Search results for ""helion and company""
Helion & Company A New Way of Fighting: Professionalism in the English Civil War: Proceedings of the 2016 Helion and Company 'Century of the Soldier' Conference
Helion & Company 1648 and all that: The Scottish Invasions of England, 1648 and 1651. Proceedings of the 2022 Helion and Company 'Century of the Soldier' Conference
Helion & Company Life in the Red Coat: the British Soldier 1721-1815: Proceedings of the 2019 Helion and Company ‘from Reason to Revolution’ Conference
Helion and Company Killing Hitlers Reich The Battle for Austria 1945
In the dying days of World War Two, when the fate of nations was being decided by the triumvirate of Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Josef Stalin, Hitler's Austrian homeland provided a scenic backdrop for the last stand of Army Group South. Killing Hitler's Reich, The Battle For Austria 1945, is the history of the bloody Battle for Austria in 1945. Austria's fate held major ramifications for postwar Europe and the entire free world, yet there is no complete account of the campaign written in English. Given the scale of the fighting and the scope of the consequences, this book fills a major gap in the literature of World War Two. On VE Day Army Group South listed 450,000 men still under arms in four armies. It was this massive force that made General Dwight Eisenhower change the entire focus of American ground operations to cut off Germans from retreating into the National Redoubt. Moreover, it was Austria not Berlin, that proved to be the graveyard of the Waffen SS. No les
Helion and Company SAAFs Border War The South African Air Force in Combat 196689 AfricaWar
South African Mirages and Cuban MiG-21s dogfighting over Cuito Cuanavale, the largest tank battle on African soil since El Alamein; Puma troopships shot out of the skies by Strela missiles and RPG-7 rockets; Alouette III gunships hovering menacingly above Koevoet tracker-combat teams as they close in for the kill; Hercules and Transall transports disgorging their loads of Parabats over Cassinga; suicidal helicopter hot-extractions of Recce operators deep in enemy territory; and a lone Alouette pilot who disobeyed orders and under intense ground fire evacuated a critically wounded soldier such is the story of the South African Air Force, the SAAF, over the 23-year period 1966-1989, the period of conflict that became known as the 'Border War'. Set against the backdrop of the Cold War, the SAAF was effectively South Africa's first line of defence against Soviet expansionism in southern Africa. That the Soviets, through their surrogates-the Cuban military, Angola's FAPLA and Namibia's SWA