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Scion Publishing Ltd General Medicine and Surgery MLA edition
All the core knowledge you need at medical school in one place! Now mapped to the MLA curriculum. General Medicine and Surgery: Medical Student Revision Guide is the perfect companion for your medicine degree, exam revision, medical finals and your early career as a foundation doctor.
Scion Publishing Ltd Cardiology in a Heartbeat, second edition
This new edition has been completely revised to take in all the NICE, ESC and ESVS guidelines that have been updated over the last 5 years. It continues to couple a comprehensive overview with an attractive design and student-friendly layout to produce a book that is accessible, relevant and current. Written by an experienced author team, it covers all the cardiology a medical student should know. Each section of the book starts with an ‘In a Heartbeat’ box which provides a useful summary of what you need to learn; these also act as excellent exam revision tools. The book is interspersed with a variety of additional features to help you understand the subject: Exam Essentials boxes tell you what you must know about the topic Pro-tips give you key extra knowledge to further improve your understanding New What’s the Evidence? boxes describe the key trials influencing practice Why? boxes explain the pathophysiology and rationale behind certain decisions and processes Guidelines summarise the recent recommendations from key bodies to ensure you are up to date with best practice. Cardiology in a Heartbeat will help you understand and appreciate the subject, succeed in your exams, and serve your patients to the best of your ability.
Scion Publishing Ltd Making a Medic: The Ultimate Guide to Medical School
Making a Medic is a comprehensive guide to everything you need to know in order to succeed at medical school, including: how to study effectively (and still have time for fun!) the latest books, websites and apps to use how to get the most out of clinical placements how to master OSCEs and written exams how to ace the Situational Judgement Test and Prescribing Safety Assessment and much, much more! Making a Medic is laid out intuitively year by year, so that readers can easily find the information most relevant to their current stage of study. Packed full of cartoons, anecdotes and practical tips, the content is easy to read and simple to put into action. Whether you're in first year or final year, this book will help you manage your workload, revise effectively for exams and secure the scores you need for the Foundation Programme jobs you want.
Scion Publishing Ltd Questions and Answers for the UKCAT
* UKCAT revision and detailed explanatory notes * Hundreds of revision questions, answers and explanations * All question types covered, including SJTs * New question types included * Top tips to help your revision * Includes free access to further questions online The United Kingdom Clinical Aptitude Test (UKCAT) is a requirement for entrance to most UK medical, veterinary and dental schools. The key to scoring highly is practising the different question types under timed conditions. This new comprehensive book from dotMedic covers the entire UKCAT exam and contains all the latest question styles. The exam format and its different sections are explained in detail and are then followed by worked examples of each question type. Hundreds of timed questions with detailed explanations are provided. For further practice, more questions are available online at using the unique code published within the book. Maximise your chances of success in the UKCAT using this book and the free online resource that goes with it.
Scion Publishing Ltd Studying Science, second edition: A Guide to Undergraduate Success
Those starting a science degree at university will want to get the most out of their studies and do well. University is a big jump from school, but this book will help new students to cope with the transition. It will help the reader get the most out of lectures, tutorials and practicals, show how to read effectively and how best to work as part of a team. It explains how to use library databases, find reliable web resources, avoid problems with plagiarism, etc., etc. Discover the best learning strategies and learn how to present work for maximum marks; find out the best revision and exam techniques. Studying Science covers all of this and more: How to study effectively at university and make the most of teaching Making the best use of VLEs Presenting work well, including using information technology Revision and examinations Taking a year out The final year and preparation of first job applications PLUS, it has a brand new appendix showing how to make the most of the computer programs that will be used to prepare essays, analyse data, and deliver presentations – with lots of hints and tips for Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access.
Scion Publishing Ltd Clinical Biochemistry, second edition
Clinical Biochemistry, second edition, is essential reading for all students studying clinical biochemistry, especially those on biomedical science courses. The book concentrates on the areas of body function required for the maintenance of health. These include: input control processing transport and storage defence and output Each chapter provides an introduction to pathophysiology; how biochemical changes arise as a result of disease processes. The book also describes the important methods used in clinical biochemistry laboratories to show how biochemical changes are measured and how they change during disease. This edition has been substantially revised to incorporate the latest developments in genomics, proteomics and biosensors. The book also benefits from an improved design and layout to aid student understanding.
Scion Publishing Ltd Transfusion Science, second edition
There have been a number of significant changes in transfusion science in the last five to ten years and this second edition of Transfusion Science covers these in some detail. * A new chapter introduces readers to the current applications of emerging techniques in transfusion science. * Platelet immune disorders and haemolytic anaemias are now covered. * The need for leucodepletion and methods for pathogen reduction are described. * The latest nomenclature for blood group genes has been adopted. * Current practice in blood group serology is reviewed. * Recent legislative changes for quality assurance in transfusion in the UK are now also covered. Case studies and colour photographs are now provided to illustrate concepts and to aid understanding, and a revised series of self-assessment questions and learning outcomes are also provided. An understanding of transfusion science is vital for all biomedical science students. Transfusion Science, second edition, explains all the basic principles alongside descriptions of the applications now possible as a result of modern analytical techniques. This book is essential reading for all students studying courses on transfusion and transplantation.
Scion Publishing Ltd Dermatology Made Easy, second edition
Dermatology Made Easy 2e has been comprehensively updated but remains designed to help GPs, medical students and dermatologists diagnose skin conditions with confidence. Diagnosis is simplified by providing a comprehensive set of tables which offer differentials by symptom, morphology, or body site – including over 500 thumbnail photos. Once you have narrowed down the diagnosis, cross-references guide you to more detailed descriptions, and another 700 photographs, covering: common infections inflammatory rashes non-inflammatory conditions skin lesions Every section provides consistent information on the disorder: who gets it and what causes it? what are the clinical features and does it cause any complications? how do you diagnose it? how do you treat it and how long does it take to resolve? The book concludes with a comprehensive section on further investigations and treatment options. Dermatology Made Easy is the ideal rapid clinical reference – guiding diagnosis, advising on clinical features and offering the best treatment options. Printed in full colour throughout.
