Search results for ""springer-verlag new york inc.""
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. SystemVerilog for Verification
Based on the highly successful second edition, this extended edition of SystemVerilog for Verification: A Guide to Learning the Testbench Language Features teaches all verification features of the SystemVerilog language, providing hundreds of examples to clearly explain the concepts and basic fundamentals. It contains materials for both the full-time verification engineer and the student learning this valuable skill.In the third edition, authors Chris Spear and Greg Tumbush start with how to verify a design, and then use that context to demonstrate the language features, including the advantages and disadvantages of different styles, allowing readers to choose between alternatives. This textbook contains end-of-chapter exercises designed to enhance students'' understanding of the material. Other features of this revision include: New sections on static variables, print specifiers, and DPI from the 2009 IEEE language standard Descriptions of UVM feat
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. PhaseSeparated Biomolecular Condensates
This volume provides readers with a broad collection of theoretical, computational, and experimental methods to quantitatively study the properties of phase-separate biomolecular condensates in diverse systems. The chapters in this book cover topics such as theoretical and computational methods; methods for in vitro characterization of biomolecular condensates; and techniques that enable in-cell characterization of biomolecular condensates. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introduction to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and expert tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.Comprehensive and thorough, Phase-Separated Biomolecular Condensates: Methods and Protocols is a valuable resource that helps researchers learn and use established methods to study both biophysical properties and biological func
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Psychiatric Vulnerability Mood and Anxiety Disorders
This volume looks at classic and novel methods currently used by researchers to understand mood and anxiety disorders and foster precision medicine. Chapters in this book cover topics such as how the sucrose preference succeeds or fails as a measurement of anhedonia; fear conditioning in laboratory rodents; animal models for mania; rodent models for studying the impact of variation in early life mother-infant interactions on mood and anxiety; and prediction of susceptibility/resilience toward animal models of PTSD. In the Neuromethods series style, chapters include the kind of detail and key advice from the specialists needed to get successful results in your laboratory. Comprehensive and cutting-edge, accommodating the novel views on how the neurobiology of psychiatric disorders should be reconceptualized, Psychiatric Vulnerability, Mood, and Anxiety Disorders: Tests and Models in Mice and Rats is a valuable resource for all researchers i
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Science and Technology in Medicine: An Illustrated Account Based on Ninety-Nine Landmark Publications from Five Centuries
The history and evolution of the fields of science and medicine are symbiotically linked and thus are mutually dependent. Discoveries in one domain have allowed for progress in the other, and it is nearly impossible to study one area in isolation. The influence of science and technologic discoveries on medicine has profoundly impacted the way physicians practice and has resulted in an extended life expectancy and quality of life that our ancestors never dreamed possible. Science and Technology in Medicine is a collection of 99 essays based on landmark publications that have appeared in the medical literature over the past 500 years. Each essay includes a summary of the article or chapter; text and images reproduced directly from the original source; a short biography of the author(s); and a discussion about the significance of the discovery and its subsequent influence on later developments. Original material by the likes of Dürer, Bernoulli, Doppler, Pasteur, Trendelenburg, Curie and Röntgen offers readers a rare glimpse at publications housed in archives around the world, beautifully reproduced in one fascinating volume.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Evolutionary Perspectives on Human Sexual Psychology and Behavior
This volume in the Springer Series in Evolutionary Psychology presents a state of the art view of the topic of sexuality and sexual behavior drawing on theoretical constructs and research of noted individuals in the field. Comprehensive and multi-disciplinary, this book seeks to provide a broad overview without sacrificing the complexity of a multi-faceted approach. The book is framed by introductory and closing sections that provide a context for the range of ideas contained within. Ample space is provided in designated sections that focus on key areas of sexuality from both male and female perspectives and that include information from primate studies. This volume can serve as a graduate text in sexual behavior in evolutionary terms and as a guide for further research.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Vitreous: in Health and Disease
