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Rowman & Littlefield The Church and Communication
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Rowman & Littlefield From Yugoslav Praxis to Global Pathos: Anti-Hegemonic Post-post-Marxist Essays
McBride offers a significant critical intervention into what is now recognized as a largely post-Marxian, at times liberal and at times conservative, spirit of the day, an intervention marked by writing against the post-Marxist hegemonic mainstream. Just as the Yugoslav philosophers did in their heyday ( from the Korcula Summer School to the gatherings at Dubrovnik's Inter-University Center), so too does McBride accentuate praxis as well as theoretical reflection on the present age. This marks his work with the pathos of a living philosophy. Like his previous volume, Philosophical Reflections on the Changes in Eastern Europe (Rowman & Littlefield, 1999), this book undertakes a most important goal, namely, to offer an informed critical assessment of Central and Southern Europe. But unlike its predecessor, this book is distinguished by situating various discussions of globalizations and neonationalist wars against the backdrop of the history, development, and demise of Praxis Philosophy — the one-time bridge betweeen the progressive forces of former Yugoslavia and various East-West initiatives (e.g. the founding of the journal, Praxis International, which was changed to Constellations in the wake of civil war in Yugoslavia).
Rowman & Littlefield ProQuest Statistical Abstract of the United States 2024: The National Data Book
The Statistical Abstract of the United States has provided a statistical portrait of social, political, demographic, and economic conditions of America since 1878. This 2023 edition continues the heritage begun so long ago by the U.S. government, with the U.S. Census Bureau being the last agency to produce the compendium at government expense. Now in our eleventh annual edition, Rowman & Littlefield and ProQuest carry on the proud tradition and responsibility of creating the statistical portrait of America.Long-time users of the Statistical Abstract of the United States expect each new edition to carry forward much of the content from prior editions, as well as introduce new data as America continues to evolve. Our editors are committed to updating the long-standing, historical statistics as new data become available, as well as researching new topics to cover.This 2024 Edition contains several new tables including: Families in Poverty by Presence of Working Family Members and Family Type: 2021 College Student Participation in Distance Education Courses by Institution Type: 2019 and 2020 Median Income by Source and Age, Sex, and Race/Ethnicity: 2021 Employed Artists by Occupation and Selected Characteristics: 2015 to 2019 Ferry System Summary: 2010 to 2019 Married Couples by Difference in Race and Hispanic Origin of Spouses: 2005 to 2022 Family Households With Own Children Under 18 Years of Age by Type of Family, 2000 to 2022, and by Educational Attainment of Householder, 2022 Children Under 18 Years of Age Living with Both Parents, One Parent, and No Parents by Race and Hispanic Origin: 1990 to 2022 American Indian and Alaska Native Population by Selected Tribal Grouping: 2015 to 2021 Water Transportation System Summary: 2000 to 2020 Learning Disability and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Among Children Age 3 to 17 by Selected Characteristics: 2019 to 2021 High School Graduates Earning Career and Technical Education (CTE) Credits by Selected Characteristics: 2019 Individual Noncash Charitable Contributions by Type of Donation and Recipient: 2020 Telework Arrangements of Establishments and Employees by Frequency and Industry: 2022 Households with Pets by Age of Householder: 2021 Overseas Travelers to the U.S. by Top 25 States Visited: 2019 to 2021 Overseas Travelers to the U.S. by Top Cities and Metro Areas Visited: 2019 to 2021 Volunteering and Charitable Giving by State: 2019 and 2021 Immigrants, Refugees, and Asylees by State of Residence: 2021 Single Unit Housing Structures at Risk of Wildfire by Census Division: 2021 Political Action Committees (PACs)—Number and Finances by Committee Type: 2021 and 2022 Certified Organic Farms—Value of Sales, Years Involved in Organic Production, and Marketing Practices by State: 2021 Community Resilience Estimates—Population at Risk of Impacts from Disasters by State: 2019 Death Rates by Age, Sex, and Race and Hispanic Origin: 2018 to 2021 Medicare Certified Skilled Nursing Facilities, Home Health Agencies, and Hospices by State and