Search results for ""solaris""
Impedimenta Solaris
Impedimenta se complace en presentar, por primera vez en traducción directa del polaco, Solaris, la mítica novela que consagró a Stanisaw Lem como autor de culto. Un texto hoy en día considerado un clásico sin paliativos de la literatura moderna. Kris Kelvin acaba de llegar a Solaris. Su misión es esclarecer los problemas de conducta de los tres tripulantes de la única estación de observación situada en el planeta. Solaris es un lugar peculiar: no existe la tierra firme, únicamente un extenso océano dotado de vida y presumiblemente, de inteligencia. Mientras tanto, se encuentra con la aparición de personas que no deberían estar allí. Tal es el caso de su mujer ?quien se había suicidado años antes?, y que parece no recordar nada de lo sucedido. Stanisaw Lem nos presenta una novela claustrofóbica, en la que hace un profundo estudio de la psicología humana y las relaciones afectivas a través de un planeta que enfrenta a los habitantes de la estación a sus miedos más íntimos.
Alfred Music Solaris
Faber & Faber Solaris
When Kris Kelvin arrives at the planet Solaris to study the ocean that covers its surface he is forced to confront a painful, hitherto unconscious memory embodied in the physical likeness of a long-dead lover. Others suffer from the same affliction and speculation rises among scientists that the Solaris ocean may be a massive brain that creates incarnate memories, but its purpose in doing so remains a mystery . . .Solaris raises a question that has been at the heart of human experience and literature for centuries: can we truly understand the universe around us without first understanding what lies within?
Harper Voyager Solaris
Alfred Music Solaris
O'Reilly Media Solaris 8 Administrator's Guide
The Solaris operating system is a scalable platform on which to build e-commerce products, and on which to support all networked services. Yet, one problem that potential users face is finding out more information about what Solaris offers. In a sense, they want to know how much technical work is involved in migrating to Solaris, and what kind of philosophy Solaris is based on. To answer these questions, this guide covers all aspects of deploying Solaris as a network server, including both basic and advanced network services. Given newfound interest in Solaris as an enterprise network operating system, this guide is aimed squarely at supporting enterprise-level services. It's written for experienced network administrators who want an objective guide to networking with Solaris, and covers installation on both the Intel and Sparc platforms. With it, you will learn how to setup Solaris as a file server, application server, and database server. In its coverage of advanced topics, the book offers examples of configuration files and the installation of third-party software packages. It also contains more conceptual and difficult material. At all points, emphasis is placed on issues such as evaluating the security, scalability, and reliability of specific software packages - at the expense of providing detailed coverage of every available package. The book covers the practical experience and new skills needed to understand the impact of new services and new software products on existing server systems. Solaris avoids so-called "historical" services, like UUCP, which can easily fill chapters but are not commonly found in today's production environments. The practical focus is on supporting relevant contemporary networking technologies. "Solaris 8 Administrator's Guide" provides you with a third-party view that not only praises Solaris, but is critical and realistic in its assessment. This book is for experienced Solaris Administrators as well as and those looking to migrate to this operating system.
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Waters War Die Chroniken von Solaris 4
Solaris 9 David Cronenberg al límite
Quiénes somos después de David Cronenberg? Tras más de cinco décadas desbordando los límites del cine fantástico, y tras el impacto de films como La mosca, Crash, Inseparables, Videodrome, Cromosoma 3, Crímenes del futuro?, dónde nos ha dejado el cine de David Cronenberg? Hasta dónde nos ha llevado el perfeccionamiento y desarrollo de su paradigma de la nueva carne, que ha fascinado a los pensadores de nuestro tiempo ?y de sus imágenes? casi tanto como a los amantes del cine? Cómo pensar la nueva sexualidad que se desprende de su estética? Cómo afrontar el deseo en un cuerpo que se hunde y se entrevera con la máquina y la tecnología? Sobrevive Dios a David Cronenberg?En busca de los límites más extremos del cineasta canadiense, exploramos sus orígenes más arcaicos, profundas reminiscencias que conectan su cine con las imágenes radicales del accionismo vienés, de la performance, el body art, la transformación y la performatividad del cuerpo, el imaginario cyber; imágenes-shock con la
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Fire Fallen Die Chroniken von Solaris 2
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Earth Ending Die Chroniken von Solaris 3