The vitreous body long has been the most mysterious of all ocular structures, owing perhaps to its seeming simplicity. There have been few concerted, sustained efforts to unravel the mysteries of how vitreous is composed and what role it plays in normal physiology as well as pathology. Over the years, however, many studies have produced important findings concerning vitreous biochemistry, structure, physiology, and pathobiology. Published on the 25th anniversary of Sebag's first book on Vitreous, this second installment is nearly five times longer than its predecessor, reflecting how much has been learned in the past quarter century. This well-constructed compendium not only addresses the most current scientific knowledge, but also reviews clinical perspectives in a manner that lends richness to the scope of the book. Written by 90 authors, this book has 56 chapters organized into 7 sections: Biochemistry; Anatomy, Development, and Aging; Pathology/Pathobiology; Physiology and Phamacotherapy; Posterior Vitreo-Retinal Surgery; Peripheral Vitreo-Retinal Surgery; and Pharmacologic Vitreolysis. With a foreword by Coleman & Lincoff and an introduction by Wallace Foulds, Sebag's latest tome on vitreous is destined to be the authoritative text for years to come.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. The Primary Auditory Neurons of the Mammalian Cochlea
This volume details the essential role of the spiral ganglion neurons. The volume elucidates and characterizes their development, their environment, their electrophysiological characteristics, their connectivity to their targets in the inner ear and the brain, and discusses the potential for their regeneration. A comprehensive review about the spiral ganglion neurons is important for researchers not only in the inner ear field but also in development, neuroscience, biophysics as well as neural networks researchers. The chapters are authored by leading researchers in the field.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Measure and Category: A Survey of the Analogies between Topological and Measure Spaces
In this edition, a set of Supplementary Notes and Remarks has been added at the end, grouped according to chapter. Some of these call attention to subsequent developments, others add further explanation or additional remarks. Most of the remarks are accompanied by a briefly indicated proof, which is sometimes different from the one given in the reference cited. The list of references has been expanded to include many recent contributions, but it is still not intended to be exhaustive. John C. Oxtoby Bryn Mawr, April 1980 Preface to the First Edition This book has two main themes: the Baire category theorem as a method for proving existence, and the "duality" between measure and category. The category method is illustrated by a variety of typical applications, and the analogy between measure and category is explored in all of its ramifications. To this end, the elements of metric topology are reviewed and the principal properties of Lebesgue measure are derived. It turns out that Lebesgue integration is not essential for present purposes-the Riemann integral is sufficient. Concepts of general measure theory and topology are introduced, but not just for the sake of generality. Needless to say, the term "category" refers always to Baire category; it has nothing to do with the term as it is used in homological algebra.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Quadratic and Higher Degree Forms
In the last decade, the areas of quadratic and higher degree forms have witnessed dramatic advances. This volume is an outgrowth of three seminal conferences on these topics held in 2009, two at the University of Florida and one at the Arizona Winter School. The volume also includes papers from the two focused weeks on quadratic forms and integral lattices at the University of Florida in 2010.Topics discussed include the links between quadratic forms and automorphic forms, representation of integers and forms by quadratic forms, connections between quadratic forms and lattices, and algorithms for quaternion algebras and quadratic forms. The book will be of interest to graduate students and mathematicians wishing to study quadratic and higher degree forms, as well as to established researchers in these areas. Quadratic and Higher Degree Forms contains research and semi-expository papers that stem from the presentations at conferences at the University of Florida as well as survey lectures on quadratic forms based on the instructional workshop for graduate students held at the Arizona Winter School. The survey papers in the volume provide an excellent introduction to various aspects of the theory of quadratic forms starting from the basic concepts and provide a glimpse of some of the exciting questions currently being investigated. The research and expository papers present the latest advances on quadratic and higher degree forms and their connections with various branches of mathematics.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. State Government Budget Stabilization: Policy, Tools, and Impacts
This book is the first comprehensive, full-scale treatment of the law, politics and economics with regard to the policies and policy instruments for budget stabilization at the state level. Covering the period from 1946 through 2008 in the United States, it provides details on the methods and results of empirical tests of the effects of budget stabilization instruments on government operations, public service provision, and some other aspects of social and economic life. With the lingering effects of the most recent financial crisis and economic downturn, and the subsequent Tea Party movement advocating smaller government and deficit reduction, this book carries timely and important theoretical as well as practical implications, particularly in regard to the potential for counter-cyclical fiscal policy in mitigating negative impacts during a recession. The first contribution of the book is in public finance theory: it provides insights into the applications of the stabilization function in the context of strong government, thereby refining Keynesianism. The second aspect is in Public Choice: the creation and functioning of budget stabilization funds offer extra evidence to demonstrate that the general public provides input and voice in more than the conventional ways when it comes to policy making, even in an area dominated by strong government. The third aspect is in policy making, exploring the opportunities for refining policy tools in preparation for future downturns.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Bioactive Polyphenols from Wine Grapes
