Search results for ""society of biblical literature""
Society of Biblical Literature "You Are a Priest Forever": Second Temple Jewish Messianism and the Priestly Christology of the Epistle to the Hebrews
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The SBL Study Bible
A thoroughly revised edition of The HarperCollins Study Bible, one of the leading study bibles used in undergraduate and graduate courses, the first study bible offering the full text of the New Revised Standard Version—Updated Edition.Supported by the largest and most respected academic association of Bible scholars, The Society of Biblical Literature, The SBL Study Bible is the landmark general reference Bible that offers the full text of the New Revised Standard Version.Now, this completely revised edition reflects the changes in the updated NRSV, incorporating: The latest scholarship and findings New diagrams, charts, and maps covering all the key time periods and regions of biblical events Comprehensive, accessible introductions to every book of the Bible with commentary and notes on each page Hundreds of new articles, charts, and images explaining key words, concepts, people, historical events, and historical context.
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer The Bible and Early Trinitarian Theology
Based on a multi-year consultation in the Society of Biblical Literature, The Bible and Early Trinitarian Theology brings new insights to the relationship between patristic exegesis and current strategies of biblical interpretation, specifically with reference to the doctrine of the Trinity.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The SBL Study Bible
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Das Deuteronomium zwischen Pentateuch und Deuteronomistischem Geschichtswerk
Das Deuteronomium nimmt sowohl in der Literaturgeschichte der alttestamentlichen Geschichtsbücher Josua bis Könige eine Schlüsselstellung ein als auch für die Entstehung des Pentateuchs. Wie lassen sich diese beiden Funktionen vereinbaren? Mit der Verhältnisbestimmung haben sich namhafte Wissenschafter der Arbeitsgruppe »Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Law« im Rahmen der Internationalen Treffen der Society of Biblical Literature in Berlin (2002) und Cambridge (2003) befasst. Der Band präsentiert die neuesten Forschungsergebnisse. Er enthält Vorträge von E. Otto, K. Schmid, H.-C. Schmitt, T. Römer, W.M. Schniedewind, G.N. Knoppers, R. Achenbach, M.M. Zahn und C. Nihan.
Peeters Publishers Selected Studies on Deuterocanonical Prayers
The study of the Septuagint (LXX), specifically the deuterocanonical books, and early Jewish prayers have gained attention in recent years. The eleven essays in this volume offer various exegetical or theological insights into select prayers known from the deuterocanonical books. Authors discuss how prayers interact with their larger literary contexts and raise text-critical questions that compare different ancient versions of various prayers. Larger questions of theological interest, such as the role prayers played in moral formation, are also treated among the essays. Most of the contributions in this volume grew out of a collaboration between the Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature and Prayer in Antiquity program units of the Society of Biblical Literature in 2018.
Baylor University Press Why Christ Matters: Toward a New Testament Christology
For half a century Leander Keck thought, taught, and wrote about the New Testament. He first served as a Professor of New Testament at Vanderbilt Divinity School and Emory University's Candler School of Theology before becoming Dean and Professor of Biblical Theology at Yale Divinity School. Keck's lifelong work on Jesus and Paul was a catalyst for the emerging discussions of New Testament Christology and Pauline theology in the Society of Biblical Literature and the Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas. Keck wrote a staggering number of now industry-standard articles on the New Testament. Here, they are all collected for the first time. In Why Christ Matters and Christ's First Theologian, readers will discover how Keck gave new answers to old questions even as he carefully reframed old answers into new questions. Keck's work is a treasure trove of historical, exegetical, and theological interpretation.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Innovation in Persian Period Judah: Royal and Temple Ideology in Comparative Perspective
The essays in this volume, which has emerged from the Persian Period Seminar of the Society of Biblical Literature, explore biblical and comparative evidence to show how the Iron Age institutions of monarchy and temple shifted in both form and function in the Persian period. The weight given to the Davidic monarchy and Jerusalem temple in the historiography of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament invites a new examination of attitudes towards the same in Achaemenid Yehud in comparative perspective. The essays uncover new attitudes relating to the monarchy and cultic site as well as the influence, but also rejection of, Persian ideas and contribute to scholarly interest in the extent of Persian influence on the literature of ancient/biblical Israel. As such, the volume participates in, lays the groundwork for, and also shapes discussions of Persian period Yehud and its literature.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Ezekiel: Current Debates and Future Directions
Ezekiel studies are flourishing. The 27 essays collected in this volume were first presented at two symposia on the theme "Ezekiel in International Perspective" at the Society of Biblical Literature conferences in St Andrews and Vienna. The principal aim was to widen contact, cultivate understanding, and foster collaboration between international colleagues who, though working on the same ancient text, possess diverse points of view and operate from different methodological frames. The meetings allowed moments of introspection, providing the freedom and opportunity to reflect on questions of appropriate evidence, suitable methodology, and argumentative plausibility by juxtaposing papers from diverse perspectives. The resulting collection is a portrait of the discipline in the present and a prospectus for future research.