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Crystal Crown Die Chroniken von Solaris 5
Ediciones Rubeo Entre las cenizas Premio Solaris de Ciencia Ficcin 2017
University of Texas Press The Solaris Effect: Art and Artifice in Contemporary American Film
What do contemporary American movies and directors have to say about the relationship between nature and art? How do science fiction films like Steven Spielberg's A.I. and Darren Aronofsky's π represent the apparent oppositions between nature and culture, wild and tame? Steven Dillon's intriguing new volume surveys American cinema from 1990 to 2002 with substantial descriptions of sixty films, emphasizing small-budget independent American film. Directors studied include Steven Soderbergh, Darren Aronofsky, Todd Haynes, Harmony Korine, and Gus Van Sant, as well as more canonical figures like Martin Scorcese, Robert Altman, David Lynch, and Steven Spielberg. The book takes its title and inspiration from Andrei Tarkovsky's 1972 film Solaris, a science fiction ghost story that relentlessly explores the relationship between the powers of nature and art. The author argues that American film has the best chance of aesthetic success when it acknowledges that a film is actually a film. The best American movies tell an endless ghost story, as they perform the agonizing nearness and distance of the cinematic image. This groundbreaking commentary examines the rarely seen bridge between select American film directors and their typically more adventurous European counterparts. Filmmakers such as Lynch and Soderbergh are cross-cut together with Tarkovsky and the great French director, Jean-Luc Godard, in order to test the limits and possibilities of American film. Both enthusiastically cinephilic and fiercely critical, this book puts a decade of U.S. film in its global place, as part of an ongoing conversation on nature and art.
McGraw-Hill Education Sun Certified System Administrator for Solaris 10 Study Guide Exams CX310200 CX310202
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Primarily Written for those who want to earn the Sun Certified System Administrator (SCSA) certification for Solaris 10, this guide presents full coverage of the official objectives for both the required exams: CX-310-200 and CX-310-202. In spite of the laser sharp focus on the exam objectives, this is not a cram style book. Written in a classroom-based teaching style, this book presents material in a sequential fashion: topics and chapters build upon the previously covered topics and chapters. There is no hopping from topic to topic. An introductory chapter for beginners and a cohesive, concise, yet comprehensive presentation of the material makes it a self contained book that requires no prior experience in Solaris or UNIX. Even after passing the exam, you will find yourself com
Solaris String City
Solaris Champion of Mars
Solaris Helix Helix 1
Solaris Regicide
Solaris Deadfall Hotel
Solaris Sympathy for the Devil
Solaris Babylon Steel
Solaris Buying Time
Q KU N 04
Cuando Rem y los demás se adentran en Solaris con el fin de destruirlo, un nuevo enemigo idéntico a Kû les impide avanzar! Cuál será su verdadera naturaleza? Serán Kû y Rem capaces de hacer las paces y salvar al mundo de esta terrible crisis?! E
O'Reilly Media Using and Managing PPP
This volume is for network administrators and others who have to set up computer systems to use PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol). It covers all aspects of the protocol, including how to set up dial-in servers, authentication, debugging and PPP options. In addition, it contains overviews of related areas, like serial communications, DNS setup, and routing. Topics include: configuring modems and serial links; how to set up dial-out and dial-in; PPP support in Solaris, Windows NT (client and server), and Windows 95 (client only); and related technologies that users need to understand.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Beginning Unix
Covering all aspects of the Unix operating system and assuming no prior knowledge of Unix, this book begins with the fundamentals and works from the ground up to some of the more advanced programming techniques The authors provide a wealth of real-world experience with the Unix operating system, delivering actual examples while showing some of the common misconceptions and errors that new users make Special emphasis is placed on the Apple Mac OS X environment as well as Linux, Solaris, and migrating from Windows to Unix A unique conversion section of the book details specific advice and instructions for transitioning Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux users
Unix Backup and Recovery
