Search results for ""Author Gabriele""
Rb-Media E.U. The Little Raven Aaron Follows His Heart
Psychosozial-Verlag Der Holocaust im Leben von drei Generationen
Schoeffling + Co. So wars eben
Wolf, VerlagsKG Kamele sind anders Trampeltiere in Mitteleuropa Sozialverhalten Haltungsproblematik Reiten und Therapie
Niederle, Jan Media Sachenrecht 1 Mobiliarsachenrecht
Promedia Verlagsges. Mbh Eine Wiener Biedermeierdame erobert die Welt
BoD - Books on Demand Bea am anderen Ende der Welt
Fischer, Karin Verlag Zwischen den Feldern der Stunden
Psychosozial Verlag GbR Die leere Couch Der Abschied von der Arbeit als Psychoanalytiker
Transcript Verlag Frauen in der 68er Bewegung
Wallstein Verlag GmbH Der Massenmord an den sowjetischen Kriegsgefangenen auf dem SSSchieplatz Hebertshausen 19411942 Begleitband zur OpenAirAusstellung und zur Gedenkinstallation Ort der Namen
Verlag an der Ruhr GmbH FitimKopfVorlesebcher fr Senioren Es grnt so grn Jahreszeitengeschichten zum Gedchtnistraining mit bungen Jahreszeiten Geschichten zum Gedchtnistraining mit bungen fr Senioren
UTB GmbH Deutsch als Zweitsprache
Stürtz Verlag Wege zum Großvater
Ulmer Eugen Verlag Landfrauenkche Fisch
Ulmer Eugen Verlag Exotische Frchte Obst Gemse Nsse
Ueberreuter, Carl Verlag Mystisches Erbe Wien
Juventa Verlag GmbH Geteilte und verteilte Welten
BoD - Books on Demand die Reise nach Rajasthan
Aufbau Taschenbuch Verlag Die Mystikerin Hildegard von Bingen Roman
Fraunhofer Irb Stuttgart Natursteinsanierung 2024
G&G Verlagsges. LESEZUG2 Klasse Hilfe Piraten
G&G Verlagsges. LESEZUG1 Klasse Nur Mut Lara
Motorbuch Verlag Die Geheimdienste der Achsenmchte in Europa 1939 1945
Cornelsen Vlg Scriptor Fachfremd unterrichten Musik Klasse 12 Kopiervorlagen mit Webcode und AudioCD
Schroedel Verlag GmbH Das Gespenst von Canterville Ein Theaterstck nach Oscar Wilde TexteMedien Textausgabe mit Materialteil
Rosenheimer Verlagshaus Italienischer Traum am Gardasee
Insel Verlag GmbH Elizabeth II. und die Lieben ihres Lebens
Westermann Berufl.Bildung Sozialpädagogische Assistenzberufe in Krippe Kita und Schulkindbetreuung Lernfelder 16. Schulbuch
Persen Verlag i.d. AAP Lebenspraktisches Lernen Umgang mit Mll Materialien fr Schler mit geistiger Behinderung 5 bis 8 Klasse
Styria Verlag Das wilde Wien
Max Hueber Verlag Dabei Arbeitsbuch A11
Max Hueber Verlag Dabei Kursbuch A11
Max Hueber Verlag Pingpong Neu Arbeitsbuch 1
Max Hueber Verlag Pingpong Neu Arbeitsbuch 2
Max Hueber Verlag Tamburin Lehrbuch 1
Kohlhammer Unterhaltsrecht Fur Die Soziale Arbeit
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Mathematik Sekundarstufe 2 Grundkurs ma3 Qualifikationsphase Schlerbuch Berlin
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Schlssel zur Mathematik 5 Schuljahr Differenzierende Ausgabe Niedersachsen Arbeitsheft Basis mit eingelegten Lsungen
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Terrorism and the International Business Environment: The Security–Business Nexus
This book was born from the editor's conviction that a wide set of contributors should provide the economic and corporate sectors with guidelines, developed from rigorous research and case studies, to analyse those adjustments made necessary through international terrorism, as known since September 11th 2001. It argues that corporate asset protection and accurate business risk assessment is vital to the longevity, and resilience of business. The volume reveals how the pre-9/11-era of contemporary economic history gave birth to a nexus of a) globalization b) increased systemic vulnerability and complexity and c) the transitions of terrorism. As a result, the post-9/11-era is one which should incorporate risk analysis audits on a regular basis, political and geopolitical risk research, the use of quantitative risk assessment and qualitative risk analysis to implement risk strategy planning, its management and appropriate risk transfer considerations. The formulated call of this work is for diplomacy and business to incorporate the knowledge and lessons of international threat, security and disaster. Their management may reveal important competitive advantages in the long run.Terrorism and the International Business Environment will appeal to a wide audience of risk strategists, CEOs of MNCs, credit risk analysts, as well as academics of international business and politics.