Pennsylvania State University Press A God So Near: Essays on Old Testament Theology in Honor of Patrick D. Miller
Patrick Miller is widely known as an educator, editor, President of the Society of Biblical Literature, and academic who is concerned to ensure that academics and the life of the church are not torn asunder in this era of fragmentation. As the editors note, “The depths of Miller’s contributions to church and academy are reflected in the depth of his relationships with family, friends, and colleagues.” This volume honors him for his life’s work, presenting 24 essays by students and colleagues on themes dear to Miller: (1) the Psalms and God’s nearness to his people, and (2) Torah (Deuteronomy, in particular) and God’s connection with his people in their lives together. A bibliography of Miller’s writings is also included.
Yale University Press The Death of the Messiah, From Gethsemane to the Grave, Volume 1: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives in the Four Gospels
Over his illustrious career, Raymond E. Brown, S.S., Ph.D., was internationally regarded as a dean of New Testament scholars. He was Auburn Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies at Union Theological Seminary in New York City. He received over thirty honorary degrees from Catholic and Protestant universities worldwide, and was elected a (Corresponding) Fellow of the British Academy and a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.In addition to serving as president of the Society of Biblical Literature, the Catholic Biblical Association, and the Society of New Testament Studies, two popes appointed Father Brown as the sole American on the Pontifical Biblical Commission. Some of the best known of his more than thirty-five books on the Bible are three volumes in the "Anchor Bible" series on the Gospel and Epistles of John, as well as the Anchor Bible Reference Library volumes "The Birth of the Messiah", "The Death of the Messiah", and "An Introduction to the New Testament", winner of the 1998 Catholic Press Association Award for Biblical Studies. Father Brown's untimely death on August 8, 1998, saddened all who knew him.
Yale University Press The Death of the Messiah, From Gethsemane to the Grave, Volume 2: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives in the Four Gospels
Over his illustrious career, Raymond E. Brown, S.S., Ph.D., was internationally regarded as a dean of New Testament scholars. He was Auburn Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies at Union Theological Seminary in New York City. He received over thirty honorary degrees from Catholic and Protestant universities worldwide, and was elected a (Corresponding) Fellow of the British Academy and a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.In addition to serving as president of the Society of Biblical Literature, the Catholic Biblical Association, and the Society of New Testament Studies, two popes appointed Father Brown as the sole American on the Pontifical Biblical Commission. Some of the best known of his more than thirty-five books on the Bible are three volumes in the "Anchor Bible" series on the Gospel and Epistles of John, as well as the Anchor Bible Reference Library volumes "The Birth of the Messiah", "The Death of the Messiah", and "An Introduction to the New Testament", winner of the 1998 Catholic Press Association Award for Biblical Studies. Father Brown's untimely death on August 8, 1998, saddened all who knew him.
