Search results for ""editions de minuit""
Editions de Minuit Les bijoux de la castafiore
Editions de Minuit Tintin et les Picaros
Editions de Minuit Crabe aux pinces d'or
Editions de Minuit Tintin en Amerique
Editions de Minuit Tintin au pays des Soviets
Editions de Minuit Le secret de la Licorne
Editions de Minuit Objectif Lune
Editions de Minuit Sceptre d'ottokar
Editions de Minuit Sept boules de cristal
Editions de Minuit Le Temple du Soleil
Editions de Minuit Lotus bleu
Editions de Minuit Coke en stock
Editions de Minuit Tintin au congo
Dalkey Archive Press Minuit
"How does a novel accrue value? How do certain new and unknown authors and their works make their way from obscurity into the pantheon of the greats, or—at least—the firmament of the stars?" Minuit examines the role played by French publishing house Editions de Minuit in altering the conception of literary France, not once but twice. The history of Editions de Minuit is an integral part of the history of the literary field; in Minuit, Spalding's work captures many of the cultural dimensions of literary production and dissemination at the height of France’s post-war intellectual and literary effervescence, and again, in the more recent period, when Minuit became the vehicle for French literature’s ‘postmodern’ turn.
City Lights Books Paroles: Selected Poems
In the years immediately following World War II, Jacques Prevert spoke directly to and for the French who had come of age during the German Occupation. First published in 1946 by Les Editions de Minuit, a press with its origins in the Underground, PAROLES met with enormous success, and there were several hundred thousand copies in print by the time these first translations in English were published by City Lights in 1958. Today Prevert speaks out in a voice still attuned to our times, for the human condition (which is always his focus) has not changed. In fact, man's inhumanity to man would seem to have intensified, making these poems ever more touching, ever more prescient. Jacques Prevert (1900-1977) was a French poet and screenwriter. His poetry is popular in French education and is films formed a part of the poetic realist movement.
Peeters Publishers Langues a Niveaux Multiples: Hommage Au Professeur Jacques Lerot a L'occasion De Son Emeritat
La bibliographie de Jacques Lerot impressionne. Par son volume - tout au long de sa carriere, il a ete un auteur fecond - , mais aussi par sa qualite - ainsi, son "Precis de linguistique generale" (Paris, editions de Minuit, 1993) - et par l'ouverture d'esprit qu'elle manifeste. A l'occasion de son depart a la retraite, vingt et un amis - collegues de Belgique ou de l'etranger, anciens etudiants ou doctorants - se sont reunis a l'instigation de Heinz Bouillon pour proposer 18 articles, ecrits en francais, allemand, neerlandais ou anglais, quatre langues que Jacques Lerot pratique assidument. Comme les horizons de Jacques sont larges, les sujets etudies sont multiculturels, abordant des regions aussi bien proches que lointaines comme le Burundi ou Madagascar. Ils illustrent aussi la multiplicite des diverses approches possibles dans l'etude des faits de langue, passant de la linguistique a la litterature sans oublier la didactique. Dans sa vision scientifique, Jacques Lerot a toujours soutenu que toute explication avait sa place si l'on distingue des niveaux multiples. Gageons qu'il trouvera pour chacune des contributions ici offertes une belle place dans son systeme de pensee a lui.