Search results for ""juta academic""
Juta Academic Access to success: Literacy in academic contexts
Tertiary institutions must provide for an increasingly diverse student population, many of whom speak English as an additional language, and have attended under-resourced schools. The scale of the problem has necessitated the development of creative ways of ensuring access and successful outcomes.
Juta Academic Let Us Live for Our Children
Juta Academic Taking South African Education Out of the Ghetto
Juta Academic South Africa's Radical Tradition, a Documentary History
This second volume covers the relationship between socialist currents and the national liberation movement from the 1940s through decades of increasing repression and illegality, culminating in the transition to armed struggle in the early 1960s.
Juta Academic Juta's Manual of Nursing: Medical Surgical Nursing: v. 4
Providing comprehensive information on all the systems of the human body, this reference blends scientific data with practical knowledge to address issues in medical surgical nursing, including a summary of specific conditions, nursing diagnoses, and nursing interventions. With content that has been carefully selected to build on existing nursing knowledge, this text also provides guidance on topics such as: a nurse's role in the management of patients and clients with medical or surgical problems; the role of the nurse as a primary caregiver, educator, adviser, and advocate of patients' rights; and suggestions to enhance the patient/nurse relationship.
Juta Academic The Quest for Sustainable Development
Sustainable development currently dominates the agenda of government programmes and projects in Africa. The developmental challenges posed by population increases, the prevalence of HIV/Aids and urbanisation trends, inter alia, require government institutions and other development agencies to improve performance and delivery. The implementation of sustainable development depends largely on all stakeholders being involved in the planning and evaluation of respective programmes and projects. Issues relating to entrepreneurship and small business development, policy management, local government integrated development planning, and the role of women, need to be attended to effectively and efficiently. To achieve meaningful sustainable development objectives, entities such as the African Union and initiatives like NEPAD need to coordinate regional and continental development activities. However, a number of imperatives impact on the outcomes of all attempts to achieve sustainable development. In this well-researched, important book, some of the most prominent sustainable development issues are investigated. The chapters were authored by academics who are well-versed in their respective fields.
Juta Academic The Health of Southern Africa: With Updated Statistics
The Health of Southern Africa is a comprehensive yet concise source of reference on Community Health for those concerned with the health and well-being of the population of South Africa and its neighbours. Topics include: The Constitution with special reference to Health. The World Health Organization. Epidemiology and Health Statistics. Self-destructive behaviours. The Elderly, Maternal and Child Health, and Family Planning. Food Hygiene, Milk and Water. Genetic Factors and Mental Health. This book equips readers with the information and insight necessary to play an educated and meaningful role in the development of a truly comprehensive primary health care system in South Africa.
Juta Academic Power, Wealth and Global Order: an International Relations Textbook for Africa
"Power, Wealth and Global Order" covers all important aspects of international relations: the actors, the dynamics of their interaction across national boundaries, and the structures generated by these interactions.
Juta Academic Education after apartheid: South African education in transition
This collection of readings aims to provide readers with a critical perspective on the unfolding educational policies of South Africa and provides a platform for participating in future educational debates.
Juta Academic The segregated information highway: Information literacy in higher education
The rise of the global information economy has ushered in enormous changes in teaching and learning methods in higher educational institutions world-wide. "The Segregated Information Highway" provides an overview of the status of information literacy among students at universities and technikons in the Western Cape.
Juta Academic South African Human Resource Management: Theory and Practise
"South African Human Resource Management" focuses on the knowledge and skills that managers at all levels need. The authors integrate contemporary international research and implementation with a South African perspective. From strategic planning and the employment process to staff maintenance and terminating the employment relationship, the title examines collective manifestations of the employment relationship, including trade unions and labour relations dynamics. Yet, in dealing with the management of people at the macro level, the authors do not neglect the individual. This edition covers the developments in training and development legislation, including the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) and the National Qualifications Framework (NQF); employment equity; the HIV/Aids debate; HR management ethics; HR management strategy; HR technology and practices in relation to performance management, appraisal, remuneration and incentives management; and amendments to legislation, including the Labour Relations Act and the Basic Conditions of Employment Act.
Juta Academic Searching for the Quantum Organisation: The IT Circle of Excellence
The theme of the book is the development of the quantum organization and how information technology impacts on the organization. A revolutionary change model forms the structure for the discussion. Each module is introduced by an excerpt from Plato's dialogue on the Perfect State and represents a stage in the process of change: setting the scene; facing the reality; awakening; envisioning; re-architecting; and leadership. Technology may have changed since Plato's time, but the search for a model for the "ideal" state endures. The central ideas explored by the author within this model are radical change through re-architecting and information technology and the evolutionary and revolutionary aspects of information technology within a chaordic system. The idea of the quantum organization is studied from different angles: reasons for this, self-organization, the knowledge society, beyond the concept of radical change, leadership and a macro perspective. An introduction to the world of Digital Economy and aspects of the emerging quantum organization.
Juta Academic Industrial Relations in South Africa
A massive compendium looking at experience in an international and in the South African context. It will be interesting both for Africanists and for those interested in comparative labour studies. When first published this book was hailed as "winning with hands down whilst others have yet to hear the starting pistol". This is the fourth edition of this text book. It weighs in at 1.35kg, with 871 pages.
Juta Academic Iron Age Communities of the Southern Highveld
Juta Academic The Basic Principles of Gynaecological and Obstetrical Surgery
This well-illustrated manual provides a step-by-step guide to most of the common gynaecological surgical procedures. It covers a wide range of topics from suture materials, wound healing and small procedures to vaginal, abdominal, stress incontinence and laparoscopic procedures. It also deals with obstetric procedures such as Caesarean section, episiotomy and cervical cerclage.
Juta Academic Juta's Manual of Nursing: Vol 1
"Juta's Manual of Nursing" covers the topics required for both fundamental and general nursing science and is therefore suitable for the categories of enrolled nursing auxiliary, enrolled nurse and registered general nurse. This title is OBE-compliant, with a community-based focus and encourages problem solving both in the clinic and in the community. Case studies are included to reinforce the practical nature of the text and each chapter has tutorial-type questions to stimulate discussion and personal research.
Juta Academic Rethinking Our World
An introduction to critical thinking which outlines the basic tenets of each of the major philosophies, analysing the type of thinking it encourages, discussing its history and the major figures who influenced it. The major philosophies discussed include logic and post-empiricism; critical rationalism; critical theory; phenomenology; hermeneutics; systems theory; postmodernism; feminism and African philosophy.