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Nova Science Publishers Inc Nuclear Security: Assessments of Monitoring & Verification Needs & IAEA Programs
IAEA Handbook on Ageing Management for Nuclear Power Plants: IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. NP-T-3.24
This handbook on ageing management for nuclear power plants (NPPs) has been developed in compliance with relevant IAEA safety standards and draws on lessons learned from ageing management practices worldwide. It provides an overview of the topic and guidance on proactive ageing management within NPPs. The publication also collates information on ageing mechanisms, effects on structures, systems and components, the regulatory framework as well as some details on innovative techniques and research and development in the area. The information is presented concisely with clear flow charts and with structured reference to the underlying principles. The handbook will support NPP staff, maintenance managers, vendors, personnel at research organizations and regulators in their work related to the ageing of structures, systems and components.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG IAEA Atlas of Cardiac PET/CT: A Case-Study Approach
This open access book presents a wide portfolio of examples of positron emission tomography coupled with computer tomography (PET/CT) studies in various cardiac conditions in order to provide a rationale for the implementation of this technology in an array of clinical conditions. Cardiovascular diseases are a major contributor to premature morbidity and mortality worldwide. Low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) are particularly affected by cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), with more than 75% of all CVDs deaths occurring in these countries. For this reason, target 3.4 of the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agenda aims at a 30% reduction in premature mortality due to non-communicable diseases (NCDs), which include CVDs, by 2030. Among CVDs, ischemic heart disease (IHD) plays an important role and, according to the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), it was responsible for 15.96% of global deaths in 2017. Between 2000 and 2017, the number of IHD deaths worldwide increased by 0.26% per year. Several imaging tools help to non-invasively diagnose, stratify risk and guide management in cardiac disease. They include nuclear cardiology techniques, using either SPECT (single photon emission computed tomography) or PET/CT. While myocardial imaging with SPECT has been fully embraced by the cardiology community and is widely available worldwide, PET/CT introduction has been slower, due not only to its higher costs, but also to the limited availability of PET/VCT scanners, mostly utilized for oncological applications. This book is an invaluable tool for nuclear medicine physicians, cardiologists and radiologists.
International Atomic Energy Agency Criticality Safety in the Handling of Fissile Material specific safety guide SSG27 IAEA safety standards series
Provides guidance and recommendations on how to meet the relevant requirements for ensuring subcriticality when dealing with fissile material and for planning the response to criticality accidents. The guidance and recommendations are applicable to both regulatory bodies and operating organisations.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Use of the Ionizing Radiation Technique for Tissue Sterilization: The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Experience
IAEA Numerical Benchmarks for Multiphysics Simulation of Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor Transients
The IAEA organizes International Collaborative Standard Problems (ICSPs) to facilitate co-operation on advancing reactor technology related activities. These activities include the development, assessment and validation of computer codes for design and safety analysis of nuclear power plants. The objective of this ICSP was to develop and facilitate open access to a set of standardized numerical test problems for selected postulated transients in pressurized heavy water reactors (PHWRs). These manufactured test problems are different from typical benchmark problems in that the specification is designed for a stylized model of a generic CANDU-6 PHWR and a reference solution is not postulated. The set of standardized numerical test problems supports the development of simulation codes, methods, and coupling frameworks. This publication provides a description of four numerical test problems, the participants' individual multi-physics methodologies applied, and simulations carried out, an independent synthesis of the results, and the lessons learned from the exercise.
IAEA Nuclear Power Reactors in the World: 2021 Edition
This is the 41st edition of Reference Data Series No. 2, which presents the most recent reactor data available to the IAEA. It contains summarized information as of the end of 2020 on power reactors operating, under construction and shut down as well as performance data on reactors operating in the IAEA Member States. The information is collected through designated national correspondents in the Member States and the data are used to maintain the IAEA's Power Reactor Information System (PRIS).
