Search results for ""national association for the education of young children""
National Association for the Education of Young Children This is Play: Environments and Interactions that Engage Infants and Toddlers
Slow down, tune in, and discover the very purposeful play of infants and toddlers. Addressing considerations like choosing interesting materials, setting up safe and inviting environments, and why you are the most important element of play for very young children, the authors come alongside to help you Better understand what play means for infants and toddlers Read children’s cues and respond to their needs for more challenge, a break from interaction, or a play partner Support children’s physical, social and emotional, language, and cognitive development Adapt the way you play with children and what materials you offer based on individual abilities, interests, and needs Look at toddler behavior in new ways and use proven strategies to help children navigate play situations with peers This book is a delightful, easy read, full of insights like how to provide play choices for even very young children and why sportscasting is not just for TV but for infant and toddler classrooms, too. With its spot-on ideas and delightful anecdotes, you’ll gain a new appreciation for infants’ and toddlers’ competence and curiosity and how important your role is in the birth-to-3 adventure.This is play for very young children and for you. Come and explore.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Basics of Assessment: A Primer for Early Childhood Professionals
Assessment of children's abilities and knowledge, their approaches to learning, and their strengths, needs, and interests is expected in most early childhood programs. However, many early childhood educators are unsure of how to assess young children's development and learning. This straightforward book will help increase understanding of child assessment, including its specialized and often confusing vocabulary. Focusing on children's development and learning, the authors provide an overview of basic assessment concepts. Speaking a shared language of assessment will help early childhood professionals communicate better with other teachers, specialists, administrators, and parents.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Hear Our Voices!: Engaging in Partnerships that Honor Families
Listening to All Families Matters Families are their children’s first teachers. Early childhood educators know this, but what does it mean in practice? Participation, involvement, and engagement are only the first steps toward the true goal: reciprocal family partnerships. Discover how to move beyond inviting families to program events or connecting them to resources and instead recognize them as experts who meaningfully contribute to children’s learning and development. Based on over two decades of research by the author, this resource Establishes why reciprocal family partnerships are essential within the contexts of child development theories, developmentally appropriate practice, and anti-bias education Analyzes the important role that using a strengths-based approach plays in successfully building long-lasting relationships and partnerships Provides practical strategies and activities to help teachers and administrators examine and improve their practices for partnering with families Uplifts the authentic feelings and words of a diverse breadth of families Families have voices that are waiting to be heard—it’s time to listen.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Focus on Developmentally Appropriate Practice: Equitable and Joyful Learning in Preschool
What Does Developmentally Appropriate Practice Look Like in a Preschool Classroom? If you’ve ever wondered how effective teachers actually do DAP, this is the book for you. Here, you can peek into classrooms to see teachers making intentional decisions in the six key areas of practice that form the six guidelines for DAP in action: 1. Building a community of learners where everyone is welcomed and supported to grow 2. Facilitating respectful partnerships with families 3. Observing, assessing, and documenting children’s development and learning 4. Using teaching strategies that enhance learning for each child 5. Implementing curriculum tied to meaningful learning goals 6. Demonstrating professionalism You’ll discover More about what each guideline means for preschool teaching Chapters that showcase articles from Young Children and Teaching Young Children—plus brand-new content—illustrating excellent teaching strategies related to each guideline Examples you can model, adapt, and implement in your own practice Your teaching will be richer and deeper, and children’s learning will flourish!
National Association for the Education of Young Children Teaching with Technology: Developmentally Appropriate Strategies for Early Childhood Educators
Helping Children Create, Collaborate, and Communicate—with Technology Children are growing up with technologies as part of their daily lives at home and in school. For educators, it is important to understand how to use technologies to promote learning in developmentally appropriate ways. This book helps you make thoughtful, informed decisions that will enhance what you are already doing to support children’s learning. Learn how to Use technologies in ways that build on, not detract from, the learning children gain through play Introduce technologies using a gradual release of responsibility model Foster children’s storytelling, reflection, early coding skills, and more Use technologies to enrich your partnerships with families and invite them into the classroom community Work with colleagues to develop a digital culture that supports the program’s goals With the guidance in this book, you’ll be able to evaluate technologies and understand how to put them to their best uses in your program.