Is red wine good for you? And if so, why? How much? And what are the actual benefits? This addition to the SpringerBriefs in Cell Biology series thoroughly but succinctly answers these questions. It covers the biochemistry, health benefits and therapeutic potential of wine grapes. It begins with an overview of phytoalexin production in Vitis vinifera (Common Grape Vine), detailing the relationship of resveratrol to analogues such as pterostilbene, piceid and the viniferins (resveratrol oligomers). The discussion then turns to the hundreds of reports linking resveratrol and related grape vine polyphenols to various beneficial health effects especially cardio- and cerebro- vascular, metabolic, anti-inflammatory and more. Also addressed are the numerous intracellular mechanisms that have been shown to mediate the effects of these compounds in mammalian cells and tissues. Finally, the authors discuss aspects of polyphenol bioavailability and how this will influence choices taken for delivering these compounds as nutritional supplements. A brief chapter containing general conclusions and prospectus rounds out the information.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. High Resolution Focused Ion Beams: FIB and its Applications: The Physics of Liquid Metal Ion Sources and Ion Optics and Their Application to Focused Ion Beam Technology
In this book, we have attempted to produce a reference on high resolution focused ion beams (FIBs) that will be useful for both the user and the designer of FIB instrumentation. We have included a mix of theory and applications that seemed most useful to us. The field of FIBs has advanced rapidly since the application of the first field emission ion sources in the early 1970s. The development of the liquid metal ion source (LMIS) in the late 1960s and early 1970s and its application for FIBs in the late 1970s have resulted in a powerful tool for research and for industry. There have been hundreds of papers written on many aspects of LMIS and FIBs, and a useful and informative book on these subjects was published in 1991 by Phil Prewett and Grame Mair. Because there have been so many new applications and uses found for FIBs in the last ten years we felt that it was time for another book on the subject.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Radioguided Surgery
This multidisciplinary textbook is designed to be the standard on the subject and is geared for use by physicians who are involved in the care and/or diagnosis of cancer patients. Comprehensive coverage is provided on all aspects of radioguided surgery. Practical information is readily accessible and throughout there is an emphasis on improved decision making. Tables present the indications, performance, and interpretation of procedures at a glance. A wealth of illustrations, including a full-color insert, enhances the application of new concepts.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Deformation Theory
The basic problem of deformation theory in algebraic geometry involves watching a small deformation of one member of a family of objects, such as varieties, or subschemes in a fixed space, or vector bundles on a fixed scheme. In this new book, Robin Hartshorne studies first what happens over small infinitesimal deformations, and then gradually builds up to more global situations, using methods pioneered by Kodaira and Spencer in the complex analytic case, and adapted and expanded in algebraic geometry by Grothendieck. The author includes numerous exercises, as well as important examples illustrating various aspects of the theory. This text is based on a graduate course taught by the author at the University of California, Berkeley.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Surgical Robotics: Systems Applications and Visions
Surgical robotics is a rapidly evolving field. With roots in academic research, surgical robotic systems are now clinically used across a wide spectrum of surgical procedures. Surgical Robotics: Systems Applications and Visions provides a comprehensive view of the field both from the research and clinical perspectives. This volume takes a look at surgical robotics from four different perspectives, addressing vision, systems, engineering development and clinical applications of these technologies. The book also: -Discusses specific surgical applications of robotics that have already been deployed in operating rooms -Covers specific engineering breakthroughs that have occurred in surgical robotics -Details surgical robotic applications in specific disciplines of surgery including orthopedics, urology, cardiac surgery, neurosurgery, ophthalmology, pediatric surgery and general surgery Surgical Robotics: Systems Applications and Visions is an ideal volume for researchers and engineers working in biomedical engineering.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. The Olfactory System
This volume discusses the latest approaches used to investigate molecular biology and physiology in the peripheral and central olfactory system. Understanding both normal function and pathobiology provides readers with insight into understanding human olfactory disorders. The chapters in this book cover topics such as techniques for manipulating and measuring olfactory cilia function; approaches for investigating spatial RNA expression in olfactory mucosa; the use of chromatin immunoprecipitation with olfactory neurons; in vivo methods to label and identify activated olfactory neurons; defining organization in the olfactory bulbs and cortex; and the use of optical recording in the mouse olfactory bulb for acute or chronic experiments. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.Thorough and cutting-edge, The Olfactory System: Methods and Protocols is a valuable resource for all researchers who are interested in learning more about this important and developing field.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Directed Evolution: Methods and Protocols
