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Midsea Books Remembering Rediffusion in Malta
Rediffusion started operating a cable radio relay service in Malta in 1935. Over the following decades the company lead the development of broadcasting in the country, introducing regular Maltese language programmes in the years immediately after World War II and television in the early 1960s. Operating a veritable monopoly for almost forty years, Rediffusion's presence in Malta came to an end in 1975. The cable radio service they created lingered on until 1989 and Malta's national public broadcasting services still operate from buildings originally erected by Rediffusion. This is the first book in English exploring the history of broadcasting in Malta through the relics of Rediffusion memories. The perspective presented here offers an initial critical analysis of the unprocessed archival resources that have accidentally survived over the years. While it is relatively easy to recover a significant narrative to tell a history of the Rediffusion years in Malta from the primary sources th
Midsea Books The Joseph Briffa Bequest and other works at the National Museum Malta
The artist Joseph Briffa chose to bequest a number of his works to the National Museum of Fine Arts on his death in 1987. Briffa applied his artistic talent to paintings on the ceilings of several churches in the Maltese islands and also helped shape Malta's artistic movement. His bequest has ensured that a nucleus of his works has remained accessible to others who wish to learn more about one of the foremost artists of the 20th century. This publication is a testimony to Briffa's bequest and work.
Midsea Books Leas Good Food Everyday
This book includes 75 easy recipes for today's living, curated from Lea Hogg's television program. Each recipe is simple to prepare using local ingredients that are readily available. Each recipe in the book is clearly classified to suit food intollerances and special diets. They include one-course meals such as pulled pork ftiras and kawlata, as well as Maltese Pudina without bread. The book also includes a number of recipes of Leah's innovative work with aquafaba as an egg replacement.An included bonus in this cookbook are the author's tips, which accompany each recipe to provide variations to the main recipe and quick hints on technique and the use of healthy ingredients.
Midsea Books Fortress Colony The Final Act 19451964 Volumes 14
In his four-volume study, Pirotta meticulously examines Malta's twenty-year transformation from Britain's foremost Mediterranean fortress colony to sovereign State. Acclaimed for its heroic resistance to fascism during the Second World War that ostensibly bound it closer to its imperial masters, the over-populated, physically wrecked Island bereft of resources, joined the ranks of independent states in 1964. To examine the why and the how of this transformation Pirotta delved through voluminous Maltese and British documents, local and foreign archives and interviewed numerous key personalities. Analysing the complicated power game played by party, Church and trade union leaders, Pirotta reveals much that went on behind the scenes.
Midsea Books Manoel Theatre
Teatru Manoel is a historical monument of global importance and a living temple of the performing arts. Built in 1731 by order of Grand Master Antonio Manoel de Vilhena, whose name it still bears, it remains today one of the finest examples of theatre architecture in Europe. Named as one of the 15 most beautiful theatres by CNN in May 2014, the Manoel is also one of the oldest working' theatres in the world and is Malta's national theatre. As incumbent custodians of this priceless gem, it is our responsibility not only to preserve and enhance it but also to sustain its relevance for the present and above all, the future. This book aims to present the many other facets that make up the institution that is the Manoel. First and foremost there is the theatre's role in the cultural environment of Malta as well as Europe. Secondly, there is the rich and chequered history of this 283-year-old building which has survived plagues, invasions, blockades, stiff competition, wars and economic dow
Midsea Books Archaeology and the Sea in the Maltese Islands
Malta and Gozo's geographical location in the centre of the Mediterranean Sea has, since ancient times, led to numerous ships passing through the islands' waters. Several records of this maritime activity exist in different archives and other evidence can be deduced from the seabed. Despite this, the maritime archaeology of our islands has remained largely unexplored. This book has been produced to address just a small part of this lacuna. By looking at the history of underwater archaeology in Malta and providing an overview of some of the most important finds from the seabed around the archipelago readers will be able to familiarize themselves with the fascinating world of our submerged cultural heritage. In order to portray the full story it was necessary to start at the beginning of underwater exploration in Malta. The authors had the opportunity to meet and interview a number of pioneers who took up scuba diving in the late 1950s and early 1960s. We are indebted to them for the inv