National Association for the Education of Young Children The Young Child and Mathematics, Third Edition
Tap into the Power of Child-Led Math Teaching and Learning Winner of the 2022 Excel Silver Award for Technical Book. Everything a child does has mathematical value—these words are at the heart of this completely revised and updated third edition of The Young Child and Mathematics. Grounded in current research, this classic book focuses on how teachers working with children ages 3 to 6 can find and build on the math inherent in children’s ideas in ways that are playful and intentional. This resource · Illustrates through detailed vignettes how math concepts can be explored in planned learning experiences as well as informal spaces · Highlights in-the-moment instructional decision-making and child–teacher interactions that meaningfully and dynamically support children in making math connections · Provides an overview of what children know about counting and operations, spatial relations, measurement and data, and patterns and algebra · Offers examples of informal documentation and assessment approaches that are embedded within classroom practice Deepen your understanding of how math is an integral part of your classroom all day, every day. Includes online video!
National Association for the Education of Young Children Powerful Interactions: How to Connect with Children to Extend Their Learning, Second Edition
In early childhood settings, children and teachers interact all day long. The benefits to everyone—teachers and children—are enormous when even some of those everyday interactions become intentional and purposeful Powerful Interactions! In step one of a Powerful Interaction, Be Present, you pause to tune in to how you are feeling and consider how you might need to adjust to create a “just-right” fit with a child. In step two, Connect, you let that child know that you see her; are interested in what she is doing, saying, and thinking; and want to spend time with her. Deepening your relationship this way helps the child feel safe, confident, and open to learning. Staying connected and observant helps you make good decisions in step three. In step three, Extend Learning, you make use of your strong connection with the child to stretch her knowledge, skills, thinking, or language and vocabulary just a bit. Now revised and updated, this reflective guide contains everything you need to understand what Powerful Interactions are, how to make them happen, and why they are so important in increasing children’s learning and your effectiveness as a teacher. Whether you work in a child care center or family child care setting, Early Head Start or Head Start program, or a public pre-K or primary classroom, you make a difference in the lives of children and families—and Powerful Interactions can make that difference even bigger.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Embracing Math: Cultivating a Mindset for Exploring and Learning
Enhance your own comfort level with math in order to develop and implement a rich math program through the lens of emergent learning while increasing children’s interest, confidence, and success in mathematics. This book provides a strong pedagogical discussion with relevant, easy-to-implement examples of how to cultivate a learning space for complex exploratory math learning without textbooks or worksheets. Be inspired to reflect upon your curriculum through a mathematical lens and to see the potential for math learning in all aspects of your program. Educators will easily relate to this collection of math-related topics told from the perspective of a teacher who was initially nervous about her ability to teach math to young children and her journey to becoming a more confident teacher of math.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Expressing Creativity in Preschool
What every preschool teacher needs! Filled with practical strategies and useful information on art, music and movement, and dramatic play, this book offers: Learning center ideas Engaging activities Practical suggestions that are easy to implement Ideas that support the development and learning of every preschooler Children’s book recommendations This excellent resource of engaging learning experiences for preschoolers was developed for you by the editors of Teaching Young Children.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Experiencing Nature With Young Children: Awakening Delight, Curiosity, and a Sense of Stewardship
There’s a whole world outdoors waiting to embrace young children—with their curiosity, imagination, and enthusiasm—and to impart its treasures. Experiencing Nature With Young Children invites you to explore this world with children from birth to age 8 in ways that will: Awaken their enjoyment and appreciation of nature Nurture their emotional development Enhance their cognitive growth Spark their creativity Help them discover how we all—people, animals, plants—are connected Engage families and communities in preserving nature Part ballad to nature, part irresistible invitation to teachers, this book will awaken and renew your own joy in nature—and move you to experience it with young children.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Big Body Play: Why Boisterous, Vigorous, and Very Physical Play Is Essential to Children's Development and Learning
Drawing from evidence-based practice and the latest research, this book explains the multitude of benefits of big body play for young children's social-emotional, cognitive, and physical development. Also learn how to organize the physical environment, set rules and policies, and supervise the play.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Our Inquiry, Our Practice: Undertaking, Supporting, and Learning from Early Childhood Teacher Research(ers)
Through teacher research, teachers engage in the systematic study of their own practice to answer questions they have about teaching and learning, and their own effectiveness. This book explores: What teacher research in early childhood settings looks like Why it is important to the field of early childhood education How teacher educators can support it
National Association for the Education of Young Children From Survive to Thrive: A Director's Guide for Leading an Early Childhood Program
A resource for directors and administrators of early childhood programs serving children from birth to age 5. The topics, frameworks, and strategies covered create a foundation for those new to the role, but directors at all levels of experience and serving in a variety of settings will find the practical tips and strategies discussed in this book useful.
