Search results for ""springer verlag""
Springer Verlag L’arto inferiore nella paralisi cerebrale infantile: Semeiotica e chirurgia funzionale
Partendo dall’analisi del segno il testo affronta i principali difetti (impairment) che possono interessare l’arto inferiore nel bambino affetto da paralisi cerebrale infantile. Per ciascuna delle tre principali stazioni di movimento (piede, ginocchio e anca) vengono considerate le possibili cause del segno, le manovre di semeiotica clinica e strumentale (gait analysis) in grado di evidenziarle, le proposte di chirurgia funzionale più praticate capaci di modificarle. Per ciascun intervento chirurgico viene fornita una descrizione sintetica della procedura e dei tempi di interdizione dal carico, il protocollo di addestramento fisioterapico nell’immediato postoperatorio e quello da seguire dalla ripresa del carico in poi. Il testo è correlato da una ricca iconografia e da una bibliografia aggiornata. Un glossario ragionato permette di conoscere il significato dei principali termini utilizzati. Un capitolo conclusivo analizza le strategie dell’approccio chirurgico nelle principali forme di paralisi cerebrale infantile.
Springer Verlag Le costellazioni al binocolo: Trecento oggetti celesti da riconoscere ed esplorare
Questo libro è un tour guidato attraverso le costellazioni visibili dalle medie latitudini settentrionali. È un’opera ideale per chi si accosta per la prima volta all’osservazione del cielo, ma anche l’astrofilo esperto la troverà ricca e utile, per come è strutturata. Nella prima parte, il libro è un succinto trattatello di astronomia, di meccanica celeste, d’evoluzione stellare e di cosmologia. Nella seconda parte, vengono proposte mappe per riconoscere tutte le costellazioni visibili dai nostri cieli, e schede con informazioni particolareggiate relative alle stelle visibili a occhio nudo, oltre che ad alcune centinaia di oggetti (stelle doppie e variabili, ammassi stellari, nebulose, galassie) alla portata di un semplice binocolo 10×50.
Springer Verlag Psicologia clinica: Dialoghi e confronti
Il volume fornisce un panorama aggiornato dei principali aspetti teorici, formativi e di ricerca che attualmente caratterizzano la psicologia clinica in Italia. I diversi contributi presentati nelle prime 4 sezioni (Prospettive e dibattiti; Le psicoterapie: sviluppi ed innovazioni; Psicologia clinica, psicoterapia e ricerca; La dimensione formativa in psicologia clinica ) rappresentano il frutto di un dialogo e di un confronto che si è articolato nel tempo fra alcuni dei principali studiosi italiani. Lo spirito che accomuna i diversi capitoli deriva dalla considerazione che la psicologia clinica implica una clinica essenzialmente psicologica, caratterizzata da metodiche atte a comprendere ed eventualmente modificare stati mentali, schemi di comportamento e sistemi di relazione. Nella sezione quinta In dialogo con altre discipline vengono riportati i contributi della filosofia del linguaggio ed alcune nuove proposte metodologiche sugli studi osservazionali. I diversi capitoli del volume offrono un aggiornato panorama delle principali tematiche che caratterizzano le attuali prospettive della psicologia clinica.
Springer Verlag Musculoskeletal Sonography: Technique, Anatomy, Semeiotics and Pathological Findings in Rheumatic Diseases
This book elucidates on the examination technique, the sonographic changes in musculoskeletal rheumatic involvement and the ultrasound assessment of joint rheumatic diseases. The atlas is enriched with several figures, in which the US picture is compared with that of conventional radiography, CT and MRI. It provides a unique collection of black and white and color images for easy and reliable diagnosis. The book is a practice-oriented tool.
Springer Verlag Oncologic Breast Surgery
This book presents the most recent developments in oncologic breast surgery and takes full account of diagnostic, pathologic, and radiologic inputs. It is divided into three parts, the first of which discusses the premises underlying the modern surgical approach to breast cancer. The second part is devoted to what might be termed the conservative program, i.e., breast conservation and oncoplastic surgery, conservative mastectomy, and sentinel node biopsy and axillary dissection. The final part of the book covers different forms of surgery and other treatments in particular settings. Topics include plastic and reconstructive surgery, DCIS surgery, radio-guided surgery, adjuvant systemic therapy, intraoperative radiotherapy, and the role of surgery in locally advanced and metastatic disease. The detailed descriptions of techniques are accompanied by numerous high-quality illustrations. This book will be of value to both experienced practitioners and surgical trainees.
Springer Verlag Manuale di terapia intensiva del Massachusetts General Hospital: Prima edizione italiana a cura di Andrea De Gasperi
Prima traduzione italiana del famoso manuale del Massachusetts General Hospital (V edizione): un testo compatto, caratterizzato da autorevolezza, accuratezza e solidità dell’informazione. Il successo mondiale di questo manuale – presente, sin dalla prima edizione, nelle tasche dei camici non solo di studenti e specializzandi, ma anche di tantissimi specialisti – conferma la validità dell’impostazione e la qualità dei contenuti. Gli argomenti trattati consentono una visione completa e aggiornata delle tematiche affrontate quotidianamente nelle unità di terapia intensiva: oltre ai temi “classici”, sono presentati gli aspetti più specialistici, compresi il trattamento dei pazienti sottoposti a trapianto e i problemi etici legati all’interruzione delle cure e al fine vita. L’approccio clinico è posto in costante e stretta relazione con la fisiologia del paziente critico, fondamentale per operare scelte corrette in terapia intensiva. Questo testo, definito “guida multidisciplinare alla cura del paziente critico”, non è destinato solo al personale medico e infermieristico delle unità di terapia intensiva, ma anche a tutti coloro che, pur non operandovi stabilmente, vengono coinvolti per consulenze (come chirurghi, internisti, ematologi e farmacisti ospedalieri) o per delicati compiti di assistenza (come fisioterapisti e logopedisti).