Midsea Books Caravaggio to Mattia Preti
The title Caravaggio to Mattia Preti aptly provides the parameters that span seventeenth century baroque painting in Malta. Caravaggio's move to Malta in 1607 opened this magnificent chapter in Maltese art, to which the island responded with extraordinary artistic foresight. Malta offered Caravaggio security, but more importantly it offered him the opportunity to redeem himself. On the island, the power of Caravaggio's brush and the celebration of his virtuosity overcame the dishonour of his lifestyle, despite the fact that this materialised in a Catholic frontier country until then renowned, not for the artistic patronage of its rulers, but for its military austerity. During this period, Malta was ruled by the Knights of the Order of St John and their fascinating political context impinged significantly on the character of its art. Their political clout and their eight-pointed cross attracted other artists, including Mattia Preti, whose four-decade stay on the island defined the tr
Midsea Books Mattia Preti
2013 will mark the 400th anniversary of the birth of the artist Mattia Preti (1613-1699), who spent forty years of his working life in Malta.Midsea Books, in collaboration with the Department of History of Art at the University of Malta, are working together to publish an outstanding book that discusses critically the artist's oeuvre in Malta.Research for this superb book is co-ordinated by Professor Keith Sciberras, who is also the author of the two critical essays which compose the first part of the book. Over 150 catalogue entries are co-authored by Professor Sciberras and Ms Jessica Borg M.A. The book will include over 270 paintings. The images of the paintings in Malta are being taken purposely for this book by master photographer Mr Joe P. Borg.Born in Taverna, Calabria, in 1613, Mattia Preti emerged as a leading exponent of the forceful Baroque of mid-17th century Italy, working in a tradition which brilliantly captured the characteristics of monumental dynamism and theatrical a
Midsea Books An EighteenthCentury Neapolitan Crib in Malta
The history of Naples is dotted with priests enchanted by the Mystery of Christmas, such as saints like Cajetan of Thiene, Joseph Calasanzio, and Alphonse Maria De' Liguori. This book is about Fr Edgar Vella Neapolitan crib which knows its success mainly to three factors: light, form, and colour, that, fused together, reveal the infinite love of God towards humanity to the point of taking the form of man and being born poor among the poor, to redeem all in the same manner: the rich, the powerful, the underprivileged, the marginated, the afflicted, the suffering, the downtrodden. This form of craftsmanship of the highest artistic value has always attracted the most varied personalities: from princes to sovereigns, from bankers to merchants, from prelates to humble priests, from devotees to unbelievers, but, above all, it has created a dazzling and fable-like atmosphere that leaves both adults and children enchanted, and makes them live in paradise for the moment.In the ea
Midsea Books Antique Collecting in Malta
There is a healthy antique-collecting community in Malta and the contents of Maltese private collections are simply breathtaking. Most of the items illustrated herein have only one thing in common: they are found in Maltese collections and are hidden safely in the vast network of Maltese house museums scattered all over the island. Some private collections seem to rival the state collections. Ninety-five percent of the items depicted in this volume are not family heirlooms, but are items that have appeared on the market over the past twenty years.
Midsea Books The National Museum of Archaeology
Malta's national museum of archaeology is housed in one of the most stylish baroque buildings still distinguishable in Valletta, more precisely at the Auberge de Provence, in Republic Street. The ground floor hosts artefacts from Malta's unique neolithic period, which spans from the ghar dalam phase to the tarxien phase. Artefacts of particular distinction are The Sleeping Lady and The Venus of Malta. The display includes numerous artefacts used as implements, human and animal figurines, as well as personal decorative items. A number of monumental architectural altars illuminate the art of the ancient prehistoric craftsmen.