National Association for the Education of Young Children From Play to Practice: Connecting Teachers' Play to Children's Learning
How do we help teachers deepen their understanding of the importance of play? How do we strengthen teachers’ ability to skillfully and intentionally guide children’s learning through play? When teachers engage in creative, open-ended play experiences, they learn firsthand the power of play. They also become more knowledgeable about the purposeful use of materials and intentional teaching strategies they can use to help children engage in open-ended play.From Play to Practice describes how and why play is important. The play workshop experiences for educators that are outlined in the book help teachers understand and promote play-based learning as part of developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood programs. Journal reflections of play participants, along with photos from play workshops, illustrate the power of play to change professional and personal lives.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Spotlight on Young Children and Nature
Nature exploration is fundamental to young children’s curiosity, discovery, and sense of wonder—it supports their growth in all developmental domains. In this collection of engaging articles from NAEYC’s journal Young Children, teachers of children from infancy through age 8 will learn about using nature education to address early learning standards, to involve families and the community, and to encourage children’s appreciation of the natural world. The book offers a comprehensive resource list and a professional development guide with questions and activities to help readers reflect on current practices and incorporate new ones.
National Association for the Education of Young Children The Block Book
This expanded and updated classic helps teachers discover exciting possibilities for block play. It details the rich contributions of blocks to creative and dramatic play as well as to science, math, social studies, and other learning domains. Includes practical tips for equipping and organizing the block area, plus a chapter on large blocks.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Coaching with Powerful Interactions Second Edition
From the authors of the bestselling book Powerful Interactions comes a guide crafted especially for coaches and all professionals supporting the work of early childhood teachers. When the quality of interactions improves, relationships become deeper and stronger, which in turn leads to more effective learning and growth. Taking the three-step Powerful Interactions framework—originally created to enhance the interactions between children and their teachers—this resource applies it to the interactions between teachers and coaches. This new edition offers Coaching principles, strategies, and stories to inspire and motivate your practice Insights about developing a strengths-based coaching stance Information and ideas for building respectful, trusting relationships that evolve into mutual learning partnerships You can set in motion ripples of positive change that extend to teachers and, ultimately, to young children and their families.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Education for a Civil Society: Teaching for Five Democratic Life Skills, Revised Edition
Learning to Work Cooperatively and Respectfully with Others Democratic life skills are skills that enable all of us—children and adults alike—to be caring, thoughtful members of families, schools, communities, and societies. But these emotional and social skills don’t just happen. Teachers and families support and nudge young children toward them, using guidance techniques that calm and teach. Completely updated and revised, the second edition of this classic resource provides relatable anecdotes and practical strategies for teachers to understand Why building secure relationships with children and families is so important—and eight communication practices to build them How viewing misbehavior as mistaken behavior allows you to focus on helping a child learn better ways to meet their needs When and how to use specific guidance practices to promote children’s healthy personal development and social cooperation How an encouraging learning community helps everyone move toward achieving their potential Whether you’re a veteran teacher or just embarking on your teaching journey, you’ll find what you need in this book to provide young children with a solid foundation for their—and society’s—future.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Healthy Young ChildrenSixth Edition
Now more than ever, the health and safety of children requires the collaboration of educators, program administrators, healthcare professionals, communities, and families. Understanding children’s health; creating, implementing, and following sound health and safety policies and procedures; and learning to treat and respond to health concerns and emergencies are critical to the success of every early learning program. Developed by pediatric physicians, healthcare providers, and early childhood educators, the fully revised sixth edition of Healthy Young Children focuses on how education and healthcare professionals can work with children and families to promote physical and mental health and provide safe and healthy environments.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Media Literacy for Young Children: Teaching Beyond the Screen Time Debates: Teaching Beyond the Screen Time Debates
