Search results for ""plaza""
Langen - Mueller Verlag Plaza Bolivar
Little, Brown & Company Sunnyside Plaza
Sally "Sal-Gal" Miyake can't read but she learns lots of things. Like bricks are made of clay and Vitamin D comes from the sun. Sal-Gal is happy working in the kitchen at Sunnyside Plaza, the community centre she lives in with other adults with developmental disabilities. For Sal-Gal and her friends, Sunnyside is the only real home they've ever known.Everything changes the day a resident unexpectedly dies in his sleep. Sally and her friends are exposed to death and grief for the first time. After a series of devastating events, local detectives Esther Rivas and Lon Bridges begin asking questions. Are the incidents at Sunnyside accidents? Or is something far more disturbing happening?The suspicious deaths spur the residents into taking the investigation into their own hands. Sunnyside Plaza is a human story of empowerment, empathy, hope and generosity that shines a light on this very special world.
La plaza Kultur
Libro-fanzine que reúne dos historias, LA PLAZA y KULTUR. Protagonizadas, en segunda persona del singular, por un hombre y una mujer respectivamente, narra con humor (mas bien inquietante) la pulsión entre los adentros y los afueras, lo que observamos y lo que pensamos, lo que sentimos y aparentamos sentir. Y de alguna forma, en el intersticio de ambas historias, de ambas pulsiones, se van revelando, por ejemplo, los lugares comunes de lo que acontece accidentalmente en la rutina de nuestras cabezas cuando pensamos que pensamos, cuando creemos que sentimos.Lo dice la misma compañía para la que están escritas ambas piezas, El Conde de Torrefiel:"Con solo veinte años de vida, el siglo XXI ya es convulso y conflictivo a escala mundial. Los días son bipolares: las formas de pensarnos y organizarnos están cambiando de manera radical e incontrolable, pero al mismo tiempo no está cambiando nada".O sí?
La plaza del Diamante
NUEVA TRADUCCIÓNEs ésta la historia de Natalia, conocida como Colometa, representación femenina de aquellas mujeres a las que les tocó vivir un período de la historia de España especialmente duro y cruel: la Guerra Civil y la posguerra. Así, Colometa verá partir y morir a sus seres queridos, pasará hambre y miseria y se verá muchas veces incapaz de sacar adelante a sus hijos. Hundida en un matrimonio infeliz con un hombre egoísta, renuncia a su propia identidad y cede todo el protagonismo a su esposo, aceptando los convencionalismos de la época. Pero la vida y las circunstancias obligarán a Colometa y al resto de los personajes a crecer?Crónica fiel de la Barcelona de posguerra, este libro en apariencia menudo es una joya literaria, y sin duda una de las mejores novelas españolas del siglo xx y la obra maestra, según la crítica, de la literatura femenina catalana.La plaza del Diamante se publicó por primera vez en 1962 en Barcelona. Desde entonces se ha traducido a más de trei
Little, Brown & Company Sunnyside Plaza
Sally "Sal-Gal" Miyake can't read, but she learns lots of things. Like bricks are made of clay and Vitamin D comes from the sun. Sal-Gal is happy working in the kitchen at Sunnyside Plaza, the community center she lives in with other adults with developmental disabilities. For Sal-Gal and her friends, Sunnyside is the only real home they've ever known.Everything changes the day a resident unexpectedly dies in his sleep. Sally and her friends are exposed to death and grief for the first time. After a series of devastating events, local detectives Esther Rivas and Lon Bridges begin asking questions. Are the incidents at Sunnyside accidents? Or is something far more disturbing happening?The suspicious deaths spur the residents into taking the investigation into their own hands. Sunnyside Plaza is a human story of empowerment, empathy, hope, and generosity that shines a light on this very special world.