Unix Backup &" Recovery provides a complete overview of all facets of Unix backup and recovery, and offers practical, affordable backup and recovery solutions for environments of all sizes and budgets. The book begins with detailed explanations of the native backup utilities available to the Unix administrator, and ends with practical advice on choosing a commercial backup utility.This book:* Describes the features, limitations, and syntax of Unix backup and restore utilities,(including dump, tar, cpio, dd, GNUtar, and GNUcpio) for many popular versions of Unix, including AIX, Compaq Unix, HP-UX, IRIX, SCO, Solaris, and Linux* Provides instructions for installing and configuring freely available backup systems such as AMANDA* Includes ready-to-run shell scripts that automate live backups of Informix, Oracle, and Sybase databases* Presents step-by-step recovery procedures for Oracle, Informix, and Sybase* Presents step-by-step "bare-metal" disaster recovery procedur
Impedimenta La voz del amo
Narrada como un largo y proceloso informe, la novela nos presenta el libro de memorias de Peter Hogarth, un cínico matemático que trabaja en el desierto de Nevada en un proyecto del Pentágono (nombre en código: La Voz del Amo) consagrado a descifrar un misterioso mensaje procedente del espacio exterior. Cuando el proyecto llega a un punto muerto, Hogarth descubre, para su horror, que lo desvelado por el supuesto mensaje extraterrestre podría llevar a la construcción de una bomba de fisión. Hogarth decide entonces que no se debe permitir que tal conocimiento caiga en manos de los militares. La voz del amo es una auténtica novela de culto, una obra inconmensurable en la que Lem diserta sobre cosmología, filosofía, biología evolutiva, y también sobre las posibles formas que puede adoptar la inteligencia extraterrestre.Junto con Solaris y Ciberíada, La voz del amo está considerada una de las mejores, más influyentes e imaginativas novelas del maestro Stanisaw Lem. Una densa fábula filos
Lem. Una vida que no es de este mundo
Una vida que no es de este mundo es la aclamada biografía del escritor polaco de ciencia ficción Stanis?aw Lem, uno de los grandes talentos literarios del siglo XX. Considerado un filósofo en Alemania, un científico en Rusia y un escritor de libros para niños en su patria, Polonia, Lem fue, sobre todo, un hombre que se apegó al espíritu de su tiempo. El periodista Wojciech Orlinski se sirve de fuentes inéditas, muchas de ellas familiares, de anécdotas y de datos nunca revelados, para desgranar una memoria íntima que es también la memoria de una época. Seremos testigos, así, del devenir de un creador radical en medio de una era de totalitarismos, de un siglo de plomo. Cómo sobrevivió Lem al Holocausto? Qué opinaba sobre el comunismo? De qué trataba en realidad su magistral Solaris y por qué Andrzej Wajda no llegó a encargarse de su adaptación al cine? Qué fue lo que truncó su amistad con Philip K.Dick y provocó que este último lo denunciara ante el FBI? Dónde y cuándo probó Lem las drog
Globe Pequot Press The Art of Classic Sci-Fi Movies: An Illustrated History
From the dawn of silent cinema to today, sci-fi movies have been a constant presence in pop culture, with mad scientists, terrifying monsters (giant and otherwise), UFOs, and invading aliens all bursting out from some of the most brilliantly designed posters ever printed, featuring art that was sometimes lurid, always eye-catching, and often simply beautiful.Acknowledging the iconic, but with plenty of room for the rare and unfamiliar, The Art of Classic Sci-Fi Movies presents a stellar selection of imagery, charting the story of the genre from its origins in foundational works like Voyage to the Moon and Metropolis, through Cold War classics like Invasion of the Body-Snatchers and Godzilla, and on to visionary films such as 2001 and Solaris—as well as less celebrated but nonetheless infamous cultural artifacts like Barbarella and Zardoz, and genuine oddities such as Canadian Mounties vs. Atomic Invaders. The most extensive book of its type ever published, it includes ample selections from American movies as well as a range of films from Japan, Italy, Spain, France, Russia, and Eastern Europe.
Edinburgh University Press Film Remakes
This is the first book to provide a comprehensive and systematic account of the phenomenon of cinematic remaking. Drawing upon recent theories of genre and intertextuality, Film Remakes describes remaking as both an elastic concept and a complex situation, one enabled and limited by the interrelated roles and practices of industry, critics and audiences. This approach to remaking is developed across three broad sections: the first, remaking as industrial category, deals with issues of production, including commerce and authors; the second, remaking as textual category, considers genre, plots and structures; and the third, remaking as critical category, investigates issues of reception, including audiences and institutions. The film remake emerges as a particular case of repetition, a function of cinematic and discursive fields that is maintained by historically specific practices, such as copyright law and authorship, canon formation and media literacy, film criticism and re-viewing. These points are made through the lively discussion of numerous historical and contemporary examples, including the remaking of classics (Double Indemnity, All That Heaven Allows, Psycho), foreign art-films (Yojimbo, Solaris, Le Samourai), cult movies (Gun Crazy, Planet of the Apes, Dawn of the Dead), and television properties (Batman, The Addams Family, Charlie's Angels).