Springer Verlag Imaging Spine After Treatment: A Case-based Atlas
This book reviews in detail the role of neuroradiological imaging in the evaluation of patients who have undergone surgery or interventional radiology procedures, and particularly its value in the documentation of normal and pathological post-treatment changes, detection of complications, and follow-up. The opening sections describe pretreatment images in various conditions, including trauma, degenerative disc disease, and osteoporosis, and the different types of neurosurgical and interventional treatment that may be used. The post-treatment appearances of normal sequelae and complications on conventional radiography, CT, and MRI are then documented in detail on the basis of a large series of clinical cases, with a wealth of images. Guidance is provided on selection of one or a combination of imaging modalities. This book will be an invaluable clinical and research tool not only for neuroradiologists but also for neurosurgeons, and interventional radiologists.
Springer Verlag Shoulder Instability: Alternative Surgical Techniques
Over the past few years, international literature has highlighted the limitations of arthroscopic treatment for antero-inferior instability of the shoulder. Therefore, the question arises as to which technique – open surgery or arthroscopy – may represent the best alternative to the classical arthroscopic capsuloplasty. The volume is organized into five chapters and presents five different techniques. Each chapter describes the non-surgical and surgical algorithms for the treatment of unidirectional and multidirectional antero-inferior instabilities, with and without shoulder laxity. The chapters offer a detailed description of each technique, enhanced by 10–15 high-definition photographs, tips and tricks, and pitfalls, as well as surgical steps. The book is aimed at medical students, fellows, specialists , orthopedic surgeons, physiotherapists, and rehabilitation and generalist physicians.
Springer Verlag Leprosy: A Practical Guide
Leprosy (Hansen’s disease) is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae. It is one of the most disabling disorders in developing countries, with a peak incidence in the tropics and subtropics. With globalization, leprosy is now increasingly spreading to the western world. The impact of this infectious disorder is relevant for the human community due to its transmissible nature, and also important for the individual because of its debilitating consequences. Leprosy is a multifaceted systemic disease with variable presentation and clinical picture. Its identification may therefore not be straightforward, especially outside endemic areas. During its chronic course, leprosy is characterized by acute phases during which there may be exacerbation of symptoms and rapid progression of damage. When leprosy affects the eyes, nerves, and kidneys, it can represent a true medical emergency. The aim of this book is to make the reader familiar with the characteristic signs of disease, including abnormalities of the skin, nerves, eyes, hands, feet, testes, and bone. Early identification of the disease is critical to prevent patient disability and establish appropriate therapy. Emphasis will be given to the current diagnostic tools to identify and quantify the organ damage, including electrophysiology, ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging, laboratory tests, and histopathology. Specific topics such as leprosy and pregnancy, leprosy and HIV infection, epidemiology, and leprosy control will also be covered.
Springer Verlag Geometria Differenziale
L'opera fornisce una introduzione alla geometria delle varietà differenziabili, illustrandone le principali proprietà e descrivendo le principali tecniche e i più importanti strumenti usati per il loro studio. Uno degli obiettivi primari dell'opera è di fungere da testo di riferimento per chi (matematici, fisici, ingegneri) usa la geometria differenziale come strumento; inoltre può essere usato come libro di testo per diversi corsi introduttivi alla geometria differenziale, concentrandosi su alcuni dei vari aspetti della teoria presentati nell'opera. Più in dettaglio, nell'opera saranno trattati i seguenti argomenti: richiami di algebra multilineare e tensoriale, spesso non presentati nei corsi standard di algebra lineare; varietà differenziali, incluso il teorema di Whitney; fibrati vettoriali, incluso il teorema di Frobenius e un'introduzione ai fibrati principali; gruppi di Lie, incluso il teorema di corrispondenza fra sottogruppi e sottoalgebre; coomologia di de Rham, inclusa la dualità di Poincaré e il teorema di de Rham; connessioni, inclusa la teoria delle geodetiche; e geometria Riemanniana, con particolare attenzione agli operatori di curvatura e inclusi teoremi di Cartan-Hadamard, Bonnet-Myers, e Synge-Weinstein. Come abitudine degli autori, il testo è scritto in modo da favorire una lettura attiva, cruciale per un buon apprendimento di argomenti matematici; inoltre è corredato da numerosi esempi svolti ed esercizi proposti.