This volume explores the latest techniques used by researchers to study directed evolution (DE) at each stage of the Design-Build-Test-Learn cycle. Chapters in this book cover topics such as designing overlap extension PCR primers for protein mutagenesis; antha-guided automation of Darwin assembly for the construction of bespoke gene libraries; rapid cloning of random mutagenesis libraries using PTO-Quickstep; and DE of glycosyltransferases by a single-cell screening method. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Cutting-edge and comprehensive, Directed Evolution: Methods and Protocols is a valuable resource for scientists and researchers who are interested in learning more about this field and incorporating these studies into new experimental workflows.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Production of Traditional Mediterranean Meat Products
This volume details the inventory and characterizes traditional meat products within each geographic region. Consisting of 21 chapters, chapters guide readers through comprehensive descriptions of the materials and processing conditions used to make each meat product so that it can be manufactured by other researchers or industries. In addition, each book chapter includes explanatory notes and elucidate the possible specific points to take into account for the correct manufacture. Authoritative and cutting-edge, Production of Traditional Mediterranean Meat Products aims to standardize the manufacturing process of the main Mediterranean traditional meat products, since there are several variations between manufacturers or regions.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Proteomics Data Analysis
This thorough book collects methods and strategies to analyze proteomics data. It is intended to describe how data obtained by gel-based or gel-free proteomics approaches can be inspected, organized, and interpreted to extrapolate biological information. Organized into four sections, the volume explores strategies to analyze proteomics data obtained by gel-based approaches, different data analysis approaches for gel-free proteomics experiments, bioinformatic tools for the interpretation of proteomics data to obtain biological significant information, as well as methods to integrate proteomics data with other omics datasets including genomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics, and other types of data. Written for the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, chapters include the kind of detailed implementation advice that will ensure high quality results in the lab. Authoritative and practical, Proteomics Data Analysis serves as an ideal guide to introduce researchers, both experienced and novice, to new tools and approaches for data analysis to encourage the further study of proteomics.Chapter 16 is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Shotgun Proteomics: Methods and Protocols
This edition details a collection of specific shotgun proteomics-based laboratory techniques and applications developed in leading laboratories and proteomics units worldwide. Chapters cover a broad range of topics covering, shotgun proteomics of extracellular vesicles and subcellular structures, shotgun proteomics in non-model organisms, clinical proteomics, food proteomics, analysis of post-translational modifications and protein complexes, and data processing and storage. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and cutting-edge, Shotgun Proteomics: Methods and Protocols aims to be an up-to-date guide for researchers seeking to understand the proteome of any given biological sample.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Introduction to Mechanics and Symmetry: A Basic Exposition of Classical Mechanical Systems
A development of the basic theory and applications of mechanics with an emphasis on the role of symmetry. The book includes numerous specific applications, making it beneficial to physicists and engineers. Specific examples and applications show how the theory works, backed by up-to-date techniques, all of which make the text accessible to a wide variety of readers, especially senior undergraduates and graduates in mathematics, physics and engineering. This second edition has been rewritten and updated for clarity throughout, with a major revamping and expansion of the exercises. Internet supplements containing additional material are also available.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Geometry: A High School Course
At last: geometry in an exemplary, accessible and attractive form! The authors emphasise both the intellectually stimulating parts of geometry and routine arguments or computations in concrete or classical cases, as well as practical and physical applications. They also show students the fundamental concepts and the difference between important results and minor technical routines. Altogether, the text presents a coherent high school curriculum for the geometry course, naturally backed by numerous examples and exercises.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Principles of Nasal Reconstruction