Midwest Book Review calls this book a " seminal and groundbreaking instructional guide [that] is an essential and substantive contribution that should be a part of every professional, school district, college, and academic library Early Child Education and Media Literacy collections and supplemental curriculum studies lists." It's also a Spring 2023 Smart Book winner from the Academics' Choice Awards.Media literacy is about wonder and imagination, questioning and learning, thinking and reflecting! Media Literacy for Young Children: Teaching Beyond the Screen Time Debates is about all these things, and more importantly, it is about how early childhood educators and professionals can prepare children for their digital future. This book is a first-of-its-kind guide for pre-service and currently practicing teachers and child care professionals looking for pedagogically sound and developmentally appropriate ways to help today’s children navigate their media-rich world with confidence, curiosity, and critical thinking. Detailed descriptions of media literacy competencies, along with dozens of activities, strategies, and tips designed for children ages 2–7, demonstrate how to integrate foundational skills, knowledge, and dispositions into existing routines as well as experiment with new lessons. By examining media through a literacy lens, this book will show you ways to · Use inquiry and media-making to teach children about media · Plan activities to engage children in meaningful media discussions · Engage with families about the importance of media literacy education for young children · Address media concerns with joy and creativity rather than anxiety or fear . . . and much more!
National Association for the Education of Young Children Spotlight on Young Children: Exploring Play
How can you support children’s play, which is an essential part of development and learning? Play helps children learn to understand themselves and get along with others; explore their environment; investigate science, math, and literacy; learn about their communities; and much more.Use the articles in this collection that emphasize the importance of play—from infancy through the primary grades—to support and scaffold children’s play and connect play to learning.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Day to Day the Relationship Way: Creating Responsive Programs for Infants and Toddlers
This resource highlights the wonder of infants’ and toddlers’ development, learning, and loving capabilities. The authors describe how very young children eagerly engage with teachers and the environment to gain a sense of self and self-worth; of belonging, relating to others in healthy ways; communicate easily and effectively; act on their ideas; problem-solve; and move successfully. The book describes how teachers support both development and learning with relationship-based interactions and program planning as well as provide young children the protection, affection, and emotional connections they need to thrive. Throughout, the authors address the teacher’s critical role in reflecting, observing, and facilitating learning; working with families; and creating supportive environments and responsive learning opportunities.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Big Questions for Young Minds: Extending Children's Thinking
Questions are powerful tools, especially in the classroom. Asking rich, thoughtful questions can spark young children’s natural curiosity and illuminate a whole new world of possibility and insight. But what are “big” questions, and how do they encourage children to think deeply? With this intentional approach—rooted in Bloom’s Taxonomy—teachers working with children ages 3 through 6 will discover how to meet children at their individual developmental levels and stretch their thinking. Featuring contributions from respected names in the field, this bookOffers a foundation for using high-level questions in preschool and kindergarten interest areasProvides tips for getting started and examples of questions at each of the six levels of questioningExplores the use of high-level questions during daily classroom routines and in a variety of contextsRecommends picture books that support the use of high-level questionsIncludes an extensive resource section for teachers and familiesWith the guidance in this book as a cornerstone in your day-to-day teaching practices, learn how to be more intentional in your teaching, scaffold children’s learning, and promote deeper understanding.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Rituals and Traditions: Fostering a Sense of Community in Preschool
Rituals and traditions have the power to shape classroom routines into times that build meaningful connections and bonds among children, families, and teachers, creating a sense of community and a positive learning environment. This book includes examples and practical information about developing rituals and traditions in your classroom or preschool program.
