Search results for ""primal nutrition, inc""
Primal Nutrition, Inc Paleo Girl: Take a Leap. Empower Yourself. Be Awesome!
Let's drop the diet gossip...and go back to the beginning. Has a friend ever told you that you're only supposed to eat 1,200 calories per day? Did you once read that your favorite celeb got killer abs from doing hours of cardio? Have you heard that eating fat will make you fat? Well, I'll let you in on a little secret: those ideas are complete nonsense! If you want to get in great shape, have flawless skin, and radiate genuine happiness, you need to go beyond outrageous magazine headlines and truly understand the correct approach to eating, exercising, sleeping, and managing the hectic pace of modern life. Paleo Girl will help you transform your health—the right way—by adapting the lifestyle behaviors of our strong, smart, and healthy hunter-gatherer ancestors. Paleo Girl features an easy to follow Primal fitness guide; advice on getting ample sun, sleep, and play; tips for navigating physical maturation; pointers to amp up your motivation; and teen-friendly DIY recipes and beauty products!
Primal Nutrition, Inc Primal Blueprint Healthy Sauces, Dressings and Toppings
Following the popularity of The Primal Blueprint Cookbook and Primal Blueprint Quick & Easy Meals (both attained Amazon's #1 ranking for low-carb cookbooks), best-selling author Mark Sisson and gourmet chef Jennifer Meier team up again to transform ordinary meals into culinary masterpieces with Primal Blueprint Healthy Sauces, Dressings & Toppings. You'll get acquainted with the essential list of Primal-approved ingredients: butter, coconut milk, flour alternatives, puréed vegetables, nut butters, eggs, healthful oils, vinegar, salt and assorted herbs and spices. Then, it's off to the races to create your dips, rubs, dessert toppings, marinades, seasonings, salsa, pesto, flavored butter, tapenade, gravy and much more. The rich and satisfying flavor these sauces, dressings and toppings bring to your meals will not only boost nutritional and antioxidant values, but will also ban the objectionable sugars and fats found in most conventional flavor enhancers from the table! From staples like ketchup, mustard and hot sauce, to the more exotic creations like Blueberry Chutney, Carrot Salsa and Avocado Lime Dressing, each recipe enhances the nutritional value of your meal and uses only Primal ingredients. That means no gluten, grains, legumes, added sugars or unhealthy trans or polyunsaturated oils. And you don't have to compromise great taste or spend hours slaving over complicated preparations. With options organized into convenient categories and presented with vibrant photos and simple instructions, going Primal just got easier—and a whole lot tastier!
Primal Nutrition, Inc Primal Cravings: Your favorite foods made Paleo
A well seasoned steak, eggs, dark chocolate, and apples can really hit the spot. But sometimes, we could really go for Chili Pie, Benedict Deviled Eggs, Thin Mint Cookies, and Apple Pie. Even the most disciplined and willful among us can become bored and wayward on a routine of bland, repetitive meals. Humans naturally crave delicious food, interesting cuisine and variety. Primal Cravings sets out to provide the best of both worlds -- the food to satiate our deep seated, visceral urges made with ingredients that satisfy our ancient, genetic needs for good health. This cookbook contains 125 Primal/Paleo recipes, and also includes bonus features that detail the authors' thoughts of the tenets of a Primal/Paleo diet and the mentality of a flexible, healthy eating lifestyle to show you how vibrant health can be found without sacrificing great taste. Based in South Carolina, authors Brandon and Megan Keatley created Primal Cravings on the momentum of their popular website -- a treasure trove of Primal/Paleo recipes, workout tips and motivational messages. These kitchen whizzes and expert-level fitness coaches present Primal Cravings after several years of research, experimentation and perfecting recipes in their home kitchen. Primal Cravings presents the recipes in a simple, clear, easy-to-navigate format, and offers a detailed macronutrient analysis of each preparation. Knowing time is the most valuable resource, they also provide primers on ingredients, tools, and stocking your kitchen, and offer menu suggestions for a variety of occasions and considerations (quick, budget, feeding a crowd). With Primal Cravings , you can enjoy assorted breakfasts, meat and main dishes, sides and salads, snacks, sweets and basics like bread, sauces, and dressings that adhere to Primal/Paleo guidelines. Inside you'll find 100% low-sugar, grain-free, gluten-free, industrial oil-free recipes all accompanied by full color photos. Pioneering new gluten/grain free baking techniques for Primal Cravings , the Keatleys show you how to make the best Primal treats you've ever had. If you've been missing or looking for healthy, innovative ways to make things from All-American fare like breakfast egg dishes, waffles and pancakes, muffins, burgers, chili, pizza, chips, baked goods (cakes, pies, cookies, crackers, brownies) and frozen desserts to global cuisine like gyros, spanakopita, moo shu, barbacoa, tacos, tikka masala and other favorites -- then this is the book for you.
