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Viva Books Beginning Realism
'Realism' is a term which is key to understanding, amongst other things: the novel genre, Victorian literature, modernism, and postmodernism. It thus provides the conceptual basis for much literary study yet continues to be regarded as too 'slippery' to be of use, or can be undervalued as a literary mode, failing to receive the critical attention that more 'glamorous' artistic movements have attracted. "Beginning Realism" addresses that gap and offers an accessible guide for students and scholars to get to grips with this most fundamental of categories. It offers a clear exposition of the importance of realism for literary studies, the different ways in which realism has been understood, and continues to be understood, by authors, critics and readers. This study recognises that realism is every bit as complex as other modes of representation and requires a similar level of critique. Beginning Realism's initial focus is on the nineteenth-century novel, the period and genre which defined literary realism, using a set number of works from Gaskell, Eliot, Trollope, Dickens, Mrs Oliphant, Thackeray and Zola. Having firmly established what literary realism is, the book then looks at poetry and drama - genres often omitted from other studies of realism- while other chapters fully explore modernism and postmodernism - modes which lean heavily upon an idea of realism for their operations. The book also includes chapters on the theories and theorists of realism (e.g. Watt, Auerbach, Lukacs, and Belsey), as well as a chapter on the language of realism. A separate chapter deals with realism in its philosophical and scientific aspects, and concludes by discussing the current status of realism.
Viva Books Electronic Devices and Circuits
This comprehensive text is developed for B.Tech., B.Sc. (Hons. electronics). M.Sc. (electronics), Diploma, AMIE, etc. provides a sound basis for understanding the subject.The primary objective of this text is to provide all the relevant topics on the subject in accordance with latest syllabi of various universities. The book is written in simple, lucid language along with all essential mathematical derivations and supported by typical solved numerical problems.Features: Emphasizes on concepts and essential mathematical derivations supported by self-explanatory diagrams Includes recent advances in the field Subject matter is presented in from elementary to advanced level in a unique manner At the end of each chapter good number of typical worked out problems are given Each chapter contains review questions, short answer questions, objective questions. This makes the book useful for GATE, NET/SLET and other Entrance examinations. At the end of each chapter summary is provided which helps in reviewing the entire chapter in a short time. The book is student friendly, thought provoking and innovative.
Viva Books Practical Pricing for Results
Viva Books Lord of the Flies
Viva Books Motivating the Millennial Knowledge Worker: Help Today's Workforce Succeed in Today's Economy
Viva Books Surviving a Stroke
Viva Books High-Performance Consulting Skills
Viva Books Happiness: Gain & Retain
Viva Books Warfare, State and Society in South Asia
Viva Books Microeconomic Analysis
Microeconomic Analysis has been a fixture of graduate programs in economics for fifteen years. It has held this position because it has the authority, the clarity, and the breadth necessary for a classic text. This new Third Edition continues to supply the building blocks of microeconomic analysis a thorough treatment of optimization and equilibrium methods, coupled with numerous examples of their application. The Third Edition expands on the earlier editions in two ways. First, the existing coverage has been rewritten and rearranged.
Viva Books Writing Essays and Reports
Viva Books R.K. Narayan
Viva Books Islam and Peacemaking in the Middle East
Viva Books Super Starters - Teacher"S Book
Viva Books Beginning Postmodernism Beginning Series
Viva Books Organic Chemistry
Viva Books Future of Post-Human Architecture
Viva Books How Small Groups Can Raise Big Funds
Viva Books Statistics
Statistics in unusual in its emphasis on the models that underlie statistical inference. The authors make the models comprehensible and show why choosing the wrong model can lead students astray. Carefully constructed exercises in every chapter offer practice in computational skills. Other call for rough estimates and qualitative judgments, so students are forced to come to grips with the concepts instead of mechanically applied formulas. Most sections close with an exercise set; the answers are in the back of the book, often with complete solutions. Chapters also have review exercises, without answers, for homework and tests. Illustrations are in integral part of the exposition. Beginners learn how to read histograms and scatterplots and how to think about these graphics in the context of real problems.
⎠Viva Books Research Methods In Social Science
The necessary examples, tables, illustrations and graphs have been incorporated to have a clear understanding of the unit wise topic.