IAEA Considerations for Environmental Impact Assessment for Small Modular Reactors
There is renewed interest in Member States in the development and deployment of small modular reactors (SMRs). Specific technical characteristics of this reactor type introduce new deployment possibilities. This publication provides current information on considerations about environmental impact assessments (EIAs) related to SMRs. Under many regulatory regimes, the EIA report is a prerequisite for licensing and an important tool to confirm that the potential site is suitable for the future construction and operation of a reactor. Therefore, this publication which discusses approaches to address specific issues related to the EIA for SMRs will be of use to technology holders and licensing authorities.
IAEA Quality Assurance for SPECT Systems
Quality assurance is a crucial part of all aspects of nuclear medicine practice. The objective of this publication is to provide professionals in nuclear medicine centres with detailed quality control test procedures for the scintillation camera and computer system. Three types of quality tests are described in detail: acceptance, reference and routine tests for the scintillation camera, both in single and multiple head configurations, for obtaining images and quantitative data in planar imaging mode; whole body imaging mode; and single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). The publication is primarily intended to be of use to medical physicists, technologists and other healthcare professionals who are responsible for ensuring optimal performance of imaging instruments, particularly SPECT systems. It may also be useful to managers, clinicians and other decision makers who are responsible for implementing quality assurance and quality control programmes in nuclear medicine centres.
IAEA Spent Fuel Performance Assessment and Research: Final Report of a Coordinated Research Project (SPAR-IV)
This publication is based on results obtained in the participating Member States during an IAEA coordinated research project (CRP) on spent fuel and storage system performance. It provides an overview of the technical issues related to wet and dry storage of spent fuel and summarizes the objectives and major findings of the research carried out within the framework of the CRP. The experience and insights provided by the participants are expected to assist readers in identifying challenges in implementing long term storage and promote understanding of the current status of spent fuel performance research.
IAEA Soil–Plant Transfer of Radionuclides in Non-Temperate Environments: Report of Working Group 4 Transfer Processes and Data for Radiological Impact Assessment Subgroup 3 on Non-temperate Data
This publication considers radionuclide transfer in tropical and arid environments with a focus on root uptake by crops from soils. The data collected and analysed are relevant for estimating the transfer of radionuclides through food chains to humans and for assessing radiation doses to the public due to intakes of these radionuclides in plant products used as food. The data relate to equilibrium conditions between the radionuclide's dynamics into and out of the compartments of the environment and are appropriate for radiological environmental impact assessment in planned and existing exposure situations where such conditions have been established. Moreover, this publication classifies the data according to an international climate classification scheme and compares the summary values derived for tropical and arid environments with those presented in IAEA Technical Reports Series No. 472 for temperate environments.
IAEA Design of Instrumentation and Control Systems for Nuclear Power Plants: Specific Safety Guide
This publication is a revision and combination of two Safety Guides, IAEA Safety Standards Series No. NS-G-1.1 and No. NS-G-1.3. The revision takes into account developments in instrumentation and control (I&C) systems since the publication of the earlier Safety Guides. The main changes relate to the continuing development of computer applications and the evolution of the methods necessary for their safe, secure and practical use. In addition, account is taken of developments in human factors engineering and the need for computer security. This Safety Guide also references and takes into account other IAEA safety standards and IAEA Nuclear Security Series publications that provide guidance relating to I&C design.
IAEA Radiation Safety of X Ray Generators and Other Radiation Sources Used for Inspection Purposes and for Non-Medical Human Imaging
This Safety Guide provides recommendations on specific safety measures to meet the requirements of IAEA Safety Standards Series No. GSR Part 3 and other relevant Safety Requirements publications on the use of X ray generators and other types of radiation sources that are used for inspection purposes and for non-medical human imaging. The recommendations provided are primarily for organisations that are authorized to use X ray generators and other types of radiation sources for such purposes, as well as for radiation protection experts, radiation protection officers and staff of regulatory bodies. The publication may also be of interest to designers and manufacturers of relevant X ray generators and sources.