Midsea Books Migration and Asylum in Malta and the European Union
This book is the end result of a research project and two seminars held between January 2010 and January 2011 with the assistance of the European Commission's Jean Monnet Programme. The aim of the project was to document the legal, policy, political, and social issues relating to migration into the EU, and especially into Malta, and to trace the experience of the irregular immigrant through his or her journey to Europe from his or her country of origin, to his or her landing in Malta and then his or her subsequent experience and status. The primary aim of the publication of this collection of papers is to make available as a matter of record and analysis the difficulties faced by the immigrant, but also in the context of those faced by Malta as a small peripheral island State in addressing the phenomenon of irregular migration (often illegal' immigration from a national law perspective).
Midsea Books The People of the North 15461610
The book breaks new ground in so far as it brings together the information from extensive archival research into a variety of primary sources. The author's findings on an exhaustive data base on Naxxar and its satellite villages and hamlets covering the period between 1546 (when Naxxar parish records start) and 1610, shed insightful light on such diverse aspects of village life as life expectancy, child labour, migration, defence strategy, trade, morality, place-names, agriculture, land ownership, religious practices, and other patterns of behaviour and the parish scene. The book is a major contribution to Malta's social history since, together with other studies, provides important insights and essential tesserae in the building up of the mosaic of our island's past.
Midsea Books Will They Still Love Me
Will they still love me? is one in a series of books which addresses marital separation and its impact on children in their present and future lives. The books are intended to help parents minimise the long-term trauma of marital separation on children and to help adolescents and children clarify ideas about separation and armour themselves against the negative effects that ensue. These books, which have a bilingual text in English and Maltese, were written by Systematic Family Therapist Charlie Azzopardi, who is trained in diverse psychotherapeutic modalities.
Midsea Books The National Museum of Natural History
The National Museum of Natural History was officially inaugurated in 1973. Originally the display areas in this museum consisted of a Geology hall, a Palaeontology hall, an Osteology hall, and a hall each for insects, molluscs, fish and birds. Subsequently exotic mammal and mineralogy displays, a cactus garden and marine aquariums were added. Heritage Malta is now embarking on a project to update the present displays and to change the concept of this museum to a present-day showcase of Maltese ecology and biodiversity.
Midsea Books Ltd,Malta Concise MalteseEnglishMaltese Dictionary
Midsea Books Ltd,Malta Dinner in Malta: in a series of vignettes, 1530-1930: 2022
Midsea Books Ltd,Malta Studies in Maltese Regulation: Financial Services Law: 2022
Midsea Books Ltd,Malta Musical Culture and The Chitarraro Mattheo Morales in 17-century Malta: 2022
Midsea Books Ltd,Malta Society Fashion in Malta: The Portrait Photography of Leandro Preziosi (1830–1869): 2022
Midsea Books Ltd,Malta 1919 Consequences of Imperial Conceit:: Four Case Studies: 2022
Midsea Books Ltd,Malta Breaking the Law in 19th-century Malta: An analysis of the Criminal Court records, 1828-1888: 2023
Midsea Books Ltd,Malta Art as life
Midsea Books Ltd,Malta Baroque Painting in Malta
Midsea Books Ltd,Malta Disgha: 2023
Midsea Books Ltd,Malta Diplomazija Astuta: The Malta Pavillion at the Venice Biennale 2022: 2022
Midsea Books Ltd,Malta Mdina Recollections: A journey through the centuries: 2022
Midsea Books Ltd,Malta Malta’s Armed Forces: Its Journey: 2022
Midsea Books Ltd,Malta Malta Antica 2021
Midsea Books Ltd,Malta In the footsteps of Antonello da Messina: The Antonelliani between Sicily and Venice: 2022
Midsea Books Ltd,Malta Forty
Midsea Books Ltd,Malta 28 April 1958: Mintoff and the national interest: 2023