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F.A. Davis Company Nurse Practitioner Certification Exam Prep
Start preparing for your future…today!Develop the test-taking skills you need to prepare for your certification examination and build the knowledge base you need to successfully enter practice.Begin with high-yield content reviews of must-know disorders; then quiz yourself with questions reflecting those found on the ANCC and AANP certification examinations. More than 2,500 questions with detailed rationales for both correct and incorrect responses to help you hone your diagnostic and treatment reasoning skills.Looking for more NP certification resources? Boost your chances for success with Family Practice and Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Certification Examination. Purchase both books together for a discounted price here. A must have for FNP study!! "My most valuable asset for FNP study! I used this throughout my FNP program and highly recommend it! Fitzgerald uses easy to learn concepts and helps you to remember key concepts necessary to practice! Passed my AANP on my first attempt!" - Brandee, Online Reviewer"This book is amazing. Not only did it help me pass my... certification on the first try, but has also become my trustworthy resource in practice." - Rob, Online ReviewerGreat material not just to review for certification boards. "Great material not just to review for certification boards, but also FNP students looking for short summaries of key information." - James D., Online Reviewer
F.A. Davis Company MA Notes: Medical Assistant's Pocket Guide
A DAVIS’S NOTES BOOK!Awesome!"As an instructor, I am recommending it to all of my students!! It has all the basics, especially helpful for externship!" - Online ReviewerA must-have for every Medical Assistant!"Amazing! A must-have for every Medical Assistant. Current up-to-date information. It never leaves my side. Highly recommend." - Online ReviewerAmazing product"Highly recommended to everyone in the medical field. Perfect size to keep in your scrub pocket or on your name badge. Lots of very useful information to keep on hand. Very well-made product that will last." - Online ReviewerThe perfect pocket-sized reference for the classroom, externship and practice.This handy guide provides all the commonly used, but rarely memorized information you need in both the front and back office—from normal lab values and common medical abbreviations to dosage calculations, triage questions, and more.
F.A. Davis Company The New Leadership Challenge: Creating the Future of Nursing
What is leadership?How do you develop your leadership abilities?How is leadership different from management?How does leadership contribute to professional and personal success…improve patient care…and affect the future of nursing?An easy-to-read, interactive approach helps you to identify the characteristics of leaders and followers and illustrates not only how, but also when to use the qualities associated with each to achieve professional and personal success.Excellent book for nurse leadership. "This should be mandatory reading for all nurses." - John P., Online ReviewerThe future of leadership for nursing. "Breathtaking! What Nursing Leadership should aspire to be. Helpful for anyone venturing into a leadership role. Insightful concepts and practical suggestions for transformational leadership." - Online Reviewer Excellent leadership text for nurses "After so much of the same content in nursing school that dryly proclaims the importance of leadership and contributing to the profession, I frequently found my eyes widening while reading this book. Somehow, the authors consistently, boldly, and beautifully call for and describe the transformative leadership that is so needed in nursing today. … I just kept thinking, 'Wow, I've never seen it said like that (in nursing). That's awesome!' This book is relevant, well-written, and full of paradigm-shifting inspirational material." - Tristen W., Online Reviewer
F.A. Davis Company Pharmacology Clear & Simple: A Guide to Drug Classifications and Dosage Calculations
Save time and money with two books in one + online Q&A! Half pharmacology, half dosage calculations—plus an intensive, yet clear & simple review of basic math + online quizzing!Here’s the must-have knowledge and guidance you need to gain a solid understanding of pharmacology and the safe administration of medications in one text. A body systems approach to pharmacology with a basic math review and a focus on drug classifications prepare you to administer specific drugs in the clinical setting.Now with online Q&A practice in Davis Edge!Purchase a new, print copy of the text and receive a FREE, 3-year subscription to Davis Edge, the online Q&A program with 1,600 questions in all, 800 for Medical Assisting and 800 for Nursing. Davis Edge helps you to create quizzes in the content areas you choose to focus on, build simulated practice exams, and track your progress every step of the way.The Text New! Pronunciations for key terms at the beginning of each chapter New! Word-building and gerontological issues features New! New appendix on intravenous therapy Basic math review helps students learn to perform the calculations necessary to administer medications correctly. Medication administration presented through pharmacology basics, techniques and procedures, supplies, safety and regulations, and prescriptions and label “Master the Essentials” tables cover side effects, precautions, contraindications, and interactions for each classification. Drug classification review tables reinforce need-to-know information in each class. “Fast Tip” boxes offer quick facts and mnemonics. “A Closer Look” boxes examine important information in detail. “Check-up Questions” throughout each chapter promote understanding and help students retain and apply the information. Coverage of specific drugs provides context for learning drug classifications. Critical-thinking exercises encourage students to think beyond the chapter and apply their new knowledge to real-life scenarios. Review questions at the end of each chapter reinforce learning. Davis Edge Online Q&A FREE, 3-year access with purchase of new, print text 800 questions for Medical Assisting and 800 for Nursing “Quiz Builder” lets you select practice questions by exam section or topic area. Rationales for correct and incorrect responses provide immediate feedback. “Student Success Center” dashboard monitors your performance over time, helping to identify areas for additional study.