IAEA Sixty Years and Beyond — Contributing to Development: Proceedings of an International Conference Held in Vienna, 30 May–1 June 2017
These proceedings detail how the TC programme has contributed to the establishment of national nuclear infrastructure and capabilities in Member States over six decades, in support of their national development priorities. The publication also presents examples of successful partnerships and looks to the future regarding appropriate approaches and concrete measures that will help countries to maximize their use of nuclear science and technology in achieving their development goals, including sustainable development goal targets. Key thematic areas covered include the application of nuclear science and technology in human health and nutrition, food and agriculture, water and the environment, radiation technology, energy and safety. Common issues relating to regional collaboration and networking are presented, as is the IAEA and Member States' approach to building lasting and mutually beneficial partnerships.
IAEA Alternative Radionuclide Production with a Cyclotron
Cyclotrons are currently used for the preparation of a wide variety of radionuclides that have applications in single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and positron emission tomography (PET). Consequently, there is high demand from IAEA Member States for support in the area of radiopharmaceutical production using cyclotron produced radioisotopes. This publication describes the potential radionuclide production routes using cyclotrons in different energy ranges and provides methods for the development of targets and provides details of the chemistry for the separation of radionuclides from target materials. The readership of this publication includes scientists, operators interested in putting this technology into practice, technologists already working with cyclotrons who wish to enhance the utility of existing machines, and managers in the process of setting up radionuclide facilities in their countries. Students working towards higher level degrees in related fields may also benefit from this publication.
IAEA Safety Analysis and Licensing Documentation for Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities
This publication gives practical information and examples on safety analysis principles and methods as well as the contents of licensing documentation needed to support application of IAEA safety standards to nuclear fuel cycle facilities. A systematic methodology is presented, covering the establishment of acceptance criteria, hazard evaluation, identification of postulated initiating events, analysis of accident sequences and consequences. Information is also provided on application of the results of the safety analysis in the design and operational phases, and on appropriate management system processes. The publication applies to all lifetime stages of relevant facilities and for modifications and upgrades. The information presented may be used for periodic safety reviews and consideration of extended lifetime of facilities. With respect to licensing documentation, the publication provides indicative contents and format of the safety analysis report as a higher level document that incorporates the information required at various steps in the licensing and re-licensing process.
IAEA Reliability Data for Research Reactor Probabilistic Safety Assessment
Reporting on the results from an IAEA coordinated research project, this publication provides information on reliability data for research reactors. In addition to component reliability data, the publication provides useful information related to the preparation and application of data relevant to initiating events, human reliability, and common cause failures. It also provides guidance on the use and application of the reliability data for research reactors probabilistic safety assessments as a complementary tool to deterministic methods. This publication should be used in conjunction with the relevant IAEA Safety Standards.
IAEA Nuclear–Renewable Hybrid Energy Systems
Nuclear energy and renewables are the two principal options for low carbon energy generation. However, synergies among these resources have yet to be fully exploited, and the advantages of directly integrating these generation options are being explored. Nuclear-renewable hybrid energy systems consider opportunities to couple these energy generation sources to leverage the benefits of each technology to provide reliable, sustainable electricity to the grid and to provide low carbon energy to other energy use sectors. This publication describes the potential use of nuclear and renewable generation in coordinated, and in some cases tightly coupled, configurations to support various applications beyond electricity production, including desalination, hydrogen production and district heating. Where available, case studies are presented to describe relevant market conditions and trends, and considerations for implementation are outlined, including gaps that require additional technology and regulatory developments.
IAEA Sustainability and Self-Reliance of National Nuclear Institutions: Proceedings of a Workshop
National nuclear institutes (NNIs) contribute significantly to national development, providing services focused on developing and applying relevant technologies for the public good. While many NNIs provide commercial services and products that generate revenue, some are financially dependent on subsidies from national governments. This publication presents the outcome of a workshop which addressed the challenges for Member States regarding self-reliance and sustainability of their NNIs. Participants discussed efforts and best practices to cope with these challenges. The publication includes positive examples of tools or measures to be used in practical projects and programmes for achieving management goals towards self-reliance and sustainability. Examples of governmental policies in support of self-reliance and sustainability of NNIs are also presented. Finally, the country presentations in this publication show some examples of how NNIs cooperate with public or private stakeholders, providing some insights on how partnership opportunities can be explored.
