Search results for ""real academia de bellas artes de san fernando""
Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando Estampas 19841985 elenco de estampas realizadas en España durante los años 1984 y 1985 mediante las técnicas de xilografía grabado calcográfico litografía y y serigrafía
Editorial Círculo de Bellas Artes Javier Manterola el oficio de ingeniero
Javier Manterola Armisén es uno de los ingenieros más destacados y brillantes del panorama actual. Suyos son los proyectos de algunas de las obras públicas más importantes de España, como el puente sobre el Embalse de Barrios de Luna o el puente de la Bahía de Cádiz, recién finalizado. Además, como catedrático de puentes de la Escuela de Ingenieros de Caminos de Madrid durante más de treinta años, ha moldeado a toda una generación de ingenieros que no solo han recibido de él una exquisita formación técnica sino también una visión humanística y estética fundamentales.Manterola ha pasado toda su vida tendiendo puentes, y no sólo en sentido literal. Autor de diversos ensayos y miembro de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, Manterola ha dedicado buena parte de su tiempo a promover la necesidad de una apreciación estética y formal de las obras de ingeniería, alejándose de esa consideración trasnochada del ingeniero como un mero solucionador de problemas técnicos.En est
teNeues Publishing UK Ltd Lita Cabellut: Unfolding Density
The art book Lita Cabellut is the first monograph to be published on the impressive work of the highly talented artist. Among experts, Cabellut is now considered the third most valuable artist in Spain. Her importance to the art world becomes clear when one realises that she is the only living artist to have managed to be exhibited at the REAL ACADEMIA DE BELLAS ARTES DE SAN FERNANDO (RABASF) in Madrid. Here her paintings are installed next to works by the old masters Francisco de Goya and Pablo Picasso, and anyone who looks at her large-format paintings will realise that she has earned this place. But Cabellut does not only paint; she is also a multidisciplinary artist who feels at home in many fields. She also stages operas and creates sculptures. Her fans love her fresco technique, which gives her paintings that very special authenticity and vulnerability. Now, at last, fans of Lita can bring her paintings home to them in the high-quality coffee table book Lita Cabellut. The beautifully crafted coffee table book shows the most important works of the Spanish artist, who now lives and works in the Netherlands. There, she was voted Artist of the Year in 2021. Text in English and German.
Yale University Press The English Prize: The Capture of the Westmorland, An Episode of the Grand Tour
Laden with works of art acquired by young British travelers on the Grand Tour in Italy, the British merchant ship Westmorland sailed from the Italian port of Livorno before being captured by French naval vessels and escorted to Malaga in southern Spain. The artistic treasures on board were purchased by King Carlos III of Spain, and the majority were deposited in the collections of the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando. There they resided, unknown, until recent research, using original inventories that survive in the Academia's archives, identified the Westmorland's rich cargo.The English Prize reveals the gripping story of the ship's capture and the disposition of its artistic contents, which included Raphael Mengs's Perseus and Andromeda, Pompeo Batoni's portraits of Frances Bassett and Lord Lewisham, and watercolors by John Robert Cozens. This volume illuminates the cultural phenomenon of the Grand Tour and the young travelers who acquired the trove of books and art works on board the Westmorland but were never able to enjoy their purchases.Published in association with the Yale Center for British Art, the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, and the Real Academia de Belles Artes de San Fernando, MadridExhibition Schedule:Ashmolean Museum, Oxford(05/09/12-08/29/12)Yale Center for British Art(10/03/12-01/20/13)