National Association for the Education of Young Children The Intentional Teacher: Choosing the Best Strategies for Young Children's Learning
How do pre-schoolers learn and develop? What are the best ways to support learning in the early years? This revised edition of The Intentional Teacher guides teachers to balance both child-guided and adult-guided learning experiences that respond to children’s interests and focus on what they need to learn to be successful in school and life.This edition includes: New chapters on science, social studies, and approaches to learning Updated, expanded information on social and emotional development, physical development and health, language and literacy, math, and the creative arts Practical teaching strategies that are illustrated with classroom-based anecdotes Intentional teaching does not happen by chance. This book will help teachers apply their knowledge of children and of content to make thoughtful, intentional use of both child-guided and adult-guided experiences. Co-published with HighScope Press.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Making and Tinkering With STEM: Solving Design Challenges With Young Children
Can you build a sturdy house that is safe from the big, bad wolf?Imagine your dream car. What special features does it have? What can you use to create it?Teaching and learning STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) is more accessible than ever before! Children will be inspired, delighted, and challenged as they use everyday materials and STEM concepts to design and build solutions to problems faced by characters in their favorite books. This practical, hands-on resource includes: 25 engineering design challenges appropriate for children ages 3–8 Suggestions for creating a makerspace environment where children can tinker with materials, use tools to make creations, and improve on their ideas A list of 100 picture books that encourage STEM-rich exploration and learning Questions and ideas for expanding children’s understanding of STEM concepts A planning template so you can create your own design challenges Use engaging children’s books together with the guidance and ideas in this book to extend children’s problem-solving skills and creative thinking.
National Association for the Education of Young Children The Essentials: Dual Language Learners in Diverse Environments in Preschool and Kindergarten
This book is for early childhood educators who work or will work with the growing number of dual language learners, within the age range of three to five in family home centers, private preschool centers, Head Start classrooms, or state funded preschool and kindergarten programs. General education teachers, bilingual teachers, English as a second language teachers, and special education specialists will find the information useful. Instructional leaders, such as program directors and administrators, who work with children in preschool and kindergarten, will also find the information beneficial as they develop partnerships with families and colleagues.This book answers the question what do early childhood educators need to understand to better address the linguistic, cognitive, and socio-emotional needs of all DLLs in their classrooms? The majority of the teachers in dual language programs with Spanish and English-dominant speakers learn academic content in two languages. It is through this lens that the authors have approached the writing of this text. There are however, over 350 languages spoken within the U.S (U.S. Census, 2015). This means emergent bilingual children come from a variety of cultural and linguistic backgrounds. While teachers cannot be expected to teach in all languages, the basic principles of this book help teachers gain a richer understanding of the interdependent relationship among culture, language, and learning. With this understanding, teachers can implement intentional practices that nurture children’s bilingual identities and augment their growth in all developmental domains through the concepts and strategies presented in this text.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Exploring Math and Science in Preschool
What every preschool teacher needs! Filled with practical strategies and useful information on math and science, this book offers: Learning center ideas Engaging activities Practical suggestions that are easy to implement Ideas that support the development and learning of every preschooler Children’s book recommendations This excellent resource of engaging learning experiences for preschoolers was developed for you by the editors of Teaching Young Children.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Focus on Developmentally Appropriate Practice
What Does Developmentally Appropriate Practice Look Like in an Infant and Toddler Program? If you’ve ever wondered how effective teachers actually do DAP with very young children, this is the book for you. Here, you can peek into classrooms to see teachers making intentional decisions in key areas of practice. These areas form the six guidelines for DAP in action:1. Building a community where everyone is welcomed and supported to grow 2. Facilitating reciprocal partnerships with families 3. Observing, assessing, and documenting children’s development and learning 4. Using teaching strategies that enhance learning for each child 5. Implementing curriculum tied to meaningful learning goals 6. Demonstrating professionalism You’ll discover More about what each guideline means for working with infants and toddlers and their families Chapters that showcase article