Desfiladero Ediciones Plaza de La Bacal
Un viaje delicioso a los años ochenta salpicado de humor mediterráneo, entre Fellini y Berlanga, prologado por Javier Ikaz (Yo fui a EGB). Rememoración de una época, sus personajes no son grandes héroes, pero en su peculiaridad, y también en sus defectos, reside su humanidad desarmante. La sensación de cercanía, de familiaridad, se prolonga en los lugareños y en cada uno de los rincones de la plaza de La Bacalá, desde la sala de cine hasta el quiosco. Nunca hemos visitado la plaza, pero la reconocemos, como también el pueblo de Villacil; porque Villacil es un pueblo en concreto y son todos, es una época que Carmelo Manresa nos devuelve en toda su viveza. En el fondo, esa imagen de Villacil la compartimos muchos lectores; siempre ha estado ahí, en la memoria.
Taylor Trade Publishing The Plaza: First and Always
In the beginning, it was a hog farm. A cow pasture. A trash dump and it was located so far south — 50 city blocks — that downtown Kansas City merchants would not deliver goods to the area. In the mind's eye of young real-estate visionary Jesse Clyde Nichols, this eyesore sprawl was perfect for his master plan for a grand Country Club district.
Alfred Music Plaza de Toros: Conductor Score
Arcadia Publishing Plaza-midwood Neighborhood Of Charlotte
La plaza del Diamante
Un país en guerra.Un matrimonio infeliz.Una mujer silenciada.Un grito liberador.
Simon & Schuster Eloise at The Plaza
Alfred Music Plaza de Toros: Conductor Score
Editorial Círculo Rojo La plaza de Benavides
Oro Editions Al Wasl Plaza: Dubai Expo 2020
In the book Al Wasl Plaza: Dubai Expo 2020 the architects, Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture highlight the inspiration and innovation of the design of Al Wasl Plaza. The book explores each aspect of the project including the garden, the trellis, three office buildings, and two hotel buildings, all of which serve to define the centre of Expo 2020. The book is essentially divided into three phases of design. The first phase focuses on the inspiration and conception of the project. Architectural studies, sketches, and models show the process that led to the final iconic form. The second phase introduces each of the parcels including the garden, trellis, offices, hotels, the Leadership Pavilion, and the Arrivals Plaza. Each chapter illustrates the design process, architectural details, and the development of the technical systems. The third and final phase summarises the construction process, sustainability achievements, and looks to the future to reveal the District 2020 legacy master plan concept by AS+GG.
Cómo ver el toro en la plaza
Cómo ver el toro en la plaza es un libro imprescindible para quien es aficionado y aspira a ser entendido, para los toristas auténticos. En sus páginas, ilustradas con numerosas fotografías, se explica con pormenor y amenidad cuanto sucede desde el desembarco de la corrida hasta el final de la faena. La estancia de las reses en los corrales, la labor de reconocimiento y sus criterios, las conductas del toro en el albero: emplazarse, acudir presto a las llamadas de la cuadrilla, rematar o no en los burladeros, sentirse atraído por la querencia. El torero observa su comportamiento y en su función elige terrenos, abre su capote, la faena comienza. Se suceden los tercios y el toro se viene arriba o abajo, puede sufrir lesiones, humillar o lanzar derrotes, ir mejor por un pitón que otro. Saber ver todas estas circunstancias es disfrutar con plenitud de la grandeza de la lidia.
Alfred Music Plaza de Toros: Conductor Score & Parts
Editorial Kairos Zen En La Plaza del Mercado
Alfred Music Plaza de Toros: Conductor Score & Parts
University of Texas Press The Los Angeles Plaza: Sacred and Contested Space
2008 — Gold Award in Californiana – California Book Awards – Commonwealth Club of California 2010 — NACCS Book Award – National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies City plazas worldwide are centers of cultural expression and artistic display. They are settings for everyday urban life where daily interactions, economic exchanges, and informal conversations occur, thereby creating a socially meaningful place at the core of a city. At the heart of historic Los Angeles, the Plaza represents a quintessential public space where real and imagined narratives overlap and provide as many questions as answers about the development of the city and what it means to be an Angeleno. The author, a social and cultural historian who specializes in nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Los Angeles, is well suited to explore the complex history and modern-day relevance of the Los Angeles Plaza. From its indigenous and colonial origins to the present day, Estrada explores the subject from an interdisciplinary and multiethnic perspective, delving into the pages of local newspapers, diaries and letters, and the personal memories of former and present Plaza residents, in order to examine the spatial and social dimensions of the Plaza over an extended period of time. The author contributes to the growing historiography of Los Angeles by providing a groundbreaking analysis of the original core of the city that covers a long span of time, space, and social relations. He examines the impact of change on the lives of ordinary people in a specific place, and how this change reflects the larger story of the city.
Spector Books Tomás Saraceno: Flying Plaza: Work Journal 2012-2016
Arcadia Publishing Dealey Plaza Images of America Arcadia Publishing
History Press Old Town Plaza in Albuquerque
De la casa a la plaza
De la casa a la plaza? analiza las trayectorias y las memorias de las mujeres que integraron Madres de Plaza de Mayo de La Plata, a partir del interrogante de quiénes eran esas mujeres que, ante la desaparición de sus hijos e hijas, se organizaron colectivamente para movilizar su reclamo. Si bien una extensa bibliografía recorrió su conformación y tematizó sobre el colectivo, hasta el momento muy pocos trabajos atendieron de manera central a sus trayectorias previas. Esta obra busca interrogar, así como poner en suspenso una idea sostenida en el supuesto de que estas mujeres provenían únicamente del mundo doméstico y carecían de una vida pública y politizada. El trabajo se sitúa en la intersección de los estudios de género, la historia reciente y los estudios de memoria y propone releer las trayectorias y memorias de las Madres de Plaza de Mayo con nuevos interrogantes Qué experiencias de participación social, pública y política traían consigo aquellas mujeres que se hicieron visibles
Poursuite editions 1 New York Times Plaza NY 11356
Museum of New Mexico Press Benignas Chimayo: Cuentos from the Old Plaza
University Museum Publications Excavations in the West Plaza of Tikal: Tikal Report 17
This volume reports on excavations carried out by Peter D. Harrison in the early 1960s in the West Plaza of the Maya center of Tikal, Guatemala. Primarily descriptive in nature, this work is an important compliment to Tikal Report No. 14: Excavations in the Great Plaza, North Terrace, and North Acropolis of Tikal, by William R. Coe. The West Plaza was originally the western portion of the Great Plaza until construction of Great Temple II separated it. Subsequently, the West Plaza took on its own identity. This report presents data from these investigations no longer retrievable in the field and, therefore, of importance to anyone interested in the development of Tikal's epicenter. University Museum Monograph, 151
University of Texas Press On the Plaza: The Politics of Public Space and Culture
Robert B. Textor Prize for Excellence in Anticipatory Anthropology, American Anthropological Association, 2000 Honorable Mention, Victor Turner Award, Society for Humanistic Anthropology, 2001 Leeds Prize, Society of Urban, National, and Transnational/Global Anthropology, 2001 Friendly gossip, political rallies, outdoor concerts, drugs, shoeshines, and sex-for-sale—almost every aspect of Latin American life has its place and time in the public plaza. In this wide-ranging, multi-disciplinary study, Setha M. Low explores the interplay of space and culture in the plaza, showing how culture acts to shape public spaces and how the physical form of the plaza encodes the social and economic relations within its city. Low centers her study on two plazas in San José, Costa Rica, with comparisons to public plazas in the United States, Europe, and elsewhere. She interweaves ethnography, history, literature, and personal narrative to capture the ambiance and meaning of the plaza. She also uncovers the contradictory ethnohistories of the European and indigenous origins of the Latin American plaza and explains why the plaza is often a politically contested space.
Errata Editions Mario Garcia Joya A La Plaza Con Fidel
The Peterson Institute for International Economics International Monetary Cooperation – Lessons from the Plaza Accord after Thirty Years
Columbia University Press In Love with Movies: From New Yorker Films to Lincoln Plaza Cinemas
“All that I do is go out and look at films and choose the ones I want to play—films that stimulate, and give some insight into our lives. I hope that people will come, but if they don’t, that’s okay too.”Daniel Talbot changed the way the Upper West Side—and art-house audiences around the world—went to the movies. In Love with Movies is his memoir of a rich life as the impresario of the legendary Manhattan theaters he owned and operated and as a highly influential film distributor.Talbot and his wife, Toby, opened the New Yorker Theater in 1960, cultivating a loyal audience of film buffs and cinephiles. He went on to run several theaters including Lincoln Plaza Cinemas as well as the distribution company New Yorker Films, shaping the sensibilities of generations of moviegoers. The Talbots introduced American audiences to cutting-edge foreign and independent filmmaking, including the French New Wave and New German Cinema.In this lively, personal history of a bygone age of film exhibition, Talbot relates how he discovered and selected films including future classics such as Before the Revolution, Shoah, My Dinner with Andre, and The Marriage of Maria Braun. He reminisces about leading world directors such as Sembène, Godard, Fassbinder, Wenders, Varda, and Kiarostami as well as industry colleagues with whom he made deals on a slip of paper or a handshake.In Love with Movies is an intimate portrait of a tastemaker who was willing to take risks. It not only lays out the nuts and bolts of running a theater but also tells the story of a young cinephile who turned his passion into a vibrant cultural community.
The Peterson Institute for International Economics Managing the Dollar – From the Plaza to the Louvre
Exile Editions Plaza Requiem: Stories at the Edges of Ordinary Lives
Mexican-Canadian Martha Bátiz has crafted, in her first collection written in English, visceral stories with piercing and evocative qualities. She has filled her recognizable, sisterly/motherly, and imaginative characters with qualities we all hold close to our hearts, but this is powerfully juxtaposed by the uncertainty that lurks at the edges of ordinary lives. Most often they are women, trapped in violent relationships, facing dangerous political situations, or learning to live with the pain of betrayal. Yet Bátiz’s stories shimmer with the emotional surge of vindication, evoking the rewards women attain after a powerful exploration of their darkest moments. As an emerging writer, Bátiz crafts her stories with qualities reminiscent of Joyce Carol Oates, Shirley Jackson, and Cuban author Leonardo Padura: with precision, haunting vision, and the will to survive all odds.
Arcadia Publishing Inc. A Brief History of Orange California The Plaza City Brief History Of History Press
Gobierno de Navarra. Fondo de Publicaciones Rendir la plaza el bloqueo carlista de Pamplona septiembre de 1874febrero de 1875
Ediciones Península La Monumental una historia gráfica de la plaza de toros de Barcelona 19142011
El 25 de septiembre de 2011 terminó casi un siglo de toreo en Barcelona. La plaza de toros Monumental acogió ese día su última corrida, con la asistencia de 20.000 espectadores que llenaron las gradas para ver sobre todo al genial torero José Tomás. De acuerdo con la abolición de la fiesta taurina que el Parlamento catalán ha fijado a partir de enero de 2012, el coso barcelonés ha cerrado una fecunda etapa iniciada en 1914.Con 150 imágenes en color, el libro La Monumental, subtitulado Una historia gráfica de la plaza de toros de Barcelona, 1914-2011, cubre la memoria de esta plaza, desde las actuaciones de las grandes figuras del toreo (Belmonte, Manolete, Dominguín, el Litri, Curro Romero, el Cordobés, ...) a los relevantes actos deportivos (como un combate de boxeo de Muhammad Ali), políticos (de Lluís Companys a Felipe González), sociales y musicales (los Beatles, los Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen...) celebrados en este escenario emblemático de Barcelona.El libro contiene una at
Arcadia Publishing Inc. Baseball in San Diego From the Plaza to the Padres Images of Baseball
Hal Leonard Corporation Inside the Plaza: An Intimate Portrait of the Ultimate Hotel
Time Warner Trade Publishing The Plaza: The Secret Life of America's Most Famous Hotel
University of Pennsylvania Press Miscellaneous Investigations in Central Tikal--Structures in and Around the Lost World Plaza: Tikal Report 23D
The Great Maya center of Tikal, in Guatemala, is famous for its well-preserved architecture. This book presents descriptions of six structures that belong to the Tikal Project category "standing architecture," that is, though partially collapsed, some features of these buildings remain in place and accessible without excavation. These structures were surveyed with little or no excavation as part of the Tikal Project Standing Architecture Survey. This report is the primary record of these structures in Tikal's urban landscape, and it provides clear, precise, and usable architectural analyses for Mayanists, archaeologists, art historians, architectural historians, urbanists, and those interested in construction techniques and in the uses of Maya buildings. Universtiy Museum Monograph, 148
Columbia University Press In Love with Movies: From New Yorker Films to Lincoln Plaza Cinemas
“All that I do is go out and look at films and choose the ones I want to play—films that stimulate, and give some insight into our lives. I hope that people will come, but if they don’t, that’s okay too.”Daniel Talbot changed the way the Upper West Side—and art-house audiences around the world—went to the movies. In Love with Movies is his memoir of a rich life as the impresario of the legendary Manhattan theaters he owned and operated and as a highly influential film distributor.Talbot and his wife, Toby, opened the New Yorker Theater in 1960, cultivating a loyal audience of film buffs and cinephiles. He went on to run several theaters including Lincoln Plaza Cinemas as well as the distribution company New Yorker Films, shaping the sensibilities of generations of moviegoers. The Talbots introduced American audiences to cutting-edge foreign and independent filmmaking, including the French New Wave and New German Cinema.In this lively, personal history of a bygone age of film exhibition, Talbot relates how he discovered and selected films including future classics such as Before the Revolution, Shoah, My Dinner with Andre, and The Marriage of Maria Braun. He reminisces about leading world directors such as Sembène, Godard, Fassbinder, Wenders, Varda, and Kiarostami as well as industry colleagues with whom he made deals on a slip of paper or a handshake.In Love with Movies is an intimate portrait of a tastemaker who was willing to take risks. It not only lays out the nuts and bolts of running a theater but also tells the story of a young cinephile who turned his passion into a vibrant cultural community.
University of Texas Press Urban Space as Heritage in Late Colonial Cuba: Classicism and Dissonance on the Plaza de Armas of Havana, 1754-1828
According to national legend, Havana, Cuba, was founded under the shade of a ceiba tree whose branches sheltered the island’s first Catholic mass and meeting of the town council (cabildo) in 1519. The founding site was first memorialized in 1754 by the erection of a baroque monument in Havana’s central Plaza de Armas, which was reconfigured in 1828 by the addition of a neoclassical work, El Templete. Viewing the transformation of the Plaza de Armas from the new perspective of heritage studies, this book investigates how late colonial Cuban society narrated Havana’s founding to valorize Spanish imperial power and used the monuments to underpin a local sense of place and cultural authenticity, civic achievement, and social order.Paul Niell analyzes how Cubans produced heritage at the site of the symbolic ceiba tree by endowing the collective urban space of the plaza with a cultural authority that used the past to validate various place identities in the present. Niell’s close examination of the extant forms of the 1754 and 1828 civic monuments, which include academic history paintings, neoclassical architecture, and idealized sculpture in tandem with period documents and printed texts, reveals a “dissonance of heritage”—in other words, a lack of agreement as to the works’ significance and use. He considers the implications of this dissonance with respect to a wide array of interests in late colonial Havana, showing how heritage as a dominant cultural discourse was used to manage and even disinherit certain sectors of the colonial population.
Las aventuras del Capitán Torrezno volumen 4. Plaza Elíptica y La estrella de la mañana
Fiándolo todo a un dudoso carisma guerrero, a la chiripa y el acaso, a un alcohólico albur, la buena estrella del Capitán Torrezno corre el riesgo de eclipsarse y convertirse en breve nota al margen de una Historia que nadie quiere escuchar, ni remotamente Universal. Dios lo quiere, gritan algunos. Dios ha muerto, contestan otros, o está a punto de jubilarse. La hora está madura, empero, y los cuerdos pagan también su pasaje en la nave de los locos, parten para tierra de santones con el resto de la cruzada de los niños. Como es abajo, así fue o será en lo alto. Porque todo lo pequeño quiere crecer, y todo lo grande termina por doblar la rodilla.'Las aventuras del Capitán Torrezno' inician con este volumen un nuevo ciclo que recoge los tomos 'Plaza Elíptica', Premio Nacional del Cómic 2011, y 'La estrella de la mañana', que continúan con las correrías del Capitán Torrezno por el Micromundo de la madrileña calle Valverde.'Las aventuras del Capitán Torrezno' es una de las series fun
University of Pennsylvania Press Enemies in the Plaza: Urban Spectacle and the End of Spanish Frontier Culture, 146-1492
Toward the end of the fifteenth century, Spanish Christians near the border of Castile and Muslim-ruled Granada held complex views about religious tolerance. People living in frontier cities bore much of the cost of war against Granada and faced the greatest risk of retaliation, but had to reconcile an ideology of holy war with the genuine admiration many felt for individual members of other religious groups. After a century of near-continuous truces, a series of political transformations in Castile—including those brought about by the civil wars of Enrique IV's reign, the final war with Granada, and Fernando and Isabel's efforts to reestablish royal authority—incited a broad reaction against religious minorities. As Thomas Devaney shows, this active hostility was triggered by public spectacles that emphasized the foreignness of Muslims, Jews, and recent converts to Christianity. Enemies in the Plaza traces the changing attitudes toward religious minorities as manifested in public spectacles ranging from knightly tournaments, to religious processions, to popular festivals. Drawing on contemporary chronicles and municipal records as well as literary and architectural evidence, Devaney explores how public pageantry originally served to dissipate the anxieties fostered by the give-and-take of frontier culture and how this tradition of pageantry ultimately contributed to the rejection of these compromises. Through vivid depictions of frontier personalities, cities, and performances, Enemies in the Plaza provides an account of how public spectacle served to negotiate and articulate the boundaries between communities as well as to help Castilian nobles transform the frontier's religious ambivalence into holy war.
McGill-Queen's University Press From the Theater to the Plaza: Spectacle, Protest, and Urban Space in Twenty-First-Century Madrid
Lavapiés - diverse, multicultural, and one of Madrid’s most iconic neighbourhoods - has emerged as a locus of resistance movements and of cultural flourishing. Poised at the intersection of theatre studies and cultural geography, this innovative study sketches its physical and imaginary contours.In From the Theater to the Plaza Matthew Feinberg guides readers on a journey through the development of the theatre, as both art and space, in Lavapiés. Offering a detailed analysis of dramatic texts and productions, performance spaces, urban planning documents, and the cultural activities of squatters, Feinberg sheds new light on the lead-up to Spain’s economic crisis and the emergence in 2011 of the 15-M anti-austerity protest movement. The result is a multidisciplinary account of how the spectacle of the contemporary city connects local, municipal, and global geographies.By linking the neighbourhood’s unique role as both a site and a subject of Madrid’s theatre tradition with its contemporary struggles over gentrification, From the Theater to the Plaza offers new approaches for understanding how culture and capital produce the twenty-first-century city.
Arcadia Publishing San Antonios Historic Market Square Spanish Language Edition La Histrica Plaza del Mercado En San Antonio Imagenes de los Estados Unidos Images of America
Solo te hace falta morir en la plaza Liebestod El olor a sangre no se me quita de los ojos Juan Belmonte
"Liebestod significa muerte de amor. Aquí el aria final de Tristán e Isolda de Wagner se cruza con Juan Belmonte. Se cruzan para darle voz a mi oscuridad y al origen de mis obras. Es la historia de mis raíces y la historia de mis abismos, dice Angélica Liddell. Forma parte de Historias del Teatro III, un proyecto de Milo Rau producido por el Teatro Nacional de Gante y estrenado en el festival de Aviñón"--Page 4 of cover.