F.A. Davis Company Reading Understanding and Applying Nursing Research
F.A. Davis Company Nursing Now: Today's Issues, Tomorrow's Trends
Be prepared for the rapidly changing world of nursing.The rapid transformations in health care and the impact of the pandemic have created new challenges and new opportunities for nursing and nurses. Explore the evolution and history of nursing and the important issues and trends shaping the nursing profession today. From assuring the delivery of high-quality health care to management methods and techniques through preparing for the Next Generation NCLEX®, you’ll be better prepared for the transition to professional practice and equipped with the skills to succeed and thrive. Updated & Revised! Focus on the important issues and trends shaping the nursing profession today, including healthcare reform, the pandemic, race, culture, racial disparity privilege, women and men’s health issues, disparity of the LGBTQ+ population, and cultural humility New Chapter! Next Generation NCLEX®: What You Need to Know introducing the new question types and the new AACN Essentials Expanded! Coverage of the nursing process/problem-based nursing, intergenerational issues in nursing, the interprofessional team and role, and palliative care Expanded! A deeper exploration and analysis of the issues through multiple points-of-view Expanded! Coverage of the pandemic and disaster planning Expanded! More case studies, vignettes, and end-of-chapter critical-thinking exercises Thought-provoking tools to promote critical thinking, including “Issues in Practice” Case Studies with correlating “Questions for Thought,” “Issues Now” Case Studies,” What Do You Think” questions, and “Critical-Thinking Exercises” at the end of each chapter NCLEX-style review questions at the end of each chapter with answers and rationales in an appendix Need-to-know information on the transition from student nurse to graduate nurse, including preparing a professional resume, fine tuning interview skills, and preparing a portfolio Two bonus chapters online, How to Take and Pass Tests and Governance and Collective Bargaining
F.A. Davis Company Pocket Guide to Townsend's Psychiatric Nursing
2 BOOKS IN 1! Practical diagnoses to create a care plan Up-to-date coverage of the latest psychotropic medications This quick reference pocket guide is two books in one! The first half provides the diagnostic information needed to create a care plan; the second half covers the safe prescription and administration of psychotropic medications. It’s the most complete and easy-to-use resource on how to develop practical, individualized plans of care for psychiatric-mental health patients…perfect for clinical rotations now and for practicing nurses later. Concepts can be applied in a variety of healthcare settings…from in-patient hospitalization through the outpatient clinic…to home health and private practice.The perfect addition!“I used this daily during my psych rotation and it’ll remain on my shelf for future reference. Great must have!”—Sarah, Online ReviewerNursing Student Psych Nurse must-have.“Super useful for nursing diagnoses and concept maps that were required. Has "evidenced by", "goals", "interventions" and "outcomes" -- plus describes all the different conditions! I want one for all my rotations!”—Elle, Online Reviewer Updated! Psychiatric disorders reflect the taxonomy and diagnostic criteria of the DSM-5-TR and Nursing diagnoses current with the NANDA-I 2021-2023 Nursing Diagnoses Definitions and Classifications Expanded & Updated! Section on psychotropic medications includes the addition of medications available since the last edition and the deletion of those discontinued. Clinical Pearl boxes highlight must-know information and interventions for diagnoses. Index of Client Behaviors with page numbers listed on inside covers. Organized by DSM-V-TR and NANDA diagnoses. Helpful rating scales in the appendices—Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale, and Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale Nursing diagnoses and interventions include the definition, possible etiologies ("Related to ..."), defining characteristics ("Evidenced by ..."), objectives broken down to show long- and short-term goals, interventions with selected rationales, and desired patient outcomes/discharge criteria. Each psychiatric disorder lists background assessment data, predisposing factors, symptomatology, and nursing diagnoses and nursing interventions commonly associated with the disorder. Unit on psychotropic drug classifications covers anti-anxiety agents, antidepressants, mood stabilizing agents, antipsychotics, antiparkinsonian and tardive dyskinesia drugs, sedative hypnotics, and agents used to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Indications, route, and dosage listed for individual drugs as well as for classifications. Communication interventions in the care plans reinforce the emphasis on therapeutic communication,
F.A. Davis Company Davis Advantage for Understanding Medical-Surgical Nursing
LEARN–APPLY–ASSESS Davis Advantage for Understanding Medical-Surgical Nursing is a complete, integrated solution that combines the power of a student-focused textbook with an interactive, personalized learning, clinical judgment, and quizzing experience to engage students, help them make the connections to key topics, and prepare them for the Next Gen NCLEX®. An access code inside new, printed textbooks unlocks access to Davis Advantage as well as an ebook.THE TEXTBOOK A student-oriented focus helps LPN/LVN students to master safe and effective nursing care by developing the critical-thinking and clinical judgment skills they need to excel on the Next Generation NCLEX and in clinical practice. Clear, concise, readable, well organized, and easy to follow, it’s the text that prepares LPN/LVN students to think critically and make the best patient care decisions.ONLINE (DAVIS ADVANTAGE) Using a unique and proven approach across a Learn-Apply-Assess continuum, Davis Advantage engages students to help them make the connections to key topics. Whether teaching in-person or online, this complete, integrated solution aligns seamlessly with the textbook and equips instructors with actionable analytics to track students’ progress, remediate where needed, and facilitate an active learning environment. LEARN—Personalized LearningPersonalized Learning immerses students in an online learning experience tailored to their individual needs. Students are assessed on their comprehension of key topics from the text, and then are guided through animated mini-lecture videos and interactive activities to engage students, reinforce learning, and bring concepts to life. APPLY—Clinical JudgmentClinical Judgment develops students’ critical thinking and clinical reasoning, helping them to build the clinical judgment skills they need to practice safe and effective nursing care and to prepare for the Next Generation NCLEX with confidence. Progressive case studies align with the new Next Gen NCLEX & NCSBN Clinical Judgment Measurement model feature real-life, complex clinical situations that challenge students to apply knowledge, make informed decisions, and evaluate outcomes. ASSESS—QuizzingQuizzing uses thousands of NCLEX-style questions for assessment and remediation, including item types found on the Next Generation NCLEX. Its adaptive, question-based format provides the additional practice students need to test their knowledge, master course content, and perform well on course exams and the NCLEX.
F.A. Davis Company Kielhofner's Research in Occupational Therapy: Methods of Inquiry for Enhancing Practice
RenÉe Taylor and an international team of contributors carry on Gary Kielhofner’s innovative vision to demystify the research process and demonstrate that research is essential to occupational therapy practice. They present a comprehensive guide to conducting applied research in the field from qualitative, quantitative, and mixed perspectives for students and clinicians. You’ll begin with a grounding in conducting evidence-based practice in OT and an explanation of the six broad components of the research process. Then you will explore research designs, measurements, and statistical analysis for qualitative and quantitative studies. You’ll examine the steps and procedures required to conduct research and how research can be used to shape professional practice and improve patient care. Additional topics include needs assessment research, program evaluation research, mixed methods research, outcomes research for evidence-based practice, writing a literature review, and obtaining funding for research. New, Updated & Revised! Reflecting the latest developments in the field and current ACOTE standards New & Expanded! Increased attention to qualitative research with additional chapters that cover the hands-on application of qualitative methodology Revised! Chapters on statistics that focus on their use and interpretation Expanded! More examples and images of research-related tools, approaches, data collection, data analysis, and data outcomes work Expanded! Case Examples with thought-provoking questions to engage the reader New! A “Review and Apply” sections with multiple-choice and open-ended questions and activities Explores statistical analysis, including meta-analysis-research design and measurement tools that are part of quantitative research OT-specific examples
F.A. Davis Company Meeting the Physical Therapy Needs of Children
Ensure children with disabilities and special healthcare needs achieve their full potential.Noted authorities Susan Effgen, Allyssa LaForme Fiss and a team of scholars and clinical experts explore the role of the physical therapist in meeting the needs of children and their families in a culturally appropriate content using a family-centered, abilities-based model. From the major body systems to assistive technology and intervention support, you'll develop the clinical knowledge you need to provide a child with the very best care from initial examination to graduation from your services.