Primal Nutrition, Inc Good Fat Bad Fat Escape Fat Phobia and Learn the Truth
The headlines are everywhere—fat is healthy! But this is a different message than you've heard your entire life, so some resistance is understandable. Even if you're on board with increasing fat intake, how do you know which kinds are nutritious and which are dangerous? And if you were raised on margarine and lean meat, how do you learn how to cook all this rich and delicious food? In Good Fat, Bad Fat , Romy Dollé lays out all the problems with our fat phobia, and how it's leading to stress, depression, and obesity. She teaches us which fats we should avoid, and gives detailed information on sourcing all the good fats. With scientific explanations throughout by Torsten Albers, MD, the book clearly explains how fat works in your body, how you can burn it for energy, and why it's so critical to health and longevity to eat a high-fat diet. With a clear understanding of the health benefits of good fat and the dangers of bad fat, Dollé then provides dozens of rich, deli
Primal Nutrition, Inc Kitchen Intuition: Cook With Your Hands. Laugh With Your Belly. Trust Your Intuition
At times, even with a stack of great cookbooks and a folder of magazine clippings on the shelf, it's hard to get your creative juices flowing in the kitchen. Here, for the first time, is a book dedicated to awakening your inner master chef and helping you become adventurous, creative, and empowered in the kitchen: Kitchen Intuition. Devyn Sisson, daughter of Primal Blueprint author Mark Sisson, has prepared this unique book that takes you beyond the logistics of good cooking and into the realm of intuition—cultivating a harmonious connection between mind, body, and food. Sisson, a self-taught chef and self-declared foodie extraordinaire, teaches you how to cultivate a mindful approach to eating—getting acquainted with your body's nutritional needs, your palate's likes and dislikes, and the emotional elements that shape your cravings and deep satisfactions with meals. Sisson elegantly chronicles her personal journey of healing her body through healthful eating, and how you can build health, confidence, and self-esteem from intuitive cooking that transfers into all other areas of life.
Primal Nutrition, Inc The Paleo Primer: A Jump-Start Guide to Losing Body Fat and Living Primally
How amazing would it be if eating great tasting food helped you to lose fat, boost your energy levels and made you look awesome? Thanks to The Paleo Primer , this is now possible and--more to the point--sustainable. The Paleo Primer is a great resource to help readers get quickly acquainted with the principles of Primal/paleo/evolutionary health living and eating. The first half of the book lays out the basics, with humorous and memorable cartoons to convey the key messages and lay the foundation for an effective daily routine. You'll learn how to get your mind right for lifestyle transformation, understand which foods to eliminate and why, follow step-by-step plan to get started, and even enjoy a list of "lifesaving books and websites." The recipes section contains over one hundred delicious, easy to prepare dishes that are organized into enticing categories like, "How to Pimp a Salad" and "Cheats of Champions". The Paleo Primer also offers preparations suitable for busy weekdays, and others for relaxing weekends. The Paleo Primer was written by Keris Marsden and Matt Whitmore, a British couple who operate a unique and extremely popular fitness and wellness facility called Fitter London. Their vast knowledge base, deft teamwork, and highly refined sense of humor shine through in these pages. It is a truly entertaining and deeply impactful read--a great gift idea to introduce a family member, friend, or loved one to Primal/paleo living. Q&A with Matt and Keris 1. There are tons of Paleo/health related books currently on the market. What was it about the subject you chose to write about in your book that made you feel so passionate about spreading the word and getting your book published? Our mission was simple, to get as many people as possible cooking their own food and more importantly enjoying it. We knew our book was no revolution in the world of Paleo eating but something we felt was missing was a simple, light-hearted approach to nutrition and health based on great tasting food. Paleo Primer was initially intended as a recipe booklet for our clients and Fitter London members. We wanted to provide some inspiration in the kitchen and some solutions to common health and nutrition issues we observed day to day. One page led to another and soon we realised we had created over 100 recipes and written 100 pages of nutrition advice. At that point we decided to bite the bullet and publish the information in a book. 2. What is it in particular about your book that makes it such an essential must-have to anyone who is interested in eating Primally and/or improving their health? The simplicity in our approach makes this book so essential, both in terms of the presentation of the information and the actual recipes (minimal ingredients and culinary skills needed). In our experience people seemed to be a little overwhelmed with all the conflicting advice regarding nutrition and also struggling to process some of the more advanced arguments provided, especially when regarding the science. Furthermore, those that could understand the case for Primal or Paleo nutrition were still struggling on a practical level and how to implement the principles encouraged. We believe in KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) to help people take on board the important messages and some simple steps and recipes that allow them to start putting things into practise immediately. Knowledge is power and if you understand the necessity for something you invest more time and energy in achieving it. 3. What is your favorite part of your book and why? The awesome recipes! We are passionate about good food and love cooking, so creating new recipes was the exciting part. We have taken what are traditionally unhealthy meals and made them incredibly nutritious without sacrificing on the taste. There was also a lot of trial and error involved and when we finally nailed a dish and managed a great photo it was a real high five moment! 