Search results for ""lebón""
Lebón Baraja dominó de fonemas 1
Colección:Barajas-Dominó. 1Fonemas trabajados: /RR/ /EI/ /X/Contiene 3 barajas-dominó, una para cada fonema, con 28 cartas cada una, un total de 84, realizadas en cartoncillo plastificado con dibujos a todo color que resultan muy atractivas para los niños. De gran utilidad para trabajar las dislalias, desarrollo de la articulación, lenguaje, etc...
Lebón Ya lo entiendo historias para leer pronunciar y comprender
Colección: Soluciones escolares.Edad/Nivel: 7-10 años/ 2 ciclo de Educación Primaria.Este libro trabaja: Expresión oral, comprensión lectora, vocabulario, expresión escrita y ortografía.Contiene 31 historias cortas e independientes entre si, en cada una se trabaja una letra y/o sonido al efecto de reforzar la ortografía básica y servirán de punto de partida para la reflexión la ordenación de ideas y su posterior comunicación escrita. A partir de dichas historias se trabaja la comprensión, expresión escrita, seguimiento de instrucciones, etc.A cada lectura le sigue una serie de ejercicios de lecto-escritura y comprensión. El profesional podrá elegir, en función de la edad o nivel, si las utiliza simplemente para leer para reforzar la lectoes-critura, la ortografía y la comprensión lectora.Estos cuadernos pueden usarse como material de refuerzo y ampliación y con alumnos extranjeros, para afianzar el dominio de la lengua castellana, tanto oral como escrita.
Lebón Ya lo entiendo básico
Peeters Publishers Severi Antiocheni Liber Contra Impium Grammaticum. Oratio Prima Et Secunda: (Syr. IV, 4), T.
Peeters Publishers Severi Antiocheni Liber Contra Impium Grammaticum. Orationis Tertiae Pars Prior: (Syr. IV, 5), T.
Peeters Publishers Severi Antiocheni Liber Contra Impium Grammaticum. Oratio Prima Et Orationis Secundae Quae Supersunt: (Syr. IV, 4), V.
Peeters Publishers Severi Antiocheni Liber Contra Impium Grammaticum. Orationis Tertiae Pars Posterior: (Syr. IV, 6), T.
Splitter Verlag Western Love. Band 1
Peeters Publishers Severi Antiocheni Orationes Ad Nephalium. Eiusdem Ac Sergii Grammatici Epistulae Mutuae: (Syr. IV, 7), V.
Peeters Publishers Severi Antiocheni Liber Contra Impium Grammaticum. Orationis Tertiae Pars Posterior: (Syr. IV, 6), V.
Peeters Publishers Severi Antiocheni Orationes Ad Nephalium. Eiusdem Ac Sergii Grammatici Epistulae Mutuae: (Syr. IV, 7), T.
University of New Orleans Press On the Trail of the Catahoula
Archaeopress Charles-Étienne Brasseur de Bourbourg, premier grand mayaniste de France
Two hundred years ago, on September 8, 1814, in the northern French city of Bourbourg, a boy was born into a family of local entrepreneurs connected to the local political or judicial elite. The young Charles-Etienne Brasseur was lucky to spend days and days in the impressive library of Alexandre Nicolas Muchembled, the son of his godmother. The reading of exciting travel books there mapped out the course of his truly adventurous life to come. Although a rebellious schoolboy, he acquired a huge knowledge in many fields by his omnivorous reading of books and journals. He was also a very curious young man, delving into the private libraries of the local grand families, resulting in him contributing many historical articles to newspapers and learned societies. At the age of 24, while still in high school, he published his first novel. This biography is the first to reveal insights into the many facets of the life of Brasseur; the extent of his secret activities for the Vatican; his advanced ideas regarding the dual phonetic and ideographic nature of Mayan writing, as early as 1843-44, and explicitly confirmed by him in May 1852, which he later dramatically rejected in 1870, thus failing to become the Champollion of Mesoamerica; his continuous attempts to preserve documents while crossing territories ravaged by civil wars; the immense value of the manuscripts he saved, like the Tzeltal vocabulary of Copanabastla or the Motul dictionary; his unique dedication in copying old manuscripts, with the help of his nephews, to be sent to other pioneers of Mayan studies in Europe and America; his short-lived pioneering work on the Huave (Wabis); details of his six expeditions to Mesoamerica, often in terrible conditions, as shown by his later severe ill health; his defence of the Indians against the academic community; details of the internal conflicts in the Quebec Catholic Church; and his ideas on certain geophysical events, such as the elevation of ocean beds and islands, which he wrongly dated to the time of the ancient Mayans, or the shifting of the Earth’s rotation axis.