Scion Publishing Ltd CRQs and SBAs for the Final FRCA: Questions and detailed answers
Three complete mock exams, with answers, including the new-style CRQs CRQs and SBAs for the Final FRCA combines CRQ (constructed response questions) with SBA (single best answer) questions to accurately mimic the structure and content of the new-style final FRCA exam. The book is split into three mock exams, each comprising: 12 CRQ with 60 SBA questions detailed explanatory answers useful references to articles to allow readers to improve their knowledge an indication as to the degree of difficulty of each question. The book is ideal for all candidates preparing to sit the final FRCA.
Scion Publishing Ltd New Clinical Genetics, fourth edition: A guide to genomic medicine
New Clinical Genetics continues to offer the most innovative case-based approach to investigation, diagnosis, and management in genomic medicine. New Clinical Genetics is used worldwide as a textbook for medical students, but also as an essential guide to the field for genetic counselors, physician assistants, clinical and nurse geneticists, and students studying healthcare courses allied to medicine. Readers love the integrated case-based approach which ties the science to real-life clinical scenarios to really aid understanding. Clinical genetics is a fast-moving field and there have been many advances in the few years since the previous edition was published. This 4th edition has been completely updated and revised to reflect new science, new techniques and new ways of thinking. Nowhere is this more clear than in the chapter discussing genetics services which is now significantly expanded to reflect the increasing role of genomic medicine and the use of multidisciplinary teams in the management of patients with genetic disorders. The unique case-based structure and format remains the same, but substantial new material has been added to cover: polygenic risk scores – now starting to become useful clinical service tools preimplantation diagnosis noninvasive prenatal diagnosis companion diagnostics for prescribed drugs liquid biopsies in cancer epigenetics and gene regulation the widespread use of next-generation sequencing as a routine diagnostic tool the checking of a patient’s whole exome for the cause of their problem
Scion Publishing Ltd Eureka: Clinical Skills, Diagnostics and Reasoning
How to undertake key clinical tests, make effective diagnoses and develop logical clinical reasoning. Clinical Skills, Diagnostics and Reasoning provides detailed coverage of the history and examination of all major body systems. It will be an essential resource as you start on the wards. Key features: an engaging and authoritative style – with everything you need in one place realistic clinical cases – these show how skilled clinicians work through a presentation, and put disease and biomedical principles into context extensive range of photographs – superb clinical photos show exactly how to undertake a broad range of examinations and tests starter questions – stimulating questions and answers to test your knowledge and highlight the level of detail you need study boxes – these highlight tips, tricks and key learning points Designed to take you from the lecture theatre to the ward – from anatomy and physiology to typical clinical cases and how they are assessed. By fully integrating basic science and clinical medicine, Clinical Skills, Diagnostics and Reasoning will equip you with the core knowledge and skills you will need for exams and placements! The book is ideal for medical students and Advanced Clinical Practice courses.
Scion Publishing Ltd Histological and Histochemical Methods, fifth edition
This fifth edition of Histological and Histochemical Methods continues to provide a clear and consistent introduction to the techniques, description and analysis of the chemical and physical principles of fixation, tissue processing, staining, enzyme location, immunohistochemistry and other key procedures. The overall structure of the book remains unchanged, but the content has been heavily revised to update the techniques used in line with recent technological advances. Additionally, there are new sections on: Artefacts and troubleshooting Methods for microorganisms and fungi in sections Methods for various pigments and mineral deposits in tissues Methods for skeletal elements (bone, cartilage) in whole-mounts Histological and Histochemical Methods 5e is essential reading for students, lecturers, researchers and professionals using histological and histochemical techniques. From reviews: "Histological and Histochemical Methods is a tour de force wholly suited to the modern age of histology and Professor Kiernan has triumphed again. To cover so much ground clearly and concisely while including the justification of the underlying chemistry makes this book unique. There should not be a histology laboratory or an undergraduate library that does not own a copy." Biotechnic & Histochemistry 2016, 91(2): 145. "This book should be present on the bookshelves of every research or analysis laboratory where histology and histochemistry are routinely used, as an essential reference source of basic and practical information for scientists and technicians." European Journal of Histochemistry, 2016, vol. 60.
Scion Publishing Ltd Practice Accounts Made Easy, third edition
Most general practices are businesses of quite significant size and yet many GPs are not clear on what the detail of their practice accounts really means. This book will help if you have ever found yourself confused by: • a balance sheet • capital accounts • profit-sharing ratios It will also help you to understand how practices are paid: • the differences between payments under the GMS, APMS and MCP contracts • the effects of transitioning from PMS to GMS contracts • the mechanisms for claims and payments • property and other reimbursements, including the Premises Costs Directions • the new GP Retention Scheme Furthermore, as an individual GP it will tell you about: • how you pay your tax and how it might appear in the practice accounts • tax deductible expenses • the differences between being employed and self-employed for tax purposes • joining and leaving a practice • buying a share in the surgery premises • forming a limited company for tax purposes • the NHS Pension Scheme and its various ‘sections’ • superannuation Updated with 2018/19 guidelines on tax, pensions and practice payments, this is a book for all those confused by accounting terminology, from GP registrars to GP principals.
Scion Publishing Ltd Catch Up Biology, second edition: For the Medical Sciences
Catch up Biology 2e covers the basic principles and concepts in biology that you will need if you are studying medicine or a related subject, or one of the biomedical sciences. The book focuses on human biology and covers: the basic molecules of life, such as proteins, carbohydrates, nucleic acids cells, tissues and processes, including energy metabolism, cell division, epithelial and connective tissues the key mammalian systems, for example, homeostasis, the endocrine, respiratory and digestive systems. Throughout the book the authors highlight clinical examples so that you can see the relevance of basic biology to your course. The book also contains questions (and answers) so that you can test your understanding of the subject as you work through the book. This new edition features two new chapters on microorganisms and on genetic disease. Catch up Biology is the ideal book to refresh your understanding of the basic concepts of biology.
