Columbia Books on Architecture and the City The Dissolution of Buildings
Can an architect pass through walls? Can the city permeate a house? In The Dissolution of Buildings, architect Angelo Bucci presents projects in his native Sao Paulo and abroad. Advocating an architecture that is "the opposite of global action," his work responds to the topography of the city and to its urban environment. In a lecture delivered at Columbia University's Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, Bucci discusses work designed with his firm SPBR, projects that span from the scale of the house to the city. His built work is here accompanied by an excerpt from his doctoral dissertation, which explores how the devices available to architecture-and the sectional manipulation of groundplanes in particular-can mitigate some of the inequities and exclusions built in to the fabric of the contemporary city. An essay by Kenneth Frampton frames these projects within the rich lineage of Brazilian house design and members of the Paulista school such as Paulo Mendes da Rocha and Joao Batista Vilanova Artigas.