F.A. Davis Company Examination of Orthopedic & Athletic Injuries
Perform accurate evaluations of orthopedic injuries The field’s standard resource brings you the most current knowledge through a superb combination of detailed illustrations and precise language to make even the most complicated concepts and techniques clear. Organized by body region, each chapter begins with a review of anatomy and biomechanics; proceeds through clinical evaluation, pathologies, and related special tests; and concludes with a discussion of on-field or initial management of specific injuries. An access code inside new, printed texts unlocks range-of-motion animations and review questions for every chapter online. Updated & Revised! Today’s most current information and best evidence-based practices Expanded! “Intervention Strategies” for each condition, an overview of the approaches that can be used which serve as the foundation for integrating the diagnostic process with the subsequent interventions New! “Clinical Correlations” tables, visual representations of key clinical findings and their relationships to pathologies and the key clinical findings associated with the pathology, facilitating the identification of which clinical tests may be used to develop the differential diagnosis Updated! Muscle test procedures with instructions on the use of hand-held dynamometry for more precise assessment of muscular strength than traditional muscle testing to enhance the process of obtaining precise, objective strength measurements during the evaluation process and, when possible, comparing those measurements with those assessed during manual muscle testing Updated! Information regarding the diagnostic accuracy of clinical testing, including additional representation of clinical prediction rules Expanded! Emphasis on integrating outcome measures into the examination process and connecting the outcomes to brief descriptions of the interventions used Conforming to or exceeding the National Athletic Training Educational Competencies Procedures for over 185 special, neurological, ligamentous, and range of motion tests, with distinctive boxes for each type of test, including goniometry, resisted range of motion and manual muscle tests, clinical tests, and special tests Precisely illustrated, step-by-step instructions for the correct position of patient and examiner, the evaluative procedure, positive test results, and implications “Evaluative Findings” boxes, “Practical Evidence Boxes” and “Observational Findings” boxes Unique palpation photographs with anatomical overlays to identify the underlying structure as well as tables of bony landmarks Assessments of the reliability of each test with grades that show the level of support from the available evidence
F.A. Davis Company Joint Structure & Function: A Comprehensive Analysis
The sixth edition of Joint Structure & Function and Kinesiology in Action work together to create an interactive learning experience that teaches students the knowledge and skills to effectively evaluate and treat human movement disorders. The text provides comprehensive foundational knowledge. DavisPlus equips instructors with the lesson plans and activities they need to create active classroom where students can apply what they’re learning. Davis Edge tracks student progress and assesses their knowledge in real time until they’ve mastered the must-know concepts. This popular text offers the clear, logical discussions of joint structure and muscle action, combined with an evidence-based approach needed to understand joint dynamics in both health and disease. Kinesiology in Action, an interactive, online program, guides students step-by-step through an immersive multimedia experience that tracks their progress until they’ve mastered the concepts and are ready to apply them in practice. An access code inside new printed texts unlocks Kinesiology in Action. Focuses on normal structure and function rather than specific patient problems to show how deviations from normal may create or underlie dysfunction. Prepares students to evaluate and treat human movement disorders with lucid discussions of biomechanics, joint structure, connective tissue behavior, and muscle physiology. Features an evidence-based approach that applies current research to the challenges of daily practice. Clarifies key information with more than 800 photographs, radiographs, scans, and illustrations. Emphasizes the practical application of kinesiologic principles, and the close link between normal and disordered musculoskeletal function, with patient case studies at the beginning each chapter and case applications throughout the text. Highlights key points with “Concept Cornerstone” boxes and periodic summaries. Promotes critical thinking on controversial topics through “Continuing Exploration” boxes. Offers ‘Study Questions’ at the end of each chapter. New to this edition are full-colour illustrations and anatomy overview tables for each joint chapter. Instructor resources:Ebook, testing resources, classroom & lecture planning resources, access to Kinesiology in Action. Includes test banks, image bank, clinical cases, chapter outlines, instructor guideStudent resources:2-year access to Kinesiology in Action. This interactive, online program guides students step by step through an immersive multimedia experience that tracks their progress until they’ve mastered the concepts and are ready to apply them in practice. An access code inside new printed texts unlocks Kinesiology in Action.
F.A. Davis Company Research for the Health Professional 3e
Your guide to research and evidence-based practice.This classic text explains the hows and whys of conducting and writing a research project. Step-by-step guidance shows you how to select topics; how to select the appropriate methodology and theoretical framework; how to collect, analyze, and interpret the data; and how to write, present, and publish your project.
F.A. Davis Company Nursing Concept Care Maps for Safe Patient Care 1e
Master care planning with concept maps!A concept map is an easy-to-construct, visual tool that helps you organize your assessment data, identify patient problems, determine the appropriate nursing diagnoses and interventions, and assess the outcomes. Nursing Concept Care Maps for Providing Safe Patient Care presents 200 sample care maps covering the diseases and disorders you'll encounter most often in clinical practice. They'll also help you develop the critical-thinking skills you need to plan safe and effective nursing care.You'll immediately see the relationship between the patient's problem, the underlying condition and your clinical response. You'll also see the relationships between medical and nursing diagnoses, history and physical assessment data, treatments, medications and laboratory data.
F.A. Davis Company Sport Notes: Field and Clinical Examination Guide
In any venue- the field, the gym, the ice rink- rely on this handy pocket guide to examination and treatment in the popular Davis's Notes format. It's packed with all of the information you need to quickly respond to any situation, but small enough fit in your kit, so you can always have it at hand. A spiral binding, thumb tabs and nearly 250 illustrations and photographs, most in full color, insure you can find just what you're looking for. Waterproof, reusable pages let you record clinical data and then wipe the pages clean with alcohol.
F.A. Davis Company Occupational Therapy in Mental Health
This is a text we have all been waiting for...I can't help but think that our earlier leaders in mental health- Dr. Adolph Meyer, Dr. William Dutton, and Eleanor Clark Slagle, to name a few- who knew the power of occupation and stressed the importance of engagement in an enabling environment, would be pleased to see this work come to a format that would guide clinicians to make a difference in the everyday lives of people with mental challenges that require the skills of an occupational therapist.'- Carolyn M. Baum, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA Past President, American Occupational Therapy Association (2004 to 2007) From the Foreword: This Client-centered, recovery-oriented text gives voice to the lived experience of mental illness across the life span. You will be guided through the assessment and interventions of individuals with mental health conditions and those whose life circumstances generate significant challenges to their participation in valued activities.
F.A. Davis Company Ethics Fro P{Hysician Assistants
Includes case studies that focus on critical thinking and the clinical application of ethics and professionalism; ethical considerations of vulnerable patients; and contributions by noted PAs, MDs, and PhDs.
F.A. Davis Company Davis Advantage for Maternal-Newborn Nursing: Critical Components of Nursing Care
2019 AJN Book of the Year Award—2nd place in Maternal-Child Health/Prenatal Nursing ChildbirthA better way to learn pediatric nursing!Davis Advantage for Maternal-Newborn Nursing combines an easy-to-read textbook with an innovative online program to create an immersive learning experience for students and an integrated solution for instructors, whether you’re teaching traditionally or virtually.An access code inside new, printed textbooks unlocks an ebook, as well as access to Davis Advantage. Or choose the all-digital Instant Access option, which includes the ebook and immediate access to Davis Advantage.The TEXTBOOKAn easy-to-read, need-to-know approach, with student-friendly features focuses on delivering the critical content to today’s learners. A visually engaging design that features bulleted content, flow charts, diagrams, and tables make it easy to understand.ONLINE (Davis Advantage)Using a unique and proven approach across a Learn-Apply-Assess continuum, Davis Advantage engages students to help them make the connections to key topics. Whether teaching in-person or online, this complete, integrated solution aligns seamlessly with the textbook and equips instructors with actionable analytics to track students’ progress, remediate where needed, and facilitate an active learning environment. LEARN—Personalized LearningThe foundation of the Davis Advantage platform, Personalized Learning, immerses students in an online learning experience tailored to their needs. Students are assessed on their comprehension of key topics from the text, and then are guided through animated mini-lecture videos and dynamic activities to reinforce learning and bring concepts to life. APPLY—Clinical Judgment Clinical Judgment develops students’ critical thinking and clinical reasoning, helping them to build the clinical judgment skills they need to practice safe and effective nursing care and to prepare for the Next Generation NCLEX® with confidence. Progressive case studies featuring real-life, complex clinical situations challenge students to apply knowledge, make informed decisions, and evaluate outcomes. ASSESS—Quizzing Quizzing uses NCLEX®-style questions for assessment and remediation. Its adaptive, question-based format provides the additional practice students need to test their knowledge, master course content, and perform well on course and board exams. PLUS! Brand-new standalone questions that mimic the format of the Next Generation NCLEX® further prepare students for certification and practice.