IAEA Human Factors Engineering Aspects of Instrumentation and Control System Design
Safety, reliability, and productivity in the nuclear industry result from a systematic consideration of human performance. A plant or other facility consists of both the engineered system and the human users of that system. It is therefore crucial that engineering activities consider the humans who will be interacting with those systems. Engineering design, specifically instrumentation and control (I&C) design, can influence human performance by driving how plant personnel carry out work and respond to events within a nuclear power plant. As a result, human–system interfaces (HSIs) for plant operators as well as the maintenance and testing of the I&C system cannot be designed by isolated disciplines. The focus of this publication is to integrate knowledge from the disciplines of human factors engineering (HFE) and I&C to emphasize an interdisciplinary approach for the design of better HSIs and consequently improved human performance in nuclear power plants. This is accomplished by practical explanations of the HFE processes and corresponding outputs that inform the I&C development. More specifically, the publication addresses issues in the design process where collaboration between HFE, I&C and other important disciplines and stakeholders is paramount and identifies key tools and tasks for exchanging inputs and outputs between different design disciplines, particularly I&C and HFE. The practical information provided in this publication is intended to support Member States' capabilities to improve their approach to I&C through the consideration of HFE.
IAEA Trends in Radiopharmaceuticals (ISTR-2019): Proceedings of an International Symposium Held in Vienna, Austria, 28 October–1 November 2019
The use of radiopharmaceuticals is an important tool not only for management of diseases and dysfunctions, but also for better understanding human diseases and developing effective treatment options, such as in the case of neurology. In this context, there is concern of continuous, impressive progress in nuclear medicine which is linked to the development of new radiopharmaceuticals and efficient production of relevant radioisotopes. These proceedings highlight the main findings and developments discussed during the International Symposium on Trends in Radiopharmaceuticals. They cover the key issues and advances in the field of radiopharmaceuticals from development, production, and use of diagnostic, therapeutic, and theranostic radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals, as well as regulatory and licensing issues related to their production. Additional topics addressed were education, certification and training methodologies. A supplementary file contains the detailed programme of the symposium and the abstracts of all oral and poster presentations.
IAEA Application of Plant Information Models to Manage Design Knowledge through the Nuclear Power Plant Life Cycle
A plant information model (PIM) is a set of interlinked information about plant structures, systems and components, incorporating plant data, relationships and rules used to integrate, represent, and describe nuclear facility processes and data, for each phase of the facility lifecycle. Application of the PIM provides an opportunity to radically improve knowledge, information and data capture, integration, use and transfer between stakeholders if industry-wide standards and best practices are adopted. A knowledge-centric plant information model could be developed and leveraged as a modern and efficient approach to better support, manage and enable seamless sharing, transfer and use of sustainable design knowledge within and across each nuclear power plant life cycle phase. The purpose of this publication is to provide an overview of PIMs, emphasize the importance of their application in support and management of design knowledge throughout the nuclear power plant life cycle and present an overview of a knowledge-centric plant information model that builds on the basic concept of a PIM. The target users of this publication are decision-making organizations in Member States having experience with nuclear power programmes and those embarking on new nuclear power programmes.
IAEA Optimizing Soil, Water and Nutrient Use Efficiency in Integrated Cropping–Livestock Production Systems
This publication draws on data and results collated during an IAEA coordinated research project (CRP) on optimizing soil, water and nutrient use efficiency in integrated cropping-livestock production systems. The main objective of the project was to enhance food security, improve soil fertility, and mitigate greenhouse gases from agriculture using integrated cropping-livestock systems in changing climate conditions. In addition, the CRP participants developed a package of technology for farmers to increase crop production and improve their livelihoods using nuclear and related techniques.