Springer Verlag Curves and Surfaces
The book provides an introduction to Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces. The theory of curves starts with a discussion of possible definitions of the concept of curve, proving in particular the classification of 1-dimensional manifolds. We then present the classical local theory of parametrized plane and space curves (curves in n-dimensional space are discussed in the complementary material): curvature, torsion, Frenet’s formulas and the fundamental theorem of the local theory of curves. Then, after a self-contained presentation of degree theory for continuous self-maps of the circumference, we study the global theory of plane curves, introducing winding and rotation numbers, and proving the Jordan curve theorem for curves of class C2, and Hopf theorem on the rotation number of closed simple curves. The local theory of surfaces begins with a comparison of the concept of parametrized (i.e., immersed) surface with the concept of regular (i.e., embedded) surface. We then develop the basic differential geometry of surfaces in R3: definitions, examples, differentiable maps and functions, tangent vectors (presented both as vectors tangent to curves in the surface and as derivations on germs of differentiable functions; we shall consistently use both approaches in the whole book) and orientation. Next we study the several notions of curvature on a surface, stressing both the geometrical meaning of the objects introduced and the algebraic/analytical methods needed to study them via the Gauss map, up to the proof of Gauss’ Teorema Egregium. Then we introduce vector fields on a surface (flow, first integrals, integral curves) and geodesics (definition, basic properties, geodesic curvature, and, in the complementary material, a full proof of minimizing properties of geodesics and of the Hopf-Rinow theorem for surfaces). Then we shall present a proof of the celebrated Gauss-Bonnet theorem, both in its local and in its global form, using basic properties (fully proved in the complementary material) of triangulations of surfaces. As an application, we shall prove the Poincaré-Hopf theorem on zeroes of vector fields. Finally, the last chapter will be devoted to several important results on the global theory of surfaces, like for instance the characterization of surfaces with constant Gaussian curvature, and the orientability of compact surfaces in R3.
Springer Verlag Gruppi: Una introduzione a idee e metodi della Teoria dei Gruppi
Nato dai corsi universitari di Teoria dei Gruppi tenuti per vari anni dall'autore, questo libro affronta gli argomenti fondamentali della teoria: gruppi abeliani, nilpotenti e risolubili, gruppi liberi, permutazioni, rappresentazioni e coomologia. Dopo le prime nozioni, viene esposto il programma di Hölder per la classificazione dei gruppi finiti. Un lungo capitolo è dedicato all'azione di un gruppo su un insieme e alle permutazioni, sia sotto l'aspetto algebrico che combinatorio, con richiami alla teoria delle equazioni. Si considerano anche alcune questioni di carattere logico, come la decidibilità del problema della parola per certe classi di gruppi. Un aspetto essenziale del libro è la presenza di una grande varietà di esercizi, circa 400, in gran parte risolti.
Springer Verlag Asympotmatic Atherosclerosis
Springer Verlag Modified Inferior Turbinoplasty: A new surgical approach
Humans can resist 40 days without eating and 4 days without drinking, but only 4 minutes without breathing: this tells us much about its fundamental importance. Breathed air is slowed down, filtered, warmed and humidified by the nose; many mechanisms are involved in this act, which prevent bronchial tubes and pulmonary alveolus from receiving an excessive and sudden air load. It is well known, on the other hand, that breathing through the mouth causes a lot of problems: inflammatory diseases of the upper airways, sleep apnea syndrome, but also, in some cases, bronchial, pulmonary and even cardiac disorders, that are more easily affecting patients not able to breathe correctly through the nose. For this reason, restoring an efficient nasal function is a very important - and in some cases crucial - issue. This book describes in details an innovative surgical technique called modified inferior turbinoplasty, which offers an excellent solution to the problems associated with the lower turbinate hypertrophy. A turbinate (or nasal concha) is a long, narrow, curled bone shelf that protrudes into the breathing passage of the nose. Most surgical interventions treat only the soft parts of hypertrophic turbinates using laser therapy, radiofrequency treatment, and electrocoagulation, but these procedures often lead to relapse. With this technique, in contrast, all anatomic parts of the turbinate are treated, including bone tissue: the surgeon reduces the inferior nasal concha and the internal nasal tissue, and the mucosa is then remodeled with sutures. The modified inferior turbinoplasty allows the complete avoidance of swabs in the nose, which is fundamental for patients well-being and grant them a quicker recovery. The book will be very useful for othorinolaryngologists, plastic surgeons, endoscopic and maxillofacial surgeons.
Springer Verlag eHealth, Care and Quality of Life
The debate over eHealth is alive as never before. Supporters suggest that it will result in dramatic innovations in healthcare, including a giant leap towards patient-centered care, new opportunities to improve effectiveness, and enhanced wellness and quality of life. In addition, the growing market value of investments in health IT suggests that eHealth can offer at least a partial cure for the current economic stagnation. Detractors counter these arguments by claiming that eHealth has already failed: the UK Department of Health has shut down the NHS National Program for IT, Google has discontinued its Health flagship, and doubts have arisen over privacy safeguards for both patients and medical professionals. This book briefly explains why caregivers, professionals, technicians, patients, politicians, and others should all consider themselves stakeholders in eHealth. It offers myth-busting responses to some ill-considered arguments from both sides of the trench, in the process allowing a fresh look at eHealth. In addition, it describes how the technical failures of previous eHealth systems can be avoided, examines the legal basis of eHealth, and discusses associated ethical issues.