F.A. Davis Company Mental Health Nursing
Here’s the must-know information LPN/LVN students need to care for patients with mental health disorders where they’ll encounter them in general patient care settings. An easy-to-read, conversational writing style shows you how to recognize and respond to the most important mental health issues. You’ll also explore important communication techniques, ethical and legal issues, and alternative and complementary treatments. Coverage of nursing interventions, basic psychiatric nursing skills, and psychopharmacology prepares you for the NCLEX-PN® exam and clinical practice.Better than the mental health chapter from a typical textbook“Everything you need to learn about mental health.”—Lisa J., Online Student ReviewerPerfect“Easy to study, love it.”—Liza, Online Student Reviewer Expanded! “LPN/LVN Connections,” a consistent, LPN/LVN-focused approach to design, organization, and features, makes F.A. Davis texts easier for students and instructors to use across the curriculum Updated! The latest knowledge and practices in the field, including revisions from the DSM-5-TR 2022 New & Updated! Coverage of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on anxiety and depression, the opioid crisis, and mental illness in the homeless and veteran populations, and systemic racism in health care New! “Patient Education” and “Evidence-Based Practice” boxes Full-color illustrations, tables, bulleted lists, and a reader-friendly writing style to make concepts easy to understand Focus on the new, NCLEX-PN® test plan Coverage of mental health conditions across the lifespan Care plans with detailed descriptions of specific interventions and expected outcomes Content on specific nursing interventions and basic psychiatric nursing skills Coverage of psychopharmacology, including must-know side effects Case studies with critical-thinking questions to emphasize clinical-reasoning skills Crucial information on palliative and restorative care for long-term care settings Discussions on alternative treatment modalities to facilitate communications with people of different religious and cultural backgrounds as well as descriptions of religious and cultural beliefs and their impact on mental health and treatment
F.A. Davis Company Nursing Leadership, Management, and Professional Practice for the LPN/LVN
Be prepared for the opportunities that await you! In today’s healthcare environment, the responsibilities and clinical practice of Licensed Practical Nurses and Licensed Vocational Nurses have expanded far beyond those of traditional settings. Build the knowledge you need to assume the leadership and management roles that you will be asked to fulfill and to confidently navigate the increasingly complex environments in which you will practice. “LPN/LVN Connections’” features, design, organization, and easy-to-read writing style guide you every step of the way—helping you successfully transition from student to professional while still focusing on the humanistic aspects of caring.
F.A. Davis Company Caring for Older Adults Holistically
Be prepared to meet the growing demand for licensed practical/vocational nurses with the knowledge and skills to provide quality care to older adults. Easy-to-understand writing and a positive outlook enliven every page of this popular resource.Step by step, you'll master the knowledge and skills you need, while also honing the leadership, management, and delegation abilities essential to your professional success. Feel confident in an important area as this text considers common myths about aging and includes applicable case studies to prepare you for a future career working with older adults.
F.A. Davis Company Davis's PA Exam Review: Focused Review for the PANCE and PANRE
Pass your PANCE and PANRE exams.Here's everything you need to pass your exam…hundreds of questions that mirror the format and structure of the actual certifying exams. Divided into two sections, “Essentials” challenges your subject knowledge and critical-thinking with vignettes and multiple-answer questions, while “Performance,” offers a simulated exam experience. You Should Know rationales provide quick explanations for every “Essentials” section question.More than 800 questions in all reflecting an equal distribution of items in the knowledge and skill areas being tested by the exams, history taking and physical examination, using laboratory and diagnostic studies, formulating most likely diagnoses, clinical interventions, clinical therapeutics, health maintenance, and applying scientific conceptsUnique dual learning structure:Part I. Essentials: Your Medical Information BaseStrategically designed didactic questions integrate clinical vignettes. Multiple correct answers with rationales allow you to compare and contrast medical data.Part II. Performance: Gauging Your Test SuccessQuestions in Part II mirror the actual PANCE and PANRE exams. Compare your answers to the correct answers in Section 2 to identify your strengths and weaknesses. References for each answer show you where to find corresponding rationales in Part I.“You Should Know” rationales that provide quick explanations for every “Essentials” section questionBody system classification labels for each item to enable you to focus on your areas of weakness
F.A. Davis Company Occupational Therapy in Community and Population Health Practice
Presents the theories and practice of occupational therapy in community and population health Provides detailed guidance in program planning and needs assessment, program design and implementation, program evaluation, and program support. Features case studies describing the development of actual programs in the practice areas identified by AOTA. Describes a variety of settings where community-based practice occurs, including community-based work programs, adult day care, independent living programs, hospice, and home health care. Provides specific information regarding the role of personnel, referrals, evaluation, intervention, documentation, and reimbursement in these practice settings. Offers tools to make learning easier, including learning outcomes, key terms, case studies, learning activities, study questions, and a summary that is directly linked to learning outcomes in each chapter. Evaluates future directions and implications for professional education, research, and practice roles.
F.A. Davis Company Orthopedic Interventions for the Physical Therapist Assistant
Here is the most comprehensive orthopedic textbook for physical therapist assistant students. First laying the foundation of the role of the PTA within the orthopedic plan of care, this text offers students the fundamental knowledge needed to best understand how the PT evaluates a patient. From principles of tissue healing to detailed descriptions of the most common pathologies, tests and interventions for each body region, this text prepares the PTA for best patient education and care.