Scion Publishing Ltd Boosting Your Mental Wellbeing: 10 minute steps for stressed healthcare professionals using CBT and mindfulness
This book describes key skills that allow us to thrive both at work and in our personal lives. Making time to boost our wellbeing is realistic and achievable, and making small changes in key life areas can have a surprisingly significant impact on mood. Key Features: Practical guidance to combat stress and burnout in primary care 10-minute techniques, to fit in with busy lifestyles Features, CBT, Mindfulness and Behavioural Action techniques Working in primary care can be stressful and exhausting and our connection is easily broken with the aspects that made it rewarding and worthwhile. Once broken, it is all too easy to slip into a negative spiral of over-working, failing to switch off, and not spending enough time on rest and recuperation. The book introduces six GROWTH steps, all possible in 10 minutes. These are based on techniques such as CBT, mindfulness and behavioural activation, that help lead to positive mental health and significantly improved wellbeing. The first half of the book includes exercises and activities to help you practise and learn more about each of the GROWTH steps. The second half then focuses on applying the steps to some of the common difficulties that we all experience in primary care, such as: overcoming low mood, low motivation and burnout coping with anxiety, uncertainty and worry, especially if you are training, taking exams or simply feeling overwhelmed managing change and loss The book can help you avoid imposter syndrome, strengthen important relationships, navigate tricky encounters, and cope better with trauma and complaints. The book cannot remove all the stress that comes from working on the front-line, but it does offer you simple practical help to manage stress much better by boosting your resilience and improving your coping strategies. And it only needs to take 10 minutes a day!
Scion Publishing Ltd Clinical Evidence Made Easy, second edition
This book will help you to understand and appraise clinical research articles and guidelines and assess how they should influence your practice. Assuming no prior knowledge, Clinical Evidence Made Easy starts by explaining the theory of evidence-based practice, including: understanding the hierarchy of evidence how to recognize bias assessing research papers making sense of qualitative research making use of clinical guidelines what to do with evidence from pharmaceutical companies how to apply the evidence in real life. The book concludes with a section covering clinical evidence at work (completely updated for this new edition) which: provides you with simple appraisal tools that you can use to evaluate research papers and clinical guidance uses extracts from original journal articles to show how you can put the appraisal tools and theory into practice. This new edition has been thoroughly revised and updated, and now features ‘Test your understanding’ questions for each chapter, along with answers at the end of the book.
Scion Publishing Ltd Managing Anxiety Disorders in Primary Care
A practical guide to help improve the recognition and treatment of anxiety disorders in primary care. Making a diagnosis of anxiety can be challenging in primary care, and for this reason many patients remain undiagnosed and untreated. Patients with undiagnosed anxiety disorders may not receive appropriate treatment and may also undergo unnecessary and costly investigations for their physical symptoms. Anxiety disorders can interfere with the management of patients’ physical health and may be associated with worsening outcomes for coexisting chronic physical disorders. However, if the anxiety disorders are correctly identified, patients can be offered effective treatments, including self-help, psychological therapy and medication, which will in turn help to improve their physical health and wellbeing. Managing Anxiety Disorders is a practical guide to help those working in primary care to recognise and treat anxiety disorders. Using a consistent approach it provides an overview of the most common anxiety disorders and for each describes how to: recognise each disorder make the diagnosis explain the condition to patients manage each disorder, including using simple 10 minute CBT strategies to encourage self-help It also includes practical case studies to illustrate how different anxiety disorders may present in primary care, and how GPs might begin to assess and manage patients with these conditions.
Scion Publishing Ltd CSA Scenarios for the MRCGP, fourth edition
This latest edition has been comprehensively updated to include new information on the latest clinical evidence, national guidelines, and from the recent medical literature: all existing cases have been revised new cases have been added to cover pre-diabetes and premature ejaculation psoriasis, sore throat, thyroid disease and the PSA test are covered in even more detail The first three editions have helped thousands of candidates through the CSA exam. The original approach has therefore been retained so the book continues to offer readers a concise ‘need-to-know’ guide to passing the CSA, with the emphasis on successfully completing a case in the allotted ten minutes using a structured consultation framework that works. The aim of the book is to leave exam candidates with more time to concentrate on passing the CSA exam itself.
Scion Publishing Ltd Clinical Endocrinology
Whether you are a student of biomedicine or medicine, trainee, resident, or endocrinology fellow, Clinical Endocrinology provides you with the core information you need to understand this notoriously complex subject. The book describes the biochemistry, physiology, and anatomy that underpin clinical practice and then integrates genuine clinical cases to show the application of this basic science in diagnosis and treatment. Key features include: a flowing narrative that leads you through the basic science boxes that provide core reference information advanced boxes that provide additional material suitable for residents and fellows case studies that link with the text and describe the presentation, diagnosis, and management of real patients further clinical material that builds on the basic science and describes the causes of endocrine disorders, their clinical features, and treatment options coverage of the latest advances and discoveries self-assessment questions to test understanding The book is lavishly illustrated throughout with line drawings and clinical photographs. The authors, one a scientist and the other a clinician, guide you through the complexities of physiology and biochemistry so that you can understand the nature and management of endocrine pathologies. At all times they relate basic science to clinical medicine in a clear and lucid style that is both practical and clinically relevant. From reviews: "Clinical Endocrinology is very well written and beautifully illustrated." Lancet Diabetes Endocrinology, January 2013 "All in all this is an excellent, essential textbook which does the job admirably in terms of synthesising the essence of human physiology and excreting a patient-centred approach to addressing the clinical manifestations of endocrine hypo- and hyper-function." The Endocrinologist, December 2013 "This book would appeal particularly to medical students or endocrinologists in training... [It] provides a useful review of endocrinology in a comprehensive manner starting from basic science principles and ending with clinical applications." Doody's Notes, May 2013 About the authors: Professor Saffron Whitehead is Professor of Endocrine Physiology at St George's Medical School, University of London Dr John Miell is a Consultant Endocrinologist at University Hospital Lewisham, London
Scion Publishing Ltd Glycobiology
This glycobiology book is truly unique. Produced to commemorate the 80th birthday of Nathan Sharon, Glycobiology is an essential reference tool for anyone working in the field. Most research review volumes are narrowly focused. This book is different. It is a state-of-the-art fully comprehensive review volume covering a deliberately wide spectrum of work in this important field. With 28 chapters, covering over 350 pages, this title describes the latest research findings - from chemistry to biology and from pure science to industrial and medical applications. The book is written by world-class researchers and brings the reader fully up-to-date with the latest advances and forward thinking. All the major areas of glycobiology are covered including the synthesis of carbohydrates and glycoconjugates, their structural and functional analysis, carbohydrate binding proteins, carbohydrate modifying enzymes, and the applications of glycobiology research in medicine and industry. All active researchers in the glycosciences will value access to this important research compendium whether it be in the local library or in the lab.
