Search results for ""peter lang ag""
Peter Lang AG Sprachkontakt Und Sprachenwechsel Im PortugiesischSpanischen Grenzgebiet
Im portugiesisch-spanischen Grenzgebiet Terra de Miranda befinden sich seit vielen Jahrhunderten drei Sprach(varietät)en im Kontakt: das Mirandesische, das Portugiesische und das Spanische. Die Dynamik dieses Sprachkontakts und die gegenwärtige soziolinguistische Situation der Minderheitenvarietät Mirandesisch stehen im Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit. Die Untersuchung stützt sich auf schriftliche Befragungen und Interviews vor Ort. Anhand eines Korpus werden außerdem die Spezifika des Mirandesischen auf den verschiedenen Sprachsystemebenen im Vergleich zum Portugiesischen, Spanischen, Asturianischen und Galicischen erforscht. Die Analyse zeigt, dass sich das Mirandesische heute als Brückenvarietät bezeichnen lässt, die sich in einem fortgeschrittenen Sprachenwechselprozess befindet.
Peter Lang AG Familienmediation Bei Trennung Scheidung Von Eltern
Trennung und Scheidung der Eltern gehören inzwischen zur Lebenswirklichkeit vieler Kinder. Ausgehend von den Erkenntnissen der Scheidungsforschung wird dargestellt, dass es dem Recht oft nicht gelingt, das für das Kind Beste zu erreichen. Mediation ist eine hilfreiche Alternative. Trennungspaare sind aber häufig in einem sich selbst hemmenden System gefangen, das ihnen die freiwillige Entscheidung zur Mediation unmöglich macht. Deshalb werden verschiedene Anknüpfungspunkte für eine Verpflichtung zum Mediationsversuch auf ihre verfassungsrechtliche Zulässigkeit geprüft und ihre konkrete Implementierung im FamFG vorgeschlagen. Ergänzend werden die Entwicklungen durch das Mediationsgesetz einbezogen und weiterer Handlungsbedarf (z. B. in Form von Mediationskostenhilfe) aufgezeigt.
Peter Lang AG Anglizismen in deutschen Werbeanzeigen: Eine empirische Studie zur stilistischen und oekonomischen Motivation von Anglizismen
Peter Lang AG Cultures of Participation: Media Practices, Politics and Literacy
To speak of participation today raises a series of questions on how the presence and use of new media affect modes of social participation. From a variety of theoretical, empirical and methodological perspectives, the contributions in this volume explore participation in different social realms – from everyday life, interpersonal relationships, work and leisure activities to collective and political action. This collection demonstrates that participation is a localised notion, assuming a multitude of shapes under a variety of technological, political, socio-economic, linguistic and cultural conditions.
Peter Lang AG The Emergence of Developmental States from a New Institutionalist Perspective: A Comparative Analysis of East Asia and Central Asia
This book addresses the relevance of institutional arrangements in East Asian developmental states for the Central Asian countries. It is argued that the Central Asian transition countries share crucial similarities with the economies of East Asia. By a detailed analysis of historical developments in Northeast and Southeast Asia, a coherent and comprehensive model of the developmental state on the basis of the New Institutional Economics is developed in this book. This model is applied to Central Asia by a comparative study on the basis of semi-structured interviews that were carried out in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Both Central Asian countries show notable similarities but also crucial differences to the East Asian developmental states.
Peter Lang AG The «Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione» and the «Madonna dell’Impannata Northwick»: Two Studies on Raphael
The first volume of the series Raphael and His Time starts with a study of the Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione in its cultural contexts confronting it with the Portrait of Antonio Tebaldeo. The second contribution focuses on Raphael’s Madonna dell’Impannata, of which a new version has recently surfaced, and which is here presented as a workshop replica. Stress is laid on the technical analysis, which allows to identify the picture as a painting coming from the workshop of Raphael.