4. What is the main problem that the subject of your book tackles (for example: my book is concerned with poor eating habits, cultural eating habits, personal exercise regimes, etc.)? A: The fact that today people lead hectic, busy lifestyles and everyone is time poor. The result of this is that everyone is always looking for convenience and short cuts, health in particular seems to be taking a back seat and suffering as a result. People now rely on 'fake' processed foods and also we've lost many traditional means of preparing and consuming foods, which have also impacted significantly upon our digestive wellbeing. Having worked with clients for years we observed all the barriers they experienced when trying to get healthy and address these in Paleo Primer. We were adamant our book would be fool proof in this respect and something everyone could implement daily. 5. What tools does your book suggest readers use to solve this problem? In Paleo Primer we emphasise the need to see food as medicine and the importance of investing in both sourcing and preparing your own food. We devoted a whole chapter to 'Meals in Minutes' that are a healthy equivalent to ready meals, to help keep people on track when really pushed for time. We address how people eat foods and discourage rushing meals and eating in front of the TV. We recommend batch cooking to minimize your time in the kitchen, for example, cooking extra dinner so that it can be eaten for lunch the following day. For special occasions or when you may have more time there are more creative, indulgent recipes in the Paleo Comfort Foods section so you don't miss your favourite meals at all. Whether you have 5 minutes or 30 minutes we have a recipe for you! 6. What do you see as the essential important message readers will take away from your book? Eating good quality, nutritious food is easier and tastier than you realise. Living a healthy life and feeling awesome just requires a little structure and know how. Our health is our life force and should always be top priority; Paleo Primer is a guide to making healthy easy. 7. What did you learn about yourself in the process of writing this book? We both learnt that anything is possible! We put the book together alongside our full time work running our own business and at times it was exhausting, however, our passion to change lives and help others really kept us charging towards our unrealistic deadline. Matt: "I discovered I'm a natural in the kitchen and have continued putting my healthy stamp on some awesome recipes. I've learnt so much about nutrition, cooking and food, this feels like just the start of my journey." Keris: "I love researching the benefits of ingredients, recipe ideas and facts about foods but practically I'm a nightmare in the kitchen. When trying to help Matt I set fire to a tea towel, burnt a roast dinner, and kept knocking over jars of ingredients! In my defense though, I'm definitely the better photographer. We're a great team!" 8. What did you discover about others during the process of writing this book? Our families and friends were incredibly supportive in helping to create the book. Proofing and testing recipes, providing feedback and just propping us up when we needed. We feel indebted to them as we would be lost without them and doubt the book would even exist. Also the response from the industry we work in has been overwhelming. Many nutritionists, personal trainers and gyms have not gone out of their way to congratulate us and have also been hugely instrumental in the success of our sales by spreading the word. We've been truly humbled by the kindness and loyalty of those around us (especially as we missed several birthdays and social events as we were too busy creating chaos in the kitchen!) 9. What quote from your book do you think best summarizes its content, over all message, and intent? "Nutrition that brings out the best in you!"
Primal Nutrition, Inc Death by Food Pyramid: How Shoddy Science, Sketchy Politics and Shady Special Interests Have Ruined Our Health
Warning: Shock and outrage will grip you as you dive into this one-of-a-kind exposÉ. Shoddy science, sketchy politics and shady special interests have shaped American Dietary recommendations—and destroyed our nation’s health—over recent decades. The phrase Death by Food Pyramid isn’t shock-value sensationalism, but the tragic consequence of simply doing what we have been told to do by our own government—and giant food profiteers—in pursuit of health. In Death by Food Pyramid, Denise Minger exposes the forces that overrode common sense and solid science to launch a pyramid phenomenon that bled far beyond US borders to taint the eating habits of the entire developed world. Denise explores how generations of flawed pyramids and plates endure as part of the national consciousness, and how the “one size fits all” diet mentality these icons convey pushes us deeper into the throes of obesity and disease. Regardless of whether you’re an omnivore or vegan, research junkie or science-phobe, health novice or seasoned dieter, Death by Food Pyramid will reframe your understanding of nutrition science, and inspire you to take your health, and future, into your own hands.