Other Area: 2021 Foodborne Disease Outbreaks, Illnesses, and Hospitalizations: 1998 to 2021 Individual Retirement Account (IRA) Contributions and Fair Market Value for Taxpayers by Adjusted Gross Income: 2020 Volunteering and Charitable Giving Rates by Selected Characteristics: 2017 to 2021 Parents and Guardians Who Receive Child Support by Selected Characteristics: 2020 Puerto Rico—Exports, Imports, and Trade Balance: 2000 to 2022 College Student Participation in Distance Education Courses by Institution Type: 2019 and 2020 Married Couples by Difference in Race and Hispanic Origin of Spouses: 2005 to 2022 Households with Pets by Age of Householder: 2021 Family Households With Own Children Under 18 Years of Age by Type of Family, 2000 to 2022, and by Educational Attainment of Householder, 2022 American Indian and Alaska Native Population by Selected Tribal Grouping: 2015 to 2021 Political Action Committees (PACs)—Number and Finances by Committee Type: 2021 and 2022 Certified Organic Farms—Value of Sales, Years Involved in Organic Production, and Marketing Practices by State: 2021 Community Resilience Estimates—Population at Risk of Impacts from Disasters by State: 2019 Volunteering and Charitable Giving Rates by Selected Characteristics: 2017 to 2021 Medicare Certified Skilled Nursing Facilities, Home Health Agencies, and Hospices by State and Other Area: 2021 Foodborne Disease Outbreaks, Illnesses, and Hospitalizations: 1998 to 2021 Individual Retirement Account (IRA) Contributions and Fair Market Value for Taxpayers by Adjusted Gross Income: 2020 , , , , , , , , , ,
Rowman & Littlefield The Guide to TraumaInformed and Emotionally Mindful Conflict Practice
Restoring social harmony requires both emotion and the difficult embrace of past felt traumas. Jeremy A. Rinker provides a clarion call for practitioners to bravely explore human emotions and past trauma. He interrogates current conflict intervention practicemoving past interest-based negotiation and needs-based conflict resolutionand provides a guide for more emotionally mindful and trauma-informed conflict intervention work. Trauma-Informed and Emotionally Mindful Conflict Practice addresses the underattended aspects of emotions and foregrounds historical harms in the work of resolving social conflict. It critically investigates trauma and human emotions as an underexplored resource in addressing local and entrenched community violence and integrates the theory and practice of trauma-informed approaches using cultural framing, storytelling, resilience, and emotional human connection to chart new ways toward peace. This refocusing of peace work is critical for
Rowman & Littlefield Lets Play Two
When Ernie Banks passed away in 2015, he was regarded as one of the most beloved men in baseball history. Making his start as a shortstop with the Kansas City Monarchs in the Negro Leagues as a teenager, Banks went on to become the first African American to play for the Chicago Cubs. Known affectionately as Mr. Cub, he brought exceptional talent and boundless optimism to the game of baseball, earning him a Presidential Medal of Freedom and a place in the Hall of Fame.In Let's Play Two: The Life and Times of Ernie Banks, Doug Wilson explores the life of one of baseball's most immortal figures, from his humble beginnings as a young boy living in the segregated South to his last few years and the public battles over his remains and will. Drawing on interviews of those close to Banks from all stages of his life, Wilson presents a portrait of the baseball player not just as an athlete, but also as a complex man with ambitious goals and hidden pains. Ernie Banks's enthusiasm and skill transcended issues of race and helped him to become one of the most highly-regarded men in baseball. Offering details that have never before been printed, this book discusses Banks's athletic prowess as well as the legacy he left behind. Let's Play Two is the essential Ernie Banks biography for sports fans and historians alike.
Rowman & Littlefield Reflective Practice
This book concerns itself with the school principal getting back to basics and understanding the practical application of instructional leadership while improving Professional Standards for Educational Leaders or PSEL Competency. Therefore, the focus is effective school leadership and improving principal educative practices leading to increased student achievement. These case studies provide for a multifaceted approach as they involve all the nuances of effective school leadership practices: the behaviors, practices and actions that a school leader embodies and is exposed to daily.