John Wiley & Sons Inc Operating Systems In Depth: Design and Programming
This book is designed for a one-semester operating-systems course for advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students. Prerequisites for the course generally include an introductory course on computer architecture and an advanced programming course. The goal of this book is to bring together and explain current practice in operating systems. This includes much of what is traditionally covered in operating-system textbooks: concurrency, scheduling, linking and loading, storage management (both real and virtual), file systems, and security. However, the book also covers issues that come up every day in operating-systems design and implementation but are not often taught in undergraduate courses. For example, the text includes: Deferred work, which includes deferred and asynchronous procedure calls in Windows, tasklets in Linux, and interrupt threads in Solaris. The intricacies of thread switching, on both uniprocessor and multiprocessor systems. Modern file systems, such as ZFS and WAFL. Distributed file systems, including CIFS and NFS version 4. The book and its accompanying significant programming projects make students come to grips with current operating systems and their major operating-system components and to attain an intimate understanding of how they work.
Running Press,U.S. Turner Classic Movies: Must-See Sci-fi: 50 Movies That Are Out of This World
Spanning nine decades and branded by the most trusted authority on film, Turner Classic Movies: Must-See Sci-Fi showcases 50 of the most shocking, weird, wonderful, and mind-bending movies ever made.From A Trip to the Moon (1902) to Arrival (2016), science fiction cinema has produced a body of classics with a broader range of styles, stories, and subject matter than perhaps any other film genre. They are movies that embed themselves in the depths of the mind, coloring our view of day-to-day reality and probably fueling a few dreams (and nightmares) along the way.In Turner Classic Movies: Must-See Sci-Fi, fifty unforgettable films are profiled, including beloved favorites like The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) and Fantastic Voyage (1966), groundbreaking shockers like Planet of the Apes (1968) and Alien(1979), and lesser-known landmarks like Things to Come (1936) and Solaris (1972). Illustrated by astounding color and black-and-white images, the book presents the best of this mind-bending genre, detailing through insightful commentary and behind-the-scenes stories why each film remains essential viewing. A perfect gift for any film buff or sci-fi fanatic!
Edinburgh University Press Film Remakes
This is the first book to provide a comprehensive and systematic account of the phenomenon of cinematic remaking. Drawing upon recent theories of genre and intertextuality, Film Remakes describes remaking as both an elastic concept and a complex situation, one enabled and limited by the interrelated roles and practices of industry, critics and audiences. This approach to remaking is developed across three broad sections: the first, remaking as industrial category, deals with issues of production, including commerce and authors; the second, remaking as textual category, considers genre, plots and structures; and the third, remaking as critical category, investigates issues of reception, including audiences and institutions. The film remake emerges as a particular case of repetition, a function of cinematic and discursive fields that is maintained by historically specific practices, such as copyright law and authorship, canon formation and media literacy, film criticism and re-viewing. These points are made through the lively discussion of numerous historical and contemporary examples, including the remaking of classics (Double Indemnity, All That Heaven Allows, Psycho), foreign art-films (Yojimbo, Solaris, Le Samourai), cult movies (Gun Crazy, Planet of the Apes, Dawn of the Dead), and television properties (Batman, The Addams Family, Charlie's Angels).
Thames & Hudson Ltd Tarkovsky: Films, Stills, Polaroids & Writings
Andrey Tarkovsky was the most important Russian filmmaker of the post-war era, and one of the world’s most renowned cinematic geniuses. He directed the first five of his seven films – Ivan’s Childhood, Andrei Rublev, Solaris, Mirror and Stalker – in the Soviet Union, but in 1982 defected to Italy, where he made Nostalgia. His final film, The Sacrifice, was produced in Sweden in 1985. Tarkovsky’s films are characterized by metaphysical themes, extended takes, an absence of conventional dramatical structure and plot, and a dream-like, visionary style of cinematography. They achieve a spiritual intensity and transcendent beauty that many consider to be without parallel. This book presents extended sequences of stills from each of the films alongside synopses and cast and crew listings. It includes reflections on Tarkovsky’s work from fellow artists and writers including Jean-Paul Sartre and Ingmar Bergman, for whom Tarkovsky was ‘the greatest, the one who invented a new language.’ Extracts from Tarkovsky’s own writings and diaries offer a wealth of insights into his poetic and philosophical views on cinematography, which he described as ‘sculpting in time’. The book also reproduces many personal Polaroid photographs that confirm the extraordinary poetic vision of a great artist who died aged only 54, but who remains a potent influence on artists and filmmakers today.