Scion Publishing Ltd Graphic Anaesthesia, second edition: Essential diagrams, equations and tables for anaesthesia
Graphic Anaesthesia is a compendium of the diagrams, graphs, equations and tables needed in anaesthetic practice. Each page covers a separate topic to aid rapid review and assimilation. The relevant illustration, equation or table is presented alongside a short description of the fundamental principles of the topic and with clinical applications where appropriate. Now fully updated, this second edition contains 35 new topics, including significant additions to the drugs and equipment sections, and new sections on clinical prediction and anatomy related to regional anaesthesia. The book includes main sections on: physiology pharmacodynamics and kinetics physics equipment anatomy drugs clinical measurement clinical prediction statistics. By combining all the illustrations, equations and tables with concise, clinically relevant explanations, Graphic Anaesthesia is therefore: the ideal revision book for all anaesthetists in training a valuable aide-memoire for senior anaesthetists to use when teaching and examining trainees. From reviews of the previous edition: "Graphic Anaesthesia is a well-written, easy-to-read book, ideal for trainees studying for primary FRCA examinations... It will be an ideal companion for preparing for exams." Ulster Medical Journal, May 2016 "Graphic Anaesthesia is an excellent revision tool that allows trainees approaching exams to prepare in an efficient and simple format. It is a refreshing and unique resource that should be included on any essential revision reading list." European Journal of Anaesthesiology 2016; 33: 610. "The diagrams are very clear, the explanations accurate and concise and to pack 245 items into a small reference book is no mean feat…. Each diagram is drawn in just four colours to enable them to be reproduced easily from memory. This intuitive approach was an eye-opener to me and a valuable lesson in simplicity without losing any essential detail. This is something from which many educators could learn and indeed transfer that skill…This is a quality book that could be a useful investment across the spectrum of practitioners involved in anaesthesia and the teaching of anaesthesia." Journal of Perioperative Practice March 2017, volume 27, issue 3
Scion Publishing Ltd Quick Draw Anatomy for Anaesthetists, second edition
The first edition won first prize in Anaesthesia in the 2019 BMA Medical Book Awards! Here's what the reviewers said: "It is so easy to pick up and check things, and the illustrations and drawing instructions have allowed me to do my own drawings and learn how to label them." This new edition has been thoroughly revised and updated, and continues to provide you with simple instructions on how to draw and interpret the crucial anatomy you need for your anaesthetic training. Covers all the relevant anatomy in: Head, neck and neuro – from Circle of Willis to cervical plexus Vertebral column – from the spinal cord to the sacrum Cardiac – coronary arteries and venous drainage of the heart Airway and respiratory – from airway sensation to the diaphragm Abdomen – from the abdominal aorta to the nephron, via a TAP block Limbs – from blood vessels in the arms to the ankle, via the femoral canal For the majority of sections, in addition to a simple drawing and detailed explanation, there are also step-by-step illustrations to show you how to draw the anatomy yourself – taking some of the stress out of potential viva questions!
Scion Publishing Ltd Acute Medicine, third edition
From reviews of the previous editions: “Amazing book. The content is clear, and the recent guidelines are there!” Acute Medicine is a current and concise guide to hospital emergency medicine for registrars, junior doctors and medical students working on the wards. This new edition has been comprehensively revised and updated to incorporate the latest treatment guidelines. It has been substantially rewritten and streamlined to enable the reader to access the pertinent information even more quickly. It is not just a list of instructions, but contains pathophysiology and useful clinical pearls: detailed management of acute medical and surgical emergencies, including in pregnancy general ward management issues descriptions of key procedures normal laboratory values emergency drug formulary More reviews of the previous editions “… a fantastic text for any doctor regardless of their grade. The book covers a huge array of pathology and knowledge in a succinct and accessible way with easy to use chapters with superb explanations throughout. This book is an essential text for all junior doctors.” “I can with complete confidence recommend this book to any hospital physician or trainee. It is infused with useful tips dispensed throughout the text which uniquely (compared to other texts) places you in the mindset of a senior medical registrar or consultant on take.” “This book provides a fantastic overview of a huge range of acute presentations; conveniently organised into a systems based approach. The information covered is comprehensive, yet still conveyed in a concise manner. The layout is also consistent across the different presentations, each giving: About, Aetiology, Clinical presentation, Investigations, and Management”.
Scion Publishing Ltd Rheumatology: A case-based approach to management
A practical guide to the diagnosis and management of common rheumatic disorders, using real case histories. Alongside the development of national and international guidelines for the management of rheumatic disorders, there has been a huge growth in the availability of new therapies. This book summarises diagnosis and patient management based around the latest guidelines and expanded treatment options, including the scientific rationale upon which these treatments are based. To aid understanding, the book: features real case histories to illustrate the range of clinical presentations and how these can be managed covers all common rheumatic disorders, from rheumatoid arthritis through crystal arthropathies to fibromyalgia and chronic pain conditions includes a dedicated chapter on paediatric rheumatology provides advice on physiotherapy including links to recommended video demonstrations The book is written for clinicians, nurses and physiotherapists working in musculoskeletal medicine, in addition to GPs, and doctors preparing for the Specialist Certificate Examination in rheumatology.