Rowman & Littlefield Learning through Inquiry: Weaving Science and Thinking with Literature
Rowman & Littlefield Interpretive Play: Using Critical Perspectives to Teach Young Adult Literature
Rowman & Littlefield Shattering the Looking Glass: Challenge, Risk, and Controversy in Children's Literature
Rowman & Littlefield Speak Up For Museums: The AAM Guide to Advocacy
Advocacy—the act of communicating how essential museums are to our communities and to society at large—can be as simple as chatting with a visitor or welcoming a school group. But it also involves making your case to elected officials. Speak Up For Museums is full of smart, practical advice on how to be an effective advocate for your institution at every level of government, from the local to the federal. Essential reading for everyone in the museum, from paid and volunteer staff to boards of trustees.
Rowman & Littlefield Transitional Skills for Post Secondary Success: Reflections for Students with Learning Disabilities
This book not only helps students make the transition from the protective environment of home to the university campus, but offers a road map for making that transition, and the college years that follow a success. A thorough, extensive resource that will prove to be an invaluable guide, maybe the guide, for parents and students with learning disabilities.
Rowman & Littlefield Action Research: An Educational Leader's Guide to School Improvement
This new book looks at issues involving race, religion, age, class/status, lifestyle, disabilities, and ethnicities through literature, its goal to create an understanding that goes beyond the classroom and into today's diverse world. In keeping with other books in the Adolescent Literature as a Complement to the Classics series, this guide assumes that the classics comprise the canon of literature that is mostly taught in our schools, and that most teachers are familiar with adolescent literature, but are unsure of how to use them in their classrooms. The book includes revised chapters from the four previous editions, new resources and strategies involving the use of media and technology, and updated information for using young adult novels in conjunction with commonly-taught classics.
Rowman & Littlefield Drink Up and Be a Man: Memoirs of a Steward and Engine-Room Hand
Rowman & Littlefield Maine's Favorite Birds
Written by well-known birders and native Mainers, and based on their years of experience answering questions, leading bird walks, and teaching people about birds, Maine's Favorite Birds puts the focus on Maine's most-loved and best-known birds. This makes the book uniquely suited to bird enthusiasts who want to identify and learn more about the birds around them without the expense and confusion of more advanced field guides. Maine's Favorite Birds features each bird beautifully illustrated in large format, accompanied by clear and concise identification tips, habitat references, and easy-to-remember song descriptions. It also includes birding hot spots and ways birders can put their observations to use for science and conservation. Maine's Favorite Birds is perfect for everyone from kids to grandparents, parents to teachers, Mainers and tourists alike anyone who wants to know and better appreciate the birds they see in backyards, parks, wild areas, and nature preserves.
Rowman & Littlefield Code of Federal Regulations, Title 47 Telecommunications 0-19, Revised as of October 1, 2021
Title 47 presents regulations impacting equipment, carrier services, broadcast radio services, safety and special radio services, and policies related to national security. Additions and revisions to this section of the code are posted annually by October. Publication follows within six months.
Rowman & Littlefield Code of Federal Regulations, Title 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System Chapter 2 (201-299), Revised as of October 1, 2021
Title 48 presents regulations which cover acquisition planning, contracting methods and contract types, socioeconomic programs, general contracting requirements, special categories of contracting, contract management, clauses, and forms. Specific criteria for various departments, agencies, and offices are included. Additions and revisions to this section of the code are posted annually by October. Publication follows within six months.
Rowman & Littlefield Code of Federal Regulations, Title 47 Telecommunications 20-39, Revised as of October 1, 2021
Title 47 presents regulations impacting equipment, carrier services, broadcast radio services, safety and special radio services, and policies related to national security. Additions and revisions to this section of the code are posted annually by October. Publication follows within six months.
Rowman & Littlefield Code of Federal Regulations, Title 42 Public Health 414-429, Revised as of October 1, 2021
Title 42 presents regulations that apply to: medical personnel; medical care and examinations; health related grants; fellowships, internships, and training; quarantine, inspection, and licensing; occupational safety and health research; health assessments; vaccines; Medicare and medical assistance programs; and standards and certification of facilities and services. Additions and revisions to this section of the code are posted annually by October. Publication follows within six months.
Rowman & Littlefield Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40 Protection of the Environment 96-99, Revised as of July 1, 2021: Part 1
Title 40 presents regulations governing care of the environment from the 14 subchapters of Chapter I and from the provisions regarding the Council on Environmental Quality found in Chapter V. Programs addressing air, water, pesticides, radiation protection, and noise abatement are included. Practices for waste and toxic materials disposal and clean-up are also prescribed. Additions and revisions to this section of the code are posted annually by July. Publication follows within six months.