Skin cancer is among the most commonly occurring cancers, with incidence rates climbing among patients of all ages. The nose is the most common site for these cases. The vast majority of skin cancers of the nose are treated surgically by plastic surgeons, dermatologists, and otolaryngologists. Surgical excision requires reconstruction to one degree or another and Principles of Nasal Reconstruction will prove extremely helpful to any surgeon contemplating reconstruction of defects resulting from skin cancer removal. This book offers multiple guided surgical techniques and references to provide insight and practical guidance to the surgeon and trainee performing nasal reconstructions
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Electron Backscatter Diffraction in Materials Science
Electron backscatter diffraction is a very powerful and relatively new materials characterization technique aimed at the determination of crystallographic texture, grain boundary character distributions, lattice strain, phase identification, and much more. The purpose of this book is to provide the fundamental basis for electron backscatter diffraction in materials science, the current state of both hardware and software, and illustrative examples of the applications of electron backscatter diffraction to a wide-range of materials including undeformed and deformed metals and alloys, ceramics, and superconductors. The text has been substantially revised from the first edition, and the authors have kept the format as close as possible to the first edition text. The new developments covered in this book include a more comphrensive coverage of the fundamentals not covered in the first edition or other books in the field, the advances in hardware and software since the first edition was published, and current examples of application of electron backscatter diffraction to solve challenging problems in materials science and condensed-matter physics.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Biology and Ecology of Earthworms
Biology and Ecology of Earthworms is established as a key valuable text for students of agriculture, soil science, and soil invertebrate zoology and ecology. This is the 4th Edition of the popular textbook which reviews all aspects of earthworm biology and ecology. The book has been fully revised and updated throughout. Particular changes include: new treatments of earthworm taxonomy, diversity, migration and geographical distribution; interactions between earthworms and other soil organisms, especially microorganisms and soil-borne pests and diseases; as well as the importance of earthworms in organic waste management.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Braid Groups
In this well-written presentation, motivated by numerous examples and problems, the authors introduce the basic theory of braid groups, highlighting several definitions that show their equivalence; this is followed by a treatment of the relationship between braids, knots and links. Important results then treat the linearity and orderability of the subject. Relevant additional material is included in five large appendices. Braid Groups will serve graduate students and a number of mathematicians coming from diverse disciplines.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Methods and Procedures for the Verification and Validation of Artificial Neural Networks
Neural networks are members of a class of software that have the potential to enable intelligent computational systems capable of simulating characteristics of biological thinking and learning. Currently no standards exist to verify and validate neural network-based systems. NASA Independent Verification and Validation Facility has contracted the Institute for Scientific Research, Inc. to perform research on this topic and develop a comprehensive guide to performing V&V on adaptive systems, with emphasis on neural networks used in safety-critical or mission-critical applications. Methods and Procedures for the Verification and Validation of Artificial Neural Networks is the culmination of the first steps in that research. This volume introduces some of the more promising methods and techniques used for the verification and validation (V&V) of neural networks and adaptive systems. A comprehensive guide to performing V&V on neural network systems, aligned with the IEEE Standard for Software Verification and Validation, will follow this book.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. A First Course in Bayesian Statistical Methods
A self-contained introduction to probability, exchangeability and Bayes’ rule provides a theoretical understanding of the applied material. Numerous examples with R-code that can be run "as-is" allow the reader to perform the data analyses themselves. The development of Monte Carlo and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods in the context of data analysis examples provides motivation for these computational methods.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. The Science of Radio: with MATLAB® and Electronics Workbench® Demonstrations
From the reviews: "… The notes and problems at the end of each chapter are very helpful. […] In the final analysis, the book is definitely worth owning. […] It is an extremely well written – but unusual – book that I highly recommend for all physicists." The Physics Teacher
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Programming Challenges: The Programming Contest Training Manual