Springer Verlag Il fuoco di Sant'Antonio: Dai Misteri Eleusini all'LSD
Il fuoco di Sant’Antonio è una malattia, certo! Ma quale? Per noi Italiani è sicuramente l’Herpes zoster; ma è sempre stato così? Ebbene, no! Sant’Antonio Abate aveva la fama di taumaturgo e guaritore già in vita, nonostante si fosse ritirato in un remoto deserto. Così, quando le sue spoglie arrivarono in Europa dopo l’anno Mille, tutti coloro che soffrivano di malattie dolorose e urenti, imploravano Sant’Antonio che li guarisse da quel "fuoco" che li tormentava. Ma quali erano queste malattie così dolorose? Le antiche cronache sono spesso troppo succinte o troppo romanzate per orientarci nella diagnosi ma erisipela, sifilide, ergotismo hanno fatto certamente buona compagnia allo zoster. L’ergotismo, soprattutto, era una malattia terrorizzante perché compariva ad ondate imprevedibili e, come la peste, colpiva i virtuosi come i viziosi, scardinando l’interpretazione allora dominante, del dolore come conseguenza del peccato. Come se non bastasse, l’ergotismo non solo provocava terribili sofferenze ma spesso anche stati di confusione mentale e di delirio che erano (questi sì!) sicuramente attribuiti al demonio. Bisogna aspettare il XVIII secolo e l’età dei Lumi per mandare in soffitta le superstizioni che infestavano la medicina ed allora l’ergotismo si rivela essere non più una maledizione ma una solo una malattia, un effetto del consumo di pane nero alloiato Lo studio degli allucinogeni e la scoperta dell’LSD nel XX secolo, mettono la parola fine all’interpretazione mistico-religiosa di alcune patologie e gettano inaspettatamente nuova luce su quello che fu il segreto meglio custodito dell’Antichità: il culto dei Misteri Eleusini. In questo libro, la storia del fuoco di Sant’Antonio di dipana dai racconti medioevali sino all’odierna virologia e suggerisce che la curiosità e la scienza sono l’unico antidoto contro la superstizione e il mistero. Un filo rosso unisce i Misteri Eleusini al Fuoco di Sant’Antonio: questo filo è l’LSD. La molecola è la stessa ma il contorno è molto diverso e, di sicuro, molto appassionante.
Springer Verlag Guida alla terapia antimicrobica nella pratica clinica
La terapia antibiotica è un campo della medicina in continua evoluzione ed è al centro di dibattiti sempre vivi. Tema assai delicato, oggi più che mai, è l’importanza di un uso calibrato e razionale degli antimicrobici che limiti il rischio di resistenze batteriche e preservi l’efficacia delle cure. La comparsa di nuovi patogeni ha spinto la comunità scientifica a riconsiderare molti aspetti delle terapie, e proprio di tutte queste novità il volume fornisce un attento aggiornamento.Per facilitare la consultazione questa guida raggruppa le informazioni secondo diversi criteri di ricerca: per distretti corporei, per tipologia di microbo e per classi di farmaci. In questo modo il medico, a seconda delle circostanze, può trovare rapidamente i dettagli essenziali dei diversi farmaci e deciderne l’impiego più opportuno. Completa il volume anche una sezione sul controverso tema degli antibiotici in gravidanza.
Springer Verlag L'occhio, le sue malattie e le sue cure
L'opera descrive in maniera semplice e chiara l'occhio, il suo sviluppo, i suoi difetti e le sue malattie. Presenta l'igiene oculare, la protezione dalle radiazioni tossiche e spiega come usare le lenti a contatto e gli occhiali da sole. Il volume offre anche un panorama degli interventi laser e chirurgici di maggior diffusione, che consentirà al paziente che si deve fare operare di capire meglio l'atto operatorio e il decorso postoperatorio.
Springer Verlag Imaging of Urogenital Diseases: A Color Atlas
Nowadays, there is tremendous interest in an integrated imaging approach to urogenital diseases. This interest is tightly linked to the recent technological advances in ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and nuclear medicine. Significant improvements in image quality have brought numerous clinical and diagnostic benefits to every medical specialty. This book is organized in nine parts and twenty-seven chapters. The first six chapters review the normal macroscopic and radiological anatomy of the urogenital system. In subsequent chapters, urogenital malformations, lithiasis, as well as infectious and neoplastic disorders of the kidneys, bladder, urinary collecting system, and male and female genitalia are extensively discussed. The pathologic, clinical, and diagnostic (instrumental and not) features of each disease are described, with particular emphasis, in neoplastic pathologies, on primitive tumors and disease relapse. The statics and dynamics of the pelvic floor are addressed as well and there is a detailed presentation of state-of-the-art interventional radiology. The volume stands out in the panorama of the current medical literature by its rich iconography. Over 1000 anatomical illustrations and images, with detailed captions, provide ample evidence of how imaging can guide the therapeutic decision-making process. Imaging of Urogenital Diseases is an up-to-date text for radiologists, urologists, gynecologists, and oncologists, but it also certainly provides an invaluable tool for general practitioners. Its succinct, well-reasoned approach integrates old and new knowledge to obtain diagnostic algorithms. This information will direct the clinician to the imaging modality best-suited to yielding the correct diagnosis.
Springer Verlag Anatomia TC multidetettore - Body
La TC spirale Multidetettore (TCMD) rappresenta oggi una delle più diffuse metodiche diagnostiche in campo radiologico. Le apparecchiature con 64 file di detettori consentono di ottenere studi di ampi volumi corporei in pochi secondi che, in associazione all’ elaborazione di immagini multiplanari, forniscono una valutazione anatomica topografica di facile approccio. Il presente volume descrive l’anatomia TCMD sul piano assiale, coronale e sagittale dei vari organi, strutture e compartimenti del torace, dell’addome e della pelvi attraverso molteplici illustrazioni. Le indicazioni a lato delle figure e la didascalia a fondo pagina rendono particolarmente facile la consultazione, costituendo una preziosa guida per l’elaborazione dei differenti protocolli di studio con TCMD del settore body.