Scion Publishing Ltd Communication Skills for OSCEs
Communication skills are the cornerstone of being a good doctor and there is a growing trend to incorporate these skills within the medical school curriculum. Medical students are normally well-versed in the medical knowledge needed for their OSCEs but often struggle with the key communication techniques required. This book shows how better communication skills will lead to a better consultation. It combines a practical approach to communicating with the essential clinical knowledge needed to help students perfect their consultations. It is written by medical students and junior doctors for medical students and junior doctors. Communication Skills for OSCEs is the first medical OSCEs book to focus on the key communication skills the medical student needs. Communication Skills for OSCEs prepares you for the examination setting but, in doing so, also provides the building blocks for good communication skills throughout your career.
Scion Publishing Ltd Clinical Evidence Made Easy
Clinical Evidence Made Easy is a concise and accessible introduction for any healthcare professional looking to understand clinical evidence and data sources. Clinical Evidence Made Easy scores maximum 100 and 5 stars on Doody's (Sept 2014)! Here's what the reviewer said: "The authors present the concepts in a unique and simple way that is easy to read and understand." From other reviews: "The chapters are succinct. The text is simple and easy to follow........ I really like this text. The title says it all – Clinical Evidence Made Easy" Ulster Medical Journal "...the book will be useful for anyone who is interested in evidence based practice and who wants to be able to read published research papers and to pose appropriate questions of them." Nursing Times As clinical evidence becomes increasingly important in healthcare it is vital that healthcare professionals can read, analyse and understand the clinical data being presented. This book will equip the reader with the core skills and knowledge to make sense of the clinical evidence, without over-burdening them with information and jargon. Building on the success of the other ‘Made Easy’ books (Medical Statistics Made Easy, Healthcare Economics Made Easy, Practice Accounts Made Easy), this is a book for non-specialists who need knowledge of the key tools and techniques so they can understand the clinical data, but who have no need to become experts in the subject. Clinical Evidence Made Easy will enable healthcare workers in all fields to understand and implement the results from clinical trials, clinical journals and other data sources with confidence.
Scion Publishing Ltd Understanding Clinical Research: An introduction
It is important for healthcare professionals to understand the basics of clinical research. This book offers a thorough explanation of the principles of clinical research, alongside a wide range of worked examples which show how these principles are applied in practice. Understanding Clinical Research takes readers from how to develop research questions, through the design of research studies, to disseminating research findings. Ethical considerations, research integrity, patient involvement, and study funding are all covered, along with an introduction to the key statistical methods needed for data analysis. Ideal for any healthcare professional: interested in understanding more about the development of evidence-based practice wanting to undertake research but not sure where to start considering or just starting a PhD / MD, or a PGCert in Research Studies
Scion Publishing Ltd Eureka: Physiology, second edition
Eureka: Physiology 2e provides everything a student needs to succeed in the subject, prepare for their clinical placements and pass their exams. Logical book structure to aid the learning process: The book starts with a First principles chapter which clearly explains key concepts and the mechanisms of physiology. The subsequent systems-based chapters, including neuromuscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, endocrine, and gastrointestinal systems, describe the physiological processes which underpin normal function. The book concludes with a final Applied physiology chapter showing how the body responds to stress, exercise, high altitude and massive blood loss. Key features, to help learn the subject and link it to real world medicine: an engaging and authoritative style – with everything you need in one place realistic clinical cases – these show how skilled clinicians work through a presentation, and put disease and biomedical principles into context extensive range of photographs – superb photos show clinical presentations and exactly how to demonstrate related clinical signs starter questions – stimulating questions and answers to test your knowledge and highlight the level of detail you need study boxes – these highlight tips, tricks and key learning points Featuring insightful clinical cases, extensive illustrations and photographs, self-assessment questions and answers, and a wealth of other learning tools, Eureka: Physiology 2e will equip you with the core knowledge and skills you need for your exams and clinical placements!
Scion Publishing Ltd Bare Bones Anaesthesia: A guide for medical students
A one-stop full-colour resource which provides tailored, guideline-specific information to prepare you for your medical school examinations. Bare Bones Anaesthesia is an exciting new text appropriate for the level of a medical student to excel in their medical school examinations. It contains all the core information you need to know and includes important MCQ and OSCE tips for those tricky situations that examiners attempt to catch medical students out on. These are highlighted throughout the textbook to emphasize their importance for your learning and to focus your understanding. Written by a team of junior doctors, who have recently been through medical schools, the book gives you the essential information in an easy-to-use format.
Scion Publishing Ltd Practical Procedures in General Practice, second edition
Practical Procedures in General Practice 2e is an updated guide for any GP looking to establish a minor surgery service, covering: setting up a minor surgery clinic accreditation – new patient selection and assessment basic operative procedures diagnosis and management of skin lesions – new joint injections long-term contraception, including LARCs – new specialist procedures such as carpal tunnel decompression and non-scalpel vasectomy which may be undertaken by GPs with extended roles If you are one of the many GPs looking to reduce referrals and provide a better service to your patients by developing a minor surgery DES, then Practical Procedures in General Practice will help. Note from the publisher: This book will help you to understand what is possible and to remind you how to do the procedures correctly. It is not a substitute for gaining relevant practical experience through expert supervision or at a specialist training course, such as one of those run by the RCGP.
Scion Publishing Ltd The Surgical Portfolio and Interview: A complete guide to preparing for your CST and ST1/ST3
A complete guide to preparing for your CST and ST1/ST3 Surgical training is highly competitive and requires preparation, dedication and an understanding of the principles of selection. Your application will be evaluated across a range of competences according to objective criteria, with selection based primarily on your: surgical portfolio – evidence of relevant experience and achievements to date, which is used to demonstrate your suitability for a role surgical interview – a range of ‘stations’ designed to assess specific areas of the selection criteria This book is a practical guide to help you build an impressive portfolio and deliver a quality performance at interview. It offers key advice on these two areas of assessment, as follows: The surgical portfolio: Advice on where to start and how to maximise the benefit you gain from each opportunity. Each portfolio domain is discussed in turn, explaining the context and rationale and providing a guide to maximising your performance in each area. Example opportunities are provided for you to pursue to help to adapt your experience to the specific assessment criteria. The surgical interview: Understand the rationale behind the questioning to help you tailor your answers to maximise scoring. Answer templates with key guidance to help you provide effective answers based on your portfolio experiences. Guidance on contemporary surgical topics to help you with discussion and debate.