There are many distinct pleasures associated with computer programming. Craftsmanship has its quiet rewards, the satisfaction that comes from building a useful object and making it work. Excitement arrives with the flash of insight that cracks a previously intractable problem. The spiritual quest for elegance can turn the hacker into an artist. There are pleasures in parsimony, in squeezing the last drop of performance out of clever algorithms and tight coding. The games, puzzles, and challenges of problems from international programming competitions are a great way to experience these pleasures while improving your algorithmic and coding skills. This book contains over 100 problems that have appeared in previous programming contests, along with discussions of the theory and ideas necessary to attack them. Instant online grading for all of these problems is available from two WWW robot judging sites. Combining this book with a judge gives an exciting new way to challenge and improve your programming skills. This book can be used for self-study, for teaching innovative courses in algorithms and programming, and in training for international competition. The problems in this book have been selected from over 1,000 programming problems at the Universidad de Valladolid online judge. The judge has ruled on well over one million submissions from 27,000 registered users around the world to date. We have taken only the best of the best, the most fun, exciting, and interesting problems available.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Stochastic Calculus for Finance I: The Binomial Asset Pricing Model
Developed for the professional Master's program in Computational Finance at Carnegie Mellon, the leading financial engineering program in the U.S. Has been tested in the classroom and revised over a period of several years Exercises conclude every chapter; some of these extend the theory while others are drawn from practical problems in quantitative finance
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. An Introduction to Statistical Learning: with Applications in R
An Introduction to Statistical Learning provides an accessible overview of the field of statistical learning, an essential toolset for making sense of the vast and complex data sets that have emerged in fields ranging from biology to finance to marketing to astrophysics in the past twenty years. This book presents some of the most important modeling and prediction techniques, along with relevant applications. Topics include linear regression, classification, resampling methods, shrinkage approaches, tree-based methods, support vector machines, clustering, deep learning, survival analysis, multiple testing, and more. Color graphics and real-world examples are used to illustrate the methods presented. Since the goal of this textbook is to facilitate the use of these statistical learning techniques by practitioners in science, industry, and other fields, each chapter contains a tutorial on implementing the analyses and methods presented in R, an extremely popular open source statistical software platform.Two of the authors co-wrote The Elements of Statistical Learning (Hastie, Tibshirani and Friedman, 2nd edition 2009), a popular reference book for statistics and machine learning researchers. An Introduction to Statistical Learning covers many of the same topics, but at a level accessible to a much broader audience. This book is targeted at statisticians and non-statisticians alike who wish to use cutting-edge statistical learning techniques to analyze their data. The text assumes only a previous course in linear regression and no knowledge of matrix algebra.This Second Edition features new chapters on deep learning, survival analysis, and multiple testing, as well as expanded treatments of naïve Bayes, generalized linear models, Bayesian additive regression trees, and matrix completion. R code has been updated throughout to ensure compatibility.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Alice in Quantumland: An Allegory of Quantum Physics
In this cleverly conceived book, physicist Robert Gilmore makes accessible some complex concepts in quantum mechanics by sending Alice to Quantumland-a whole new Wonderland, smaller than an atom, where each attraction demonstrates a different aspect of quantum theory. Alice unusual encounters, enhanced by illustrations by Gilmore himself, make the Uncertainty Principle, wave functions, the Pauli Principle, and other elusive concepts easier to grasp.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction, Second Edition
This book describes the important ideas in a variety of fields such as medicine, biology, finance, and marketing in a common conceptual framework. While the approach is statistical, the emphasis is on concepts rather than mathematics. Many examples are given, with a liberal use of colour graphics. It is a valuable resource for statisticians and anyone interested in data mining in science or industry. The book's coverage is broad, from supervised learning (prediction) to unsupervised learning. The many topics include neural networks, support vector machines, classification trees and boosting---the first comprehensive treatment of this topic in any book. This major new edition features many topics not covered in the original, including graphical models, random forests, ensemble methods, least angle regression & path algorithms for the lasso, non-negative matrix factorisation, and spectral clustering. There is also a chapter on methods for "wide'' data (p bigger than n), including multiple testing and false discovery rates.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Numerical Optimization
Optimization is an important tool used in decision science and for the analysis of physical systems used in engineering. One can trace its roots to the Calculus of Variations and the work of Euler and Lagrange. This natural and reasonable approach to mathematical programming covers numerical methods for finite-dimensional optimization problems. It begins with very simple ideas progressing through more complicated concepts, concentrating on methods for both unconstrained and constrained optimization.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Handbook of Behavior, Food and Nutrition