Springer Verlag Le Geometrie della Visione: Scienza, Arte, Didattica
Per la prima volta sono riuniti e didatticamente rielaborati a fondo in un manuale e in un CD i testi di base della geometria della visione. L'opera raccoglie i testi originali di Euclide (l'Ottica), Menelao (La Sferica), Alberti (De Pictura), Piero della Francesca (De Prospectiva Pingendi), che hanno dato origine al disegno prospettico rinascimentale e alla moderna geometria proiettiva. L'opera offre la possibilità di unire intuizione e ragionamento, costruendo un'immagine chiara dello sviluppo della matematica legata alla visione, dalle origini classiche, al rinascimento, alla moderna geometria proiettiva. Numerose schede e animazioni interattive facilitano l'intuizione degli argomenti, che sono comunque trattati con il massimo rigore e chiarezza, in una esposizione didatticamente molto efficace.
Springer Verlag The Basic Principles of External Skeletal Fixation Using the Ilizarov and Other Devices
The Ilizarov device has revolutionized the treatment of non-healing fractures and the correction of deformities. This book supplies all the information required in order to use the Ilizarov and other external fixation devices optimally; it will serve as an indispensable manual for both trainee and experienced orthopedic surgeons. Biomechanical principles, preoperative preparation, and the use of a system of coordinates to allow safer insertion of K-wires and half pins are thoroughly discussed. External fixation of a variety of fractures in different pathologic settings is then clearly explained in a series of detailed chapters with the aid of high-quality illustrations. Numerous case reports are included to illustrate the results of different treatment methods. In addition, postoperative management and treatment of complications are described. Since the first edition the text has been thoroughly updated, with inclusion of contributions from leading world experts.
Springer Verlag Emergency Radiology of the Abdomen: Imaging Features and Differential Diagnosis for a Timely Management Approach
The term “acute abdomen” refers to a serious, often progressive clinical situation that calls for immediate diagnostic and therapeutic action. Today, diagnosis via imaging has basically replaced the physical examination in the emergency room and the Radiologist has become of primary importance in this setting. However, close co-operation among the various specialists involved is essential for successful patient management, and thus the Radiologist needs to have a full understanding of the imaging modalities and technical skills required, as well as appropriate clinical knowledge of the disorder in order to manage the condition. This book provides a comprehensive review of the multifaceted etiology, pathophysiology and clinical presentation of acute abdominal conditions, focusing on the imaging features that are relevant to a timely management approach. Numerous high-quality images, diagrams and easy-to-read tables are provided.
Springer Verlag Early Diagnosis in Neuro-oncology
It is common knowledge that a clinical diagnosis is based on a combination of symptoms and signs, observed in their evolution. Advancing the diagnosis at an early stage and particularly in the neurosurgical clinical examination would enhance the slightest possibility of recovery, theoretically almost transforming it into a concrete possibility. This book has a precise goal: to examine the "germ" of diagnostic suspicion, which is the true salt of medical art for every physician, general practitioner and specialist alike. In some cases also the characteristics of the late clinical picture are presented: today, though, this must be considered as a medical failure.
Springer Verlag Fuori schema: Manuale per il trattamento delle paralisi cerebrali infantili
Questo manuale è stato scritto da due fisioterapiste e una terapista occupazionale.Gli autori hanno impostato la loro opera in modo pratico, ponendo l'accento sul problema motorio e inserendo nel testo schede operative, intese come suggerimenti per l'impostazione del trattamento fisioterapico. Un'ampia parte, dedicata alla terapia occupazionale, mette a fuoco i problemi degli arti superiori e traccia i possibili percorsi da seguire per un intervento abilitativo funzionale. Inoltre un capitolo, scritto da un bioingegnere, sottolinea l'importanza attribuita dagli autori agli aspetti biomeccanici del controllo motorio. Il libro sarà quindi una guida preziosa, oltre che uno stimolo a migliorare l'approccio terapeutico nei confronti della persona-bambino.
Springer Verlag Microbiologia degli alimenti
Questo volume rappresenta la versione italiana dell’ultima edizione di uno dei testi più autorevoli e completi sulla microbiologia degli alimenti – Modern Food Microbiology – già tradotto in varie lingue, tra le quali cinese e hindi. La trattazione introduce i fattori intrinseci ed estrinseci che influenzano la crescita microbica negli alimenti e quindi approfondisce il ruolo e la rilevanza dei diversi microrganismi prendendo in esame le principali categorie di prodotti alimentari, compresi quelli di quarta gamma e pronti al consumo. Una parte del volume è specificamente dedicata alle tecniche di ricerca dei microrganismi e dei loro metaboliti, dalle metodiche tradizionali a quelle più avanzate. I diversi aspetti e le problematiche della conservazione degli alimenti sono trattati in relazione alle tecniche disponibili e ai fattori e alle forme di resistenza dei diversi gruppi microbici. Sono inoltre approfonditi i temi della valutazione e dell’analisi del rischio e degli indicatori di qualità e di sicurezza in tutte le fasi della produzione alimentare. Conclude il volume un’esaustiva rassegna delle principali malattie trasmesse da alimenti, dei patogeni responsabili e delle misure di controllo e prevenzione. L’opera è ricca di illustrazioni, tabelle e grafici e ogni capitolo è completato da un’ampia bibliografia. Un testo indispensabile per gli studenti e i ricercatori, ma anche un prezioso strumento di lavoro e di consultazione per tutti coloro che operano professionalmente nel settore alimentare o a stretto contatto con esso.