University of Texas Press Sculpting in Time: Reflections on the Cinema
Andrey Tarkovsky, the genius of modern Russian cinema—hailed by Ingmar Bergman as "the most important director of our time"—died an exile in Paris in December 1986. In Sculpting in Time, he has left his artistic testament, a remarkable revelation of both his life and work. Since Ivan's Childhood won the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival in 1962, the visionary quality and totally original and haunting imagery of Tarkovsky's films have captivated serious movie audiences all over the world, who see in his work a continuation of the great literary traditions of nineteenth-century Russia. Many critics have tried to interpret his intensely personal vision, but he himself always remained inaccessible.In Sculpting in Time, Tarkovsky sets down his thoughts and his memories, revealing for the first time the original inspirations for his extraordinary films—Ivan's Childhood, Andrey Rublyov, Solaris, The Mirror, Stalker, Nostalgia, and The Sacrifice. He discusses their history and his methods of work, he explores the many problems of visual creativity, and he sets forth the deeply autobiographical content of part of his oeuvre—most fascinatingly in The Mirror and Nostalgia. The closing chapter on The Sacrifice, dictated in the last weeks of Tarkovsky's life, makes the book essential reading for those who already know or who are just discovering his magnificent work.
University of Minnesota Press Summa Technologiae
The Polish writer Stanislaw Lem is best known to English-speaking readers as the author of the 1961 science fiction novel Solaris, adapted into a meditative film by Andrei Tarkovsky in 1972 and remade in 2002 by Steven Soderbergh. Throughout his writings, comprising dozens of science fiction novels and short stories, Lem offered deeply philosophical and bitingly satirical reflections on the limitations of both science and humanity. In Summa Technologiae—his major work of nonfiction, first published in 1964 and now available in English for the first time—Lem produced an engaging and caustically logical philosophical treatise about human and nonhuman life in its past, present, and future forms. After five decades Summa Technologiae has lost none of its intellectual or critical significance. Indeed, many of Lem’s conjectures about future technologies have now come true: from artificial intelligence, bionics, and nanotechnology to the dangers of information overload, the concept underlying Internet search engines, and the idea of virtual reality. More important for its continued relevance, however, is Lem’s rigorous investigation into the parallel development of biological and technical evolution and his conclusion that technology will outlive humanity. Preceding Richard Dawkins’s understanding of evolution as a blind watchmaker by more than two decades, Lem posits evolution as opportunistic, shortsighted, extravagant, and illogical. Strikingly original and still timely, Summa Technologiae resonates with a wide range of contemporary debates about information and new media, the life sciences, and the emerging relationship between technology and humanity.
DC Comics DC One Million Omnibus: 2022 edition
In the 853rd century, Earth remains safe, thanks to the heroics of the JLA of the future. The ancestors of Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, The Flash and others remain united in combating forces of evil, but perhaps have never met anything as deadly as the sentient super-computer Solaris, the Tyrant Sun. As this villainous threat becomes too much to handle, these heroes of the future turn to the only group they know can help: the original JLA. The entire DC ONE MILLION series is reprinted here, along with every crossover issue and tie-in. This massive Omnibus edition is a must-have for any collector. Includes the following issues: DC ONE MILLION #1-4, and tales from the following: ACTION COMICS 1,000,000, ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN 1,000,000, AQUAMAN 1,000,000, AZRAEL 1,000,000, BATMAN 1,000,000, BATMAN: SHADOW OF THE BAT 1,000,000, CATWOMAN 1,000,000, CHASE 1,000,000, CHRONOS 1,000,000, CREEPER 1,000,000, DETECTIVE COMICS 1,000,000, FLASH 1,000,000, GREEN ARROW 1,000,000, GREEN LANTERN 1,000,000, HITMAN 1,000,000, IMPULSE 1,000,000, JLA 1,000,000, LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES 1,000,000, LEGIONNAIRES 1,000,000, LOBO 1,000,000, MARTIAN MANHUNTER 1,000,000, NIGHTWING 1,000,000, POWER OF SHAZAM 1,000,000, RESURRECTION MAN 1,000,000, ROBIN 1,000,000, STARMAN 1,000,000, SUPERBOY 1,000,000, SUPERGIRL 1,000,000, SUPERMAN 1,000,000, SUPERMAN: THE MAN OF STEEL 1,000,000, SUPERMAN: THE MAN OF TOMORROW 1,000,000, WONDER WOMAN 1,000,000, YOUNG JUSTICE 1,000,000, JLA IN CRISIS SECRET FILES, DC ONE MILLION 80-PAGE GIANT #1, BOOSTER GOLD 1,000,000, and SUPERMAN/BATMAN #79-80!
