Search results for ""not a cult LLC""
not a cult LLC Landsmoder
Landsmoder, by the Salvadoran poet, historian, and performance artist Elena Salamanca, is a searing, and sometimes grotesque, exploration of the intersections between nationalism, dogma, patriarchy, and violence. Originally read aloud from the oldest standing monument in San Salvador’s centro histórico, the performance poems in Landsmoder retool the laudatory pomp of patriotic ceremony to protest the weaponization of national myth as a mask for erasure, cruelty, and neglect at the hands of the state. This unflinching collection, whose title comes from a Norwegian word that Salamanca translates as “madre de la patria” — or “mother of the nation/homeland/fatherland”— is a work of feminist grief, rage, and irony populated with churning wombs, bloodied flags, and ratteboned she-wolves. Appearing now in a bilingual edition nearly a decade after it was first performed, Landsmoder remains an urgent subversion, loud as ever, both on and off the page.
not a cult LLC hours inside out
In this debut collection, Isabella Preisz explores what it means to exist in simultaneity. Across these visceral poems, Preisz recreates moments of adolescence, sexual exploration, shame, and disassociation to examine what it means to occupy the body after violation. She fragments language to display healing as a conglomerate experience of past, present, and future remembrance. Catching language on the boundary of formation, she exposes the process of recovery as fluid as egg yolk — gooey, runny, and easily ruptured.
not a cult LLC Priestess: Second Edition
A modern book of shadows, updated for a new era.Priestess is a concept visual art book meets witch’s grimoire, filled with antidotes, spells, mantras, prose, and original art intertwined within the pages by Artist and Psychic Medium, Marcella Kroll. A biography of a witch without being a memoir, this is a modern book of shadows updated for a new era.
not a cult LLC Zigzags
When Aneesha returns to Chicago for the summer, all she wants to do is write and carouse with friends. Maybe rekindle things with her old flame, Whitney, who has a serious new job and relationship. Aneesha weaves through dance parties, dive bars, and all-night Mexican joints on her bike, but keeping old friends is complicated in this charming debut novel from Kamala Puligandla.
not a cult LLC Corazón
Corazón is a love story. It is about the constant hunger for love. It is about feeding that hunger with another person and finding that sometimes it isn't enough. Salgado creates a world in which the heart can live anywhere; her fat brown body, her parents home country, a lover, a toothbrush, a mango, or a song. It is a celebration of heartache, of how it can ruin us, but most importantly how we always survive it and return to ourselves whole.
not a cult LLC Violet in Some Places
Violet in Some Places is the life of a man enveloped in the raw, nurturing magic of matriarchs. If ever there was a guide toward masculine vulnerability, power through listening, a rosetta stone for empathy— it is here in the silky, poetic prose beautifully woven throughout this empowering collection from Cebo Campbell.
not a cult LLC Birthday Girl
Sheila J. Sadr’s poetry is only the most visible manifestation of her creative drive. As an educator and therapist-in-training, she is deeply grounded in her local community and the poetry world of Southern California. That same restorative energy animates her debut collection Birthday Girl, winner of the 2018 Stories Award for Poetry. In this healing probe into femininity, Sheila J. Sadr questions and reinvents gender expectations as skillfully as poetic forms. This book is for anyone engaged in the strange survival of themselves and others, and it’s also a beautiful addition to a new tradition of Iranian-American poetry alongside writers like Kaveh Akbar, Anis Mojgani, and Solmaz Sharif. It’s a joy to bring Sheila J. Sadr’s poems to a larger audience, but given her determination, we know that this book would exist if she had to pulp the paper herself.
not a cult LLC Decompose
Our life contains several lives as well as several deaths; we attempt to understand these little rebirths through poetry. decompose explores pruning our past to make room for future growth; the expanse we are offered through the crush of heartbreak, discovering family beyond our original home, finding new meaning in our own name - S. Fey picks these timeless themes like roses from a flourishing garden to compose a thorny and succulent bouquet of living, loss, and rebirth throughout the rejuvenating pages of their debut poetry collection.
not a cult LLC Grocery List Poems
LONG LISTED FOR THE 2021 POETRY BOOK AWARDThe second full-length title to award-winning poet and former Youth Poet Laureate of Los Angeles Rhiannon McGavin.If the word stanza means “room,” then this book is an orchard. Former Youth Poet Laureate of Los Angeles, Rhiannon McGavin crafts poems with scraps of the everyday, from dream diaries to postcards. She integrates the facts of daily life into lyric verse, switching out traditional forms easily as trying on new sweaters. Led by emotions “real as the mosaic air between screen and projector,” McGavin explores what it means to become your own calendar.
not a cult LLC Notes on Shapeshifting
Abrāo’s work has been described by The Outline as “an existential funhouse of familiar thoughts” that “publicly grapples with pillars of its own existence within the influencer economy.” Alongside The Outline, her work has been featured in publications such as The Atlantic, Dazed, The Harvard Crimson, and The Face, among others. In response to Abrāo’s work, Dazed Magazine wrote, “Gabi debunks the myth that wellness is the preserve of the privileged, and in doing so hands it back to the masses,” and Notes on Shapeshifting is a reminder that we are agents of the change that we seek. Gabi Abrāo’s Notes on Shapeshifting is an ode to existing in physical form, fully aware of the changing energy that flows through every aspect of it. As Abrāo writes, “tapping into the ether body to take a break from the demands of the earth body, / making peace with ephemerality, / lightness, / shapeshifting”. Throughout this collection, you are invited to travel through various states; pure infatuation to heartbreak, confidence to defeat, from a skepticism for living to a full-on trust in it. And Notes on Shapeshifting yearns to soothe and arouse along the way.
not a cult LLC A Study of Hands
A Study of Hands is an attempt to remove male intimacy from its sheath. It is an incision into Bodney's romantic relationships, and his evolving relationship with his father. It is the peeling of layers from experiences of love and abuse with men, and how that has translated into the ways Bodney communicates vulnerability. It is a reconstruction of safety while navigating a revolution of identity, survival, and love all at once.
not a cult LLC Saolomea, Saolomea!