Peter Lang AG Johann Gottlieb Heineccius (1681-1741): Leben Und Werk
Peter Lang AG Die Suche Nach Den Ersten Amerikanern: Entstehung, Rezeption Und Auswirkungen Von Ursprungsideen
Peter Lang AG Die Diffusion des Humanen: Grenzregime zwischen "Leben" und "Kulturen"
Natürlich oder künstlich, biologisch oder kulturell, Zellhaufen oder schon ein Mensch – die klaren Abgrenzungen von einst sind fragwürdig geworden. Die traditionellen Antworten auf die Frage nach der Grenze des Menschen zielen auf die Stabilisierung von Differenzen entlang der Gegensatzpaare Tier/Mensch, geboren/ungeboren, gezeugt/gemacht. Diese Grenzverläufe sind brüchig geworden, seit Anthropologie und Primatologie den Kulturbegriff in Frage stellen und seit die Biowissenschaften durch ihre bislang erreichten Ergebnisse und die ihr eigenen Möglichkeiten die Grenzen zwischen Menschen und Nicht-Menschen auf vielerlei Weise verwischen. In dieser Situation der Verunsicherung reflektieren die im Band enthaltenen Beiträge die Voraussetzungen und Bedingungen der traditionellen Antworten und suchen nach Perspektiven jenseits der etablierten Disziplinengrenzen.
Peter Lang AG de l'Intercompréhension: Enjeux de la Validité Des Conditions Formelles de Communication Chez Juergen Habermas
Peter Lang AG Gender Und Macht in Der Deutschsprachigen Literatur
Peter Lang AG Der Begriff Der «Nicht Gehoerigen Erfuellung» Aus Dogmengeschichtlicher Und Rechtsvergleichender Sicht
Peter Lang AG Spanien zwischen Regionalismus und Foederalismus: Entstehung und Entwicklung des Staates der Autonomien ("Estado de las Autonomías") als historischer Prozeß
Die territoriale Organisation Spaniens, wie sie in der Verfassung vom 29. Dezember 1978 festgelegt worden ist, ist nur aus einer historischen Perspektive verständlich. Die Arbeit versucht, das Netz der komplizierten Beziehungen systematisch zu rekonstruieren, die zwischen der Entwicklung des Verfassungs- und des Landesrechts und der historischen Tradition, der Geschichte der Institutionen, der politischen Geschichte und der Ideengeschichte bestehen. Die Erkenntnis, daß die Errichtung des Staates der Autonomien (Estado de las Autonomías) das Ergebnis eines langen historischen Prozesses ist, trägt aber nicht nur zu einem wesentlich besseren Verständnis der aktuellen spanischen Verfassung und der Statuten der Autonomen Gemeinschaften bei, die sich häufig auf die Geschichte ihrer Territorien berufen und die deren alte Institutionen wiederhergestellt haben, sondern ermöglicht auch eine tiefere und genauere Analyse der gegenwärtigen gespannten Lage sowie fundiertere Prognosen über die künftige Entwicklung der territorialen Organisation Spaniens.
Peter Lang AG Froemmigkeit, Hysterie Und Schwaermerei: Wunderbare Erscheinungen Im Bayerischen Vormaerz
Peter Lang AG Academic Writing: Selected Topics in Writing an Academic Paper
The textbook concentrates on selected topics and problematic aspects in preparing a cohesive and well-organised academic paper, such as: the relation between thinking and writing, establishing arguments, using logic and appropriate language in argumentative writing. The author considers writing as thinking made visible, as thinking in slow motion, a process whereby we can inspect and reflect on what we are thinking about. Writing doesn’t simply convey thought, it also forges it. It is a two-way street, both expressing and generating ideas.
Peter Lang AG Diseases of the Aorta
The book comprehensively summarizes current knowledge on albeit uncommon, but serious aortic diseases. Until now, diseases of the aorta were part of texts from the area of internal medicine, angiology, imaging methods, vascular surgery and cardiac surgery. The importance and need for a publication with a cross-specialty reach is demonstrated in day-to-day practice. Due to the improvements in diagnostic methods and subsequent earlier diagnosis, patients with some of these aortic diseases are no longer a rarity and it is expected that with the increase in survival rates, we will be encountering them more often. A chapter on aneurysm etiology presents an overview of all etiological groups, allowing the reader to become versed in the topic, while pointing out the less known aneurysm causes.
Peter Lang AG Remote Laboratories: in Research-based education of real world phenomena
Reading the book authored by Miroslava Ožvoldová and František Schauer, there are three main characteristics to remark: science, technology and pedagogy. First of all, the book is a scientific book because it presents concepts and models of Physics. These descriptions include mathematics, formulas, etc. That is, the book can be used a Physics book. These concepts are evaluated and analyzed through remote experiments based on the technology developed in ISES. And finally, the conceptual and methodological efforts are made to improve the science pedagogy, to facilitate the obtaining of learning outcomes by the students.