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Indiewood, USA: Where Hollywood Meets Independent Cinema
In this book, the author has published extensively on American cinema. It covers a range of well-known films and film-makers. This is the first book to analyse the relationship and interaction between Independent film and Hollywood.Indiewood is the place where Hollywood and the American independent sector meet, where lines blur and two very different kinds of cinema come together in a striking blend of creativity and commerce. This is an arena in which innovative, sometimes challenging cinema reaches out to the mainstream. Or, alternatively, a zone of duplicity and compromise in which the 'true' heritage of the indie sector is co-opted as an offshoot of Hollywood."Indiewood" is the first book to provide objective analysis of this distinctive region of the contemporary American film landscape. Case studies include the work of Quentin Tarantino, Charlie Kaufman and Steven Soderbergh and the output of the studio 'specialist' divisions Miramax and Focus Features.From the stylized violence and cult film referencing of "Kill Bill" to the literary resonances of "Shakespeare in Love" and from the mind-bending scripts of Kaufman ("Being John Malkovich", "Adaptation", "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind") to Soderbergh's "Traffic" and "Solaris", Geoff King examines the way Indiewood features combine mainstream with more unconventional features in an attempt to have it both ways: to remain accessible while offering markers of distinction designed to appeal to more particular, niche-audience constituencies.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Migrating to IPv6: A Practical Guide to Implementing IPv6 in Mobile and Fixed Networks
Understand IPv6, the protocol essential to future Internet growth. Exhaustion of address space and global routing table growth necessitate important revisions to the current version of the Internet Protocol, IPv4. IP version 6 offers greater address space and additional features to support the evolving requirements of Internet applications. Deployed alongside current IPv4 networks, IPv6 will restore the full-fledge network necessary for Internet growth. Migrating to IPv6 gives a comprehensive overview of IPv6 and related protocols, the layers below IPv6 to the application and end-user layers. Author Marc Blanchet offers a direct and clear route to understanding the topic, taking a top-down approach and ordering topics by relevance. Tried and tested practical techniques and advice on implementation, applications and deployment provide ‘how-to’ information on everything you need to know to put the technology to work. Migrating to IPv6: Provides a complete, up-to-date, in-depth, and accessible practical guide to IPv6. Demonstrates the theory with practical and generic examples and major implementation configurations, such as Windows, FreeBSD, Linux, Solaris, Cisco, Juniper and Hexago. Provides a comprehensive reference to key data structures and packet formats. Summarizes topics in table and graphical form to give fast access to information, including over 200 figures. Offers an accompanying website with extra coverage of specific topics, information on additional protocols and specifications, and updates on new features. This text will give network engineers, managers and operators, software engineers and IT professionals and analysts a thorough understanding of IPv6.
University of Texas Press Another Steven Soderbergh Experience: Authorship and Contemporary Hollywood
How do we determine authorship in film, and what happens when we look in-depth at the creative activity of living filmmakers rather than approach their work through the abstract prism of auteur theory? Mark Gallagher uses Steven Soderbergh’s career as a lens through which to re-view screen authorship and offer a new model that acknowledges the fundamentally collaborative nature of authorial work and its circulation. Working in film, television, and digital video, Soderbergh is the most prolific and protean filmmaker in contemporary American cinema. At the same time, his activity typifies contemporary screen industry practice, in which production entities, distribution platforms, and creative labor increasingly cross-pollinate.Gallagher investigates Soderbergh’s work on such films as The Limey, Erin Brockovich, Ocean’s Eleven and its sequels, Solaris, The Good German, Che, and The Informant!, as well as on the K Street television series. Dispensing with classical auteurist models, he positions Soderbergh and authorship in terms of collaborative production, location filming activity, dealmaking and distribution, textual representation, genre and adaptation work, critical reception, and other industrial and cultural phenomena. Gallagher also addresses Soderbergh’s role as standard-bearer for U.S. independent cinema following 1989’s sex, lies and videotape, as well as his cinephilic dialogues with different forms of U.S. and international cinema from the 1920s through the 1970s. Including an extensive new interview with the filmmaker, Another Steven Soderbergh Experience demonstrates how industries and institutions cultivate, recognize, and challenge creative screen artists.