F.A. Davis Company RNotes®: Nurse's Clinical Pocket Guide
A Davis’s Notes title!Your one-stop source for class, clinical, and practice! Access the clinically oriented content you need to deliver safe and effective health care in hospital and home settings for all of your patients. Its handy pocket size and waterproof pages are great for students and educators on the go, while NCLEX® tips, highlighted throughout, make it perfect for those preparing for the licensure exam.See what students and practitioners are saying online about the previous edition…Super great reference tool for nursing students. “This little guide is clear and concise. It is the perfect reference tool. It is easy to find what I want and small enough to toss into my purse or backpack. I LOVE it!!!! If you are a nursing student, I promise you won’t regret buying this book.”Excellent for both student and professional.“Great updated easy reference and excellent teaching aid for patients. Increases comprehension and satisfaction.”The best!“This is the best! I got all that I want! To all nurse and nursing students, this is what you need! Definitely worth the money!” Updated & Revised!! Thoroughly updated, reviewed, and revised throughout to reflect the art and science of nursing practice today. New! All laboratory values sourced from Van Leeuwen: Davis's Comprehensive Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests With Nursing Implications. New! 2020 AHA Guidelines Updated! ACLS content and reorganized to appear at the beginning of the Emergency section ‘Nursing Alerts’ that highlight critical safety information. HIPAA- and OSHA-compliant write-on/wipe-off pages and quick-access tabs Critical level laboratory values highlighted in bold, red type to correlate to potential diseases and disorders described in other sections. Interventions and patient education information for the most common conditions Coverage of life span considerations as well as complications and emergencies associated with pregnancy and delivery Tools for a thorough general assessment of the adult patient ACLS resuscitation procedures as well as pediatric and neonatal advanced life support information The basics of 12-lead interpretation tailored to nurses with little or no 12-lead experience An emphasis on symptom and patient presentation rather than medical diagnosis
F.A. Davis Company Fundamentals of Musculoskeletal Imaging
The book that set the standard for the role of correlating imaging findings to clinical findings as part of a comprehensive patient evaluation, more specific treatment plans and better outcomes is back in a New Edition. Here's everything Physical Therapists need to know about medical imaging. This comprehensive guide helps you develop the skills and knowledge you need to accurately interpret imaging studies and understand written reports. Begin with a basic introduction to radiology; then progress to evaluating radiographs and advanced imaging from head to toe. Imaging for commonly seen traumas and pathologies, as well as case studies prepare you to meet the most common to most complex challenges in clinical and practice.A great resource for Physical Therapist wanting to get a functional… "yet easy to read textbook in musculoskeletal imaging: a subject matter that could be most challenging and laborious to read and understand… then use clinically the next day. A most enjoyable presentation and way to develop clinical competency." - Kim D., Online ReviewerGREAT TEXTBOOK!!"Wonderful and informational book with great add-ons as well with the online code to learn more!!" - Shirley J., Online ReviewerExcellent book! I find the chapters are very well... "organized and make the subject of musculoskeletal imaging both interesting and digestible for someone who is just beginning to wade in the water of learning about imaging in the rehab environment." - Online Reviewer
F.A. Davis Company Evidence Based Physical Therapy
This book then is an essential bridge to assist the application of EBP to physiotherapy. Dr. Fetters and Dr. Tilson have done an excellent job in describing the fundamentals of EBP, and expertly adapting them to the needs of physiotherapists using everyday clinical examples to illustrate the processes. Using this book will help in learning these vital skills for 21st century practice." - Paul Glasziou, Professor, Centre for Research in Evidence-Based Practice, Bond University, AustraliaImprove outcomes through evidence-based therapy. This practical, easy-to-use guide uses a five-step process to show you how to find, appraise, and apply the research in the literature to meet your patient's goals. You'll learn how to develop evidence-based questions specific to your clinical decisions and conduct efficient and effective searches of print and online sources to identify the most relevant and highest quality evidence. Then, you'll undertake a careful appraisal of the information; interpret the research; and synthesize the results to generate valid answers to your questions. And, finally, you'll use the Critically Appraised Topic (CAT) tool to communicate your findings.See what practitioners and students are saying about the previous edition…Great resource for applying evidence to practice. "The book is very clearly written with clinical examples, and in-depth questions. If you want a comprehensive book on statistics this is not the book for you, but it is an easily understandable introduction to physical therapy research which will help you to interpret the literature and apply it to your patients."Five Stars. "This book is a must have for those just being introduced to EBP and research in physical therapy.
F.A. Davis Company Surgical Technology Review: Certification & Professionalism
Be prepared for certification exam success.A concise outline format reviews the essential content on The National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting (NBSTSA) Certification Examination for Surgical Technology (CST), and the Tech in Surgery–Certified (TS-C) exam administered by the National Center for Competency Testing (NCCT). Reinforce and test your knowledge with more than 2,000 practice questions with detailed rationales. You’ll be ready to meet the growing demand for certified surgical technologists.Now with online Q&A practice in Davis Edge!Purchase a new, print copy of the text and receive a FREE, 1-year subscription to Davis Edge, the online Q&A program with more than 1,300 questions. Davis Edge helps you to create quizzes in the content areas you choose to focus on, build simulated practice exams, and track your progress every step of the way.The Text Expanded! Content on laparoscopic and robotics procedures More! Photographs that reflect current practice and advances in the field More questions! 640 questions at the recall, problem-solving, and application levels New! Comprehensive rationales for correct and incorrect responses for all practice questions Updated! The latest advances in surgical technology, including minimally invasive surgery and the use of robotics in surgery Brief content outlines for each chapter 40 review questions at the end of each chapter, followed by the answer key and rationales 150 line drawings and photographs precisely illustrating anatomy, positioning, and instruments “Tidbit” boxes highlighting important content for exams and practice Davis Edge Online Q&A—NEW! FREE, 1-year access with purchase of new, print text Online Q&A quizzing platform features 1,300+ questions Access from laptop, tablet, and mobile devices makes study on the go easy “Comprehensive Exam Builder” creates practice tests that simulate a certification exam experience. “Quiz Builder” feature lets you select practice questions by exam section or topic area. Rationales for correct and incorrect responses provide immediate feedback. “Student Success Center” dashboard monitors your performance over time, helping to identify areas for additional study.
F.A. Davis Company Medical Language Lab for Medical Terminology Systems: A Body Systems Approach
A better way to learn…a word-building and body systems approach! A true blend of words, art, and technology, Medical Terminology Systems and Medical Language Lab (MLL) work together to create an immersive, multimedia experience that tracks each student’s progress until they’ve mastered the language of medicine. An access code inside new, printed textbooks unlocks an eBook, as well as access to MLL.LEARN—Build a solid foundation with the textBody system by body system, an innovative word-building approach covers each word one by one, introducing the word elements first?roots, combining forms, suffixes, and prefixes to enable students to easily decipher medical terminology.Five Stars! Amazing Textbook for Medical Terms class.“I love the format that each chapter begins with a review of the body system. If you are entering the medical/healthcare field and need to take a medical terminology class this is the best book because its thorough and easy to use.”—Zora, Online Review of the 8th EditionPRACTICE—Study smarter, not harderBased on proven language methodology, Medical Language Lab (MLL) guides students step by step from basic through advanced levels of proficiency to become confident medical language speakers with activities and quizzes. New! Pronunciation exercises help students practice their speaking skills with instant, detailed feedback that breaks pronunciation down to the phoneme-level. New! Review sections use the results of module tests to identify the topic areas where students need to spend more time and provide practice activities for multiple learning styles. ASSESS—Build mastery. Attain fluency.Students and their instructors can monitor their progress through every MLL lesson and assignment to identify the areas where they’re struggling.