Primal Nutrition, Inc Primal Endurance
Primal Endurance shakes up the status quo and challenges the overly stressful, ineffective conventional approach to endurance training. While marathons and triathlons are wildly popular and bring much gratification and camaraderie to the participants, the majority of athletes are too slow, continually tired, and carry too much body fat respective to the time they devote to training. The prevailing 'chronic cardio' approach promotes carbohydrate dependency, overly stressful lifestyle patterns, and ultimately burnout. Mark Sisson, author of the 2009 bestseller, The Primal Blueprint , and de-facto leader of the primal/paleo lifestyle movement, expertly applies primal lifestyle principles to the unique challenge of endurance training and racing. Unlike the many instant and self-anointed experts who have descended upon the endurance scene in recent years, Sisson and his co-author/business partner Brad Kearns boast a rich history in endurance sports. Sisson has a 2:18 marathon and 4th place
Primal Nutrition, Inc The Primal Blueprint 21-Day Total Body Transformation: A step-by-step practical guide to losing body fat and living primally
Primal Blueprint author Mark Sisson presents a fun, easy-to-follow, practical guidebook to help you "get Primal" in only 21 days. First, you'll learn eight Key Concepts that represent the most important day-to-day elements living Primally, then tackle five Action Items that will enable you to literally reprogram your genes toward a long, healthy, and energetic life. The Action Items are presented in a fun and life-transforming 21-Day Challenge, featuring daily diet, exercise, and lifestyle endeavors with corresponding journal exercises. You'll transition out of the regimented, carb-dependent, fat-storing Standard American Diet (SAD), the chronic, overly-stressful exercise patterns recommended by Conventional Wisdom, and other health-compromising elements of hectic modern life. Instead, you'll smoothly implement the evolution-tested lifestyle behaviors of our hunter-gatherer ancestors to promote optimal gene expression. By eating Primally, you'll transform from a "sugar-burner" into a Sisson's so-called "fat burning beast", where stored body fat becomes your preferred fuel choice, and energy, hormone, metabolic, and immune function are optimized automatically. With an intuitive mix of Primal workouts, you'll get exceptionally fit in only a few hours per week -- and have fun while you're at it!The Primal Blueprint 21-Day Transformation is stocked with photos, diagrams, concise section summaries, workout descriptions and photos, resource lists for Primal-approved foods and foods to avoid, recipe suggestions, and detailed real-life success stories to help you stay confident and focused on your Primal journey. Unlike many complex, regimented, quick-fix programs, the Primal Blueprint 21-Day Transformation is a simple, sensibly-paced journey shaped by personal preference and a strong emphasis on enjoying comfortable modern life. The material is scalable for everyone, from Type-A fitness die-hards who might benefit from a more relaxed approach, to couch potatoes who need motivation to take that first step. Mark Sisson guides you in a light-hearted, irreverent tone that will make you feel comfortable and inspired, and never intimidated. You can expect quick results in the first 21 days (fat loss, improved energy levels, fitness, and blood test markers), but your 21-Day Transformation is only the beginning of a life of ease and contentment that is possible when you live in harmony with your genetic requirements for health and longevity.
Primal Nutrition, Inc Paleo Cooking Bootcamp for Busy People: Weekly Step-by-Step Meal Preparation Guides
Paleo Cooking Bootcamp for Busy People is a step-by-step meal preparation course that allows you to cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner options for an entire week in a single, highly focused two-hour power cooking session. The complete bootcamp program consists of four weekend cooking sessions (each lasting two hours), that enables you to eat delicious, paleo-approved meals for an entire month. This is a fantastic way to build momentum for a major dietary transition, or enjoy delicious meals without having to worry about preparing from scratch every time. Paleo Cooking Bootcamp for Busy People is inspired by author Katie French's live class presented in the San Francisco Bay Area, where it won the prestigious "Best of SF" designation by San Francisco magazine. With this book, you have a systematic, stress-free approach to ensure you adhere to your healthy eating goals during you and your family's hectic weekdays. For each week's menu, there is a grocery list, a list showing what order to cook everything (the "Cooking Order") during your session, and recipes with step-by-step instructions and vibrant photos. Even if you are a cooking novice, you can jump right in and build the skills and efficiency to quickly increase your confidence and enjoyment with meal preparation. Anyone will admit that a two-hour time investment on the weekend is worth the bounty it delivers to ease your everyday meal preparation stress and increase adherence to healthy choices, but making it happen requires a precise, intentional approach where no time is wasted. Paleo Cooking Bootcamp for Busy People takes the guesswork out of the equation and let's you go straight the fun stuff in the kitchen!