A mentally challenged mother and her young son navigate their way through tumultuous waters to survive the ordained Gods of a city of angels. Envisioned as a social thriller, narrated by the protagonists of a ragtag world, where 'The Spirits' are real humans and humans are spirits fighting to survive. Saolomea, Saolomea! is the story of who these 'Spirits' are, - that one would call 'monsters', 'creatures' etc... but really are more like Gods; and how they handle a single mother working to outlive the reality of worlds in deadly competitions.
not a cult LLC Colors
"The most elegant of all art critic cowboys” —Spike Art MagazineColor beams at us from the everyday, but within each of the ten million shades are hidden our best and worst stories. Colors is a collection of lush short stories about the many different shades that make up our lives. Berardini guides us through a spectrum of vignettes, weaving inspiration from Calvino’s Invisible Cities and Bowie’s Sound and Vision, arriving at color’s fundamental intersection with who we are and how we live.
not a cult LLC Well Played
This book began as an answer to power. In the face of the undeniable, it became a reckoning. Of the lies that are lived to feel belonging. Of the lies that are told to hide shame. Of the lies that are believed to remain within illusions. Well Played is a warning to the present, a welcoming of the truth, and a poet working to earn a way beyond power.
not a cult LLC Tesoro
Tesoro is a story of family, survival, and the formative power of the women in Salgado's life. It is a telling of the balance between love and perseverance. Tesoro is an unearthing of the sacred connections that make a person whole; the treasure we forever keep with us when we learn from those we love, when we mourn those we've lost, and what grows in between.
not a cult LLC Philosophy, Pussycats, & Porn
Philosophy, Pussycats, & Porn is a series of essays, blog posts, and stories surveying more than a decade of poignant journalistic accounts from internationally recognized writer, actor, and pornographer Stoya.Stoya provides crucial examinations of systemic biases toward sex workers and how sexuality is reflected in society. She often points her journalistic lens inward, providing us with personal, illustriously detailed stories of her life, her collaborators, and ow she has built a flourishing media haven in the face of a culture that is still learning how to handle public discourses on sex work.
not a cult LLC Hermosa
WINNER, THE JUAN FELIPE HERRERA BEST POETRY BOOK AWARD OF THE 2020 INTERNATIONAL LATINO BOOK AWARDSHermosa is the path to becoming one’s own home. A thread pulled when Salgado thinks about who she is and who she has been. Beyond the survival, grief, and fight, Hermosa lives in the small moments hidden beneath it all. A journey of firsts, of mistakes, of celebrations, of the love, the crush, the disaster, the rebuilding, and the never-ending cycle of growth.
not a cult LLC Dear Sal
Inspired by Lanford Wilson’s play Talley’s Folly, Jeremy Radin’s Dear Sal is a series of epistolary meditations on loneliness, longing, the Jewish diaspora, bewilderment, divinity, and love. Radin’s second collection lays bare a life lived in romantic exile, using the play’s events—one year after a brief but passionate affair, a man returns to a deserted boathouse on his beloved’s family property in order to offer himself to her—as the foundation for a mystifying interior stage, populated by a cast of eccentrics, upon which a man must wrestle, each moment, with his own unremitting desire.
not a cult LLC From Rufio to Zuko: Fire Nation Edition
From Rufio to Zuko is a personal examination of the upbringing, culture, and work of Dante Basco. Basco ruminates on the formative power of his Filipino-American heritage, his family, the dynamics that evolved throughout his career, and his experiences behind playing a couple of America's most popular characters.From Rufio to Zuko is a memoir detailing the life and work of Dante Basco. Basco takes us behind the scenes of his earliest projects, sharing personal examinations of his life on the set of Hook, through his second rise as a cultural icon as Zuko in Avatar: The Last Airbender. Throughout his career as a 'working class' actor of Filipino heritage, Basco shares how his family and culture play a crucial role in the foundation of his work and his focus for the future.
not a cult LLC From Rufio to Zuko: Lost Boys Edition
From Rufio to Zuko is a personal examination of the upbringing, culture, and work of Dante Basco. Basco ruminates on the formative power of his Filipino-American heritage, his family, the dynamics that evolved throughout his career, and his experiences behind playing a couple of America's most popular characters.
not a cult LLC How to Pull Apart the Earth
FINALIST OF THE 2020 INTERNATIONAL LATINO BOOK AWARDSWINNER OF THE 2019 SAN DEIGO BOOK AWARDSAWARD-WINNING FINALIST IN THE POETRY CATEGORY OF 2019 INTERNATIONAL BOOK AWARDSHow to Pull Apart the Earth is an homage to the intrinsic thread that weaves the culture of Mexico together with the United States, and the echo of colonization that works to erase it. Cordero skillfully exemplifies the complexity & beauty of growing up in a borderland, and the sacrifices paid for the dream.