Springer Verlag Fracture-Dislocations of the Wrist
According to reports in the literature, despite the severe disruption of carpal anatomy, fracture-dislocations of the wrist are missed on clinical and radiographic examination in a high percentage of cases. Orthopedic surgeons’ lack of familiarity with these injuries is one of the factors contributing to failed or delayed diagnosis. This richly illustrated book covers all types of wrist dislocation and fracture-dislocation. Detailed information is provided on anatomy and biomechanics, while terminology and classification of injuries are explained. Treatment options are thoroughly analysed, with special emphasis on surgical treatment, which is presented step by step. All of the figures – radiological and surgical – relate to patients treated by the author himself. Most of the cases are from the Red Cross Hospital of Athens that admits many patients with such injuries, in part through referral from other centres due to the author’s acknowledged expertise in the field. This volume, with its highly informative and up-to-date chapters and reviews, and a wealth of color figures, will be of great practical value for clinicians and residents in orthopedic surgery, who assist them in daily decision making.
Springer Verlag Note di fisica statistica
Il testo si configura come un' introduzione alla fisica statistica rivolto in primo luogo a quei corsi di studio in ingegneria che più hanno a che fare con le proprietà fisiche dei materiali, ed ha lo scopo di fornire le basi microscopiche del comportamento termodinamico di cui si fa uso sia in molti corsi tradizionali, quali quelli di termofluidica d'interesse per l'ingegneria chimica e nucleare, che in corsi rivolti ad applicazioni avanzate nella scienza dei materiali e nelle nanotecnologie. Particolare attenzione viene quindi dedicata all'impiego di metodi di fisica statistica nella scienza dei materiali, approfondendo tematiche relative alle vibrazioni nei solidi, ai processi di nucleazione liquido/vapore, alla struttura dello stato fluido e vetroso, ai plasmi, ai materiali magnetici, al gas di Fermi e alla superfluidità. Per il suo carattere generale, e per l'accento posto sui fondamenti della meccanica quantistica, il volume si presta comunque a costituire anche un testo introduttivo alla meccanica statistica per studenti dei corsi di laurea in fisica.
Springer Verlag Il ronzio delle api
Attraverso foto spettacolari e un testo di facile comprensione Il ronzio delle api racconta la storia di questo insetto partendo da una prospettiva diversa. Jürgen Tautz, attraverso le scoperte più recenti, molto delle quali frutto del suo gruppo di lavoro, ci offre la possibilità di venire a contatto con lo straordinario mondo delle api. L’intera gamma delle sorprendenti attività che le api sono in grado di svolgere trova in questo testo una affascinante rappresentazione. Pregevoli fotografie, mai viste prima, ritraggono le api impegnate nei compiti più diversi: pulizia delle cellette, cura della prole, accudimento della regina, visite ai fiori, raccolta del nettare, produzione del miele, costruzione dei favi, protezione dell’alveare, termoregolazione, ecc. Il libro contiene anche immagini di api che si accoppiano, sciamano, combattono, dormono e soprattutto comunicano mediante suoni, profumi e danze.
Springer Verlag Atlas of Male Genital Disorders: A Useful Aid for Clinical Diagnosis
Male genital disorders represent a common issue in medical practice, especially in the dermatological setting. Correct clinical evaluation of these disorders is essential when addressing the diagnosis, which in some cases may require histopathological confirmation. Depending on the disease, early diagnosis may be not only lifesaving, but also of fundamental importance to the planning of successful treatment.This atlas introduces the most common penile diseases, along with more rarely encountered ones. It provides invaluable guidance on clinical diagnosis by highlighting prominent clinical features and presenting particular videodermatoscopy findings when these are indicative of the diagnosis. In addition, for each condition the most appropriate treatment is proposed, taking into account recent therapeutic advances of proven benefit.
Springer Verlag Pediatric and Adolescent Sports Traumatology
This book focuses on the evaluation and treatment of a wide range of sports injuries in relation to the Tanner stage of sexual development in young athletes. A series of detailed chapters address the injuries likely to be encountered in different parts of the body, including the spine, shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand, hip, knee, ankle, and feet. Among the topics that receive particular attention are epiphyseal-physeal injuries, capsular ligament tears and the impact of their treatment on joint and bone development, and stress syndromes of the musculoskeletal system. Helpful algorithms covering the diagnosis and treatment of ligament tears are included, and advice is provided on when to return an athlete to training. One chapter is devoted to non-sports-related pathologies that have to be considered in the differential diagnosis of sports injuries in adolescents. The contributors to this volume are all recognized leaders in their subspecialty who explain their own treatment preferences.
Springer Verlag Logica: Volume 1 - Dimostrazioni e modelli al primo ordine
Gli autori, basandosi sulla loro esperienza di ricerca, propongono in due volumi un testo di riferimento per acquisire una solida formazione specialistica nella logica.Nei due volumi vengono presentati in maniera innovativa e rigorosa temi di logica tradizionalmente affrontati nei corsi universitari di secondo livello.Questo primo volume è dedicato ai teoremi fondamentali sulla logica del primo ordine e alle loro principali conseguenze.Il testo è rivolto in particolare agli studenti dei corsi di laurea magistrale.