Equinox Publishing Ltd Remembering J. Z. Smith: A Career and Its Consequence
This volume presents an archive of remembrances of the person and the contributions of the late Jonathan Z. Smith (1938-2017). Section one collects previously unpublished papers from three separate recent scholarly panels (from the American Academy of Religion, the Society of Biblical Literature, and the North American Association for the Study of Religion), in which a wide variety of scholars reflect on the impact Smith had on their own careers and the field at large. Section two includes revised versions of blog posts, many of which appeared shortly after news of Smith's death, in which scholars, journalists, and onetime students of Smith offer a more intimate and personal look at his legacy. The volume closes with the extended transcripts of seven interviews about Smith carried out with those who either trained or worked with him. Taken together, the volume documents the role Smith's work has played in the modern field while providing a basis for further considering the future direction of the field.
Peeters Publishers The Trial and Death of Jesus
What is the significance of the trial and death of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark? In its annual meetings the Mark Group of the Society of Biblical Literature studied the trial of Jesus in 2003 and the death of Jesus in 2004. Both speakers and audience expressed the desire to bring some of the papers together in book form. The current volume fulfills this wish. The contributions presented here represent an up to date expression of one of the most important themes in Markan exegesis. The editors use the metaphor of a prism to illustrate the two sections of the book. Like a concave prism spreading light, the first section presents a range of understandings of the meaning of the death of Jesus. Like a convex prism focusing light, the second section uses multiple methodologies to focus attention on the trial of Jesus, particularly the charge of blasphemy. The papers together raise questions, challenge common views, and interrelate themes that push Markan scholarship forward.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Writing a Commentary on Leviticus: Hermeneutics - Methodology - Themes
This volume features presentations delivered at annual conferences of the Society of Biblical Literature. In 2014 and 2015, they were offered for the Sacrifice, Cult, and Atonement section, which existed between 2007 and 2015; its objective was the study of the practices, interpretations, and reception history of sacrifice and cult in early Judaism, Christianity, and their larger cultural contexts (ancient Near East and Greco-Roman antiquity). This program unit offered panels under the title Writing a Commentary on Leviticus that were intended to provide scholars working on such commentary volumes with a forum of scholarly discussion and exchange. The panel series was proposed by Thomas Hieke, who was then work-ing on a Leviticus commentary for the academic series Herders Theologischer Kommentar zum Alten Testament (HThKAT, published by Herder in 2014). It was welcome and adopted by Christian A. Eberhart, founder and former chair of the Sacrifice, Cult, and Atonement section. The third and final panel was housed in the Ritual in the Biblical World section at the annual conference of the Society of Biblical Literature in 2016.The present volume makes the presentations by these scholars, and with them an important segment of the work of the Sacrifice, Cult, and Atonement section, available to a wider academic audience. It is thus a sequel to the volumes Ritual and Metaphor: Sacrifice in the Bible (SBLRBS 68; Atlanta: Society of Biblical Liter-ature, 2011), edited by Christian A. Eberhart, and Sacrifice, Cult, and Atonement in Early Judaism and Christianity: Constituents and Critique (SBLRBS 85; Atlanta: SBL Press, 2017), edited by Henrietta L. Wiley and Christian A. Eberhart.We wish to thank Nicole Duran, Steve Finlan, Bill Gilders, Jason Tatlock, and Henrietta L. Wiley, the members of the steering committee of the Sacrifice, Cult, and Atonement section, for their ongoing collaboration. They have pur-sued the themes of this program section with scholarly rigor and professional engagement for almost a decade. We are also grateful to Ada Taggar-Cohen and Jason Lamoreaux, the chairs of the Ritual in the Biblical World section, for hosting the final panel of our project, thus allowing us to complete the three-year cycle. We would also like to express our deep gratitude to all of the scholars who enthusiastically accepted our invitation. They shared their research on Leviticus first through presentations, then in writing, and finally by submitting further samples of their previously published scholarship that were considered to enrich this volume. Thus, some of the contributions are revised or translated versions of essays that were printed roughly within the last decade (Watts, Unperformed Rituals; Eberhart, Sacrifice; Meshel, Form and Function; Hieke, Prohibition; Wright, Law and Creation).