Primal Nutrition, Inc The Primal Connection: Follow Your Genetic Blueprint to Health and Happiness
Mark Sisson, the leading voice in the Evolutionary Health movement and author of the bestseller The Primal Blueprint, extends the primal theme beyond the diet and exercise basics in this much anticipated sequel. The Primal Connection presents a comprehensive plan to overcome the flawed mentality and hectic pace of high-tech, modern life and reprogram your genes to become joyful, care-free, and at peace with the present. You’ll make scientifically validated, highly intuitive connections across the board, emerging with a renewed appreciation for the simple pleasures of life and our most precious gifts of time, health, and love. The connections are organized into 6 categories: · Inner Dialogue: Reject self-doubt and gain mastery over your thoughts and actions by following the Ten Habits of Highly Successful Hunter-Gatherers. · Body: Rediscover the pleasure of touch. Rethink footwear to cure foot and back pain; learn correct posture and biomechanics, maybe for the first time ever! · Nature: Relieve stress at the biochemical level simply by immersing yourself in pleasant natural surroundings – anywhere, even if you are city-bound. · Daily Rhythm: Prioritize healthful sleep habits, wholesome diversions, solitary downtime, and limit technology to remain focused, creative, and productive. · Social: Withstand the pull of instant gratifications and narrow your social circle to honor real-life friends over Facebook. Build a supportive and nurturing tribe. · Play: Rediscover your innate cravings for daily doses of spontaneous, physical fun! Finally understand the true meanings of pleasure and leisure.The Primal Connection allows you to have it all; you’ll honor your ancient genetic recipe for health while still enjoying the comfort and convenience of modern life. Q&A with Mark1. How does this book differ from The Primal Blueprint?The Primal Blueprint focused on the ten lifestyle laws of our hunter-gatherer ancestors, with particular emphasis on what seem to be the most urgent and obvious life changing elements of the Evolutionary Health movement: eating primal foods and exercising in a manner aligned with optimal gene expression. The Primal Connection extends the primal theme to matters of the psyche and the disconnects inherent with high tech modern life and how to fix things. 2. What are the overarching themes of The Primal Connection? You’ll embrace three critical themes that will help you withstand the destructive forces of modern life. First, your genes expect certain inputs to make you healthy, strong, and happy. If you create a different experience—slamming junk food or blasting artificial light and digital stimulation after dark, you’ll compromise long-term health, period. Your genes don’t know, or care, whether the inputs they receive are health-promoting or health compromising, they are simply programmed to fight for homeostasis at all times. Drink a soda and your genes respond by prompting the release of insulin to regulate blood sugar levels. In this refrain, the development of type 2 diabetes from prolonged excessive insulin production, and the subsequent resistance of cells to respond to insulin, is not a genetic defect but an example of gene expression at work. Your genes will fight valiantly to moderate the wildly excessive intake of carbohydrates in the Standard American Diet by producing insulin until this genetic mechanism becomes utterly exhausted and a diabetic condition develops. The second theme is that abundance and scarcity are often mismatched with our genetic expectations. For example, our ancestors had abundant leisure time and scarce material possessions. This is something our brains are still wired to expect and appreciate, but the exact opposite often plays out today. Consequently, we feel stressed and anxious about busy schedules and consumerist, “affluenza” mentalities because they in conflict with our hard-wired genetic reference point. As Dr. Art DeVany, PhD expressed, “Modern life leaves our minds restless and under-utilized because we are confined, inactive, and comfortable. We cannot be satisfied with more and more, because we are evolved for another lifeway in which material goods do not matter. The result is that we are deeply unsatisfied with modern life and don’t know why.” Our genes simply don’t know what to make of all our “stuff”, and our lack of physical or cognitive down time to get refreshed and rejuvenated for the challenges of daily life. The third theme is that your deep primal drive to pursue behaviors that generate feel good hormones—the key to prevailing in the survival of the fittest game—must today be tempered with common sense and evaluation of long-term repercussions. For example, we are hard-wired for a sweet tooth because we experienced an adaptive benefit to avoid poisonous plants (plant life that is sweet is universally safe to consume and rich in calories and antioxidants—survival promoting!) and consume seasonal fruits and tubers that enabled our bodies to store energy for winter months of minimal caloric intake. Yep, our ancestors fattened up for the winter! Today, with massive amounts of sugar at our disposal and few modern citizens wishing to fatten up for the winter months, it makes sense to temper this sweet tooth wiring with sensible caloric intake that is aligned with long-term health. For example, emphasizing seasonal fruit intake but refraining from year-round intake of overly cultivated, overly sweetened fruits. The same is true for the massive amount of digital stimulation we are exposed to daily. We are hardwired to be attuned to novel stimulation in our environment and kick into the fight of flight response at a moment’s notice. 