F.A. Davis Company Surgical Equipment and Supplies
Enter the OR with confidence.Surgical Equipment and Supplies,3rd Edition and Surg Tech in Practice work together as your guide to the vast array of surgical equipment and supplies used in the OR today. The spiral-bound text delivers over 730 full-color photographs, detailed specifications, and comprehensive coverage you won’t find anywhere else, while the online program, Surg Tech in Practice, makes learning easier. An access code inside new, printed texts unlocks Surg Tech in Practice, along with an eBook.Five Stars. “This book should be a required text for OR nursing and Surg tech students.”—Carl H., Online ReviewerSurg Tech in Practice New! FREE, 3-year subscription to Surg Tech in Practice, the online program that features recall and application activities to help students learn to identify key instruments and understand which instrument should be used and why Labeling, matching, and differentiation activities, as well as case-based critical-thinking questions Chapter overview videos for each module Self-grading for immediate feedback as assignments are completed A gradebook that tracks each student’s progress and identifies where they need to focus their studies eBook version of the text for study anytime, anywhere Text Updated & Revised! Reflecting the equipment and supplies in use in ORs today New Chapters!Aseptic Technique, Sterilization, OR Attire, National Time Out, and Hand Hygiene, Microscopes, and Robotics Updated & Revised! Medication section featuring the drugs most commonly used in the surgical field, in emergencies, or by the anesthesia provider. More than 730 full-color photographs of surgical equipment and supplies, including side-by-side comparisons that differentiate between similar-looking supplies “Guidelines” boxes with information about the operation of specific pieces of equipment “Watch out!” boxes highlighting information that must be remembered “Troubleshooting” boxes, common-sense tips for identifying and solving equipment problems “Surgical Session Review” questions at the end of each
F.A. Davis Company Understanding Anatomy Physiology
F.A. Davis Company Test Success: Clinical Judgment and Test-Taking Strategies
Strategies for a great start. Practice questions for success. Reduce the stress and anxiety you feel before an exam with test-taking strategies that really work. Practice questions introduce you to the NCLEX®-style questions you’ll encounter throughout your nursing education while developing the critical-thinking and clinical judgment skills essential to success on the Next Gen NCLEX. A complete review of core concepts, and more than 900 questions based on the latest NCLEX test plan build confidence and improve test scores from the beginning of nursing school. Master the challenging alternate-format questions, even SATA (select-all-that-apply) and develop your studying skills with test-taking tips and rationales for correct and incorrect responses. An access code inside new, printed textbooks unlocks two comprehensive exams online.Worth every penny. “… helpful from the very first chapter. I was able to apply the ideas to the very next test I took in nursing school and have found it changed the way I view nursing school. I highly recommend this book to any and all first-year nursing students.”—Suzanne C.Great Techniques To Know BEFORE Starting School. “…this has helped tremendously. It breaks down the types of testing questions and gives hints on how to process it and choose the most correct answer If you have test anxiety this will definitely help…”—J.N.M. New & Updated! The latest NCLEX-RN® Test Plan as well as the latest advances and practices New! Introduction to Next Generation NCLEX®, including unfolding case studies with Next Gen-type questions that encompass the six Clinical Judgment cognitive-thinking skills in the NCSBN Clinical Judgment Measurement Model Over 900 NCLEX-style Q&A—including a 100-question, comprehensive exam at the end of the book and two 75-question comprehensive exams online Nearly 50% alternate-format questions, including SATA, fill-in-the-blank, ordered response, chart/exhibit, hot spot, drag-and-drop, and graphic Detailed rationales for correct and incorrect responses as well as test-taking tips “Knowledge Analysis” tool focusing on how to identify clusters of errors in specific knowledge categories on a test “Corrective Action Guide” describing what to do to correct test-taking errors “Information Processing Analysis” tool presenting topics relating to the process of test taking, including processing errors and personal performance trends Time management strategies with tips and suggestions Glossary of more than 250 common English words often found on nursing tests All questions field tested by nursing students and an expert panel of nurse educators
F.A. Davis Company Public/Community Health and Nursing Practice: Caring for Populations
How do you solve population-level health problems, develop nursing inventions, and apply them to clinical practice?This problem-solving, case-based approach shows you how to apply public health knowledge across all settings and populations. You’ll encounter different case studies in every chapter as you explore concepts such as community assessments, public health policy, and surveillance. Step by step, you’ll develop the knowledge and skills you need to apply public health principles across a variety of health care settings, special populations, and scenarios, and to evaluate their effectiveness. New! Healthy People 2030 boxes that present its goals and objectives and discuss how to apply them to everyday work settings New & Expanded! Content on communicable diseases and pandemics and how they affect the structure of public health, plus updated coverage of the social determinants of health and vulnerable populations New! “Why It Matters” boxes exploring the clinical nurse’s role in public and community health and illustrating the application of theory to practice Three case studies in each chapter, “Solving the Mystery,” “Applying Public Health Science,” and one at the end of the chapter to provide examples of the step-by-step processes that enable you to apply public health principles in the real world Four simulation scenarios (facilitator and participant versions) that cover hot topics tied to problem-based learning as well as a new simulation scenario covering social determinants of health Coverage of public health nursing competencies and roles that highlights national standards in public health “Evidence-Based Practice” boxes illustrating how research and its resulting evidence support and inform public health nursing practice Callout boxes in each chapter highlighting relevant Healthy People 2030 information, evidence-based practice, and rate calculations Problem-based learning approach featuring exercises such as critical-thinking and end-of-chapter questions to enhance your skills and enable you to apply what you’re learning
F.A. Davis Company OSullivan Schmitzs Physical Rehabilitation
Rely on this comprehensive, curriculum-spanning text throughout your career! You'll find everything you need to know about the rehabilitation management of adult patients - from integrating basic surgical, medical, and therapeutic interventions to how to select the most appropriate evaluation procedures and, develop rehabilitation goals.
F.A. Davis Company Blood Collection for Healthcare Professionals: A Short Course
Blood Collection for Healthcare Professionals: A Short Course, edition 4 provides accurate updates to blood collection techniques, collection equipment, and identification protocols, using the new CLSI standards. As with previous editions, the purpose of the book is primarily for the cross-training and continuing education of healthcare professionals (nurses, respiratory therapists, radiographers, medical assistants, certified nursing assistants, medical laboratory scientists and technicians, and others) who are responsible for blood and specimen collections, and is the reason for the change in the name of the book. It is also an excellent resource for those who wish to update their skills, or study for national certification examinations.
