Search results for ""mp-ctm national council of t""
MP-CTM National Council of T The Impact of Identity in K8 Mathematics Rethinking EquityBased Practices
MP-CTM National Council of T Principles to Actions Ensuring Mathematical Success for All
MP-CTM National Council of T 5 Practices for Orchestrating TaskBased Discussions in Science
MP-CTM National Council of T Developing Essential Understanding Rational Numbers in Grades 35
MP-CTM National Council of T Developing Essential Understanding Multiplication and Division for Teaching Math in Grades 35
MP-CTM National Council of T Developing Essential Understanding of Ratios Proportions and Proportional Reasoning in Grades 68
MP-CTM National Council of T Annual Perspectives in Mathematics Education 201 Mathematical Modeling and Modeling Mathematics
Mathematical modeling plays an increasingly important role both in real-life applications and within mathematics education itself. This 2016 volume of Annual Perspectives in Mathematics Education (APME) focuses on this key topic from a wide variety of perspectives and distinguishes it from modeling mathematics.
MP-CTM National Council of T Developing Essential Understanding of Geometry for Teaching Mathematics in Grades 68
Focuses on essential knowledge for teachers about geometry. It is organized around four big ideas, supported by multiple smaller, interconnected ideas—essential understandings. Taking you beyond a simple introduction to geometry, the book will broaden and deepen your mathematical understanding of one of the most challenging topics for students—and teachers.
MP-CTM National Council of T Smarter Together Collaboration and Equity in the Elementary Math Classroom
Complex Instruction (CI) is a response to the paradox that group work offers much potential but often creates circumstances where few students seem to learn. CI is a set of ideas and strategies that address the problems that confound group work, but that create powerful learning for children. This book offers guidance to readers on how to use these strategies and ideas.
MP-CTM National Council of T JRME Monograph 16 Childrens Measurement A Longitudinal Study of Childrens Knowledge and Learning of Length Area and Volume
The sixteenth Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (JRME) Monograph is a report on a four-year-long multisite longitudinal study that studied children's thinking and learning about geometric measurement. This project studied the developing knowledge of continuous quantity in geometric measurement contexts of children from prekindergarten to grade 5.
MP-CTM National Council of T Math Is a Verb Activities and Lessons from Cultures Around the World
For most people, the word mathematics is a noun. But for many people in different cultures, mathematics is not simply something they learn in school but something they do as an intrinsic part of their everyday lives. This book is a guide for teachers who would like to enhance their mathematics instruction by integrating it with examples and activities from cultures throughout the world.
MP-CTM National Council of T Enhancing Classroom Practice with Research behind Principles to Actions
Summarizes and synthesizes the research behind the guiding principles and essential elements that form the heart of Principles to Actions, NCTM's statement on best practices in the teaching and learning of mathematics. Then, linking research to practice, it gives readers a flavour of what a principle or an element might look like in practice, in a classroom.
MP-CTM National Council of T Developing Essential Understanding of Number and Numeration in Grades PreK2
MP-CTM National Council of T Algebra Patterns Functions and Change Casebook
Presents twenty-nine cases, written by teachers describing real situations and actual student thinking in their classrooms, that provide the basis of each session's investigation of specific mathematical concepts and teaching strategies.
MP-CTM National Council of T Tasks and Competencies in the Teaching and Learning of Algebra
Provides a conceptual approach that will encourage students learning algebra to employ a variety of thinking processes and strategies and, most importantly, will enable them to truly understand the concepts that underlie the problems they are solving. The book includes tasks focusing on algebraic expressions, equations, and functions, followed by tasks that integrate several mathematical concepts.
MP-CTM National Council of T Number and Operations Part 2 Making Meaning for Operations Casebook
This book was developed as the key resource for participants' Developing Mathematical Ideas seminar experience. The twenty-nine cases, written by teachers describing real situations and actual student thinking in their classrooms, provide the basis of each session's investigation of specific mathematical concepts and teaching strategies.
MP-CTM National Council of T Deepening Students Mathematical Understanding with Childrens Literature
Focuses on using high quality children's books to create engaging and meaningful tasks that deepen mathematics learning for pre-K and elementary students. With the perspective of practice based on theory, the authors provide resources to help teachers develop knowledge for deciding why, when and how to incorporate children's literature effectively.
MP-CTM National Council of T Promoting Purposeful Discourse Teacher Research in Secondary Math Classrooms
Presents portraits of teaching by secondary school teachers who have closely observed classroom communication, conversation and discourse.
MP-CTM National Council of T Implementing the Common Core State Standards Through Mathematical Problem Solving KindergartenGrade 2
Mathematics educators have long worked to help students to develop problem-solving skills. More recently, they have sought to provide students with the knowledge in the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). This volume is the second in a series from NCTM that equips classroom teachers with targeted, highly effective problems for achieving both goals at once.
MP-CTM National Council of T Number and Operations Part 1 Building A System of Tens Casebook
The Building a System of Tens Casebook was developed as the key resource for participants’ Developing Mathematical Ideas seminar experience. The thirty cases, written by teachers describing real situations and actual student thinking in their classrooms, provide the basis of each session’s investigation of specific mathematical concepts and teaching strategies.
MP-CTM National Council of T Taking Action Implementing Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices in Grades 912
Are you ready to take your teaching to the next level? Taking Action: Implementing Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices in Grades 6-8 offers a coherent set of professional learning experiences designed to foster teachers' understanding of the effective mathematics teaching practices and their ability to apply those practices in their own classrooms.
MP-CTM National Council of T The Wonderful World of Mathematics A Critically Annotated List of Childrens Books in Mathematics
MP-CTM National Council of T Principles and Standards for School Mathematics An Overview
This is a resource and guide for all who make decisions that affect the mathematics education of students from prekindergarten through grade 12. Recommendations are grounded in the belief that students should learn important mathematical concepts and processes with understanding.
MP-CTM National Council of T Algebra Patterns Functions and Change Casebook
Presents twenty-nine cases, written by teachers describing real situations and actual student thinking in their classrooms, that provide the basis of each session's investigation of specific mathematical concepts and teaching strategies.
MP-CTM National Council of T Teaching Mathematics for Social Justice Conversations with Educators
This collection of original articles is the start of a compelling conversation among some of the leading figures in critical and social justice mathematics, a number of teachers and educators who have been inspired by them and who have inspiring stories of their own to tell—and any reader interested in the intersection of education and social justice.