Rowman & Littlefield Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40 Protection of the Environment 80, Revised as of July 1, 2021
Title 40 presents regulations governing care of the environment from the 14 subchapters of Chapter I and from the provisions regarding the Council on Environmental Quality found in Chapter V. Programs addressing air, water, pesticides, radiation protection, and noise abatement are included. Practices for waste and toxic materials disposal and clean-up are also prescribed. Additions and revisions to this section of the code are posted annually by July. Publication follows within six months.
Rowman & Littlefield Code of Federal Regulations, Title 36 Parks, Forests, and Public Property 200-299, Revised as of July 1, 2021
Title 36 contains the regulations governing the administration and programs responsible for national parks, forests, water resource projects, battle monuments, the Smithsonian Institution, the Library of Congress, historic preservation, Pennsylvania Avenue (in Washington, DC), the National Archives, the Assassination Records Review Board, and the dispelling of architectural and transportation barriers for the handicapped.
Rowman & Littlefield Code of Federal Regulations, Title 16 Commercial Practices 0-999, Revised as of January 1, 2021
Title 16 presents regulations governing commercial practices and covers product-specific bans, standards, and requirements; policy on imported products, importers, and foreign manufacturers; export of non-complying, misbranded, or banned products; and commission notification of foreign government. Additions and revisions to this section of the code are posted annually by January. Publication follows within six months.
Rowman & Littlefield Code of Federal Regulations, Title 50 Wildlife and Fisheries 17.99 (a) to (h), Revised as of October 1, 2021
Title 50 presents regulations governing the taking, possession, transportation, sale, purchase, barter, exportation and importation of wildlife and plants; wildlife refuges; wildlife research; fisheries conservation areas; fish and wildlife restoration; marine mammals; whaling; fisheries; tuna fisheries; and international fishing. Additions and revisions to this section of the code are posted annually by October. Publication follows within six months.
Rowman & Littlefield Code of Federal Regulations, Title 50 Wildlife and Fisheries 17.95(c)-(e), Revised as of October 1, 2021
Title 50 presents regulations governing the taking, possession, transportation, sale, purchase, barter, exportation and importation of wildlife and plants; wildlife refuges; wildlife research; fisheries conservation areas; fish and wildlife restoration; marine mammals; whaling; fisheries; tuna fisheries; and international fishing. Additions and revisions to this section of the code are posted annually by October. Publication follows within six months.
Rowman & Littlefield Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40 Protection of the Environment 52.01-52.1018, Revised as of July 1, 2021: Part 2
Title 40 presents regulations governing care of the environment from the 14 subchapters of Chapter I and from the provisions regarding the Council on Environmental Quality found in Chapter V. Programs addressing air, water, pesticides, radiation protection, and noise abatement are included. Practices for waste and toxic materials disposal and clean-up are also prescribed. Additions and revisions to this section of the code are posted annually by July. Publication follows within six months.
Rowman & Littlefield DiMag & Mick: Sibling Rivals, Yankee Blood Brothers
DiMag & Mick is a portrait of DiMaggio and Mantle as the old and young exemplars of what was a more confident, masterful age not only in baseball but in the country where they were held up as cultural heroes over two generations, symbolic of an America celebrating its recent triumph over Nazism and ever-curious about the new age of color television, rocket ships, and technology. Tony Castro shows DiMag and Mick as fathers and sons, rebels and heroes, and reveals the rite of passage of two men who would go down in baseball immortality – DiMaggio as he reluctantly prepares to leave the spotlight of adoration and hero-worship for glitzy world of Marilyn’s exploding Hollywood celebrity, and Mantle in his awkward attempt to leave his country roots of Dust Bowl Oklahoma for the big city exposure and expectations of greatness being placed on him. Yankee legend and glory holds a special magic all its own, and Castro examines the heart and soul of that mystique, especially the bond of the players themselves and how that came to breed and spread the perception that there was any animosity between DiMaggio and Mantle – two polarizing personalities who drove many teammates away from one and galvanized their friendship with the other.