F.A. Davis Company Primary Care: The Art and Science of Advanced Practice Nursing – An Interprofessional Approach
Primary Care, 6th Edition, online case studies, and Davis Edge work together to create an interactive learning experience that prepares students for their roles as Advanced Practice Nurses in the primary care setting. An access code inside new printed texts unlocks Davis Edge, the online case studies, and an ebook.LEARN—The Text Written by nurse practitioners for nurse practitioners in collaboration with a physician, this popular text explores the theoretical foundations of everything Primary Care. Its comprehensive and easy-to-follow presentation examines the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders of every body system across the life span.APPLY Case Studies Online case studies use real-world scenarios to develop clinical decision-making skills as students learn how to properly diagnose and treat patients.ASSESS Davis Edge This interactive, online Q&A review platform provides the practice needed to master course content and prepare for exams. Over 1,000 board-style questions test students’ knowledge and retention of what they are learning. Actionable analytics enable instructors to assess their students’ mastery of the content and their critical-thinking and decision-making skills to easily identify the areas in which they are struggling and intervene quickly in class and on assignments to ensure that they succeed.Text Expanded, Revised & Updated! Significantly increased and updated content throughout, especially in the sections detailing Ear, Nose, and Throat Problems; Musculoskeletal Problems, and Psychosocial Problems. New Section! Care of Vulnerable Populations in Unit 3, featuring four new chapters that focus on populations that require special attention and consideration New Features! Geriatric Considerations and Pediatric/Adolescent Considerations in applicable Unit 2 chapters New! Online case studies with critical thinking questions Coverage of the broadest range of human disease and disorders using a systems-based approach that presents both Common Complaints and Common Problems to help students narrow down the possible differentials to the most likely diagnosis Coverage of pathophysiology and diagnostic reasoning as well as up-to-date guidance on laboratory and diagnostic tests Emphasis on evidence-based practice with information on evidence levels and more references to primary studies Davis Edge Enhanced! Interface that makes navigation even easier and offers instructors more flexibility and control options Thousands of questions aligned to Primary Care with page references Comprehensive rationales for both correct and incorrect responses Personalized dashboards that track students’ progress across their assignments and highlight where they need to focus their study time
F.A. Davis Company Davis's Q&A Review for NCLEX-RN®
The best Next Gen NCLEX®-prep on the market—12,575 questions, including brand-new Next Gen NCLEX®-Style Questions and Case Studies! Purchase a new print copy of the book and receive FREE 1-year access to Davis Edge NCLEX-RN®. This online Q&A program creates practice quizzes based on your personal strengths and weaknesses and tracks your progress every step of the way. You’ll have 12,575 questions in all—2,575 in the book and 10,000 online. No other single NCLEX product offers this much value.The text and Davis Edge work together to put you on the road to exam success based on the Next Generation NCLEX-RN® test plan, including brand-new Next Gen NCLEX®-style questions and case studies testing clinical judgment skills.Love love love.“If I could give this book 10 stars, I would. I’m halfway done with nursing school & I wish I had it sooner. My school teaches by concept, so it’s perfect for me. I feel confident for my tests now that I’m able to do so many practice questions beforehand.”—Anna H., Online ReviewerThe most comprehensive guide to the NCLEX-RN exam.“This is likely the best guide to the NCLEX-RN available. It includes two practice tests, but the high spot that really makes this the guide to get is the comprehensive rationales. If you're really serious about taking and passing the test, this appears to be the guide you need.”—Neal R., Online Reviewer New! Overview of the latest 2023 NCLEX-RN® test plan New! Next Generation NCLEX-style questions and case studies testing clinical judgment skills in every chapter plus an entire chapter with NGN case studies and NGN questions Rationales for all correct and incorrect response and test-taking tips for key questions FREE, 1-year subscription to Davis Edge NCLEX-RN®, an interactive, question-based format with rationales for correct and incorrect responses “Comprehensive Exam Builder” that simulates the NCLEX “Assignment Builder” to create quizzes by client-needs category Immediate feedback to identify your strengths and weaknesses “Quiz Builder” that lets you select questions by NCLEX client needs categories, concepts or curriculum area “Student Success Center” that monitors your overall progress and identifies strengths and weaknesses
F.A. Davis Company Kinesiology Flashcards
Master muscle anatomy—at the turn of a card!105 flash cards in full color help you master muscle anatomy—anytime, anywhere! You'll have a complete review of anatomy that examine muscles from the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, jaw, neck, trunk, pelvis, hip, knee, ankle, and foot… in the palm of your hand. They're the perfect accompaniment to Clinical Kinesiology and Anatomy, 7th Edition or any kinesiology text! Full-colour drawing of the muscle, attached to the bone Name of the muscle Origin, insertion, action, and innervations
F.A. Davis Company Laboratory Manual for Clinical Kinesiology and Anatomy
Before, during, and after labThis “hands-on” learning tool is the perfect complement to the 7th Edition of Clinical Kinesiology and Anatomy!Divided into three sections, it will help you to prepare for lab, guide you through lab activities, and serve as an after-lab review that ensures you build a solid knowledge base of kinesiology. Updated, Enhanced, & Revised!Content that reflects the most current information on the science that is the foundation of kinesiology Expanded!More critical-thinking type questions Follows the organization of Clinical Kinesiology and Anatomy, 7th Edition, chapter by chapter. Explores the basic structure and function of the human body, including joints, ligaments, nerves, blood vessels, bones and bony landmarks, muscle origin and insertion. Provides a simple and clear presentation of gait and posture. Includes functional anatomy questions to help you understand where muscles are placed in the body and how they work together. Offers photographs in the palpations sections to assist in locating muscles and landmarks. Features an analysis of a functional task in the upper and lower extremity chapters to determine what movements are needed, what muscles are working, and the type of contractions the muscles are performing. (Each joint of an extremity is analyzed for the same functional task.)
F.A. Davis Company Clinical Kinesiology and Anatomy
Clinical Kinesiology and Anatomy, 7th Editionand an updated and enhanced Kinesiology in Action work together to create an immersive, multimedia experience that tracks your progress until you’ve mastered the must-know primary concepts and principles of human movement and are ready to apply them in class, clinic, and practice. You’ll develop the foundational knowledge, critical-thinking skills, and technical competencies you need to understand kinesiology.An access code inside new, printed texts unlocks an ebook, as well as access to Kinesiology in Action.The Text The 7th Edition of this classic kinesiology text presents a very complicated topic in a clear, simple, and easy-to-understand manner. Bite-size sections and over 550 full color illustrations show how various anatomical systems are structured to help you identify and see the connections between them and how they work together to provide function. Expanded! Emphasis on the biomechanical and kinesiological principles Revised! Reorganization of content to make foundational information easier to understand and apply New! Three types of tables in each extremity joint chapter, “Range of Motion for Osteokinematic Movements,” “Osteokinematic and Arthrokinematic Motions” and “Classification of Articular System and Arthrokinematic Characteristics” Introductory chapters that present an essential foundation in body systems, terminology, and biomechanical principles Well-designed charts that summarize companion movements and prime movers Use of analogies to make concepts comprehensible and memorable “Points to Remember,” “Summary of Muscles,” “Summary of Muscle Innervation,” and “Summary of Muscle Action” tables. End-of-chapter review questions Kinesiology in Action—Updated, Expanded & Revised!Fifteen online learning modules with a wealth of activities guide you step by step through the basic theory of joint structure and muscle action to ensure you understand normal function as a foundation for treating common pathologies of movement. New! User-friendly, contemporary design and functionality New! Exercises and activities to engage and challenge students New! Videos for each joint module showing joint motion and functional activity, palpation points, and bony landmarks Gradebook and class management tools to make it easy for instructors to monitor students’ progress and intervene to remediate Introductory Video—overview of each module Pre-Assessment—10 multiple-choice questions that record your results to your gradebook Pre-Lab Practice—Labeling, coloring, matching, and muscle identification activities as well as flashcards, with all results recorded to your gradebook Lab Activities—Critical-Thinking, Video-Based Lessons—60 all-new videos displaying palpation and joint motions Post-Lab Assessment—10 multiple-choice questions that record your results to your gradebook Video Library—134 videos in all, including 60 videos from the lab activities
F.A. Davis Company Maternal & Newborn Success: NCLEX®-Style Q&A Review
TWO BOOKS IN ONE! Q&A Course Review NCLEX Prep Maternal and Newborn made manageable! Assure your mastery of maternal and newborn nursing knowledge while honing your critical-thinking and test-taking skills. Over 1,160 NCLEX®-style questions on maternal and newborn nursing care reflect the latest test plan, including the more difficult SATA format. Rationales for correct and incorrect responses as well as test-taking tips help you to critically analyze the question types. Together, with a comprehensive exam at the end of the book, they provide the practice you need to build your confidence for course exams and the NCLEX.BONUS! FREE, 30-day access to Davis Edge NCLEX-RN® included with purchase of a new print book. This online Q&A platform lets you create practice quizzes with more than 10,000 NCLEX-style questions; review proven test-taking strategies; and prepare for the biggest test of your career with simulated NCLEX exams.Use this exceptional resource with your current book or combine it with Roberta Durham and Linda Chapman’s Davis Advantage for Maternal-Newborn Nursing text. It follows the same organization as Maternal and Newborn Success, 4thEdition for the ideal teaching and learning experience.