This book disseminates current information pertaining to the modulatory effects of foods and other food substances on behavior and neurological pathways and, importantly, vice versa. This ranges from the neuroendocrine control of eating to the effects of life-threatening disease on eating behavior. The importance of this contribution to the scientific literature lies in the fact that food and eating are an essential component of cultural heritage but the effects of perturbations in the food/cognitive axis can be profound. The complex interrelationship between neuropsychological processing, diet, and behavioral outcome is explored within the context of the most contemporary psychobiological research in the area. This comprehensive psychobiology- and pathology-themed text examines the broad spectrum of diet, behavioral, and neuropsychological interactions from normative function to occurrences of severe and enduring psychopathological processes.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Men's Health: A Head to Toe Guide for Clinicians
This book covers issues of men’s health, including screening, diagnosis and management of common disorders and opportunities for prevention and health maintenance. Each chapter pertains to a component of the physical exam and/or organ system. Examples include appropriate survey and screening of the integument, the significance of buccal/dental integrity, tailoring cardiovascular remedies and balancing prostate cancer screening with quality of life. The book follows the methodical approach of a comprehensive wellness visit, including inventory of psychosocial factors, which significantly impact physical well-being. Justification for often overlooked topics in the review of systems, such as sexual history and satisfaction, relationship issues, and vocational fulfillment are provided. This book is written in the spirit of the rich bedside acumen and the art of healing, we must strive to protect. While informative and stimulating, this text serves to remind us of the specialized diagnostic tools we carry between our ears, and the power of healing we possess in our hands as well as the counsel and education we provide to our patients. Men’s Health: A Head to Toe Guide for Clinicians serves as an important and readily accessible resource for primary care physicians, internists and family doctors, physician’s assistants and nurse practitioners who care for adult males.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. A Clinical Guide to the Treatment of the Human Stress Response
This new edition emphasizes the unique contribution of this longstanding text in the integration of mind/body relationships. The concept of stress, as defined and elaborated in Chapter 1, the primary efferent biological mechanisms of the human stress response, as described in Chapter 2, and the link from stress arousal to disease, as defined in Chapter 3, essentially remains the same. However, updates in microanatomy, biochemistry and tomography are added to these chapters. All other chapters will be updated as well, as there has been significant changes in the field over the past eight years.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Calculus Without Derivatives
Calculus Without Derivatives expounds the foundations and recent advances in nonsmooth analysis, a powerful compound of mathematical tools that obviates the usual smoothness assumptions. This textbook also provides significant tools and methods towards applications, in particular optimization problems. Whereas most books on this subject focus on a particular theory, this text takes a general approach including all main theories. In order to be self-contained, the book includes three chapters of preliminary material, each of which can be used as an independent course if needed. The first chapter deals with metric properties, variational principles, decrease principles, methods of error bounds, calmness and metric regularity. The second one presents the classical tools of differential calculus and includes a section about the calculus of variations. The third contains a clear exposition of convex analysis.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Monte Carlo Methods in Financial Engineering
From the reviews: "Paul Glasserman has written an astonishingly good book that bridges financial engineering and the Monte Carlo method. The book will appeal to graduate students, researchers, and most of all, practicing financial engineers [...] So often, financial engineering texts are very theoretical. This book is not." --Glyn Holton, Contingency Analysis
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Hilbert Space Operators in Quantum Physics
Almost ?fteen years later, and there is little change in our motivation. Mathem- ical physics of quantum systems remains a lively subject of intrinsic interest with numerous applications, both actual and potential. Intheprefacetothe?rsteditionwehavedescribedtheoriginofthisbookrooted at the beginning in a course of lectures. With this fact in mind, we were naturally pleased to learn that the volume was used as a course text in many points of the world and we gladly accepted the o?er ofSpringer Verlag which inherited the rights from our original publisher, to consider preparation of a second edition. It was our ambition to bring the reader close to the places where real life dwells, and therefore this edition had to be more than a corrected printing. The ?eld is developing rapidly and since the ?rst edition various new subjects have appeared; as a couple of examples let us mention quantum computing or the major progress in theinvestigationofrandomSchr. odingeroperators.Thereare,however,goodsources intheliteraturewherethereadercanlearnabouttheseandothernewdevelopments.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Fatigue of Structures and Materials