National Association for the Education of Young Children Transforming Teaching: Creating Lesson Plans for Child-Centered Learning in Preschool
The goal of this book is to help teachers assess where they are in their current teaching goals and become more intentional and organized in planning. Teachers can begin with tools they already have and build on previous activities that worked well. Great lesson planning helps teachers to choose a range of strategies that match what children are learning and doing —from directed mini-lessons to facilitated group activities. Each chapter provides a wealth of tips and ideas. The strategies discussed in each chapter helps build a toolbox with tips that match each teacher’s approach.Child-centered lesson planning provides a system to strengthen teaching. In each chapter contains step-by-step hints and action steps to make the most of your unique setting. You will explore new ways to: Build on early learning guidelines and standards to maximize planning and communication. Identify learning goals for materials, activities, routines, and interactions. Design dramatic play themes that relate to daily life, families, cultures, and communities. Infuse vocabulary to scaffold language development. Support executive function skills and self-regulation. Activate emotion coaching goals. Evaluate and adapt spaces and materials to address physical needs. Meet the linguistic and social needs of dual language learners. Prepare meaningful and stimulating cognitive experiences. Connect content skills, language, and literacy to dramatic play. Integrate family engagement as a strength and asset for development and learning. Communicate effectively with colleagues to ensure high-quality learning experiences.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Families and Educators Together: Building Great Relationships that Support Young Children
Home–school relationships have always been a cornerstone of children’s success and well-being. But cultivating positive, supportive partnerships between educators and families is an ongoing process, one that requires reciprocal respect and communication to grow. Use the practical information and ideas in this book to develop and embed a culture of family engagement in all aspects of your early childhood program, from curriculum planning to addressing children’s individual needs, by Creating a welcoming environment for families Providing many ways for families to engage in the program and their children’s learning Ensuring two-way communication and addressing communication challenges Building on learning opportunities families already provide at home Supporting diverse home languages and cultures Collaborating on community-wide efforts Packed with strategies, resources, and examples from early childhood programs, this book illustrates numerous ways to engage families in your early childhood community so that together, families + educators = thriving children.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Spotlight on Young Children Observation and Assessment Volume 2
Meaningful, developmentally appropriate observation and assessment are core components of every early learning setting. In today’s world of data collection, high-stakes testing, and accountability, it is vitally important to understand how to effectively assess young children in familiar settings; use this data to inform the curriculum; and communicate this information with staff, families, and communities. Carrying on the work of the first volume of Spotlight on Young Children: Observation and Assessment,
National Association for the Education of Young Children Preschoolers at Play: Choosing the Right Stuff for Learning and Development
Early childhood educators know how important it is to choose the right materials to include in your preschool classroom. There are so many options, and often your budget won’t stretch cover everything you’d like to include. With this guide, discover ideas for both familiar and new play materials and how they not only support the cognitive, physical, and social and emotional development of children ages 3 to 5 but also meet the diverse needs of individual children. With a thoughtful selection of appropriate materials, you can enhance the quality of your classroom and create an accessible, inclusive, and equity-based environment that makes all children feel welcome.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Infants and Toddlers at Play: Choosing the Right Stuff for Learning and Development
Early childhood educators know how important it is to choose the right materials to include in your infant and toddler program. There are so many options, and often your budget won’t stretch cover everything you’d like to include. With this guide, discover ideas for both familiar and new play materials and how they not only support the cognitive, physical, and social and emotional development of children from birth to age 3 but also meet the diverse needs of individual children. With a thoughtful selection of appropriate materials, you can enhance the quality of your program and create an accessible, inclusive, and equity-based environment that makes all children feel welcome.