IAEA Benchmarks of Fuel Burnup and Material Activation Computational Tools Against Experimental Data for Research Reactors
The design, operation, safety and decommissioning of research reactors involves complex processes that can be understood and improved through numerical analysis and benchmarking. This publication provides the final consolidated results of an IAEA coordinated research project (CRP). It comprises the benchmark studies, details of the calculations in the annexes and individual reports of the CRP participants in the on-line supplementary files. This publication is intended for operating organizations, researchers, regulatory bodies, reactor designers, technical support organizations and other parties interested in benchmarking the computer codes and models they use for research reactor operation and safety analysis.
IAEA Design of the Reactor Containment and Associated Systems for Nuclear Power Plants
This Safety Guide provides recommendations on meeting the requirements of IAEA Safety Standards Series No. SSR-2/1 (Rev. 1) relevant to reactor containment and associated systems. The publication addresses the containment structure and the systems with the functions of isolation, control and management of mass and energy releases, control and limitation of radioactive releases, and control and management of combustible gases. The Safety Guide is intended for use primarily for land based, stationary nuclear power plants with water cooled reactors designed for electricity generation or for other heat generating applications, such as for district heating or desalination.
IAEA Hazards Associated with Human Induced External Events in Site Evaluation for Nuclear Installations
Hazards associated with human induced external events (HIEEs) need to be considered in the evaluation of sites for nuclear installations, in the design of new nuclear installations and in the operation of existing nuclear installations. This Safety Guide provides recommendations on the evaluation of these hazards in order to meet the requirements set out in IAEA Safety Standards Series No. SSR-1, Site Evaluation for Nuclear Installations. It provides a process for identification of source of HIEEs, screening of hazards using distance and probability, and detailed evaluation to establish hazard and load characterization parameters. This publication is intended for use by organizations involved in the identification, screening, analysis, evaluation and review of hazards associated with HIEEs, and the provision of technical support, as well as regulatory bodies.
IAEA Modular Design of Processing and Storage Facilities for Small Volumes of Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste including Disused Sealed Sources
A number of IAEA Member States generate relatively small quantities of radioactive waste and/or disused sealed sources in research or in the application of nuclear techniques in medicine and industry. This publication presents a modular approach to the design of waste processing and storage facilities to address the needs of such Member States with a cost effective and flexible solution that allows easy adjustment to changing needs in terms of capacity and variety of waste streams. The key feature of the publication is the provision of practical guidance to enable the users to determine their waste processing and storage requirements, specify those requirements to allow the procurement of the appropriate processing and storage modules and install and eventually operate those modules.
IAEA Assessment of Prospective Cancer Risks from Occupational Exposure to Ionizing Radiation
Artificial sources of radiation are commonly used in the manufacturing and service industries, research institutions and universities, and the nuclear power industry. As a result, workers can be exposed to artificial sources of radiation. There are also a significant number of workers, such as underground miners and aircrew, who are exposed to naturally occurring sources of radiation. This publication, prepared in collaboration with the International Labour Organization, and with reference to IAEA Safety Standards Series No. GSR Part 3 provides guidance for individuals and organizations on the assessment of prospective cancer risks due to occupational exposure to ionizing radiation for prevention purposes. It describes cancer risk assessment theory, models and methodologies, and offers practical examples of carrying out these assessments.
IAEA Geochemical and Mineralogical Characterization of Uranium and Thorium Deposits: Final Report of a Coordinated Research Project
New geochemical and mineralogical data from research conducted under the IAEA coordinated research project entitled Geochemical and Mineralogical Characterization of Uranium and Thorium Deposits has resulted in a better understanding of the genesis of uranium and thorium mineralization. This publication presents a summary of the research and selected papers from the project’s partners. The results are expected to enhance exploration programmes, resource evaluation and sustainable supply of uranium and thorium for peaceful purposes.