John Murray Press 365 Ways to be More Stoic: A day-by-day guide to practical stoicism
HAPPINESS, SERENITY AND FULFIMENT ARE ALL WITHIN YOUR CONTROL365 WAYS TO BE MORE STOIC is a full year's worth of daily inspiration, tools, stories, actions, and rituals that will guide you to a meaningful life, filled with happiness. It is a simple, list-driven, practical guide that will allow you to immediately begin putting Stoic wisdom into practice in your daily life. Each short chapter makes Stoicism fun to read about and easily digestible, presenting ideas in engaging, bite-size chunks.Immerse yourself in stoicism right from the first chapter, through prompts, concepts, challenges, inspiration, quotes, examples, quizzes and case-studies. You'll learn to navigate through the controllable and inevitable. You'll develop constructive ways to handle frustration, adversity and even your own mortality. You'll learn habit-forming strategies, pick up helpful concepts, and uncover tips for lasting change. This fun and engaging manual will help you live like a Stoic in the modern world. 365 WAYS TO BE MORE STOIC focuses on the small stuff you can do every day to live a happier and wiser life. Because when you get the little things right, the big things follow.
Peeters Publishers Le Moine Saint Marcien. Etude Critique des Sources. Edition de Ses Ecrits
Rutgers University Press Women's Activism in Latin America and the Caribbean: Engendering Social Justice, Democratizing Citizenship
Women's Activism in Latin America and the Caribbean brings together a group of interdisciplinary scholars who analyze and document the diversity, vibrancy, and effectiveness of women's experiences and organizing in Latin America and the Caribbean during the past four decades. Most of the expressions of collective agency are analyzed in this book within the context of the neoliberal model of globalization that has seriously affected most Latin American and Caribbean women's lives in multiple ways. Contributors explore the emergence of the area's feminist movement, dictatorships of the 1970s, the Central American uprisings, the urban, grassroots organizing for better living conditions, and finally, the turn toward public policy and formal political involvement and the alternative globalization movement. Geared toward bridging cultural realities, this volume represents women's transformations, challenges, and hopes, while considering the analytical tools needed to dissect the realities, understand the alternatives, and promote gender democracy.
Rizzoli International Publications Punk Perfect Awful: Beat: The Little Magazine that Could ...and Did.
Drawing on a decade s worth of pioneering photography and journalism, Punk Perfect Awful is an irreverent love letter to music and the passion that makes it happen. Known for shedding new light on legends of popular culture and championing revolutionary voices, Beat magazine reflects the depth and breadth of a playlist bringing together high with low, mainstream with the underground, and mixing genres and styles with a few surprises thrown in. Structured around themes drawn from artists own insights from the fortune of being in the right place at the right time to the hustle and passion required to make it the book reflects the eclecticism of pop s new generation, where indie heroes like Debbie Harry and Nick Cave sit alongside pop megastars like Beyonce and Giorgio Moroder, and Lil Nas X alongside The xx. Beat has always ensured that it focuses on music to feel excited about, whatever that sounds like. The magazine published both Lizzo s and Grimes s first photo shoots, and the last piece of press David Bowie ever did. With a parallel narrative by Hanna Hanra on a lifelong relationship with music and the inspiration behind founding Beat, the book supplements portraits and interviews from the magazine s archives with unpublished images including photography by Alasdair McLellan, Ryan McGinley, Tyrone Lebon, Rosie Marks, Jack Davison, Clare Shilland, and Sue Webster that illuminate the power of pop and the importance of meeting your heroes.
Hachette Books Please Please Tell Me Now: The Duran Duran Story
In Please Please Tell Me Now, bestselling rock biographer Stephen Davis tells the story of Duran Duran, the quintessential band of the 1980s. Their pretty boy looks made them the stars of fledgling MTV, but it was their brilliant musicianship that led to a string of number one hits. By the end of the decade, they had sold 60 million albums; today, they've sold over 100 million albums-and counting.Davis traces their roots to the austere 1970s British malaise that spawned both the Sex Pistols and Duran Duran-two seemingly opposite music extremes. Handsome, British, and young, it was Duran Duran that headlined Live Aid, not Bob Dylan or Led Zeppelin. The band moved in the most glamorous circles: Nick Rhodes became close with Andy Warhol, Simon LeBon with Princess Diana, and John Taylor dated quintessential British bad girl Amanda De Cadanet. With timeless hits like "Hungry Like the Wolf," "Girls on Film," "Rio," "Save a Prayer," and the bestselling James Bond theme in the series' history, "A View to Kill," Duran Duran has cemented its legacy in the pop pantheon-and with a new album and a worldwide tour on the way, they show no signs of slowing down anytime soon.Featuring exclusive interviews with the band and never-before-published photos from personal archives, Please Please Tell Me Now offers a definitive account of one of the last untold sagas in rock and roll history-a treat for diehard fans, new admirers, and music lovers of any age.