Scion Publishing Ltd Case-Based Discussions in Medicine, updated edition
Case-based learning is a fundamental part of teaching at medical school because it links theory to practice. Case-Based Discussions in Medicine is designed to help prepare students for clinical practice by working through authentic cases. This updated edition has been revised to reflect recent changes in guidelines. All cases are presented in a consistent style, and cover: history of presenting complaint examination and interpretation differential diagnoses investigations diagnosis and management Each case concludes with background information covering the pathophysiology, diagnostic criteria and clinical guidelines. The book is a study companion for medical students and foundation doctors and will help you: become proficient at writing up a patient’s history and examination findings improve your clinical decision-making and patient management build your clinical knowledge From back pain and breathlessness to post-partum psychosis, via abdominal pain and jaundice, placenta praevia, and alcoholic liver disease, the book guides you through common cases in medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynaecology, paediatrics and psychiatry.
Scion Publishing Ltd Succeeding in Academic Medicine Applications
The health of local populations depends in part upon the considerable contribution clinical academics make to research and teaching alongside their clinical practice. The UK Integrated Academic Foundation Programme offers newly qualified doctors an opportunity to explore academia as a career by developing skills in research, education or leadership/management alongside their clinical training. Being successful in applications for an academic training position, whether AFP, ACF or clinical lectureship, is about preparing and practising the right way – many candidates fail to demonstrate just how good they really are and therefore miss out. This book has been put together using insights from successful trainees and focuses on covering the skills that produce results.
Scion Publishing Ltd How to Prepare for Medical School Interviews
HIGHLY COMMENDED IN THE 2017 BMA BOOK AWARDS! Here's what the judges said: "The book is thorough and well written. It has many good questions and challenging scenarios and will allow candidates to prepare thoroughly for their interview. This is a useful book with plenty of scenarios for medical school applicants to practise and prepare. I am not aware of any other books in this subject area that describe potential interview questions to such depth. The quality of the questions as well as the answers and the variety is satisfying to see." Competition ratios for medical school are approximately 10:1. Faced with the increasing numbers of well-qualified applicants, the medical school interview has become a vital part of the application process. Put simply, if you want to get into medical school, you will need to do well in your medical school interview. As well as the more traditional use of ‘across the table’ interview questions, many medical schools are now using ‘Multiple Mini Interviews’ as a core part of their recruitment process. How to Prepare for Medical School Interviews is the largest collection of both types of interview questions available. It contains over 200 practice questions with full answers, as well as detailed practical advice to help you approach your interviews with confidence. Edited by an academic surgical registrar and with real-life contributions from students from medical schools across the UK, How to Prepare for Medical School Interviews is the perfect book to help you get ready for, practise and succeed in your medical school interview.
Scion Publishing Ltd Equipment in Anaesthesia and Critical Care: A complete guide for the FRCA
Highly commended in the Anaesthesia category of the 2014 BMA Medical Books awards! From reviews: "Altogether, this textbook offers an excellent detailed overview of basic principles, mechanics, and physics of technical equipment used in anaesthesia and intensive care medicine." Critical Care, Feb 2014 "This book is excellent. I have read a number of equipment related books and found most of them stale and filled with minutia. Instead this fresh look at equipment really makes it interesting to read and keeps your attention. With sections that give quick answers to how things work, advantages and disadvantages, in an easy to read format you get exactly what you want to know RIGHT away. In addition the full color photos and well done charts really add to the depth of this book. It is my opinion this may be one of the best books on the market for quick review of anesthesia and critical care equipment. Let's be honest, no one is sitting at home reading equipment books for pleasure so when you NEED the information you likely need it right away. This book does exactly that; easy format, clear and concise information with everything you need to know about a piece of equipment easy to find and within a page or two. I would recommend this to all trainees in anesthesia but also for those providers who like to be prepared in the operating room to deal with any issue that might arise.", 8 Feb 2014 Equipment in Anaesthesia and Critical Care specifically follows the syllabus published by the Royal College of Anaesthetists and is the perfect guide for candidates studying for their FRCA qualifications. The book is beautifully illustrated and features high quality colour photographs throughout. The text is engaging and comprehensive, relating each piece of equipment back to its basic physics, mechanics and clinical context. The clear, concise and standardised format means that information is easy to access and perfect for revision. Every major piece of equipment is featured alongside colour photos, reproducible line diagrams, and information on its uses, how it works, pros and cons, and safety considerations. The authors, all senior registrars in anaesthesia and critical care, appreciate exactly what candidates need to know to pass the FRCA exam. They have identified and tackled difficult subjects which are often glossed over or omitted in other resources, to produce a book that is comprehensive, engaging and to the point. In addition to FRCA candidates, the book is also suitable for operating department practitioners, critical care staff, and physicians with an interest in anaesthesia or critical care.
Scion Publishing Ltd Using CBT in General Practice: The 10 Minute Consultation
How to use CBT within a typical 10 minute consultation Using CBT in General Practice, second edition provides GPs with an overview of the basic principles of CBT and shows how these principles can be applied within a typical 10 minute consultation. The book is written in a user-friendly, interactive and practical style and focuses on realistic ways to make CBT work by helping patients to make positive changes to their lives. Key features of this second edition include: case examples to highlight how the techniques can be applied in practice for patients with particular problems or clinical conditions, such as coping with negative thoughts problem-solving sections describe how to manage time constraints a new consultation model that can be used to implement CBT in general practice detailed overviews of the major clinical psychological conditions that can be treated using CBT, such as panic, low self-esteem, and insomnia. Using CBT in General Practice uniquely provides the practical advice needed to implement CBT within the time constraints of a busy practice – it is therefore essential reading for all GPs, who must now offer CBT as a treatment option. As this is a practical manual and not just a book of theory, it will also appeal to other professionals involved in the management of patients with psychological problems such as practice nurses, health visitors, community psychiatric nurses, practice counsellors and palliative care doctors.