Peter Lang AG Lesen Und Lesedidaktik Aus Linguistischer Perspektive
Peter Lang AG Conversion and Initiation in Antiquity: Shifting Identities – Creating Change
For decades, Arthur D. Nock’s famous definition of conversion and his distinction between conversion and adhesion have greatly influenced our understanding of individual religious transformation in the ancient world. The articles in this volume – originally presented as papers at the conference Conversion and Initiation in Antiquity (Ebeltoft, Denmark, December 2012) – aim to nuance this understanding. They do so by exploring different facets of these two phenomena in a wide range of religions in their own context and from new theoretical and empirical perspectives. The result is a compilation of many new insights into ancient initiation and conversion as well as their definitions and characteristics.
Peter Lang AG Politicizing Consumer Choice: Ethical Dimensions of Consumerism in the United States
This book investigates various forms of political and ethical consumerism in the United States and delivers a comprehensive conceptualization of the consumer’s role in the marketplace. Both aspects, the potential impact of market-based activism on corporations in America and the socio-structural dynamics that may prevent the possibility of far-reaching social change through forms of alternative consumerism, are equally important in this regard. The historical ties between politics and consumption in America, and the diminishing role of the government as a regulatory force in the market since the end of Fordism, has spawned a unique form of consumer politics directed at the corporate world. The underlying question to be answered is whether the consumer is truly a force to be reckoned with.
Peter Lang AG Higher Education Learning Outcomes Assessment: International Perspectives
This book provides higher education teachers, leaders and policymakers with insights from research on assessing students’ learning outcomes. The book is founded in research, shaped by policy, and designed to be of enduring relevance to practice. Framed by a cycle of continuous quality improvement, it begins by discussing policy contexts and research concepts. Experts discuss institutional, disciplinary, national and international case studies. Perspectives are advanced for reviewing the relevance and feasibility of assessment initiatives. The book explores what stakeholders have done to convert work on learning outcomes into improvements in education.
Peter Lang AG Israeliness in No Man’s Land: Citizenship in the West Bank of Israel/Palestine
This book is the result of ethnographic research carried out in the Academic College of Judea & Samaria (ACJS), located in the West Bank of Israel/Palestine. The book deals with Israeli citizenship and identity, and examines the ways in which it is being understood and imagined by ACJS students and teachers. The book also analyzes the Orange Zionist organizational culture of the ACJS. In the end, a new socio-political model of Israel/Palestine is offered: Israel as a Zionist Democracy.
Peter Lang AG Joining New Congregations – Motives, Ways and Consequences: A Comparative Study of New Congregations in a Norwegian Folk Church Context and a Thai Minority Context
Why do people join new congregations? How does this happen? And which consequences does this have for people’s belief and behavior? These are the main questions addressed in this comparative case study from the distinctively different contexts of Norway and Thailand. While joining a new congregation in Thailand in most cases is understood in terms of conversion, what happens in the Norwegian context is mainly referred to as a process of revitalized commitment. However, common in both contexts was that joining a new congregation implied an aspect of religious change. In order to understand this change, the author applies perspectives from contemporal conversion studies, such as Lewis R. Rambo’s typology of conversion, and from anthropological studies of change.
Peter Lang AG Change in Teaching and Learning
Several topics in contemporary educational research in Estonia have been covered in this collection. The professional identities of vocational teachers have been studied in relation to their new professional roles. Important differences in lesson planning have been found between novice and experienced teachers. A longitudinal study of the development of language competence revealed that it is important to provide students with tasks suited to their cognitive level. The metacognitive learning strategy summarizing alone explained 33% of the variation in the reading results of the 2009 PISA study between schools in Estonia. Student argumentation in state exam compositions showed differences on the basis of gender and school type.
Peter Lang AG Critical Theory and Critical Genres: Contemporary Perspectives from Poland
This book is the result of a shared conviction of the necessity to advance the international discourse on criticism. What originated in ancient curiosity and developing self-reflexion became the critical thought of the modern era and then developed into a program of constant intellectual contestation and struggle allied with various ideologies to subsequently become an integral part of post-structuralist culture theory and recently the New Humanities, also known as post-theory. The book positions itself within contemporary considerations of the theory and practice of criticism and presents texts by established and rising scholars and provides greater insights into various aspects of Polish intellectual culture during the past decades. The publication constitutes an important voice in the discussion on criticism by demonstrating the specific theoretical and pragmatic perspective of the debate in Poland in relation to Europe and the rest of the (post)modern world.