Springer Verlag ECMO-Extracorporeal Life Support in Adults
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) has been in clinical use for some 40 years, but it is only in the past decade that its application in the treatment of life-threatening circulatory and respiratory failure has truly flourished.This book presents a comprehensive overview of both pathophysiological and practical aspects of circulatory and respiratory extracorporeal support. The basics of ECMO, including its history, the “ECMO team”, cannulation, materials, and blood-surface interactions, are first discussed. The various indications for and particular characteristics of circulatory and respiratory extracorporeal life support are then described in detail in the main part of the book. Patient care during ECMO and monitoring of the ECMO patient are also carefully covered, with explanation of the management of technical and clinical complications and transport-related problems. Further topics include long-term therapy options beyond ECMO, such as ventricular assist devices and transplants, outcome, the new frontiers of ECMO for organ procurement and future challenges.The authors are well-known experts in the field whose authoritative contributions and attention to practical aspects will be invaluable for novices and experienced practitioners alike.
Springer Verlag Fisica del Plasma: Fondamenti e applicazioni Astrofisiche
L'opera si propone di introdurre i principi fondamentali della Fisica del Plasma, disciplina che trova applicazione sia nel campo del'energetica (Fusione Termonucleare Controllata), sia dell'Astrofisica (oltre il 90% della materia dell'Universo è sotto forma di plasma). Dopo un capitolo introduttivo, vengono discussi i possibili schemi di descrizione teorica dei plasmi. La parte centrale è dedicata alla discussione della magnetoidrodinamica, con particolare riguardo alla teoria delle onde e delle instabilità. Vengono infine trattati i problemi della riconnessione magnetica e delle onde d'urto nei plasmi. Per ogni argomento trattato vengono illustrate delle applicazioni di carattere astrofisico. I calcoli vengono sempre svolti esplicitamente in modo da permettere allo studente una piena comprensione delle relative tecniche. Una serie di esercizi permette inoltre la verifica delle competenze acquisite. Il libro è destinato agli studenti dei corsi di Laurea Magistrale e di Dottorato .
Springer Verlag Diffuse Lung Diseases: Clinical Features, Pathology, HRCT
This book will help the reader confused by a multiplicity of diseases responsible for similar symptoms in different patients. The chapters are noticeably sign-oriented rather than disease-oriented, each dealing with one of the four cardinal modalities of HRCT presentation. Each chapter is introduced by a list of diseases, immediately followed by a detailed description of each disease, and the chapters are illustrated with enlarged images giving rhythm to the written text.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Birth of the Shinkansen: The Origin Story of the World-First Bullet Train
This book discusses the Shinkansen, the world's first high-speed railway, which was born in Japan in 1964 and how it has developed up to the present day. In the 1950s, some European railways were trying to increase the commercial operating speed up to 160 km/h, and it was considered difficult to raise it to 200 km/h. Japanese engineers with excellent engineering ability post World War ll moved from the military to the railways to overcome the technological challenges realizing the high-speed railways using new approaches. The book discusses the technological barriers in speeding up the railway at that time and how these engineers overcame them in non-computer days. In the five decades since the Shinkansen began operating, there have been significant developments enabling high-speed, safe, and frequent train operation with high punctuality while conserving the environment. The book also describes today’s highly evolved Shinkansen. The Shinkansen, which runs 440,000 km a day, has carried 13.3 billion people without a single fatality in 56 years. The book overviews factors that contributed to the Shinkansen’s high safety record. This book is an excellent guide for those interested in the history of the world’s first high-speed railway.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Understanding Chinas Belt and Road Initiative
Springer Verlag, Singapore Recent Advances in Structural Engineering
This book presents select proceedings of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (IACESD 2023) hosted under the aegis of the Group of Twenty (G20) and Civil 20(C20) at Jyothy Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Successful Social Activism and Unintended Market Emergence
This book explores the process by which an SMO succeeds in changing corporate behavior and how this success leads to unintended market emergence by longitudinally examining the shoe industry in postwar Japan.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Intelligent Signal Processing and RF Energy Harvesting for State of art 5G and B5G Networks
The book covers all the emerging paradigms of machine learning and bio-inspired algorithms and their synergies with communication networks which may prove to a core 5G and 6G enablers. The book introduces the fundamentals of broadband wireless networks and issues related to energy efficiency and optimization.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Biometric Recognition: 17th Chinese Conference, CCBR 2023, Xuzhou, China, December 1–3, 2023, Proceedings
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 17th Chinese Conference, CCBR 2023, held in Xuzhou, China, during December 1–3, 2023. The 41 full papers included in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 79 submissions. The volume is divided in topical sections named: Fingerprint, Palmprint and Vein Recognition; Face Detection, Recognition and Tracking; Affective Computing and Human-Computer Interface; Trustworthy, Privacy and Personal Data Security; Medical and Other Applications.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision: 6th Chinese Conference, PRCV 2023, Xiamen, China, October 13–15, 2023, Proceedings, Part XIII