Scion Publishing Ltd Catch Up Chemistry, second edition: For the Life and Medical Sciences
If you are about to study for a degree in the life or medical sciences, you will need to understand some core facts and concepts in chemistry. You do not need to be a budding chemist but you do need to be comfortable with chemical terms and principles. Catch up Chemistry, second edition, will bring you up to speed with the subject and will lay the foundations of chemistry in those topics that will underpin your studies, such as: the nature of atomic structure and molecular bonding the properties of biological molecules and macromolecules the gas laws the special properties of water thermodynamic concepts in biology biological transport mechanisms and transporters understanding reaction mechanisms and kinetics deriving energy from molecules At every stage the authors remind you of the relevance of this chemistry to your life or medical sciences course - this is not just chemistry for the sake of it. The book also contains a lot of questions (and answers), so that you can test your understanding at any time - it really does get easier with practice!
Scion Publishing Ltd Expression Systems: Methods Express
Protein expression is an increasingly important tool for research on gene function. What is needed is not just a lab manual providing established methods as well as the latest state-of-the-art protocols, but also clear advice on what expression system to choose when. Expression Systems: Methods Express uniquely fills this need. It covers expression across a broad range of systems, including the following: Baculovirus expression vectors CHO cells E. coli HEK293-EBNA1 cells Lactococcus lactis and other gram positive bacteria S. cerevisiae Transfected insect cells Pichia pastoris Mammalian cells using BacMam viruses Lentiviral vectors Wheat germ cell-free system The book takes the reader through how to make an informed choice of appropriate system, taking into account the protein target, the time involved, the ultimate use of the expressed protein, and the laboratory equipment required. It also provides step-by-step methods for each system. In addition, the book describes the optimisation of expression strategies, expression engineering using ribosome display, and how to select protein variants with improved expression. Every chapter discusses the merits and limitations of the approaches available, describes the key techniques in full practical detail, and provides sensible advice for immediate use at the bench. In summary, Expression Systems: Methods Express is a comprehensive laboratory manual and information resource for researchers at all levels, from postgraduate student to principal investigator.
Scion Publishing Ltd Interpreting Chest X-Rays
Radiological imaging is now accessible to a wide range of healthcare workers, many of whom are increasingly taking on extended roles. This book will equip all healthcare professionals, including medical students, chest physicians, radiographers and radiologists, with the techniques and knowledge required to interpret plain chest radiographs. It is not an exhaustive text, but concentrates on interpretive skills and pattern recognition – these help the reader to understand the pitfalls and spot the clues that will allow them to correctly interpret the chest X-rays they will encounter in their daily practice. The book features over 300 high quality images, along with a range of case story images designed to enable readers to test and develop their interpretation skills. Interpreting Chest X-Rays is a handy ready reference that will help you to avoid making errors interpreting chest X-rays and decide, for example: if a temporary pacing wire has been inserted correctly whether the shadows you can see are real abnormalities if all chest tubes and lines are located appropriately in an ITU patient what further imaging may assist interpretation of an apparent abnormality whether a post-surgical chest is significantly abnormal what organism might be causing an infection why a patient is short of breath whether patient positioning accounts for an abnormal appearance on a chest X-ray what impact radiographic technique has had on the appearance of pathology From reviews: 'Interpreting Chest X-Rays is highly recommended for anyone wishing to acquire a basic yet relatively comprehensive approach to the chest radiograph. The book is affordable, and is particularly suited for trainees, including pulmonary medicine fellows, medical students on a radiology rotation, physicians' assistant students or nursing students on a critical care or pulmonary rotation, and first-year radiology residents on a thoracic radiology rotation. Dr. Stephen Ellis makes the difficult seem easy, with his instructive teaching style and helpful approach to the surprisingly difficult topic of chest radiography interpretation.' Clinical Pulmonary Medicine, November 2010 'Interpreting Chest X-Rays is an excellent, simple book...[it] is reasonably priced and would be recommended to all healthcare professionals who are involved with the interpretation of plain chest radiographs.' RAD Magazine, December 2010 'Interpreting Chest X-Rays was a delight to read and review. It is a concise text that covers the basics of chest radiography. This book would be perfect for the medical student, allied health care worker, or general physician.' American Journal of Roentgenology, May 2011
Scion Publishing Ltd Cell Imaging: Methods Express
This book covers the key techniques that can be employed in any lab with access to cell imaging equipment, even if it does not currently specialize in imaging. It focuses on live cell imaging and light microscopy applications, but is equally relevant to the imaging of fixed specimens.
Scion Publishing Ltd Ophthalmology Made Easy
Eye emergencies may present in the GP surgery, A&E or an outpatient clinic, but few people outside of ophthalmology are confident about the management of eye problems. This book will give you the essential skills to: perform an initial assessment understand what you can manage yourself and how to do the basics decide when you need to refer to ophthalmology. In addition, the book provides: a glossary of common ophthalmic terminology and medications which will be invaluable when reviewing ophthalmology letters a triage ready reckoner to help you sort the symptoms and decide how quickly you need to refer a systems-based approach to highlight common conditions and then describes how to assess, investigate and manage each of them a guide to the most common investigations and how to interpret the results. At all stages, symbols are used to highlight what can safely be undertaken in general practice and A&E, and when ophthalmologists should take over. Red flag boxes highlight important clinical concepts that should never be missed, and red text is used to indicate sight- or life-threatening conditions. This is a book to help anyone looking to refresh their knowledge of diagnosis, management and referral to ophthalmology: medical students, foundation doctors, GPs, A&E doctors, junior ophthalmology specialty trainees, ophthalmic nurses and nurse practitioners.
Scion Publishing Ltd Urgent and Out-of-Hours Primary Care: A practical guide for clinicians
Covers the most common conditions seen in an out-of-hours primary care or urgent medical care setting. Urgent and Out-of-Hours Primary Care provides practical guidance on the diagnosis and management of the acute medical conditions seen most commonly in an out-of-hours setting. Covers over 200 acute medical conditions commonly encountered when working in an urgent and primary care setting Colour photographs provide the reader with further important information on assessing patients presenting with acute medical conditions Key ‘red flag’ features are highlighted in boxes The latest guidance and prescribing information is provided Uses a consistent approach: each condition features discussions of presentation, assessment and management Offers practical guidance on how to use telephone triage, video consultations and home visits effectively Assumes access to basic diagnostic aids only Provides differential diagnoses by symptom Indicates when to refer to hospital and when to order an emergency ambulance This book is aimed at GPs, GP trainees, doctors, medical students, nurses, paramedics, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals involved in providing urgent and out-of-hours primary care to patients.