Peter Lang AG Diffusion of Renewable Energy Technologies: Private Sector Perspectives on Emerging Markets
By analysing the context of emerging and developing countries, the author explores the private sector perspective on renewable energy diffusion. The evaluation of two technology case studies, namely wind farms (grid-connected renewable energy) and solar home systems (off-grid renewable energy), reveals the perspectives of highly experienced early adopters. Thereby, qualitative and quantitative data sources – including innovative methods such as conjoint analysis – are combined. A key finding is that private sector perspectives, especially of early adopters, are highly relevant for policy makers in their endeavour of designing effective and efficient framework conditions for renewable energy technologies.
Peter Lang AG The Synonyms of «Fallen Woman» in the History of the English Language
This data-oriented study aims at providing an onomasiological account of the historical synonyms of the term fallen woman from Old English up to Early Modern English. It focuses on linguistic mechanisms which are at work in the formation of euphemisms and dysphemisms semantically linked to the conceptual category Fallen Woman. Additionally, the book highlights the historical and cultural variations in the approach to sex relations in different parts of the world and in different epochs. The cognitive methodological apparatus is the core of the analytical part of the work. The results of the axiologically oriented analysis point to the prevailing tendency of female-specific lexical items to undergo the process of pejoration with the passage of time.
Peter Lang AG Sprachenvielfalt und Sprachenlernen: Neue Wege zur Literalitaet / Language Diversity and Language Learning: New Paths to Literacy: Akten des 42. Linguistischen Kolloquiums in Rhodos 2007 / Proceedings of the 42nd Linguistics Colloquium in
Dieser Band enthält 73 Beiträge in deutscher und englischer Sprache, die während des 42. Linguistischen Kolloquiums zum Thema Sprachenvielfalt und Sprachenlernen: Neue Wege zur Literalität im September 2007 in Rhodos gehalten wurden. Autorinnen und Autoren aus Europa, Kanada, Afrika und Australien setzen sich – auch interdisziplinär – mit Fragestellungen der Linguistik, Didaktik, Übersetzungswissenschaft, des Bilingualismus oder der Bildungspolitik auseinander und beleuchten das Thema aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven. Dank dieser Vielfältigkeit ist das Spektrum der Schwerpunkte, Fragestellungen und Erkenntnisse weit gefasst und in vielfacher Hinsicht von Bedeutung für die zukünftige Forschung. This volume contains 73 contributions (written in English or German) presented at the 42nd Linguistics Colloquium held in Rhodes in September 2007 on the topic Language Diversity and Language Learning: New Paths to Literacy. Contributors from Europe, Canada, Africa and Australia address issues central to the fields of Linguistics, Language Teaching Methodology, Translation Studies, Bilingualism or Educational Policy, shedding light on the Colloquium’s topic from different perspectives and often in an interdisciplinary approach. Thanks to this diversity the spectrum of the foci, questions raised and insights gained is wide and in many respects of importance for future research.
Peter Lang AG Crisis and Sustainability: Responses from Different Positions: 14th Annual Conference of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Sofia, 7-8 October 2011
The volume contains an editorial and nine contributions to the proceedings of the 14th international conference of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Sofia University. The first part reflects on the persistent monetary, fiscal and economic crisis in the EU and other OECD countries. The second part deals with specific answers to economic challenges by municipalities and enterprises, treating clusters, NPM and M&A. In a broad sense, the third part is dedicated to sustainable development, including a theoretical, a predominantly political and a practice oriented contribution. The articles are written by authors from five nations: Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, Switzerland and the USA. In the background of each position, there is a certain national tradition; the authors use theoretical as well as empirical approaches. The volume encompasses ten figures and eleven tables.