Fatigue of structures and materials covers a wide scope of different topics. The purpose of the present book is to explain these topics, to indicate how they can be analyzed, and how this can contribute to the designing of fatigue resistant structures and to prevent structural fatigue problems in service. Chapter 1 gives a general survey of the topic with brief comments on the signi?cance of the aspects involved. This serves as a kind of a program for the following chapters. The central issues in this book are predictions of fatigue properties and designing against fatigue. These objectives cannot be realized without a physical and mechanical understanding of all relevant conditions. In Chapter 2 the book starts with basic concepts of what happens in the material of a structure under cyclic loads. It illustrates the large number of variables which can affect fatigue properties and it provides the essential background knowledge for subsequent chapters. Different subjects are presented in the following main parts: • Basic chapters on fatigue properties and predictions (Chapters 2–8) • Load spectra and fatigue under variable-amplitude loading (Chapters 9–11) • Fatigue tests and scatter (Chapters 12 and 13) • Special fatigue conditions (Chapters 14–17) • Fatigue of joints and structures (Chapters 18–20) • Fiber-metal laminates (Chapter 21) Each chapter presents a discussion of a speci?c subject.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Acid Rain - Deposition to Recovery
This book looks at the sources and composition of the atmosphere and rainfall, with particular attention on acidifying components and those that affect ecosystems. It further widens the subject to look at trace metals. It includes papers on the impact of deposition on soils and forests and the recovery of the natural environment. Work on critical loads makes a contribution to understanding the degree to which deposition must be reduced to limit its impact.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Advanced Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers I: Asymptotic Methods and Perturbation Theory
A clear, practical and self-contained presentation of the methods of asymptotics and perturbation theory for obtaining approximate analytical solutions to differential and difference equations. Aimed at teaching the most useful insights in approaching new problems, the text avoids special methods and tricks that only work for particular problems. Intended for graduates and advanced undergraduates, it assumes only a limited familiarity with differential equations and complex variables. The presentation begins with a review of differential and difference equations, then develops local asymptotic methods for such equations, and explains perturbation and summation theory before concluding with an exposition of global asymptotic methods. Emphasizing applications, the discussion stresses care rather than rigor and relies on many well-chosen examples to teach readers how an applied mathematician tackles problems. There are 190 computer-generated plots and tables comparing approximate and exact solutions, over 600 problems of varying levels of difficulty, and an appendix summarizing the properties of special functions.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Categories for the Working Mathematician
An array of general ideas useful in a wide variety of fields. Starting from the foundations, this book illuminates the concepts of category, functor, natural transformation, and duality. It then turns to adjoint functors, which provide a description of universal constructions, an analysis of the representations of functors by sets of morphisms, and a means of manipulating direct and inverse limits. These categorical concepts are extensively illustrated in the remaining chapters, which include many applications of the basic existence theorem for adjoint functors. The categories of algebraic systems are constructed from certain adjoint-like data and characterised by Beck's theorem. After considering a variety of applications, the book continues with the construction and exploitation of Kan extensions. This second edition includes a number of revisions and additions, including new chapters on topics of active interest: symmetric monoidal categories and braided monoidal categories, and the coherence theorems for them, as well as 2-categories and the higher dimensional categories which have recently come into prominence.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. p-adic Numbers, p-adic Analysis, and Zeta-Functions
The first edition of this work has become the standard introduction to the theory of p-adic numbers at both the advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate level. This second edition includes a deeper treatment of p-adic functions in Ch. 4 to include the Iwasawa logarithm and the p-adic gamma-function, the rearrangement and addition of some exercises, the inclusion of an extensive appendix of answers and hints to the exercises, as well as numerous clarifications.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Mathematical Biology: I. An Introduction
Mathematical Biology is a richly illustrated textbook in an exciting and fast growing field. Providing an in-depth look at the practical use of math modeling, it features exercises throughout that are drawn from a variety of bioscientific disciplines - population biology, developmental biology, physiology, epidemiology, and evolution, among others. It maintains a consistent level throughout so that graduate students can use it to gain a foothold into this dynamic research area.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Undergraduate Analysis
This logically self-contained introduction to analysis centers around those properties that have to do with uniform convergence and uniform limits in the context of differentiation and integration. From the reviews: "This material can be gone over quickly by the really well-prepared reader, for it is one of the book’s pedagogical strengths that the pattern of development later recapitulates this material as it deepens and generalizes it." --AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY