Search results for ""peterson's guides,u.s.""
Peterson's Guides,U.S. MCAT with Online Tests
Peterson's Guides,U.S. GRE Flashcards: 500 Flashcards to Help You Achieve a Higher Score
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Girls Can Do Anything
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Pocket Spanish Grammar
Peterson's Guides,U.S. 6 GRE Practice Tests
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Dictionary of Real Estate Terms
Peterson's Guides,U.S. PCAT: Pharmacy College Admission Test
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Common Core Success Grade 3 Math: Preparing Students for a Brilliant Future
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Giraffe and Friends: A Soft and Fuzzy Book for Baby
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Training Your Guinea Pig
Peterson's Guides,U.S. New York State Grade 8 Math Test
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Van Gogh and the Sunflowers
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Spanish Now! Level 1: with Online Audio
Peterson's Guides,U.S. SAT Writing Workbook
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Law Dictionary
Peterson's Guides,U.S. E-Z Biology
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Real Estate Exam Flash Cards
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Act 36: Aiming for the Perfect Score w/1 online test: Aiming for the Perfect Score: With Bonus Online Tests
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Core Focus Grade 3: Test Practice for Common Core
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Teens' Guide to College and Career Planning
Teens’ Guide to College & Career Planning With valuable input from teens, parents, and experts, Peterson's Teens’ Guide to College & Career Planning knows how to talk to high school students about how to make their plans for after graduation a reality. The topics covered can help teens answer the big questions: Am I heading to college? What’s my career path? What do I do with my life? This is a teen's high school roadmap to college and career success! Afterall, teens have a lot of options: a two-year or four-year college a technical school an apprenticeship the military the workforce a gap year No matter the choice, the Teens’ Guide to College & Career Planning is where highschoolers can discover the possibilities and pinpoint what may best suit their skills, needs, and dreams.
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Master the DSST History of the Soviet Union Exam
The nationally recognized credit-by-exam DSST® program helps students earn college credits for learning acquired outside the traditional classroom such as; learning from on-the-job training, reading, or independent study. DSST® tests offer students a cost-effective, time-saving way to use the knowledge they've acquired outside of the classroom to accomplish their education goals. Peterson's® Master the™ DSST® History of the Soviet Union Exam provides a general overview of the subjects students will encounter on the exam such as Russia under the old regime, the revolutionary period, new economic policy, pre-war Stalinism, World War II, post-war Stalinism, the Khrushchev years, the Brezhnev era, and reform and collapse. This valuable resource includes: Diagnostic pre-test with detailed answer explanations Assessment Grid designed to help identify areas that need focus Subject Matter Review proving a general overview of the subjects, followed by a review of the relevant topics and terminology covered on the exam Post-test offering 60 questions all with detailed answer explanations Key information about the DSST® such as, what to expect on test day and how to register and prepare for the DSST®
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Master the DSST Principles of Finance Exam
The nationally recognized credit-by-exam DSST® program helps students earn college credits for learning acquired outside the traditional classroom such as; learning from on-the-job training, reading, or independent study. DSST® tests offer students a cost-effective, time-saving way to use the knowledge they've acquired outside of the classroom to accomplish their education goals. Peterson's® Master the™ DSST® Principles of Finance Exam provides a general overview of the subjects students will encounter on the exam such as financial statements and planning, time value of money, working capital management, cost of capital, capital budgeting, etc. This valuable resource includes: Diagnostic pre-test with detailed answer explanations Assessment Grid designed to help identify areas that need focus Subject Matter Review proving a general overview of the subjects, followed by a review of the relevant topics and terminology covered on the exam Post-test offering 60 questions all with detailed answer explanations Key information about the DSST® such as, what to expect on test day and how to register and prepare for the DSST®
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Master the DSST General Anthropology Exam
The nationally recognized credit-by-exam DSST® program helps students earn college credits for learning acquired outside the traditional classroom such as; learning from on-the-job training, reading, or independent study. DSST® tests offer students a cost-effective, time-saving way to use the knowledge they've acquired outside of the classroom to accomplish their education goals. Peterson's® Master the™ DSST® General Anthropology Exam provides a general overview of the subjects students will encounter on the exam such as theoretical perspectives; physical anthropology; archaeology; social organization; economic organization; political organization; religion; and modernization and application of anthropology. This valuable resource includes: Diagnostic pre-test with detailed answer explanations Assessment Grid designed to help identify areas that need focus Subject Matter Review proving a general overview of the subjects, followed by a review of the relevant topics and terminology covered on the exam Post-test offering 60 questions all with detailed answer explanations Key information about the DSST® such as, what to expect on test day and how to register and prepare for the DSST®
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Master the DSST Environmental Science Exam
The nationally recognized credit-by-exam DSST® program helps students earn college credits for learning acquired outside the traditional classroom such as; learning from on-the-job training, reading, or independent study. DSST® tests offer students a cost-effective, time-saving way to use the knowledge they've acquired outside of the classroom to accomplish their education goals. Peterson's® Master the™ DSST® Environmental Science Exam provides a general overview of the subjects students will encounter on the exam such as ecological concepts, environmental impacts and conservation. This valuable resource includes: Diagnostic pre-test with detailed answer explanations Assessment Grid designed to help identify areas that need focus Subject Matter Review proving a general overview of the subjects, followed by a review of the relevant topics and terminology covered on the exam Post-test offering 60 questions all with detailed answer explanations Key information about the DSST® such as, what to expect on test day and how to register and prepare for the DSST®
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Master the DSST Math for Liberal Arts Exam
The nationally recognized credit-by-exam DSST® program helps students earn college credits for learning acquired outside the traditional classroom such as; learning from on-the-job training, reading, or independent study. DSST® tests offer students a cost-effective, time-saving way to use the knowledge they've acquired outside of the classroom to accomplish their education goals. Peterson's® Master the™ DSST® Math for Liberal Arts Exam provides a general overview of the subjects students will encounter on the exam such as real number systems; sets and logic; metric system, conversions and geometry; algebra, graphs and functions (as applied to real life applications); linear systems and inequalities; exponents and logarithms including financial literacy and counting, probability theory and statistics. This valuable resource includes: Diagnostic pre-test with detailed answer explanations Assessment Grid designed to help identify areas that need focus Subject Matter Review proving a general overview of the subjects, followed by a review of the relevant topics and terminology covered on the exam Post-test offering 60 questions all with detailed answer explanations Key information about the DSST® such as, what to expect on test day and how to register and prepare for the DSST®
Peterson's Guides,U.S. The Associated Press Guide to News Writing, 4th Edition
The Associated Press Guide to News Writing, is the standard professional resource for both novice and experienced news writers. This practical handbook is the ideal writing style guide for all reporters, writers, editors, and English and journalism students. It covers all the essentials of good news writing, according to the styles and guidelines set forth by the Associated Press—with lively examples from today's newspapers. This authoritative guide includes: Professional advice about crafting a good feature story In-depth reviews of important principles in news writing Expert guidance on writing concise, informative copy, source citations, and more. Clear and instructive discussions of specialized styles.
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Pronounce it Perfectly in English with Online Audio
Peterson's Guides,U.S. GRE Vocabulary Flash Cards Barrons Test Prep
This flash card set of 500 high-frequency words that have appeared on recent GRE exams presents words and definitions that reflect the fluency and vocabulary skills of a college graduate. Enclosed metal ring lets test-takers select cards to fit their study needs.
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Furry Lamb
Peterson's Guides,U.S. PRAXIS Core Exams: Core Academic Skills for Educators
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Smarter Balanced Grade 4
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Firefighter Candidate Exams
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Pass Key to the GMAT
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Common Core Success Grade 2 Math: Preparing Students for a Brilliant Future
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Business Law
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Master The(tm) Act(r)
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Master the EMT Certification Exam
Peterson's® Master™ the EMT Certification Exam is a comprehensive source that offers the essential test prep needed to help readers score their best on the qualifying exam to become an emergency medical technician. This new edition covers all of the segment categories on the test itself as well as CPR, shock, and incident management. Also provided are valuable techniques to physically and mentally prepare for the exam, tips to manage your study time, and ways to reduce test anxiety so that you can focus and do your absolute best. 3 full-length practice tests—all with detailed answer explanations Diagnostic test to pinpoint strengths and weaknesses In-depth subject reviews covering all sections of the test Latest training methods to handle terrorism and mass casualty emergencies Instructions on how to properly handle HAZMAT emergencies Listings of state EMT agencies, as well as EMS organizations and journals
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Master the Civil Service Exams
Peterson's® Master the™ Civil Service Exams is a comprehensive, step-by-step preparation guide for those seeking a position with the federal government that requires taking a written exam. This valuable resource provides the math, verbal, and clerical exercises needed to pass the civil service exam. Inside you'll find: 4 full-length practice tests with detailed answer explanations Review of verbal, clerical, math, and memory skills you'll need to score high Tips and strategies from civil service experts on how to become a first-rate job candidateCurrent information on the civil service job market, including projected areas of growth in the federal government: security/enforcement; medical/public health; engineering/sciences; program management/administration; and accounting, budget, and business
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Animals on the Farm: My First Noisy Bath Book
Peterson's Guides,U.S. FCAT Grade 10 Assessment Tests in Reading and Writing
Peterson's Guides,U.S. New Jersey ASK 8 Science Test
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Complete Italian Grammar Review
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Degas and the Little Dancer
Peterson's Guides,U.S. German At a Glance
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Finance
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Master the GRE
Peterson's Master the GRE provides a wealth of test-taking strategies and skill-building exercises to help test takers prepare for the new GRE format introduced in 2023. It contains extensive subject reviews addressing everything test takers need to know regarding the Analytical Writing, Quantitative Reasoning, and Verbal Reasoning sections, plus a wealth of test-taking tips and strategies crafted by veteran professional educators. You'll find both pre- and post-tests as well as useful hints on how to make the most of your study time so you can maximize your score and stand out on your graduate school applications.
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Master the™ ACCUPLACER® Tests
Avoid taking non-credit-bearing classes and save money by studying for the ACCUPLACER exam with Peterson's. With the Master the ACCUPLACER® Tests study guide, you'll get a comprehensive breakdown of each section of the exam and tons of practice, including a diagnostic pre-test, practice tests, and the best study tips.
Peterson's Guides,U.S. Master the™ Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) and Home Health Aide (HHA) Exams
The need for health care workers has never been greater. Prepare yourself for success with Peterson’s Master the Certified Nursing Assistant (CAN) and Home Health Aide (HHA) Exams study guide, an essential tool with all of the review material, as well as practice tests, to help you do more than just pass the exams. The study guide breaks down each subject and offers a diagnostic test to help you determine your strengths and weaknesses, as well as how to prepare for your exam and what to expect on exam day.