Peter Lang AG «The first wit of the age»: Essays on Swift and his Contemporaries in Honour of Hermann J. Real
On the occasion of Hermann J. Real’s seventy-fifth birthday, this collection honours a scholar whose contagious curiosity has been dedicated to the study of Jonathan Swift’s life and works for the past four decades. The contributions cover multiple aspects of the Dean’s writings as well as a number of eighteenth-century contexts. They not only celebrate the Director of the Ehrenpreis Centre at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, the Editor of the annual Swift Studies, and the convener of six international Münster symposia on the Dean of St Patrick’s, but they also pay homage to the mentor, colleague, and friend. At the same time, they reflect the enduring vitality of Swift studies, which it has been one of Hermann J. Real’s greatest academic achievements to promote.
Peter Lang AG Friedrich Katz: Essays zu Leben und Wirken eines transnationalen Historikers - Essays on the Life and Work of a Transnational Historian
Die in diesem Band versammelten Essays sind dem Historiker und Lateinamerikanisten Friedrich Katz (1927-2010) gewidmet. Sie fußen auf einem Symposium, das im Herbst 2011 zu seinen Ehren in Wien abgehalten wurde, und vereinen unterschiedliche Perspektiven auf sein Leben und Werk. Friedrich Katz war einer der großen Sozialhistoriker zur lateinamerikanischen Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Seine Arbeiten zur Mexikanischen Revolution zählen zu den grundlegenden Werken über dieses Thema. Er verstand es, in quellenkritischer Tiefe die Besonderheiten Mexikos in die Weltgeschichte einzuschreiben. Andererseits verschlug eben diese Weltgeschichte ihn selbst als Kind von Wien über Berlin, Paris und New York nach Mexiko, nach 1945 wieder nach Wien und Ostberlin und schließlich nach Chicago. The essays collected in this volume are dedicated to the historian and Latin Americanist Friedrich Katz (1927-2010). They are based on a symposium held in his honour in Vienna in the autumn of 2011 and bring together varying perspectives of his life and work. As one of the great social historians of our time, Friedrich Katz had an encyclopaedic knowledge of the sources relevant to Latin America’s twentieth century history. His studies of the Mexican Revolution rank foremost among contributions to the field. More than anyone before he succeeded in relating the specifics of Mexico’s history to the broader processes of global history. That same global history impacted repeatedly on Katz’ own life: he was forced to leave Vienna as a child and moved with his family to Mexico, via Berlin, Paris and New York; he returned to Vienna after 1945 only to leave again for East Berlin before finally settling in Chicago.
Peter Lang AG Germany’s Creative Sector and its Impact on Employment Growth: A Theoretical and Empirical Approach to the Fuzzy Concept of Creativity: Richard Florida’s Arguments Reconsidered
The creative sector is considered to impact on employment and creative sector’s employment growth. Using a fixed effects model with time-lags, evidence is found that the creative sector fosters the growth rate of employment in German regions. Large shares of creative professionals lead to an increase in employment, but also reduce the growth rate of the creative sector. However, the growth rates are unequally distributed between the regions. Initially large shares of creative professionals further push the regional concentration of those professions in highly agglomerated regions. Driving forces for the concentration are specific characteristics, i.e. knowledge spillovers and cultural amenities. Moreover, for the evolution of the creative sector current policy strategies for the promotion of creative cities are presented.
Peter Lang AG Out of the Margins: Identity Formation in Contemporary Chicana Writings
The question of identity has been present in Chicana literature since its beginnings and the second part of the 20th century witnessed proliferation of works by Chicanas addressing this issue. Those recent works differ significantly from the earliest representations of Chicana self-definition processes. The aim of this work is to identify and describe novel approaches to Chicana identity and identity formation as presented by Denise Chávez, Sandra Cisneros, and Mona Ruiz. Therefore, the book analyzes both similarities and differences between various representations of this topic. In addition, it examines the dynamics of interaction between multiple factors influencing the processes of Chicana identity formation presented in the analyzed texts, with a particular focus on the spatial valence which has been disregarded for a long time.
Peter Lang AG Religions in the Public Spheres
The book contains articles of philosophers, theologians, and sociologists from 20 countries in Europe, America, Africa, and Asia. They describe the status of religions in different cultures and states and formulate the norms and conditions of the presence of religion in public spheres from different perspectives. There has been religious revival and a worldwide process of subjectivization and immanentization of the traditional institutional religions. This book raises questions that are particularly significant to the present-day social, cultural and political practice in a global dimension. It is intended as a companion volume for all those who combine their academic research with wider interests in the promotion of freedom and tolerance.
Peter Lang AG Neu identifizierte Textzeugen zu den Predigten Augustins