National Association for the Education of Young Children The Essentials: Providing High-Quality Family Child Care
Helpful information for all family child care providers including: Tips and strategies to help develop and manage a well-organized business Ways to maximize dual-use spaces and enhance learning materials and routines Guidelines and tips to help balance home and professional needs Creative ideas to boost children’s learning Practical information to help you build positive and meaningful relationships with families Expand your knowledge and skills to meet the needs of children and their families.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Spotlight on Young Children: Equity and Diversity
A collection of YC articles that highlights advancing equity and diversity in early childhood education. Tied to the forthcoming position statement on equity and diversity, this collection includes articles focused on self-reflection to recognize implicit bias, strategies to create equitable learning opportunities for all children, and advocacy.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Teaching the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct: A Resource Guide
Full of engaging, effective ways to introduce the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct and explore real-life, thorny ethical issues that face early childhood educators. Includes tools and techniques that the aughtors developed through their extensive experience teaching about ethics and the NAEYC Code.Companion resource the Ethics and the Early Childhood Educator: Using the NAEYC Code, Second Edition.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Nurturing Creativity: An Essential Mindset for Young Children's Learning
Creativity is a cornerstone of complex, unconventional thinking, and developing creativity begins at a young age. With this book, early childhood teachers will discover how to tap into and scaffold children’s natural curiosity and creative abilities.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Developmentally Appropriate Practice: Focus on Children in First, Second, and Third Grades
Edited and compiled just for teachers, this resource explains developmentally appropriate practice (DAP) so teachers can apply DAP in their work with children in first, second, and third grades. Chapters include: What Is Developmentally Appropriate Practice? A brief introduction to the main ideas of DAP Teaching Children in First, Second, and Third Grades Connecting DAP to excellent teaching An Overview of Development in the Primary Grades Overview of learning and development in first, second, and third grades Developmentally Appropriate Examples to Consider Examples of key DAP practices, as well as contrasting practices that are less likely to serve children well Supporting Children’s Learning While Meeting Standards Connecting the standards to DAP Young Children Articles Ten articles from Young Children that provide examples of applying developmentally appropriate practice when working with children in first, second, and third grades.
National Association for the Education of Young Children The Great Outdoors: Advocating for Natural Spaces for Young Children
New delights and opportunities for learning await each time children venture outdoors. This updated and expanded edition of The Great Outdoors will inspire teachers to make it possible for children to spend more time outdoors, have safe environments, and be free to learn through exploration.Each chapter ends with action items to improve children’s access to safe, clean, and interesting places in your community and is packed with resource ideas for further exploration. The Great Outdoors will enable you take up the challenge to advocate for enticing outdoor spaces for children.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Spotlight on Young Children and Social Studies
When engaged in social studies, with guidance and encouragement from adults, children develop awareness of self and family and become active participants in the larger community. The knowledge and skills learned through social studies prepare children to become informed and engaged citizens of their country and the world.In this collection of articles from Young Children and Beyond the Journal, experts discuss the historic roots of the social studies field, explain how quality books can help children understand themselves and others, and provide many examples of teachers and children engaged in meaningful social studies. The book includes a list of key resources as well as questions and activities designed to aid readers in reflecting on the articles.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Literacy Learning for Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers: Key Practices for Educators
Spring 2023 Smart Book winners from the Academics' Choice Awards Literacy Learning begins at birth and continues throughout our lives! Birth to age 5 is a critical period in building the foundation for later success in reading and writing. Educators play a vital role in nurturing young children’s early language and literacy knowledge and skills. However, the specific practices that support literacy development in early childhood are often different than those used with older children. From some of the foremost early literacy development experts in the field comes this practical resource that is a must-have for all educators of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Using eight key practices—Knowing, Showing, Designing, Including, Engaging, Explaining, Observing, and Responding—as the framework, the authors discuss how educators can support five important areas of young children’s early literacy development: Language and knowledge Print concepts Sounds and letters Writing Text comprehension A range of features highlights information about these areas and practices, including the latest research findings, recommended resources, tips for integrating technology into play and learning, and more. With this book, explore how to create effective, appropriate, and fun learning opportunities for our littlest literacy learners.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Anti-Bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves, Second Edition
Becoming a skilled anti-bias teacher is a journey. With this volume’s practical guidance, you’ll grow in your ability to identify, confront, and eliminate barriers of prejudice, misinformation, and bias about specific aspects of personal and social identity. Most important, you’ll find tips for helping staff and children learn to respect each other, themselves, and all people. Over the last three decades, educators across the nation and around the world have gained a wealth of knowledge and experience in anti-bias work. The result is a richer and more nuanced articulation of what is important in anti-bias education. Revolving around four core goals—identity, diversity, justice, and activism—individual chapters focus on culture and language, racial identity, family structures, gender identity, economic class, different abilities, and more.