IAEA Volcanic Hazard Assessments for Nuclear Installations: Methods and Examples in Site Evaluation
This publication provides information on detailed methodologies and examples in the application of volcanic hazard assessment to site evaluation for nuclear installations, thereby addressing the recommendations in IAEA Safety Standards Series No. SSG-21, Volcanic Hazards in Site Evaluation for Nuclear Installations. It demonstrates the practicability of evaluating the recommendations through a systematic volcanic hazard assessment and examples from Member States. The results of this hazard assessment can be used to derive the appropriate design bases and operational considerations for specific nuclear installations.
IAEA Landscape Salinity and Water Management for Improving Agricultural Productivity
This publication is the outcome of an IAEA coordinated research project which addressed the problem of advancing salinity in irrigated soils of arid and semi-arid regions. Seven participating countries presented their studies focusing on alternative strategies and on integrated soil and water management practices. The publication informs readers on ways to improve crop productivity and sustainability through water and salinity management and defines approaches and technologies to assess and monitor soil water content and salinity. The test results of a new landscape soil moisture measuring tool (cosmic ray neutron sensor) for area-wide soil water measurements are also presented.
IAEA Guía Para el Uso de Sedimentos en la Reconstrucción Histórica de la Contaminación en Zonas Costeras
La Guía para el uso de sedimentos en la reconstrucción histórica de la contaminación en zonas costeras presenta los métodos, procedimientos operacionales y recomendaciones prácticas para el muestreo, la preparación y la fechación de perfiles sedimentarios mediante los radionucleidos 210Pb y 137Cs, con el propósito de evaluar tendencias históricas de la contaminación en zonas costeras. La guía contribuye a la armonización metodológica entre los laboratorios que fechan sedimentos marino-costeros y es complementaria al libro Radiocronología de sedimentos costeros utilizando 210Pb: modelos, validación y aplicaciones, publicado por el OIEA en 2012.
IAEA Light Water Reactor Fuel Enrichment beyond the Five Per Cent Limit: Perspectives and Challenges
The limitation of 235U enrichment is a current concern among IAEA Member States. In response, work has been undertaken to provide a platform to facilitate a comprehensive review of the current status, prospects and challenges associated with the use of fuels having enrichments higher than 5 % 235U in light water reactors. This publication is the outcome of two technical meetings and compiles the results and conclusions in terms of benefits to be obtained from the use of high assay low enriched uranium (HALEU) fuel, with due consideration of safety issues that arise from its use. It details technological options and corresponding issues regarding fuel and core design, safety analysis and assessments relevant to manufacturing, handling, transportation, storage, irradiation, and performance in normal and accident conditions.
IAEA Condition Monitoring and Incipient Failure Detection of Rotating Equipment in Research Reactors: Results of a Coordinated Research Project
Most research reactors share the common characteristics of a long operating lifetime. With the advancement of digital technology, substantial improvements have occurred in the tools that can be applied in the maintenance and monitoring of structures, systems and components (SSCs), enabling an understanding of equipment performance far beyond that available only a few decades ago. Several of these tools, as well as the supporting technology, have been endorsed by regulatory authorities, providing further value to their application to increase availability and reliability of research reactors. These issues and related advancements were the topic of an IAEA coordinated research project and the results are presented in this publication. It provides methods and guidance for monitoring the health of rotating equipment of research reactors to avoid lengthy and costly shutdowns while promoting safe and reliable operation.
IAEA Accessible Technologies for the Verification of Origin of Dairy Products as an Example Control System to Enhance Global Trade and Food Safety
As well as the application to food irradiation, nuclear techniques can be used in the detection of contaminants and the verification of the origins and authenticity of food. This publication presents the findings of a joint FAO/IAEA coordinated research project (CRP) on utilizing isotope and trace element analysis, and other complementary analytical techniques, to characterize the origin of authentic milk and dairy products sampled by the participating institutes. The purpose of the CRP was to develop a methodology to implement a sustainable system for the independent verification of the claimed origin of food. Questions concerning origin are among the first to be asked when a food safety incident arises. The results of the project described in this publication will assist Member States to better communicate the qualities and origin related attributes, or terroir, of different food commodities. In addition, verifying the origin of food can help to prevent fraud and thereby reduce barriers to trade and protect and promote added-value products with a strong regional or national identity.