Rowman & Littlefield Anatomy of Perjury: Field Marshal Albert Kesselring, Via Rasella, and the GINNY Mission
Careful review of microfilmed German operational records led the author to solve a World War II mystery involving Field Marshall Albert Kesselring and the Italian campaign he directed. Facts about two events in March 1944_the Ardeatine Cave Massacre and the failed GINNY II mission_were manipulated, and Kesselring's 1947 defense was accepted without challenge until 1997, when Dr. Raiber found irrefutable evidence that Kesselring had misled the court in order to hide his involvement in the murder of fifteen U.S. soldiers who had been captured in uniform behind enemy lines. Kesselring claimed he was present in his Monte Soratee headquarters north of Rome on 23 March 1944 when he received and passed on Hitler's 10-for-1 retaliatory order against the Via Rasella partisan, resulting in the massacre at the Ardeatine Cave. A day earlier, on the Ligurian coast, members of an OSS operational group, GINNY II, landed north of La Spezia. Captured behind German lines, these U.S. soldiers were interrogated, and summarily shot on 26 March. Thereafter Kesselring ordered the destruction of all records bearing on GINNY II to conceal his presence in La Spezia and his confirmation of the execution order but surviving documents clearly place him there at noon on 24 March.
Rowman & Littlefield The Discontented Cavalier: The Work of Sir John Suckling in Its Social, Religious, Political, and Literary Contexts
This comprehensive study of the literary output of Sir John Suckling reconstructs the various contexts in which the poems, plays, letters, and prose tracts were produced and, by means of close textual analysis, reveals the nature of one writer's engagement_both creative and subversive_with the social, religious, political, and cultural dimensions of Caroline England. It challenges the common view of Suckling as primarily a court wit and courtier playwright and makes a case for reading much of his poetry and drama as a critique of the social values and aesthetic fashions associated with the patronage of Queen Henrietta Maria. In other words, this so-called 'Cavalier' is revealed as an astute and skeptical commentator on national and international affairs, whose discontent with the religious and political consequences of King Charles I's government during the 1630s was often at odds with his unshakable loyalty to the crown.
Rowman & Littlefield Facing the Late Victorians: Portraits of Writers and Artists from the Mark Samuels Lasner Collection
This is a lavishly illustrated volume that offers a new interpretation of the significance of the portrait image during the final decades of the nineteenth century in Britain, using materials drawn from the Mark Samuels Lasner Collection at the University of Delaware. This study highlights the connections between the images of writers' and artists' faces that circulated through the British periodical press, through exhibition spaces in London, and through book publishing, and such late-Victorian cultural obsessions as defining 'genius,' masculinity, femininity, and class status. It focuses in particular on the figure of Oscar Wilde as the writer who best exploited the new market for portraits in advancing his own career, but moves beyond him to look at the broader topic of how and why writers' and artists' faces were idealized, caricatured, and also studied by the general public. It examines, too, the relationship between the circulation of portraits and notions of modernity created through advertising, public relations, and commodification.
Rowman & Littlefield Shakespeare's World/World Shakespeares: The Selected Proceedings of the International Shakespeare Association World Congress, Brisbane, 2006
This collection offers twenty-nine essays by many of the world's major scholars of the extraordinary diversity and richness of Shakespeare studies today. It ranges from examinations of the society William Shakespeare himself lived in, to recent films, plays, novels, and operatic adaptations for adults and children in Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and the Middle East. It opens with a Prologue by the former Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, describing how reading the Collected Works of Shakespeare inspired and helped him survive six years as a political prisoner, while the Epilogue is delivered by the major novelist David Malouf, who speculates on the genius of Shakespeare, the world's author.
Rowman & Littlefield 'In the Open': Jewish Women Writers And British Culture
This collection consists of essays of writing by Jewish women in Britain, contributed by twelve scholars from the fields of contemporary British literature and Jewish Studies. Between them they cover a range of topics: popular fiction (including romances and lesbian fiction); the 'Woman's Novel'; multicultural literature; and post-Holocaust writing. The collection was specifically constructed to complement a set of essays edited by Jay L. Halio and Ben Siegel entitled Daughters of Valor: Contemporary Jewish American Women Writers (UDP). The authors under consideration here have an equally diverse relation to Judaism and Jewishness, yet they share a common concern with the communal history of persecution and survival. The introduction situates the collection among recent challenges to the canon of English literature that have shown how immigration by ethnic minorities has invigorated British culture, especially in relation to 'Englishness.'
