Search results for ""society for industrial applied mathematics,u.s.""
Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics,U.S. Sparse Polynomial Approximation of High-Dimensional Functions
Over seventy years ago, Richard Bellman coined the term "the curse of dimensionality" to describe phenomena and computational challenges that arise in high dimensions. These challenges, in tandem with the ubiquity of high-dimensional functions in real-world applications, have led to a lengthy, focused research effort on high-dimensional approximation—that is, the development of methods for approximating functions of many variables accurately and efficiently from data. This book provides an in-depth treatment of one of the latest installments in this long and ongoing story: sparse polynomial approximation methods. These methods have emerged as useful tools for various high-dimensional approximation tasks arising in a range of applications in computational science and engineering. It begins with a comprehensive overview of best s-term polynomial approximation theory for holomorphic, high-dimensional functions, as well as a detailed survey of applications to parametric differential equations. It then describes methods for computing sparse polynomial approximations, focusing on least squares and compressed sensing techniques.Sparse Polynomial Approximation of High-Dimensional Functions presents the first comprehensive and unified treatment of polynomial approximation techniques that can mitigate the curse of dimensionality in high-dimensional approximation, including least squares and compressed sensing. It develops main concepts in a mathematically rigorous manner, with full proofs given wherever possible, and it contains many numerical examples, each accompanied by downloadable code. The authors provide an extensive bibliography of over 350 relevant references, with an additional annotated bibliography available on the book's companion website ( text is aimed at graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and researchers in mathematics, computer science, and engineering who are interested in high-dimensional polynomial approximation techniques.
Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics,U.S. Piecewise Affine Control: Continuous-Time, Sampled-Data, and Networked Systems
Engineering systems operate through actuators, most of which will exhibit phenomena such as saturation or zones of no operation, commonly known as dead zones. These are examples of piecewise-affine characteristics, and they can have a considerable impact on the stability and performance of engineering systems. This book targets controller design for piecewise affine systems, fulfilling both stability and performance requirements.The authors present a unified computational methodology for the analysis and synthesis of piecewise affine controllers, taking an approach that is capable of handling sliding modes, sampled-data, and networked systems. They introduce algorithms that will be applicable to nonlinear systems approximated by piecewise affine systems, and they feature several examples from areas such as switching electronic circuits, autonomous vehicles, neural networks, and aerospace applications.Piecewise Affine Control: Continuous-Time, Sampled-Data, and Networked Systems is intended for graduate students, advanced senior undergraduate students, and researchers in academia and industry. It is also appropriate for engineers working on applications where switched linear and affine models are important.
Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics,U.S. Mathematics and Tools for Financial Engineering
Based on a master's program course at the University of Southern California, the main goal of Mathematics and Tools for Financial Engineering is to train students to use mathematical and engineering tools to understand and solve financial problems. The book contains numerous examples and problems and is divided into two parts: Part I covers mathematical preliminaries (set theory, linear algebra, sequences and series, real functions and analysis, numerical approximations and computations, basic optimization theory, and stochastic processes). Part II addresses financial topics, ranging from low- to high-risk investments. Mathematics and Tools for Financial Engineering is intended for senior undergraduate or graduate students in finance or financial engineering. It is appropriate for the following courses: Advanced Numerical Analysis, Special Topics on Numerical Analysis, Topics on Data Science, Topics on Numerical Optimization, and Topics on Approximation Theory. Readers with no prior knowledge in finance can use the book to learn about various mathematical theories and tools.
Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics,U.S. Interpolatory Methods for Model Reduction
Dynamical systems are a principal tool in the modeling, prediction, and control of a wide range of complex phenomena. As the need for improved accuracy leads to larger and more complex dynamical systems, direct simulation often becomes the only available strategy for accurate prediction or control, inevitably creating a considerable burden on computational resources. This is the main context where one considers model reduction, seeking to replace large systems of coupled differential and algebraic equations that constitute high fidelity system models with substantially fewer equations that are crafted to control the loss of fidelity that order reduction may induce in the system response. Interpolatory methods are among the most widely used model reduction techniques, and Interpolatory Methods for Model Reduction is the first comprehensive analysis of this approach available in a single, extensive resource. It introduces state-of-the-art methods reflecting significant developments over the past two decades, covering both classical projection frameworks for model reduction and data-driven, nonintrusive frameworks.This textbook is appropriate for a wide audience of engineers and other scientists working in the general areas of large-scale dynamical systems and data-driven modeling of dynamics.
Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics,U.S. Mastering Frequency Domain Techniques for the Stability Analysis of LTI Time Delay Systems
In many dynamical systems, time delays arise because of the time it takes to measure system states, perceive and evaluate events, formulate decisions, and act on those decisions. The presence of delays may lead to undesirable outcomes; without an engineered design, the dynamics may underperform, oscillate, and even become unstable. How to study the stability of dynamical systems influenced by time delays is a fundamental question. Related issues include how much time delay the system can withstand without becoming unstable and how to change system parameters to render improved dynamic characteristics, utilize or tune the delay itself to improve dynamical behavior, and assess the stability and speed of response of the dynamics. Mastering Frequency Domain Techniques for the Stability Analysis of LTI Time Delay Systems addresses these questions for linear time-invariant (LTI) systems with an eigenvalue-based approach built upon frequency domain techniques. Readers will find key results from the literature, including all subtopics for those interested in deeper exploration. The book presents step-by-step demonstrations of all implementations—including those that require special care in mathematics and numerical implementation—from the simpler, more intuitive ones in the introductory chapters to the more complex ones found in the later chapters. Maple and MATLAB code is available from the author’s website.This multipurpose book is intended for graduate students, instructors, and researchers working in control engineering, robotics, mechatronics, network control systems, human-in-the-loop systems, human-machine systems, remote control and tele-operation, transportation systems, energy systems, and process control, as well as for those working in applied mathematics, systems biology, and physics. It can be used as a primary text in courses on stability and control of time delay systems and as a supplementary text in courses in the above listed domains.
Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics,U.S. Nonlocal Modeling, Analysis, and Computation
Studies of complexity, singularity, and anomaly using nonlocal continuum models are steadily gaining popularity. This monograph provides an introduction to basic analytical, computational, and modeling issues and to some of the latest developments in these areas.Nonlocal Modeling, Analysis, and Computation includes motivational examples of nonlocal models, basic building blocks of nonlocal vector calculus, elements of theory for well-posedness and nonlocal spaces, connections to and coupling with local models, convergence and compatibility of numerical approximations, and various applications, such as nonlocal dynamics of anomalous diffusion and nonlocal peridynamic models of elasticity and fracture mechanics.A particular focus is on nonlocal systems with a finite range of interaction to illustrate their connection to traditional local systems represented by partial differential equations and fractional PDEs. These models are designed to represent nonlocal interactions explicitly and to remain valid for complex systems involving possible singular solutions and they have the potential to be alternatives to as well as bridges to existing local continuum and discrete models.The author discusses ongoing studies of nonlocal models to encourage the discovery of new mathematical theory for nonlocal continuum models and offer new perspectives on existing discrete models and local continuum models and the connections between them.