3. What are some examples of actual Primal Connections? Go barefoot: Forget motion control shoes, custom-made orthotics and other modern comforts and supports that weaken your feet, promote inefficient mechanics and promote pain and injury. Transitioning to a barefoot or minimalist shoe lifestyle promotes correct walking, running and standing technique and relieves foot and back pain. The Primal Connection details the right way to do it so you don’t get injured or discouraged.Darken your evenings: Soon after the sun sets, our genes are programmed for an elegant chain of hormonal processes that make us feel sleepy and facilitate a smooth transition from a wakeful state to sound sleep. Unfortunately, today’s artificial light and digital stimulation after dark short-circuit our circadian rhythms, one of the most fundamental and health-critical natural cycles on the planet. Make your evenings as dark and mellow as possible by wearing orange or yellow-tinted sunglasses, switching to orange light bulbs or candlelight around your house, and avoiding digital screen use in the final hours before bedtime. Mellow, darkened evenings will help reconnect you with your circadian rhythm, promoting restorative sleep and high-energy mornings.Stand up at your work desk: Warning—the chair is a modern creation of dubious value. Prolonged use can be hazardous to your health and body composition goals. Retrofitting your workstation to include a standing option (okay to switch back and forth of course) will improve concentration and fat metabolism.Don’t fear the sun! Sunbathing helps prevent cancer—especially the most serious form of skin cancer, melanoma. Strive to maintain a slight tan (never burn of course) during the peak season. Go ahead and screen sensitive areas, but make a point to expose large skin surface areas to direct sunlight regularly. This will ensure that your body produces healthy levels of vitamin D, which helps to regulate healthy cell division and thus protect against all forms of cancer. (Cover image my vary)
Primal Nutrition, Inc The Primal Blueprint Cookbook: Primal, Low Carb, Paleo, Grain-Free, Dairy-Free and Gluten-Free
Enjoy this comprehensively updated, expanded, and redesigned paperback version of the original bestseller, which was one of the first primal/paleo cookbooks ever published back in 2010. The all-new design features stunning photography, an overview education on primal eating, shopping and lifestyle elements, updated recipes with macronutrient breakdowns and metric conversions, do-it-yourself preparations for the popular Primal Kitchen brand salad dressings and mayonnaise's, and icon designations for recipes as gluten-free, vegetarian and keto-friendly (inspired by Mark Sisson’s 2017 New York Times bestseller, The Keto Reset Diet.) The Primal Blueprint Cookbook has everything you need to get started with a primal-style diet, or get more creative with your primal meals. These recipes are free from refined sugars, grains, and vegetable oils, and honor the ancestral foods of meat, fish, fowl, eggs, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, and healthy modern foods such as high fat dairy and dark chocolate. You learn about the basics of primal cooking and living, source the best ingredients and kitchen items, and then be off and running with creative recipes in the following categories: Meat, Offal, Fowl, Seafood, Vegetables, Eggs, Primal Substitutes, Marinades, Sauces and Dressings, Desserts, Beverages, Primal Kitchen mayo and dressings, and Keto Recipes. Even if you’re an enthusiastic meat eater, you’ll break through to the next level with the creative preparations of Offal (animal organ meats.) If you think dessert is only about sugar, you’ll be amazed at the array of primal-approved savory treats you can prepare. With the Substitute Recipe section, you can still enjoy your breads, crackers, muffins, pancakes, and rice, and will perhaps even agree that primal-style tastes even better. This offering from Mark Sisson, New York Times bestselling author, publisher of the number one primal/paleo blog, and Jennifer Meier, with 2018 updates by Tracy Dunigan, and Dr. Lindsay Taylor and Layla McGowan (Mark’s co-authors on the bestselling Keto Reset Instant Pot Cookbook), contains over 100 recipes and hundreds of vibrant photos (all from McGowan) to help you dial in these fun and easy to understand recipes. Join the wildly popular primal/paleo movement, as millions are transforming their lives by ditching nutrient-deficient processed modern foods and eating the nutrient-dense foods that have nourished humans for 2.5 million years of evolution. As you ditch refined sugars, grains and vegetable oils and start emphasizing primal foods, you’ll transition away from the disastrous state of carbohydrate dependency and chronically excessive insulin production that is agreed to be the number one public health problem in the developed world. Instead, you’ll become what Sisson calls a “fat burning beast.” This means you are able to burn fat as your primary fuel source instead of relying on regular high carbohydrate snacks and meals. You’ll enjoy stable energy, appetite, mood, and cognition all day long, and efficiently reduce excess body fat without struggling or suffering in the manner of a typical calorie-restrictive diet. By teaching your body to prefer fat for fuel, you can efficiently reach and maintain your ideal body composition for the rest of your life. As you build momentum for Primal eating, you'll find that you won't even miss the bland, boring, low-fat foods that previously were the central focus of your diet. How can you argue with a menu that includes Roasted Leg of Lamb with Herbs and Garlic, Salmon Chowder with Coconut Milk, Tomatoes Stuffed with Ground Bison and Eggs, and Baked Chocolate Custard? The Primal Blueprint isn’t a crash course diet. These and the other Primal recipes provide the foundation for a lifetime of healthy eating, high energy and protection from common health problems that arise from eating SAD (Standard American Diet).