Rowman & Littlefield The Art Of The Persian Letters: Unlocking Montesquieu's 'Secret Chain'
Some thirty years after the initial publication of Montesquieu's Persian Letters in 1721, the author hinted at the presence of 'a secret, and somehow unnoticed, chain' tying together this entertaining, insightful, yet disparate collection of fictional letters to and from two Persian travelers in France. Ever since Montesquieu's subtle hint, readers have tried to identify the chain, but the riddle has resisted solution. The reason may be that no one has actually looked for a hidden chain-composed of separate links—but instead for a unifying theme. In The Art of the Persian Letters Randolph Runyon takes the chain metaphor seriously, showing that the chain is not thematic but linguistic and structural, as each letter is linked to its neighbors on either side by echoing words and situations despite their different contexts. Montesquieu's epistolary novel emerges as a delightfully self-referential work of art, full of hidden allusions to their persistently doubling structure.
Rowman & Littlefield Learning From Lying: Paradoxes Of The Literary Mystification
Writers who mystify operate through paradox. Since the eighteenth century, when the term was coined in French, the cycle of temporarily taking in a reader by means of a deceptive text, then deliberately uncovering the fake, has enacted a drama of Enlightenment. Obfuscation reveals trickery, in an exercise that simultaneously embodies the ideals of Enlightenment and interrogates their limits. In Learning from Lying the lens of mystification reveals a singular literary history. Analyses of works by Diderot, Mérimée, and Hildesheimer follow out the cosmopolitan roots of the genre in the Republic of Letters and show how it theorizes literature through practical experiment. For textual imitation revealed lays bare the necessary collusion between reader and writer that allows literature to exist as such. By clearly situating mystification on the continuum that ranges from fiction to forgery, Learning from Lying provides a timely intervention in current debates about the study of fakes.
Rowman & Littlefield Images Of Matter: Essays On British Literature Of The Middle Ages And Renaissance
InImages of Matter, a collection of essays first presented at the Eighth Citadel Conference on Literature, the contributors address the complex relationship between words and images.
Rowman & Littlefield Aspects of Samuel Johnson: Essays on His Arts, Mind, Afterlife, And Politics
Howard D. Weinbrot's Aspects of Samuel Johnson: Essays on His Arts, Mind, Afterlife, and Politics collects earlier and new essays on Johnson's varied achievements in lexicography, poetry, narrative, and prose style. It considers Johnson's uses of the general and the particular as they relate to the reader's role in the creative process, his complex approach to the concept of literary genre, and his resolutely un-Humean view of skepticism. It examines the ways in which Johnson's reputation as a critic and biographer was challenged and affirmed after his death, and it demonstrates that Johnson was known and admired in eighteenth-century France until Boswell's portrait of Mr. Oddity replaced Dictionary Johnson. The book concludes with four essays concerning the vexed controversy regarding Johnson and Jacobitism and Johnson's political affiliation in Hanoverian Britain. Aspects of Samuel Johnson consolidates old ground and breaks new ground during the 250th anniversary of the appearance of his Dictionary of the English Language.
Rowman & Littlefield Deep Distresses: William Wordsworth, John Wordsworth, Sir George Beaumont : 1800-1808
Deep Distresses is a study of the intersecting family and professional vicissitudes that afflicted Wordsworth during the period of his greatest poetic productivity. The negative national publicity over his mariner brother's death at sea is the focus of the family tragedy; hostile reception to Poems in Two Volumes (1807) is the focus of professional duress. Both topics become related through the intercession of the poet's patron, Sir George Beaumont, who attempts to ameliorate the family tragedy with money and his painting of Peel Castle in a Storm, while hoping to groom Wordsworth for a place among the cultural elite of London. In its attention to nineteenth-century culture and business, this study offers an entirely new context for reading and re-interpreting many of Wordsworth's major works from 'Michael' through the major lyrics of Poems in Two Volumes and the latter books of the The Prelude.