IAEA Leadership, Management and Culture for Safety in Radioactive Waste Management
This Safety Guide provides recommendations on how to comply with IAEA safety requirements on leadership and management for safety in the area of radioactive waste management. It presents updated guidance on developing and implementing management systems for safety during all steps of radioactive waste management. Emphasis is placed upon effective leadership and culture for safety. The publication is intended to be used by the regulatory body and organizations with responsibilities for directing, planning, or undertaking the management of radioactive waste; it is also intended to be used by the suppliers to such organizations of safety related services and products that support radioactive waste management.
IAEA Application of Wireless Technologies in Nuclear Power Plant Instrumentation and Control Systems
This publication summarizes the results of an IAEA coordinated research project on the application of wireless technologies in the nuclear industry. It provides an overview of the current knowledge, existing practices, operating experiences and benefits and challenges related to the use of the technology in instrumentation and control systems of nuclear facilities. The research areas covered were codes, standards and regulatory guides; wireless technologies for nuclear applications; practices, experience, lessons learned; potential wireless applications; and emerging technologies and challenges. The main part of the publication contains information derived from the results achieved in each research area. The annexes include supporting information and selected details of the research work that was performed. The information provided in this publication supports Member States' capabilities in the design, development, implementation, operation and, as necessary, licensing of wireless technologies in the nuclear industry.
IAEA Security of Radioactive Material in Use and Storage and of Associated Facilities
This new revision provides guidance to States and their competent authorities on how to establish or improve, implement, maintain and sustain the elements of the nuclear security regime related to radioactive material, associated facilities and activities, with particular emphasis on the development of regulatory requirements. The publication applies to the security of radioactive material in use or in storage as well as associated facilities and associated activities and assists Member States in their regimes against unauthorized removal of the radioactive material or sabotage performed with the intent to cause harmful radiological consequences.
IAEA Milestones in the Development of a National Infrastructure for Nuclear Power (French Edition)
The development and implementation of an appropriate infrastructure to support the successful introduction of nuclear power and its safe, secure, peaceful and sustainable application is an issue of central concern, especially for countries that are considering and planning their first nuclear power plant. In preparing the necessary nuclear infrastructure, there are several activities that need to be completed. These activities can be split into three progressive phases of development. This publication provides a description of the conditions expected to be achieved by the end of each phase to assist with the best use of resources. ‘Milestones’ refer to the conditions necessary to demonstrate that the phase has been successfully completed.
IAEA Material Properties of Unirradiated Uranium–Molybdenum (U–Mo) Fuel for Research Reactors
This publication presents the material properties of all unirradiated Uranium–Molybdenum (U-Mo) fuel constituents that are essential for fuel designers and reactor operators to evaluate the fuel’s performance and safety for research reactors. Many significant advances in the understanding and development of low enriched uranium U–Mo fuels have been made since 2004, stimulated by the need to understand irradiation behavior and early fuel failures during testing. The publication presents a comprehensive overview of mechanical and physical property data from U-Mo fuel research.
IAEA Developing Cost Estimates for Environmental Remediation Projects
This publication addresses costs arising during individual phases of an environmental remediation project, how they can be calculated, and how they can be structured and documented. It provides the methodology of cost estimation and includes examples of cost estimate models, development plans, cost elements and work breakdown structures. The guide also contains an overview of potentially suitable remediation technologies, which may help the reader to structure the options study.
IAEA Sustaining a Nuclear Security Regime (French Edition)
This publication addresses the sustainability of all aspects of a national nuclear security regime, including those relating to nuclear material and nuclear facilities, other radioactive material and associated facilities, and nuclear and other radioactive material out of regulatory control. The publication is relevant for States that have established a nuclear security regime as well as for States that are in the process of establishing one. It includes guidance on how to address challenges in sustaining a nuclear security regime over time. It also addresses the initial development and implementation of the regime, particularly where sustainability can be built into it as part of its design.