The 13-volume set LNCS 14425-14437 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision, PRCV 2023, held in Xiamen, China, during October 13–15, 2023. The 532 full papers presented in these volumes were selected from 1420 submissions. The papers have been organized in the following topical sections: Action Recognition, Multi-Modal Information Processing, 3D Vision and Reconstruction, Character Recognition, Fundamental Theory of Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Vision Problems in Robotics, Autonomous Driving, Pattern Classification and Cluster Analysis, Performance Evaluation and Benchmarks, Remote Sensing Image Interpretation, Biometric Recognition, Face Recognition and Pose Recognition, Structural Pattern Recognition, Computational Photography, Sensing and Display Technology, Video Analysis and Understanding, Vision Applications and Systems, Document Analysis and Recognition, Feature Extraction and Feature Selection, Multimedia Analysis and Reasoning, Optimization and Learning methods, Neural Network and Deep Learning, Low-Level Vision and Image Processing, Object Detection, Tracking and Identification, Medical Image Processing and Analysis.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision: 6th Chinese Conference, PRCV 2023, Xiamen, China, October 13–15, 2023, Proceedings, Part X
The 13-volume set LNCS 14425-14437 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision, PRCV 2023, held in Xiamen, China, during October 13–15, 2023. The 532 full papers presented in these volumes were selected from 1420 submissions. The papers have been organized in the following topical sections: Action Recognition, Multi-Modal Information Processing, 3D Vision and Reconstruction, Character Recognition, Fundamental Theory of Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Vision Problems in Robotics, Autonomous Driving, Pattern Classification and Cluster Analysis, Performance Evaluation and Benchmarks, Remote Sensing Image Interpretation, Biometric Recognition, Face Recognition and Pose Recognition, Structural Pattern Recognition, Computational Photography, Sensing and Display Technology, Video Analysis and Understanding, Vision Applications and Systems, Document Analysis and Recognition, Feature Extraction and Feature Selection, Multimedia Analysis and Reasoning, Optimization and Learning methods, Neural Network and Deep Learning, Low-Level Vision and Image Processing, Object Detection, Tracking and Identification, Medical Image Processing and Analysis.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision: 6th Chinese Conference, PRCV 2023, Xiamen, China, October 13–15, 2023, Proceedings, Part VI
The 13-volume set LNCS 14425-14437 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision, PRCV 2023, held in Xiamen, China, during October 13–15, 2023. The 532 full papers presented in these volumes were selected from 1420 submissions. The papers have been organized in the following topical sections: Action Recognition, Multi-Modal Information Processing, 3D Vision and Reconstruction, Character Recognition, Fundamental Theory of Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Vision Problems in Robotics, Autonomous Driving, Pattern Classification and Cluster Analysis, Performance Evaluation and Benchmarks, Remote Sensing Image Interpretation, Biometric Recognition, Face Recognition and Pose Recognition, Structural Pattern Recognition, Computational Photography, Sensing and Display Technology, Video Analysis and Understanding, Vision Applications and Systems, Document Analysis and Recognition, Feature Extraction and Feature Selection, Multimedia Analysis and Reasoning, Optimization and Learning methods, Neural Network and Deep Learning, Low-Level Vision and Image Processing, Object Detection, Tracking and Identification, Medical Image Processing and Analysis.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision: 6th Chinese Conference, PRCV 2023, Xiamen, China, October 13–15, 2023, Proceedings, Part V
The 13-volume set LNCS 14425-14437 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision, PRCV 2023, held in Xiamen, China, during October 13–15, 2023. The 532 full papers presented in these volumes were selected from 1420 submissions. The papers have been organized in the following topical sections: Action Recognition, Multi-Modal Information Processing, 3D Vision and Reconstruction, Character Recognition, Fundamental Theory of Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Vision Problems in Robotics, Autonomous Driving, Pattern Classification and Cluster Analysis, Performance Evaluation and Benchmarks, Remote Sensing Image Interpretation, Biometric Recognition, Face Recognition and Pose Recognition, Structural Pattern Recognition, Computational Photography, Sensing and Display Technology, Video Analysis and Understanding, Vision Applications and Systems, Document Analysis and Recognition, Feature Extraction and Feature Selection, Multimedia Analysis and Reasoning, Optimization and Learning methods, Neural Network and Deep Learning, Low-Level Vision and Image Processing, Object Detection, Tracking and Identification, Medical Image Processing and Analysis.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision: 6th Chinese Conference, PRCV 2023, Xiamen, China, October 13–15, 2023, Proceedings, Part II
The 13-volume set LNCS 14425-14437 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision, PRCV 2023, held in Xiamen, China, during October 13–15, 2023. The 532 full papers presented in these volumes were selected from 1420 submissions. The papers have been organized in the following topical sections: Action Recognition, Multi-Modal Information Processing, 3D Vision and Reconstruction, Character Recognition, Fundamental Theory of Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Vision Problems in Robotics, Autonomous Driving, Pattern Classification and Cluster Analysis, Performance Evaluation and Benchmarks, Remote Sensing Image Interpretation, Biometric Recognition, Face Recognition and Pose Recognition, Structural Pattern Recognition, Computational Photography, Sensing and Display Technology, Video Analysis and Understanding, Vision Applications and Systems, Document Analysis and Recognition, Feature Extraction and Feature Selection, Multimedia Analysis and Reasoning, Optimization and Learning methods, Neural Network and Deep Learning, Low-Level Vision and Image Processing, Object Detection, Tracking and Identification, Medical Image Processing and Analysis.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Surgical Management of Pheochromocytoma and Retroperitoneal Paraganglioma
This book provides readers information on optimal decision on surgical management of pheochromocytoma and retroperitoneal raraganglioma. After overviewing clinical features and diagnosis of pheochromocytoma and retroperitoneal raraganglioma, following chapter presents surgical treatment of adrenal pheochromocytoma, abdominal paraganglioma, paragangliomas in the bladder and scrotum with selected cases. Treatment options and complications from perspective of urologists, endocrinologists, and thoracic surgeons are highlighted to provide a multidisciplinary approach to treatment of patients. This book is suitable for the urologists, endocrinologists and surgeons in oncology, as well as practitioners who are interested in this field.