Reaktion Books Andrei Tarkovsky: Elements of Cinema
The films of Andrei Tarkovsky have been revered as ranking on a par with the masterpieces of Russia's novelists and composers. His work, from films such as Ivan's "Childhood", "Andrei Rublev", "Solaris", "Mirror", "Nostalgia and Sacrifice", has had an enormous influence on the style of contemporary European film, with its open narrative structures and slow, pensive mood; yet Tarkovsky has remained an elusive subject for reflection and analysis. This book is a comprehensive, well-illustrated and much-needed account of Tarkovsky's entire film output. Robert Bird's analysis is centred around a detailed account of Tarkovsky's technique, which provides the best interpretive guide to both the director's films and his theoretical speculations. Integrating his idiosyncratic ideas with his films' irresistible sensuality, Bird highlights Tarkovsky's fascination with the elusive correlation between cinematic representation and the more primeval perception of the world. The book examines Tarkovsky's films elementally, grouping them into four sections: Water, Fire, Earth, and Air.It also discusses Tarkovsky's works for the radio, theatre and opera, and how he was in addition an accomplished actor, screenwriter, film theorist and diarist. The author's claim, however, is that Tarkovsky was a filmmaker before all else, and this book examines what Tarkovsky's cinema reveals about the medium in which he worked. A thorough yet accessible study, with a wealth of images including stills from films as well as the director and crew on set, this book will be of interest to all fans of Tarkovsky, students of film studies, and readers interested in European and Russian cinema.
Liverpool University Press Stanislaw Lem: Philosopher of the Future
Stanislaw Lem: Philosopher of the Future brings a welter of unknown elements of Lem’s life, career, and literary legacy to light. Part One traces the context of his cultural influence, telling the story of one of the greatest writers and thinkers of the century. It includes a comprehensive critical overview of Lem’s literary and philosophical oeuvre which comprises not only the classics like Solaris, but his untranslated first novels, realistic prose, experimental works, volumes of nonfiction, latter-day metafiction, as well as the final twenty years of polemics and essays. The critical and interpretive Part Two examines a range of Lem’s novels with a view to examining the intellectual vistas they open up before us. It focuses on several of Lem’s major but less studied books. “Game, Set, Lem” uses game theory to shed light on his arguably most surreal novel, the Kafkaesque and claustrophobic Memoirs Found in a Bathtub (1961). “Betrization Is the Worst Solution… Except for All Others” takes a close look at the quasi-utopia of Return From the Stars (1961) and at the concept of ethical cleansing and mandatory de-aggression. “Errare Humanum Est” focuses on the popular science thriller The Invincible (1964) in the context of evolution. “A Beachbook for Intellectuals” is a critical fugue on Lem’s medical thriller cum crime mystery, The Chain of Chance (1976). Stanislaw Lem: Philosopher of the Future closes with a two-part coda. “Fiasco” recapitulates and reflects on the literary and cognitive themes of Lem’s farewell novel, and “Happy End of the World!” reviews The Blink of an Eye, Lem’s farewell book of analyses and prognoses from the cusp of our millennium.
O'Reilly Media Backup and Recovery
Packed with practical, freely-available backup and recovery solutions for Unix, Linux, Windows and Mac OS X systems - as well as various databases - this new guide is a complete overhaul of Unix Backup & Recovery by the same author, now revised and expanded with over 75 per cent new material. "Backup & Recovery" starts with a complete overview of backup philosophy and design, including the basic backup utilities of tar, dump, cpio, ntbackup, ditto, and rsync. It then explains several open source backup products that automate backups using those utilities, including AMANDA, Bacula, BackupPC, rdiff-backup, and rsnapshot. "Backup & Recovery" then explains how to perform bare metal recovery of AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Mac OS, Solaris, VMWare, & Windows systems using freely-available utilities. The book also provides overviews of the current state of the commercial backup software and hardware market, including overviews of CDP, Data De-duplication, D2D2T, and VTL technology. Finally, it covers how to automate the backups of DB2, Exchange, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL-Server, and Sybase databases - without purchasing a commercial backup product to do so. For environments of all sizes and budgets, this unique book shows you how to ensure data protection without resorting to expensive commercial solutions. You will soon learn to: automate the backup of popular databases without a commercial utility; perform bare metal recovery of any popular open systems platform, including your PC or laptop; utilize valuable but often unknown open source backup products; understand the state of commercial backup software, including explanations of CDP and data de-duplication software; and access the current state of backup hardware, including Virtual Tape Libraries (VTLs).