National Association for the Education of Young Children From Children's Interests to Children's Thinking: Using a Cycle of Inquiry to Plan Curriculum
Learn how to connect your curriculum planning to children’s interests and thinking. With this book, educators will discover a systematic way for using documentation to design curriculum that emerges from children’s inquiries, what they wonder, and what they want to understand. Get strategies for designing a classroom environment at the start of the year to facilitate emergent inquiry curriculum. Each chapter guides teachers to document and reflect on their thinking through each of the five phases of a cycle of inquiry process, including observing, interpreting the meaning of the play they see, and developing questions to engage children.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Serious Fun: How Guided Play Extends Children's Learning
Guided play is a powerful tool educators can use to help preschoolers and kindergartners learn essential knowledge and skills in the context of playful situations. Apply the information, strategies, and ideas in this book to: Provide content-rich, joyful learning experiences Balance child-guided and adult-guided play Set up play environments with learning goals in mind Offer suggestions and questions during play to prompt children’s reflection and deeper learning Young children’s natural curiosity and dynamic imaginations can lead to exciting and meaningful learning opportunities. Discover how to provide guided play experiences along with opportunities for unstructured play to support children’s knowledge in key areas and their lifelong enjoyment and pursuit of learning.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Learning About Language and Literacy in Preschool
What every preschool teacher needs! Filled with practical strategies and useful information on language and literacy, this book offers: Learning center ideas Engaging activities Practical suggestions that are easy to implement Ideas that support the development and learning of every preschooler Children’s book recommendations This excellent resource of engaging learning experiences for preschoolers was developed for you by the editors of Teaching Young Children.
National Association for the Education of Young Children From Lullabies to Literature: Stories in the Lives of Infants and Toddlers
The ability to use language (speak, read, write) is not something that children suddenly or automatically develop. It is a culmination of experiences with language that begin at birth. Sharing stories, oral storytelling and book, and other “story experiences” such as, conversations, songs, poems, and rhymes, with infants and toddlers is critical to building their emerging literacy skills. At the same time, it expands their experience and understanding of the world and is a wonderful opportunity for fostering close relationships between child and adult. Sprinkled with helpful and delightful vignettes and ideas for stories to share, From Lullabies to Literature explains how the many types of stories are best used with very young children, with a particular focus on using books, and how caregivers can plan and provide story experiences most effectively, including by partnering with families.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth Through Age 8, Fourth Edition (Fully Revised and Updated)
The long-awaited new edition of NAEYC’s Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs is here, fully revised and updated! Since the first edition in 1987,this book has been an essential resource for the early childhood education field. Early childhood educators have a professional responsibility to plan and implement intentional, developmentally appropriate learning experiences that promote the social and emotional development, physical development and health, cognitive development, and general learning competencies of each child served. But what is developmentally appropriate practice (DAP)? DAP is a framework designed to promote young children’s optimal learning and development through a strengths-based approach to joyful, engaged learning. As educators make decisions to support each child’s learning and development, they consider what they know about (1) commonality in children’s development and learning, (2) each child as an individual (within the context of their family and community), and (3) everything discernible about the social and cultural contexts for each child, each educator, and the program as a whole. This latest edition of the book is fully revised to underscore the critical role social and cultural contexts play in child development and learning, including new research about implicit bias and teachers’ own context and consideration of advances in neuroscience. Educators implement developmentally appropriate practice by recognizing the many assets all young children bring to the early learning program as individuals and as members of families and communities. They also develop an awareness of their own context. Building on each child’s strengths, educators design and implement learning settings to help each child achieve their full potential across all domains of development and across all content areas.