Rowman & Littlefield Trains and Technology: The American Railroad in the Nineteenth Century
This work presents a view of the history of American railroads in the nineteenth century from a somewhat different perspective. The maturation of the railroad is traced through an exposition of the railroad technology that was developed and applied during the period. Throughout the nineteenth century, a symbiotic relationship existed between railroading and technology, each dependent upon the state and progress of the other to a large degree. A great deal of new technology was created for the railroad, and the railroad, in turn, applied new technology as it became available. Volume four is about bridges and tunnels, and signals. An exposition of the various types of bridges, their foundations, and the materials of which they were made is included. Tunnels and marine railroad operations are treated also. The development of signal systems is an area that has been overlooked or neglected in the general literature but is fully covered here. The text of this volume is accompanied by 145 illustrations and accurate drawings of the equipment and appliances, many of which have not been published before outside of old technical journals.
Rowman & Littlefield Hamlet and the Visual Arts, 1709-1900
This book examines the manner in which Shakespeare's Hamlet was perceived in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and represented in the available visual media. The more than 2,000 visual images of Hamlet that the author has identified both reflected the critical reception of the play and simultaneously influenced the history of the ever-changing constructed cultural phenomenon that we refer to as Shakespeare.
Rowman & Littlefield Hanging the Moon: The Rollins Rise to Riches
Hanging the Moon follows the tumultuous career of John Rollins and his brother Wayne, offering the reader a close view of a great American entrepreneur and insight into how we, as a society, privilege business over all other institutions. Series: Cultural Studies of Delaware and the Eastern Shore
Rowman & Littlefield Shakespeare Performed: Essays in Honor of R.A. Foakes
Many of the contributors to this collection, including E. A. J. Honigmann, M. M. Mahood, Jonathan Bate, and Stanley Wells (among others), have been centrally involved in examining, promoting, and sometimes questioning the critical dominance of the stable Shakespeare text, particularly as a result of performance. The essays range from the traditional poetical and theater history inquiries through bibliographical examinations and hermeneutical interpretations.
Rowman & Littlefield Questions of Power: The Politics of Women's Madness Narratives
This book explores the psychiatric pathologizing of women and the ways in which women have used autobiographical writing to rebel against forced treatment and incarceration. It also outlines the history of psychiatric treatment in the United States and examines the connection between larger social movements and reforms in the care of women mental patients.
Rowman & Littlefield William Wycherley and the Comedy of Fear
This is a study of four plays of William Wycherley. It argues that Wycherley was not so much an attacking playwright but rather a thinking one, fascinated by the workings and motivations of fallible and insecure men and women. This book's assessments of male relationships, of women's sexuality, of the numerous and various sexual entendres, and the reevaluations of some three dozen characters are all new or at the very least more substantial than heretofore.
Rowman & Littlefield Regulating Readers: Gender and Literary Criticism in the Eighteenth-Century Novel
An important contribution to the study of authorship and criticism, Regulating Readers adds to a growing body of scholarship by women that shows eighteenth-century women writers envisioning for themselves authoritative critical positions and roles in the public sphere.
Rowman & Littlefield Imagining Architects: Creativity in the Religious Monuments of India
Imagining Architects analyzes a series of unusual formal experiments in a group of eleventh-century stone temples built in the Karnataka region of southern India, demonstrating a self-conscious modernity of architects who searched for a new architectural principle in their design. Reinforced by contemporary inscriptions, the eight chapters of this book interweave analytical text and vivid illustrations, offering a close, history-sensitive reading of the moment of deliberate change as the eleventh-century makers themselves might have perceived it. Illustrated.
Rowman & Littlefield Censored Sentiments: Letters and Censorship in Epistolary Novels and Conduct Material
Censored Sentiments offers a new perspective on women as letter writers and on the eighteenth-century increase in, and subsequent decline of, epistolary fiction by tracing forms of censorship that affected female letters in England, France, Italy, and America.
Rowman & Littlefield Shakesperean Illuminations: Essays in Honor of Marvin Rosenberg
Topics in this collection include discussions of acting the 'Big Four,' as well as studies on politics, language, and history. Contributors include Bernice Kliman, Gnter Walch, Lois Potter, and Dunbar Ogden.Shakespearean Illuminations
Rowman & Littlefield Shakespeare's Sweet Thunder: Essays on the Early Comedies
This collection of essays examines such topics as the influence of New Comedy on The Comedy of Errors and The Taming of the Shrew; explores the implications for performance of the two versions of The Shrew, as well as examining the woman's part; studies the relationship of Love's Labor's Lost to The Convent of Pleasure, and so forth.