Hogrefe Publishing Psychotherapeutic Support for Family Caregivers of People With Dementia: The Tele.TAnDem Manual
* Provides step-by-step guidance for face-to-face or remote therapy * Illustrated with therapeutic dialogs from real cases * Includes downloadable intervention handouts Learn how family caregivers of people with dementia can be supported by psychotherapy. This handbook addresses the extremely challenging situation that family caregivers of people with dementia face and is informed by the use of evidence-based psychotherapeutic strategies to support them. The book guides readers step-by step through effective therapeutic strategies, mainly based on cognitive-behavioral therapy, and illustrated with excerpts of dialogs between therapists and family caregivers from real sessions. Different modules address topics such as dealing with challenging behavior, self-care, perfectionism and guilt, and changes in the relationship with the ill person, barriers to seeking social and professional support, stress management and emotion regulation, accepting one's own limits, and dealing with institutionalization. These modules can be put together to meet different individuals' needs. Particular emphasis is placed on creating a positive therapeutic alliance and helping caregivers develop the motivation for change. Finally, multiple handouts that can be used in clinical practice are available for download. The intervention is suitable for various settings, including face-to-face or remote forms such as telephone or online therapy. This manual is ideal for clinical psychologists, gerontologists, psychotherapists, counsellors, and social workers working with people with dementia and their families.
Indiana University Press The Mirror and the Killer-Queen: Otherness in Literary Language
"The book not only confirms the high ethical stakes in informed contemporary reading; it offers a rare readerly pleasure in...exploring the wider cultural significance of gender and the body and their narrative representation." -Henry Sussman, SUNY-Buffalo Gabriele Schwab revitalizes debates about literature's cultural function by exploring literary experience as an encounter with otherness. Drawing on literary theory, anthropology, and psychoanalysis, Schwab contends that literature facilitates contact with cultures that may seem foreign to us. At the same time, literature can render the familiar strange, and foreground what a culture tends to repress. At its best, literature challenges the very boundaries of the culture from which it emerges. Schwab's readings of writers such as Hawthorne, Faulkner, Joyce, Lewis Carroll, Djuna Barnes, Marguerite Duras, and John Cage demonstrate the centrality of aesthetics and the literary to studies of otherness and cultural contact.
Columbia University Press Imaginary Ethnographies: Literature, Culture, and Subjectivity
Through readings of iconic figures such as the cannibal, the child, the alien, and the posthuman, Gabriele Schwab analyzes literary explorations at the boundaries of the human. Treating literature as a dynamic medium that "writes culture"-one that makes the abstract particular and local, and situates us within the world-Schwab pioneers a compelling approach to reading literary texts as "anthropologies of the future" that challenge habitual productions of meaning and knowledge. Schwab's study draws on anthropology, philosophy, critical theory, and psychoanalysis to trace literature's profound impact on the cultural imaginary. Following a new interpretation of Derrida's and Levi-Strauss's famous controversy over the indigenous Nambikwara, Schwab explores the vicissitudes of "traveling literature" through novels and films that fashion a cross-cultural imaginary. She also examines the intricate links between colonialism, cannibalism, melancholia, the fate of disenfranchised children under the forces of globalization, and the intertwinement of property and personhood in the neoliberal imaginary. Schwab concludes with an exploration of discourses on the posthuman, using Samuel Beckett's "The Lost Ones" and its depiction of a future lived under the conditions of minimal life. Drawing on a wide range of theories, Schwab engages the productive intersections between literary studies and anthropology, underscoring the power of literature to shape culture, subjectivity, and life.
Max Hueber Verlag Pingpong Neu Arbeitsbuch 3
Mimesis International The Arduous Road to Revolution: Resisting Authoritarian Regimes in the Digital Communication Age
Pen & Sword Books Ltd The Roman Army of the Middle Empire AD 180284
During the Middle Empire period (AD 180-284) the Roman army had to face the terrible Third Century Crisis', wherein a combination of socio-economic problems and new external threats threatened the Empire with complete collapse. Several provinces became temporarily independent from the central government of Rome, while others were frequently raided by foreign invaders. The Roman army had to fight with all its resources in order to reconquer a good portion of the Empire and preserve its unity. The Romans were forced to modernize and reform their forces to face the new challenges posed by a multitude of warlike enemies, such as the Persians in the Middle East or the Germanic Peoples in Central Europe. The previous military system based on the power of the legions' heavy infantry was completely revised, with the introduction of new organizational patterns. Cavalry became much more important than before, together with light troops specialized in skirmishing. The personal equipment of the Ro