O'Reilly Media Managing NFS and NIS: Covers Nfs Version 3
A modern computer system that's not part of a network is even more of an anomaly today than it was when we published the first edition of this book in 1991. But however widespread networks have become, managing a network and getting it to perform well can still be a problem. Managing NFS and NIS, in a new edition based on Solaris 8, is a guide to two tools that are absolutely essential to distributed computing environments: the Network Filesystem (NFS) and the Network Information System (formerly called the "yellow pages" or YP). The Network Filesystem, developed by Sun Microsystems, is fundamental to most Unix networks. It lets systems ranging from PCs and Unix workstations to large mainframes access each other's files transparently, and is the standard method for sharing files between different computer systems. As popular as NFS is, it's a "black box" for most users and administrators. Updated for NFS Version 3, Managing NFS and NIS offers detailed access to what's inside, including: * How to plan, set up, and debug an NFS network * Using the NFS automounter * Diskless workstations * PC/NFS * A new transport protocol for NFS (TCP/IP) * New security options (IPSec and Kerberos V5) * Diagnostic tools and utilities * NFS client and server tuning NFS isn't really complete without its companion, NIS, a distributed database service for managing the most important administrative files, such as the passwd file and the hosts file. NIS centralizes administration of commonly replicated files, allowing a single change to the database rather than requiring changes on every system on the network. If you are managing a network of Unix systems, or are thinking of setting up a Unix network, you can't afford to overlook this book.
O'Reilly Media Mastering FreeBSD and OpenBSD Security
FreeBSD and OpenBSD are increasingly gaining traction in educational institutions, non-profits, and corporations worldwide because they provide significant security advantages over Linux. Although a lot can be said for the robustness, clean organization, and stability of the BSD operating systems, security is one of the main reasons system administrators use these two platforms. There are plenty of books to help you get a FreeBSD or OpenBSD system off the ground, and all of them touch on security to some extent, usually dedicating a chapter to the subject. But, as security is commonly named as the key concern for today's system administrators, a single chapter on the subject can't provide the depth of information you need to keep your systems secure. FreeBSD and OpenBSD are rife with security "building blocks" that you can put to use, and Mastering FreeBSD and OpenBSD Security shows you how. Both operating systems have kernel options and filesystem features that go well beyond traditional Unix permissions and controls. This power and flexibility is valuable, but the colossal range of possibilities need to be tackled one step at a time. This book walks you through the installation of a hardened operating system, the installation and configuration of critical services, and ongoing maintenance of your FreeBSD and OpenBSD systems. Using an application-specific approach that builds on your existing knowledge, the book provides sound technical information on FreeBSD and Open-BSD security with plenty of real-world examples to help you configure and deploy a secure system. By imparting a solid technical foundation as well as practical know-how, it enables administrators to push their server's security to the next level. Even administrators in other environments--like Linux and Solaris--can find useful paradigms to emulate. Written by security professionals with two decades of operating system experience, Mastering FreeBSD and OpenBSD Security features broad and deep explanations of how how to secure your most critical systems. Where other books on BSD systems help you achieve functionality, this book will help you more thoroughly secure your deployments.
O'Reilly Media System Performance Tuning
System Performance Tuning answers one of the most fundamental questions you can ask about your computer: How can I get it to do more work without buying more hardware? In the current economic downturn, performance tuning takes on a new importance. It allows system administrators to make the best use of existing systems and minimize the purchase of new equipment. Well-tuned systems save money and time that would otherwise be wasted dealing with slowdowns and errors. Performance tuning always involves compromises; unless system administrators know what the compromises are, they can't make intelligent decisions. Tuning is an essential skill for system administrators who face the problem of adapting the speed of a computer system to the speed requirements imposed by the real world. It requires a detailed understanding of the inner workings of the computer and its architecture. System Performance Tuning covers two distinct areas: performance tuning, or the art of increasing performance for a specific application, and capacity planning, or deciding what hardware best fulfills a given role. Underpinning both subjects is the science of computer architecture. This book focuses on the operating system, the underlying hardware, and their interactions. Topics covered include: *Real and perceived performance problems, introducing capacity planning and performance monitoring (highlighting their strengths and weaknesses). *An integrated description of all the major tools at a system administrator's disposal for tracking down system performance problems. *Background on modern memory handling techniques, including the memory-caching filesystem implementations in Solaris and AIX. Updated sections on memory conservation and computing memory requirements. *In depth discussion of disk interfaces, bandwidth capacity considerations, and RAID systems. *Comprehensive discussion of NFS and greatly expanded discussion of networking. *Workload management and code tuning. *Special topics such as tuning Web servers for various types of content delivery and developments in cross-machine parallel computing For system administrators who want a hands-on introduction to system performance, this is the book to recommend.