Primal Nutrition, Inc The Primal Blueprint
0017703970Stunaan8419472114.0 Mark Sisson's 2009 release of The Primal Blueprint was the catalyst for the primal/paleo/ancestral health movement to gain mainstream awareness and acceptance. Both the hardcover and paperback editions enjoyed a seven-year run at the top of the primal/paleo charts and selling hundreds of thousands of copies. Sisson, publisher of the acclaimed, the acclaimed and most-visited primal/paleo blog, has spent the past six years diligently researching and evaluating recent the most up-to-date science and reflecting on thousands of users' experiences going primal. The second edition of The New Primal Blueprint offers a comprehensively revised, expanded, and updated message from the original runaway bestseller. The New Primal Blueprint serves as the ultimate road map for anyone wishing to make the shift from flawed conventional wisdom about diet and exercise to a healthy, happy empowering lifestyle patterned after the evolutionary-tested behaviors of our hunter-gatherer ancestors. The book details the ten immutable Primal Blueprint lifestyle laws that enable empower you to reprogram your genes to direct in the direction of weight loss, health, and longevity. The Primal Blueprint laws are validated by two million years of human evolution as well as an ever-expanding body of contemporary scientific research. Sisson's philosophy was originally met with skepticism as he aggressively challenged numerous mainstream health tenets. Eight years later, mainstream medical and health science are validating the Primal Blueprint tenets assertions that a high-carb, grain-based diet will make you fat, tired, and sick; that a consistent routine of medium-to-difficult cardiovascular workouts can actually compromise your health and longevity and increase risk of heart disease; and that consuming (whole food sources of) fat and cholesterol does not lead to heart disease as we have been led to believe, but rather offers many health benefits. The New Primal Blueprint comes alive with a vibrant full-color presentation packed with photos, graphics, and cartoons to make for a fun, easy, and memorable read. Join hundreds of thousands of primal enthusiasts and embrace a new way of life where you take responsibility for your health, fitness, and happiness. Reject once and for all the flawed conventional wisdom that has left modern citizens struggling with fatigue, excess body fat, and elevated disease risk factors as a consequence of grain-based eating habits, exhausting exercise routines, sedentary lifestyle patterns, and high-stress existences that misdirect our genes and promote illness instead of wellness and longevity. Here is a quick overview of the ten Primal Blueprint laws that will help you quickly and effortlessly reprogram your genes in the direction of health, happiness, and longevity: Law #1 - Eat Plants and Animals: Enjoy the nutritious, satisfying foods that fueled two million years of human evolution. Law #2 - Avoid Poisonous Things: Avoid toxic modern foods (primarily refined vegetable oils, sugars, and grains) that make us fat, sick, and malnourished. Law #3 - Move Frequently: Enhance fat metabolism, improve cognitive function, and avoid the stress of chronic cardio by keeping active with aerobic workouts at a comfortable heart rate, increased everyday movement, and complementary flexibility/mobility activities throughout your day. Law #4 - Lift Heavy Things: Brief, intense sessions of functional, full-body resistance exercises supports muscle development, increases bone density, and prevents injury. Law #5 - Sprint Once in a While: Occasional all-out sprints turbo-charge fat reduction and deliver a boost of anti-aging hormones. Law #6 - Get Plenty of Sleep: Align your sleep with your circadian rhythm by minimizing artificial light and digital stimulation after dark, and creating a calm, quiet, dark sleeping sanctuary. Optimal sleep promotes healthy immune, brain, and endocrine function. Law #7 - Play: Balance the stress of modern life with some unstructured, physical fun! Both brief breaks and grand outings are essential to nurture a cognitively fluid mind and a free spirit. Law #8 - Get Plenty of Sunlight: Expose large skin surface areas frequently to optimize vitamin D production (increases energy, prevents cancer). Maintain a slight tan, but never burn. Diet alone doesn't cut it. Law #9 - Avoid Stupid Mistakes: Learn to be mindful and vigilant against dangers, both extreme and routine. Cultivate risk management skills to stay safe and sensible and eliminate "avoidable suffering." Law #10 - Use Your Brain: Engage in creative and stimulating activities away from your core daily responsibilities. This will keep you refreshed, energized, creative, and productive in everything you do.