IAEA INPRO Methodology for Sustainability Assessment of Nuclear Energy Systems: Environmental Impact of Stressors: INPRO Manual
This publication provides guidance on assessing of sustainability of a nuclear energy system (NES) in the area of environmental impact of stressors. The INPRO methodology is a comprehensive tool for the assessment of sustainability of an NES. Basic principles, user requirements and criteria have been defined in different areas of the INPRO methodology. These include economics, infrastructure, waste management, proliferation resistance, environmental impact of stressors, environmental impact from depletion of resources, and safety of nuclear reactors and fuel cycle facilities. The ultimate goal of the application of the INPRO methodology is to check whether the assessed NES fulfils all the criteria, and hence the user requirements and basic principles, and therefore presents a system for a Member State that is sustainable in the long term.
IAEA International Safeguards in the Design of Enrichment Plants
This publication is part of a series that aims to inform nuclear facility designers, vendors, operators and State governments about IAEA safeguards, and demonstrates how associated requirements can be considered early in the design phase of a new nuclear facility. This particular publication is applicable to the design and construction of commercial uranium enrichment plants. Safeguards by design dialogue undertaken early in the design and construction of enrichments plants facilitates the implementation of safeguards throughout all the lifecycle stages of the facility. The potential to reduce costs, avoid retrofits and achieve efficiencies both for the operator and for IAEA Member States are important drivers for the early consideration of safeguards in a nuclear facility design project.
IAEA Stakeholder Engagement in Nuclear Programmes
Engaging with stakeholders is an essential part of any complete nuclear programme. Involving stakeholders in decision making processes, even those stakeholder groups that do not have a direct role in making those decisions, can enhance public confidence in the application of nuclear science and technology and strengthen communication among the key organizations in a nuclear programme. This publication provides theoretical and practical guidance on the development and implementation of stakeholder engagement programmes and activities. The key principles of stakeholder engagement are identified in it. It also includes tools such as templates to help establish a stakeholder engagement programme and identify associated activities, including tools for stakeholder analysis. The guidance provided can be further developed and adjusted to each specific type of facility, moment in its life cycle, and/or the group of stakeholders with which to engage. The publication demonstrates the importance of stakeholder engagement throughout the life cycle of all nuclear facilities, including operating and new reactors, all aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle, from uranium mining to spent fuel and radioactive waste management, decommissioning, and non-power applications.
IAEA Modern Neutron Detection: Proceedings of a Technical Meeting
This publication presents the outcome of a technical meeting on modern neutron detection. The objective of the meeting was to bring together experience and opinions from experts from various fields in which neutron detection is used, and to produce this publication that will cover the current state of the art in neutron detection and provide a medium-term outlook on technologies in the field. The scope of this publication covers new materials and detector electronics, in fields such as metrology, dosimetry, spectroscopy, fusion and scattering applications. It offers an overview of many of the current developments in this wide field, together with a description of some of the front-end electronics and spectral unfolding techniques.
IAEA Computer Security Techniques for Nuclear Facilities
This revision provides guidance on how to establish or improve, develop, implement, maintain, and sustain computer security within nuclear facilities. This publication addresses the use of risk informed approaches to establish and enhance computer security policies, programmes; it describes the integration of computer security into the management system of a facility; establishes a systematic approach to identifying facility functions and appropriate computer security measures that protect sensitive digital assets and the facility from the consequence of cyber-attacks consistent with the threat assessment or design basis threat.
IAEA Preventive and Protective Measures Against Insider Threats (Arabic Edition)
This publication is a revision of IAEA Nuclear Security Series No. 8, Preventive and Protective Measures against Insider Threats, published in 2008. The new publication provides updated guidance to States, their competent authorities and operators, and shippers and carriers on selecting, implementing and evaluating measures for addressing insider threats. It applies to any type of nuclear facility, notably nuclear power plants, research reactors and other nuclear fuel cycle facilities (e.g. enrichment plants, reprocessing plants, fuel fabrication plants, storage facilities), whether in design, redesign, construction, commissioning, operation, shutdown or decommissioning.