Scion Publishing Ltd Medical Statistics Made Easy, fourth edition
Contains all you need to know to understand statistics in medicine. Medical Statistics Made Easy has been a perennial bestseller since the first edition was published (it is consistently a #1 bestseller in medical statistics/biostatistics on Amazon). It is recommended and required worldwide on a variety of courses and programmes, from undergraduate medicine, through to professional medical qualifications. It is a book of key statistics principles for anyone studying or working in medicine and healthcare who needs a basic overview of the subject. It is ideal for non-statisticians who need to understand how statistics are used and applied in medicine and medical research. Using a consistent format, the authors describe the most common statistical methods in turn and then rate them on how difficult they are to understand and how common they are. The worked examples that demonstrate the statistical method in action include current articles from the medical literature and now feature a wider range of medical journals. This fourth edition continues with the same structure as the previous editions, with new sections on cut-off points and ROC curves, as well as a new chapter on choosing the right statistical test. It also features a completely revised and updated 'Statistics at work' section.
Scion Publishing Ltd CSA Revision Notes for the MRCGP, fourth edition
CSA Revision Notes for the MRCGP is the ideal book to help you to revise and prepare for the CSA part of the MRCGP exam. The latest edition features new material on: Constipation in adults Cough Dupuytren’s contracture Eating disorders Frailty assessment Gender dysphoria Gout Inguinal hernia Prediabetes Starting HRT Varicose veins Visual loss A standardised format is used throughout to help you to improve your: data gathering – a broad range of appropriate questions to ask the patient are provided and red flags are highlighted where appropriate interpersonal skills – each clinical problem is described using terms that you can use in your explanations to patients clinical management – tells you which examinations to consider, which investigations to order, and how to manage each clinical problem based on the latest guidelines and current best practice consultations – to help you practise, every clinical case features a realistic role play scenario.
Scion Publishing Ltd Mind Maps for Medicine
An innovative, visual textbook for medical students to help learn and understand core medical conditions. Over 100 mind maps: The book features over 100 easy to follow, full colour mind maps of clinically relevant medical conditions using a systems-based structure: Cardiology Respiratory Gastroenterology Renal Endocrinology Neurology Rheumatology Infectious diseases The mind maps give you quick access to key information in a visually appealing way. Where appropriate the mind map is followed by additional reference information to remind you about, for example, risk assessment tools, staging criteria, and treatment algorithms. Consistent structure: All mind maps are presented consistently and cover: Definition Pathophysiology Causes and Risk factors Clinical features: signs and symptoms Epidemiology Investigations: blood tests and imaging Management: lifestyle, pharmacological and surgical Complications Other key features: Images are provided throughout the book to help illustrate key signs. Mnemonics are used throughout to aid learning. Information is up-to-date and based around the latest guidelines. All topics are clinically relevant or likely to appear in medical school examinations. Mind Maps for Medicine is a key medical textbook for all medical students but particularly those who consider themselves visual learners.
Scion Publishing Ltd Rheumatology: A Clinical Handbook
Rheumatology: A clinical handbook is an essential resource for medical students who need an introduction, understanding and overview of the subject. Most competing texts either burden medical students with information they do not require, or cover rheumatology alongside orthopaedics and as a result compromise fundamentals of rheumatology. This book is different: It provides all the information students need during their rheumatology placement Further information resources are signposted for those who want to take their studies further A definition and brief pathophysiology for each condition is provided, which is linked to the respective clinical features. The book covers the core elements of diagnosis and treatment based on the latest national guidelines to swiftly bring students and junior doctors in training up-to-date. Self-assessment questions and an OSCE chapter provide a way of checking that users have understood and grasped the core material, as well as enabling students to be well equipped for their written and OSCE examinations. Written by two medical students and an experienced consultant rheumatologist, the book combines a reader-friendly writing style with coverage of the material through clinical experience of a professional in the field. Printed in full colour throughout, with an attractive design, a clear and concise writing style as well as a range of pedagogical features including an array of mnemonics, pictures and diagrams, Rheumatology: A clinical handbook is exactly the sort of book medical students and newly qualified doctors would benefit from.
Scion Publishing Ltd Improving the Mental Health Consultation: Introducing a short circuit tool to aid patient understanding and dispel stigma
Patients with mental health issues present frequently in primary care and their consultations are often more challenging and time-consuming than those involving physical illness. For many patients there remains a significant stigma associated with mental ill-health and overcoming this adds further complexity to the consultation. Improving the Mental Health Consultation provides a simple ‘short circuit’ tool to help GPs and other healthcare professionals to explain mental health problems simply and effectively to their patients. The tool is straightforward, easy to convey within the confines of a 10-minute consultation and extremely effective in helping to break down the stigma that patients often feel. The tool has been developed and refined during over ten years of consultations in primary care. The detailed explanations of how to use the tool during the consultation, along with the extensive case studies, will help you to improve your mental health consultations and so help your patients deal better with their diagnosis. From anxiety to OCD and chronic fatigue to fibromyalgia, the book also provides detailed coverage of diagnosis and classification using ICD-11 and DSM-IV, and management using the latest NICE guidelines.
Scion Publishing Ltd Mastering Medical Exams: A systems-based approach
Systems-based practice exams based on past papers. Working through past papers is an essential part of exam preparation and practice questions such as the ones in this book are a vital resource for medical school success. The questions represent common, universal medical themes and practising them in a question and answer style will bolster your learning of key facts and help you to remember them for exams and ultimately clinical practice. The book takes a systems-based approach, with answers presented in a way that will consolidate your knowledge: they are succinct and to the point. The practice papers in this book have been written to help you ace your exams by testing your knowledge, improving your exam technique, and working on your time management!