Primal Nutrition, Inc The Gut Healing Protocol: An 8-Week Holistic Program to Rebalance Your Microbiome
Heal Your Gut Holistically Mounting scientific evidence is confirming what Hippocrates said some 2,400 years ago, that, "all disease begins in the gut." Nurturing and maintaining a healthy intestinal microbiome has become a topic of great interest to both mainstream medicine and progressive health enthusiasts. In The Gut Healing Protocol, Australian health journalist Kale Brock delivers a comprehensive, holistic 8-week program to overcoming the common diet and lifestyle-related problems of inflammation and intestinal permeability through healthy diet and stress management endeavors. The Gut Healing Protocol contains over 30 recipes to help friendly bacteria predominate in your gut, and actively heal gut lining that may have been damaged by the consumption of toxic foods and other adverse lifestyle practices. Other highlights of the book include: A scientific round-up of the gut; how it works and how it can influence your health How antibiotics can leave you vulnerable to gut dysbiosis and strategies to heal from such damage How leaky gut can impact health throughout the body—especially inflammatory and autoimmune conditions—and how to heal with targeted foods and supplements The "gut-brain" connection, including how most of your "feel good" hormone serotonin is made in the gut and the profound effects that this has on brain function The roles played by the various microbes who live on and inside of you Why eliminating certain foods can drastically decrease the inflammation in the gut Extensive description of the proper integration and benefits of prebiotics, probiotics and fermented foods Details about the functional medicine strategy of "Weeding, Seeding & Feeding" to heal a damaged gut The destructive effects of common gut irritants like wheat, dairy, sugar, alcohol, and artificial sweeteners Complementary holistic healing strategies such as anti-microbials, alkalizing foods, bone broth, proper chewing, food combining, oil pulling, and supplementation Taking BEEMS time (Breath, Eat, Earth, Move, Sunshine) to support physical and psychological health Intensive FAQ section discussing troubleshooting and commonly misunderstood topics including as FODMAP, SIBO, constipation, veganism and gut health, dealing with conflicting mainstream medical advice The Gut Healing Protocol is a lively and engaging read that offers the information and practical guidance you need to become well versed in the gut microbiome. You'll finish with the confidence to heal a damaged gut and enjoy optimal immune, digestive, physical, and cognitive function for the rest of your life.
Primal Nutrition, Inc The Accidental Paleo: Easy Vegetarian Recipes for a Paleo Lifestyle
This cookbook isn't just a book of recipes. It is a culinary journey. Written by Lauren Lobley, a former sugar addict and pastry chef turned healthy chef and health coach, The Accidental Paleo takes a carnivore's approach to plant based eating. By being mindful of textures, layers of flavor, colors and nutrition in every concoction, the recipes in this book are designed to satisfy every palate, whether they prefer their meals with or without meat. The desserts are refined sugar free (and in most cases, naturally sweetened, like the almond butter banana cheesecake), the appetizers trick the palate with their clever use of cashews and coconut milk to feign a creamy texture (like the warm spinach and artichoke dip - to die for), and the main meals carefully build upon an array of vegetables and sauces to leave everyone full and satiated (like the butternut squash lasagna).The Accidental Paleo is culinary fun for the whole family. A feast for the eyes and the taste buds, get ready to fall in love with plant-based eating like you never imagined you would. Inside The Accidental Paleo Cookbook:• 85 easy-to-follow, meat-free, grain-free, hassle-free vegetarian paleo recipes with a carnivore’s approach to plant based eating• Nutrient-dense, colorful dishes that leave you feeling full (even without the meat)• Recipes that the whole family will enjoy - even the littlest of the bunch (Lauren’s 2 year old daughter devours the lentil dal and the veggie curry...and basically everything else)• Creative use of nuts and other food pantry staples you never knew could be used to pack in so much flavor and texture (like the cashews in the warm spinach artichoke dip and the sundried tomatoes in the collard green wraps)• Guilt-free desserts that will have you wondering if they are truly paleo and sugar-free, and that moms can feel good about giving to their little ones because there is no refined sugar (like the chocolate banana pudding or the almond butter banana cashew cheesecake)• Many make-ahead meals that make it easy for the working person or busy parent to be able to heat up dinner in a pinch on a school night (like the chickpea soup with pesto or the veggie chili)
Primal Nutrition, Inc The Primal Blueprint 90-Day Journal: A Personal Experiment (n=1)
The Primal Blueprint 90-Day Journal -- A Personal Experiment is a comprehensive diet, exercise, and lifestyle logbook/journal to help you stay focused, accountable, and motivated to live Primally. The n=1 (an experiment of one) format allows you to dial in the exact foods, workout patterns, and supporting lifestyle behaviors you need to peak -- with your physique, fitness goals, and everyday energy and immune function. The 90-Day Journal is the ideal practical guide to support Mark Sisson's best-selling The Primal Blueprint and The Primal Blueprint 21-Day Total Body Transformation. Unlike many rigidly structured workout logs and food diaries, this journal allows for plenty of creativity and free-form expression. Filled with detailed how-to-use instructions, experiment suggestions, and handy Primal resources, this journal is exactly what you need to launch your experiment of one! Inside the 282 pages you'll find detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to conduct personal experiments and use the book to discover how your body works, and sample experiments for weight loss, improving sleep, moderating systemic inflammation and others to set you off in the right direction. In addition, you'll discover a spacious, two-page daily journal spreads with assorted customization options for meal and workout particulars, subjective Success Scores (for daily energy, motivation, health and goal progress), and data from unique personal experiments that you design and track during your 90-day journey, as well as a handy Primal resource section covering all the key Primal Blueprint concepts, food and meal suggestions, workout guidelines, macronutrient values for common meals and snacks, and more.