F.A. Davis Company OB/GYN Peds Notes: Nurse's Clinical Pocket Guide
A Davis’s Notes TitlePerfect wherever you are…in class, in clinical, and in any practice setting! This handy guide delivers quick access to the essential clinical information you need to care for obstetric, gynecological, newborn, and pediatric patients in any setting. The 4th Edition of this popular pocket guide has been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect nursing practice today. New, Updated & Revised! Thoroughly updated and revised throughout to reflect the art and science of nursing today, including the latest guidelines, warning signs, and patient care for common procedures during pregnancy, labor, and delivery.New! Coverage of families dealing with newborn anomaly, birth injury, or fetal demise, the high-risk or ill newborn, and nursing care of children and families dealing with end-of-life issues.New! Content on assessment and nursing care of the opioid-addicted mother/newborn and nursing care of the child with cerebral palsy.New! Content on pediatric blood pressure assessment and charts.Updated & Revised! The most current guidelines, including ACOG Pap Smear, CDC Immunization in Pregnancy, ACOG and ACS Mammography, and ACOG and ACS Breast Self-Exam and Breast Self-Awareness.Updated & Revised! Information on birth control and emergency contraception choices, pain control in labor, breastfeeding, safety teaching tips, and cultural competence guidance.Updated! AWHONN practice guidelines for postpartum hemorrhage and ACOG guidelines for vaginal birth after cesarean section guide.Updated & Revised! Terminology and definitions.
F.A. Davis Company Essential Health Assessment
A practical, real-world approach—focus on what’s normal to identify abnormal. Here are all of the how-tos, what-tos, when-tos, and why-tos you need to master in a well-organized, well-illustrated text that makes the material easier to learn now… and reference later. First, it focuses on the normal and the normal variants of the adult, child, elderly, and pregnant patients seem most frequently in practice. Then, when a finding falls outside of those parameters, you’ll be able to identify it as abnormal. Second, assessment is presented as a linear and consistent process, so you will always do the same steps in the same order, assuring that you don’t miss anything. An access code inside new, printed texts unlocks resources online at, including Advanced Assessment Techniques, an Audio Library with sample auscultation and percussion sounds, Case Studies featuring real-life scenarios, and Performance Checklists that document the steps of each technique.
F.A. Davis Company Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice
The only nursing research and theory book with primary works by the original theorists!Noted nursing scholars explore the historical and contemporary theories that are the foundation of nursing practice today. The 5th Edition, continues to meet the needs of today’s students with an expanded focus on the middle range theories and practice models that link theory to clinical practice. You’ll explore the role of these theories in the real-world to see how they guide nursing practice. Presents 25 major theories written by the original theorists or eminent scholars to help students understand the interrelationship between nursing theories and nursing practice. Covers the middle range theories and practice models that define the best outcomes and links theory to clinical practice Addresses how to implement theory-based practice. Explores the historical and contemporary theories that are the foundation of nursing practice today. Features in-depth coverage of the development of the theories that guide nursing practice. Instructor resources:Ebook, testing resources, classroom & lecture planning resources. Includes testbanks, instructor guide, PowerPoint slidesStudent resources:Bibliography, case studies
F.A. Davis Company Medical Terminology Simplified: A Programmed Learning Approach by Body System, Online Access Card
Medical Terminology Simplified and Medical Language Lab work together to create an immersive, multimedia experience that tracks your progress until you’ve mastered the language of medicine. The sixth edition of Medical Terminology Simplified helps you build a medical vocabulary frame by frame as you explore each body system through the major combining forms, a comprehensive pathology section, and medical records and evaluations, complemented by true-to-life artwork. “Word Elements” tables, accompanied by exercises, develop the ability to recognize word parts and build new terms. “Medical Record Activities” feature case studies and critical-thinking exercises that illustrate how terminology is used in the real world and include activities for patient diagnosis and evaluation. A free bookmark lets students cover the answers on the page as they respond to each question. Section Reviews reinforce what students have learned; assess their mastery; and identify areas for additional study. Full-colour illustrations depict human anatomy, physiology, pathology, and medical treatments to make their associated medical terms easy to understand.
F.A. Davis Company Medical Parasitology: A Self-Instructional Text
Rely on this concise, systematic introduction to the biology and epidemiology of human parasitic diseases. Explore an extensive series of photographs, line drawings, and plates that aid in the recognition of medically-relevant parasites and help to build a solid understanding of the fundamentals of diagnosis and treatment.
F.A. Davis Company Quick Review Cards for Medical Laboratory Science
A portable study guide for MLS & MLT exams!Use these handy cards to review course content for classroom exams now…and certification exam-prep later. More than 600 cards concisely summarize common procedures and disorders, critical knowledge for entry-level practice, and cover topics that are frequently included on MLS and MLT certification exams. The enclosed ring lets you organize and carry the sections you need for studying on the go. Updated! Hematology and microbiology sections reflect the major reclassifications in these fields Expanded! More illustrations, especially in the hematology section New! Printed on heavier paper to improve durability Revised! Section on "Molecular Diagnostics" focuses on general principles of testing (testing applications now covered in the core lab sections). Revised! Combines laboratory operations content with management and education to reflect latest certification exam outlines New! A Q&A card with 10 multiple-choice questions in each section New & Updated! Thoroughly reviewed to incorporate the latest scientific information and changes in practice
F.A. Davis Company Phlebotomy Notes: Pocket Guide to Blood Collection
A Davis’s Notes book!This pocket-sized reference provides great information on phlebotomy techniques, with nice summaries of procedures with many photos and illustrations. It is ideal for clinical rotations, for quick review of coursework, and to study in preparation for your certification exam.The write-on/wipe-off pages feature a dedicated space where you can fill in the specific requirements for evacuated tubes, instrumentation, and analytical procedures for two different locations. Clinically focused, it’s the perfect guide to collecting, transporting, and processing quality blood specimens for laboratory testing.Essential Pocket Guide for Phlebotomy! "It has a lot of information, with step-by-step instructions with pictures. This is essential if you will be doing any phlebotomy of any kind." - Pamela O., Amazon ReviewerGreat resource. "Love this book! While doing my externship this book was recommended to me. I am very glad that I ordered it. It includes labs and the corresponding tube colors which is something I needed. It is wipeable and will fit in the pocket of my scrubs. I have already recommended it to the other students who were in class with me." - T.S, Amazon ReviewerPhlebotomist Must Have! "These Phlebotomy Notes were very helpful overviewing all key notes for my Exam and while doing my Clinicals, very easy to navigate. Will continue to use it through my Career in Phlebotomy." - Cali, Amazon Reviewer